CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 EFFECTS OF INITIAL TEMPERATURE ON THE SHOCK AND RELEASE BEHAVIOR OF FILLED AND UNFILLED EPOXIES M. U. Anderson, R. E. Setchell, and D. E. Cox Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, 87185 Abstract. The shock and release behaviors of both alumina-filled and unfilled epoxies are examined in planar impact experiments over an initial temperature range of -50 to +70 C. The materials under investigation can be used as encapsulants in applications such as shock-activated pulsed power supplies. Characterizing the effect of initial temperature on their dynamic behavior under shock loading and subsequent release is part of a larger effort to develop predictive numerical models for the performance of these power sources. In the current study, transmitted waveforms were recorded using laser interferometry (VISAR) to examine initial temperature effects on the inelastic behavior in these materials. Current results, combined with the results of previous studies of these epoxies at ambient temperature, show a clear trend of increasing inelastic features in compressive waveforms with decreasing temperature. Temperature effects are more pronounced in the filled samples. In both cases, release wave speeds decrease with decreasing temperature. INTRODUCTION The materials we have examined include Epon 828 resin with 16.7% (by weight) Z hardener (2) and a 0.42 volume fraction of alumina filler, made with the mixing and curing procedures reported by Munson et al. (3). For simplicity, this material will be denoted by Fl in the text and figures that follow. A second filled epoxy, denoted by F2, uses Epon 826 resin (2), 25% (by weight) of an amine hardener mixture, and the same alumina volume fraction and curing process as Fl. Two unfilled epoxies, denoted by UF1 and UF2, have also been examined. UF1 epoxy is F2 without the alumina filler. UF2 epoxy is 828/DEA, consisting of Epon 828 resin (2) mixed with DEA (diethanolamine) hardener in a 100:12 weight ratio, and cured at 90°C for 16 hours. In ambient-temperature studies (1) we examined the dynamic response of epoxy samples using two types of planar-impact experiments conducted on a 63.5-mm diameter gas gun (Fig. 1). In reverseimpact experiments, epoxy samples backed by lowdensity carbon foam were mounted as projectile facings. The targets consisted of a 1.6-mm thick The shock-induced depoling of an encapsulated ferroelectric ceramic has been utilized for pulsed power generation for many years. More recently, interest in numerically simulating the operation of pulsed power devices has motivated a number of new experimental and theoretical efforts. The stress history experienced by a ferroelectric element during device operation is strongly affected by the shock compression and release properties of the surrounding encapsulant. However, only a limited data base is available for developing improved models for the dynamic response of these materials. Consequently, filled and unfilled epoxy encapsulants initially at ambient conditions were examined in a previous study (1). In the current study, we examine the differences in dynamic behavior under shock loading and subsequent release that result from varying the initial temperature. 669 polymeric solid polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), which led to the development of nonlinear fused-silica buffer followed by a 12.7-mm thick fused-silica window. A diffusely reflecting film of -54C(Ref.5) 20 C (Ref. 1) FUSED SILICA BUFFER/WINDOW EPOXY SAMPLE CARBON FOAM 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 PARTICLE VELOCITY (km/s) FIGURE 2. Hugoniot data for filled and unfilled epoxy, with initial temperature effects shown for filled epoxy Fl (5). \ FUSED SILICA FIGURE 1. Configurations for reverse-impact and transmittedwave experiments at ambient temperature. aluminum was deposited at the interface, and a dualdelay VISAR system was used to record the particle velocity history at this location. The well-known elastic properties of fused silica were used in a method-of-characteristics calculation to find the corresponding particle velocity history at the impact interface. The final value of particle velocity at this interface, the corresponding axial stress given by fused silica properties, and the measured impact velocity provide a direct measurement of an epoxy Hugoniot state. Examples of Hugoniot data obtained in this fashion are shown in Fig. 2. In transmitted-wave experiments, fused silica was impacted into a stationary epoxy target backed with a fused silica buffer and window. Impact conditions were nominally the same as in the reverse-impact experiments. Typical wave profiles after shock waves had propagated through 6-mm thick unfilled and filled epoxy samples are shown in Fig. 3. The final shock pressure in both cases was approximately 1.6 GPa. The unfilled sample shows an initial shock followed by a progressively slower increase as an equilibrium state is approached. This profile is very similar to those observed in the 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 TIME (MCROSECONDS) FIGURE 3. Transmitted waveforms in 6-mm thick, unfilled (UFl) and filled (F2) epoxy samples at ambient temperature (1). viscoelastic material models (4). The filled sample shows an extended rise time and more pronounced rounding, characteristic of strongly dispersive behavior. Waveforms in this material were first recorded by Munson et al. (3), who modeled their results using a rate-dependent formulation for a Maxwell solid. Initial temperature variations were not explicitly addressed in this formulation nor in the nonlinear viscoelastic modeling. Initial temperature effects on the Fl shock Hugoniot between approximately 0.5 and 6.0 GPa were examined by Lee et al. (5). Quartz pressure transducers located behind projectile facings were used to determine impact