CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE EXPANDING SHELL TEST TO THE MODELING OF ELASTOPLATICITY AT HIGH STRAIN RATES Fabrice Llorca, Francois Buy CEA/Valduc, DRMN, 21120 Is/Tille, France. Abstract. The expanding shell test allows to load a material in the domain of high strain levels while strain rate is about 10Y1. This test submits an hemisphere to a radial expanding free flight, using a pyrotechnic device. The experiment (experimental apparatus, measurements...) is described with the difficulties encountered for the interpretation of the experimental data. Under some assumptions, the . numerical transformation of radial velocities gives indications about the evolution of the strain, stress, strain rate and temperature rise, this last one being related to plastic work. We show how it is possible to associate both analytical and numerical approaches. Numerical simulation of the test is presented in a companion paper (see [BuyOl]). Results obtained for copper, tantalum and TA6V4 are presented. The contribution of this test to the modeling of elastoplastic behavior is discussed and further works are proposed. INTRODUCTION Many problems setting in the design of some pyrotechnic devices are connected to the mechanical behavior of materials in the area of large strains and high strain rates. When the loading is highly dynamic, the prediction of dynamic structural response by means of numerical calculations needs optimized constitutive relations to describe plastic behavior of metallic materials. These models are determined from mechanical tests conducted in a wide range of thermomechanical conditions. Usually, tests are performed on classical hydraulically driven machines in the domain of low strain rates whereas for higher levels, the well - established Split Hopkinson Bar technique is often used. In order to extend the domain of strain rate and strain, free expanding structure tests are particularly well suited to model evaluation by virtue of their inherently homogeneous stress state. In this work, we propose a review of the state of the art concerning an expanding spherical shell test developed at CEA since 1997. In this paper, we focus on the experimental aspects of the research and we propose results about three materials : copper, tantalum and TA6V4. The design by numerical simulation is presented in a companion paper [1]. GOVERNING EQUATIONS The test is derived from the classical expanding ring test: it consists to impose a free dynamic expansion to a thin object. Kinetic energy is then consumed in plastic work so that expanding velocity decreases. Through mathematical operations, time velocity data give the stress - strain - strain rate state within the sample. Under the assumptions of the free radial expansion, thin shell spherical geometry, the fundamental dynamic relation simply resolved itself and leads to the following equations : a - rr , s = 2 li Th material is subjected to an equibiaxial tension state of stress reduced to a scalar value according to the Von Mises criteria. EXPERIMENTAL DEVICE TESTS CONFIGURATION The principle of the experimental procedure has already been presented (see [2,3]). The free radial expansion is imposed by means of an explosive setup. A shock wave is generated by the detonation of a high explosive and transmitted outward through a steel driver. Therefore, the shock wave propagates within the sample which expands at high speed, by virtue of its own inertia, i.e. without the action of any external forces. Under this motion, the thin sphere undergoes large plastic deformations as its initial kinetic energy is dissipated into plastic work. Technical difficulties associated with explosively driven devices in spherical geometry (initiation, complete sphere machining processes) have led us to restrict the test to the expansion of hemispherical shells. The experimental set up is constructed as shown in figure 1. Three materials have been chosen for this study in order to put in evidence the capabilities of the test to reveal plastic behavior. There were copper, tantalum and TA6V4. TABLE 1. Characteristics of the tests. Material Explosive (mm) Copper 40 Tantalum 40 TA6V4 36 Sphere thickness (mm) 3 2 3 In all calculations, initial shock pressure levels have been found lower than 10 GPa. It is well known that application of a shock wave can lead to large modifications of the mechanical properties. These effects are material dependent. In first approximation, we choose to neglect these consequences, considering the shock wave amplitude to low to induced large microstructural modifications. INTERFEROMETRIC MEASUREMENTS Interferometers are investigated by means of a semi automatic procedure using numerization and imaging analysis in order to obtain optimized radial velocity curves. Figure 2 is a plot of the radial velocity versus times for the three material tests. They show the measurements realized at the different optical heads locations. The initial velocity is of the same order for the three tests, between 250 m/s and 300 m/s. The decreasing of the radial velocity is clearly observed, putting in evidence the plastic deformation of the materials under the equibiaxial tension. The deceleration is higher for TA6V4 than for copper and tantalum. The DLI measurements at locations 30° and 45° put in evidence the effects of the 2D geometry (non spherical expansion all over the sphere). The elastic rebound observed for TA6V4 is due to bidimensional effects which propagate along the object. Observation of elastic oscillation depends on FIGURE 1. Cross section of the experimental set up. The driver material is XC38 steel with a 330 MPa yield strength. The driver size and the explosive diameter are chosen to launch the sphere at an initial strain rate of 104s"1. Dimensions of the principal elements are : explosive diameter from 38 to 44 mm, sphere inner diameter 100 mm and thickness from 1.5 to 3 mm. The radial sphere velocity is measured with the Doppler Laser Interferometry technique (DLI) for different locations (called 0°, 30° 45°) in order to record bidimensionnal effects. Furthermore, expansion of the material sample is observed by means of ultra high speed cameras. 