CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 THE SPALL STRENGTH MEASUREMENT AND MODELLING OF AQ80 IRON AND COPPER SYSTEMS P.D. Church1, W.G. Proud2, T.D. Andrews3 and B. Goldthorpe3 1 2 DERA, Fort Halstead, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN14 7 BP, United Kingdom Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group, Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CBS OHE, United Kingdom 3 DERA Farnborough, Ively Road, Hampshire, GUM OLX, United Kingdom Abstract A series of plate impact experiments have been conducted at a range of velocities required to cause spall planes to grow in thiee materials. Annealed quenched iron (AQ80) and two types of copper, high-conductivity, cold drawn (HCCD 101) and copper prepared by a DERA propriety route (XMCu). The rear surface of the sample was observed using VISAR during impact and afterwards the recovered targets were sectioned. The velocity-time traces were modelled using a Lagrangian hydrocode, DYNA-2D, which incorporated the Goldthorpe Path Dependent Ductile Fracture Model. The experimental data and modelling is presented and match closely for the iron, whereas the agreement is much less good for the copper. The reasons for this are discussed and future work is proposed. INTRODUCTION Time The spall strength of a material is a measure of it's high-rate tensile properties. The spall effect is caused by the overlap of release waves as shown in figure la. The reload signal, figure Ib, is a measure of the spall strength (0spau). Spall strengths have been measured in many materials. The variation in value as a function of the initial shock input [1] and the incipient formation of the spall plane [2] have been studied. Modelling of such systems is non-trivial and requires the successful integration of several steps; the passage of shock waves through an uncompressed material, the dispersion of the release waves, the interaction of the releases and the fracture limit. In this study three materials are tested; an iron prepared by annealing / quenching with a Vickers hardness of 80 (AQ80), a copper (XM Cu) prepared by a DERA proprietary route and HCCD 101 copper. Material parameters are shown in table 1. Particle Velocity /Stress Distance (a) (b) FIGURE 1, (a)Wave propagation diagram, c = compression wave, r — release fan, (b) Velocity of rear of target plate. EXPERIMENTAL Samples of the materials, 6 mm thick, were impacted by a 3 mm copper flier plate, (Cu 101) fired from a 50 mm bore single stage light gas gun at the Cavendish Laboratory. The rear surface of the target impact was followed using VISAR giving a time - velocity history with a resolution of the order of nanoseconds. 487 Property \ Material Density (g / cm3) Longitudinal Wave speed (mm jas"1) Shear Wave Speed (mm jjs"1) Bulk Wave Speed(mm jus"1) Poissons ratio (mm [is"1) AQ80 7.93±0.02 5.86±0.01 3,26±0.01 4,49±0.01 0.27±0.01 CulOl 8.95±0.05 4,67±0.01 2.30±0.01 3.95±0,0l 0.347±0.01 XMCu 8.98±0.05 4.76±0.01 2.32±0.01 3.82±0.01 0.335±0.01 TABLE 1. Properties of the materials used as a function of the stress state and the local plastic strain increment. SIMULATION STUDIES The simulations were performed using the public domain version of the Lagrangian hydrocode DYNA2D originating from Lawrence Livermore Laboratories. The mesh resolutions used for all the simulations was 0.014 mm in both the flyer and the target. The mesh was sufficient to resolve all the wave propagation and a finer mesh gave no difference to the result, indicating that the solution had converged. All the experiments were simulated and the results can be summarised for the two materials. dS = 0.67 exp [1,5sn-QMsn-l.5] de (1) Where sn = Stress triaxiality (Pressure/Flow Stress or P/Y), de = Effective plastic strain S = Damage. The only measured parameter in the model is the critical damage, which is obtained from a novel analysis of the neck in a quasi-static tension test, where the pressure/yield (P/Y) condition is initially 0.33. In plate impact spallation tests, the strain rate is about 10Vl and the P/Y value under uniaxial strain is of the order of 400-800 depending on impact stress. For the iron the critical value of damage was 5.4. Once the failure condition is reached in the element, it is deleted. The simulation results were compared with the VISAR traces for all the experimental velocities, figure 2. The agreement is exceptional particularly the magnitude of the reload signal and the subsequent 'ringing' trace. An interesting prediction is that after the initial spall, the model predicts many other spalls further into the material. It is difficult to verify this experimentally, though such phenomena have been seen and photographed using high-speed cameras during liquid impact studies on PMMA, which suggests this is not unreasonable. SIMULATIONS OF THE IRON TARGET PLATES The iron target plates were simulated using the appropriate constants for modified ArmstrongZerilli model [3]. The C101 flyer plates were simulated using the Goldthorpe Path Dependent Deformation Model [4]. It is absolutely crucial in the simulation of spall experiments to use the correct elastic properties (i.e. densities, sound speeds, moduli) for all the materials as spallation is caused by the superposition of two release fans, subtle differences alter the formation both temporally and spatially. When comparing to a VISAR trace with a 2 ns resolution, this can make a significant difference to