CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 SPALLATION OF HOT PRESSED BORON CARBIDE CERAMIC Peter T. Bartkowski, Dattatraya P. Dandekar, and David J. Grove Army Research Laboratory, Weapons Materials Research Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005-5069 Abstract This work describes the results of plane shock wave spallation experiments conducted on Hot Pressed Boron Carbide marketed by Cercom as PAD B4C (>99% pure). Density of the material was determined to be 2.508 ±0.016 Mg/m3 while the longitudinal and shear wave velocities were measured at 13.49 ±0.18 km/s and 8.65 ±0.08 km/s, respectively. Spallation thresholds calculated from the measured "pull-back" velocity were determined up to an impact stress of 15.5 GPa. The values of spall threshold do not vary significantly with impact pressure but do exhibit a pulse width dependency indicating a time dependent generation of defects. The value of spall strength of boron carbide is 0.35 ± 0.07 GPa when shocked between 2 and 15.5 GPa. The values of release impedance lie between 33 and 37 Gg/m2s and are in good agreement with the longitudinal impedance of 33.8 ±0.5 Gg/m2s at the ambient condition measured ultrasonically. The free-surface velocity profiles obtained from these experiments were numerically simulated using Rajendran-Grove (R-G) ceramic model. The paper provides the values of material constants required by the R-G ceramic model for boron carbide. INTRODUCTION respectively. Table 1 lists the elastic constants as determined from these measurements. Specimens were cut, ground from ceramic blocks to form 40 ±1 mm diameter discs. Flyer discs were either PAD B4C or WC and had a nominal thickness of 2 or 4 mm while the targets were nominally 4 or 6 mm thick. The disc faces were lapped and polished flat to 10 /im while the disc faces were parallel to within one in 104. The present investigation is a continuation of our effort to determine the nature of deformation of ceramic materials under shock induced tension. Plane shock wave spallation experiments were conducted on Cercom Corp.'s PAD B4C Boron Carbide Ceramic. The particle velocity records measured during the experiments were then used to determine the material constants for the RajendranGrove (R-G) ceramic model. EXPERIMENTS MATERIAL The general configuration for the shock experiments is shown in Fig. 1. Plane shock experiments were performed using ARL's 100 mm bore Light Gas Gun. Diagnostics were composed of projectile impact velocity measurement and free surface particle velocity measurement of the rear of the target specimen. Impact velocity was determined by measuring the time intervals between the shorting of 4 sets of electrically charged pins located immediately in front of the target. Velocity is calculated using premeasured distances between pins and the recorded PAD B4C is a hot pressed ceramic over 99% pure. It has a density of 2.508 ±0.016 Mg/m3 while the single crystal density of B4C is 2.52 Mg/m3 [1] which results in a pore volume fraction for PAD B4C of approximately 0.5%. The average grain size, as reported by the manufacturer, is 15 ptm. Longitudinal and shear wave velocities were measured ultrasonically. The longitudinal and shear wave velocities were measured at 10 and 5 MHz to be 13.49 ±0.18 km/s and 8.65 ±0.08 km/s 779 TABLE 1. PAD B4C Material Properties Property (units) PAD B4C Density (Mg/m3) 2.508 ±0.016 Average Grain Size (jLtm) 15 Void Fraction 0.005 Elastic Wave Velocity (km/s) Longitudinal 13.49 ±0.18 Shear 8.65 ±0.08 Bulk 9.06 ±0.22 Elastic Modulus (Gg/m2s) Longitudinal 33.8 Shear 21.7 Bulk 22.7 Poisson's Ratio____________0.151 ±0.014 FIGURE 1. Shot configuration transit times to an accuracy of 0.5%. Free surface velocity measurements of the targets were made using VISAR (Velocity Interferometer System for Any Reflector) [2]. The precision of VISAR particle velocity measurements is better than 1%. Flyer thicknesses were chosen to produce pulse widths of approximately 0.3 and 0.6 JLIS. Projectile