CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 DYNAMIC FRACTURE STUDIES USING SLEEVED TAYLOR SPECIMENS Martin R. Gilmore1, Joseph C. Foster, Jr2, and Leo L. Wilson3 1 Defence Science Technical Laboratory (DSTL - UK), Exchange Scientist at Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions Directorate (AFRL/MN), 101 WEglin Blvd, Ste 135, Eglin AFB, FL 32542, 2 AFRL/MN, 101 W Eglin Blvd, Ste 135, Eglin AFBt FL 32542. 3 SAIC at AFRL/MN, 101 W Eglin Blvd, Ste 135, Eglin AFB, FL 32542, Abstract: The characterization of the inelastic response of materials to high rates of loading is a challenging engineering problem. As the load rate increases, the interpretation of the data recovered from the experiment become more difficult. At very high rates of loading, even the inertia of the test specimen must be accounted for in the interpretation of the data [1]. The Taylor impact experiment is specifically designed to exploit the inertia of the specimen to produce very high loading rates and has been used to study the high strain (50%), high strain rate (103"4) behavior of materials for many years [2], Many highrate loading problems produce failure in the material. Continuum codes have been used to design sleeved impact specimens to study the failure of materials under high rates of loading. Ductile core materials are used as drivers to control rupture of more brittle sleeves of the material of interest. Annealed copper cores are used to drive dynamic failure in AF1410 steel High rate plastic deformation data are presented for the driver and the sleeve together with the fracture data. a better understanding of the equation of motion of the specimen - "at very high speeds a condition is reached in which the inertia of the specimen itself gives rise to changes of stress along its length, which must be taken into account when seeking to interpret experimental results" [2,4]. Preliminary calculations were performed using an Eulerian solver. Example results are presented in Figure 2. INTRODUCTION The high-rate load environment of the fragment break-up problem drives the engineer to design impact test techniques. A series of developmental experiments using sleeved Taylor impact specimens is presented. Two different heat treatments of a formulation of AF-1410 steel were driven to highrate failure. The specimen design is illustrated in Figure 1. A ductile copper core was used to drive the steel sleeves. Plastic deformation and fracture are observed. The test is based on the impact of a right circular cylinder on an anvil, commonly called a Taylor test after G.L Taylor [2]. Data in the 104"5 /sec strain rate regime are presented. Aermet-1 OO/ AF1410 Sleeve 0.499.0tW2 2.5004-0.005 Copper Core NUMERICAL METHODS Note: Press fit core into sleeve A continuum mechanics code, cAst [3], was used to aid in the design of the experiment and to provide FIGURE 1. Sleeved Taylor test specimen configuration. 519 sleeved specimens; designed to provide controlled high-rate fracture of materials. Two heat treatments of AF1410 steel were used: a) As Received (AR): Normalized and overaged. Resulting in a RC hardness the range 36 - 40, equivalent to a yield strength (0y) of ~ 130 KSI. b) Heat Treatment (HT1): Normalized; 1650F 3hr.-> air cool to 400F. Austenized; 1575F 3 hr. -> oil quench to 200F. Chill; 100F 2 hr. -> air warm to room temperature. Tempered; 950F 5 hr. -> air cool to room temperature, equivalent to a 0y - 250 KSI. The code uses a Hull [5] constitutive model for the material elastic/ plastic behavior. Tri/quad linear fits for strength vs plastic strain and strength vs internal energy are used. A Mie-Gruneisen [6] equation of state model was used. . Copper 150 0 + * * 4 > A V * *a ^* 0 4* * * 4 t> A V a Cu- Expt half hardenned Cu- Expt Annealed No Fracture Table 2 Cu- Calculation Steel - Calculation Sleeve- Expt AR No Fracture Table 2 Sleeve - Expt AR Fracture Table 2 Sleeve - Expt HT1 Fracture Table 2 Steeve- Expt HT1 No Fracture Table 2 * Tayk>r[2] * D * FIGURE 2. Plot of specimen velocity vs time during the impact event * D * D Figure 2 illustrates that the copper takes longer to slow down than the steel (144 vs 77jxs) - and hence can be used to drive the steel to failure. An analytical 1-D result relating particle speed through the material (up = 0 / p c £ ) was (161 vs 71 fis), where Up, 0, ps CL are the particle velocity, yield strength, density and speed of sound. This calculation also predicted a pressure exerted on the steel by the copper core of approx l.SxlO9 Pa (-220 KSI). The discrepancies in event time are due to the higher frequency waves caused by reflections from the sides of the specimen (0=0 boundary). That is, there are waves traveling in both the transverse and radial directions in the specimen. The code appears to be modeling the interaction adequately and will be used to evaluate the specimen's equation of motion - required for interpretation of the experimental data [2]. 1.5 2 2.5 2 pV 70 r impact v y 3 FIGURE 3. Collation of all data A velocity range of 130 to 300ms"1 (equivalent to a strain rate of lO^V1) was examined. Figure 3 is a collation of all the data L0/Lf (see Figure 5 for definitions) vs p V2 \mpmt/<J is plotted. Detailed post mortem measurements of the specimens were made using an optical comparator. Profile diameters (accuracy ~ 0.0005") were taken at 0.01" increments along the specimen. 