CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF THE INFLUENCE OF LOADING PULSE SHAPE ON SHPB MEASUREMENTS A.D. Resnyansky1 and G. T. Gray, III2 1 Weapons Systems Division, Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory, DSTO, PO Box 1500, Salisbury SA 5108, Australia 2 Material Science and Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 Abstract. Direct numerical simulation of a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) system is utilized to assess the effect of varying the loading pulse on the stress-strain response of a material. Calculated incident, reflected, and transmitted pulses are correlated with the stress-strain response of a generic sample using a number of classic methods (1- and 2-wave analyses (1)); the stressstrain curves obtained in the simulations are compared with the input modeled stress-strain response. Simulation of deformation in the sample is described using a strain-rate sensitive model. The influence of ramping the input pulse, via variations in the method of loading the incident pressure bar, on the sample stress-strain response is presented.. Experimental methodological studies are not readily conducted (see (1)) because they involve a real SHPB experimental set-up and a real sample response such that factors influencing the test records cannot be simply removed or added. Theoretical and numerical simulation analysis of the SHPB however offers such a opportunity. Direct numerical simulation of the SHB 1) uses input data, such as the stress-strain curves, fit to a constitutive equation at constant strain-rates; 2) allows choice of the experimental SHB device using idealised or 'real' components or configurations; 3) simulates the behaviour of the SHB including the components and sample; 4) affords processing of the measured pulses with the use of classical SHB analysis to study the effect on the calculated stress-strain response, and 5) allows numerical simulation of the effect of loading pulse shape on the sample stressstrain response. Direct simulation of several SHPB loading methodologies has been conducted previously (3) for a strain-rate sensitive generic material with an 'ideal1 (strain-insensitive) stress-strain diagram. INTRODUCTION The Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) is one of the most popular testing tools to study materials at high strain rates. The relatively simple device is being enhanced by a number of modifications which are intended to improve the resolution of the pressure-bar signals, spectrum of the materials tested, and thereby overall performance of the device (for details, see review (1)). Along with more detailed methods of interpretation of the signals introduced (for example, 2-wave analyses, methods of correction of wave dispersion, FEMmethods for better interpretation of the signals, etc), the SHPB continues to receive broader usage. The Pochammer-Chree dispersion effect has been studied for many years (see, eg, recent numerical study (2)). In addition to the PochammerChree oscillations a number of other factors exist which may result in divergence of the stress-strain response recorded from the true response of the material under investigation. 315 midpoint Gl and G2 during a numerical simulation run): e i - input strain pulse due to impact by the striker bar (recorded by the first measuring station Gl), e t - transmitted strain pulse (recorded by the second station G2), e r -reflected strain pulse (recorded by the first gauge Gl with some delay). The first formula for stress is called the 1-wave analysis, the second one - 2-wave analysis, their average is referred to as the 3-wave analysis (1). The formula for strain rate is deduced with the assumption of the force equilibrium. In the present paper we consider two basic theoretical loading situations: i) impact of the incident bar by a striker bar with a constant velocity of 40 ms"1; and ii) impact of the incident bar by a striker bar accelerated by a simulated gas-dynamic device up to approximately the same velocity. The latter allows us to consider the situation when the impactor has a stress and velocity profile resulting from the acceleration of the striker. This loading state allows us to assess how a more complex loading pulse can affect the stress-strain response calculated for the sample. We employ a strain-rate sensitive viscoelastic material model (4) to describe the constitutive response of the pressure bars and the sample. The material constants for the pressure bars correspond to a hard steel (constitutive parameters of the model are chosen such that the material would be in the elastic state in the range of the loads), elastic constants for the sample material correspond to aluminium. The yield limit characteristics are generic and tailored to the needs of the current numerical simulations. One-dimensional system of equations of the model includes conservation laws and constitutive equation for relaxation of shear stress along with the assumption of instantaneous lateral release The present paper reports the results of numerical simulations of the influence of loading pulse shape on the calculated stress-strain response of a strain-hardening material. METHOD AND MODEL A schematic of a SHPB is shown in Fig. 1. In the present paper we simulate the following components of a SHPB set-up (Fig. 1): (1) - a gas chamber enabling us to accelerate the striker bar (2) up to a velocity of approximately 40 ms"1, input bar (3) with the gauge Gl at the midpoint, output bar (5) with the gauge G2 at the midpoint, and the sample (4). (1) (5) (3) (2) G2 a m (4) (S) FIGURE 1. Schematic of the SHPB simulated. The initial cross-sectional areas of the pressure bars and sample are A and As, respectively. For the one-dimensional numerical simulation we do not need the actual diameters of the bars and sample, we only have to give the ratio of the bar's to sample's