CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Hone © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 A MECHANISTIC STUDY OF DELAYED DETONATION IN IMPACT DAMAGED SOLID ROCKET PROPELLANT E. R. Matheson1 and J. T. Rosenberg2 1 Aerothermal Design & Performance, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Reliability/Sustainability Engineering, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 2 Abstract. One method of hazard assessment for mass detonable solid rocket propellants consists of impacting right circular cylinders of propellant end-on into thick steel witness plates at varying impact velocities. A detonation that occurs within one shock traversal of the cylinder length is termed a prompt detonation or a shock-to-detonation transition (SDT). At lower velocities, some propellants detonate at times later than one shock transit, typically 1-5 shock transits. Because no mechanism for delayed detonation has been fully confirmed and accepted by the detonation physics community, these lowvelocity detonations are referred to as unknown-to-detonation transitions (XDTs). A leading theory, however, is that prior to detonation mechanically induced damage sensitizes the material through the formation of internal porosity which provides new mechanical reaction initiation sites (hot spots) and enhanced internal burn surface. To study this phenomenology, we have developed the Coupled Damage and Reaction (CDAR) model, implemented it in the CTH shock physics code, and simulated propellant impact experiments. The CDAR model fully couples viscoelastic-viscoplastic deformation, tensile damage, porosity evolution, reaction initiation, and grain burning to model the increased reactivity of the propellant. In this paper, CDAR simulations of propellant damage in spall and Taylor impact tests are presented and compared to experiment. An XDT experiment is also simulated, and implications regarding damage mechanisms and hydrodynamic processes leading to XDT are discussed. INTRODUCTION mechanical reaction initiation sites (hot spots) and enhanced internal burn surface. To study phenomenology associated with XDT, we have employed the2 5 Coupled Damage and Reaction (CDAR) model 6" as implemented in the CTH shock physics code . The CDAR model fully couples viscoelastic-viscoplastic deformation, tensile damage, porosity evolution, reaction initiation, and grain burning to model the increased reactivity of damaged propellant. In this paper, CDAR simulations of propellant damage in spall and Taylor rod impact tests are presented and compared to experiment. An XDT experiment is also simulated, and implications regarding damage mechanisms and hydrodynamic processes leading to XDT are discussed. During impact testing of L/D=l cylindrical samples of certain solid rocket propellants, two types of detonations are observed. Normal, or prompt, detonations occur at higher velocities and during the first transit of the shock wave. For these detonations, chemical reaction rates dominate over release waves entering the sample from free boundaries, and the mechanical behavior of the solid propellant is readily characterized by its shock behavior. Abnormal detonations are observed at lower velocities and typically occur after 1-5 shock transits along the sample axis. For these delayed detonations, release waves and ultimately tensile waves can form in the solid propellant greatly complicating the sample response during impact. Because no mechanism for delayed detonation has been fully confirmed and accepted by the detonation physics community, these low-velocity detonations are referred to as unknown-todetonation transitions (XDTs). A leading theory1, however, is that prior to detonation mechanically induced damage sensitizes the material through the formation of internal porosity which provides new SPALL MODEL CORRELATION One-dimensional spall tests were performed for the study material using PMMA flyers at increasing impact velocities until full damage was achieved. Fig. 1 shows profiles of damage and solid volume fraction through the target material simulated with 464 limited to a specified level. Here, it was set to reflect the change in modulus of the propellant observed in dynamic tensile tests. Decohesion is modeled as occurring abruptly when tensile strains exceed the value at which the modulus is observed to decrease suddenly in the tensile tests. The black regions in Fig. 3 are sites where CDAR has predicted full damage due to binder scission. Two forms of scission are predicted by CDAR in Fig. 3:1) strain failure of the binder at the impact face, and 2) stress failure on-axis near the