CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Hone © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 ON THE DEPENDENCE OF THE YIELD STRENGTH OF METALS ON TEMPERATURE AND STRAIN RATE. THE MECHANICAL EQUATION OF THE SOLID STATE Pietro Paolo Mil el I a ANPA, Agenzia Nazionale per la Protezione Ambientale, via K Brancati, 48, 00144 Rome, Italy Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present a new constitutive equation (CE) based on the experimental results obtained by the author on different carbon steels and those available in the open literature on carbon steels, niobium ant titanium at different temperatures (-200 to 300 °C) and strain rates (10~4 to 5000 s"1), as well. The equation stems from the experimental evidence that for BCC alloys, tested at low strain rates, the trend of the yield strength ay is linear, when plotted in a lnay versus l/T scale, independently of the strain rate applied, that determines the relative slope. Moreover, all trends at different strain rates point towards a lower common value that represents the lower athermal component of the yield strength. Increasing the strain rate, the trend remains linear, but the lines merge in a new common upper point, at very low temperature, that represents the upper athermal component of the yield strength. This initial formulation, valid for BCC metals, has been revisited to consider metals other than BCC, i.e. HCP. The result is a unified equation of the solid state. axis. This leads to a formulation of a constitutive equation (CE): LOW STRAIN RATE BEHAVIOR To assess the effect of the strain rate £ on the response of metals and how this effect depends on temperature we will start to analyse BCC lattice materials in the low strain rate range. To this purpose, we will consider, as first, two particular steels: A 533 B and A 508 C13, used in the nuclear industry for pressure vessels. The present analysis is based on data obtained by Kanninen et al [1] and by the author [2]. As to A 533B steel, figure 1 presents the results obtained by Kanninen (solid points) plotted in a lnay versus l/T diagram, together with the corresponding best-fit lines, where ay is the lower yield strength. It shall be seen the characteristic linear trend that is kept at all strain rates considered, from the quasi-static application of the load, £ =10"3 s1, to the dynamic ones: namely 0.1,1.0 and 530 s"1. Even more interesting is the finding that all lines in fig. 1 point back to the same intersection^ with they D lnoyv = A + — (D 6,4- 6,2- 6,0 0,001 0,002 0,003 0,004 0,005 1/T (1/K) FIGURE 1. Trend of lnay vs l/T in A 533B steel at four different strain rates and five temperatures. 642 were particular to steels, a completely different BCC metal was chosen, namely annealed niobium. The experimental data used were obtained by Campbell and Briggs [4J. The metal was tested at -73 °C, -23 °C and room temperature at four different, very low to low strain rates: 0.00016 s"1, 0.0016 s"l and 0.008 s"1, respectively. The results are shown in figure 3. Again, the linear trend is maintained at all in which A is an invariant, i.e., independent of the strain rate e, and B a characteristic of the material that depends on s. For the steel considered, A 533B, these intersections yield ~ 5.9 and, therefore, eq. 1 in its explicit form becomes: - 365 (2) 6,0- This finding, that all lines merge to the same point, means that the effect of strain rate is less and less pronounced as the temperature increases, as if temperature would wash out the strain rate effect. A testing program was run by the author on a second steel: A508BC13. This steel is quite similar to A533B, besides it is used for forging applications. Three strain rate were selected, namely 0.0001 s"1, representative of a quasi-static condition, 500 s"1 and 1500 s"1. The results relative to the two lower strain rates are shown in figure 2. Again, it can be seen the 5,5- 5,0- 0,0030 0,0035 0,0040 0,0045 0,0050 0,0055 1/T (1/ K) 7,0 FIGURE 3. Trend of lnav vs IIT in niobium at different strain 6,8 strain rates and the lines seem to converge towards a common point, whose value is -3.6. 6,664 ' " BCC METAL CONSTITUTIVE EQUATION 6,2 The linear nature of the lnay versus IIT at all the strain rate s considered, opens a new issue about the relationship between the slope of the lines and the value of the applied s. Let's plot the slopes B of the four straight lines of fig. 1 versus the natural logarithm of the strain rate, In s, which they refer to. This can be seen in figure 4. The surprising result is another straight line whose equation is: 6,05,8 0,000 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 0,010 0,012 0,014 1/T (1/K) FIGURE 2. Trend of lnay vs 1/T in A 508 C13 steel at different strain rates and temperatures. linear trend at both strain rates and the merging toward a common point at ln(a$ - 5.9. A second experimental program was run by the author on a different steel: A 537 Cll, aluminium killed. Twelve tests have been run at three different temperatures and four strain rates. The temperatures selected were 300 °C, RT and -100 °C, respectively. The four strain rates ranged from 10"3 s4 to 103 s"1. Once again, the trend of lnay vs IIT was linear at all the strain rates considered and the best fit lines merged towards a common value equal to ~ 5.5 [3]. At this point, in order to check whether or not the findings B = 120 + 7.3-//I* (3) This means that the parameter B in eq. 2 depends on the strain rate s in a linear fashion with In s. We can, then, introduce in eq. 2 the analytical expression (3) of the parameter B and get: = 365-(e uo/T 643 (4) lower and upper merging point. To verify this, new strain rate s were investigated for two of the steels previously considered in this analysis, namely A508BC13 and A533B. Twelve specimens