CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 A COMBINED EXPERIMENTAL/COMPUTATIONAL APPROACH FOR ASSESSING THE HIGH STRAIN RATE RESPONSE OF HIGH EXPLOSIVE SIMULANTS AND OTHER VISCOELASTIC PARTICIPATE COMPOSITE MATERIALS John Corky1, Werner Riedel2, Stefan Hiermaier2, Peter Weidemaier2, Klaus Thoma2 l Air Force Research Laboratory Energetic Materials Branch (AFRL/MNME), Eglin AFB, FL 32542-5910 FraunhoferImtitutKurrzeitdynamik, Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI), Eckerstrasse 4, Freiburg, GE D-79194 2 Abstract, The quasistatic and dynamic mechanical properties of a viscoelastic participate composite employed as a surrogate, cast-cure high explosive were determined from uniaxial compression experiments at strain rates up to 107 sec"1. The results from these experiments were used to obtain parameters for a non-linear viscoelastic material model. The viscoelasticity described by the macroscopic material model introduced in this paper affects not only the deviatoric components of stress and strain but the volumetric components as well. The material description is adequate for reproducing experimentally observed responses at loading rates ranging from quasistatic to shock levels with a single set of material parameters. Parameters for an HTPB-sugar composite are provided. INTRODUCTION STATE OF THE ART The initiation of composite high explosives and propellants has been observed in response to stress loadings well below their shock initiation threshold. This poorly understood phenomenom is thought to stem, at least in part, from the dynamic mechanical properties of this special class of particulate composite material. The dynamic mechanical properties of energetic composites and their inert counterparts have been considered largely irrelevant until recently. Experimental characterization of these materials has been driven mainly by sensitivity/performance requirements (1). Their mechanical properties are typically studied under quasistatic loading conditions in the context of growth and exudation concerns (2). These concerns are derived from the creep and relaxation phenomena inherent to their widely accepted viscoelasticity. This behavior has been modeled extensively (3), even at the mesoscale . Such models are considered valid only at relatively small strains under quasistatic loading conditions. Due to the concerns mentioned in the introduction, dynamic material parameters have recently emerged in the literature for a limited number of pressed explosives and composite propellants (4). Trends in modeling the observed dynamic response emphasize a viscous representation of interphase damage/cracking (5). OBJECTIVES The aim of the research described in this report is to provide dynamic material properties data for an inert, cast-cure, particulate composite comprising sucrose in a polymer matrix. This composite serves as a surrogate high explosive material. Furthermore, a non-linear viscoelastic constitutive model affecting the volumetric as well as the deviatoric components of stress and strain is introduced to describe the observed highly viscous behavior. 705 Model representations of the dynamic bulk material response are normally given by non-viscous (i.e., elastic or shock EOS) models with viscoelastic deviatoric stress and strain components. Such descriptions have been shown to be inadequate for describing the strain rate dependence of the stressstrain behavior (6). EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS Teflon seal was employed to eliminate extrusion of the composite between the stamp and the steel tube during compression. The results from representative confined compression tests are provided in Fig. 1. Engineering Stress vs. Strain (KS-32S) / o «J Material £0.15 The composite in this study is an hydroxyterminatedpolybutadiene (HTPB)-based, sucrose surrogate for the cast-cure, plastic bonded explosive KS-32 developed and marketed by DASA TDW in Schroebenhausen, Germany. The sucrose employed as the particulate filler was C&H brand sugar. Granular and powdered sugars were employed in even ratios. The compositions of KS32 and its inert counterpart, designated KS-32S, are provide in Table 1. TABLE 1. Composition of KS-32 and KS-32S______ Component Volume % KS-32 KS-32S (Wt%) (Wt%) HTPB 27.15 15 17.42 Filler 72.85 85HMX 82.58 Sucrose - Quasistatic (.00048 /sec) r Test 103 (53 /sec) - Test 110 (97 /sec) -Test 111 (107 /sec) 0 Confined Compression Tests Confined compression tests were performed at strain rates ranging from quasistatic to 107 sec"1. The tests were conducted in the same machine as the unconfined compression tests. The 26.4 mm diameter, 28.2 mm cylindrical test samples were placed in a heavy-walled steel tube and pressed using a stamp of the diameter as the test sample. A 706 0,1 0,15 Engineering Strain ( ) FIGURE 1. Engineering stress vs. engineering strain for KS32S at various strain rates. Key learnings from confined compression tests included: • • Unconfined Compression Test Uniaxial unconfined compression tests were conducted using a customized servohydraulic test system. Test samples were 50.3 mm diameter cylinders with lengths of 100.5 mm. They were instrumented with axial (HBM Type 20/120) and circumferential (HBM 50/120) strain gauges. The ratio of hoop strain to axial strain measured by these gauges provided a value for Poisson's ratio of 0.336. 