CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 THERMAL ACTIVATION CONSTITUTIVE MODEL FOR POLYMERS APPLIED TO POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE Frank J. Zerilli and Ronald W. Armstrong* Research and Technology Department, Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division, Indian Head, MD 20640-5035 Abstract. A constitutive model with a thermal activation plastic component combined with a Maxwell-Weichert linear viscoelastic component was applied to describe the dynamic elastic and plastic stress-strain behavior of polytetrafluoroethylene as a function of temperature, strain rate, and pressure. The linear viscoelastic component that describes the small strain behavior is given an explicit temperature dependence through Arrhenius-like temperature dependent relaxation times. The Arrhenius activation energies also include a linear pressure dependence. In the plastic component, the shear activation volume is taken to be inversely proportional to the shear stress and both the shear and dilatational activation volumes are functions of pressure. Strain hardening in the plastic component is described through the creation and destruction of flow units as defined by Kauzmann. INTRODUCTION crystalline polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) as functions of temperature, pressure, and strain rate. The PTFE in this study is assumed to have a density of 2.15 g cm"3 which would fix the degree of crystallinity in the range of 55-60 %, depending on the concentration of micro voids. We describe an equation which addresses the temperature, strain-rate, and pressure dependence of a stress-strain relation that is applicable to polymers. Brittleness and cracking associated with strain-rate, temperature, and pressure effects are not addressed. It is assumed that the strain-rates and temperatures are in the range in which creep and long-term relaxation effects are negligible. Experimental evidence indicates that most, if not all, of the apparent plastic deformation is recoverable, given enough time or high enough temperature. This recovery is not treated here. The model is three dimensional but isotropic. The total strain is divided into a viscoplastic part and a viscoelastic part. The viscoplastic part is described by a non-linear thermal activation dashpot similar to that described by Eyring (1), and the viscoelastic part is described in terms of a MaxwellWeichert linear viscoelasticity (2). The equations are shown to describe the major features of the reported stress-strain curves of semi- POLYMER CONSTITUTIVE EQUATION: VISCOPLASTIC COMPONENT The thermal activation model was described previously (3). It is assumed that the materials are isotropic, that there is no dependence on the third stress invariant, that the pressure volume of activation is a function of pressure only, and that the effective stress activation volume depends inversely on the effective stress. The strain hardening (4) is described abstractly in terms of units offlow as defined by Kauzmann (5). In Kauzmann's definition, units of flow are the "structures in a body whose motions past one another make up the unit shear stress process ... ". 'Present Address: Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB, Florida 32542-5910 657 TABLE 2. Maxwell-Weichert parameters for the initial linear viscoelastic deformation of PTFE. TABLE 1. Parameters for the viscoplastic deformation of PTFE. 1 £0pa(MPa) £<)Pb 2.01 x lO"2 2.64 x lO'4 4.78 x lO'3 5.02 x lO-5 -8.2 -0.625 -7.0 x 10'3 4016 2.0x1 0'2 0.714 72.4 2.2x1 0-2 A)pn 0.5 Po(K - ) 1 P i ( K- ) -1) 1 Hi ^fV - ) _, fir cob WpCMPa 1 ) £pa(MPa) Bpb #pn k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ii of // 2q| 2G2| ~J p ' „ f B = B er(1 + B b^' .p) Qpn o'^ (4) POLYMER CONSTITUTIVE EQUATION: VISCOELASTIC COMPONENT A Maxwell-Weichert model is used to describe the initial viscoelastic stress. This model is placed in series with the non-linear dashpot described by Eq. (1) above, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The total deformation rate is divided into viscoelastic and viscoplastic parts, and the viscoelastic deformation rate has an elastic and a viscous component. The equations for the stress deviators may be written down by inspection of Fig. 1 and are not reproduced here. For many polymers, the bulk response is nonlinearly elastic with negligible viscosity. In this case, the trace of the total stress and deformation rates are related by an - 3A:(e..)e.. v(5) ^ ir ii ' Following Bergstrom's analysis for dislocations in iron (6), the total flow unit density may be related to the plastic strain by a differential equation describing the mobilization and immobilization of flow units. The resulting viscoplastic component of the deformation is described by the equation a = Be~^T + Bj(l- e'^/co e~aT n) v / where the quantities Bpa, Bpb, Bpn, B0pa, B0pb, B0pn are constants. FIGURE 1. Maxwell-Weichert linear visco-elasticity plus thermal activation non-linear viscoplasticity. (1) where P = P0 - 4.2x1 0'6 #<>k(K) 2338 10740 9640 5920 22920 1160 2320 1106 where coa, cob, cop are constants. The pressure dependence for the coefficients B and B0 is |f)(e)|(e). \ fT "T5S r> * a = aQ - 2.7x1 0'5 2.1xlO'5 co = coa + cojne + cojrp o a 2Gn| *Yr T()k (sec) 1.7xlO'7 2.2xlO'17 5.1xiO'12 4.6xlO'9 4.1xlO'18 for PTFE, co, the flow unit mobilization rate, depends approximately linearly on the pressure p and logarithmically on the strain rate 8, so we choose G ^ Gk (MPa) 950 350 90 100 40 200 200 200 (2) and, neglecting their potential pressure dependence, po, P1? a0, d] are constants. From the experimental data 658 PTFE, 64% CRYSTALLINITY 1000 CO Q 100 o s .V- 10 Data, 1 Hz, McCrum Maxwell-Weichert Model 0.0 200 300 400 500 600 TEMPERATURE (K) FIGURE 2. Fit of Maxwell-Weichert model with eight components to storage shear modulus