CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 PHASE DIAGRAMS AND THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METALS AT HIGH PRESSURES, HIGH TEMPERATURES I. V. Lomonosov1, V. E. Fortov1, K.V.Khishchenko2, P.R.Levashov2 Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, Chernogolovka 142432, Moscow reg., RUSSIA 2 Institute for High Energy Density RASt hhorskaya str. 13/19, Moscow 127412, RUSSIA Information on phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties of 30 simple and transition metals has been analyzed with the use of multi-phase equation of state (EOS). The comparison has been done with theoretical calculations of thermodynamic properties of solid, liquid, plasma, evaluations of the critical point and with results of static and dynamic experiments. The major attention has been paid to revealing of positions of high pressure melting and evaporating. We used direct temperature measurements which allow one to obtaine the pressure-temperature phase diagram and indirect information on phase transitions resulting from shock-wave experiments. Conclusions are made for high-pressure melting and evaporating, as well as for obtained parameters of the critical point. INTRODUCTION metals can be found somewhere [1,2]. The semiempirical EOS model is given by the free energy thermodynamic potential and accounts for the cold lattice contribution and thermal contribution of atoms and electrons. The EOS provides for a correct description of phase boundaries - melting and evaporation, as well as effects of the first and primary ionization. The thermal atoms contribution in the model is different in solid and liquid state while the thermal electrons' contribution is identical. The phase diagrams of metals were calculated with the use of the EOS, the comparison was done for static data, principal, reflected and porous Hugoniots, release isentropes, isobaric expansion data, density measurements in liquid metal, evaluations of the critical point. It was demonstrated that the developed EOS describe available data with high accuracy and reliability [1,2]. One should note, that the traditional presentation of the phase diagram deals with pressure-temperature (P - T) dependence [3,4] in a condensed state. Our analysis includes available direct P -T data and results of other indirect measurements on high pressure melting and evaporation. Metals have been widely investigated at high pressures, high temperatures. The available information includes theoretical calculations of thermodynamic properties of solid, liquid, plasma, evaluations of the critical point and numerous results of static and dynamic experiments. These theoretical and experimental data are separate partital derivatives (such as pressure, sound velocity, heat capacity, etc.) of thermodynamic potential known in specific regions of the whole phase diagram. We used a multi-phase wide-range EOS [1] to calculate thermodynamic properties and phase diagrams for 30 simple and transition metals. The goals of this work are analysis of phase diagrams of metals and comparison with available information. These results are applied to understanding of positions of high pressure melting and evaporation. EOS MODEL AND THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METALS The detailed description of EOS model and results of calculations of phase diagrams for selected Ill Analogous direct P - T measurements of melting have been done in dynamic experiments. Figure 2 illustrates the comparison with principal and porous Hugoniot data for magnesium, melting temperatures in re-shocked metal are given in Fig. 2,a. Other indirect information on high pressure melting can be obtained from different types of shock-wave data. These are: precise data on principal and porous shock adiabats, sound velocity measurements in shocked metal, information on shock compression of cooled and heated samples. MELTING Direct measurements of melting at high pressure have been fulfilled in static and dynamic experiments. Experiments done in traditional highpressure vessels typically are limited to 10 GPa pressure [3,4], defining the initial slope of the melting curve on P - 7-diagram. The information obtained with the use of laser-heated diamond anvil ceils (DAC) is available in megabar pressure range. The comparison with DAC measurements in uranium is shown on Fig. 1. r= 100(1 ooo /<•;_,„.-• M liquid 8 4 O 16 I2 ft 1 solid 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 14 12 16 18 20 Density, g/cm Pressure, GPa FIGURE 3. Phase diagram for molybdenum at high pressure. Nomenclature is identical to Fig. 2. a) Sound velocity in shocked molybdenum, points - [7J. FIGURE 1. P• - ^-diagram for uranium at high pressure. M melting, H - shock adiabat, a,(3,y - solid phases, circles with bold line - DAC data [5] (dashed lines - experimental error). Temperature, 1000K 2.85 2.45 1.93 1.48 M co Q. 0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 100- r=so( 10 Density, g/cm 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Density, g/cm FIGURE 2. Phase diagram for magnesium at high pressure. M melting, T - isotherms, m - porous Hugoniots, points - experimental data. a) P - T-diagram for magnesium at high pressure. M - melting, experimental data: 1 - [4], 2 - [6]. FIGURE 4. Phase diagram for bismuth at high pressure. Nomenclature is identical to Fig. 2, except: H^ and H^- shock Hugoniots for cooled (T0=76 K) and liquid (T0=677 K) metal, corresponding experimental data - stars asn closed curcles [8]. 