CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 DIGITAL SPECKLE X-RAY FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY S.G. Grantham, W.G. Proud Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 OHE. UK Abstract. The new technique of digital speckle X-ray flash photography (DSXFP), which has been successfully applied to polyester and cement specimens1, is being further developed and used to study materials in ballistic situations in a way not previously possible. The technique involves seeding the specimen with a lead layer and then taking flash X-ray images before and during an impact event. Digital cross-correlation can then be used to make measurements of the internal displacements occurring throughout the specimen. Using a stereoscopic geometry the out of plane displacements can also be determined and a full 3-dimensional displacement map constructed. In this paper these two powerful and complementary techniques of flash X-rays and DSXFP are used to study the ballistic response of a borosilicate sample to produce information that other techniques are unable to provide. INTRODUCTION per experiment. This has been shown to be the case in previous work2, however, and hence this technique can be applied with reasonable confidence. This still does not allow displacement measurements within the sample to be made. A dramatic improvement on flash X-ray photography is digital speckle X-ray flash photography (DSXFP). This is a relatively new technique which allows quantitative measurements of the displacement on a plane within the sample during a ballistic impact to be made. The technique requires a random sprinkling of an X-ray opaque material on a flat plane within the sample. A "before" image is taken, and then, another flash X-ray is taken at a given point during the impact event. The resulting random speckle patterns can then be correlated to find the maximum of correlation and hence where the random pattern has moved to3. By repeating this correlation using small subimages from the reference and deformed images, a map of displacement vectors can be calculated. The resolution of these vectors, and hence the resolution of the displacement measurements, is defined by the size of these subimages and the stepsize taken between subimages. In the following research some traditional flash X-ray images, of borosilicate glass being impacted, The study of how glass fractures during a ballistic impact is of great interest given the conditions in which glass is often used. The way a glass windscreen or bullet proof glass reacts to a high velocity impact are examples of this. In this paper the processes by which a sample of glass fractures and fails under such a high velocity impact is studied. Techniques that can be used for investigating the fragmentation of glass in high-speed ballistic events are limited. High-speed photography becomes ineffective when trying to look at the behaviour behind the damage front, as the glass comminutes and shatters leading to optical opacity. Thus, high-speed photography can give the velocity of the damage front but little else. The use of gauges is also not a viable option since this involves altering the structure of the sample quite dramatically by cutting it and inserting the gauge. If flash X-ray photography is used this can provide information on the position of the projectile without the opacity behind the damage front being a problem. This technique relies on the sample fracturing in the same manner in different experiments, as only one flash X-ray can be taken 803 have been taken which provide information on the material's failure. A specially manufactured sample is then used for DSXFP, and a comparison between these different results made. configuration used illustrated in Fig. 1. is Fig. 2. through to Fig. 5. show the results from normal flash X-ray photographs of the mild steel rod impacting the block of borosilicate glass. It can be seen in Fig. 1. that the steel rod has been flattened on impact and has caused cracks to propagate away from the point of impact and into the glass. A crack also appears to be forming directly ahead of the projectile on the rear surface of the block. Fig. 2. shows the sample beginning to bulge outwards at the rear surface. The first signs of debris being ejected from this region can also be seen. The notch on this projectile is a marker which was placed 15 mm from the tip of the projectile to allow the degree of deformation in the rod to be gauged. At 105 jis following impact (Fig. 4), the rear surface of the glass is clearly starting to shatter and break into pieces. However the two sides of the borosilicate block still appear to be relatively intact. Whilst they are moving outwards and away from the projectile, the sides are not suffering from the same degree of fracturing as the main central section of the sample. The final X-ray image (Fig. 5), taken at 184 jis post impact, clearly depicts very little coherent structure left in the sample, whilst the side sections are also beginning to fail catastrophically. From these results, the expected behaviour of the glass in this velocity range has been observed. When performing the experiment on the tungsten seeded glass sample, a quantitative