0 -0.1 -0,2 -0.3 ^0'4 -0.5 EXPERIMENTS = 185ms'CUA-1 = 200ms"1 CUA-4 = 179ms"1 BMTE-2 = 198ms~1BMTE-3 = 140ms"1 BMTE-11 -0.6 Two sets of experiments were performed using a .50 caliber gun launcher, firing specimens into a steel anvil: Firstly, OFHC Copper specimens with a Vickers hardness of 103 were tested in a caliber .50 L/D=5 configuration. These tests were used to characterize the sleeved test core material. Details provided by Foster et al [7] and figure 4. Secondly, -0.7 0 0.5 1 1.5 FIGURE 4. Sample experimental results 520 2 Lagrangian Position (inches) As with all experimental techniques, the central problem is the interpretation of the data recovered from the experiment Taylor's high load rate experiments require the formulation of an approach to account for the inertia of the specimen material in the analysis of the data - hence the numerical analysis. Figure 4 is an illustration of the strain measured along the specimen for copper and steel specimens. The strain (ea =dU2/dZ) is plotted against the Lagrangian position [7] normalized against L0. Information in this plot can be used to characterize the material behaviour for use in continuum mechanics codes. DISCUSSION A summary of the experimental database is presented in Table 1. A definition of the length scales is provided in Figure 5. Maximum engineering strains of 71% and 50% are observed for the AR and HT1 specimens respectively. For a classic Taylor (i.e. no copper core) test fracture would have occurred at approximately 14% strain. TABLE 1: Summary of Experimental Results Exptro L0 R2F - 7,37 CUA-1 CUA-2 CUA-3 CUA-4 CUA-5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 h S / sd Lr H Annealed Copper, OFHC. Note all Length scales are in inches. D0 = 0.499 Dsleeve ^copper V-ms' 1 Fracture 1.768 1.783 1.888 1.956 1.741 2.111 1.17 1.19 1.256 1.259 1.168 1.224 0.598 0.593 0.632 0.697 0.573 0.887 0.732 0.717 0.612 0.544 0.759 0.389 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.97 0.909 0.866 0.818 0.986 0.717 191 185 172 161 200 130 small No No 1.81 2.217 2.159 1.9 2.11 1.737 1.321 1.822 1.787 1.102 1.457 1.469 0.489 0.395 0.372 0.798 0.653 0.268 0.313 0.283 0.341 0.6 0.39 0.763 0.101 0.093 0.097 0.94 0.883 .935 0.07 0.043 1.047 0.745 0.613 .668 .835 0.678 1.05 216 179 198 237 213 304 No No No Yes Yes Yes 1.93 2.056 2.288 2.362 2.393 1.29 1.135 1.608 1.785 1.163 0.64 0.921 0.68 0.577 1.23 0.57 0.444 0.212 0.138 0.107 0.07 0.086 0.132 0.215 0.206 230 199 111 158 140 Yes Yes Yes Yes No 2.325 2.401 1.835 2.395 1.864 1.803 0.851 0.841 0.461 0.598 0.984 1.554 0.175 0.099 0.665 0.105 0.093 0.164 0.058 0.186 155 148 233 141 Yes No Yes No No small No AF1410-2. Steel. As received BMTE-1 BMTE-2 BMTE-3 BMTE-4 BMTE-5 BMTE-6 2.123 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 AF1410-2. Steel. Heat Treat 1 BMTE-7 BMTE-8 BMTE-9 BMTE-10 BMTE-1 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 .844 .623 0.925 0.686 0.518 0.701 0.549 0.522 0.680 0.512 AF1410-1. Steel. Heat Treat 1 BMTE-12 BMTE-13 BMTE-14 BMTE-15 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Sample photographs of the specimens are presented in Fig. 6. The fracture threshold for AR and HT1 can be seen (from Table 1 and Fig 6) to be between 198 and 213 msf1, and US-lSSms*1 respectively. The adiabatic shear bands are visible in the middle image and fracture is observed to propagate at 45° along one of these bands. 521 In the test the ductile copper core exerts a significant pressure on the sleeve, and the specimen acts like a thick-walled pressure vessel. The tests are complimentary to the work on fracture under hydrostatic pressure of Bridgman[9]. CONCLUSIONS h' I A well-characterized, controlled experiment has been designed that can be used to test material performance at high strain rates. The test involved propelling specimens at modest velocities (130 - 300 ms"1), strain rates of the order 104/5 s"1 are produced. The pressure exerted on the sleeve by the core dominates the experiment; modeling of this interface by continuum mechanics code is challenging. Data have been collected that characterized this process. These data will be used to develop an analytical model of the interaction and to support the models embedded in the continuum mechanic codes. S FIGURE 5. Geometry of the test together with a basic definition of parameters (see Table 1). 180ms*1 198mr1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many thanks to Denis Grady for his input to the fundamental philosophy/ design of this experiment. Thanks to the technical support of the advanced warhead experimentation facility within AFRL/MN. The US DOD and the UK MoD supported the work. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. FIGURE 6. Top - AF14010 AR specimens. Middle - close up of shear bands for AF14010 - AR at 198 ms'1 (Left) and 213ms'1 (Right). Bottom-A¥14W HT1 specimens 5. The type of failure observed varied with impact velocity and material type. The higher strength, yet more brittle, HT1 steel failed at lower velocities than the lower strength, more ductile AR variant. As velocity is increased the specimens failed in a 'petal5 pattern (Figure 6 top, bottom right hand side). With HT1 this failure mode was more pronounced. In AR the failure propagated along the shear bands and then 'ripped up' the side of the specimen. 6. 7. 8. 522 Taylor, G.I., Journal of Institute of Civil Eng,, Vol 26, pp.486,1945. Taylor, G.I., 'The use of flat-ended ...,' Proc Royal Society, Vol 194 A, pp 289, September 1948. DER "cAst V2,6\ FEA Tool, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency. Farnborough, UK. 2000. 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