of A508B C13 were prepared and tested at ~ 1500 s"1 at ten different temperatures, namely -70, -50, -30, -10, 0, 20, 40, 50, 80 and 130 °C. The results are shown in figure 4, together with the previously found ones obtained at 10"4 and 500 s"1. Effectively, the trend remains linear, but the slope decreases. A new point of convergence is reached at about -200° C, According to the considerations previously done, this point shall represent the upper limit of the yield strength that is thermally independent. Its value is about 2300 MPa. Same results were found for the A 533 B steel, that was tested at 5000 and 900 s"1. The results are shown in figure 5. in which the constant C was given the previously found value of 365 MPa. Eq. (4) represents the mechanical equation of the solid state for the steel considered: A 533 B. The same linear trend can be observed on A 537 Cll steel and niobium whose CE are: (5) a y = respectively. For a generic BCC metal, for which the parameter B will take the most general form: B = D + E-lns (6) eq. 2 will be written as: a - (7) with C, D and E to be determined experimentally with the procedure just mentioned. It is clear that to determine the three parameters C, D and E, a minimum of three data points is necessary. HIGH STRAIN RATE BEHAVIOR The previous considerations, though interesting, yet leave elements of uncertainty. At both very low and very high dislocation velocities, the drag-stress exerted by its atmosphere has to be temperature independent. In fact, at extremely high velocities an atmosphere of solute atoms should not exist any more, eliminating the temperature dependence of the yield strength. These facts, lead to the conclusion that at very high strain rates it is not the temperature to wash out the strain rate effect, but the opposite and at sufficiently high strain rate, resulting in extremely high dislocation velocity, only a thermal independent component of the yield strength must exist that appears as a flat, horizontal line in a ln(a$ versus l/T space. This actually means that, by increasing the strain rate beyond a certain value, the trend shown in figs 1, 2 and 3 must reverse. Now the lines, if they still remain straight, must converge toward a common upper value that represents precisely the upper athermal component of the yield strength. Therefore, there will be a transition strain rate value £ fr between the two behaviors that will result in a line pointing at the same time toward the 6.0 0,000 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 0,010 0,012 0,014 FIGURE 4. High and low strain rate trend of the yield strength in A 508 Cll steel. 7,6 A533B 7,47,2 ^ 7,0- 5*6-8' 1~ 6,6 5000S-1 6,4 6,2 6,0 5,8 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 0,010 0,012 1/T (1/K) FIGURE 5. High and low strain rate trend of the yield strength in A 533 B steel 644 and drop abruptly afterwards, tmin - II Tmax and tmax = I/ Tmin. The a-titanium data have been reanalysed GENERALIZED CONSTITUTIVE EQUATION A question arises about figures 4 and 5 where both high and low strain rate lines appear to start from a common point and continue to run without any end in the opposite direction. This is not acceptable from a physical point of view. In other words, the diagram of figures 4 and 5 cannot be left open, but must be a closed one. Moreover, eqs. 2 and 7 refer to BCC metals. To check the behavior of HPC metals, that are very sensitive to strain rate, an a-titanium alloy has been considered [5], The results are shown in figure 6. It is clear that the linear trend observed so far between InOy and l/T is lost, yet the curves obtained at various strain rates seem still to using eq. 8, as well as niobium, A 533B, A508C13 and A 537. The results are shown in figure 7. As to niobium, fig. 7 is showing the behaviour at five more strain rates not present in figure 3, namely 0.48,1.48, 4.7, 23 and 63 s"1. This is because niobium is such sensitive a metal that 0.48 and 1.48 s"1 can be already considered high strain rates. 7.6- a-Titanium alloy 7.4 7.2- 7 -° 6.8 6.6 FIGURE 7. Experimental results and predictions of eq. 8 for all the metals considered in the present study. 6.4 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Figure 6. Trend of \nay vs I IT in a-titanium alloy at different strain rates and temperatures. This work was funded by Contract F61775-99WE066 from the U.S. Air Force. converge towards a common point both at very high and very low temperature (~ -250 °C). These latter results are of great importance because they suggest, recalling the previous observation about the closed form of the diagrams, a more convenient and general expression for the CE. This general form of the solid state equation is: = 1-1- 1. REFERENCES Kanninen, M. F. et al, US NRC NUREG CR/4219, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1987. 2. Milella, P.P., "Temperature and Strain Rate Dependence of Mechanical Behavior of BodyCentered Cubic Structure Materials", TMS Fall Meeting '98, Chicago, Illinois, 11-15 October 1998. (3) where m is a strain rate exponent, amax the maximum value of the yield strength (upper athermal component) achieved at all strain rates at a minimum temperature Tmin, a0 a reference value (lower athermal component of the yield strength), corresponding to Tmax, the temperature at which the mechanical properties of the material start to flatten 645 3. Milella, P.P. and Bonora, N., "Strain Rate and Temperature Effect in Ductile Failure process Characterization and Modeling Using Continuum Damage Mechanics55, USAF-EOARD, Research Contract, July 2000. 4. Campbell, J.D., and Briggs, T.L.J., "Less Common Metals", 40, p. 235, 1974. 5. Harding, J., 7th HERF Conference Proceedings, T. Z. Blazynski Editor, University of Leeds, p. 1, 1981.
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