CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Hone © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 UNIAXIAL HUGONIOSTAT: METHOD AND APPLICATIONS Jean-Bernard Maillet and Stephane Bernard CEA, Departement de Physique Theorique et Appliqu.ee, BP12, 91680 Bruyeres-le-Chatel, France Abstract. The uniaxial Hugoniostat method is an equilibrium Molecular Dynamics technique used to study the properties of shocked materials. Its application to Lennard-Joiies systems has been successful from both structural and thermodynamic point of view. For metals, the classical description falls down at high pressure and an ab initio approach is necessary. The shock-hugoniot curve of Tin has been computed, and a good agreement is found with experimental data. INTRODUCTION UNIAXIAL HUGONIOSTAT-THEORY An equilibrium MD technique has been proposed wrhich simulates both thermodynamic and structural properties of shocked crystalline solids and fluids. This method is based on the validity of the Hugoniot relations when a steady planar shock wave passes through a material. The properties of the initial and final states are linked by the so-called Hugoniot equations of mass, momentum and energy across the shock front: Computer simulation of shock waves at the atomic scale is a field of growing interest [I]. This is due to the increasing computer power and efficiency of the codes. Simulations of sample containing up to 10s particles are now feasible. Polycristalline material can now be included, the interaction of which with a shock wave may differ from those of a monocristal. The Lennard-Jones material is particularly appreciated because of its simplicity of implementation. Other materials, like metals, are more difficult to simulate, because the classical potentials available in the literature are generally fitted to experimental properties at ambient conditions. There is no guarantee that such potentials reproduce correctly the properties of the material under pressure. In this context, ab initio calculations appear as a solution. We have implemented the uniaxial Hugoniostat method in an ab initio code and calculated the shock hugoniot ab initio curve of tin. We finally use the optimal potential method to compute the hugoniot curve of tin using locally optimal MEAM potentials fitted on ab initio simulations. mass: pQus — p(us — up) =>e = i-vyvb = t* p /«<i momentum: Pzz — P0 + PQUSUP Us = energy: E = EQ + - PQ U = (Pzz + PQ)(VQ - V}. where E is the internal energy per unit mass, Pzz is the normal component of the pressure tensor in the direction of the shockwave and V = l/p is the volume per unit mass of the shocked material; subscript "0" refers to these quantities in the initial unshocked state. us is the shock velocity in the material produced by a piston moving into it at velovity up. 6 is the compressive volumetric 367 strain (compression). The implementation of the uniaxial Hugoniostat method in ab initio calculation is straightforward: it follows the same formalism as for a thermostat [2] i.e. the new term in the new equations of motions is applied to the ions, the calculation concerning the electrons remains unchanged. These relations are valid when a shockwave trav- els through a material. Given the thermodynamic parameters of the initial unshocked state, all the other parameters are determined provided one of them is known (piston velocity or compression for example). In the Uniaxial Hugoniostat method, initial uniaxial compression c = V/Vo is fixed and applied to the system. The dynamical evolution of the system is then computed using new equations of motion, which constrain the system to satisfy the Hugoniot relations. These APPLICATIONS This method has been applied to a LennardJones crystal shocked in the [100] direction, and a comparison was made between the hugoniostat and a direct simulation of a shock wave (non-equilibrium MD). Results have shown that not only the shock-hugoniot curve has been reproduced up to the melting transition but also the defective structure of the material above the plasticity threshold [3]. When the material is shocked in other directions, the analysis of the results is more complex: it exists a range of pressure (just above the plastic threshold) in which the shock wave is split into two waves: the elastic precursor and the plastic wave. The former propagates faster than the second, leading to the existence of a two stages process. In this domain, the hugoniostat method does not produce similar result as the NEMD method [4]. For stronger shock wave, a good agreement between the two methods is found. Our concern is to apply the Uniaxial Hugoniostat method in order to compute the shock hugoniot curve of tin. A classical description of the interaction between atoms have been chosen, using MEAM potentials fitted at different thermodynamic conditions (from ambient up to 400 Gpa) on ab initio calculations by a force matching procedure [5]. Results are shown in Fig. 1. From Fig. 1, it can be seen that none of the MEAM potentials is capable of describing the whole range of pressure. An alternative was to calculate the hugoniot curve fully ab initio. It appeared to be feasible as the pseudopotential for tin requires a small energy cutoff (12 Ryd) and thus allows the study of large systems (up to 64 atoms), so as to minimize size effects in the ab initio simulations. The initial structure of the material is /?—tin and the simulation cell contains 64 atoms. Simulations are performed for different compression factors up to V/VQ = 0.55. Results are dis- equations are: dt EL m Pi = Fi ~ XPi (1) (2) where r?; and pi are the particle coordinates and momenta respectively. F,- is the total force applied on the particle i. The parameter \ is chosen such that the derivative of the constrain is zero; it is a Lagrange multiplier which minimizes the differences between the newtonian and constrained trajectories. Its value is given by: P(V* ~ V (3) where P is the time derivative of pressure and Ec is the instantaneous kinetic energy of the system. Simulations are run at constant volume (the vol- ume of the final state is fixed at the begining of the simulation by applying an instantaneous uniaxial compression to the system). The system is given an initial kinetic energy such that the hugoniot relation is satisfied. The dynamical evolution of the system is then computed using the new equations of motions, which preserve the validity of the hugoniot relation at each timestep. The original uniaxial Hugoniostat method makes use of the extended system technique to calculate the parameter \- at each timestep. This method is convenient for classical MD simulations but not for ab initio calculations because of the time needed to equilibrate the two systems (the mate- rial and the hugoniostat). The advantage of the Gauss technique is to reduce this time, making the method of practical use in ab initio calculations. 