CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 COMPUTATIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THREE-STAGE GUN FLIER PLATE LAUNCH Daniel E. Carroll1, Lalit C. Chhabildas1, William D. Reinhart1, Nancy A. Winfree2, Gerald I. Kerley3 1 Sandia National Laboratories0, Albuquerque, NM 87185 2 Dominca. Albuquerque, NM 3 Kerley Technical Services, Appomattox, VA Abstract. In three-stage gun experimental situations, a flier-plate can be launched using graded-densiry impact of stationary target plates. In such cases, the launch plate's velocity and state can be obtained from highly resolved computational simulations of the launch of the flier plate. The computational tools used for simulation must be validated for such a use by comparing predictions of launch plate velocity with measurements of the flier from experiments dedicated to such a measurement. This work reports the results of several simulations of the launch of Ti6-Al-4V plates at velocities from 7 km/s to 11 km/s. The experimental configuration for measurements of flier-plate velocity is briefly described. The computed velocity of the flier is compared to velocity interferometer measurements. Excellent agreement is noted. Calculational results can therefore be used if the velocity and state of a launch plate can not be measured simultaneously with experimental measurements of a target. 10 km/s (5) emphasized the need to implement experimental techniques that required a much higher degree of precision in support of equation of state (EOS) studies. Recent experiments at Sandia have used the HVL to determine the EOS of composite materials. The accurate knowledge of the initial condition of the Titanium alloy flier plate prior to impact with a test sample is critical to the analysis of experimental results. Since the experimental configuration precludes the direct measurement of the flier plate velocity when a test sample is present, we used computer simulations to determine the state of the flier prior to impact. This paper describes these simulations and their validation. INTRODUCTION The three stage-light gas-gun, also referred to as the hypervelocity launcher (HVL), was developed in the early 1990's(l). Since then, its capabilities have been enhanced to achieve higher engagement velocities up to 16 km/s (2). These capabilities were applied for use with applications such as shockinduced vaporization studies (3) and to assess impact damage to substructures (4). In these early investigations, experimental transit times were in the range of 1 to over 100 microseconds after impact. These investigations did not require a high degree of precision in time resolution to obtain high accuracy. Earlier shock loading and release studies on aluminum and titanium alloys at impact velocities of " Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. 307 Two-stage projectile ^ Tantalum Titanium Copper \ J / /Magn!S«m l/^ (c) FIGURE 1. Configuration of the three-stage impactor showing guard ring and graded-density impactor. (a) Two-stage projectile and third stage flier plate configuration, (b) Graded density impactor with TPX facing impacting the stationary flier plate. (TPX is a trademark for poly 4-methyl-l-pentene.) (c) X-ray radiograph of typical three-stage flier plate traveling at 11.1 km/s. DESCRIPTION OF THE HVL technique is now routinely used to launch 17-19 mm diameter, 0.6 mm to 1.0 mm thick titanium fliers to better than 12 km/s. A typical flier plate radiograph is shown in Figure l(c). flier plate velocity determination The Sandia hypervelocity launcher, a three-stage gun, is briefly described here. A two-stage projectile is accelerated and impacts a stationary flier plate, Figure l(a), causing it to be launched at velocities from 8 km/s to greater than 11 km/s depending on the impact velocity of the two-stage light-gas gun (TSLGG) projectile. If the two-stage projectile were made of a single material, the flier plate would melt or vaporize because a great deal of mechanical energy would be dissipated as heat across the single strong shock that the projectile would induce in the flier. To decrease the dissipation and thus prevent the melting or vaporization of the flier plate, the loading pressure pulse on the flier plate must be uniform and timedependent. To accomplish this, the TSLGG projectile is carefully designed as a stack of layers of materials so that the density of the projectile is graded along its length (6,7). A layer of TPX material is also placed between the TSLGG projectile and the Ti alloy (Ti6A14V) flier plate. When the graded-density assembly, shown in Figure l(b), impacts a flier plate, it introduces a series of small shocks rather than one large shock into the flier. Taken together, these produce a nearly shockless, time-dependent megabar pressure pulse into the flier plate (6,7). The dissipation caused by this chain of small shocks is considerably less than the dissipation caused by an equivalent single shock that launches the flier to the same velocity, and is insufficient to melt or vaporize the flier. This The HVL flier plate impacts the test material, buffered by a layer of TPX. Equation of state information about the sample is obtained by examining the shocked state of the test material. This is done by measuring particle velocity on the back of the test sample with a velocity interferometer (VISAR) and using the RankineHugoniot relations, along with an accurate knowledge of the impact velocity to obtain the EOS data. The determination of the flier plate impact velocity is crucial for obtaining accurate EOS measurements for the target material. With a test sample present, it is often not possible to directly measure the velocity of the HVL-launched flier plate. The value of the plate's velocity can be obtained from a computer simulation, if the computer code has been validated for use in this application. To perform this validation, a series of experiments were conducted to map the acceleration history of the flier plate using a VISAR (8). In addition, flash radiography was used to determine the terminal velocity over propagation distances of about 250mm. Typical velocity profiles obtained from the VISAR map the entire acceleration history before achieving terminal velocity. These flier plate velocity measurements using VISAR and radiography are listed in Table 1. 