CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 SHOCK EQUATION OF STATE AND DYNAMIC STRENGTH OF TUNGSTEN CARBIDE Dattatraya P. Dandekar1 and Dennis E. Grady2 ! Army Research Laboratory, Weapons Materials Research Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Mary land 21005-5069 2 Applied Research Associates, Inc. 4300 San Mateo Blvd. NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 Abstract Tungsten carbide ceramic is a high-density material with attractive compressive and tensile strength properties. Cercom, Inc. manufactured hot-pressed tungsten carbide ceramic was tested in the present study. The density of this ceramic varies between 15.53 and 15.56 Mg/m3. The values of longitudinal and shear wave velocities measured ultrasonically vary between 7.04 and 7.05 km/s, and 4.30 and 4.32 km/s, respectively. Shock wave experiments were conducted at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and Sandia National Laboratory (SNL) to determine its shock-induced compressive behavior. The results of these experiments are summarized as: (1) the Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL) of this material is 6.6 ± 0.5 GPa, (2) this value of the HEL may not adequately represent the dynamic yield strength of the material because of the substantial post-yield hardening characteristics of this material shown by the pronounced slope of the precursor wave preceding the following final-state shock wave, and (3) the final shock state attained in the material indicates that the shear strength is maintained when shocked above the HEL to 80 GPa. INTRODUCTION MATERIAL The attractive mechanical properties of tungsten carbide with its high-density makes it ideally suited for use as a protective element to mitigate shockinduced effects. The current study was initiated with the goal of bringing together information on the shock-induced response of a hot-pressed tungsten carbide manufactured by Cercom, Inc. This material is, hereafter, referred to as Cercom WC. Specific properties of interest in this study are hydrodynamic equation of state, and compressive and shear strength under plane shock wave loading of this material. Shock compression data were obtained from a series of shock profile measurements conducted at ARL and SNL on Cercom WC. But the material used in the shock wave experiments performed at ARL and SNL were not from the same batch. Cercom WC is a composite consisting of two distinct materials, namely, WC (97.2% by weight) and W2C (2.8% by weight)[l]. W2C is a byproduct of the densification process. WC and W2C both crystallize in hexagonal form. The theoretical densities of these carbides are 15.7 and 17.2 Mg/m3, respectively [2]. Both melt around 3050 K and have similar thermal expansion coefficients. The only other property of W2C reported is the value of longitudinal elastic wave velocity, which is 4.94 km/s [2]. The measured values of density, elastic longitudinal and shear wave velocities of this tungsten carbide composite are given in Table 1. The values of density and elastic wave velocities for Cercom WC measured at ARL and SNL are within the errors of measurements. Since the measured value of the density of Cercom WC is less than the 783 TABLE 1. Properties of Cercom WC Properties SNL Density (Mg/m3) 15.56 Elastic wave velocities (km/s) Longitudinal 7.04 Shear 4.30 Bulk 4.96 Bulk modulus (GPa) 383 0.200 Poisson's ratio disc of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). The wave velocity profiles in the experiments conducted at ARL were monitored at the center of the free surface of the tungsten carbide target. At SNL wave profiles were monitored at the center of the interface of a single crystal lithium fluoride disc and a Cercom WC target. These wave profiles were recorded by employing the interferometry technique (VISAR) developed by Barker and Hollenbach [3]. The impact velocities were measured by shorting electrically charged pins located at measured distances a few millimeters ahead of the target disc. The