CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 HUGONIOT ELASTIC LIMIT AND SPALL STRENGTH OF ALUMINUM AND COPPER SINGLE CRYSTALS OVER A WIDE RANGE OF STRAIN RATES AND TEMPERATURES S.V. Razorenov1, G.L Kanel2, K. Bamming3, and H.J. Bluhm3 1 Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics. Chernogolovka, 14243 2 Russia. Institute for High Energy Densities. IVTAN, Izhorskaya 13/19, Moscow, 127412 Russia 3 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, P.O. Box 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany. Abstract. Anomalous rise of the Hugoniot elastic limit (HEL) with increasing temperature was observed for aluminum and copper single crystals. Within the temperature range from 20°C to 650°C the HEL of aluminum single crystals increased from 0.12 to 0.96 GPa for 3 mm thick samples and to 3 GPa for -0.25 mm thick samples. The spall strength decreased from 2.3 GPa and 3.2 GPa at room temperature to 1.3 GPa and 2.2-3 GPa near the melting temperature for thicker and thinner samples, respectively. For copper single crystals a HEL of 2.6 GPa was recorded at 833°C; whereas the spall strength decreased from 5.4 GPa at room temperature to 4.8 GPa at 485°C. practically zero as soon as temperature approaches Tm [4]. The dynamic tensile strength of zinc single crystals [3] behaves athermally up to -0,95 Tm, a further temperature increase also results in a decrease of the strength. In this paper we present results of measurements of strength properties of aluminum and copper single crystals at normal and elevated temperatures. INTRODUCTION Shock wave experiments at elevated temperatures allow studying strength properties and governing mechanisms of inelastic deformation and fracture at extremely high strain rates. In particular, an anomalous growth of the flow stress with rising temperature may be expected [1]. However, the influence of temperature on the yield strength, as well as on the tensile strength, at very high strain rates were not enough verified yet by experiments. There were just a few observations of the mechanical yielding and strength behavior of metals under shock wave loading at elevated temperatures. In contrast to the highly temperature sensitive quasistatic yield stress, the dynamic yield stress was found to be independent of temperature [2,3] or even increases [4] near the melting temperature. Shockwave measurements also show a nearly athermal behavior of the spall strength of solid metals. The resistance to spall fracture of polycrystalline aluminum and magnesium does not vary much when increasing the temperature up to 85-90% of the melting temperature Tm but precipitously drops to MATERIALS Aluminum and copper crystals of 99.999 % purity were grown from a melt by the directed crystallization technique. The 11x15 mm samples were 0.3 to 2.85 mm thick. The sample planes were parallel to the (100) base crystal plane. The sample surfaces were ground and then electrochemically etched to remove surface defects. EXPERIMENTAL Two kinds of shock-wave generators were used in order to cover a wider range of load durations. Shock load pulses of -200 ns duration were generated in 2.85 thick samples by 0.4 mm thick 503 aluminum flyer plates launched by explosive facilities [4] to velocities of 600 to 700 m/s. For the measurements at shorter times we used the pulsed high-power proton beam of the Karlsruhe Light Ion Facility KALIF [5] as a shock wave generator. The ablative pressure generated by the proton beam produced a compression wave with incident load duration of ~40 ns. The sample thickness in the beam driven experiments varied from 0.25 mm to 0.85 mm. The free surface velocity histories of the samples were recorded using VISAR and ORVIS laser Doppler velocimeters. The ORVIS was used in the line-imaging mode [6]. The measurements were performed over a temperature range from 20°C to 650°C for aluminum and up to 830°C for copper. Note that the melting temperature is 660. 1°C for aluminum and 1083°C for copper. The power of used resistive heaters was sufficient to reach the test temperature after 10 minutes of heating. The temperature was controlled by a thermocouple placed in contact with the rear surface of the sample close to the point of the free surface velocity measurements. Figure 1 shows an example of the line-imaging ORVIS streak record. The bell-shaped power density distribution along the cross-section of the KALIF beam results in transversely varying amplitude in a planar ablation pressure wave. The gradient of peak stresses along the measuring line on the sample surface results in a varying propagation velocity of the shock wave that explains the tilt of the shock wave front relative to the sample plane. The radial stress gradient should not create problems for the measurements since the resulting tilt of the shock wave is small enough to approximately meet the assumption of planar geometry used in the data evaluation. Thus, using a line-imaging ORVIS and the proton beam as a shock-wave generator, we were able to measure wave profiles over a range of peak stresses in a single experiment. The free surface velocity history, Ufs(f), of a fixed point on the sample surface (that corresponds to fixed ordinate y in the interferogram) was determined by the linear approximation Ufs(t) = n*uQ + u0 xAy(0/4y/(0 FIGURE 1. Line-imaging ORVIS streak record of the KALIF experiment with a 0.825 mm thick copper single crystal at room temperature. The total duration of the record is 156 ns, the velocity-per-fringe constant was MQ = 172.2 m/s,. 