CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 USE OF HIGH-SPEED PHOTOGRAPHY TO AUGMENT SPLIT HOPKINSON PRESSURE BAR MEASUREMENTS OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS Richard J. Lee and Vasant S. Joshi Research and Technology Department, NAVSEA Indian Head Division, 101 Strauss Ave, Indian Head MD 20640-5035 The split Hopkinson pressure bar technique has been used successfully to characterize high strain-rate behavior (103 to 104 S ) of metals and polymeric materials in the past. Similar studies on composite energetic materials are desired to assist in developing a model that can predict the mechanical response of energetic materials. The strength of cast-cured and melt-cast explosives are far lower than metallic materials, requiring a combination of techniques to accurately resolve their deformation characteristics. High-speed-imaging techniques have been explored here and compared to conventional strain gauge data for a soft, compliant material as well as a hard, brittle one, which are distinctly different in mechanical behavior. The photographic data coupled with the strain gauge data have proven useful in determining the nature of damage that occurs during the loading cycle. INTRODUCTION Striker Characterizing solid energetic materials response to mechanical stimuli is important to develop a fundamental understanding of sensitivity and ignition. Cast-cured compositions typically involve solid energetic crystals, other solids that act as fuel or oxidizers, and a plastic binder. The properties of the individual constituents and how they bond to the binder contribute to the overall mechanical-response, complicating the problem. Understanding the dominant features associated with this response provides the basis for improved models to determine the vulnerability of munitions. The split-Hopkinson pressure bar (illustrated in Figure 1) is one of a number of tools typically used to establish constitutive relations for materials. Stress-strain data are obtained for various strain rates on the order of 103 s"1. Cylindrical test samples are longitudinally strained in compression between two cylindrical bars by a stress wave of finite length. Incident bar Transmitter bar Figure 1. Hopkinson Bar Apparatus This stress wave is induced by launching a short bar (the striker) into one of the longer bars. Stress, strain, and strain rate in the sample are determined by measuring the resulting stress waves in the two 860 bridge with a supporting Ectron 2 MHz bandwidth amplifier. Gains of 100 and 200 (incident and transmitted bar, respectively) were used to improve signal amplitude at the oscilloscope. A Nicolet Integra 40 digital oscilloscope recorded the data with 12 bit resolution. The gauges were 1.57 mm (0.062"), which provide a time resolution of 3.3 jis (300 kHz response).2 Data was collected at 50 ns/point using a 300 kHz bandwidth filter to reduce signal noise. Photographed sample deformation was taken with an Imacon 200 digital camera, which uses a series of CCD cameras to record 16 images. Individual pixels are 6.7 x 6.7 microns in a pattern of 1280 horizontal x 1024 vertical. Systematic measuring-errors combine to ±0.10 mm when using a field of view a little larger than the bar diameter. Pictures were taken every 12 jis for PBXW-128 samples and 8 jis for TNT to span the respective loading cycles. Faster framing-rates are eventually possible for probing specific periods of interest, e.g., the initial stages of compression or around an expected failure time. Data were examined for stress equalization (a validation requirement) by comparing stress-strain curves from one and three-wave analyses.1 (The three-wave analysis uses all three signals to determine stress and strain in the sample: Stress equalization allows reduction of the three-wave data to the one-wave, where stress is given by the transmitted signal and strain the reflected signal.) The one-wave data were also evaluated in light of the photographic data. longer bars (incident and transmitted) bounding the sample. The stress waves are measured with strain gauges placed on the bars. The distance between gauges and sample is selected to keep the incident wave (established by the striker) and the reflected wave (returning from the sample) from interfering with one another at the gauge position. Unfortunately, these types of test have proven difficult for energetic materials. Cast-cured explosives compositions have relatively low mechanical impedance (defined by low sound-speed and density) in comparison to the bars, assuring a very small transmitted wave. Signal intensities can be improved by using lower-modulus bars, e.g., aluminum, thereby reducing the disparity in mechanical impedance.1 Additionally, typical data reduction schemes assume a linear relationship between radial expansion and axial strain of the sample, which may not always be true for the materials of interest. Reported here is the use of high-speed photography as an augmentation to conventional strain gauge data. Two distinctly different materials were studied; (1) a cast-cured explosive based on HMX and a polymeric binder, PBXW-128, and (2) a brittle, melt-cast explosive, TNT. The photographic technique coupled with comparisons of the typical strain-gauge data (one and three-wave analysis)1 have proven useful in validating data-integrity for PBXW-128 as well as providing insight into material failure for TNT samples. EXPERIMENTAL Each test sample was fabricated into rightcircular cylinders with nominal diameters of 9.5-mm. Sample lengths were 4.75 and 8.55 mm for PBXW128 and TNT, respectively. The bars were made from 15.8-mm diameter, hardened 7075 aluminum rods. The incident and transmitted bars were 1.2 m long. Striker lengths of 508 and 308 mm provided nominal loading cycles of 200 and 120 jis for the PBXW-128 and TNT samples, respectively. Strain gauges were placed at the mid point of the incident and transmitted bars. At each measuring