CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 AB INITIO MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS OF MOLECULAR COLLISIONS OF NITROMETHANE Dongqing Wei% Fan Zhangb, Tom K. Wooc>* "Centre de Recherche en Calcul Applique. 5160 Boul Decarie, suite 400, Montreal, Quebec H3X2H9, Canada. b Defense Research Establishment Sujfield, Box 4000 Stn Main, Medicine Hat, Alberta TIB 8K6, Canada c Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B7, Canada. Abstract. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of bimolecular collisions of nitromethane, and collisions of one nitromethane molecule into a cluster of 12 nitromethane molecules have been performed. For the bimolecular simulations we have examined a variety of collision orientations and collision velocities between 6.5 and 12.0 km/s. The lowest dissociation threshold velocity found was 7.0 km/s for an anti-parallel collision orientation. For all low velocity collision simulations, only C-N bond cleavage is observed. The bimolecular collision simulations only show new fragmentation patterns at high collision velocities of 11.0 km/s or higher. The multimolecular collision simulations show a much wider variety of fragmentation patterns, including reactions involving three molecules and initial C-H bond scission. Our current interest lies in liquid NM under shocked conditions, where chemical decomposition is believed to occur. A detailed atomic level understanding of the decomposition mechanism of liquid NM under these conditions is not yet clear. Unimolecular C-N bond scission has often been implicated as a dominant pathway since the C-N bond is the weakest in NM. However, some high pressure studies do not support this mechanism [4, 5], There are other unimolecular mechanisms, such as, NM rearrangement to methyl nitrite and formation of nitromethyl aci-anion. Several bimolecular mechanisms proposed in [4] have also been suggested by Haskins and Cook [6] as well as by Bardo [7]. Through simulation, we hope to shed light on the possible decomposition mechanisms of liquid NM under shock conditions. Here we report our results of ab initio MD simulations of bimolecular collisions, multimolecular collisions and liquid NM. COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS In this study, we have utilized Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) [8] at the gradient corrected level with Becke's 1988 exchange functional [9] and Perdew's 1986 correlation functional (BP86) [10]. For all molecular dynamics simulations the CPMD package of Parrinello has INTRODUCTION Shock-induced chemical decomposition of molecular liquids and the high-pressure equation of state have been topics of long-standing interest for energetic materials. Nitromethane (NM) is a prototypical energetic molecule, which due to its small size has been the subject of numerous theoretical simulations. Classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of liquid NM under ambient and shocked conditions have been performed with empirically derived potentials. However, the simulation of the chemical decomposition of the molecular liquids is problematic with traditional MD, due to the limitations of the parameterized potentials. Recently, it has become possible to perform practical ab initio MD simulations of small molecules in both the gas and liquid phase. Bimolecular collisions of NM in the gas phase have been simulated at the density functional level (DFT) in order to examine possible decomposition pathways. Tuckerman and Klein have performed ab initio MD simulations of solid NM [1]. Recently, Kress and coworkers have calculated the equationof-state properties of compressed liquid nitrogen and deuterium, based on ab initio MD simulations [2, 3]. 407 with a rms deviation of 40.0 cm"1 (CPMD to exp.). The zero-point energy corrected dissociation energy for the unimolecular decomposition of NM was determined to 54.9 kcal/mol using the BP86 functional. This value is comparable with the results ranging from 49.9 to 53.8 kcal/mol calculated at the MCSCF and DFT levels by Manaa and Fried [15]. Bimolecular Collision Simulations Bimolecular collisions of molecules serve as a simplified model for shock induced dissociation in bulk liquid. For this reason, collisions of two NM molecules has been studied in the past [6]. Previous MD simulations of the bimolecular collision of NM, have been performed at the semi-empirical, HartreeFock and density functional theory levels. Haskins and Cook [6] have examined the bimolecular collision of two NM molecules at the DFT level