0,05 • • • Nominal permanent strain (less than 0.5%) was induced in the test items even following tests at more than 15% strain. At low strain rates (up to 50 sec4) the slope of the stress-strain response of KS-32S varies directly with strain rate. At low strain rates, the stress-strain response for KS-32S is bi-linear. This is attributed to the binder dominant response at low strains and the filler dominant response at high strains. At high strain rates, the stress-strain response for KS-32S is mono-modal but non-linear. This was attributed largely to the observed viscoelasticity of the polymeric binder in another series of confined compression tests. At higher strain rates, the stress-strain response does not always vary directly with strain rate. This was attributed to mesoscale effects. As shown in Figure 2, post test inspection of a sample (Test 110) where this exceptional behavior occurred, revealed damage of the particulate filler. No discernible damage was observed in samples which conformed to the direct relationship between strain rate and the resulting stress strain relationship. The constants in Eq. (2) are v, E0 , t|, EI and K. Definitions/values for KS-32S are given in Table 2. TABLE 2. Non-Linear VE Model Parameters for KS32S Parameter Value Poisson's Ratio, v Young's Modulus, E0 (kPa) 0.336 69823 10 4xl05 1 T| Maxwell Coefficient, EI (kPa) Relaxation Time X (msec) Test 110KS-32S#10 (97 sec5) FIGURE 2. Micrographs (100X) of KS-32S: Fractured sugar crystals are visible in sample loaded at 97 sec4, Inverse Flyer Plate Impact Tests In the inverse flyer plate impact test, the sample being characterized and a backing plate comprising a well-characterized aluminum are accelerated using a compressed air or powder gun. As they exit the gun barrel, a carefully aligned witness plate is encountered. Impact velocity is measured by short circuiting pins. The rear surface velocity of the witness plate is measured using lasar interferometry. The shock EOS parameters for KS32S derived from these tests are given in Eq. (1). Us= 1553 + 3.45up (m/s) The first two parameters were determined directly from unconfined and confined compression tests, respectively. The remaining parameters were obtained from simulations of confined compression tests. The material model employing these parameters was implemented as a subroutine in the commerical hydrocode AUTODYN™. As implemented, up to four Maxwell elements may be employed. Here, only one element was used. Engineering Stress vs. Position for KS-32S (1) SIMULATIONS AND RESULTS This paper introduces a non-linear viscoelastic (VE) material model for polymer-based particulate composites. The strain rate dependence described by the model affects the volumetric components of stress cr and strain €kk as well as the deviatoric components eyD. As shown in Equation (2), the model is based on a Hookean description of an isotropic elastic material and a Maxwell description of viscoelasticity. The experimentally observed non-linearity of the stress-strain response is represented by a time t dependent compression term (current volume V(t) over initial volume V ) (7). 3(1-2v) 1 k J (2) Position (mm) FIGURE 4. Comparison of KS-32S confined compression test results and simulations with non-linear VE model The results of simulations for the confined compression test employing the parameters provided in Table 2 are shown in Figure 4 along with experimental results. The strain rate dependence of KS-32S observed experimentally for the quasistatic test and the test at 3.04 m/s (107 sec"1) is nicely replicated. The stiffness of the response at the intermediate strain rate condition was over predicted in the simulation. The results of simulations for the inverse flyer plate impact test using parameters for KS-32S are shown in Figure 5 along with experimental results from two different impact velocities. Also shown are results of 707 simulations employing the non-viscous shock EOS given in Equation (1). X-Velocity at Tail (mis) Free Surface Velocity vs. Time for KS-32S Shock EOS Non-Linear Viscoelastic Model —Test 2286 (417 mfe) —-Test 2238 (198 m/s) «-Shock EOS {417 m/s) —m- Shock EOS (198 m/s) E Model (417 m/s) E Model (198 m/s) Time (msec) FIGURE 6. Comparison of inverse impact penetrator test results with simulations employing non-linear viscoelastic model FIGURE 5. Experimental results (bold line) and simulations of inverse flyer plate tests at two different impact velocities using shock EOS (squares) and non-linear VE model (circles). The simulations with both models slightly under predict the free surface velocity corresponding to the Hugoniot state in the material (i.e., the first plateau) as well as subsequent release states. Still, the primary features of the velocity profiles are retained. VALIDATION OF NON-LINEAR VE MODEL Inverse impact penetration experiments were conducted to provide experimental data from a dynamic application representative of those for which a particulate composite material might be employed. A 60 mm x 60 mm cylindrical, pure aluminum target impacted a stationary penetrator at a velocity of 335 m/s. The C45 steel penetrator had a length of 150 mm and a diameter of 15 mm with an ogive radius of 60 mm. The fill cavity had a diameter of 12 mm, a depth of 120 mm, and a 3 mm conical internal tip. There was no liner material isolating the fill material from the penetrator casing. The tail end of the projectile was not sealed. The free surface velocity of the fill material was measured as a function of time using laser interferometry to monitor the position of a thin aluminum disk affixed to its surface. The experimental results for the measured free surface velocity of the KS-32S filler and the simulation results employing the non-linear viscoelastic material model are compared in Figure 6. 708 The simulation employing the viscoelastic material model provided a response similar to that measured in the experiments. CONCLUSIONS The dynamic mechancial response of a cast-cure particulate composite based on HTPB was described. A non-linear viscoelastic material model affecting the volumetric as well as the deviatoric stress-strain components has been introduced. The model has been shown to reproduce the results of material characterization experiments at strain rates ranging from quasistatic to 104 sec"1 and was validated in simulations of inverse penetrator impact tests without parameter fitting. Material characterization tests (also of aluminized compositions) at intermediate strain rates are prescribed. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 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