CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 CALCULATION OF CHEMICAL DETONATION WAVES WITH HYDRODYNAMICS AND A THERMOCHEMICAL EQUATION OF STATE W. M. Howard, L. E. Fried, P. C. Souers and P. A. Vitello Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Avenue L-282, Livermore, CA 94550 Abstract. We model detonation waves for solid explosives, using 2-D Arbitrary Lagrange Eulerian (ALE) hydrodynamics, with an equation of state (EOS) based on thermochemical equilibrium, coupled with simple kinetic rate laws for a few reactants. The EOS for the product species is based on an exponential-6 potential model, whose parameters are fitted to a wide range of shock Hugoniot and static compression data. We show some results for the non-ideal explosive, urea nitrate. Such a model is a powerful tool for studying such processes as initiation, and detonation wave propagation as a function of cylindrical radius. CHEETAH [2], which allows for products to be in thermochemical equilibrium with an arbitrary number of reactants coupled via arbitrary rate laws. CHEETAH calculates the chemical composition of the reacting high explosive gases, and then predicts the EOS of the gases using a high-pressure fluid EOS. The transformation of the solid high explosives into a reacting fluid of small product molecules is based on simplified chemical kinetic schemes, which are determined from measured detonation velocities as a function of size. The EOS for products can be based on an exponential-6 potential [3] for supercritical fluids, with a Murnaghan form [4] for solids and liquids. For the exponential-6-based EOS, the parameters are chosen to reproduce the shock Hugoniot and static compression data for a wide range of supercritical fluids [2.3,5]. This is an accurate and efficient complete equation of state of the exponential-6 fluid based on HMSA integral equation theory and Monte Carlo calculations. Unlike previous detonation product sets, this model is not fit to detonation data. For the purposes of this study, we are interested in so-called "non ideal" high explosives, because they reveal interesting hydrodynamic and kinetic effects. We define non-ideal explosives as those with a finite (more than 1 mm) reaction zone. Non- INTRODUCTION We plan to study the effect of equation of state (EOS), hydrodynamics and kinetics rate laws on the behavior of non ideal (and ideal) explosives. In particular, we use an Arbitrary-Lagrange-Eulerian (ALE) hydrodynamics code, an equation of state for gas and solid products that is only fit to shock hugoniot and static compression data, and simple simple pressure-dependent kinetic rate laws. A single kinetic rate law parameter is our only adjustable parameter. We find that for Urea Nitrate, with a single parameter, we can reproduce the detonation velocities for confined and unconfined detonations for a wide range of sizes, as well as radius of curvature data. The use of ALE hydrodynamics allows us to predict detonation wave curvature, in contrast to the Wood-Kirkwood model, where the curvature is an input parameter. We also find that when we use our predicted radius of curvature-size relationship in a Wood Kirkwood model we can replicate the hydrodynamics results reasonably well. An earlier version of this work has been reported in ref [1]. They discuss linking an in-line thermochemical code with a 2-D hydrodynamics code. The EOS is based on the thermochemical code 161 ideal ideal explosives explosives are are often often poorly poorly modeled modeled by by Chapman-Jouget Chapman-Jouget (CJ) (CJ) or or Zeldovich-von Zeldovich-von NeumannNeumannDoring Doring (ZND) (ZND) theory, theory, where where itit isis assumed assumed that that thermodynamic equilibrium of the thermodynamic equilibrium of the detonation detonation products productsare arereached reached instantaneously. instantaneously. For For example, example, itit isis found found experimentally experimentally that that the the detonation detonation velocity velocity ofof non-ideal non-ideal explosives explosives can can vary vary sharply sharply from fromthe theCJ CJvalue valueand anddepend depend on on the the charge charge radius. radius. InIn addition, addition, the the detonation detonation wave wave fronts fronts exhibit exhibit significant significant curvature, curvature, because because the the reactants reactants are consumed consumedon onaatime time scale scale comparable comparable with with that that of the thepassage passageofofthe thedetonation detonationwave. wave. Therefore, Therefore, one one requires requires the the interaction interaction of chemicalkinetics kineticswith withthe thedetonation detonation wave wave in in order order chemical havean anacceptable