CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 THE HUGONIOT ELASTIC LIMIT OF ALON James U. Cazamias1, Peter S. Fiske2, Stephan J. Bless3 1 LLNL, L-414, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA 94551 RAPT Industries, 581 Melanie Ave., Livermore CA 94550 3 IAT, 3925 W. Braker Ln., Suite 400, Austin, TX 78759-5316 2 Abstract. We performed plate impact experiments on the transparent polycrystalline ceramic aluminum oxynitride (A1ON, transparent alumina). From VISAR measurements, the Hugoniot Elastic Limit, GHEL, is 11.0-11.4 GPa with a corresponding yield strength of 1.2-1.5 GPa. A transverse gauge gives a yield strength of 8.7 GPa for a longitudinal stress of 13.9 GPa, which implies that the failed A1ON possesses at least its GHEL strength. INTRODUCTION the material [2]. The densities for the HEL experiments in [2] were incorrect, and the corrected results are presented here. The modeling of transparent ceramics relies heavily on descriptions of failure under compressive loads which are generally derived from experience with opaque ceramics. However, the microstructural properties that are responsible for transparency also imply that sites for stress concentrations are much reduced when a medium is transparent. It is this increased homogeneity of transparent materials that is responsible for characteristic differences in shock response of transparent and opaque materials. For example, transparent materials such as glass and sapphire exhibit much higher initial spall strengths than polycrystalline ceramics. Recently, there has been increasing interest in aluminum oxynitride (A1ON, transparent alumina). A1ON has spinel crystal structure (i.e., cubic symmetry) which results in isotropic optical and mechanical properties. When the ceramic is 100% dense with no voids, inclusion or grain boundary phases, it is transparent. We have recently performed bar impact experiments which found that transparent A1ON exhibited both alumina-like and glass-like behavior with a bar yield strength of 4.0 GPa [1]. We have also performed plate impact experiments which examined the GHEL, spall, and elastic properties of EXPERIMENTS 25.4-mm diameter disks of A1ON were subjected to planar impacts using a He single-stage gas gun at LLNL. See Table 1. The diagnostics for Shots 710 and 711 consisited of a VISAR with a fringe constant of 541 m/s/fringe. For Shot 725 (a repeat of 711), a transverse gauge (MicroMeasurements C880113-B pulsed by a Dynasen CK1-50-300 piezoresistive power supply) was used to measure transverse stress in the sample. Impact velocities were measured using 2 pairs of piezoelectric pins. DATA Figure 1 shows the velocity-time histories for Shots 710 and 711. Table 2 lists derived values from the experiments. 767 TABLE 1. Experimental Parameters Impact Velocity (m/s) Impactor Impactor Thickness (mm) Ptarget (gm/Cm3) Target Thickness (mm) ci (km/s) cs (km/s) c0 (km/s) 710 790 Cu 5.08 3.68 5.11 10.3 5.91 7.71 711 684 Cu 5.08 3.68 5.11 10.3 5.91 7.71 difference in rear surface arrival times of the initial elastic wave and its first reflection from the inelastic wave front, the inelastic wave velocity, Cj n , can be expressed as 725 680 Cu 5.07 3.68 10 10.3 5.91 7.71 1— c Since the magnitude of the inelastic wave is small compared to the GHEL, the inelastic wave front becomes elastic after interacting with the initial elastic release wave, which leaves a contact discontinuity at the release point. There is a step structure in the inelastic rise (Fig. 2) which is associated with this contact discontinuity, although some of the temporal thickness of the inelastic signal is associated with the thickness of the inelastic wave itself. The noise in the VISAR signal might be due to the fact that the large grain size of A1ON (> 100 [im [3]) allows twinning in the grains. The subject of contact discontinuities influencing free surface velocities is discussed in more detail in [4], where it is shown that the late time free surface velocity, Uf, can be expressed as I f—i——i——i—r 0,8 1,0 1-2 (1) P 600- 0.6 Po in ~ cl —— 800- 0.4 _ c/Af 14 Tint© fos) Po FIGURE 1. Velocity-time histories for Shot 710 and