CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 CYLINDER FRAGMENTATION USING GAS GUN TECHNIQUES T. F. Thornhill1, W. D. Reinhart2, L. C. Chhabildas2, D. E. Grady3, L. T. Wilson4 l Ktech Corporation, Suite 400, 2201 Buena Vista SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106-4265 Sandia National Laboratories, Department 1610, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185 3 Applied Research Associates, 4300 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 4 Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, VA 22448-5000 2 Abstract. In this study an experimental technique for study of cylinder fracture fragmentation characteristics has been developed on a two-stage light gas gun. This test method allows the study of cylinder fracture fragmentation in a laboratory environment under well-controlled loading conditions. Application of this technique allows measure of failure strain, strain rates, expansion velocity, and fragmentation toughness. Results of several experiments on Aermet steel are presented*. INTRODUCTION development. AerMet® 100 steel was chosen because it is a well-characterized material [2,3]. From these experiments observed strain, strain rate, and fragmentation toughness measurements are compared with the Aermet® 100 sphere on plate and explosively driven cylinder experiments. Past studies of properties critical to dynamic fracture and fragmentation to support computational model development and simulation have included sphere on plate impacts and explosively driven cylinder expansion. In the present study, a technique to expand a cylinder to failure on the two-stage light gas gun has been developed. This technique is an adaptation of tests performed by R. E. Winter in 1979 [1]. A stationery plug is impacted inside of a bored out cylinder, the plug is trapped inside the cylinder by an anvil located on the backside of the plug and cylinder. Late in time the impact longitudinal momentum is translated into a radial momentum in the plug, expanding the cylinder and producing fracture and fragmentation. This technique allows the precision application of diagnostics including flash radiography, high-speed photography, VISAR, and soft catch fragment recovery. Aermet® 100 steel fabricated to two hardness levels are being investigated to validate the gas gun technique, and further the computational model TEST DESCRIPTION The test technique uses a 50.80 mm long AerMet® 100 cylinder precision machined to match the gun launch tube muzzle bore of 13.08 mm diameter. The cylinder wall thickness is 3.18 mm. Two conditions of the Aermet® 100 material are used, an AR (As-Received) treatment, and HT (Heat-Treated). The material is heat treated by performing a solution treatment, followed by quenching, refrigeration, and then aging. The major alloying elements are nickel, chromium, molybdenum, and cobalt [4]. The average density of the AerMet® 100 material used in this study is 7.99 ± .01 g/cm3. The cylinder is mounted directly on the end of the gun muzzle using a precision This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy. 515 nine shot series to accommodate a variety of different diagnostics and test purpose. Most promising of test configurations is the free suspended cylinder shown in figure 2. The cylinder is glued directly to the muzzle with the anvil assembly resting on a v-block against the back of the cylinder and plug. This configuration provides unobstructed radial access to the cylinder for x-ray radiography, high-speed photography, and VISAR. Fragments are still contained inside the first target chamber of the gun range providing good recovery statistics. aligned freestanding mount, or gluing the cylinder directly on the gun muzzle. A 25.4 mm long, 13.07mm diameter Lexan plug is inserted into the rear half of the cylinder and the cylinder/plug combination is against a Copper/Foam/Steel anvil. The projectile is fabricated from Lexan to match the cylinder plug to provide a symmetric impact condition. TEST DATA Three shots were done using the free suspended cylinder configuration, this data is presented below. A detailed study of fragment distribution is performed by weighing and measuring recovered fragments individually for each shot. Table 1 summarizes the recovery results. The mean fragment recovery by mass is 99.6% for any given test. Radial failure strain is estimated from the recovered fragments by measuring the fragment wall thickness. The failure strain (sf) is defined in equation 1, where w0 is the original cylinder wall thickness, and Wi is the posttest fragment thickness. In this study measurements were made on four to eight large fragments per test. The mean failure strain is reported in table 1. Test Cylinder FIGURE 1. Initial test configuration The initial test configuration is illustrated in figure 1. The test configuration evolved during the X-ray Head £f = ' Acrylic Fragment Arrest Ring (1) Wo Table 1. Experimental Summary Test No. Test Cylinder CF-6 CF-7 CF-10 Anvil Assembly Film Cassette WQ — Wi Projectile Velocity (km/s) 1.83 1.91 1.72 Material Condition No. of Frag. (8f) HT AR HT 51 19 29 0.104 0.295 0.101 The radial diameter expansion velocity (Vex) measured from the orthogonal radiographs of CF-6 is 0.48 km/s and exhibits symmetric expansion. An estimate of strain rate (s*f) at failure made from radiographs of CF-6 is 2.49E+4 s"1. This strain rate is defined in equation 2, where Vex is the diameter Camera ^^^i^ Lens FIGURE 