CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 HUGONIOT CONSTRAINT MOLECULAR DYNAMICS STUDY OF A TRANSFORMATION TO A METASTABLE PHASE IN SHOCKED SILICON Evan J. Reed1, J. D. Joannopoulos1, and Laurence E. Fried2 Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 2 L-282, Chemistry and Materials Science Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550 Abstract. A molecular dynamics constraint based on the Hugoniot is formulated for the study of shocked materials. The constraint allows the simulation of a small part of the system under shock conditions for longer time periods than the use of a moving piston which creates a shock wave in a large system. It also allows for the use of quantum mechanical methods for which the work scales rapidly with system size. The constraint is used as a first approximation to study dynamical effects in shocked silicon. Transformations through metastable states are found under some conditions for shocks in the [111] direction using a tight-binding model. A new six-fold coordinated phase of silicon is found to be metastable under hydrostatic conditions using density functional theory. INTRODUCTION Theoretical approaches to extreme atomic scale phenomena in covalent materials like silicon usually require a thorough treatment of the quantum mechanical aspect of the problem. Unfortunately, quantum approaches often require computational work that increases rapidly with the size of the computational system. We focus here on crystalline silicon as an exemplary material where the accurate treatment of extreme atomic scale phenomena is difficult. Silicon has a complex phase diagram with many metastable structures, allowing for the possibility that the system can be shocked into a metastable state. Shock experiments that have been performed on the diamond phase of silicon indicate an orientational anisotropy in the shock wave structure (1). Other experiments suggest that shocked silicon exhibits a metallic conductivity at pressures above the Hugoniot elastic limit (pressure above which plastic deformation occurs) and below the first equilibrium phase transition to a metallic state (2). Traditional approaches to atomistic simulations of shock compression involve creating a shock in a very large system and allowing it to develop until it reaches the other side. This approach allows the shock to evolve for a time that scales linearly with the size of the system, i.e. the time required for the shock to traverse the computational system. Therefore the maximum simulation time is linked to the scaling of the method used to evaluate the forces on the atoms with system size. In the best possible scenario, where the work required to evaluate the atomic forces scales linearly with the system size, the work required to simulate a shock is quadratic in the evolution time. When quantum mechanical methods with poorer scaling with system size are employed, this approach to shock simulations quickly becomes impossible. velocity aim to simulate the conditions of the material near an explosive charge or flyer plate. The thermal constraint has the form, HUGONIOT MOLECULAR DYNAMICS CONSTRAINT An alternative approach is to attempt to simulate the effects of the shock wave passing over a small piece of the material. As a first approach, we employ the Hugoniot as an effective thermodynamic constraint, where the energy is added to the kinetic energy of the system through velocity rescaling on a timescale associated with YE- This a^s tne irreversible thermal energy to the system. When the piston velocity is used as the additional constraint, the pressure of the system is changed according to, where volume and energy are per unit mass and p corresponds to the component of the stress tensor in the direction of shock propagation throughout this paper. The thermodynamic state of the system before the shock is described by pQ , VQ , and EQ . This relation comes from the steady state solution to the Euler equations of motion for compressible flow, and holds at all points in a steady state shock wave. Macroscopic definitions of the particle and shock velocities respectively are, _ V0-V where the associated time scale. We take the pressure to be applied uniaxially, with fixed computational cell dimensions transverse to the shock direction. A damped equation of motion is used for the cell dimension in the shock direction. The time scales in both equations are chosen to be 100 fs to Ips. Some calculations were performed with the system confined in the direction of shock compression between two "pistons" of silicon atoms fixed in the diamond structure with periodic boundary conditions applied in the direction transverse to the shock. Other calculations were performed with fully periodic boundary conditions. Maillet et al. (3) have performed molecular dynamics simulations with Lennard-Jones potentials using a Hugoniot constraint for the temperature similar to the one employed here. They choose the system volume as the additional constraint. They find good agreement between shock temperatures calculated with the Hugoniot constraint and actual shock molecular dynamics for steady waves. The initialization of the simulation can be performed in a variety of ways. Since we hope to accurately represent some of the dynamics of the system, we wish to start the simulation in a configuration that is not unphysical. This is v.