CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 For special copyright notice, see page 82. MEASUREMENTS OF THE EQUATION OF STATE OF LEAD UNDER VARYING CONDITIONS BY MULTIPLE METHODS. SJX Rothman, A.M. Evans, P. Graham, K.W. Parker, J. Palmer. AWEAldermaston, Reading, RG74PR, U.K. T. Jalinaud. CEA Bruyeres-le-Chatel, BP No. 12, 91680, Bruyeres-le-Chatel, France. J-P. Davis, J. Asay, M. Knudson, C. Hall. SNL, PO Box 5800, MS 1181, Albuquerque, NM87185 , USA.. Abstract. For the past few years AWE has been pursuing a programme of principal Hugoniot EOS measurements on metals and plastics at multi-Mbar pressures. Recently we have decided to concentrate on measurements on lead by a number of different techniques to cover as much of the EOS parameter space as possible. Using the HELEN laser we have made more Hugoniot measurements from -SOOkbar to -lOMbar. We have also performed isentropic compression experiments up to -IMbar using the Sandia National Laboratory's Z machine. These were on single-crystal and bulk lead and a leadantimony alloy. These complementary experiments allow us to compare single-crystal, bulk and alloyed materials, to compare Hugoniots and isentropes at IMbar and to compare laser-driven experiments with existing gas-gun and explosively driven data at low pressures. This presentation will describe these experiments and the results, with emphasis on the ways in which they are complemetary: how one measurement can verify another, how techniques and diagnostics carry-over, and the ways in which one method can provide data not possible from another. We have recently decided to concentrate on one material - lead - and to measure its EOS over as wide a range of conditions as possible. Potential experiments included isentropic compression, adiabatic release and shocking of porous material. Our plan is to continue with Principal Hugoniot measurements, extending the experiment down to pressures of <IMbar. Low pressure measurements use essentially the same techniques as high-pressure ones, with some details in laser target dimensions, the main difference being use of an active shockbreakout diagnostic, rather than optical emission measurements, as shock temperature falls below a detection threshold. These measurements may also INTRODUCTION AWE has been conducting a programme of high pressure (<20Mbar) Principal Hugoniot experiments for several years using shocks generated by laserdriven hohlraums (1, 2). Data from the Principal Hugoniot is important as it often provides the reference curve for a Mie-Gruneisen form of EOS, however it is only a single locus in the EOS plane and therefore does not cover the entire range over which data may be needed. Off-Hugoniot data is obviously necessary to validate other assumptions of the models. 79 be compared - explosively-driven difference with beingconventional use of an active shock-breakout and diagnostic, gas-gun - datarather to validate laser technique. than theoptical emission Recently the Zas accelerator at Sandia National measurements, shock temperature falls below a Laboratories has been used for isentropic detection threshold. These measurements may also being of anatactive shock-breakout be difference compared with use conventional – explosivelycompression experiments (ICE) a few lOOkbar (3). rather than optical and gas-gun data to lead, validate the emission laser We driven havediagnostic, performed ICE– on bulk single-crystal measurements, as shock temperature falls leadtechnique. and lead-antimony alloy (3% by weightbelow Sb). a detection the threshold. These measurements may also Recently Z accelerator at Sandia National Data for these materials are still to be analysed. be compared with conventional explosivelyLaboratories has used adiabatic for – isentropic Future plans are tobeen measure release driven and gas-gun – data to validate the laser experiments (ICE) atproduced a few 100kbar fromcompression an SMbar shocked state by a (3). technique. We have performed ICE lead,Hugoniot singlemagnetically-driven ZZ accelerator flyer,on bulk andSandia Recently the at National crystal leadon and lead-antimony alloy (3% by measurements porous lead. Laboratories hasthese been used are forstillisentropic weight Sb). Data for materials to be Thiscompression article describes the (ICE) Principal Hugoniot experiments at a few 100kbar analysed. experiments andhave isentropic compression experiments (3). We performed ICE on bulk lead, singleFuture plans are to measure adiabatic release and from outlines release porous lead experiments. crystalthelead andand lead-antimony alloy (3% by an 8Mbar shocked state produced by a 0.53jJLin, Ins gaussian 500J Laser pulse. mm x 1mm hohlraum. Figure1.1.Schematic Schematic of of Principal Principal Hugoniot Figure Hugoniotexperiment. experiment.AA laser-heatedhohlraum hohlraum drives drives aa shock laser-heated shock into intoaastepped steppedtarget targetfoil foil overaahole holeininthe thehohlraum hohlraum end over end wall. wall. Shock Shockbreakout breakouttimes times arerecorded recordedby byoptical optical streak streak cameras. are cameras. Figure 1. Schematic of Principal Hugoniot experiment. A thicknesses and a longer laser pulse allow forfoil laser-heated hohlraum drives a shock into stepped target reflectivity at shock breakout. Thea to impedance-match overshock a hole in the hohlraum end wall. Shock breakout times lower velocities. Shock breakout was analysis is yet to be streak done.cameras. are recorded by optical detected by the change in reflectivity of the surface using a ruby probe laser and streak thicknesses and a longer laser pulse to allow for cameras. lower shock velocities. Shock breakout was Z ISENTROPIC COMPRESSION An initial streak result is shown in Fig. 2. detected by EXPERIMENTS the change in reflectivity of the (ICE). Reflectivity