CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 THE AB-INITIO STUDY OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY OF URANIUM Andrey Kutepov, Svetlana Kutepova Institute of Technical Physics, P.O.Box. 245,456770 Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk reg., Russia Abstract. The completely relativistic variant of a full-potential linear augmented plane wave method supplemented by basis of local functions (FRLAPW+LO) was used to search for the stable structure of uranium up to pressures of 5 Mbar. At each volume the optimization of all three free parameters of alpha-uranium: b/a, c/a and internal parameter y was carried out. The candidates for stable structure apart from alpha-uranium surveyed are face-centered cubic, body-centered cubic, and two variants body-centered tetragonal structure: with c/a>l and with c/a<l. Comparison of enthalpies of different structures computed at T=0 forecasts existence of phase transition alpha-uranium - bet (c/a<l) at pressure approximately 1.7 Mbar. 0.8 Mbar. However, these calculations used a rough approach in which the parameters of the crystalline structure of alpha-uranium didn't depend on volume in contraction to experimental data. The authors of this theoretical work have performed further advanced calculations, having optimized for each value of the volume the ratio da - the most variable parameter at compressions up to 1 Mbar. This optimization has shown increased relative stability of an alpha form up to a maximal pressure 1 Mbar, considered in work [6]. In the given work the search for stable structures was extended to pressures of 5 Mbar. For structure a-U apart from ratio da the other two free parameters (b/a and internal parameter v ) were optimized at each value of volume. The values of these parameters at high pressures are essentially different from the values at ambient conditions. Apart from a-U , the face-centered cubic (fee), body-centered cubic (bcc), and two variants of body-centered tetragonal structure: bctl (c/a > 1) and bct2 (c/a < 1) were considered as the candidates for stable structure. Two types of bet-structure were used because the total energy of uranium in the given structure, as function of c/a, has two minimums - corresponding to c/a > 1 and c/a < 1. INTRODUCTION Uranium, one of the heaviest elements discovered in the nature, has attracted considerable attention to itself per the last decades, mainly due to its usage as reactor fuel and in nuclear weapons. The interesting properties of this element include unusual temperature dependence of elastic constants [1-3], availability of waves of charge density at low temperatures [4-5], anisotropic expansion at heating up and, similarly to other light actinides, unique crystalline structure [6]. However, as opposed to other light actinides having one or more phase changes at compressions up to 1 Mbar, uranium, in agreement with the last experiments [6], remains in the alpha form up to 1 Mbar. It is necessary to note, that there were reports [7], indicating existence of a phase change at 0.7 Mbar, due to the occurrence of two new reflections in the X-ray spectrum. However, a more recent study on a diamond-anvil cell [8] has shown, that the reflections noted in the earlier study, originated from anisotropic compression of the crystal axes rather from a crystallographic phase transition. The first theoretical study of the given problem some years later [9] has estimated a transition a-U -^bct at 245 Besides, Besides, from from the the study study of of structural structural stability stability of of uranium uranium atat zero zero temperature, temperature, the the problem problem on on thermal thermal properties properties of of this this element element was was investigated investigated ininthe the given given work. work. While While at at low low pressures pressures only. only. The The study study of of the the given given problem problem was was grounded grounded on on representation representation of of aa Helmholtz Helmholtz free free energy of of a crystal crystal as as aa sum sum of of three three terms terms -- static static energy energy of of a lattice lattice EE00,, free free energy energy of of vibrations vibrations of of atoms atoms FFvib vib and and contribution contribution from from thermal thermal excitations excitations of of electrons electrons FFel :: F (V , T ) = E0 (V ) + Fvib (V , T ) + Fel (V , T ) harmonics inside spheres up to Lmax 10. max equal to 10. The assumed to to be The radii of muffin-tin muffin-tin spheres were assumed identical for all structures and corresponding corresponding to almost touching spheres for structure α a—U. −U . Density and potential in the interstitial were represented represented by the Fourier series consisting from 3175; 