back surface. The damage profile at the front face qualitatively agrees well with the damage shown in Fig. 2. There is a circumferential macrocrack predicted at the mid-radius that is penetrating some distance along the axis. There is also full damage predicted at the radial periphery of the impact face. Fig. 2 shows some material missing at the periphery. If scission damage near the rear of the sample occurred, it was not reported. In this region, CDAR predicted that the tensile stress state was virtually uniform in all directions, and the stress was greater than that for the 1-D spall threshold. Considering that it does not conform to the usual concept of a spall plane and that it occurs over a small region, it may not have been readily detected. CDAR. In this case, the impact conditions are at the threshold for full damage to occur at 6.0 jis. At this time, the material exhibits a porosity of 2.0% at the location of 100% damage. At later times, the damage profile remains unchanged whereas the voids have fully closed. During the spall process, the tensile strain rates are very small or nonexistent. Moreover, the tensile strains remain very small over the duration of the experiment. Thus, spall damage is necessarily modeled as a quasistatic stress failure of the binder system. 1.0 1.000 **\ 0.9- 0.995 0.80.7- ——Damage £ °' 6 ~ —-Solid Volume Fraction -0.990 5 I °' " - 0.985 0.3- 0.980 0.20.1 - 0.975 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 03 0.4 0.5 0.6 Position (cm) FIGURE 1. Simulated damage and volume fraction profiles for the interrupted spall test. TAYLOR ROD IMPACT TEST CORRELATION Taylor impact experiments were performed on propellant rods of various L/D ratios. Fig. 2 shows damage inflicted on a propellant sample with Z/D=1.27. The upper image in Fig. 2 is of the impact face revealing an approximately circumferential macrocrack. In the lower image, the sample was sliced along its axis revealing the same macrocrack running a short distance up the sample. In both views, it can be observed that there are large energetic crystals decohered from the propellant binder system. For the spall tests, decohesipn damage was not readily apparent since the tensile strains were very low relative to the Taylor tests. The Taylor rod impact experiment was simulated using CDAR, and Fig. 3 shows contours of damage in the sample at some time after impact. At this time, the sample has just begun to rebound from the aluminum impactor and has experienced maximum radial strains at the impact face. Gray regions in Fig. 3 correspond to decohesion damage levels. In CDAR, decohesion damage may i)' View of b) ini of FIGURE 2. Damaged propellant recovered from a Taylor rod impact experiment. 465 than scission damage. Fig. 4 also shows that there is a low level of porosity and only decohesion damage on-axis where the detonation initiates in Fig. 5. This is quite different from the DDT-like mechanism postulated in Ref. 1. FIGURE 3. Simulated damage contours for end-on impact of a cylindrical sample in a Taylor rod impact experiment. FIGURE 4. Simulated damage and solid volume fraction contours for an XDT impact experiment. XDT IMPACT CORRELATION Impact-induced XDT was studied previously using the programmed XDT technique . The XDT experiment studied in Ref. 7 is simulated here using the CDAR model. The propellant sample was 25mm in diameter, L/D=1, and fired from a shotgun onto a steel witness plate. The witness plate was 3.2 mm thick, and there was a PVDF stress gage embedded on the sample shotline between the witness plate and a thick steel backing plate. Fig. 4 shows damage and solid volume fraction contours immediately prior to the initiation of detonation. The sample has experienced decohesion damage throughout, and there is some peripheral scission damage. The solid volume fraction contour shows a low level of porosity evolution on-axis near the front face. Near the rear surface, there is a high degree of porosity due to decohesion, but the scission damage is insufficient to form a spall plane. Fig. 5 shows gas pressure contours at four times. The upper-left quadrant shows that the initial reaction occurs near the front face about 2/3 of the way from the axis. In the upper-right quadrant, the reactive wave has propagated to the axis. The two lower quadrants reveal that the detonation initiates on-axis at the impact face and propagates spherically away from that point. The lower-right quadrant also indicates that there is a fairly large region ahead of the detonation front that has initiated reaction. Examination of gas mass fraction contours prior to detonation shows that there is