CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 SIMULATION OF SHAPED-CHARGE WITH SPH REZONE METHOD Yao, J., Gunger, M.E., Matuska, D. A. General Dynamics-OTS, Niceville, FL 32578 Abstract. This paper documents our development of two dimensional SPH rezoning. The MLS functions we have chosen naturally provide a second order accurate rezone scheme. It satisfies the conservation laws accurately. It also conserves geometry. Huygens construction is employed to pack particles with an intrinsic level-set method that automatically deals with the change of connectivity. The initial smoothness of arbitrary boundaries is well preserved. With an SPH rezoner, the stability, particle size/shape effect, boundary smoothness, and the symmetry of neighbor searching can be considerably improved. We have applied the rezone method to simulate a variety of problems involving energetic materials, include a shaped charge jet problem. INTRODUCTION Moving Least-Squared interpolation. It was concluded that with the MLSPH method, the stability of the numerical system is the same as the stability of the dynamic system itself to the leading order. It is the most satisfying theoretical treatment of the stability issue of SPH. But it should be noted that Dilt's derivation of the stability growth factor did not cover the boundary particles. Instability may still occur easily on boundaries. The SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) method, because of its flexibility, is an ideal candidate for the link between Euler and Lagrange methods. However major difficulties with SPH have been identified that limited its usage. The one most well known among them is the tension instability. Another, which has been less noticed, is the particle size effect. The tension instability rendered the approach unsuitable for general hyperbolic boundary value problems. The particle size/shape effect, which occurs when the density of the material change, or the material is highly distorted, directly reduces the accuracy of the SPH method. A third draw back of the SPH method is that the physical volume of a particle is not equal to its SPH volume because the mass equation does not provide volume conservation exactly. It will, after a large number of cycles, make the density uncertain. GD-OTS has employed the MLSPH method to solve general problems of material interactions. We have spent a significant effort on reducing these difficulties. Primarily, we have developed a general rezone method that effectively deals with these difficulties. With the use of our rezoner, the OTI-MLSPH code is stable, has avoided inaccuracy caused by the changing of particle size/shape, and ensures the particle volume is equal to its physical volume. We have used our code to simulate shaped-charge jet problems. The results are encouraging . In Dilt's 1999 paper [1], the instability problem of the SPH method was treated with the 435 A SPH rezoner cannot allow misidentification of boundary particles in order to determine accurate boundary geometry. All the boundary detecting techniques identified in Dilt's 2000 paper [2] can easily result in misidentifications. GD-OTS uses a simpler method to naturally identify boundary particles and the method seems to avoid misidentification in all the well defined cases we have tested. The local uniformity of rezoned particles is achieved with an intrinsic level-set Huygens construction method. One determines the desired level curves, then arranges particles nearly uniformly on the level curves. The spacing between level-curves can be predetermined. ESSENTIAL POINTS REGARDING SPH METHODOLOGY Through application, we developed some rules associated with the SPH methodology. We list some of them here we believe are essential: a). The boundary particles need to be packed carefully. Boundary smoothness is not optional if local accuracy (which involves the proper determination of the normal vector) is a consideration. b). Particles should be nearly uniformly distributed and should have nearly uniform diameters to eliminate the particle size effect. After initial packing of new particles, it is important to assign a volume to each particle. This can be achieved by finding the Voronoi cell of each interior particle. We use a geometric method to determine the vertices of the Voronoi cell with the known neighbors of a particle. Therefore the cost is of O(n). The corresponding particle position is then moved to the geometric center of its cell to conserve the volume. c). If A is found to be B's neighbor, then B should also be A's neighbor for their shapefunction to be symmetric and to satisfy the global conservation laws. THE GD-OTS MLSPH REZONER The conservation of mass, momentum and energy can be achieved by collecting the partial distribution from the unrezoned particles that overlap with a new particle. We define the fraction of overlap between a newly defined particle and its 'old neighbors' with an integral of the MLSPH interpolants. We prove that the conservation laws are satisfied exactly if the integral is evaluated exactly. In practice, we evaluate the integral with a one point quadrature and obtain second order accuracy. With the advantage of knowing the MLS interpolant, our SPH rezoner is accurate to second order automatically. The last step of SPH rezoning is to assign the mass, momentum, energy and other material properties for new particles. This is accomplished by an interpolation using the MLS interpolants of the old particles. The accuracy is of the second order and consistent with global conservation. CONSERVATION LAWS Since the SPH particle is not assumed to have a definite geometry except for its volume and center of mass, the definition of overlap fraction between the 'old' and 'new' particles cannot be a geometric one. We can, however, define a function that serves as a numerical 'overlap' fraction. The conservation of mass, momentum, energy can be proven trivially by summation over all particles. A major difference between a SPH method and a Lagrange method is that a SPH particle has only a numerical volume, but a Lagrange cell has a definite geometry. The 'overlap' of particles in SPH can not be as easily