CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 THE EXPANDING SHELL TEST: NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE EXPERIMENT Francois Buy, Fabrice Llorca CEA Valduc, DRMN, BP14, 21120 Is sur Tille, FRANCE Abstract. The behavior of materials at very high strain rates is a broad field of investigation. One of the major problem is to impose a well known velocity and stress loading. The expanding shell, because of its ability to impose a sudden loading with no ulterior stress, has been retained to analyze the mechanical behavior of several metals through the free flight of a deforming structure. We perform several simulations on various metals in order to evaluate the strain rates and velocity in the sample. A second step consists in interpreting experimental data obtained on these metals. TABLE 1. Characteristics of the tests INTRODUCTION Test identification One of the major problem linked to the interpretation of high velocity mechanical testing is the purity of the loading conditions. The expanding spherical shell device developed at the CEA [1], because of the high symmetry of the sample is a very interesting facility in order to investigate the mechanical behavior. However, the interpretation of the results may be difficult because of some parasitical phenomena such as the spalling of the sample or the difficulty to check some hypothesis necessary to the interpretation of the test. Thanks to the simulation of the experiment, we will focus in this paper on some important points of the test. Material Explosive diameter Sphere thickness 3 mm 2 mm 3 mm GUI TA2 Copper 40 mm Tantalum 40 mm TI3 TA6V4 36 mm Constitutive equations and equation of state We used the Zerilli-Armstrong constitutive equations [3] to represent the mechanical behavior of the three tested materials. According to the crystalline structure, equation (1) or (2) is used. fee (1) bcc and hep (2) NUMERICAL CONDITIONS The coefficients of the model have been optimized from compression tests in the range of temperature 77 -700 K and 10~3 to 103 s"1 [4]. Geometry The experimental device is presented in a companion paper [2]. 11000 elements compose the assemblage in the numerical simulation. The tests are conducted with Hesione, a CEA hydrodynamic code used in its Lagrangian version. 327 The first stage impose the initial kinetic energy of the shell. We have tried to impose an initial strain rate of 104 s-1 i.e. an initial velocity of the shell near 250 m.s"1. TABLE 2. ZA coefficients for the three materials Co Ci C2 Q (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (10' K ' ) (10 5 K ' ) Cu 69.58 - 936.6 1.76 5.77 Ta 14.7 882 - 3.64 22.5 273 0.468 TA6V 0 1869 1.77 7.3 848 C4 C5 n (MPa) (-) TABLE 3. Maximum pressure level in the shell 0.525 The equations of state are implemented in the Hesione code and give results close from Steinberg's [5]. We can distinguish three stages in the test: the transmission of the shock wave to the sample the reflection of the shock wave through the device (fig 2), the free flight of the shell (fig 3). Ips 3p 5ps TA2 TI3 pressure level 6.5 GPa 7.8 GPa 3.4 GPa The following figures (4 to 7) exhibit the expected behavior of the three materials. (fig 1), -2&& GUI The sample has to cope with the level of the back stress coming from the free surface (t=9 us). We found that for the dimensions listed in table 1, spalling effects are avoided in the shell. However in all the simulations, the driver is submitted to a tension level it cannot bear and thus collapses. RESULTS initial state Test 7|is FIGURE 1. Transmission of the shock wave through the explosive and the driver. 20 40 60 Time (us) 80 100 FIGURE 4. Expanding velocity curves for the three tests. 1600 FIGURE 2. Reflection of the shock wave in the shell and damage of the driver. 1400 G—OCu 1200 V—VTA6V4 1000 800 400 200 0 FIGURE 3. Deformation of the shell during the free flight stage from20usto 100 jus. 0.2 0.4 0.6 Plastic strain (-) FIGURE 5. Flow stress evolution at the pole. 328 0.8 100000 eff rr = —p — r and 7*A Two problems may stem out from the interpretation of the experimental signal. The first one is that the measured velocity is the speed at the free surface and may differ from the average speed through the thickness. The second one is that the oscillations measured by the experimental signal of the velocity r lead to great variations on the acceleration r and thus of the effective stress (%. We have to fit the experimental data with an interpolation function in order to estimate the effective stress. 