CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 For special copyright notice, see page 510. A FLASH X-RAY TECHNIQUE TO MEASURE STRAIN DISTRIBUTION AT INTERFACES SLIDING AT HIGH PRESSURE AND VELOCITY R.E. Winter, P. Taylor, D J. Carley, A J. Barlow, H. Pragnell and L. Markland AWE, Aldermaston, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 4PR, UK In this technique blocks of metal of widely different densities are placed in contact to form a composite block. Detonating an explosive charge positioned on the edge of the assembly drives the light metal at a higher velocity than the heavy metal resulting in sliding between the metal blocks. The aim is to measure the strain distribution in the material adjacent to the sliding interface by radiographing thin foils embedded in both materials perpendicular to the interface. A high density foil is inserted in the low density material and a low density foil in the high density material. Use of a high energy flash x-ray machine allows large metal blocks to be used which in turn allows radiographs to be taken at a time when significant slip has occurred. The foil fiducials were clearly seen in a pilot experiment fired with aluminium and steel blocks. The result of this experiment was well matched by a hydrocode. The code has been used to design an experiment to provide data on sub surface deformation. INTRODUCTION adjacent to the interface was measured by radiographing 407 u,m lead wires embedded into the aluminium. Four radiographs were taken using a sodium iodide fluor viewed by four gated CCD cameras. Reported results showed that motion of the order of 0.5 mm had taken place along the interface. The distribution of the deformation in the aluminium was deduced from the positions of the embedded wires. Although the work of Hammerberg et al. provided good data it suffers from the drawback that the total relative motion of the sliding metals is small compared with the resolution of the diagnostic. The objectives of the work described here is to use a configuration, similar in principle to Hammerberg's, but which employs explosive loading, together with significantly larger components, to increase the amount of relative motion of the two metals. Larger components may be used because a high energy flash x-ray diagnostic is available. The main aim of the first, pilot, experiment was to determine the feasibility of Many problems in shock physics and metal forming involve the sliding of one surface over another (1-3). Analysis of such situations often requires the slip at the interface between two metals to be calculated. The deformation field in the vicinity of the interface between two metals sliding against one another at high velocity and pressure, will depend on the forces generated at the sliding interface and on the strength properties of the two materials. Measurement of this deformation field provides data for evaluation and optimisation of calculational models. Hammerberg et al (1) used a pulse power technique to implode a cylindrical metal liner onto a cylinder made up of two aluminium wedges and two tantalum wedges. The cylindrical target had a diameter of 30 mm. The impact drives shock waves inwards into the two materials. Since the shock and particle velocities are higher in the aluminium than in the tantalum the Ta/Al interface experiences differential slip. The deformation of the material 507 the left side of the system as shown. The explosive was detonated by a line initiator. the foil technique. For example would the foils be visible in both high density and low density materials and would the foils remain sufficiently planar to allow useful measurement? A second aim was to determine our ability to compute the macroscopic response of the system. 0 1 2 3 Explosive Aluminium S/Steel 4 Time, us FIGURE 1. Relative motion of foil estimated from 1-D treatment FIGURE 2. Configuration used to assess visibility of foils One of the concerns with this experiment was that releases from the front and rear faces of the assembly (as seen by the x-ray machine) would lead to curvature of the foils which would in turn make them difficult to resolve. The 2D Eulerian Upper limits to the shock and particle velocities imparted to the stainless steel and aluminium blocks may be deduced assuming one-dimensional conditions. Particle velocities of 2.0 and 1.2 mm/u,s are derived for aluminium and steel respectively and for the shock velocities, 8.1 and 6.3 mm/jo,s respectively. The relative velocities of the two materials after the aluminium and steel shocks are Lead 2.0 and 0.8 mm/u,s respectively. The corresponding relative displacement vs time relation for a foil positioned 4 cm from the explosive surface is shown in Fig. 1. This simple analysis suggests that appreciable relative slip will occur within a few microseconds of the shock reaching the foil fiducial, (although in practice shock attenuation will significantly reduce these displacements). Aluminium Lead FIGURE 3. A 2-D Eulerian calculation showing the bending of the fiducial in the aluminium. The lead blocks are included to improve the radiography by reducing the difference in dose through the aluminium and steel. EXPERIMENT The feasibility experiment is shown in Fig. 2. A 0.1 mm tantalum foil is mounted between two aluminium blocks of dimensions 40x50x80 mm and 60x50x80 mm. The blocks are clamped together using steel bolts. This unit is mounted on top of a similar unit in which 0.1 mm aluminium foils are clamped between stainless steel blocks. The contact faces were flat to within better than ±5 |im. 25 mm thick blocks of lead, (not shown in Fig 2), were placed at the front and rear of the assembly to reduce