defined geometrically as for a Lagrange method. However we have a way to assign a new particle a definite geometry, which conserves volume exactly, therefore the calculation of density and pressure is more realistic. The overlap of the volume of new particle i and its old neighbor j for all i and j can be defined with the following MLS integrals, 436 The only problem left is how to calculate Py. We make the choice similar to what is done in [1] by using a single quadrature to evaluate the integrals centered at particle z, we find that ^=<(*r-**>. This allows us to interpolate any linear function (or quadratic with more cost) exactly. Assuming that every particle has local support, we conclude that the error is at most of the second order for differentiable functions. Thus, dissipation is well controlled. th where (ft is the i MLS interpolant of new particle at xt and <p$ is the/'1 MLS interpolant at old particle jc,- . py can be considered as the portion of new particle i that overlaps with the old particley'. The first observation is Zj Py = 1, so the definition is consistent with the meaning of a partial fraction. It will be used to calculate the properties of the new particles / by summation over partial distributions from all old particles j in order to ensure conservation. We calculate the particle properties in the following way: BENEFITS OF REZONING The introduction of rezoning in a SPH code not only solves particle size/shape effects, it also improves the stability of an SPH solver. When particles get too close or too far away, a rezoning will reset the position of particles, therefore tension instability cannot easily develop if the rezone is done frequently. One can confidently run this SPH code without artificial viscosity, but with the use of a rezoner. Also because the spacing of particles is locally 'uniform', the CFL condition is easier to satisfy and one can expect his SPH code to run faster after rezoning. Furthermore, one obtains the optimized total number of particles and has the choice of higher boundary accuracy with the use of Huygens construction. Symbolically, the mass, momentum and the energy are conserved exactly, for example V »™ = V V™p™ L-ii m i L^i i ri m°/d __ y old Pyy ~ m°ld From the description of the rezoning scheme, it is easily seen that the transformation between an Euler or a Lagrange system and a SPH system can be done naturally through the use of the MLS rezoner. The one-point quadrature evaluation of the MLS integrals makes an MLSPH method the second order accurate in space, therefore the rezone will not affect the accuracy of the method. y old however by definition this amount is exactly V°° since the MLS function (p"*™ (x — xt ) exactly interpolates the number 7. Therefore With the help of the rezoner, GD-OTS is able to calculate problems such as shaped-charge (Fig.l) and explosion clouds with our SPH code, and to obtain accurate and visually reasonable results. The original SPH method will most likely fail in these cases. With the SPH rezone scheme developed at GD-OTS, the stability and accuracy of the smooth particle hydrodynamics old The mass is conserved exactly. Similarly one can prove that momentum and energy are also conserved exactly. 437 With the level-set technique, a) can be achieved provided a method to identify isosurfaces is available. We are quite sure such resources exist. However, to reduce the calculation burden, a 3D intrinsic fast-tube levelset method is desired. It is not currently available but we are working on it. Task b) can also be done with existing software of three dimensional triangulation. c) can be done with a Huygens construction-like technique. Since a general mesh is not available for an arbitrary surface, we are working on a marked particle technique to accomplish the task. is substantially improved. Our MLSPH simulator with a rezoner is capable of simulating a widerange of problems. The SPH method, because of its extreme flexibility, has the potential to become a universal solver for all types of problems involving material interactions at high rates. The original SPH algorithm had major problems with tension instability and low accuracy and therefore could not have served as a substitution for either Euler or Lagrange codes. The development of the MLSPH technique by Dilts provided a solution of the instability issue and improved the accuracy of SPH method (MLSPH is second order accurate in space). However Dilt's treatment does not completely eliminate these problems. The rezone methodology we presented in this paper further extends Dilt's result and successfully addresses all the major numerical drawbacks of the original SPH method. This technique has been used to simulate a variety of problems including shapedcharge jets and the results are promising. We expect our MLSPH code to eventually become an effective link between or a substitute for our Lagrange and Euler methods. FIGURE 1. A shaped charge Calculation. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS It is not too costly to do SPH rezone in two dimensional and the algorithm is not hard to implement. One may rezone quite frequently if necessary. In the extreme case, it is practical to use a Voronoi cell to replace the mass equation so every interior particle is associated with a definite geometry. However, it is much more costly to do three dimensional SPH rezoning, and it is not practical to rezone frequently. By following the same methodology we employed for two dimensional axisymmetric geometry, a three dimensional SPH rezoner can be expected to work in a similar way. REFERENCES 1. Dilts, G. A. " Moving Least Squares Particle Hydrodynamics ~ I. Consistency and Stability", Int. J. Numer. Mech. Eng. 44, 1115-1155 (1999). One should obtain the following numerical resources for coding a three dimensional SPH rezoner: 2. Dilts, G. A. " Moving Least Squares Particle Hydrodynamics - II. Conservation and Boundaries", Int. J. Numer. Mech. Eng. 48, 1503-1524(2000). a). A 3D Huygens construction method. b). A 3D Voronoi cell solver. c). An algorithm to distribute particles nearly uniformly on a level surface. 438
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