CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Hone © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 A COMPLETE EQUATION OF STATE FOR DETONATION PRODUCTS IN HYDROCODES O. Heuze CEA DAM/ lie de France, B.P. 12 , 91680 Bruyeres-le-Chatel, FRANCE Recent works have shown new requirements for the equation of state of detonation products in hydrocodes. Experimental results about sound speed in detonation products implied that a new model has to be built. Moreover, the advent of teraflop computers will allow the use of new reactive flow models based on Arrhenius kinetics which need realistic temperatures given by the equation of state. In this paper, we describe a new model that proposes solutions to these problems. It is a complete equation of state for both detonation products and initial explosive that provides access to all thermodynamic properties including temperature, entropy and free energy. Several procedures are proposed to determine the parameters of the model, from thermochemical calculations or experimental data. INTRODUCTION temperatures such that it may be used with Arrhenius kinetics for modeling the transition to detonation. For ten years, several proposals have been done [1,2,3,4] to provide improved models compared to the well known JWL equation of state [5]. Recently, the improvement of both experimental [6] and numerical [7] tools allows to obtain more information to predict the behavior of explosives. However, equations of state used in hydrocodes are not able to provide such information. The aim of the present paper is to propound a new model called CW2 corresponding to these requirements. In a former paper [8], we have shown the validity of the Mie Griineisen assumption for detonation products of high explosives. This leads to a linear P(E) (pressure versus internal energy) relationship, very useful for hydrocode calculations. We introduced a potential EK(V) for the cold contribution, and a temperature/volume relationship which gives a good agreement with thermochemical calculations. The parameters of the whole model are adjusted from thermochemical calculations or detonation experiments. Moreover, it reproduces the linear shock velocity versus particle velocity relationship, and then is suited to the initial explosive. It gives realistic THE CW2 MODEL We define the whole model from the free energy, as function of volume and temperature, and 9 parameters (F0 ,a, k , JLL, Cv 8, pr,0r,Sr): A(V,T) = E K (V) + C v .T[ln(x)-6.x]-S r T (1) with : EK(V)=y[?i(p/Pr)+Hln(p/pr)] (2) x = 0ry/T (3) = ( P /p r )'°exp[a((p/ Pr ) 10 -l)/2] (4) The first derivatives of A(V,T) give pressure and entropy: m/\ 5-x) S(V,T)=C v [l-ln(x)]+S r (5) (6) with: (7) 450 and r=r0+a(P/Pr)2 Let us compute P(1/V,E) and E(1/V,T) from thermochemical calculations. Choose arbitrary parameters pr,0r,Sr. P(1/V,E) gives the slope of P versus E at constant volume from which we deduce the Griineisen coefficient F. A linear regression of F versus p2 gives F0 and a. Then it is possible to determine y. Then we calculate A(V) = P(1/V,E=0). A second linear regression of V.A(V)/y versus density yields A and ji . At that point, it is possible to make hydrocalculations without temperature. From E(1/V,T), we calculate (E-Ek(V))/T versus x. A third linear regression gives Cv and 8. The nine parameters of our model are now determined: three arbitrary parameters, and six parameters calculated from three linear regressions. (8) then: : v .T(l-5.x) (9) F0 is the Griineisen coefficient at null density. Cv is the specific heat capacity at constant volume pr) 0r, Sr are respectively reference density, temperature and entropy. They are arbitrary parameters. 