CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 ATOMISTIC MODELING OF ORIENTATION DEPENDENCE OF SHOCK WAVE PROPERTIES IN DIAMOND S. V. Zybina, M. L. Elert6, J. A. Harrison6, and C. T. White0 a Department of Chemistry, The George Washington University, Washington D. C. 20052 USA b Chemistry Department, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402-5026 USA c Code 6189, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C. 20375-5000 USA A series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using a reactive empirical bond order (REBO) potential for carbon were performed to study the orientation dependence of elastic-plastic shock waves structure in a single diamond crystal. The calculated Hugoniot relation between shock and piston velocities shows reasonable agreement with experimental results. The mechanism of shock-induced plasticity for shock waves propagating along the {110} and (111) directions is quite different. In the {110} case non-equality of transverse components of the stress tensor stimulates formation of layered carbon structures in the shock layer, while the (111) shock reveals bulk martensitic-like deformation with formation of diamond micrograins separated by amorphous carbon inclusions. INTRODUCTION Previous MD simulations have shown significant orientation dependence of the shock layer structure even in a simple Lennard-Jones solid [1,2]. On the other hand, ab initio studies of uniaxial compression have demonstrated evidence of orientation effects in the mechanism of diamond plasticity [3-8], providing insight into the stressstrain relation beyond previous finite-elasticity estimates obtained in Ref. [9]. These results motivate our MD study of orientation-dependent phenomena in shock waves in a diamond crystal. The remarkable stability of diamond subjected to extremely high temperatures and pressures is important for technological applications and has received considerable theoretical attention. The strong covalent bonding in diamond makes the study of its properties and structural transformar tions under extreme conditions challenging. The microstructure, failure mechanism, and phase transitions of diamond under high pressure are still not well understood. Shock-induced compression of diamond is of special interest because shock waves in solids have been shown to exhibit a considerably richer variety of phenomena than fluid shocks. Atomistic modeling techniques are appropriate methods for the microscopic investigation of such phenomena as structural transformation, fracture, and elastic-plastic transition under shock-induced compression. THE POTENTIAL In the MD simulation of highly nonequilibrium phenomena such as shock waves in solids, the number of atoms must be rather large to accurately capture the formation of shock-induced defects and dislocations. At the present stage, this suggests the use of classical MD rather than 355 ab initio methods which are limited to relatively small system sizes. In this work, a reactive anar lytic bond-order REBO potential, originally developed to study diamond CVD [10,11] and recently modified for better reproduction of diar mond elastic properties [12] was used to model the interatomic forces. A REBO potential is based upon an extended two-body interaction formalism, similar to the embedded-atom method (EAM), with regard to the local environment of atom pair. This formalism, which can be motivated by the second moment approximation to the local electronic density of states, models the interatomic energy as a sum of an inner repulsive t4walP VR and an attractive term VA at slightly larger distances representing bond formation. However, the strength of the attractive term is modulated by an analytic bond order function Bij according to the number of nearest neighbors of the atom pair in question, bond angles, radical character of the bond, and an approximation to conjugation effects arising from adjacent unsaturated atoms: rest in the computational box for an arbitrarily long period of time. The simulations were performed within a Lx x Ly x Lz box with periodic boundary conditions applied in the transverse a:, y directions. The z axis of shock propagation is oriented along {110} and (111) directions in a sample with approximately 90,000 atoms and a cross-section of about 5 x 5 nm at the density Po = 3.52 g/cm3. Calculated shock us and piston up velocities are in reasonable agreement with experimental measurements [17-19] on diamond but provide relatively larger shock velocities (Fig. 1). An obvious explanation for this difference is that no high-pressure data was included in fitting the REBO potential, resulting in too strong repulsion upon uniaxial {110} and (111) compression. This is also responsible for the calculated elastic constant 044 = 7.2 Mbar being considerably higher than the experimental value of 5.79 Mbar. I REBO potential 28 ~ p = 3.52 g/cm3 -* ^ 24 , Pavlovskii As a result, it allows the potential energy function to model realistic bond-breaking and bondforming reactions. Recently, the REBO potential has been extended to yield the AIREBO (adaptive intermolecular REBO) potential which includes non-bonded interactions [13]. MD simulations employing chemically realistic REBO and AIREBO potentials are capable of providing information about atomic-scale details of shock-induced chemistry such as "7r-bonding chemistry," which is important for carbon phase transitions. REBO potentials have a long history of use in shock simulations [14], and recently have been successfully applied in simular tions of the fracture of polycrystalline diamond [15] as well as the diamond melting line and liquid-liquid carbon phase transition [16]. p = 3.51 g/cm3 McQueen, Marsh I - p = 3.191 ... g/cm3 V <110>fit <111> ll I l l l III III I l l l III I 6 PajtticXe velocity 8 9 10 U (km./s) FIGURE 1. Simulated (dashed linear fit) and experimental [17,18] (solid lines) Hugoniot relationship between plastic shock velocity us and particle velocity Up. Low Up simulation data corresponding to an elastic shock were excluded from a linear fit. The covalent bonding of diamond atoms significantly affects the mechanism of shock-induced elastic-plastic transformation. Figure 2 shows a typical snapshot of atom planes within the shock layer for {110} steady shock wave at shock velocity us = 25 km/s, piston velocity up = 6 km/s, and compression ratio PQ/PI = 0-77. The shock layer consists of three regions shown in Fig. 2(a): an elastic region RESULTS To study the shock wave structure in diamond we have employed a stationary-state approach [2], in which the shock front is maintained at 356 —— .M '>:*3:t:€*w«*^^ elastic compression region ffi-bonding chemistry | shear in X-Z planes formation of layered structures FIGURE 2. Structure of shock wave in the (110) direction of diamond crystal, where (a) y-z planes and (b) x-z planes are depicted; (c) shows formation of layered carbon structures in the rectangle inset from (a). compression. For this reason, the shear deformar tion in the {110} shock wave develops only for the lateral direction with larger shear stress. However, the situation is completely different for {111} uniaxial compression, where the transverse stress components are equal. As a result, the mechanism of shock-induced plasticity in {111} shock waves is changed. Namely, instead of the formation of layered structures, the lattice exhibits martensitic-like deformation with formation of diamond-like grains separated by amorphous carbon inclusions as shown in Fig. 3. where the lattice is uniaxially compressed through oscillatory relaxation due to the elastic bouncing of atomic planes off one another in the z direction; a shear region where the shear deformation is developed; and, a region of n-bonding chemistry with tetrahedral bond breaking and formation of new bonds (including ap2). The remarkable feature of the {110} shock wave is that the shear deformation develops only in the x-z planes but not in the y-z planes as shown in Fig. 2(a,b). This provokes lattice instability followed by bond breaking and formation of graphite-like layered structures as in Fig. 2(c). These layers are clearly shown in Fig. 2(b) by depicting only a couple of corresponding x-z planes. As it turns out, the stress tensor has nonequal transverse components (and thus different shear stresses), ayy > axx , under uniaxial {110} ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research. We thank V.V.Zhakhovskii for several useful discussions. 357 11. D.W. Brenner, J.A. Harrison, C.T. White and R.J. Colton Thin Solid Films 206, 220-223 (1991). 12. D.W. Brenner, O.A. Shenderova, J. Harrison, and S. Sinnott (unpublished). 13. S.J. Stuart, A.B. Tutein, J.A. Harrison, J. Chem. Phys. 112, 6472-6486 (2000). 14. D.W. Brenner, C.T. White, M.L. Elert and F.E. Walker, Int. J. 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