368 0.7 V/V0 v/vo 0.8 FIG. 1. Hugoniot curve plotted in a (P,V r ) diagram using the MD hugoniostat technique. The potentials used are fitted at P = 0 (dashed line), P = 100 (dot-dashed) and P = 400 (long dashed). All these curves have been computed with 108 atoms in the simulation cell. The plus symbols correspond to experimental data and the continuous line to the EOS 2. payed in Fig. 2. There is a good agreement between sesame-like EOS, experimental and ab initio results for the shock hugoniot curve plotted in a (P, V) diagram. Ab initio calculations predict much higher temperatures on the hugoniot than assumed in the sesame-like EOS (but almost the same as Mabire's EOS [6]). However, temperature is not a direct measurement of shock experiments, so the reliability of EOS temperatures is questionable. Also questionable is the transferability of our pseudopotential to pressure of the order of 2 Mbar and temperatures of 15000 K. We have also tested a pseudopotential which includes the 4d electron in the valence (and so has more flexibility) but the temperatures are not changed. At low pressure, some discrepencies between ab initio and EOS results are also observed. They come from the fact that the system is supposed to be solid and to exhibit a phase transition from the initial /?—tin structure to the bet structure. Ab initio simulations do not reproduce this solidsolid phase transition, and instead exhibit the melting of the material at lower pressure than experiments. This may be due to the fact that the 800 1000 1200 Pression (kbar) 1400 1600 1800 2000 FIG. 2. Hugoniot curve plotted in a (P, V) and in a (T, P} diagram using the ab initio hugoniostat technique. The full and dashed curves represent the EOS 1 and 2, empty and filled triangles represent experimental data and ab initio results respectively. The dotted curve in the (T, P) diagram represents the model of Mabire (see text). simulation box was not allowed to change shape. It could be argued also that the simulation cell in our simulations is not large enough to allow accurate calculations of thermodynamic properties of the system. Classical simulations were then performed using up to 512 atoms, with a potential fitted on a set of configurations coming from ab initio calculations at a particular point of the hugoniot curve. A potential fitted in this wra.y is non transferable to other conditions, but produces accurate values of the thermody369 16000 CONCLUSION The uniaxial Hugoniostat method has been used in ab initio calculations in order to compute the shock hugoniot curve of tin. A good agreement with different EOS and experimental data has been found for the (P, V) curve. However, our ab initio simulations predict much higher temperatures than a majority of EOS. Classical potentials for tin have been fitted to the ab initio simulations at high pressure. These potentials, valid on a limited range of pressure and temperature, produce the same results as the ab initio calculations. Work is in progress to determine wether or not the same procedure can be applied to molecular systems. 15000 14000 13000 1500 1700 1600 1800 P/kbar FIG. 3. full curve: ab initio trajectory calculated with the hugoniostat method at V/V® = 0.56. The triangles represent the time average of a classical MD trajectory computed with several potentials fitted on the ab initio trajectory. REFERENCES namic properties at the considered point. In fact it exists an infinity of set of parameters for the MEAM potential that satisfy the required criteria, namely a small error on the difference between the stress tensor and on the force of each particle calculated using ab initio simulation and the classical potential. This method of fit for a potential has been successfully employed to computed the melting curve of iron [7] and tin [8]. [1] B.L. Holian and P.S. Lomdahl, Science 80, 2085 (1998); T.C. Germann, B.L. Holian, P.S. Lomdahl and R. Ravelo, Phys. Rev. Let. 84, 5351 (2000) [2] S. Nose, J. Chem. Phys. 81, 511 (1984);W. G. Hoover, Phys. Rev. A 31, 1695 (1985). [3] J.-B. Maillet, L. Soulard, M. Mareschal, R, Ravelo, P. S. Lomdahl, T. Germann and B. L. Holian, Phys. Rev. E, 63,016121 (2001). [4] T.C. Germann, B.L. Holian, private communications. [5] F. Ercolessi, J.-B. Adams, Europhys. Lett. 26, 583 (1994) [6] C. Mabire, PhD thesis, Poitiers university (1999) [7] A. Laio, S. Bernard, G. Chiarotti, S. Scaiidolo and E. Tosatti, Science 287, 1027 (2000) [8] J.-B. Maillet et al, to be published. A set of thirteen configurations was picked up from a 1500 timesteps ab initio trajectory at a compression of 0.56. We assumed these configurations to be uncorrelated. Thirty different potentials were then fitted on this set of configurations and classical MD trajectories were run starting from the same initial configuration (corresponding to the final configuration of the ab initio trajectory). Only the time averaged values of the pressure and the temperature have been shown. The results are displayed in Fig. 3. It can be seen that there is a very good agreement between the classical MD results and the ab initio trajectory. The fluctuations of the classical simulations results due to the use of different potentials seems to be lower than the natural fluctuations of the ab initio trajectory. This method has been used for other compression factors, and the same adequacy between classical MD and ab initio results have been found. 370
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