cross-sectional area^4//4s, which has been taken in the present case to be 2. The lengths of input and output bars are 100 cm and the length of the striker bar is 20 cm. Conditions of the force equilibrium at the two ends of the sample (FL and FR in Fig. 1) and solution of the wave equation yield the formulas of the classical SHPB analysis (1): AE AE ( \ (a 2=0). The constitutive equation has been taken in the following form assuming a dislocation dominated mode of plastic deformation (5): 2c = — s , a = — fe + £r / I, e = — A t A ** I J^=£ +£ =£ = JL. AE i r t AE da a —— — dt T 0 N + MB Here e is plastic deformation, a is the shear stress, D, H, N, M, TO are material constants. The evolutionary equation for the shear stress is shown Here E is the Young modulus of the pressure bar material, c=(Elp)m. ls - is the length of the sample. The following data are 'measured' (taken at the 316 for the portion describing the irreversible deformation. The elastic portion of the description is traditional and is not expanded here. nonequilibrium in the sample, that the sample's behaviour is in accordance with the idealized sample model response. One source of the deviation might be an asynchronization when processing the input and reflected pulses with the 2-wave analysis. Deliberate asynchronization in Fig. 3(b) however demonstrates that the deviation is related to something else. RESULTS OF NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS We start by considering a generic sample material exhibiting strain hardening.. The first case involves the impact of the striker bar with a constant velocity. In this case the incident pulse has a perfect square-wave shape and the actual strain rate being elaborated at the impact is approximately 2-4-10V1. The prescribed constitutive response, based on the material model of the sample for this strain rate, is given by curve 3 in Fig. 2. The output curves corresponding to 1-, and 2-wave analyses which the SHPB simulation yields are seen to be very close to the idealized modeled sample response. ^, £= V ^ ss***** **** ft\l (b) 2 2 1^ 3* ^ **** ^ ( 3 ^ f* '3 6 12 e,{ 6 12 8,\ FIGURE 3. Results of modelling for the loading by a gasdynamic device of a hardening material; (a) - the idealized material response and traces of stress at the left OL (1) and right OR (2) sides of the sample; (b) — influence of asynchronization of the reflected pulse on the 2-wave analysis: (1) is taken from Fig. 2, (2) - the reflected pulse asynchronized 1 jxsec ahead, (3) - the reflected pulse asynchronized 1 (J,sec back. 400 -ft)' -(<*)- \l (°) 400 12 £,( 12 G, 1 A FIGURE 2. Stress-strain output curves obtained with 1- and 2wave analyses (curves / and 2, respectively), 3 - the modeled sample constitutive response (strain rate 4000 s"1); (a) - impact with the constant velocity; (b) - impact of the striker bar accelerated by a gas-dynamic device. ^'"" \ .*-*"" ^ ^ ^e**~ -^ 3^. ^* Acceleration by a gas-dynamic device (a gas gun) results in complex wave circulation along the striker bar prior to the impact with the incident bar. This results in the ramping of the incident pulse and in a non-constant velocity profile for the input pulse (b) \ V "^4 80 \ (^ A \ ^^ ^^« ^ N^ / ri ^-1 =s?= ^< ^r^ ^4 f^ 12 £,( 12 FIGURE 4. Stress-strain output curves obtained with 1- and 2wave analyses (curves 1 and 2, respectively), 3 - the idealized sample response, 4 - the traced stress cr#; (a) - results of the SHB simulations of the data above with the reduction to the current cross-sectional area of sample; (b) the output curves for a calculation with reduced length of sample (0.5 cm). (3). For the case of the non-constant input pulse we observe a noticeable deviation between the results of 1- and 2-wave analyses. In order to elucidate if this result is due to improper response of the sample material, the traces of stress magnitude for the two ends of the sample have been tracked numerically and are presented in Fig. 3(a) along with the idealized sample response . It is seen, ignoring the dispersion associated with the initial Detailed analysis with the reflection of the ramping pulse from the pressure bar-sample interface shows that in the given case errors in the estimation of the sample's cross-sectional area is the major reason for the deviation. Unlike during actual experimental testing, numerical simulations of a SHPB allows one to readily trace the sample's length during loading. For a plastically incompressible material the cross-sectional area of 317 the sample can be calculated from the density conservation rule. The result of such a calculation is shown in Fig. 4(a). It is seen that it is in good agreement with the 2-wave analysis. A final simulation for a reduced sample length of 5 mm is shown in Fig. 4(b) and demonstrates the same features as in Fig. 2(b). DISCUSSION In this paper numerical simulations are reported describing the importance of the loading pulse profile to the calculation of the stress-strain response of a sample during SHPB testing. A model system has been used to illustrate how complex wave behaviour in the SHPB may result in errors in the calculated stress-strain response. Introduction of oscillations, especially in the incident bar carrying high stress pulses, has been shown to be particularly effective at disrupting the achievement of a valid SHPB test. Finally, based on our simulations, it can be concluded that real pulses in real SHPB tests require additional records (such as auxiliary gauges at the sample) and additional fixtures (confinements, indirect information about material) to obtain understanding the SHPB test results for solids with complex structure. REFERENCES 1. Gray III, G.T., "Classic Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar Technique", in Mechanical Testing and Evaluation, ASM - Handbook Volume 8 edited by H. 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