CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 FORMATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF TWINNING IN TITANIUM UNDER HIGH STRAIN RATE DEFORMATION B. Herrmann1, A. Venkert1, G. Kimmel1, A. Landau1, D. Shvarts1'2, E. Zaretsky2 / 2 Nuclear Research Center - Negev, P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva 84106, Israel Mechanical Engineering Dept, Ben Gurion University, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel Abstract The dynamic behavior of pure titanium was studied in planar impact experiments using a 25-mm pneumatic gun, at impact velocities of 150-550 rn/sec. The sample free surface velocity was monitored by VISAR. Softly recovered samples were characterized utilizing XRD, and optical, SEM and TEM microscopy, Metallographic examination of the cross section areas of the impacted samples revealed impact-oriented twins with significantly lower concentration in the direct vicinity of the spall plane. TEM studies revealed dense dislocation areas and twins in the samples, with profound secondary twins and ordered dislocations cells near the spall plane. The results allow estimating the relative contribution of twinning mechanisms in shock-induced plastic deformation of titanium. The differences in the morphology of the area near the spall plane, in contrast to the rest of the sample, implies on alternative deformation mechanisms depending on the loading history. INTRODUCTION MATERIAL AND EXPERIMENTAL Plastic deformation can take place by a number of mechanisms depending on temperature, stress and rate of deformation. Mechanisms based on dislocations (formation, motion and interaction with various structural features) play a main role in plastic deformation. Mechanisms based on twins become more influential as temperatures are decreased and strain rates increased. The relative influence depends on metallurgical properties, such as crystallographic structure of the material. In h.c.p. metals, however, deformation twinning plays an important role in plastic flow at all temperatures and can effectively strengthen or weaken the material, depending on the circumstances. Alpha-titanium (a-Ti) was chosen for this study because it has an h.c.p. structure (below 1156 K) and it exhibits high sensitivity to twinning under plastic deformation. The symmetrical (a-Ti/a-Ti) planar impact experiments were performed using a 25-mm pneumatic gun. The free surface velocity of the sample was continuously monitored by VISAR [1]. The impactor/sample misalignment (tilt) and the impact velocity were determined by charged pins. In all experiments the tilt did not exceed 0.5 mrad. The iinpactors and samples were cut from asreceived plates of commercial titanium (0.016 C, 0.1 Fe, 0.15 O and Al, V, Zr, Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni < 0.02 w/o). The plates were 2 and 5-mm nominally thick. The surface planes of the impactors and samples were parallel to the original surfaces of the plates. The diameters of the impactors and samples were 24.5 mm and their measured thickness was 1.99 mm and 4.88 mm, respectively. The unloaded material was characterized metallographically in the plane parallel to the surface and in two orthogonal planes normal to the surface, exhibiting equiaxed grains of 22-^m 623 diameters. X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed an h.c.p. structure of a-Ti, with preferred orientation of basal planes parallel to the plate surface. The samples, being softly recovered after the impacts, were subjected to optical (OM), electron (SEM and TEM) microscopy and XRD analysis. Samples with three degrees of plastic deformation and spall fracture (initiation, partial and complete) were examined. All the samples were cut normal to the spall plane so that the examined area contained the spall features. The cut surfaces were polished and etched for optical microscopy, SEM and XRD analysis. Specimens for TEM examination were prepared by polishing and ion milling. the results of the metallographic study, the deviatoric stress, s = <J - p, and the true strain, £, produced by the impacts, were calculated. The simple wave approximation was used to estimate the compressive stress, tJ, and strain, €. The particle velocity was obtained by using the factor-of-two approximation. The linear Hugoniot of titanium was used to calculate the pressure, p. The corresponding deviator/strain curves are shown in Fig. 1 b. The unloaded material was found almost free of twins in the optical and SEM examinations. An increasing number of twins are found in the impacted samples as the impact strength is increased. The number of twins increases due to the higher twin density in each grain. The inter-twin spacing changes from about 10 fim at the weakest impact to about 2-3 fim at the strongest impact. The twin planes are preferably parallel to the sample surface while increasing the impact strength results in the appearance of more twins at an angle of 2530° with respect to the impact plane. The twin length is limited by the grain boundaries while the width is about 500 nm. Only few twins were found in the vicinity of the spall plane. The XRD pattern of an un-shocked sample is typical for h.c.p. material, with preferred orientation of the basal planes parallel to the sample surface. The impacted samples exhibit a decrease in the preferred orientation as the impact velocity increases. The pattern obtained after the strongest impact corresponds to an almost random orientation RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The velocity profiles, recorded during three impacts with a-Ti, are shown in Fig, la. It is apparent that spall fracture takes place at the stronger impacts, 486 and 327 m/sec. The velocity pullbacks in the strongest and intermediate shots, are very close, 253 and 244 m/sec, respectively. At the strongest impact the spall fracture is very fast and the metallographic investigation reveals a complete separation of the spall surfaces. A partial spall is found after the intermediate impact. The weakest shot seems to be very close to the spall threshold and only a single broken line of a spall micro-crack, 0.6 mm long and 0.01 mm wide, has been observed. In order to relate the free surface measurements to 500 0.04 0.05 1 1,5 2 0 0,01 0,02 0.03 time after impact, ju sec strain Figure 1. Free surface velocity profiles of a-Ti samples obtained in the planar impact experiments (a) and the stress deviators calculated from the corresponding velocity profiles (b). The impact velocities are given in m/sec near the curves. 