324 the appearance of damage and fracture phenomena. Flat curves are observed at the end of the interferograms for copper and tantalum, showing a typical fragment behavior : these two materials have reached their fracture limits and the spheres are then composed of undeformable pieces which move at constant flying velocity. FIGURE 2. Expanding velocity curves for the three tests. ULTRA HIGH SPEED CINEMATOGRAPHY Figure 3, 4 and 5 present three pictures obtained by ultra high speed cinematography for the different materials. The film shows the clean and apparent axisymetrical expansion of the hemispheres until the time when first damages appear for copper and tantalum. FIGURE 5. Expansion of the sphere for TA6V4. DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS For all the configurations, the application of dynamic equations presented in part 2 of this paper at the 0° location (called the pole) is justified because due to the axisymetrical geometry of the test, the state of stress at this point staying always equibiaxial. Transformation of the experimental velocity curves into stress-strain curves requires integrating and differentiating operations. Considerable difficulty is usually encountered with the single differentiation of raw data. Various methods are then applied in order to reduce scatter. In this study, we simply choose to fit the velocity time data within the usable data window to a linear or a quadratic function. Acceleration is then obtained by differentiating the analytical formula and is consequently a constant or a linear function of time, depending of the tested materials. Figures 6 and 7 present plots of the effective stress and strain rate. The high flow stress of TA6V4 stops rapidly the test while more ductile materials like tantalum and copper reach high levels of homogeneous plastic strains levels (more than 0.5). Strain rate is always less than 10000 /s. Concerning TA6V4, the stress - strain curve shows a classical behavior, with the increasing of flow stress with plastic deformation without any saturation effects. FIGURE 3. Expansion of the sphere for copper. ^^ FIGURE 4. Expansion of the sphere for tantalum. FIGURE 6. Stress strain curves. 325 of elastoplastic behavior of various materials. Nevertheless, the aim of this work is to validate elastoplastic models. The correlation could not be immediate. The reasons are the next . Elastoplastic models are generally optimized under compression tests and this experiment subjects the materials to equibiaxial tension loadings, various materials are characterized by tension -compression asymetries of behavior. Even if shock effects have been neglected in this work, it is well known (see [4-5] for copper) that the post shock elastoplastic behavior is always modified and the consideration of a simple residual plastic strain is not realistic for a fine analysis. The effect of manufacturing operations have also to be taken into account because of their strong hardening effect on materials behavior [6]. For all these reasons, the interpretation of this test with classical elastoplastic models is very risked. Further works are engaged at CEA in order to improve our capabilities for comparing expanding sphere results with optimized elastoplastic models. FIGURE 7. Strain rate as a function of strain. For TA6V4, the experiment does not allow to extend the classical range of study in terms of plastic strains (limited to 0,2). The sphere is not fractured so it could be possible to modify the experimental apparatus (increasing of the explosive diameter) in order to increase the shock pressure and consequently the homogenous plastic deformation range. The modification needs to limit spalling effects by playing on the sphere thickness. The tantalum results are more interesting because they put in evidence the thermal softening effect on the dynamic behavior of the material. This phenomena is the result of the coupling of saturation and heat effects. Saturation stress is reached around 0,3 in plastic deformation. Large strains are reached during this experiment and the increase of temperature is about 170 K at 0,6 strain level (this rising is due to the adiabatic nature of the loading). The heat effect leads to the dramatic fall of stress at high strains levels. This phenomena is very difficult to observe under classical compression tests (Hopkinson bares) because of the limited levels of homogeneous strains. The conclusions are the same for copper but saturation is reached at more than 0,5. This mechanism is the same as tantalum but is simply rejected at higher strain levels. This is typical behavior of fee materials compared to bcc. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge MM Patrice ANTOINE, Jacques MATHIAS, Ph MARTINUZZI for their contributions to the conducting of the expanding tests. REFERENCES [1] F. Buy, F. Llorca this conference. [2] F. Llorca, A. Juanicotena, C. Dambrun, CP505, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, pp 455458, 1999. [3] A. Juanicotena, Thesis of the University ofMetz, France, 1998. [4] G.T. Graylll, P. S. Follansbee, C.E. Frantz Materials Science and Engineering, Alll, pp 916,1989. [5] F. Llorca, J. Farre, F. Buy, this conference [6] F. Llorca, J. Farre, J. Physique Vol IV, 10, pp 93-98, 2000. CONCLUSION Based on the results presented in this paper, it is clearly shown that the test is efficient for comparison 326
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