3175; 3151; 3151; 3217 3217 and 11385 plane waves for bctl bct1 and bct2; bcc; a—U bcc; fee fcc and α − U structures accordingly. The was The optimization of geometry in αa-U − U was conducted by a descent technique on coordinates. For structures bct1 bctl and bct2 bct2 optimization optimization of of the the relation out too. too. c / a was carried out relation da The The pressure was computed as following: (1) (1) The The procedure procedure of of calculation calculation of of each each of of the the above above terms, terms, together together with with the the obtained obtained results, results, is is given given below. below. P=− ∂E0 , ∂V (2) where EE00 - total energy and V - volume. The obtained results for pressure, as the function The of volume, have appeared lying between of from different different works [12,13]. experimental results from K was detected by The phase transition at T = The = 0OK equalization of enthalpies of different structures as as functions of pressure functions METHODS AND AND RESULTS RESULTS METHODS The calculation calculation of of total total energy energy of of aa static static lattice lattice The wascarried carriedout outwithin within the the framework framework of of the the densitydensitywas functional theory theory in in generalized generalized gradient gradient functional approximation [10]. [10]. The The full full potential, potential, fully fully approximation relativistic (i.e. (i.e. solving solving the the equation equation of of Dirac) Dirac) relativistic variant of of aa method method of of linearized linearized augmented augmented plane plane variant waves supplemented supplemented by by basis basis of of local local functions functions waves (FRLAPW+LO) was was used. used. All All calculations calculations have have (FRLAPW+LO) used 82 82 local local functions functions per per atom atom differing differing by by orbital orbital used quantum numbers numbers and and values values of of energies energies at which quantum these functions functions were were determined. determined. The The number number of of these augmented plane plane waves waves was was determined determined by by the the augmented quantity |kk++G| G (k ( k -- point point of of aa Brillouin Brillouin zone; G G quantity the vector of reciprocal lattice) and, thus, was varied the vector of reciprocal lattice) and, thus, was varied bothfor fordifferent different points points of of aa Brillouin Brillouin zone, zone, and and for for both different structures. structures. As As aa whole, whole, the the maximal maximal different number of of basis basis functions functions (including (including augmented augmented number plane waves waves and and local local functions) functions) was: was: for for structures structures plane bct1 and andbct2 bct2 -- 490; 490; for for bcc bcc -- 484; 484; for for fee fcc -- 450 450 and and bctl α − U -- 399 399 functions functions per per atom. atom. forstructure structure a-U for The integration integration over over Brillouin Brillouin zone zone was was carried carried The out by the improved tetrahedron method [11]. We out by the improved tetrahedron method [11]. We used 126 126 irreducible irreducible points points for for bctl bct1 and and bct2; bct2; 84 used 84 for for bcc; 98 98 for for fee fcc and and 125 125 for for a-U α − U .. Electronic Electronic bcc; density and and potential potential inside inside muffin-tin muffin-tin spheres spheres were were density expanded on spherical harmonics up to equal L max equal expanded on spherical harmonics up to Lmax Basis functions functions were were expanded expanded on on spherical spherical toto 6.6. Basis H (P) = =E PV . E0Q++PV. (3) (3) In figure figure 1 the enthalpies of the studied structures In relative to the enthalpy of bcc structure are given. relative ^^~~" >. 0.06 o 8,0.04 >^ « °'°3 2 is °-° >, 0.01 Q_ « •s LU -0.01 fee X'"" -jy 0.05 - / ./ ^/ / / -/ ; 0 bct(c/a>1)__ „...-.-"••-•••--•— --—--'-"" ^•~"~~~~~" bcc ,„,--"•—""""* _„,__——"""" : -Wa-Tj"""' 0 500 1000 ~~brt(5i<n~1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Pressure, kbar FIGURE 1. 