location, two 350 Q gauges were placed 180° from one another on the bar to compensate for any bending. Gauge-pairs were configured in a two-arm RESULTS Figure 2 shows a comparison of true-stress vs. true-strain from one and three-wave analyses at a nominal strain rate of 2300 s"1 for the PBXW-128 sample. The strain rate actually increases over the loading cycle from 1900 to 2700 s"1. It is desirable to achieve a constant true strain-rate, however, gradually increasing rates are expected for high strains in the sample. The difference between the one and three-wave plots shown here would normally indicate a loss of stress equalization in the sample resulting from some internal damage, e.g., de-wetting of solids from the binder. However the photographic data suggest otherwise. As shown in Figure 3, the 861 sample diameter and radius obtained from the photographs as well as that calculated from the true-strain vs. time data (assuming constant volume) are comparable. (Figure 4 shows three of the sixteen photographs taken.) Moreover, volume vs. time, calculated from the photographic data, indicate that the sample volume remains constant over the loading cycle. These data argue that stress equalization was maintained during the loading cycle. Figure 5 shows stress versus strain at a nominal strain rate of 750 s"1 for a TNT sample. Strain rate varied from 650 to 870 s"1. Here, the one and threewave data are fairly comparable. These data might have been mistaken for reasonable results if the photographs had not indicated fracturing along the sample's outer surfaces as shown in lower portion of Figure 5. This fracturing begins early in the loading cycle and corresponds with the slope change from positive to negative in the stress-strain plot. Strain rate - 2300 1 s 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 True-Strain Figure 2. One and three-wave data for PBXW-128. 56 [is 120 |is Figure 5. One and three-wave data for TNT, and selected photographs. DISCUSSION 100 Photographic data indicate that PBXW-128 deforms at constant volume under compression at strain rates comparable to 2300 s"1. This indicates that stress equalization occurs, on average, through the loading cycle despite observed differences between one and three-wave data reduction schemes. It must be noted that the framing rate for the photographs were relatively course with respect to oscillations observed on the stress-strain plot. A close inspection of the true-stress vs time (as indicated by the transmitted wave) suggests that there is a cyclic increase and decline of stress during the first portion of the loading pulse. Chung has observed this phenomenon in copper and attributed it to radial relaxation follow- 40 60 80100120140160180200220 Time (us) Figure 3. Photographic vs. strain gauge data for PBXW-128. Plots with error bars are measured values from photographs. Lines without error bars, are corresponding dimensions calculated from true-strain vs. time data. Oias 84,118 Figure 4. Selected Photographs for PBXW-128 showing smooth lateral expansion during the loading cycle. 862 ing a gradient buildup from the central axis to the periphery.3 The initial disagreement of one and three-wave data may be attributed to this phenomenon. However it is equally possible that the difference may be attributed to an inability to accurately compare the difference of incident and reflected signals to the transmitted signal, in the way that is typically done with harder material, e.g., metals. This difficulty arises from the disparity between the reflected and transmitted signal magnitudes observed in softer materials. Despite efforts to improve diagnostic precision, errors are introduced from an inability to accurately correct for dispersion introduced as the stress waves propagate down the bars. This was brought to light during recent efforts to confirm our dispersion correction routines. They are adequate for correcting data for hard materials but fall short when the material is soft. These problems are greatly reduced for TNT because of its firmness. The one and three-wave data for TNT are similar, suggesting that stress equalization occurs in the sample despite its fracturing. The supposition here is that fracturing occurs only along the outer periphery of the sample, leaving an inner core intact. Stress equalization is maintained in this inner core allowing an opportunity to glean stress-strain data from these types of experiments. The negative slope may be attributed to a decreasing ample diameter, which may eventually be monitored and compensated for by back lit photography (not employed in this study). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The sponsors for this effort were the Office of Naval Research (ONR) under the Air and Surface program and the Navy Explosives Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technology Center. We wish to also thank Chak-Pan Wong and Dennis Budd for their assistance in performing these experiments. REFERENCES 1. Gray, G.T., and Blumenthal, W.R., Metals Handbook., Vol 8, 10th Ed, ASM Publications, 2000, pp 462-476 and pp 488-496. 2. Ueda, K. and Umeda, A., Experimental Mechanics, 38(2), 93-98 (1998). 3. Chung, D.T., Shock Compression in Condensed Matter - 1995, edited by Schmidt et. al, AIP Conference Proceedings, New York 1996, pp 483-486. CONCLUSIONS Two very different materials have been observed in Hopkinson bar experiments using high-speed photography. Studies on PBXW-128, a very soft material, demonstrated constant volume deformation. Also, it may not be possible to use comparisons of one and three-wave data to validate for stress equalization due to the disparity in reflected and transmitted signal magnitudes typical to testing soft materials. TNT proved to be a brittle material easily fractured early in the loading cycle. However, data may be obtained if the diameter of un-fractured inner-core can be monitored. 863
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