the result. The ductile fracture model was based on the Goldthorpe Path Dependent Ductile Fracture Model [5], which expresses the damage evolution 488 600 Particle Velocity "« 500 E £ 400 600 500 - ^ 300 w 200 * 100 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Time / p 3.5 FIGURE 2. The spall traces of AQ80, impacted at 256,461 and 585 m s~ l . Solid lines are experimental data, hatched lines with markers are the model. FIGURE 3. Effect of release from flier plate using (a) literature values, (b) parameters measured on the flier before use. good on the compression, Hugoniot stress, pulse width and the start of the release. However, the spall reload signal is captured very poorly. This level of agreement was similar for firings of different velocities and the C101 copper targets. Furthermore, the model has given good results for the fracture cylinder test where the strain rate is similar to plate impact, but the stress system is complex 3D and dynamically changing [6]. This suggests the Goldthorpe model is robust with changing boundary and stress systems. It was crucial to perform the simulation with accurate constitutive data for both target and flyer plates. Whilst this is obvious for the target plate, it is not so obvious for the flyer plate. An illustration of the sensitivity of these results is shown in figure 3 where the higher velocity experiment has been simulated using an elastic plastic model for the copper flyer and literature data for the elastic properties. Although the comparison is fair, there are some significant differences relating to subtleties in the release fan from the back of the flyer plate. This reinforces the view that great care is required in simulating plate impact spallation tests. a ' £> 200 • ——Experimental -•••Model 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Ticne/jus 3 3.5 FIGURE 4. XM Cu Spall comparsion of model with experiment. DISCUSSION The Goldthorpe model is giving very impressive results for the high strain rate spallation of iron under different impact stresses. This is remarkable considering the model was derived under quasi-static uniaxial stress conditions and demonstrates the robustness of the general approach to dynamic ductile fracture. The discrepancy with the copper results is disturbing and indicates that the Goldthorpe Path Dependent Ductile Fracture model may require some modification: the Goldthorpe model was published as an interim and novel approach SIMULATIONS OF COPPER SYSTEMS The simulation methodology was identical to the iron target plates as was the mesh resolutions. The critical damage level for the Goldthorpe fracture model for XM copper was 4.7. A comparison of the simulation and the experiment at 460 m/s is shown in figure 4. The level of agreement is very 489 CONCLUSIONS to ductile fracture. A number of simplifying assumptions were applied, not least of which was the employment of the void growth law due to Rice & Tracey [7]. This law assumes that the voids grow in a rigid plastic material, most materials, particularly copper exhibit significant work hardening. The Goldthorpe approach relies extensively on the solution of void interactions using novel analytical techniques [8]. These solutions are complicated by the assumption of local work hardening on the void interactions. This hardening would tend to delay the onset of fracture, as the local material becomes progressively stronger as the voids grow. The full solution to this problem is an area of ongoing research and is attempting to calculate the progress of damage under defined stress-states to the boundary conditions calculated by the hydrocode in a so-called dynamic 'unit cell' model. This entirely novel approach will then be able to link the damage evolution into the constitutive model and equation of state thus modifying the local wave propagation. The implementation of this physically based partnership between hydrocodes and analytical solutions will not be trivial since the link between them is path-dependent. Thus a very clear appreciation of the interface between the hydrocode numerics and the underlying model assumptions will be required for a self-consistent implementation. It is clear that the plate impact spall test is a stringent test of a fracture model and the hydrocode numerics, as it requires the resolution of complex wave propagation both spatially and temporally. The VISAR trace is a demanding comparison since its time resolution is of the same order as the hydrocode time step, any slight disparity in the numerical scheme will degrade the simulation result. 1 . The Goldthorpe Path Dependent Ductile Fracture Model gives excellent agreement with spallation results for iron. 2. The general approach to ductile fracture has been demonstrated as robust since the model derived under quasi-static loading has been successfully applied at very high strain rates. 3. The model requires some modification to account for work hardening of the local material around the voids. 4 . The partnership between the analytical solutions and hydrocodes in the 'unit cell' model shows significant promise. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS D. Cross of the Cavendish Laboratory is thanked for his technical expertise and support. A. Butler of DERA is thanked for supplying the materials. REFERENCES 1 V, A. Ogorodnikov, A. G. Ivanov, E. S, Tyunkin, V, A. Grigorev, and A. A. 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