acceptablerepresentation representation of of detonation detonation in totohave non-ideal explosives. explosives. Wood Wood and and Kirkwood Kirkwood [6] non-ideal (WK) proposed proposed aa two two dimensional dimensional steady steady state state (WK) kinetic detonation detonation theory theory that that solves solves many many of of the kinetic limitationsofofCJ CJ(or (orZND) ZND)theory. theory. WK WK considered considered a limitations cylindricalcharge chargeofofinfinite infinite length. length. They They solved solved the cylindrical hydrodynamic Euler Euler equations equations in in the the steady steady state hydrodynamic limitalong along the the central central streamline streamline of of the the cylinder. cylinder. limit Radial expansion was treated as a source term in the the Radial expansion was treated as a source term in 1-D flow along the streamline. 1-D flow along the streamline. Earlier,we wereported reported [7] [7] on on implementing implementing WK WK Earlier, theory into into the the thermochemical thermochemical CHEETAH CHEETAH code. code. theory Oneproblem problem with with WK WK theory theory isis that that the the rate rate of of One radial expansion along the center streamline, which radial expansion along the center streamline, which dependson onthe the charge charge size, size, must must be be specified. specified. In In depends addition, one must also specify the kinetic rate laws addition, one must also specify the kinetic rate laws forthe the decomposition decomposition ofof the the high high explosive, explosive, for for for which there is little experimental or theoretical which there is little experimental or theoretical knowledge. Using the the ALE ALE hydrodynamics, hydrodynamics, knowledge. Using coupled with the in-line CHEETAH code, can help coupled with the in-line CHEETAH code, can help us gain insight into these parameters. For example, us gain insight into these parameters. For example, the effective kinetic rates can be inferred from the the effective kinetic rates can be inferred from the detonation velocity size effect. detonation velocity size effect. We can then take the kinetic rate laws and rate We can then take the kinetic rate laws and rate of radial expansion from the hydrodynamic ofcalculation radial expansion from the hydrodynamic and use them as input into WKcalculation and use them as input into thatWKCHEETAH calculations. For the case we CHEETAH calculations. For the case that we describe in this study, we find that this procedure describe in this find that this the procedure works very well.study, That we is, when we take rate of works very well. That is, when we take the of radial expansion along the streamline and the rate kinetic radial expansion along the streamline and the kinetic rate laws from the ALE calculation as input into the rate laws from themodel, ALE calculation as input into the WK-CHEETAH the WK-CHEETAH model WK-CHEETAH model, the WK-CHEETAH model reproduces the ALE calculations reasonably well. reproduces ALE calculations reasonably well. That is, thethedetonation velocity, and the pressures That is, the detonation and are thereasonably pressures and densities behind thevelocity, shock front and densities behind front are reasonably matched between the the twoshock calculations. matched between the two calculations. An additional additional advantage advantage ofof the the using using the theALE ALE An hydrodynamics is that that we we can can also also make make use use ofof hydrodynamics is strength and and melt melt models models for for metals metals[9]. [9]. This Thisallows allows strength for the study of the interaction of detonation waves for the study of the interaction of detonation waves with metals. For example, we can compare the with metals. For example, we can compare the cylinder wall wall expansion expansion data datawith withour ourcalculations calculationstoto cylinder validate material material strength strength models models and and detonation detonation release models. models. In In our our calculations, calculations,we weare are energy release able to to resolve resolve the the von von Neumann Neumann pressure pressure also able reaction zone zone and andstudy studytheir theirdependence dependence spike and reaction kinetic rate rate laws laws and andEOS. EOS. on the kinetic 3.6 Cheetah Cheetahwith withW-K W-Kradial radialexpansion expansion Detonation velocity (km/s) X"V 42, 3.4 3.4 ALE/Cheetah ALE/Cheetahcalculations calculations 3.2 ^3.2 | 3.0 |,0 0> 2.8 2.8 O 2.6 2.6 2.4 I24 2.2 O 2.2 0.02 0.02 Data from Sandstrom et al. I 0.04 0.04 I 0.06 0.06-1 RR 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.08 (mm -1 0.12 0.12 ) (mm " Figure 1. Detonation