the dose difference through the two blocks. A block of HMX based explosive was mounted at calculation in Fig. 3 shows that some curvature of the fiducials is expected. However, although the amount of curvature is sufficient to significantly reduce the line of sight mass of the foil seen by a perfectly aligned x-ray beam, it has the merit of increasing the amount of angular misalignment that could be tolerated. The configuration was radiographed using AWE's MOGUL D x-ray source. This provides a dose of 153 R at a meter with a 3,5 mm spot size. 508 the foils are measurable to ±0.1 mm. Note that at the time of the radiograph the steel and aluminium block have separated by about 3 mm. FIGURE 5. CORVUS calculation of experiment at 40 |is EXPERIMENT FN1/1 CORVUS CALCULATION FIGURE 4. Mogul D radiograph showing foil fiducials in the aluminium (upper) and steel (lower) The radiograph was taken at 40 (is from initiation of the explosive block (31 |is from the time at which the shock reaches the foil in the aluminium.) At this time the Eulerian calculation predicted that the relative displacement of the foils was about 4 mm. Radiographing at this late time provides a stringent test of the radiography since subsequent experiments are likely to be fired at an earlier stage when the fiducials will be less distorted. The x-ray beam was carefully aligned at the expected position of the fiducials at the radiographic target time by using a laser beam set to graze the upper surface of the lower block. Lead collimation was used to restrict the field of view thereby minimising the xray scatter. In order to provide as much general information as possible from this pilot experiment it was decided to include the relative displacement of the blocks at the right side of the experiment in the radiographic view. FIGURE 6. Code vs Experiment Comparison at 40 ^is CORVUS CALCULATIONS The pilot experiment was calculated using the 3-D Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) code CORVUS (4). The code allows different frictional treatments to be incorporated and also allows void opening. The calculation, which is shown in Fig. 5, and compared with the experimental outline in Fig. 6, matches the experiment reasonably well. RESULTS A selected area of the radiograph is shown in Fig. 4. The foil in the aluminium block is clearly resolved. The foil in the steel block is less clear but still resolvable. It is estimated that the positions of FIGURE 7. CORVUS Calculation of "Sandwich" configuration at 30 |as 509 CONCLUSIONS 10.0 15.0 20.0 A technique for dynamically imaging the subsurface deformation that occurs when two metals slide over each other at pressures and velocities in the hydrodynamic regime has been described. In order to image subsurface distortion we need a system in which at least a few millimeters of slip occurs. The time at which the radiograph can be taken is limited by release waves from the outer surfaces of the assembly. A larger assembly provides a larger time window. To radiograph through large blocks of metal we need penetrating x-rays. In the pilot experiment described here AWE's MOGUL D flash x-ray machine was used to obtain a clear image through 80 mm of steel plus 50 mm of lead. A future experiment in which the two surfaces will move relative to each other by ~2 mm while the metal surfaces are held in contact should provide useful information on subsurface deformation during sliding. 25.0 Time (MS) FIGURE 8. From the top:Pressure in Mb; velocity of Al in cm/us; velocity of steel in cm/us; relative velocity in cm/jis. REFERENCES 1. 2 Hammerberg, J.E., Kyrala, G.A., Oro, D.M., Fulton, R.D., Anderson, W.E., Obst, A.W., Oona, H., Stokes, J. and Wilke, M.D., "A Pegusus Dynamic Liner Friction Experiment", in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter -7999, Edited by M.D.Furnish et al., AIP Conference Proceedings 505, New York, 4 Displacement of Foil (mm) FIGURE 9. Fiducial distortions for modified geometry. In the next experiment to be fired the configuration will be modified to form a steelaluminium-steel "sandwich". The configurations at 30 jis are shown in Fig. 7. It is seen from the calculation that sandwiching the aluminium between two steel blocks holds the two blocks together for much longer than was the case with the pilot experiment. Figure 8 shows parameters at the fiducial position plotted against time in fis. In order from top to bottom the plots show: the pressure in Mb; the velocity of the aluminium; the velocity of the steel and the relative velocity of the steel and aluminium. Figure 9 shows, on a graph with a magnified distance scale on the horizontal axis, the calculated positions of the fiducials at different times. The solid and dashed lines are generated by calculations with merged and sliding interfaces respectively. 2. 3. 4. 1998 pp!217-1220. Pelak, Robert A., Rightly, Paul, and Hammerberg, J.E., "Friction in High-Speed Impact Experiments", in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter -1999, Edited by M.D.Furnish et al., AIP Conference Proceedings 505, New York, 1998, p!221-1224. Boucher, Roy J., and Chhabildas, Lalit C, "High Velocity Erosion of Metal Interfaces", in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter -1987, Edited by S.C.Schmidt and N.C.Holmes, APS Conference Proceedings, New York, 1988 pp 741-.744 Barlow A.J., and Whittle, J., "Mesh Adaptivity and Material Interface Algorithms in a two dimensional Lagrangian Hydrocode", Chem.Phys.Reports, 2000, 19(2),p.233-258 © British Crown Copyright 2001/MOD Published with the permission of the Controller of Her Britannic Majesty's Stationery Office. 510
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