CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 DISCRETE ELEMENT MODELING FOR SHOCK PROCESSES OF HETEROGENEOUS MATERIALS Z. P. Tang and W. W. Wang University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Auhui, 230026, R R. China Discrete element method (DEM) is one of the new-concept numerical simulation methods under developing. In this paper, the theoretical advances of DEM achieved by this group have been presented. They include the dispersion and dissipation effects, which related to the element size, the nonlinear viscoelastic model and the gas phase element (GPE) model. Some typical simulation and experimental results at grain scale under shock loading are reported. Since DEM is not a well-developed method, particularly it does not have a systematic and strict mathematical proof for its theoretical basis, it can not guarantee the correction and accuracy of the simulation results. The limitation of DEM and the needs for further study are analyzed and discussed in this presentation. INTRODUCTION paper, some theoretical advances and applications achieved in this group more recently have been reported, such as the dispersion and dissipation effects related to the element size, the nonlinear viscoelastic modeling, and the gas phase element modeling, etc. However, DEM is far from perfection and is still under developing, its basic shortages will be discussed in the summary section. Discrete Element Method (DEM) is one of the new-concept numerical methods and has deep potential for further developing and application. Since DEM does not explicitly obey continuum equations, this method can be applied to investigate the complex processes and mechanisms, such as dynamic behaviors of discontinuous materials and multi-phase mixtures, local heterogeneity, large deformation and structural failure etc. The idea of using DEM for simulation of discrete media was proposed as early as the end of 1960s. Recently, Tang el a/lul have developed a 2-D meso-scale DEM theory called "DM2" (Discrete Meso-element Dynamic Method) and applied it to simulate the shock synthesis of powder mixture with chemical reaction. The simulated results reveal clearly the meso-scale processes and mechanisms of the mass mixing and hot spot forming during pore collapse, which initiate the chemical reaction. In that development, a criterion of time step was also derived to assure the stability of calculation. In this DISPERSION AND DISSIPATION OF DEM CALCULATION The discretization in space and time will cause the effect of dispersion and dissipation as DEM is used to simulate continuous media. Hence, there exits discrepancy between the calculated and analytical results. To find a general rule for better understanding and control of this effect, systematical investigation is necessary. Dispersion Effect for Dynamic Linear Elasticity 679 For an arbitrary element o in a 2D DEM system with triangular close packing crystalline, its movement obeys Newton's law as where w is the circular frequency, E is the Young's modulus, k is the wave number, r is the radius of element, and a is the angle of vector k respect to jc axis. The dispersion relations with the element radius r and the direction of k, based on Eqs. (2) and (3), are listed in Table 1. The dispersion is nonlinear. The cut-off frequency and different phase speed will induce the oscillation and dispersion of wave profiles. Reducing r can reduce dispersion, but will increase the element number in the system and the accumulation error. A suggested criterion for choosing element size will be: mUn = (1) VJ win; =!/,' where m is the mass of the element o, f \ is the interaction force of the element / applied to the element o, u is the displacement, x and jy are the axes. For linear elastic material and the assumption of harmonic wave, one can obtain the dispersion solution of Eq. (1) as follows^ 3 - (cos 20\ + 2 cos 0, cos Ql) ± r = xCQ/wM where C0 is the sound speed, WM is the estimated maximum frequency of the problem, and the (2) •^(cos 20, - cos 6>, cos 02 ) 2 + 3(sin 0, sin 0, ) 2 *,= (4) parameter K e (0,1). (3) TABLE 1. Dispersion along x and y Direction for Linear Elastic Triangle Close Packing Crystalline (Q= k J.X k//x Transverse wave w2 HW (Cut-off frequency) CP (Phase velocity) . kr sin 2 — Rr 0 ^ 2 V3C 2 Longitudinal wave r 2 (9-8sin Q s 2 r 4V2^/3r kr kr 2 r1 c0 VI Dispersion and Dissipation of DEM for Linear Viscoelastic Problem • "T ^t ', v/3C 2 2 V3C0 r \sm — kr\ S1 kr ^kr 2 ^/Jv-0 Co V3r Q ^-8sin^isinfi V3 . oirj 2 *" cm 2 Co •"" V3 gr yo o Longitudinal wave . Jlkr * r )sin 2 * r 2 2 V3C0 . . kr. |sm-| </3C 0 —— ^- Transverse wave 4pi/^ V3C 0 - •2 kr 2(C2+D2) Dynamic viscoelastic problem has the physical dispersion and dissipation. However, the effect of DEM may distort the real physical nature if the size of element is not properly chosen. After a series of derivation, it yields the following relations for a general Maxwell material 2(C2+D2) (7) 4C 680 (6) where k* and a * are the equivalent wave number and attenuation factor, E\ and r/ are the constants of the Ith Maxwell body in parallel, k* and a * trend to k and a of linear viscoelasticity as r (also j) approaches 0. By setting/=/ as the upper limit of/, it yields the upper boundary for element size as r 1 " — > (C,r,) 2 v / // max " " " / ; „ , = £, f exp(* It can be proved that there exists an iteration formula between the time steps n-1 and n for the hereditary integration of Eq. (12) as follows: <r]n} = exp(-— ) /o\0 x ? (12) (13) V ; Eq. (13) shows that it does not need to record and recalculate the whole history of time steps for a general Maxwell model. This can reduce lots of memory and CPU time. where C; = Ef / pQ . In practical calculation, r = *rmax, /ce(04). Simulation of ID Strain Waves in PBX DEM SIMULATION FOR NONLINEAR VISCOELASTIC MATERIALS PBX is cohered with HMX. Fig. 1 is the calculated result for the symmetric plate impact of 232m/s with the DEM. Eqs. (10)-(13) of the nonlinear viscoelastic model are adopted in the calculation. 3 Maxwell bodies are used in the model with the different relaxation times. The constitutive parameters used in the simulation are B = 9GPa, Constitutive Equations of Nonlinear Viscoelasticity and Algorithm of Hereditary Integral proposed a constitutive equation of nonlinear viscoelasticity called ZWT model as t-S^ . { fexp(——r o i = 2.4 (9) £/=0.067Gpa, E2 fexp( ^ where the first three terms on the right side represent the nonlinear elastic response and the last two integrals are the Maxwell bodies with the different relaxation times. This model has been successfully applied to predict the dynamic responses for various viscoelastic materials such as polymers, cements and composites. Based on the idea of ZWT model, we suggested a new nonlinear viscoelastic model including a term of nonlinear spring and a term of the general Maxwell body as a= T3 = QAjus. Fig. 1 shows that the calculated wave profiles fit the experimental result well. (10) FIGURE 1. Simulated ID strain wave profiles in PBX (dash line: calculated, solid line: experimental) 681 Meso-Scale Simulation of PBX Damage under Shock Compression Fig. 2 is the micro observation of PBX, in which the larger grains are the brittle HMX crystals. Experimental investigation reveals that PBX will be comminuted during shock compression, which could be called "compression damage." Fig. 3(a) is the initial configuration for the DEM simulation. The loading stress is 750 MPa applied upward at the bottom boundary. A brittle elastic model and a viscoelastic model with three Maxwell bodies in parallel were applied for the HMX elements (black) and the binder matrix elements (gray), respectively. Fig. 3 (b) and (c) show the evolution of cracks (small triangles in the figure) before the wave front reaches the free surface. The calculated stress fields demonstrate that there is no any tension state in the sample at those moments. Hence, the damage occurs definitely under the compression condition and is attributed to the shear effect. FIGURE 2. Micro-observation of PBX (a) Initial configuration for the DEM simulation GAS PHASE ELEMENT MODELING Basic Model for Gas Phase Element (GPE) The interaction between the GPEs can be described with the following equations of state p = Apr (polytropic gas) (b)t=15ns (14) (JWL) i(l——)exp(-* 2 v)R2v (c) t=27ns FIGURE 3. DEM simulation of the compression damage of PBX 05) where p is the pressure, p is the density, y is the adiabatic index, v is the relative volume, E0 is the specific internal energy, the other symbols are the material parameters. The big problem is how to determine the neighborhood relationship between GPEs, since they always have repulsive force each other whatever how far away they are. We made an assumption that two GPEs keep their neighborhood till the interaction force decreases to 1% of their initial