planarity of impact was better than 0.5 mrad. The precision of free surface velocity measurements is 1%. The uncertainties in the measured values of impact velocities are 0.5%. In all, 14 experiments were performed on Cercom WC. Of these 14 experiments, 6 were performed at SNL. ARL 15.53 7.05 4.32 4.98 385 0.200 reported densities of WC and W2C, it must contain some lighter impurities with or without porosity. We have no information about these impurities but the void volume fraction is estimated to be around 0.01 [1]. EXPERIMENT Plane shock wave experiments were conducted using the ARL 100 mm light gas gun facility and the 89 mm bore diameter single stage powder gun facility at SNL. The maximum impact velocities that can be achieved at these two facilities are 0.7 km/s and 2.5 km/s, respectively. In these experiments, a disc of either Cercom WC or 6061T6 aluminum or C-cut single crystal sapphire or xcut quartz (impactor) mounted in the projectile impacted another Cercom WC disc (target) with a given velocity to generate a shock compression wave of an appropriate magnitude. In SNL experiments, the impactor material was backed by a RESULTS For convenience, the experiments performed at ARL are denoted by those which begin with numerals in column 1 of Table 2. The experiments performed at SNL are denoted by those starting with letters in column 1 of Table 2. Shock compression wave profiles recorded in a few experiments are shown in Fig. 1. The results are presented in terms of elastic deformation, post-yield TABLE 2. Shock Wave Experiment Data on Cercom WC. Thickness (mm) Elastic compression Experiment/ Impact Impactor Impactor Target Velocity Stress Mass material (GPa) velocity (km/s) (km/s) 3.15 3.14 6.79 0.0620 504/WC 0.6130 0.0672 2.02 507/S 3.14 0.2962 7.33 2.02 514-1/S 3.15 6.35 0.058 0.5067 514-2/WC 3.14 0.069 7.55 6.43 0.5067 516/Q 0.99 0.0591 0.5004 6.47 6.48 517/WC 3.14 6.84 6.48 0.0625 0.1848 102/WC 4.00 3.49 0.0319 6.00 0.0648 3.44 0.0314 103/WC 4.00 6.00 0.0644 WC-8/WC 6.20 6.2 6.18 1.660 0.0566 WC-12/A1 1.51 0.362 0.0392 6.19 4.30 WC-13/A1 1.50 6.19 5.90 0.0539 0.454 WC-14/WC 6.35 6.32 6.2 1.239 0.0566 WC-15/WC 6.2 6.35 3.00 0.0566 1.210 WC-16/WC 6.2 6.30 6.34 0.824 0.0566 784 Density (Mg/m3) 15.67 15.68 15.66 15.68 15.66 15.67 15.60 15.60 15.68 15.64 15.68 15.68 15.68 15.68 Inelastic compression Stress Mass Plastic (GPa) velocity velocity (km/s) (km/s) 0.306 5.43 27.6 9.3 0.088 5.79 15.2 0.165 5.29 23.7 0.253 5.56 Density (Mg/m3) 16.41 15.74 15.98 16.22 5.10 9.1 0.092 15.75 6.22 5.98 5.93 5.74 81.6 0.830 17.92 59.2 57.5 38. 0.620 0.605 0.412 17.30 17.27 16.69 1 1 f w 1 1 1 1 o D 5 1 - ^rri! —; 1 i 'cr" ° Jl 0.0 0.2 ° D ""a ——•—— WC8 Lf 0 ^^ __*__WC14 - -«-— WC16 ——*—— 504 - - - - a - - - - 514-2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Time(]Lis) Timers) FIGURE 2. Precursor characteristics of Cercom WC FIGURE 1. Shock wave profiles in Cercom WC feature, inelastic deformation, and its nature. post-yield behavior of Cercom WC. Elastic Compression The wave profiles showed initial break corresponding to stresses between 6.2 and 7.6 GPa (Fig. 1). This break is identified as the HEL for the Cercom WC. The decay of the elastic precursor with target thickness is not evident from the results of these experiments. The average value of the HEL is 6.6 ± 0.5 GPa. Since the precision of measurements of particle and free surface velocity is 1%, the large statistical uncertainty associated with the average value of the HEL is likely to be arising from variability in the material itself. Details of the precursor wave indicating the dynamic strength property of Cercom WC is shown in Fig. 2. This figure shows a substantial post-yield hardening in Cercom WC following the elastic precursor and preceding the attainment of final shock-induced state. These wave profiles cannot discriminate between the relative roles of pressure hardening or deformation hardening in the observed Inelastic Compression Shock wave following the elastic precursor travels in the