comparison of the structural response can be made. The X-ray image taken during the impact is reproduced in Fig. 6. The image is a computer scan of a contact print taken from the X-ray film negative. A contact print has been used, rather than just a scan of the negative, so that more contrast can be brought up on the image, which allows a better correlation to be achieved. Two bolts can be seen behind the sample, these were used to hold the sample in place and the area behind these bolts at the top of the picture is an area of fiducial markers. These were attached to the platform that the specimen was mounted on so that rigid body motions can be eliminated. The displacement Blocks of borosilicate with a 30 x 15 mm cross sectional area and a length of 60 mm were used for the standard flash X-ray photographs. The projectiles used were mild steel rods 9.15 ± 0.05 mm in diameter and 80 ± 0.5 mm in length with a rounded tip and were fired at a velocity of 190 ± 3 m s"1. The X-ray images were taken at delays of 26^is, 79|is, 105(is and 184jis using a 150keV X-ray head with a 30 ns exposure. The X-ray film was sandwiched in a cassette between two image intensifier plates to increase the exposure and with a 2 mm lead sheet behind to prevent X-rays escaping the apparatus. The sample used for the X-ray speckle study was made by spinning a tube of glass out into two flat discs, which were then flattened. These two discs were placed in a carbon holder with a layer of tungsten filings (50 to 250 (im in size) sprinkled between them and heated to 950°C for 1 hour. The sample was then cut to 42 x 42 mm2 and 10 mm thick. The tungsten layer was at a height of 5 mm through the centre of the sample. Tungsten was used for this particular experiment instead of lead because it has a thermal expansion coefficient that is better matched to glass. This prevents any cracking of the sample during cooling. C-RAY! Tungsten Layer / experiments RESULTS EXPERIMENTAL Velocity for these BorosiiicE Sample FIGURE 1. Experimental setup for DSXFP The projectile had a velocity of 197.6 ± 3.0 m s"1 and a delay of 40 jis was used. The experimental 804 FIGURE 5. Rod impacting glass at 190 m s"1, 184 {is delay. 1 FIGURE 2. Rod impacting glass at 190 m s" , 26 jis delay. vectors, which are overlayed, have been scaled up by a factor of 3 and one pixel represents 0.063 mm in the frame of the sample. Cracks in the glass are beginning to propagate away from the tip (represented by white dashed lines in Fig. 6.) of the projectile and, again the projectile has been flattened on impact. The displacement vectors, produced by the correlation process, appear to agree with the behaviour previously observed in the normal X-ray impacts. The central section appears to be moving backwards away from the projectile in a large section, and the regions to either side of the projectile appear to be moving outwards. These are moving to a lesser degree than the main central section however. The major fragments of the glass were retrieved after the experiment and it was found that out of 154 fragments, only 10 appeared to have tungsten filings on any of the outer surfaces. From this it would seem reasonable to infer that the glass has not preferentially fractured along the seeded layer. FIGURE 3. Rod impacting glass at 190 m s"1, 79 jis delay. CONCLUSION We have shown that the displacement field, on a flat plane, within a glass sample can be measured during an impact event. We have also carried out standard impact tests on a non-seeded specimen to verify that the behaviour exhibited in the seeded case is reasonable, and the effect of the seeding FIGURE 4. Rod impacting glass at 190 m s"1, 105 |is delay. 805 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 pixels FIGURE 6. Displacement field for rod impact after 40 us. does not appear to have altered the structural response of the glass significantly. The natural progression now is to make thicker, and hence more realistic glass samples. These samples can then be used to measure the displacement field at varying delay times, projectile velocities and depths through the sample. The full stereoscopic X-ray speckle treatment can also then be applied to give a truly three-dimensional measure of the internal displacements4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Prof. I.E. Field and Dr H.T. Goldrein, Cambridge and Dr. I.G. Cullis (DERA) for their advice and encouragement. The research is supported by the Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC), and the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA). R. Smith is thanked for his technical help in preparing the samples. 806 Synnergren, P., Goldrein, H.T., Proud, W.G., Appl. Opt. 38, 4030-4036 (1999). Bourne, N.K., Forde, L.C., Millett, J.C.F., Field, J.F., /. Phys. IV France Colloq. C3 7, 157-162 (1997). Sjodahl, M., Benckert, L.R., Appl. Opt. 32, 22782284 (1993). Goldrein, H.T., Synnergren, P., Proud, W.G., "Three-Dimensional Displacement Measurements Ahead of a Projectile," in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-1999, edited by M.D. Furnish, L.C. Chhabildas, and R.S. Hixson, AIP Conference Proceedings 505, Snowbird, Utah, 1999, pp. 10951098.
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