stresses in cooled and heated Fl targets. At -54 C they found that the shock pressure at a given particle velocity was 670 bonding fused silica windows resulted in cracking of the window due to large tensile stresses that developed during target cooling. To avoid this difficulty, a "floating-window" technique was developed for cold experiments. The floatingwindow design is shown in Fig. 5. higher than the ambient value by an amount that decreased from 10% to less than 4% as shock pressures increased. Conversely, at +74 C shock pressures were lower than ambient values by similar amounts. Initial density variation over this temperature range is less than ± 0.2%. Polynomial fits to these results are included with the ambienttemperature Hugoniot data in Fig. 1. "FLOA TING- EPOXY SAMPLE FUSED SILICA BUFFER/WINDOW / TARGET DESIGN FOR COLD AND HOT EXPERIMENTS II n <4—— 1 / 1 SPRING-LOADED PLATE ——^ VISAR i ia -^"••••"•r -..____ The focus of the present study was to examine how propagated wave structures depended on initial temperature. Preliminary experiments were conducted with target configurations that utilized high-impedance sapphire buffer/windows, which previously had been used successfully in cold experiments on high-impedance ceramics. Figure 4 shows profiles obtained in this fashion using Fl samples, with other experimental conditions matching those used for the profiles in Fig. 3. A more dispersive response is apparent for the cold VACUUM GREASE i il^"C s THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE GREASE 1 1 COPPER FLOW CHANNEL \ ALUMINUM TARGET CUP FIGURE 5. "Floating" fused-silica window design. Target heating results in compressive stresses in bonded fused silica windows, and normal potting procedures could be followed for high-temperature experiments. A modified NESLAB ULT-80 recirculating heat exchanger was used to flow either denatured ethanol or distilled water through the copper flow channel for cold or hot experiments, respectively. Three thermocouples imbedded into the epoxy samples near their outer radius were used to continuously monitor sample temperature. RESULTS -0.1 0.0 0.1 02 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 TIME (MICROSECONDS) 0.7 0.8 0.9 Measured waveforms from transmitted wave experiments on unfilled epoxy samples (UF2) at different initial temperatures are shown in Fig. 6. The nominal impact velocity was 0.547 km/s, resulting in a final shock pressure of 1.63 GPa for the 20 C case. The most apparent effect of initial temperature is the significant reduction in release wave speed with decreasing temperature. The transition amplitude between the initial shock front and the following viscoelastic relaxation to an equilibrium state also decreases with decreasing initial temperature, as seen in Fig. 7. The time scale in this figure is expanded compared to Fig. 6. 1.0 FIGURE 4. Transmitted waveforms in 6-mm thick filled epoxy samples (Fl), recorded using sapphire windows. temperature case. The impedance mismatch between sapphire and alumina-filled epoxy is large, however, resulting in a strong compressive wave reflected back into the epoxy sample that complicates interpretation of observed waveforms. A better window choice is fused silica, which provides a much closer impedance match to the epoxy samples. Unfortunately, the coefficient of thermal expansion of fused silica is very small compared to most other materials. Initial attempts at 671 Measured waveforms from transmitted wave experiments on alumina-filled epoxy samples (F2) at different initial temperatures are shown in Fig. 8. the 20 C case. As indicated in the preliminary experiments using sapphire windows (Fig. 4), a more dispersive behavior is apparent as initial temperature is reduced. Even the high temperature experiment shows only dispersive behavior, with no shock front present. Release speeds are observed to decrease with temperature, as in the unfilled epoxy. SUMMARY 0.00 -0.20 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 The shock response of both unfilled and filled epoxies show increasingly inelastic features as temperature is reduced. The unfilled epoxies display viscoelastic features, and release speeds decrease with decreasing temperature. Filled epoxies show highly dispersive behavior, with no elastic regime. Release speeds also decrease with decreasing temperature. These results show the need for incorporating temperature dependence in dynamic response models for these materials. 2.00 TIME (MCROSBCONDS) FIGURE 6. Transmitted waveforms in 6-mm thick unfilled epoxy samples (UF2). 0.25 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 The authors would like to thank Howard Arris and Doug Adolf of Sandia for the epoxy samples. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. 0.20 TIME (MICROSECONDS) FIGURE 7. Wave fronts from Fig. 6 shown on an expanded time scale. REFERENCES 1. Anderson, M. U., Setchell, R. E., and Cox, D. E., "Shock and Release Behavior of Filled and Unfilled Epoxies", in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1999, edited by M. D. Furnish et al, AIP Conference Proceedings 505, New York, 2000, pp. 551-554. 2. Registered products of Shell Chemical Company. 3. Munson, D. E., Boade, R. R. and Schuler, K. W., J. Appl Phys. 49, 4797-4807 (1978). 4. Schuler, K. W. and Nunziato, J. W., Rheol. Acta 13, 265-273 (1974). 5. Lee, L. M., Jenrette, B. D. and Greb, A., Air Force Weapons Laboratory Report AFWL-TR-87-133 (1987). 0.16^ [ 0.14: '0.12 > 0.10 - ; o.os: : 0.06: » : 0.04 0.02: 0.00 -02 0.0 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 12 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 22 2.4 2.6 TIME (MCROSECONDS) FIGURE 8. Transmitted waveforms in 6-mm thick filled epoxy samples (F2). The nominal impact velocity was 0.357 km/s, resulting in a final shock pressure of 1.74 GPa for 672
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