a trivial amount of gas present, and the gas has a negligible effect on hydrodynamic processes. There is scission damage shown in Fig. 4 in the same vicinity as the site where reaction initiates. Since it occurs later and does not propagate to the axis as does the reaction, it appears that reaction initiation is supported by decohesion damage rather FIGURE 5. Simulated gas pressure contours for an XDT impact experiment. Fig. 6 compares simulated and experimental xray records of the expanding detonation products. The simulation exhibits a radial jet-like structure similar to that in the experiment. The simulation also shows the witness plate crater which compares well with the crater photographic record in Ref. 7. Fig. 7 compares the axial stress on-axis computed by CTH at the PVDF gage location with the experimental gage record. The simulation shows a precursor to the detonation similar to the data but occurring somewhat early. The precursor pulse causes the pores to close generating a significant 466 DDT-like behavior was postulated as a possible cause for XDT, but it appears that the microstructure in conjunction with the binder toughness is the cause. For the Taylor test simulation, CDAR underpredicted the increase in sample volume observed in shadowgraphs. It is thought that adding pressure-dependent shear and shear-induced dilatation into the CDAR constitutive models might solve this problem8. Inclusion of these processes in CDAR may be important for predicting XDT under all impact conditions. gas pressure. However, the mass fraction of gas is so low the hydrodynamics are unaffected. It is the solid pressure in response to the compressive pulse that is generating hot spots leading to the detonation. CTH also computed a peak stress due to the detonation that is in very good agreement with the data. The simulated pulse is probably wider because the interface between the witness and backing plates which provides a path for transverse release waves to unload the gage was not modeled. REFERENCES 1. 2. Green, L. G., James, E., Lee, E. L., Chambers, E. S., Tarver, C. M., Westmoreland, C, Western, A. M., Brown, B., "Delayed Detonation in Propellants from Low Velocity Impact," Seventh Symposium (International) on Detonation, Annapolis, MD, 1619 June 1981, pp. 256-264. Olsen, E. M., Rosenberg, J. T., Kawamoto, J. D., Lin, C. F., and Seaman, L., "XDT Investigation by Computational Simulation of Mechanical Response Using a New Viscous Internal Damage Model," Eleventh Symposium (International) on Detonation, Snowmass, CO, 30 August - 4 September, 1998, pp. 170-178. FIGURE 6. Experimental versus simulated flash x-ray record for an XDT impact experiment. 3. CTH Axial Stress PVDF Gage Record 4. fi oo 5. Time FIGURE 7. Experimental versus simulated flash x-ray record for an XDT impact experiment. Matheson, E. R., Drumheller, D. S., and Baer, M. R, "An Internal Damage Model for ViscoelasticViscoplastic Energetic Materials," in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 7999, edited by M. D. Furnish, L. C. Chhabildas, and R. S. Hixson, AIP Conference Proceedings 505, New York, 1999, pp. 691-694. Matheson, E. R., Drumheller, D. S., and Baer, M. R., "A Coupled Damage and Reaction Model for Simulating Energetic Material Response to Impact Hazards," in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1999, edited by M. D. Furnish, L. C. Chhabildas, and R. S. Hixson, AIP Conference Proceedings 505, New York, 1999, pp. 651-654. Matheson, E. R., Drumheller, D. S., and Baer, M. R., "A Viscoelastic-Viscoplastic Distention Model for Granulated Energetic thMaterials," Proceedings of the JANNAF 18 Propulsion Systems Hazards Subcommittee (PSHS) Meeting, Cocoa Beach, FL, 18-21 October, 1999. 6. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 7. This study demonstrates that material damage enhances material reactivity in CDAR to produce XDT-like responses in solid rocket propellants. In the XDT simulation, CDAR predicted that decohesion damage rather than macrocracks due to binder scission is responsible for XDT. In Ref. 1, 8. 467 Hertel, E. S., et al, "CTH: A Software Family for Multi-Dimensional Shock Physics Analysis," in Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Shock Waves 1, edited by R. Brun and L. D. Dumitrescu, pp.377-382. Matheson, E. R., Rosenberg, J. T., Ngo, T. A., and Butcher, G., "Programmed XDT: A New Technique to Investigate Impact-Induced Delayed Detonation," Eleventh Symposium (International) on Detonation, Snowmass, CO, 30 August - 4 September, 1998, pp. 162-169. Drumheller, D. S., Private Communication.
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