10000 1000 100 4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plastic strain (-) FIGURE 6. Strain rate evolution at the pole. 200 In order to evaluate the error introduced with both hypothesis, we have performed the same analytical treatment on the simulation data as the one performed with the experimental data. The easier way is to fit the data with a linear function. The treatment of third test (Ti3) is presented below (fig. 8). Particle velocity (m.s ) 300 0.2 0.4 0.6 Acceleration (10 m.s ) -11.0 0.8 Plastic strain (-) FIGURE 7. Temperature evolution at the pole. These values are in good agreement with the experimental data. The interpretation of the mechanical tests is discussed in a companion paper PI. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Position (m) 0 10 20 30 40 Flow stress (MPa) 4- -* mid thickness O—©free surface —— model results INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS 0 5 1015202530 Time (u,s) We only focus in this part on the plastic behavior of the sample, i.e. the third stage of the experiment. During this stage, the initial kinetic energy is dissipated into plastic work so that the velocity of the shell gradually decreases with time. The measurement associated with the experiment leads to the knowledge of the particle velocity r at the free surface. From this signal,we can, under the assumption of free radial expansion and of infinitely small thickness of the shell, estimate the equivalent stress and the equivalent strain [2]. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (u,s) FIGURE 8. Analysis of the expansion of the TA6V4 shell. The values of velocity have been collected on the free surface. Thanks to the volume conservation hypothesis, we can calculate the velocity an the position of a point located at the mid-thickness of the sample. 329 and CONCLUSION The freely expanding spherical test proves to be an interesting device for the characterization of metals at very high strain rates. In a first part, we proposed a setting which allows high strain rates characterization without spalling the sample. The results of our simulations are in good agreement with the experimental results whatever material we tested (copper, tantalum an titanium alloy). This can be a global validation of the calculations from the equation of state to the plastic behavior. Zerilli-Armstrong model exhibits interesting results for all three materials all the more since these results are extrapolated from the characterization domain in terms of strain rate. In a second part we focus on the validation of the analytical treatment of the experimental data. When the deformation and stress levels are homogeneous in the sample, the analytical treatment of the experimental data is validated. In order to improve the diagnostic of the test, we have to transpose the treatment at the mid-thickness of the sample. In all cases, the crucial point is the derivation of the velocity signal which goes through an interpolation stage. (w£ and./? stand for mid-tickness and free surface). The difference is tiny but leads to a significant change in the determination of the acceleration (fig. 8.c) and thus of the stress (fig 8.d). We can notice a very good fit between the data of flow stress determined by the analytical treatment of the mid-thickness velocity curve and the data of flow stress calculated by the Hesione code. The error caused by a direct analysis of the free surface velocity curve is about 2.5%. However a linear fit may not be sufficient as shown in the next simulation conducted with a tantalum shell (Ta2). Particle velocity (m.s ) 300 Acceleration (10 m.s"") -1 Flow stress (MPa) 800 600 - model resu ts • mid thickness «freesurfac<! 200 0 20 40 6Q 80.1,00 Acceleration(10 m.s") -1 pi i • i i i i 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Flow stress (MPa) 800 600 400 REFERENCES 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time ((is) 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 [ 1 ] A. Juanicotena, Thesis of the University of Metz, France, 1998. [2] F. Llorca, F. Buy, The expanding shell test:: its contribution to the modeling of elastoplastic behavior at high strain rates, this conference. [3] F. J. Zerilli, R. W. Armstrong, Dislocation—mechanicsbased constitutive relations for material dynamic calculations, J. Appl. Phys. 61 (5), (1987), pp 1816-1825 . [4] J. Farre , F. Llorca Private communication. [5] D. J. Steinberg, Equation of state and strength properties of selected metals, UCRL-MA-106439, (1996). FIGURE 9. Analysis of the expansion of the tantalum shell. Figures 9.d. and 9.f. come from a linear interpolation of the velocity signal whereas figures 9.c. and 9.e. come from a quadratic interpolation. We can notice an excellent correlation between the model and the analysis in the case of a reinterpreted signal at mid-thickness (fig 9.e) with a quadratic fit when all the other analysis may give disappointing results specially when we use a linear interpolation. 330
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