velocity and flyer material were varied to produce impact stresses up to 15.5 GPa. Aupb [8,9]. The spall strength is calculated using the following formula: <V«=i< Where Zd is the elastic impedance of the material. A summary of the experiments conducted is given in Table 2. All experiments were symmetric impact in nature except for 826 and 846 where a WC flyer was used, instead of boron carbide, to reach a higher impact stress. Table 2 also lists the determined impact shock state, release impedance and calculated spall strength of PAD B4C as determined from the steady free surface velocity and pull back particle velocity change measured from the VISAR waveforms. The values of release EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The reported HEL of nearly fully dense boron carbide is 15-19 GPa [3,4,5,6,7]. All experiments conducted in this work were at 15.5 GPa or below and are considered elastic. As such, the spall strength of the material can be determined by the magnitude of the pull back particle velocity change TABLE 2. Summary of PAD B4C shock experiments Flyer Thickness Pulse Shot Impact # Matl. Flyer Target Width Velocity (mm) (mm) (km/s) (MS) B4C 4.052 5.956 0.60 0.6129 825t WC 2.033 5.957 0.59 826 0.6106 B4C 4.053 5.958 0.60 0.4086 828f B C 4.051 5.956 0.60 0.2327 829t 4 B4C 4.063 5.960 0.60 833-1 0.4120 B4C 5.954 833-2 2.043 0.30 0.4120 B4C 4.053 5.956 840 0.60 0.1228 WC 5.954 846 2.028 0.59 0.5070 B4C 2.043 4.058 0.30 0.1229 910t (1) Stress (GPa) 10.37 15.54 6.91 3.94 6.97 6.97 2.08 12.91 2.08 780 Shock State Velocity (km/s) 0.3065 0.4595 Density (Gg/m5) 2.566 2.596 0.2043 0.1164 2.530 0.2060 0.2060 0.0614 0.3815 0.0615 2.547 2.547 2.547 2.519 2.581 2.519 Release Imp. (Gg/m2s) 32.8 35.0 33.4 34.6 36.3 35.7 35.4 33.0 36.8 Spall Strength ViAUpb Stress (km/s) (GPa) 0.0095 0.32±0.14 0.0070 0.24±0.20 0.0120 0.4110.10 0.0105 0.36±0.07 0.0090 0.0135 0.0095 0.0100 0.0125 0.30±0.10 0.46±0.10 0.3210.03 0.3410.17 0.4210.03 0.7 i1 ik 0.6 JL/S Spall • 0.3 A/S Spall " ", i> 0.11- o.o • • !" , , . i ., , i , . , 1 , , . i , , , 1 . , , oD 2 4 6 8 10 i,, , 12 14 11 -0.5 Impact Stress (QPa) FIGURE 2. Spall stress vs. Impact stress FIGURE 3. Particle Velocity Waveforms 2 impedance vary between 33 and 37 Gg/m s and agree favorably with the ultrasonically measured longitudinal impedance of 33.8 Gg/m2s. Plotted as a function of impact stress in Fig. 2, the spall strength can be seen to decline with increasing impact stress. Two of the experiments (833-2 & 910) were conducted with a pulse width of 0.30 JLIS instead of 0.6 /is to investigate the effects of pulse width on the spallation process. These two experiments at first seem to indicate a time dependent generation and propagation of defects; however if one considers the calculated uncertainties given in Table 2, the difference between the two pulse widths become insignificant. Nonetheless, these values of spall strength are consistent with Grady's values for Dow Chemical's Boron Carbide Ceramic [5]. the crack growth, measured by the crack size parameter a. Crack orientation is not considered and assumed to be random throughout the material. Permanent strain is a function of plastic flow only and the strains from microcracking are elastic. Plastic flow occurs in the model only under compressive loading when the pressure exceeds the HEL. The strains due to pore collapse are assumed to be visco-plastic and are modeled using a pressure dependent yield function. Microcracks are allowed to grow when the stress state satisfies a generalized Griffith criterion. This criterion uses the material fracture toughness and dynamic friction coefficient. As damage accumulates in the material from crack growth, stress relaxation occurs. The pressure in the material is a direct function of the degraded bulk modulus. R-G MODEL Simulations Four of the experiments listed in Table 2 (denoted by t) were simulated using the RG ceramic model [10,11,12] running in EPIC finite element code. The model is based on an elasticplastic