2. Suspended cylinder test setup 516 A two beam VISAR, was located horizontally on the side of the cylinder to measure the radial expansion velocity. One beam was 12.7 mm from the anvil, and the second beam was located 16.5 mm from the anvil. Figure 5 plots the cylinder radial velocity and strain rate from the VISAR, time is referenced to shock arrival at the cylinder plug/anvil interface. (2) expansion velocity from the radiographs, and D0 is the original cylinder diameter. A Cordin rotating mirror camera was also used to photograph the cylinder expansion process. The is set to monitor cylinder fracture formation. The camera magnification frames 49 mm of the cylinder length providing high resolution pictures (figure 3) of the expansion and fragmentation process. Frame by frame measurement of the cylinder deformation has been conducted at six locations and at the maximum diameter that moves longitudinally with time. Figure 4 plots strain vs. time as obtained by the photographic deformation measurements. The strain rate is measured from the slope of the linear fit to strain vs. time data at each location. The observed failure strain is defined as the maximum strain at the time of the first visible crack formation. 0.30 Module 1,12.7 mm From Anvil Module 4,16.5 mm From Anvil -0.05 -1.0E-05 -5.0E-06 O.OE+00 5.0E-06 Q QJT+QO -5.1E+03 1.0E-05 Time (s) FIGURE 5. Rate of expansion and strain rate of the cylinder as determined by VISAR Strain rate in fig. 5 is calculated by applying eq. 2 using the radial velocity and original cylinder radius. ANALYSIS Grady-Kipp [5] model is used to calculate fragmentation toughness. This relationship is shown in equation 3, and is developed from an energybased theory of dynamic fragmentation . FIGURE 3. High speed photography sample frame 0.5 T 24 The strain rate was measured on shots using radiographs, photography, and VISAR respectively. The mean fragment mass |i is determined from the fragment mass distribution fit with a bilinear exponential distribution of the form in equation 4. Based on a Poisson statistical approach [5], N is the total number of fragments, the coefficients A, o.o 4.0E-06 6.0E-06 8.0E-08 1.0E-05 1.2E-05 1.4E-05 (3) 1.6E-05 Time (s) FIGURE 4. Photographically observed strain, strain rate is 5-24 xlO 3 s"1 over a 17.5 mm interval starting 1.5 mm from the anvil. Top line is maximum observed deformation irrespective of longitudinal position. 517 Table 2. Fragmentation Toughness and Strain Summary Test Type Gas Gun Cylinder Gas Gun Cylinder Material Condition Failure Threshold Strain HT AR 0.10-0.14 0.26-0.30 Maximum Strain Rate xlO3 (s"1) 25 5-24 Fragmentation Toughness Kf (MPa*m'/2) 72-95 105 of materials. This technique can provide fragment distribution statistics, fracture formation characteristics, strain, strain rates, expansion velocities, and fracture formation characteristics supplementing computational studies and model development to improve understanding of candidate material fragmentation phenomena. (4) and £ represent the reciprocal of the mean fragment size for the large and small fragments respectively, and the coefficients N0l and N0S represent the number of large and small fragments in eq. 4. For these tests fragment distribution is dominated by the larger fragments which account for the vast majority of the fragmented mass, therefore the A, term is used as the mean fragment mass (|i) for calculation of the fragmentation toughness (Kf). Table 2 summarizes the fragmentation toughness and failure threshold strain for the gas gun cylinder expansion. REFERENCES 1. Winter, R. E., "Measurement of Fracture Strain at High Strain Rates", in Inst. Phys. Conf-1979, Ser. No. 47, Chapter 1, pp. 81-89 2. Chhabildas, L. C, Thornhill, T. F., Reinhart, W. D., Kipp, M. E., Reedal, D. R., Wilson, L. T., Grady, D. E. "Fracture Resistant Properties of Aermet 100 Steel" in Int. J. Impact Engng., V26, (2001) 3. Chhabildas, L. C., Reinhart, W. D., Wilson, L. T., Reedal, D. R., Kuhns, L. D., Grady, D. E., "Dynamic Properties of Aermet Steels to 25 GPa", Proceedings ofEXPLOMET., 2000 4. Carpenter Technology Corporation, Alloy Data Sheet, AerMet® 100 5. Grady, D. E., Kipp, M. E. International Journal of Impact Engineering "Fragmentation Properties of Metals", Vol. 20, pp. 293-308. (1997) CONCLUSIONS This study of AerMet® 100 in the initial development of the fragmenting cylinder technique has shown to be quite promising. The failure strain for the as-received material is about half that of the heat-treated material (.12, and .28 respectively) and produces approximately half the number of fragments. The expansion velocities of the two material treatments are equivalent for the same loading conditions although the heat-treated material responds and fragments earlier in time relative to the as-received. The as-received material has a mean longitudinal fracture propagation velocity of 1.3 km/s, and initial fracture formation does not occur simultaneously around the circumference. Additionally posttest inspection of the fragments indicates some late time fracture formation not evident in the first 25 jus of the fragmentation process. Hoop strain producing shear failure is the predominant failure mechanism for these tests at maximum strain rates of 2.5 x 104 s"1. Based on this series of cylinder fragmentation scoping shots the gas gun technique is a useful tool for studying fracture fragmentation characteristics 518
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