112 For example, melting effects are seen very well on shock Hugoniots of porous molybdenum (porousities m=1.26,1.83) presented in Fig. 3. According to [7], molybdenum melts in shock wave at pressure 390 GPa, see Fig. 3,a. The analysis of shock adiabats for cooled and heated liquid bismut [8] also allows one to locate a position of high pressure melting. Therefore, the position of melting region occures defined at moderate pressures from compendium's data on phase diagrams [3,4] and at high pressures on the base of direct and indirect measurements. sure - expansion velocity (P - U) dependence also include indirect information on evaporation. It is seen as change ofP-U slope, see Fig. 6. m=2.17 10 CO QL O to CO 10° 10'2 2 EVAPORATION 4 6 Expansion velocity, km/s Direct P - T measurements of evaporating region encounter serious difficulties due to high parameters of critical points for metals (of the order of 1 GPa and 10000 K). These data have been obtained for lead in experiments on isentropic expansion of shocked sample [9], see Fig. 5. FIGURE 6. P - ^/-diagram for porous tungsten, m - porous shock adiabat, S - equilibrium (solid lines) and metastable (dashed lines) release isentropes, arrows indicate evaporation, points with bars - experimental data [10]. 15- I 10- '55 4 8 12 16 20 Temperature, 1000 K 10° FIGURE 7. Phase diagram for tungsten in the region of lower density. M and R - boundaries of melting and evaporation, CP critical point, P - isobars, S - release isentropes, open points isobaric expansion data, closed points - evaluations of the critical point, dashed line - evaporation region from EOS [11]. Pressure, GPa FIGURE 5. P - 7-diagram for lead in the evaporation region. R - evaporation with critical point CP, PJJ - initial shock pressure on release isentropes, open points - experiment [9], closed points - evaluations of the critical point. The EOS calculations show, that both isentropes S j and S2 [10] are subcritical entering into evaporation region from liquid phase. The analysis of evaporation region with the critical point is more complicated for indirect data. It requires to account for other available information like isobaric expansion (IEX) data [12] and evaluations of the critical point. Calculations with the use of this EOS and another One should note that experimental isentropes come into liquid-gas region (R on Fig. 5) from liquid (PH= 100-220 GPa) and gas (PH=270 and 370 GPa) phases, allowing a direct determination of evaporation curve R. More traditional data on release expansion of shocked solid and porous samples in form of pres113 EOS for liquid metals [11] demonstrated, that the correct description of evaporation pressure on release isentropes [10], IEX and shock-wave data in liquid state corresponds to a quite defined position of evaporation region, see Fig. 7, REFERENCES 1. Fortov, V.E., and Lomonosov, I.V., J, Pure and Appl, Chem, 69, 893-904(1997). 2. Fortov, V.E., Khishchenko, K.V., Levashov, P.R., and Lomonosov, I.V,, NucL Instrum. Methods Phys, Res, A415, 604-608 (1998), 3. Young, D, A,, Phase Diagrams of the Elements, Berkeley; Univ. of California Press, 1991, 4. Tonkov, E, Yu,, Phase Diagrams of Elements at High Pressure, Moscow: Nauka, 1977 [in Russian]. 5. Yoo, C.-S,, Cynn, H., and Soderlind, P., Phys, Rev, 857,10359-10362(1998). 6. Urtiew, P.A., and Grover, R., J. Appl Phvs, 48, 11221126(1977). 7. Hixson, R.S., Boness, D.A,, and Shaner, J.W., Phys. Rev, Lett, 62, 637-640 (1989), 8. 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The analysis of thermodynamic properties and phase diagrams of metals at high pressure, high temperature demonstrated high accuracy and reliability of developed EOS, A detailed consideration of direct P - T arid indirect data allows one to make a conclusions on positions of high pressure melting and evaporation regions. Summary of parameters of critical points is given in Table 1, Table 1. Critical points of metals Be Mg Na Zr Hf V Nb Ta Cr Mo W Fe Co Ni Zn Cd Ag Au Re Ir Pt Sn Bi U Pc> kbar 2,87 2.46 0.47 9.88 11.74 9.19 11.06 9.93 9.91 7,59 11.80 11.31 5.55 10,42 3.28 0.87 10,64 6,14 15.91 13.40 6.21 2.39 2,25 7.70 T ic, K 8877 3957 2473 14860 15810 9915 19180 13530 7797 10180 15750 8787 9157 7547 3079 2510 7053 8515 18710 16220 11430 8175 4869 9637 sc, PC. 3 g/CM 0,398 0.553 0,240 1.634 3.610 1.631 1.701 4,263 2.660 3.690 4,854 2.183 1.890 2.092 2.381 2.283 3.279 6,061 6.024 6.061 5.236 1,592 3,937 4.505 J/g/K 13,18 3.789 3.281 1.693 0.885 2.718 2.023 0.923 2.332 1.520 0.837 2.496 2.458 2.518 1.468 0.840 1.118 0.624 0.824 0.780 0.807 1.123 0.529 0.727 114
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