employing the Becke three parameter hybrid exchange functional with the Perdew-Wang 1991 correlation functional. For a head-to-tail orientation, they found a threshold velocity, where C-N bond been utilizedfll] where the valence orbitals were expanded in the basis of plane waves with a kinetic energy cutoff of between 50 and 70 Ry. The nonlocal norm-conserving pseudo-potentials of Trouileer and Martins [12] have been applied to represent the ionic cores for O, N and C. The Car-Parrinello [13] dynamics scheme was used with a time step of 0.14 fs. All simulations were performed in the spin unrestricted formalism unless stated. For comparison, the conventional all-electron Gaussian basis set deMon package of Salahub [14] was used with a double-zeta quality basis set which includes polarization functions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Gas-phase Monomer Properties There have been a number of theoretical studies that have examined the gas-phase properties of NM at the DFT and ab initio levels [6, 15, 16]. In general, DFT results for the equilibrium geometry and vibrational frequencies are in good agreement with high level ab initio calculations and available experimental data. We have benchmarked our planewave pseudopotential DFT calculations (BP86- scission occurs, to be 8.5 km/s. ay CPMD) to that of conventional all-electron localized basis set method (BP86-deMon), high level ab initio calculations and experimental data. p, TABLE I. Comparison of Single Molecule Ground State Properties of Nitromethane. BP86 BP86 CPMDa deMon MCSCFb Exp.c C-N (A) 1.507 1.508 1.489 1.509 1.242 N-O (A) 1.224 1.240 1.197 C-N-O (°) 117.8 117.3 117.3 117.8 dipole (D) 3.41 3.53 3.57d 3.67 HH perpendicular (8.0 km/s) head-to-tail (8.5 km/s) anti-parallel (10.5 km/s) H offset anti-parallel (7.0 km/s) Figure 1. Orientations examined for bimolecular collision. Shown in parenthesis are the observed threshold velocities. We have performed bimolecular collision simulations with the ab initio molecular dynamics approach. Additional effort was made to examine the dependence of the threshold velocity on the initial orientation of the molecules. An orthorhomic simulation cell of dimensions 16x12x12 A was used with a plane wave cut-off of 60 Ryd. At time zero, one molecule is set to a hyper-velocity of between 6.5 to 12.0 km/s (6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 10.0, 11.0 and 12.0 km/s), towards the second, stationary NM molecule. Typical simulations times were 250 fs. Shown in Figure 1 are the initial orientations that have been examined. Two sets of "perpendicular" and "offset anti-parallel" orientations were examined. Parenthetic values in Figure 1, are the observed threshold impact velocities where dissociation is observed. Of the six collision a A FCC cell with a cell length of 17 A and a plane wave cut-off of 70 Ry was used. "MCSCF from ref. [15] with 6-311++G(2d,2p) basis set cref. [17].dref. [18]. Key geometric parameters for gas-phase NM are shown in Table I. There is exceptional agreement between the all-electron Gaussian deMon results to those of the plane wave pseudopotential CPMD results. There is further excellent agreement in these properties between MCSCF results[15] and exerimental data. The calculated harmonic vibrational frequencies show a similar agreement, with a rms deviation of only 15.4 cm"1 between the CPMD and deMon results. These vibrational frequencies are also in excellent agreement with the anharmonic frequencies obtained experimentally 408 orientations that we have studied, one of the offset anti-parallel collision orientations has the lowest threshold velocity of 7.0 km/s. For the head-to-tail collision orientation we have found a threshold velocity of 8.5 km/s. This in agreement with the 8.5 km/s threshold velocity that Haskins and Cook found for their head-to-tail bimolecular collisions at the DFT level. We note that C-N bond scission of the incoming NM molecule is observed for virtually all collision simulations. Only for the off-set anti-parallel orientation at a collision velocity of 11.0 km/s or higher is a different decomposition pathway observed. In those high velocity simulations, there is initial O-N bond cleavage of the stationary NM molecule and transfer of this oxygen to the incoming CH3 fragment. The oxygen transfer is accompanied by C-N bond scission of the incoming NM molecule and transfer of a oxygen back to the CH3NO fragment of the station molecule to reform NM. The products of this simulation are NM, NO and OCH3. Multiple Molecule Collision Simulations Bimolecular