value. Thus we can define this region as the "influence zone (IZ)". For polytropic gas with y =3 this distance is about 4.4 r for 2D case, where r is the radius of the GPE. Given a GPE, only those in its IZ can be its interaction neighbors. However, if there is an element between them, they will not be the link neighbors. Fig. 4 explains this relationship, where the element I inserted between C and D. Then C and D are not the interaction neighbors. We call 682 this as "screening effect (SE)". FIGURE 5. Experimental observation of the damage and surface ripples for an optical film under laser irradiation FIGURE 4. Gas phase element model (hollow circle), Solid circles are the elements of condensed phase. 0.0002 Simulation of the Optical Film Damage under Intensive Laser Irradiation 0 -0.0002 -0.0004 -0.01 The thickness and inclusions will greatly influence the property of an optical film. Fan et al[sl reported that an intensive laser pulse caused the explosion of inclusions and created craters and surface ripples for a 1.06 urn reflecting film (Fig. 5). The diameters of the laser spot and inclusions are about 300 and 201* m, respectively. The laser power density is 2.83xl0 10 W/cm2 and the duration time is 5 ns. The configuration for DEM simulation is shown in Fig. 6. The hollow circles in the middle are the GPEs. The inclusion turns into the plasma phase immediately after absorbing laser heat and the initial pressure calculated is about 5.11Gpa.[6] Figs. 6(c) and (d) show the forming of the crater and surface ripples. The diameter and depth of crater fit the experimental data perfectly. The calculated amplitude and wave length for ripples are about 10 nm and 18.6^m, respectively, assuming the film is melting or close to melting under laser irradiation. The calculated amplitude (IQnm) fits the -0.005 0 0.005 0.01 X(cm) (a) Initial configuration (b) Central part, the hollow circles in the middle are the GPEs 0.002 0 -0.01 -0.005 X(cm) (c) Calculated result at 27ns experimental datum (\0.\nm) quite well The calculated wave length is about the half of the experimental one (30.9//w). The possible reasons are that the simulation we did is 2D, the real case should be 3D; and the simulation configuration has the boundary effect. It is interested that the re-checking the experimental condition shows that the film temperature reached as high as 2000K due to the error of the thickness of the film. This temperature is beyond the melting point of the film material and confirms our assumption. (d) Calculated surface ripples at 40ns FIGURE 6. DEM simulated results of optical film SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION In this paper, some theoretical advances of DEM achieved by this group have been reported, such as 683 the dispersion and dissipation effects, which are related to the element size, the nonlinear viscoelastic modeling, and the gas phase element modeling. Some typical simulations are also presented and compared with the experiments. Other advances such as the quasi-static DEM and the development of 3D code will be published elsewhere due to the limited space here.[ 7'8] However, the DEM is a new method under developing and has lots of shortages. For example, the selection of the element size r seems arbitrary and artificial without a physical criterion. It corresponds to artificially introduce a characteristic length in the problem. What is the effect of this length on the accuracy of the calculation? No one answers. The interaction models between elements are arbitrary and artificial too and there is no experimental and/or theoretical proof on them. It is mainly depending on the experience at present. The orderly arrangement in DEM has the an-isotropic feature in nature and can not model the mechanical behavior for isotropic materials well, etc. Our research gives the element size dependent criterion of the time step determination theoretically,111 which guarantees the stability of numerical calculation. We have derived the limitation for element size from the dispersion relationship of wave propagation through a crystalline sites.[3] We also improved the method of checking the neighboring elements and reduced the CPU time and RAM greatly (from geometrical to almost linear relation).[9] However, comparing to the conventional numerical methods, particularly to FEM, the DEM method is far from maturity. 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