CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 THE DEVIATORIC RESPONSE OF AN EPOXY RESIN TO ONE-DIMENSIONAL SHOCK LOADING N.K. Bourne, J.C.F. Millett, N. Barnes*, I. Belcher* Royal Military College of Science, Cranfield University, Shrivenham, Swindon, SN6 8LA, UK. *AWE, Aldermaston, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 4PR, UK. Abstract. In a previous paper, it was shown that an experiment might be designed to simultaneously measure the stress-particle velocity and the shock velocity-particle velocity properties of an impacted solid. It was shown that in an epoxy, the Hugoniot and the hydrostat diverged which was suggested might be due to variations in shear strength with increasing longitudinal stress. In this paper, this issue is investigated further by embedding manganin stress gauges in such orientation that they are sensitive to the lateral component of the stress during the one-dimensional shock loading. From measured lateral and known longitudinal stresses, shear strengths are calculated. Results show that this increases with increasing shock stress amplitude. It has also been noticed that behind the shock front at higher stresses, there is a significant decrease in lateral stress. Such behaviour has been observed before in polymethylmethacrylate where it was suggested that this was due to the viscoeleastic/plastic nature of the material. It would thus seem likely that epoxy resins behave in a similar fashion. INTRODUCTION within errors, the Hugoniot curves of three different epoxies using different hardeners were identical. They took this as an indication that the degree of cross-linking according to the different hardeners had little effect upon the compressibility at high stresses. Carter and Marsh (7) also showed that, in common with many other polymers, epoxy underwent a change in slope in the shock velocity-particle velocity (£/s-«p), in this case at ca. 25 GPa. In a previous paper (8), the Hugoniot of an epoxy system was investigated, measuring both stress and shock velocities. It was shown that the Hugoniots determined in stress-particle velocity and shock velocity-particle velocity space were, within errors, effectively identical to previous investigations (7). One interesting feature occurred when comparison of the directly measured Hugoniot (stress-particle velocity) to the hydrodynamic curve was attempted. The hydrodynamic curve was calculated from the shock velocity from the relation, The response of polymeric materials to highstrain-rate and shock loading has been of increasing interest over the past few years. They are used as binder systems for both inert composites used as structural materials in the aerospace and automotive industries and in reactive materials such as polymer bonded explosives. In the latter situation, these materials need to be understood as they can experience temperature cycling during their operation lifetime, and sudden loading due to accidents during handling. With the exception of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) (1), which is used as a window material for interferometric measurements in shock experiments, the behaviour of polymers, under shock loading is not well understood. Epoxies have been investigated as binders in composite systems by a number of workers (2-5), but the available data on the shock properties of bulk epoxies is not extensive. Munson and May (6) demonstrated, that 649 of 0.33. The shock parameters (CQ and S) were 2.58 mm jis"1 and 1.47 (7). (1) where crx is the stress and p0 is the density, clear differences were noted between the Hugoniot and hydrodynamic curve, as particle velocity increased. In that work, it was suggested that this may be due to an increase in shear strength (T), since this defines the offset of the Hugoniot from the hydrostrat (P), thus, ax=p+-r. 3 Ffyer (2) It is the intention of this paper to investigate this hypothesis by directly measuring the shear strength through the direct measurement of the lateral stress. FIGURE 1. Specimen configuration and gauge placement. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Plate impact experiments were performed on a 5 m long, 50 mm bore, single-stage gas gun. Specimens were aligned to better than 1 mrad using an adjustable specimen mount. Impact velocities were measured to an accuracy of ca. 0.1% by the shorting of sequentially mounted pairs of pins. Lateral stresses were measured by sectioning 75 mm x 75 mm x 10 mm thick tiles of epoxy and introducing manganin stress gauges (MicroMeasurements type J2M-SS-380SF-025) 2 mm from the impact face. The sample was reassembled using a low viscosity epoxy adhesive, and holding in a specimen jig for approximately 12 hours. The impact face of each sample was lapped flat to within 5 optical fringes. Lateral stresses were determined from the raw gauge data using the methods of Rosenberg and Partom (9), using a modified analysis that does not require prior knowledge of the impact stress (10). 5 mm flyer plates of dural (aluminium alloy 6082-T6) and copper were impacted onto the targets at such velocities so as to induce stresses in the range 0.5 to 3.5 GPa. The specimen configuration and gauge placement are shown in Fig. 1. The material properties of the epoxy investigated in this paper were- density 1.14 g cm"3, longitudinal sound speed (CL) 2.38 mm jas"1, shear sound speed (cs) 1.20 mm us"1 and a Poisson's ratio The measured Hugoniot and the hydrodynamic curve of this epoxy are shown in Fig. 2. It has been included so that it may act as a reference for the following deductions. 