data for 64% crystallinity PTFE at 1 Hz (Ref. 13). The data cover the temperature range from 4.2 K to the melting point at 600 K. 0 100 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 TRUE TOTAL STRAIN 0.6 FIGURE 3. Total stress-strain calculated with viscoelastic/plastic model and the parameters in Tables 1 and 2, compared with split Hopkinson pressure bar data reported by Walley and Field (Ref. 10) for PTFE. where K is a volume and temperature dependent bulk modulus. The relaxation times, ik = \/2Gk, have a temperature and pressure dependence given by (6) where the activation energies (in units of temperature) are H k = H ok + A PkP ' (?) APPLICATION TO POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 TRUE TOTAL STRAIN PTFE has an unusually complicated phase diagram with four crystalline forms and a liquid phase (7). The amorphous part of the material has several glass-like transition temperatures, designated a, p, and y by McCrum (8). It also exhibits significant non linear viscoelastic behavior down to small strains of the order of 1% (9). Most of the experimental constitutive data for PTFE used for the analysis in this work lies in the temperature and pressure range in which the crystal is triclinic and the amorphous material is above the y transition and below the p transition. The parameters for use in the constitutive equation were obtained by analyzing results reported by a number of investigators: compressive split Hopkinson FIGURE 4. Total stress-strain calculated with viscoelastic/plastic model and the parameters in Tables 1 and 2, compared with split Hopkinson pressure bar data reported by Gray (Ref. 11) for PTFE. pressure bar stress-strain curves at a number of strainrates reported by Walley and Field (10), Hopkinson bar data at a number of temperatures and strain-rates determined by Gray (11), and tensile stress-strain data at various superposed hydrostatic pressures reported by Sauer and Pae (12). The parameters derived from these data are given in Table 1. An eight component Maxwell-Weichert model was used for the viscoelastic part, with the moduli, relaxation times, and activation energies, G, T , H , respectively, chosen to give a 659 activation volume for thermally activated flow. The upward curvature of the strain hardening curve is accounted for by a pressure and strain rate dependent rate of immobilization of flow units. The model does not describe long term relaxation or creep effects. Due to the inclusion of pressure dependence, it is expected to predict the difference in stress between compressive and tensile loading. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 0.0 0,2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 TRUE TOTAL STRAIN This work was principally supported by the NSWC In-House Laboratory Independent Research Program with partial support from the Office of Naval Research. Additional partial support was provided by NSWC for Ronald Armstrong. Appreciation is also expressed to G. T. Gray, III, for providing us his Hopkinson bar data on PTFE in advance of publication. 1.2 FIGURE 5. Total stress-strain calculated with viscoelastic/plastic model and the parameters in Tables 1 and 2, for different pressures, compared with tensile test data reported by Sauer and Pae (Ref. 12). reasonably good match to the shear storage modulus and logarithmic decrement vs. temperature data at 1 Hz published by McCrum (13). As illustrated in Fig. 2 for the storage modulus, the match is good except at the highest temperatures near the melting point. For the purpose of the comparisons presented here, it was assumed that PTFE is incompressible, so that the effective elastic (Young's) moduli, Ek, are three times the shear moduli, Gk. This is a good approximation because PTFE's bulk modulus is significantly larger than its shear modulus. The viscoelastic pressure volume of activation A REFERENCES 1. Eyring, H.,7. Chem. Phys. 3,107 (1935);4,283 (1936). 2. Tschoegl, N. W., "The Phenomenological Theory of Linear Viscoelastic Behavior", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989, p. 158. 3. Zerilli, F. J., and Armstrong, R. W., in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter — 1999, edited by M. D. Furnish, L. C. Chhabildas, and R. S. Hixon, AIP Conference Proceedings 505, New York, 2000, pp. 531 ff 4. Zerilli, F. J. and Armstrong, R. W., J. Phys. IVFrance 10, 3 (2000). 5. Kauzmann, W., Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Eng. 143, 57(1941). 6. Bergstrom, Y., Mater. Sci. and Eng. 5,193-200 (1970). 7. Flack, H. D.,J. Polymer Science A-2 W, 1799(1972). 8. McCrum, N. G., Read, B. E., and Williams, G., Anelastic and Dielectric Effects in Polymeric Solids, Wiley, New York, 1967. 9. Thomas, D. A., Polymer Eng. and Sci. 9, 415 (1969). 10. Walley, S. M., and Field, J. E., DYMAT Journal 1,211227, Fig. 2o (1994). 11. Gray, G. T., Ill, in Proc. Plasticity '99, Seventh Int. Symp. on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, edited by A. S. Khan, Neat Press, Fulton, Maryland, 1998. 12. Sauer, J. A., and Pae, K. D., Colloid & Polymer Sci. 252,680(1974). 13. McCrum, N. G., J. Polymer Sci. 34, 355 (1959). was assumed to have the same value for each Maxwell element. It was set at a value of 4.0 K/MPa so that the calculated initial slope of the stress-strain curve would match that of the data of Sauer and Pae. Figures 3 - 5 show the complete stress-strain curves calculated with the parameters in Tables 1 and 2 compared to the reported experimental data. CONCLUSION A constitutive equation has been developed that describes reasonably well the effective stress for viscoplastic flow in PTFE in uniaxial dynamic tension tests as a function of strain, strain rate, temperature. A key element of this analysis is the assumption of the inverse stress dependence of the 660
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