CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 CONTINUUM PROPERTIES FROM MOLECULAR SIMULATIONS Robert J. Hardy1, Seth Root1, and David R. Swanson2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0111 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0115 Abstract. Space averaged values of the local density, velocity, temperature, and pressure in the vicinity of a shock front are obtained from a two-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation. Different types of space averages are considered. It is found that a cosine localization function evaluated on a fine grid gives smooth results with a spatial resolution of a few Angstroms. INTRODUCTION Discussions of shock waves based on the Rankine-Hugoniot equations and similar relationships utilize the continuum concepts of local density, velocity, temperature, and pressure, while moleculardynamics simulations consider atoms and molecules, which are discrete. This note discusses the relationship between the continuum description and the discrete description of shock phenomena. We demonstrate that smooth values for the local properties with a resolution of a few Angstroms can be obtained from atomic level simulations with a cosine localization function that goes smoothly to zero. The resulting densities and fluxes are fully consistent with the continuum expressions of the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. In continuum descriptions the conservation laws are expressed in terms of continuity equations, (1) where D is a density and / is the associated flux. The equations of hydrodynamics are obtained by transforming these total fluxes, which are rates of transfer across a fixed surface, to local fluxes, which are the fluxes in the frame of reference moving with the local velocity of the medium. Simplifying assumptions are often made. For example, the Rankine-Hugoniot relations are obtained after assuming a steady state and vanishing heat flux. As indicated in the fundamental paper by Irving and Kirkwood in 1950,1 the conservation laws of continuum theory are exact analytic consequences of the atomic level equations of motion. Time averaging of the atomic motion is not required, but space averaging is. The exact relationship between the continuum and discrete descriptions does not restrict the size of the averaging region used, but the type of results obtained does. Using too small a region causes large fluctuations that can obscure the behavior being investigated. THEORY The formulas relating the densities and fluxes to the atomic behavior of Irving and Kirkwood are not in a form convenient for simulations. Hardy has reformulated them for use in molecular dynamics.2 These results are restricted by the assumption that the potential energy is a sum of two-body potentials <K/jy-) j where jjy is the distance between particles i and j. This restriction is not essential. However, it is essential that the resulting forces are consistent with Newton's third law, (2) The first subscript on F^ indicates the particle acted on by the force and the second identifies the particle exerting it. Any potential energy function that depends on the (vector) positions (scalar) interatomic distances r only through the r- , (6) yields the localization function becomes a function of one variable A j ( x ) , and the function fp(x) is forces that are consistent with the third law. Unlike the situation with two-body potentials, potentials can depend on the interatomic separation of any number of atomic pairs. The many-body reactive bond order (REBO) potentials of White, et al.3>4 are functions of this type. The local mass, momentum, and kinetic-energy densities are sums of the corresponding particle properties that are associated with specific points in space by a localization function A(r) that is peaked at r = 0. It is normalized so the integral of A(r) over all space equals one and its dimensions are (volume)"1. The momentum density at point R is (7) The kinetic part of the pressure tensor is PK(X) = X"WA(*i - JO-p(Jr)[>(A-)]2 (8) where pVxVx is the contribution to the momentum flux from the motion of the medium. Two choices for the one-dimensional location function are considered. The simplest is the rectangular function of width W that equals (AW}~1 i where mi is the mass of particle i and rt = (x,y,z) and rt are its position and velocity. The mass density p(R) is given by a similar expression with the velocity omitted, and the local velocity is = p(R)/p(R). (4) The formulas for the fluxes are obtained by rewriting the time derivatives of the densities as minus the gradients of quantities, which are the fluxes. This is done with the aid of Newton's laws of motion and a simple identity that involves the gradient of an integral.2 The procedure yields exact relationships between the discrete and continuum descriptions. The pressure tensor is the negative of the momentum flux and is a sum of kinetic and potential parts. The joe-element of the potential part of the pressure tensor is (5) where xtj = xt-Xj. The function B(rt,rj,R) arises 60 from rewriting the time derivative.2 For systems whose properties vary in only one direction (the ^f-direction) the potential part of the pressure atJfis 80 Angstroms Figure 1. Views at 0.0,0.3,0.6 picoseconds of a shock wave in a reactive binary system. At O.Ops the atoms left of the dotted line at 20A have a velocity of 20km/s. 364 for |jc|<FT/2 and vanishes elsewhere. The crosssectional area A is needed for normalization. The other choice, which goes smoothly to zero, is the cosine localization function A (x) = J_{l[1+cos(^/^)]>if \X\^W\ (9\ 1 AW\ 0, otherwise]' RESULTS To illustrate the effect of different choices of localization function on predicted properties, a simulation of a two-dimensional system of 1518 atoms with periodic boundaries y = 0 and y = 99A was performed. The simulation used a REBO potential for an AB model with an equilibrium spacing between bond atoms of l.OA and the weak Van der Waals interaction between molecules turned