1. Enthalpies Enthalpies of FIGURE of different different structures structures of of U. U. 246 As As shown shown in in the the figure figure the the given given work work forecasts forecasts the at aa the existence existence of of phase phase change change a-U α − U -^>bct2 → bct 2 at pressure of 1.7 Mbar approximately. pressure of 1.7 Mbar approximately. Apart T= Apart from from the the study study of of properties properties at at T = 0OK K ,, the the investigation investigation of of thermal thermal properties properties of of uranium uranium at at low low pressures pressures was was carried carried out. out. The The calculation calculation of of aa part part of of free free energy energy connected connected with with aa vibrating vibrating lattice lattice was Debye was conducted conducted in in quasiharmonic quasiharmonic approximation. approximation. The The Debye Debye temperature temperature 0 ΘDD was determined at each value of volume from a relation determined at each value from rB Θ D = 41.63 M ">-H£ 1 CV = wiε i f i ( f i − 1) * i Fermi-Dirac, µju -- chemical chemical where ff.i - function of Fermi-Dirac, potential of electrons, defined defined from from relation relation ∑w f i i 2 =N, (7) (7) i (4) of electrons, electrons, wwii -- weight, weight, where N - full number of connected with aa geometrical geometrical location location of of the the point point in in summation in in formulas formulas (6) (6) and and Brillouin zone. The summation out over over one-particle one-particle states. states. (7) is carried out internal energy, energy, entropy entropy and and free free 3) Calculation of internal with use use of of standard standard energy of Helmholtz with thermodynamic relations. Density of alpha-uranium alpha-uranium at at zero zero pressure pressure for for different temperatures, temperatures, obtained obtained from from minimums minimums of of free energy, is represented represented on on figure figure 22 in in comparison with experimental experimental data data [15,16]. [15,16]. Density Density obtained while disregarding disregarding thermal thermal excitation excitation of of electrons is also given in the figure. 9 NkB Θ D + 3Nk BT * 8 3 ΘD , T 3 Θ x d x ln 1 − e− D T − T ΘnD ∫0 e x − 1 e ∑ ∑ w j f j ( f j − 1)(ε j − µ ) , (6) (6) j − ε + µ i ∑j w j f j ( f j − 1) where /M where rr -- Wigner-Seitz Wigner-Seitz radius radius in a.u., M nuclear nuclear mass, mass, BB -- bulk bulk modulus modulus in in kbar. kbar. Formula (4) (4) was was used used with with success success in in work [14] for calculation calculation of of thermal thermal properties properties of a series of metals. metals. The The knowledge knowledge of of Debye Debye temperature temperature as a function function of of volume volume allows allows the the computation of the contribution contribution to to free free energy energy Fvib (T ) = 1 k BT 2 (5) where NN -- number number of of atoms atoms in in unit unit cell, cell, kBB where Boltzmann’s constant. Boltzmann's constant. The contribution contribution of of thermal thermal excitation of The electrons was was determined determined on on the the basis basis of Fermielectrons Dirac statistics statistics and and the the one-particle one-particle spectrum spectrum of the Dirac T = 0 K . The crystal computed for crystal computed for T = OK The sequence of calculations for for each each value value of of volume was: calculations 19.2 19.1, 19 „ 18.9 .0 18.8 D) *-exp. data [16] o - exp. data [15] 1 1) Carrying Carrying out out the the self-consistent self-consistent calculation calculation of 1) crystal band band structure. structure. It yields one-particle crystal energies £. with /i indicating indicating both both the the point point of of ε i with energies a Brillouin zone and band number. a Brillouin zone and band 18.5 18.4 dot - calc. without e" exc. solid - calc. with e" exc. 18.3 18.2 400 600 Temperature, K 2) Calculation Calculation of of heat heat capacity capacity for for all all interesting interesting 2) values of of temperatures temperatures with with the the formula formula values FIGURE 2. FIGURE 2. Density Density of of alpha-U alpha-U versus versus temperature. temperature. As it As it is is seen seen from from aa figure, figure, the the thermal thermal excitation excitation of electrons is essential at temperatures of electrons is essential at temperatures higher higher than than 200? 200K.. Used Used model model does does not not describe describe an an anisotropy anisotropy 247 of expansion of uranium at heating up. Probably, it is one of the reasons for the not quite precise reproduction of temperature dependence on density of uranium. Other reason may be following: following: we didn’t take into account the anharmonicity of didn't vibrations of a lattice. In figure 3 the comparison of the computed and experimental [17-20] heat capacities Cpp at zero confirms pressure is given. This figure also confirms importance of taking into account the electronic excitations for more low temperatures. describing properties of uranium, but we continue to work in the given direction. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50 45 6. 40 35 ^ JO) 30 7. o 8. E25 O 9. *-exp. data [17,18,19] o - exp. data [20] dot - calc. without e" exc. solid - calc. with e" exc. 400 10. 11. 600 Temperature, K 12. FIGURE 3. Heat of capacity of alpha-U versus temperature. 13. CONCLUSIONS 14. 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