308 TABLE 1. Comparison of calculated and experimental flier plate velocity. Graded Density Impactor Dimensions TwoTest Stage (TPX / Mg / Al / Ti / Cu / Ta ) (mm) Projectile Velocity (km/s) 1 .021 / 0.609 / 0.483 / 0.376 / 0.3 12 / 1 .089 6.33 HVLTi-2 6.74 0.842 / 0.479 / 0.404 / 0.323 / 0.254 / 0.744 HVLTi-3 7.22 HVLTi-4 0.807 / 0.445 / 0.414 / 0.3 15 / 0.264 / 0.757 7.32 0.513 / 0.310 / 0.480 / 0.226 / 0.152 / 0.528 HVLTi-5 Based on the fringe sensitivity used in the velocity interferometer, the terminal flier plate velocity is determined to a precision better than 0.6%. The X-ray measurements over the distances previously mentioned indicate a precision in velocity measurements to better than 0.2%. VISAR Flierplate Velocity (km/s) 9.80 10.23 11.04 11.15 Xray Flier-plate Velocity (km/s) Flier-plate Velocity (km/s) No data 10.50 11.05 11.24 9.71 10.49 11.13 11.25 CTH specified for each model were the yield strength, the Poisson's ratio and the melt temperature. The equations of state for the materials in the graded impactor and the Ti alloy flier were all taken from the standard CTH material library. All materials but TPX and Aluminum used the Aneos analytic EOS model. Sesame EOS tables were used for the Aluminum and TPX materials. In these experiments, the exact dimension of the graded-density material is known. In addition, the TSLGG projectile velocity is measured to precision better than 0.2%. The impact velocity, dimensions of the graded density assembly on the projectile and the flier plate dimensions were input into the finite difference hydrodynamic code, CTH (9), to calculate the flier plate velocity. For material temperatures above the melt temperature, the elastic-plastic model is inactivated. Due to the large value of the pressures in these simulations, material strength did not play a large role, but it was modeled. The multi-material property model used in the simulations was the "MMP1" variant. This model uses compressibility weighting for the fluxing of materials after the Lagrangian step of a cycle. Such a treatment contrasts to the default (MMP) advection-volume fraction. Simulations were run both with and without material fracture being modeled. Some materials did feel the effect of a release wave and the presence of fracture pressure allowed the simulation to run in a more robust fashion. In this series of tests, experiments and calculations agreed remarkably well. As listed in Table 1, the overall agreement is about 1%, similar to the accuracy of the plate-velocity measurements. CTH SIMULATIONS All simulations performed for this work were done with the CTH computer code. CTH was used in its one-dimensional mode to model the HVL flier launch. A mesh resolution of 0.001 cm was used. This very small value ensures that the simulation is not resolution limited and has converged. In any type of calculation other than one-dimensional, such a small zone size would result in a prohibitively long computational time, but in one dimension this is not a detriment for modern workstations. Comparison of the flier plate velocities from the launch simulations with the Ti alloy flier plate velocities measured by the VISAR are presented in Figures 2 to 5. These figures demonstrate that CTH simulations can be used to determine the HVL flier plate velocity to 1% accuracy and thus enable accurate analysis in the absence of direct flier plate measurements. All simulations used the simple elastic-plastic model for material strength. The parameters 309 VISAR Data^ 10 - \ \ 86- A -} *~£2** CTH Jimulal ion -I 2 0.2 0.4 #^r* > VISAR Data HVLTI5V HVLTI2V 0.6 ^.._ __ r* r-fc 4 - 0.0 CTH Simula tionxs •^T^-tr: •Urrt^ _^ ~^-^ 0.8 1.0 1.2 .0 1.4 Time (microsec) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1. Time (microseconds) FIGURE 2. Comparison of VISAR data and CTH simulation for test HVLTi2V. FIGURE 5. Comparison of VISAR data and CTH simulation for testHVLTiSV. REFERENCES 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1. Chhabildas, L. C, and Barker, L. M., Asay, J. R., Trucano, T. G., Kerley, G. L, Dunn, J. E., "Launch capabilities to over 10 km/s," in Shock Waves in Condensed Matter, edited by S.C. Schmidt, R. D. Dick, J. W. Forbes, and D. G. Tasker, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991, pp. 1025-1031. 2. Chhabildas, L. C., Kmetyk, L. N., Reinhart, W. D., and Hall, C. A., International Journal of Impact Engineering, 17, 183-194 (1995). 3. Brannon, R. M., Chhabildas, L. C., International Journal of Impact Engineering, 17, 109-120 (1995). 4. Boslough, M. 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S., et al., "CTH: A Software Family for Multi-Dimensional Shock Physics Analysis," in Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Shock Waves, VI, Marseille, France, edited by R. Brun, and L. D. Dumitresce, 1998, pp. 377-382. 1.4 Time (microseconds) FIGURE 3. Comparison of VISAR data and CTH simulation for testHVLTiSV. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Time (microseconds) FIGURE 4. Comparison of VISAR data and CTH simulation for testHVLTi4V. 510
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