off.3'4 Both type A and type B atoms had masses of 14 amu. The initial structure, shown in the top section of Fig. 1, was a close-packed lattice of randomly oriented binary AB molecules. The system initially extended in the ^-direction from zero to 81 A. The atoms were at rest, except for the 378 atoms to the left of X = 20A. These were given a velocity of 8.0 km/s in the +x direction and initiated a shock wave that traveled at approximately 8 km/s. A strip of the system at 0.3 ps is shown in the middle section of the figure, while the bottom section shows the system at 0.6 ps. The properties were all calculated for the configuration at 0.6 ps. Figure 2 was obtained with the cosine localization function in Eq. (9) with a width of W = 2.0A and shows the local density, velocity, temperature, and pressure. Both the kinetic part and the sum of the two parts are given. Figure 3 shows the pressure for the same set of atomic positions and velocities as obtained with three different localization schemes of the same width, W= 2.5A. The localization functions used are included at the left of figures. Their plotted width is consistent with the scale on the horizontal axis. A simple way to calculate the potential part of the pressure P<j?(X) is to find the total force exerted on all particles to the right of the plane at X by all particles to the left of it and divide the result by the Pressure/kinetic part Pressure/kinetic part A 20 20 40 60 80 40 Angstroms 60 80 Figure 3. Local properties at 0.6 ps obtained with a rectangular location function (shown at left) of width W= 2.5A. Potential part of pressure is calculated across a plane [top] and with Eq. (6) [middle and bottom]. Grid is 2.5 A at top and middle and is 0.5A at bottom. Angstroms Figure 2. Local properties of 0.6 ps obtained with a cosine localization function (shown at lower left) of width W = 2.0A calculated on a 0.5A grid. 365 The fluctuations were greatly reduced when the width of the localization was increased to W= 2.5A, as shown in Fig. 3. Much of the improvement, however, was the result of drawing straight lines between widely spaced data points. The resolution was significantly improved by reducing the spacing between data points from 2.5A to 0.5A, while keeping W the same, as was done in the lower section of Fig. 3 and in all of Fig. 2. Although not particularly clear in the small figures included, cosine localization (Fig. 2) gave noticeably better results that rectangular localization (Fig. 3), and the improvement was achieved with a localization function with an 80% smaller width at halfmaximum. It is expected that the advantages of cosine localization on a fine grid will be applicable to threedimensional simulations when similar numbers of atoms are within the range of localization and when the material is at a similar temperature. Before the arrival of the shock there were 19 atoms per Angstrom of length in the simulated system. Thus, at that density there are about 40 atoms in the 2.0A width of the cosine localization function of Fig 2. As indicated in the figure, the arrival of the shock causes a doubling of the density followed by a continuous drops to zero. Behind the shock the temperature fluctuate about 3000K. cross-sectional area A. This is equivalent to replacing the localization function At(jc) by a Dirac 8function. The consistent treatment of the kinetic part of the pressure would then require that P™ (X) be zero except when a particle is passing through the plane at X, at which time P™ would be infinite. This would cause fluctuations of infinite magnitude. To overcome this difficulty, such planar calculations of the potential part of the pressure are sometimes combined with a kinetic part determined by a procedure that is equivalent to using a rectangular localization function of finite width. The results of the procedure are shown in the top section of Fig. 3. In the middle section of Fig. 3 the potential part of the pressure is calculated consistently with the kinetic part by using Eq. (6). The properties in the top two sections were calculated on a grid of X values separated by 2.5A, which is the same as the width of the localization function. The bottom section of the figure illustrates the effect of evaluating properties on a finer grid. The same width of rectangular location function was used, but the pressure was evaluated at X values separated by 0.5A. The effect of using a cosine localization function, instead of a rectangular one, can be seen by comparing the bottom sections of Figs. 2 and 3, both of which were calculated with the same 0.5 A grid of X values. If the resolving power of the localization function is measured by its full width at halfmaximum, the cosine localization of 2.0A in Fig. 2 has better resolution than the rectangular localization of 2.5A in Fig. 3. If the localization functions are treated as probability densities and standard deviation is used as its measure, the resolving power of the localizations functions in Figs. 2 and 3 are the same. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Carter White for the programs used, and to Chad Petersen for valuable assistance. REFERENCES 1. Irving, J. H. and Kirkwood, J. G., J. Chem. Phys. 18, 817-829(1950). 2. Hardy, R. J., J. Chem. Phys. 76, 622-628 (1982). 3. White, C. T., Robertson, D. H., Elert, M. L., and Brenner, D. W. in Macroscopic Simulation of Complex Hydrodynamic Phenomena, edited by M. Mareschal and B. L. Holian, Plenum Pess, New York, 1992, p.l 11. 4. Brenner, D. W., Robertson, D. H., Elert, M. L., and White, C. T., Phys. Rev Lett. 70, 2174-2177 (1993), ibid 76,2202(1996). DISCUSSION We found that averaging with a localization width of W = l.OA gave fluctuations that obscured all but the major trends in the development of the shock. This was true independent of the averaging scheme used, although the problem was greatest when the potential part of the pressure was calculated by simply summing the forces exerted across a plane. 366
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