0r is similar to a Debye temperature. MAIN PROPERTIES From (5) and (7), we obtain this equation of state in the Mie-Griineisen form: PARAMETERS FROM CHAPMAN-JOUGUET STATE DATA (10) Notice that: From given p0, E0 and Chapman-Jouguet data DCJ, PCJ? TCJ and the pressure of combustion at constant volume Pv (Pv -0.46 P C j ), we can calculate the main parameters. The detonation products properties are not very sensitive to Fo, a and Cv. For instance, for high explosive, we can take the following average values: Fo-0.13, a~0.28 and Cv~2200 J/kg.K. We deduce: dy/dV = r(V)/V Let us assume that: dE K (V) T(V). A(V) = -E K (V) (11) dV V We notice that A(V) corresponds to P(V,E=0), and equation (10) can be written: (12) Then V.A(V)/y is a linear function of density: V.A(V)/y = A, / V + ILL Yc/ (13) PO(YC/ +I ) Notice the linear relationship of F versus square of density. We remark that x is constant on isentropic curves. This property is very interesting to determine analytically the isentropic expansion. It is possible to invert equations and express internal energy from volume and entropy: Py = We introduce Kj and K2: K fy__\ Po _ E =EK(V)+y.Cv.0r exp[(S-So)/Cv-l)] (14) DETERMINATION OF PARAMETERS FROM THERMOCHEMICAL CALCULATIONS _r ! Yc/L YC/+ 1 Then we obtain the parameters: From former considerations, we are now able to determine the parameters of our model. 451 To \l=C 8=- PARAMETERS FOR A LINEAR D-u RELATIONSHIP MIXING LAW The Mie-Griineisen form is generally used for solids. Then the idea to use the CW2 equation of state for the initial explosive becomes obvious. Let us assume the linear relationship between shock velocity and particle velocity: D=c+su and introduce: T! = P / Po This gives the Hugoniot pressure PH: With one set of parameters for the initial explosive and another set for its detonation products, we define the equation of state for any mixture corresponding to a burn fraction a. We take a constant value for the three reference parameters, and the six other parameters (pi =(T0 ,a, X , ji, Cv, 5) follow the law: With the linearity of the parameters versus a , we do not need to make any other assumption about the mixture: isotherm, isobaric . . . Then such a model is particularly useful for homogeneous liquid explosives with an Arrhenius kinetics. The CW2 model gives: At the initial state, we obtain: P = Po 11=1 PH=0 From which we deduce: A, + M. + (r0+a) = E0 We introduce: RESULTS We compare our model with recent experimental results obtained by TANG et al. The sound speed was measured versus pressure on the upper part of the reactive Hugoniot of PBX9501. Our parameters were obtained from thermochemical calculations and the three linear regressions. A significant discrepancy could be seen with the original JWL equation of state, but a better agreement was obtained with a modified form. Figure I shows that the results obtained with our model is in good agreement with the experimental points. This implies its good qualitative behavior. W2 (r0 ,a) = 2(F0 + a}3 + (F0 + d)2 - 6a CONCLUSION This study is a step of a general method to provide a predictive and efficient equation of state of Then, we obtain: 452 10000 9500 9000 8500 8000 7500 7000 6500 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 P(kb) Figure I. Sound speed versus pressure for PBX9501 detonation products for hydrocodes. We propose a single equation of state valid for both the explosive and its detonation products, including temperature and entropy, expressed both in P(V,T) and P(V,E). Parameters can be deduced from thermochemical calculations or experimental data. Then it can also be used with chemical reactions. It provides temperature then it allows to be used with Arrhenius kinetics, particularly useful for homogeneous liquid explosives. We have shown that, without particular adjustment, it is in good agreement with recent measurements of sound speed versus pressure. [3] BAKER E.L. , Technical report ARAERD-TR91013(1991) [4] HEUZE O, BAUER P., "A simple method for the calculation of the detonation properties of CHNO explosives" Symposium HDP, La Grande Motte, pp. 225-232 (1989) [5] KURY J.W. "Metal acceleration by Chemical explosives", 4th Symposium on Detonation (1965) [6] TANG P., HIXSON R.S., FRITZ J.N. "Modeling PBX9501 overdriven release experiments" APS Shock Compression in Condensed Matter, Amherst(1997) [7] TARVER C., APS Shock Compression in Condensed Matter, Amherst (1999) [8] HEUZE O. , "An equation of state from detonation products in hydrocodes", 27th International Pyrotechnics Seminar, Grand Junction CO (2000). REFERENCES [1] DAVIS W.C., "Equations of state for Detonation products" 10th Int. Symposium on Detonation, Boston (1993) [2] BYERS BROWN W., BRAITHWAITE M., "Development of the Williamsburg Equation of State to model non-ideal Detonation" " 10th Int. Symposium on Detonation, Boston (1993) 453
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