624 Figure 2. TEM micrographs of secondary twins. First type, within a twin, decorated by stacking faults (a), and second type, creating a system with a 2000 nm period (b). of the basal planes of the different grains. TEM examination was used to reveal dislocation and twin structure. The un-shocked material is almost dislocation-free, contains a small number of twins and TiC inclusions. The twins were of the above-mentioned kind, about 500 nm wide. Much greater densities of dislocations and twins, that even conceal the inclusions, were found in the impacted samples. In all studied specimens, the dislocation density is much lower in grains that do contain twins. In addition to the primary twins, observed also by OM and SEM, two types of secondary twins were revealed by the TEM examination. The first type was observed in the sample recovered after the weakest impact, Fig, 2a. The TEM specimen was taken from a region far from the plane containing the single spall micro-crack. A sub-twin, about 200 nm wide, inclined at about 30 deg. to the primary twin, was revealed within a twin having the typical width of about 600 nm and strictly parallel boundaries. The boundaries of both the sub-twin and the twin, at the region close to the sub-twin, are decorated by stacking faults. It is plausible to assume that in this case the secondary twinning occurs by the successive glide of partial dislocations in the subsequent planes and not by a simultaneous glide of the dislocation stack. At the spall crack region of this sample only the primary twins were found. The second type of the secondary twins was found in the TEM specimens taken from the sample recovered after the intermediate impact. Unlike in the previous case the secondary twins were not found within the primary twins. They produced their own periodic system of thinner twins, almost perpendicular to the primary twins. The period of this secondary twin system is about 600 nm in the region far from the spall. In the spall vicinity, the period increases up to about 2,000 nm and the twins start and terminate at the primary twin boundaries, Fig. 2b, In the case of the strongest impact, it was impossible to take TEM specimens from the spall region. The specimens taken far from the spall reveal only primary twins. Twinning contributes significantly to plastic deformation in a-Ti[2]. The results of the present study confirm this statement. In addition to the direct OM and SEM observations of the increase, with the impact strength, in the number of twins, the XRD yields quantitative correlation between the amount of the plastic strain, introduced by the impact loading, and the contribution of twins to the XRD pattern of the deformed oe-Ti. The changes in the relative integral intensity, Ihkj /lrpc, for different crystal planes (hk.l) of a-Ti are shown in Fig. 3. The normalization factor, IrpC9 corresponds to a randomly-oriented polycrystalline sample while the values of the shock-induced plastic strain are taken from Fig.lb. The twinned volumes are rotated in relation to the un-twinned parts of the grains. The latter are preferably oriented in the un-shocked material. For example, the basal planes (00.2) are initially parallel to the impact plane, and thus are normal to the surface of the XRD samples. As a result, the (00.2) reflection is absent in the unshocked XRD specra. The angle between this plane and the main twinning plane of a-Ti (10.2), is 42.5 deg., thus the process of twinning brings the rotated 625 0.01 0.02 0.03 compressive strain Figure 3. XRD peak intensities versus compressive strain. 0.04 Figure 4, TEM micrograph of a crack in an intermidiate impact. (00.2) planes into position almost normal to the impact plane. This results in the increase of the 100.2 ft pic up to about 0.4, in the strongest impact. Note, that while the (00.2) plane is parallel to the impact plane, the (10.2) plane almost coincides with the plane of maximum shear stress. The angle between the (00.2) plane and the secondary twin plane (11.2) is about 57.8 deg. The impact loading seems to actuate both the main and the secondary twin systems, and up to the intermediate impact strength the rate of the relative intensities change of both the (10.2) and (11.2) peaks coincides with that of (00.2). This is confirmed by the TEM findings from the weak impact, where secondary twins crossing the primary ones are observed. The XRD pattern, obtained after the strongest impact, shows the surplus increase of (10.2) reflection intensity with respect to that of (11.2) and (00.2). This may be explained by possible actuation of new twinning planes of {10.2} family. Since this surplus of (10.2) peak intensity is not accompanied by additional increase in the intensity of (00.2) peak, this twinning mode should result in a preferable production of basal planes parallel to the sample surface. This condition could be met if a secondary (10.2) twinning will be started inside a primary (10.2) twin. The new twin planes are almost normal (95 deg.) to those of the primary twin. Possibly, the periodic secondary twins of the intermediate impact are the mentioned (10.2) twins. The path of a micro-crack propagation in the sample recovered after the intermidiate impact was observed. It can be seen in Fig. 4 that the crack path follows a specific direction before crossing the boundary and changes the direction during the passage through the twin. After exiting the twin, the crack restores the initial propagation direction. The angle between the crack propagation and the twin plane is very close to 45 deg.. Note, that the crack cuts the twin belonging to the above-mentioned twin system with the 2000 nm period. Assuming that the twin plane belongs to the {10.2} family, yields that the crack plane should lie in (10.0) plane, inclined at 47.5 deg. to the twin plane. Since the {10.0} planes are glide planes in oe-Ti, the crack presented in Fig. 4 is a shear crack. When the crack stops at the twin boundary, tensile stresses are produced at the crack tip and the twin fails by cleavage. After leaving the twin the crack resumes its previous direction and shear mode. CONCLUSIONS The twin patterns in the shocked oc-Ti are studied by optical and electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The combined analysis of the microstructural and hydrodynamic data allows revealing the different twin systems, operating in oe-Ti undergoing high strain-rate deformation, and their relation to the quantity of the plastic deformation produced by the shock. A combined shear/cleavage mechanism of the crack propagation is proposed on the basis of TEM observations of the spalled samples. REFERENCES 1. Barker, L. ML, and Hollenbach, R. E., J.Appl.Phys., 43,4669(1972). 2. Yoo M. H., Metall Tram. 12A, 409-418 (1981). 626
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