4 3.5 Typical Error 3 £2.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Particle Velocity (mm ys"1) Figure 2. The shock Hugoniot of this epoxy resin. The curve is the hydrodynamic curve constructed from equation 1, with measured values of c0 and S of 2.6 mm ^is"1 and 1.5. As has been noted in the introduction, the hydrodynamic curve (calculated from equation 1 is significantly lower than the data itself, especially at 650 impact stress. This has been calculated using equation 3, with the lateral stress taken from the gauge traces at the arrows shown in Fig 3. higher stresses. It has been suggested previously (8) that this is due to an increasing shear strength. As an independent measurement of the shear strength as a function of stress, lateral gauges were embedded to track the shock. Lateral stress gauge traces are shown in Fig. 3. 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Longitudinal Stress (GPa) J/T 0.48 G 0.5" l" 1. .5 2 2.5 3 FIGURE 4. Shear strength of epoxy resin. The straight line fit represents the elastic behaviour according to equation 4. 3.5 Time (ps) The straight line is an elastic trend deduced using the relations FIGURE 3. Lateral gauge traces in epoxy resin. The histories at the two lower stress have a rather shorter pulse length than the upper two since 5 mm dural flyer plates were used compared to the higher traces where 5 mm copper flyers (with a lower wave speed) were used. All the traces rise in ca. 100 ns which is to be expected given their active width of 240 urn. Also observe that at 1.95 GPa and above, lateral stress drops significantly behind the shock front before the arrival of the release wave. This may be interpreted as strengthening behind the shock front given the shear strength is expressed in terms of the longitudinal (crx) and lateral stresses ayy = - _ 1-v 1-v (4) It can be seen that all but the lower datum point lay below the predicted behaviour according to the elastic response defined by equation 4. However, there is still a significant increase in shear strength with increasing longitudinal stress. Similar behaviour has been noted in PMMA (12, 13) as well, and thus needs explanation. Such behaviour is also common in metallic systems, where dislocation generation has been proposed as a mechanism (14). Thus it is possible that some sort of microstructural rearrangement such as increased cross-linking between the polymer chains may be responsible. However, a precise explanation of the hardening mechanism in this and other polymers has yet to be determined, and as such further work is necessary. (Oy), (3) Such behaviour has been observed before in PMMA, both by Gupta and Gupta (11), and Millett and Bourne (12) who noted that this occurred both above and below the quoted Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL) of 0.75 GPa. Here it was suggested that this was a manifestation of the viscoelastic/viscoplastic behaviour of PMMA. Thus it would appear that epoxy is showing similar features. Finally, in Fig. 4, the shear strength of epoxy, measured in this manner, is plotted against the CONCLUSIONS The shear strength of an epoxy resin has been determined with the use of laterally mounted manganin stress gauges. At higher stresses, it has been observed that lateral stress decreases 651 10. Millett, J.C.F., Bourne, N.K. and Rosenberg, Z. J. Phys. D, Applied Physics 29 (1996) 2466-2472. 11. Gupta, S.C. and Gupta, Y.M. J. Appl Phys. 57 (1985) 2464-2473. 12. Millett, J.C.F. and Bourne, N.K. J. Appl, Phys, 88 (2000) 7037-7040. 13. Bat'kov, Y.V., Novikov, S.A. and Fishman, N.D.,, in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 1995, S.C. Schmidt and W.C. Tao, Editors. 1996, AIP Press: Seattle, WA. p. 577-580. 14. Miliett, J.C.F., Bourne, N.K. and Rosenberg, Z. J.Appl Phys 81 (1997) 2579-2583. significantly behind the shock front, and thus the shear strength increases, in a manner similar to PMMA. It would seem possible that this is in response to the viscoplastic nature of the material. It has also been observed that shear strength increases markedly with increasing impact stress. This agrees with the comparison of the measured Hugoniot stresses and the hydrostatic pressures. An increasing difference between the hydrodynamic curve and the Hugoniot as particle velocity increases, suggests that the offset of the Hugoniot from the hydrostat (the shear strength) is also increasing. The mechanisms that give rise to these observed effects remain to be fully elucidated. The decrease in lateral stress under the higher impact conditions of this experiment suggests a recovery which may be due to the rotation of polymer units in the shocked polymer. The effects that give rise to hardening behaviour are more difficult to consider. One possible cause may be the pressure and temperature dependence of the shear modulus. Such measurements are planned in further work to elucidate the operating mechanisms. REFERENCES 1. Barker, L.M. and Hollenbach, R.E. J, Appl Phys, 41 (1970) 4208-4226. 2. Munson, D.E., Boade, R.R. and Schuler, K.W. /. Appl Phys. 49 (1978) 4797-4807. 3. Chhabildas, L.C. and Swegle, J.W. J. Appl Phys. 53 (1982) 954-956. 4. Zhuk, A.Z., Kanel, G.I. and Lash, A.A. /. Phys. IV France Colloq. C8 (DYMAT94) 4 (1994) 403-407. 5. Thissell, W.R., Zurek, A.K. and Addessio, F., in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 1995, S.C. Schmidt and W.C. 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