cracking deformation process. The scalar damage is measured by the crack density parameter Y. The number of flaws remains constant while a strain energy release based evolution law governs The lowest velocity experiment (#910) was used to determine the model constants. These determined constants for PAD B4C are given below in Table 3. Three other experiments (#829, 828, 825) were then simulated using these constants. The results of all four simulations can be compared to the experimentally recorded particle velocity data 781 Table 3. RG Model Constants for PAD B4C Description Symbol A Static compressive strength (GPa) C Coefficient for strain rate dependence Static fracture toughness (MPa Vm) KIC Initial void volume fraction fo Initial microcrack size (pirn) a0 Initial microcrack density (m~3) No' Dynamic friction coefficient for mode II crack growth H Coefficient for mode II crack growth n{ Spall criterion for damage evolution under high triaxial tensile loading (GPa) & spall Critical crack density parameter for pulverization rP Slope of linear strength-pressure relationship for pulverized material A Strength "cap" for pulverized material (GPa) *Vmax Constants 12.5 0.01 2.0 0.03 1.0 5xlOn 0.45 0.10 0.5 0.75 1.5 3.0 3. Wilkins, M. L. "Third Progress Report of Light Armor Program." UCRL50460, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, (1968). 4. Gust, W. H., and E. B. Royce, "Dynamic Yield Strengths of B4C, BeO, and A12O3 Ceramics." J. Appl. Phys. 42,276-295 (1971). 5. Grady, D. E., "Dynamic Properties of Ceramic Materials," Sandia National Laboratory Report, SAND 94-3266 (1995). 6. Kipp, M. E., and D. E. Grady, "Shock Compression and Release in High-Strength Ceramics," Sandia National Laboratory Report, SAND 89-1461 (1989). 7. Winkler, W., and A. J. Stilp, " Spallation Behavior of TiB2, SiC, and B4C under Planar Impact Tensile Stress," in Shock Waves in Condensed Matter-1991, Ed. S. C. Schmidt et al., Elsevier Science, 1992, pp. 475-478. 8. Dandekar, D.P. and D.C. Benfanti, Journal of Applied Physics 73, 673-679 (1993). 9. Dandekar, D.P. and P. Bartkowski, "Shock Response of AD995 Alumina," in Proceedings of the AlP Conference 309 Part /, 1994, pp. 733-736. 10. Rajendran, A.M., and D.J. Grove, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 6, 1996, pp. 611-631. 11. Grove, D.J. & A.M. Rajendran, in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 7997, Ed. S.C. Schmidt et al., AIP, New York, 1998, pp. 255-258. 12. Grove, D.J. & A.M. Rajendran, in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 7999, Ed. M.D. Furnish et al., AIP, New York, 2000, pp 619-622. in Fig. 3; the simulations are offset 30 m/s vertically above the experimental data for clarity. Clearly, the RG model does an excellent job of predicting spallation behavior of PAD B4C. CONCLUSION Plane shock wave spallation experiments were conducted on Cercom Corp.'s PAD B4C Boron Carbide Ceramic. Spallation thresholds were determined vs. impact stress for two pulse widths of 0.3 & 0.6 /is. For 0.6 jits pulse width, a spall strength of 0.35 ±0.07 GPa was determined. A pulse width of 0.3 /is resulted in a higher spall strength of approximately 0.47 GPa. Although higher spall strengths were measured with the shorter pulse width, a consideration of the errors in measurement indicates that the differences may be insignificant. The values of release impedance were determined to be between 33 and 37 Gg/m2s which is in good agreement with the ultrasonically measured value of 33.8 Gg/m2s. The particle velocity records measured during one of the experiments was then used to determine the material constants for the Rajendran-Grove (RG) ceramic model. These constants were then used to accurately predict spallation behavior at higher impact stresses. REFERENCES 1. Thevenot, F. "Boron Carbide-A Comprehensive Review," J. Europ. Ceramic Soc. 6, 205-225 (1990). 2. L. M. Barker and R. E. Hollenbach, J. Appl Phys. 41, 4208-4226 (1970). 782
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