-v For a given pressure and volume, the Hugoniot relation provides a constraint on the temperature of the system. We must choose an additional thermodynamic variable to constrain. Constraint of the shock velocity allows the simulation of a steady state wave. However, phase transformations and other phenomena can result in multiple shock waves or unsteady waves. Since these are some of the type of phenomena we would like to study, this equilibrium approach is only an approximation to an actual shock wave molecular dynamics simulation. We consider instead the constraint of the pressure and the piston velocity separately as the additional constraint on the system with the hopes that some of the dynamical processes that occur in the shock wave will be reflected in the constrained simulation. The constraints of pressure and piston 344 which is a view down the [110] axis similar to that in Fig. 2. accomplished by dynamically compressing the system from its starting value on a time scale of 100 fs to 1 ps. This also allows for some nonequilibrium effects associated with dynamical compression like excessively high temperatures in anharmonic regions like defects, which might be important for phase transformations. The constraints above are not applied until the end of the dynamical compression. TRANSFORMATION TO A METASTABLE PHASE The tight binding model of Sawada (4) was employed with the Hugoniot constraint. A computational cell with 108 atoms was used to simulate shocks in the [111] direction. The volume as a function of time for the 1.75 km/sec fixed piston velocity run is shown in Fig. 1. This roughly corresponds to a pressure of 35 GPa. Upon compression, the system initially undergoes a martensitic phase transformation into a 6-fold coordinated structure, shown in Fig. 2 looking FIGURE 2: A view down the [110] axis of the six-fold coordinated structure which exists from 0 to 20 ps in the simulation of Fig. 1. Bonds have been created between atoms along the [110] direction. 109 106 20 40 60 80 Time (ps) FIGURE 1: The volume of the system as a function of time for a tight-binding Hugoniot constraint simulation of a shock in the [111] direction with piston velocity 1.75 km/sec. down the [110] axis. This phase has the same bonding structure as the diamond phase but with additional bonds connecting all atoms down the [110] axis. At 20 ps, another martensitic transformation breaks some of those bonds. A similar martensitic transformation occurs at 60 ps which breaks more of the bonds in the [110] direction. This phase is depicted in Figure 3, FIGURE 3: A view down the [110] axis of the structure which exists after 60 ps in the simulation of Fig. 1. Some of the bonds down the [110] axis in Fig. 2 have broken. 345 lifetime on the order of 10-100 picoseconds, which might make them difficult to detect in experimentally. These transformations were most clearly observed when using the diamond structure "piston" boundary conditions described above. This suggests that the nearby presence of diamond structure silicon may aid in the dynamical evolution of the system into the six-fold coordinated state. A similar transformation to the six-fold coordinated state was observed in Hugoniot constraint simulations with piston velocities between 1.5 and 1.75 km/sec. These piston velocities roughly correspond to 22-35 GPa. Some of these simulations decayed to a disordered phase after going through the 6-fold coordinated phase, indicating that it is merely metastable. The formation of these phases was not observed for Hugoniot constraint simulations for shocks in the [001] or [110] directions. The metastability of these phases for short times in the simulations in non-hydrostatic stress conditions does not necessarily imply they are also metastable under hydrostatic stress. Density functional theory calculations on the six-fold coordinated phase indicate that it is metastable under hydrostatic stress. It appears to be a previously unidentified metastable high-pressure phase of silicon. The other phases with some of the bonds in the [110] direction missing are currently being investigated for metastability with density functional theory. The empirical nature of most tight binding models may lead to incorrect predictions of phase transformations, but the transformation observed here suggests that there may be a dynamical pathway that favors it. The question of the formation of this phase will not be resolved until density functional theory molecular dynamics are performed with the Hugoniot constraint. Some preliminary density functional theory calculations are currently being performed. Shock experiments on perfect crystals of silicon have been performed in various orientations (1). However, the crystal phases responsible for the various shock waves observed are not known. The metastable phases observed here seem to have a CONCLUSION We have developed a Hugoniot constraint approach which offers some insight into the dynamical process of shock compression of silicon. It is an approximation which allows the simulation of the shocked system for orders of magnitude longer than is possible with direct shock wave simulations. We have observed events on the 10100 ps timescale with tight binding potentials which would not be possible to observe by doing shock wave molecular dynamics. A dynamical pathway to a martensitic phase transformation of silicon to a new six-fold coordinated phase may exist for shocks in the [111] direction. Density functional theory simulations using the Hugoniot constraint may help resolve this question, and are currently underway. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank Jerry Forbes for helpful discussions. Evan Reed acknowledges support from the Department of Defense NDSEG fellowship and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. REFERENCES 1. W. H. Gust and E. B. Royce, J. App. Phys. 42, 18971905 (1971). 2. N. L. Coleburn, J. W. Forbes, and H. D. Jones, J. Appl. Phys., 43, 5007-5011 (1972). 3. J. B. Maillet, M. Mareschal, L. Soulard, R. Ravelo, P. S. Lomdahl, T. C. Germann, and B. L. Holian, Phys. Rev. E 63, 016121 (2001). 4. S. Sawada, Vacuum 42, 612-614. 346
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