collision simulations serve as a reasonable first approximation for shock-induced reactions. However, it is obvious that these simulations can not take into account the role of neighboring molecules, particularly the further reaction of molecular fragments after initial, say, CN bond cleavage. To investigate this issue, we have carried out multi-molecular collision simulations such that one NM molecule is projected into a cluster of 12 molecules. For the multi-molecule collision simulations, the CPMD program was utilized with a plane wave cutoff of 50 Ryd. 13 NM molecules were placed in a orthorhombic simulation cell of dimensions 19.0x14.2x14.2 A. 12 NM molecules were on one side of the simulation cell. These molecules were randomly oriented possessing a local density of 1.14 g/cm3, corresponding to the density of liquid NM at room temperature and ambient pressure. One molecule was placed on the other end of the simulation cell. Approximately 1 ps or 7000 time steps were performed for each simulation. Figure 2 shows snap shots from a multimolecular simulation with a collision velocity of 12.0 km/s. Frames a and b reveals that there is initial head-to-tail impact resulting in C-H bond cleavage instead of C-N bond scission. We note, that t = 52 f s i t = 78 fs t = 99 fs t = 305 fs Figure 2. Snapshots from a multimolecular collision simulation. Spectator molecules have been removed for clarity. 409 intend to compute equation-of-state properties and molecular collision mechanisms in liquid NM simulations under initial conditions of high-pressure compression. A preliminary CPMD simulation of liquid NM at ambient pressure in a cubic cell of 14.174 A with 32 molecules has been performed. Our initial results after 10,000 time steps of equilibration show that vibrational frequencies at 300 K are in good agreement with experiment. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Professor D. Salahub for allowing us use of the deMon package, and CERCA for the RQCHP supercomputing facilities. Funding from NSERC of Canada is gratefully acknowledged. this is due to the influence of the spectator NM molecules. We have checked this, by repeating the simulation under identical starting conditions, except that the 11 spectator molecules are removed. In this simulation, C-N bond scission of the incoming molecule occurs. Another interesting observation from this simulation is that a spectator molecule reacts with the products of the initial collision. Thus, three NM molecules are involved in this fragmentation pathway - the incoming molecule, the molecule it initially collides with and a third spectator NM molecule. We have also performed 3 spin restricted multimolecular collision simulations, one with an impact velocity of 8.0 km/s and two at 12.0 km/s. The 8.0 km/s simulation resulted in no decomposition. For the first 12.0 km/s simulation, the final decomposition products were OCH2, NO, CH4 and NO2 while for the second 12.0 km/s simulation, the molecule that is initially hit, fragments into NO and OCH3. For both the spin restricted 12.0 km/s simulations, only the incoming NM molecule and the molecule it first collides with, reacted. Whereas only C-N bond scission is observed with the bimolecular collisions, the multi-molecular collisions show a wider range of fragmentation patterns, including initial C-H bond breakage instead of C-N bond scission. More multimolecular simulations need to be performed in order to determine if these fragmentation patterns also occur at lower impact velocities. CONCLUSIONS Simulations of bimolecular and multimolecular collision of NM have been performed at the density functional level. For the bimolecular collision simulations, the lowest threshold velocity was found to be 7.0 km/s for an offset anti-parallel collision orientation. In almost all bimolecular simulations, if decomposition occurs, it is via C-N bond scission. Only for very high collision velocities are new fragmentation patterns observed. Simulations where one NM molecule is collided at high velocity into a cluster of 12 molecules show new fragmentation patterns, including trimolecular reactions. In future, we intend to perform more multimolecular collision simulations to study possible decomposition pathways of nitromethane under shock compression conditions. We further REFERENCES 1. M. E. Tuckerman and M. L. Klein, Chem. Phys. Lett. 283,147 (1998). 2. J. D. Kress, S. Mazevet, L. A. Collins, et al., Phys. Rev. B. 63, 024203/1 (2000). 3. T. J. Lenosky, S. R. Bickham, J. D. 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