elastically deformed Cercom WC with velocity between 5.1 and 6.2 km/s. These values of shock velocities are larger than the bulk sound wave velocity in Cercom WC at the ambient condition, i.e., 4.96-4.98 km/s (Table 1). This suggests that the inelastic deformation proceeds plastically in this material. Since an adequate presentation of results of inelastic deformation requires knowledge of appropriate hydrodynamic compression of the material, it is dealt with next. The hydrodynamic compression of Cercom WC is obtained from the shock compression data on tungsten carbide reported by McQueen et al. [4]. Tungsten carbide material used in their experiments contained 5 weight percent of cobalt as a binder material. The density of the material was 15.01 Mg/m3. The values of longitudinal and shear wave velocities were reported to be 6.89 km/s and 4.18 785 km/s, respectively. The calculated values of bulk sound wave speed and Poisson's ratio are 4.92 km/s and 0.209, respectively. These values are not very different from the measured values of sound speeds for Cercom WC given in Table 1. Thus, the calculated hydrodynamic compression of Cercom WC based on the results of McQueen et al. [4] experiments should represent its compression faithfully. A careful analysis of their data taking into account the fact that hydrodynamic equilibrium in their tungsten carbide was not attained in their experiments until the pressures in excess of 70 GPa were reached yield the following linear relation between shock velocity (Us) and particle velocity (Up): Us = 4.93+1.309 Up. Hydrodynamic ARL SNL 80 60 I 40 CO 20 (1) The value of correlation coefficient for the above linear relation is 0.999, and the 95% confidence intervals of the intercept (C0) and the slope (s) in relation (1) are ±0.05 km/s and ±0.083, respectively. Further, the value of C0 agrees well with the value of the bulk sound wave velocity, 4.92 km/s, at the ambient condition. The hydrodynamic compression of Cercom WC calculated by using the value of its bulk modulus 384 GPa with s= 1.309, and experimentally determined shock Hugoniot of Cercom WC are shown in Fig. 3. It shows that this material continues to retain shear strength under plane shock wave propagation when shocked to 80 GPa. The value of shear stress sustained by Cercom WC at the HEL obtained from the Hugoniot data and the hydrodynamic compression curve is 2.4 GPa. This compares well with the elastic value of shear stress, i.e., 2.5 ± 0.2 GPa. It appears that the magnitude of shear stress sustained by Cercom WC increases with an increase in shock-induced stress. For example, at shock stress of 82 GPa, the value of sustained shear stress is 6 GPa. 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 V/VO FIGURE 3. Shock compression of Cercom WC magnitude of shear stress sustained above the HEL needs to be determined by conducting appropriate shock-reshock experiments of the type reported by Asay et al. [5] and Dandekar and Gaeta [6]. REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 5 CONCLUDING REMARKS 6 The results of the present investigation indicate that Cercom WC deforms like an elastic-plastic solid under shock wave compression. The 786 Gooch, W. J. (Private communication). Gauthier, M. M., Engineered Materials Handbook, ASM International, Cleveland, 1995, pp. 961-963. Barker, L. M., and Hollenbach, R. E., J. Appl. Phys., 43, 4669-4675 (1972). McQueen, R. G., Marsh, S. P., Taylor, J. W., Fritz, J. N., and Carter, W. J., "The Equation of State of Solids from Shock Wave Studies", in High-Velocity Impact Phenomena, edited by R. Kinslow, Academic Press, New York, 1970, pp. 293-417 and 521-568. Asay, J., Chhabildas, L. C, and Dandekar, D. P., J. Appl Phys. 51, 4774-4783 (1980). Dandekar, D. P., and Gaeta, P. J., "Double Shock and Release Experiments in PMMA and Z-cut Sapphire", in Shock Wave in Condensed Matter-1987, edited by S. C. Schimdt and N. C. Holms, North - Holland, New York, 1988, pp. 281-284.
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