Shot 711. ~ HEL (2) TABLE 2. Experimental Measurement UHEL (m/s) QHEL (GPA) Y (GPa) cin (km/s) uin (m/s) ain (GPa) 710 290 11.0 7.2 8.51 428 15.4 where uin is the particle velocity behind the inelastic wave. The stress behind the inelastic wave is then Gin = PQCIUHEL + P^in (uin - UHEL), giving peak stresses of 15.4 GPa for Shot 710 and 13.9 GPa for Shot 711. Figure 3 shows the change in manganin gauge resistance, AR/Ro, versus time for Shot 725. The gauge was nominally placed in the center of the target. The region of interest is the plateau which represents the stress behind the inelastic wave; here AR/Ro = 0.174, giving a transverse stress of a t = 5.2 ± 0.3 GPa (usings Rosenberg's [5-7] analysis) with a corresponding yield strength of Y = GI - ot = 8.7 GPa ± 0.3 GPa. Increase of the flow stress above the GHEL is not unexpected since alumina also exhibits this behavior [8, 9]. 711 301.5 11.4 7.5 8.45 378 13.9 Letting UHEL equal one-half the velocity of the plateau after the elastic wave, we can calculate OHEL = POCIUHEL (11.0 GPa for Shot 710 and 11.4 GPa for Shot 711) with a corresponding yield strength of Y - 2(cs/c,)2oHEL (7.2 GPa for Shot 710 and 7.5 GPa for Shot 711). For further analysis, we assume that the inelastic wave is steady. With po/p =1- UHEL/CI (conservation of mass), L as the plate thickness, and At as the 768 AlON's GHEL of 11.0 to 11.4 GPa compares well with those of other brittle materials (6.7 GPa for AD995 [11], 14-20 GPa for z-cut sapphire [12], 12 GPA for SiC [13], 4.2-5.8 GPa [1st GHEL] and 9- 17 GPa [2nd OREL] for TiB 2 [14], and 6 GPa for soda lime glass [9]). The strength under shock loading (7.2-7.5 GPa) is significantly higher than under bar loading (4 GPa [1]), presumably due to the suppression of microcracks by pressure. Assuming cin = c0 + s u;n gives s on the order of 1.9-2.0. This agrees with sapphire (s = 1.95) [15], but is greater than polycrystalline alumina (s = 1.3) [8]. At low pressures, (dK/dP)T ~ 4.4 [16]. Since s = 0.25((dK/dP)o,s + 1), approximating (dK/dP)0,s by (dK/dP)T gives s = 1.35, implying that the hydrostatic behavior of AION should resemble that of polycrystalline alumina. Our measurements occur near the GHEL and may be affected by changes in the strength of the material [17]. Consequently, this large value of s is another indication that the strength is actually increasing. 8QQ45 650 eoo550- 0,3 I 04 I I I 0,5 0,6 01 Tima {ps) I 08 FIGURE 2. Expanded view of velocity-time histories. 0 20 -i CONCLUSION 015 - We performed plate impact experiments on AION using a V1SAR and transverse manganin gauges. 010 - The Hugoniot Elastic Limit, GHEL, is 11.0-11.4 0.05- GPa with a corresponding yield strength of 7.2-7.5 GPa. A transverse gauge gives a yield strength of 8.7 GPa for a longitudinal stress of 13.9 GPa, which implies that the failed AION possesses at least its GHEL strength. 000 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 14 This work was performed under the auspices of the DOE by LLNL under contract number W-7405ENG-48 and ARL by I AT under contract DAAA2193-C-0101. Thanks to T. Hartnett of Raytheon Corporation for supplying samples. Thanks to C. H. M. Simha for assembling the transverse gauge. FIGURE 3. AR/Ro-time history for Shot 725. DISCUSSION We do not have a good explanation for the dynamic overshoot of the elastic wave. It might be a rate effect. Dynamic overshoot is observed in 840, which also has extremely slow plastic waves. These behaviors are attributed to a dramatic loss of strength above the OHEL [10]. We have shown that AION does not collapse to the hydrostat, so this is not an explanation for the overshoot behavior. REFERENCES 1. 2. 769 Cazamias, J. U., and Bless, S. J., "Bar Impact Tests on Transparent Materials," in 18th International Symposium on Ballistics, 1999, pp. 724-730. Cazamias, J. U., Fiske, P. S., and Bless, S. J., "Shock Properties of AION," Fundamental 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Issues and Applications of Shock-Wave and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena, 181-188 (2001). Hartnett, T. M, and Gentilman, R. 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