CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 IMPACT RESPONSE OF PBX 9501 BELOW 2 GPA 1 1 1 2 K. Kline , Y. Horie , J. J. Dick , and W. Wang Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 Abstract. DDEM2, a discrete element code, is used to model plane shock-wave profiles in unreacted PBX 9501. The constitutive properties of the material are modeled in terms of hydrostatic pressure and viscoelastic shear stress. The former is modeled using Hugoniot data. The latter is represented by a relaxation functional, which is approximated by a three-term Prony series. Material parameters were found to give a satisfactory fit to the measurements. The relaxation times are lxlO" 7 s, lxlO~ 6 s, and an elastic assumption. A single shear modulus is reintroduced at the beginning of unloading. The unloading elastic component is 5x1010 dynes/cm2 and the relaxation time is 4xlO~ 7 s. stress relaxation. Second, the code has a capability to model two-dimensional heterogeneous materials using elastic and viscoelastic elements. In this exploratory study, calculations are limited to shock propagation in a one-dimensional chain. DDEM2 uses, as in molecular dynamic simulations, a force-and-particle method to calculate stress wave propagation in solids. However, particles in DDEM2 have a finite size and internal variables representing the state; e.g., composition and internal energy. Particle trajectories are determined by solving Newton's equations of motion. This force includes a damping force, which is a function of relative particle velocity, to control high-frequency oscillations. This force is equivalent to artificial viscosity in hydrocode calculations of shock propagation. For the weak shocks of current interest, bulk temperature changes have been ignored. INTRODUCTION This study covers the numerical modeling of wave profile measurements [1] using a nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model in a discrete element code called DDEM2. The focus of this paper is to investigate the plane impact response of the material known as PBX 9501 from 0.2 to 2 GPa and to improve through DDEM2 understanding of the viscoelastic response of PBX 9501 to mild mechanical shock loading where no reaction is expected. For this discussion and in the regime of the authors' interest, the mechanical response of the material is modeled as viscoelastic and is attributed to the particulate behavior in a plastic binder. A recent effort [2] integrated available data from Hugoniot or ultrasonic measurements for modeling non-shock ignition of PBX 9501 using a generalized Maxwell model. However, the focus of the parametric evaluation was placed on low strain-rate regimes. Constitutive Model For a one-dimensional application of the DDEM2 code to simulate shock wave events on a chain, uniaxial strain conditions are imposed between an interacting element pair. The longitudinal stress, a, is resolved into hydrostatic DISCRETE ELEMENT METHOD DDEM2, under development over the last few years at North Carolina State University, is chosen for two reasons. First, the code contains a viscoelastic model with a convolution integral for 411 pressure, P , and deviatoric stress, 5 . The hydrostatic response is determined by the Hugoniot and is assumed to be a function of volume only. [3] If Hugoniot data are described by a linear shock velocity/particle velocity relation, Us=C0+kup, then the pressure is given by P0 = where £ is volume strain and CQ = B0 I p0 . The deviatoric stress is described by a linear viscoelastic model through use of a convolution integral that signifies fading memory. [4] 5(0= where chf jdl is the deviatoric strain rate and M is the relaxation modulus. Because the strain is assumed to be uniaxial, the physical meaning of M is 4/3 G , where G represents the material shear modulus. Mis represented by a sum of n exponentials (called the Prony series). The deviatoric stress can be thought of as a system of n differential equations such that ^L-M^L^ dt ~ ' dt \ ' n(2) } where Mf is the instantaneous elastic modulus and AY is the relaxation time for each of the differential equations. The meaning of the differential equations can be depicted by mechanical models composed of springs, signifying elastic response ( S f = Mfl f) and dashpots, describing viscous effects (Sj = J]l dy/dt, with r\. = Mfa as viscosity) in parallel, basically a generalized Maxwell model. The code does not account for any volumetric influence in viscosity. If the number of functions is limited to three, this model is similar to one used for polymers [3], but DDEM2 does not contain a relaxation time as a function of strain rate. DDEM2 material parameters can be cast into their framework for multidimensional applications. As shown in Fig. 1, the model is best described by the viscoelastic shear-yielding model for a solid. [5] The model doesn't include any material damage effects. The material loading path is initially bound by the Elastic Instantaneous modulus at zero strain, EL(0), which also determines the initial wave speed. The viscoelastic material follows a loading path to the terminal state, T. At the steady state, the loading path will collapse to the Rayleigh line, R. At the terminal point, the unloading path wave speed is initially determined by the Elastic Instantaneous tangent, EL(e), but deviates from this slope due to viscous effects. The unloading elastic path is bound by the hydrostatic Hugoniot, H, and is tangent to the Isentropic Compression, S^, at the final state. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Three symmetric impact test shots, [1] shotsl!16, 1049, and 1058, are analyzed. In these experiments, wave profiles of time vs. particle velocity were obtained using magnetic velocity gauges at five locations. Impact velocity and induced maximum stress are in the range of 120 to 440 m/s and 300 MPa to 1.2 GPa, respectively. The best fit parameters are based on the parameters determined in the preliminary report. [6] Table 1 lists the parameters used in this best fit case. The results of the best fit are displayed along with the experimental data in Figs. 2-4. The loading and unloading arrival times as well as the dispersion and relaxation agree fairly well with the experimental data for shots 1116 and 1049. But for shot 1058, the computational unloading wave consistently arrives approximately 100 ns slower than the experimental wave. Also, the relaxation doesn't satisfactorily describe the measured profile. The authors observed that the relaxation for shot 1058 could be matched to the measured data with a p «ad Figure 1. Shear-yielding model that does not include damage. Volume^ V0 (1-e). The dotted lines are the loading and unloading paths. The OD line is an overdriven loading path. 412 Table 1.Computational Best Fit Material Parameters Best Fit Case Parameters £<0 3 £ >0 1.82dO 1.82dO 9.0dlO 9.0dlO 2.5dlO 2.5dlO l.d-7 l.d-7 1.121dlO 1.121dlO l.d-6 l.d-6 G3 (dynes/cm ) LdO 7.0dlO X3 (s) I.d20 4.d-7 P0 (g/cm ) B o 2 (dynes/cm ) 2 Gl (dynes/cm ) XI (s) 2 G2 (dynes/cm ) X2 (s) 2 FIGURE 3. Best fit case compared to shot 1049 for PBX 9501 at 560 MPa. Half-impact velocity is 116 m/s. (assumed to be 1/3). pressure-sensitive modification. This suggests that the shear modulus is pressure sensitive, but the results are not presented in this paper. For gauges 3-5 in all three shots, the computational peak pressures are roughly 10% lower than the experimental steady state pressures. Also, the computational results show decay in the steady state peak pressures. This is puzzling. For shot 1116, the decay could be attributed to the rarefaction wave overtaking the initial wave before it reached the final state. But for the two other shots, the initial wave should be traveling faster then rarefaction wave in the time frame analyzed. The longitudinal sound speed at zero pressure, CLQ, is calculated using Eqs. 3 and 4 where Cs is the shear sound speed, and v is Poisson's ratio 2 Time (us) Po BQ = p0C0 = (3) 2(1 -v) — (4) For the computation, CLQ is 2.75 mm/(is, which corresponds to an experimental value of 2.95 mm/jis. The discrepancy in the longitudinal sound speed, which allows the computational and measured loading arrival times to agree, is unclear. The bulk modulus is evaluated using the Hugoniot [1], but the Hugoniot intercepts a slightly slower sound speed at zero pressure than expected. Interestingly, the unloading shear modulus is twice as big as the total loading modulus. This may be due to compression of the material after impact (porosity influence), compensation for the decrease in the computational bulk modulus, or a change in material properties. Figure 5 shows the fifth-gauge records for all three shots. Notice that shots 1116 and 1049 have roughly the same arrival time of the loading wave in the computation as well as in the experimental data. This unexpected behavior of the traveling wave is examined further. If the material were elastic-plastic, then the wave speed for shot 1058 can be explained as an overdriven case, in which the slope of the Rayleigh line is greater than the longitudinal elastic slope. Because the material is assumed to be viscoelastic in the present study, the overdriven situation occurs 3 FIGURE 2. Best fit case compared to shot 1116 for PBX 9501 at 303 MPa. Half-impact velocity is 66.2 m/s. 413 >100 I 50 \ \ l \ \ \ l \ 0 1 gp....l.,....l......l,..., .... ........ ........ ,...,...,, fj,. . . . . .j. . . . . . . . liq:]::: :):::[::): 2 Time (MS) :J 4 FIGURE 4. Best fit case compared to shot 1058 for PBX 9501 at 1.18 GPa. Half-impact velocity is 220 m/s. FIGURE 5. Comparison of shots 1116, 1049, and 1058 at the fifth gauge location. because the Elastic Instantaneous modulus at zero strain is greater than the relaxed modulus, as shown in Fig. 1. In the region where compression is less than the threshold stress (0 <0 r / ? ), the precursor wave speed is the longitudinal speed at zero stress, as observed in shots 1116 and 1049. However, for any terminal load above the threshold stress (0 >0 f / l ), the wave speed is controlled by the magnitude of the terminal. An estimate for alh is 1.103 GPa, corresponding to a particle velocity of roughly 220 m/s. This result is consistent with the stress data from the experimental gauge records. The viscoelastic explanation of overdriven loading does not contradict the existence of Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL) below Gth. In fact, some HEL experimental evidence shows its existence at about 140 Mpa [1], but additional work is needed to resolve this issue. The unloading shear modulus is twice as big as the loading shear modulus. This could be due changes in material properties, porosity influence, or compensation for a decrease in the initial computational bulk modulus. At present, the parameters are estimated from the Hugoniot Us - up relation, where up = 0 is interpreted as the solid bulk sound speed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Kazushige Yano, Los Alamos National Laboratory, for the contribution of his thoughts and ideas in our discussions. REFERENCES 1. Dick, J. J., Martinez, A. R., and Hixson, R, S., Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-13426-MS, Los Alamos, NM 87545, April 1998. Also found in Dick, J. J., Martinez, A. R., and Hixson, R. S., "Plane Impact Response of PBX 9501 below 2 GPa," in Proc. 11th Int. Det Symp., 1998 (in press), p. 317. 2. Bennett, J. G., Haberman, K. S., Johnson, J. N., Asay, B. W., and Henson, B. F., J. Mech. Phys, Solids 46, 2303-2322(1998). 3. Johnson, J. N., Dick, J. J., and Hixson, R. S., J. Appl Phys. 84, 2520-2529 (1998). 4. Lakes, R. S., Viscoelastic Solids, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1999. 5. Band, W., J. Geop. Res. 65(2), 695-719 (1960). 6. Kline, K., Horie, Y., Dick, J. J., and Wang, W., Los Alamos National Laboratory report, Los Alamos, NM 87545, In press. CONCLUSIONS A discrete element code, DDEM2, is used to numerically investigate symmetric impact experiments [1] and to explore the viscoelastic response of PBX 9501 to mild mechanical shock. This model is similar to the viscoelastic shear-yield model [5] for solid materials. This best fit case shows satisfactory agreement with the experimental data in all aspects of the wave profile. But the numerical results at the steady state are about 10% lower than the measured peak pressures for the latter gauges for all three shots. 414
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