velocity as a function of inverse cylinder Figure 1. Detonation velocity as a function of inverse cylinder size for urea nitrate. The red squares are data for unconfined urea size for urea nitrate. The red squares are data for unconfined urea nitrate[10]. The blue squares are results from the nitrate [10]. The blue squares are results from the ALE/CHEETAH simulations, while the black circles are results ALE/CHEETAH simulations, while the black circles are results from WK/CHEETAH calculations. For this case, the ALE and from WK/CHEETAH calculations. case, the ALE and WK calculations agree quite well with For one this another. WK calculations agree quite well with one another. RESULTS RESULTS We have chosen to study the detonation of urea We(CH haveNchosen to study the detonation of urea nitrate 4 2O-HNO3), because it exhibits nonnitrate (CH N O-HNO it exhibitshave non4 2 3), becauseproperties ideal behavior and its detonation ideal behavior and its detonation properties have been well studied. Urea nitrate’s detonation velocity been wellstrongly studied.onUrea nitrate's depends charge radius,detonation and the velocity depends strongly chargeThere radius, the detonation front ison curved. is and experimental detonation front is curved. There is experimental detonation velocity data for both confined and detonation velocity data bothrange confined and unconfined cylinders, forfor a wide of cylinder unconfined cylinders, for a wide range of cylinder sizes [10]. In addition, there is also a single sizes [10]. wave In addition, there is also a single detonation curvature measurement. detonation curvature For ureawave nitrate we take measurement. the heat of formation to be For urea nitrate we take the heat of formation to be 162 since the rate law was fit to the detonation velocity since the rate law was fit to the detonation velocity size effect only. On the outer edge of the cylinder, size effect only. On the outer edge of the cylinder, the calculation predicts somewhat more curvature the calculation predicts somewhat more curvature than is seen in the experiment. than is seen in the experiment. The calculations predict predict that thatthe the The WK-CHEETAH WK-CHEETAH calculations reaction zone length is about 5 mm and that most of reaction zone length is about 5 mm and that most of the urea nitrate is consumed within the reaction the urea nitrate is consumed within the reaction zone. calculated von von Neumann Neumann spike spike isis about about zone. The The calculated 60 kbars with a spatial width of about 1 mm. The 60 kbars with a spatial width of about 1 mm. The calculated and density density spatial spatial profiles profiles agree agree calculated pressure pressure and reasonably with the the ALE ALE calculations, calculations, with with the the reasonably well well with WK calculations showing a somewhat more rapid WK calculations showing a somewhat more rapid fall the detonation detonation wave. wave. fall off off with with distance distance behind behind the H of =-563kJ/mole, Hof = -563 kJ/mole, and for the Murnaghan parameters for the unreacted and for the Murnaghan parameters for the unreacted urea ureanitrate, nitrate,we wetake take BB 0 = =8.17GPaandB' 8.17 GPa and B0’ ==7.0. 7.0. o o The correspond Theunconfined unconfinedurea ureanitrate nitrateexperiments experiments correspond 3 3 totoananinitial density, p = 0.69 g/cm . 0 initial density, ρo = 0.69 g/cm . The Theresults resultsofofour ourcalculations calculationsare aresummarized summarized in in Figure Figure1.1.The Therate ratelaw lawfor forthe thedecomposition decompositionof ofurea urea nitrate nitratethat thatbest bestrepresents representsthe theexperimental experimental data data isis given by: given by: 12 dλ dtdt Time= 50 µs l —— ==l.l-P(GPa)\isec 1.1 ⋅ P(GPa) µsec,-1, P=0.05 5 R (cm) where whereA,λrepresents representsthe theamount amountofofunburned unburnedreactant reactant normalized normalizedtotovary varybetween between00(all (allunburned) unburned) and and 11 (all (all burned). burned). Since Since all all reaction reaction products products are are assumed assumedtotobebeininthermochemical thermochemical equilibrium, equilibrium, the the exact exactdecomposition decomposition pathway pathway isis unimportant. unimportant. We We have have chosen chosen toto use use aa very very simple simple P-dependent P-dependent kineticrate ratelaw lawfor forthe thedecomposition decomposition ofof the the urea urea kinetic nitrate. We Wefind findthat thatthis thischoice, choice,while whilesimpler simpler than than nitrate. mostreactive reactive flow flow rate rate laws laws for for high high explosive explosive most initiation, isis adequate adequate toto model model steady-state steady-state initiation, detonation over over the the range range ofof diameters diameters provided provided detonation here. here. The WK-CHEETAH WK-CHEETAH calculations calculations require require the the The spatialderivative derivative ofof the the radial radial velocity velocity along along the the spatial centerlineofofthe thedetonation detonationflow. flow. InInWK WKtheory theory (see (see centerline Eq.