50 100 150 Time, ns FIGURE 2. The free surface velocity histories of copper single crystal evaluated from the ORVIS interferogram shown in Fig.2. the fringe closest to the given y in the direction of the velocity increase; Ay/ is the distance between two neighboring fringes. Obviously, Eq. (1) may be used for interpreting the line-imaging interferograms when the velocity gradients duldy are constant or almost constant along the.y-axes. We used in Eq. (1) the values of Ay and Ay/along directions of smallest local gradients in the interferogram. Figure 2 shows the velocity histories ufs(t) evaluated from the experimental record shown in Fig. 1. Each wave profile describes a velocity history of a separate point on the sample surface. In this shot the peak stress was close to the spall threshold, so the free surface velocity histories with and without a spall signal have been recorded. (1) RESULTS where UQ is the velocity-per-fringe constant of the interferometer; n is the number of fringes crossing a horizontal line of a given y\ Ay is the deflection of Figures 3 and 4 show typical free surface velocity histories measured for aluminum single crystal 504 800 0.1 0.2 0.3 Time, us FIGIRE 3. Free surface velocity histories of 2.90±0.05 mm thick aluminum single crystals impacted by 0.4 mm thick aluminum flyer plates at different test temperatures. FIGURE 4. Free surface velocity histories of ion beam driven experiments at 20°C and 622°C. The sample thickness was 425 JJJTL and 260 jjm, respectively. samples at normal and elevated temperatures. The wave profiles demonstrate an anomalous increase in the precursor wave amplitude as the test temperature rises. Comparison of the data shown in Figs. 3 and 4 shows a rapid decay of the precursor wave at high temperature that is an evidence of a strong rate sensitivity of the yield stress. The velocity pullback, which is a measure of the spall fracture stress, remains high up to the maximum temperature of temperature, the yield strength is less sensitive to temperature than the Hugoniot elastic limit. The fracture stress at spalling a* is calculated from the measured velocity pullback Aufs between the peak velocity and the value right ahead of the spall signal front. It was suggested [9] and later confirmed by a detailed analysis [10] that the tensile stress just before spall fracture in case of a triangular load pulse may be calculated using the relationship: 650°C. The Hugoniot elastic limit GHEL, the dynamic yield strength 7, and the spall strength were evaluated from the measured free surface velocity profiles accounting for temperature dependences of the elastic constants of aluminum [7] and copper [8]. The longitudinal stress GHEL at the elastic precursor front relates to the standard yield strength Y by the well-known relationship GHEL = P*UeufJ2 = (l-v)7/(l-2 v\ In the stress range realized in the experiments the nonlinear compressibility of matter has to be accounted for. This was done by means of 1.0 0.8 (2) where pQ is the material density, Ue is the propagation velocity of the elastic precursor wave, ufse is the free surface velocity at the precursor front, and v is Poisson's ratio. Within less than 1.5% uncertainty Ue may be replaced by the longitudinal sound speed c\. The results of the measurements of the dynamic yield strength in the plate impact experiments are summarized in Fig. 5 where longitudinal stresses at the elastic precursor spike and in the valley behind the elastic precursor front are plotted as a function of temperature. Since Poisson's ratio grows with S. 0.6 CD 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature, °C FUGURE 5. Longitudinal stresses in the elastic precursor spike (curve 1) and in the valley behind it (curve 2). Data labeled as 3 and 4 are the corresponding values of the yield stress. Tm is the melting temperature. 505 H 600 8 o KALIF data 3 0 F b _£_- ? 2 s> CO 1 1 CO _ Q T> 400 Plate impact T , n 0 200 ^^ _ , . i , i . i , i . i . i J 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time, ns Temperature, °C FIGURE 7. The free surface velocity histories of copper single crystal samples measured on KALIF. The peak stresses were varied by varying the beam power. FIGURE 6. Temperature dependence of the spall strength of aluminum single crystals at two strain rates. extrapolating the Hugoniot into the negative pressure region. Fig. 6 summarizes the spall strength data for aluminum. Since the measurements were done at low peak stresses in the shock compression pulses, the actual temperatures at the beginning of tension differ from the given temperatures by less than 3°5°C. In order to characterize the spall conditions, note that in the plate impact experiments with single crystals the corresponding rate of expansion was (3^6)xl05 s"1 and the thickness of the spall plates varied from 0.3 to 0.4 mm. In the beam driven experiments the expansion rate was (1.5*3)xl06 s"1, and the spall plate thickness was between 50 jj,m and 100 iLtm. Figure 7 shows results of a few experiments with copper single crystals performed on KALIF. The experiments were done with samples of 0.66 to 0.83 mm thickness at the room temperature, 485°C, and 830°C. The spall strength is 5.3 GPa at room temperature and 4.75 GPa at 485°C. Spall fracture did not occur in the experiment at 830°C that means the spall strength exceeded 2.8 GPa in this shot. The Hugoniot elastic limit at 830°C has been determined as 2.6 GPa, that corresponds to a yield stress Y= 1.35 GPa. Thus, anomalous rise of the Hugoniot elastic limit with increasing temperature and unexpectedly high spall strength near the melting were observed for aluminum and copper single crystals. In the accompanying paper [11] these results are discussed in terms of transition in dominating mechanisms of dislocation motion and realization of superheated solid states in preheated single crystals subjected to high-rate tension. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The work was supported by the Russian-German Co-operation Program WTZ RUS-545-96, and by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant number 00-02-17604. REFERENCES 1. Sakino, K. J. Phys. IVFrance, 10, Pr9-57 - 62 (2000). 2. Rohde, R.W. Ada Metallurgies 17, 353-363 (1969). 3. Bogach, A.A., Kanel, G.I., Razorenov, S.V., et al. Physics of the Solid State, 40(10), 1676-1680 (1998). 4. Kanel, G.I., Razorenov, S.V., Bogatch, A.A., et al. JApplPhys., 79(11), 8310-8317 (1996). 5. Baumung, K., Bluhm, H.J., Goel, B. et al. 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