(1) (1)ininref ref [8]), [8]),this this depends depends on on the the radius radius of of Eq. curvature of the detonation wave, which we take curvature of the detonation wave, which we take fromthe theALE ALEcalculations. calculations. from Figure2 2shows showsthe thecalculated calculated detonation detonation wave wave Figure unconfinedurea-nitrate. urea-nitrate. For For the the hydrodynamic hydrodynamic forforunconfined calculationswe wehave haveused usedaazonal zonalresolution resolution of of 20 20 calculations zones/cm. Notice that the curvature front has some zones/cm. Notice that the curvature front has some irregularities. For For the the unconfined unconfined case, case, the the irregularities. detonation wave front exhibits a significant detonation wave front exhibits a significant curvature. However, However, curvature curvature measurements measurements are are curvature. availableonly onlyatat25.6 25.6mm mmradius. radius.Figure Figure33shows showsthe the available measureddetonation detonationwave wavefront frontcurvature curvature (red (red line line measured and open triangles) for the case of an unconfined and open triangles) for the case of an unconfined 26.5 mm radius urea nitrate. The blue dots represent 26.5 mm radius urea nitrate. The blue dots represent the results from our ALE calculation. The detonation the results from our ALE calculation. The detonation front curvature is a prediction of the current model, front curvature is a prediction of the current model, 4 P=0.0 3 2 1 0 13 3 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 Z (cm) Z(cm) Figure 2. 2. Pressure Pressure profiles profiles for Figure for the the detonation detonation of of 40 40 mm mm radius radius unconfined urea urea nitrate. nitrate. Notice unconfined Notice the the structure structure in in the the detonation detonation wave. Figure 44 is is the the calculated Figure calculated radius radius of of curvature curvatureatatRR = 0 (center line) for unconfined urea = 0 (center line) for unconfined urea nitrate, nitrate, as as aa function of of charge charge radius. function radius. The The curvature curvature was was assumed to to be be quadratic. quadratic. assumed 163 we take take the the radius radius of of curvature curvature as as aa function function of of we radius from from the the ALE/Cheetah ALE/Cheetah calculations calculations charge radius and use them in in the the WK WK model model to to calculate calculate the the rate rate of radial radial divergence, divergence, then then the the WK WK model model can can replicate the the ALE ALE results. results. This This demonstrates demonstrates that that replicate model provides provides an an adequate adequate the simple WK model description of of the the hydrodynamic hydrodynamic flow flow inin non-ideal non-ideal description detonation. detonation. 4 ALE ALEhydro hydrocalculation calculation Z (mm) 3 2 Experiment ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 This work was was performed under under the the auspices auspices ofof the United States States Department Department of of Energy Energy by by the the Lawrence Livermore Livermore National National Laboratory Laboratory under under Contract No. W-7405-ENG-48 W-7405-ENG-48 0 -20 -10 -10 0 10 10 20 (mm) RR (mm) REFERENCES REFERENCES Figure 3.3. The The detonation detonation wave-front wave-front curvature for unconfined Figure 26.5 mm mm radius radius urea urea nitrate. nitrate. 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CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS Weapplied appliedboth both our our WK WK Cheetah Cheetah model model and and our our We ALE/Cheetah model to the calculation of the ALE/Cheetah model to the calculation of the detonation of urea nitrate. We find that both models detonation of urea nitrate. We find that both models reproduce the experimental detonation velocity size reproduce the experimental detonation velocity size effect reasonably well with a simple kinetic rate law. effect reasonably well with a simple kinetic rate law. The detonation front curvature as a function of The detonation front curvature as a function of charge radius is a prediction of the current model. If charge radius is a prediction of the current model. If 1999 164
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