actually increases at shock breakout – surface using a ruby probe laser and streak which is probably a combination of change in cameras. The Z pulsed-power machine has recently been optical and surface Anproperties initial streak result isroughness shown ineffects, Fig. 2. to generate magnetic pressure pulses allowing asused streaks of machined wedge targets show a clear Reflectivity actually increases at shock breakout – quasi-isentropic compression thin samples cut-off shockofbreakout. Thein (3) which inis reflectivity probably a at combination of change impedance-match analysis is yet to be done. Fig. 3. Free-surface velocities are recorded by fibreoptical properties and surface roughness effects, optic VISAR probes. Assuming free-surface as streaks of machined wedge targets show a clear velocity particle The velocity, cut-off is in approximately reflectivity at twice shock the breakout. Z ISENTROPIC COMPRESSION Up, then the time difference different impedance-match analysis is yet to bebetween done. thickness EXPERIMENTS samples reaching(ICE). the same up gives the weight Sb). Data for these materials are still to be magnetically-driven Z flyer, and Hugoniot analysed. measurements on porous lead. Future plans are to measure adiabatic release PRINCIPAL This articleHUGONIOT describes theEXPERIMENTS Principal Hugoniot from an 8Mbar shocked state produced by a experiments and isentropic compression magnetically-driven Z flyer, and Hugoniot These have been described inrelease Ref.s 1and andporous 2. The experiments and outlines the measurements on porous lead. HELEN 1TW laser at AWE is used to heat a lead experiments. This article describes the Principal Hugoniot hohlraum to drive a and shock isentropic into a stepped target: experiments compression shock velocities are measured from step transit experiments and outlines the release and times porous and an EOSexperiments. pointHUGONIOT is calculatedEXPERIMENTS by the impedance PRINCIPAL lead match method (4), using aluminium as a standard. A These have been described in Ref.s 1 and 2. schematic is shown in Fig. 1. The HELEN 1TW laser at AWEyielded is used to heatdata a Our experiments on copper -30 PRINCIPAL HUGONIOT EXPERIMENTS hohlraum to drive a shock into a stepped target: points in the 10-20Mbar range, where only a few shock velocities measured from stepand transit Thesepoints havearebeen described in Ref.s 1 and nuclear-driven existed previously, have2. times an EOS point isshock calculated the a The HELEN 1TW laser in at AWE is usedby to heat reached anand accuracy of 1.2% velocity. impedance match method (4), as hohlraum to drive aon shock into stepped target: Our most recent shots leadusing haveaaluminium achieved 1% a standard. A schematic is shown in Fig. 1. shock velocities are measured from step transit accuracy in velocity, 3-4% in calculated pressure. Our on copper ~30 by data timesexperiments and EOS point measurements isyielded calculated the Furthermore, two an independent have points in the 10-20Mbar range, a few as impedance match method (4),where using only aluminium been made on some shots with the calculated nuclear-driven points existed previously, and a standard. A schematic is shown in Fig. 1. have pressures and particle velocities mostly agreeing reachedOur an accuracy of 1.2% in shock velocity. experiments on copper yielded ~30 data within Our the estimated errors, e.g, lead shot where 0536 gave = points in the 10-20Mbar only aPfew most recent shots onrange, have1 achieved 8.25±0.35 Mbar, in up points =velocity, 6.41±0.27 (linns' and = existed previously, andPhave 1% nuclear-driven accuracy 3-4% in calculated 1 8.55±0.41 Mbar, uaccuracy ^imns" .independent reached anFurthermore, of 1.2%two in shock velocity. p = 6.61±0.32 pressure. Low-pressure experiments used a achieved larger Our most recent shots on lead have measurements have been made on some shots 1% accuracy in velocity, 3-4% in calculated hohlraum for lower drive and different target with the calculated pressures and particle pressure. twotheto estimated independent thicknesses and a Furthermore, longer laserwithin pulse allow for velocities mostly agreeing measurements have made on shots lower shock Shock wassome detected errors, e.g,velocities. shot 0536 gavebeen P breakout = 8.25±0.35 Mbar, up -1 with calculated pressures and using particle by the changethein reflectivity the surface µmns = 6.41±0.27 and P =of 8.55±0.41 Mbar, up = a velocities mostly agreeing within the estimated -1 ruby6.61±0.32 probe laser and cameras. µmns . streak errors, e.g, shot 0536 gave P = used 8.25±0.35 Mbar, An Low-pressure initial streak experiments result is shown ina Fig. larger2.up -1 µmns = 6.41±0.27 and P = 8.55±0.41 Mbar, up-= Reflectivity increases at shock breakout hohlraum actually for lower drive and different target -1 . which is6.61±0.32 probablyµmns a combination of change in optical experiments usedas astreaks larger properties Low-pressure and surface roughness effects, hohlraum for lower drive and different target of machined wedge targets show a clear cut-off in sound speed, CL , as a function of up. The Z pulsed-power machine has recently Z CL ISENTROPIC COMPRESSION = (t2-ti) / (x2-xO been usedx is to sample generatethickness magneticand pressure EXPERIMENTS (ICE). Where t is thepulses time for the allowing of thin surface toquasi-isentropic reach velocity ucompression . p samples – pulsed-power Fig. 3. Free-surface areV, and The(3)Zpressure, machinevelocities has recently Then P, specific volume, recorded by fibre-optic VISAR probes. Assuming been used to generate magnetic pressure pulses internal energy, E, may be found from: free-surface velocity is approximately allowing quasi-isentropic compressiontwice of the thin dP = I/VQ. CL. dup particle up, 3.then the timevelocities difference samplesvelocity, (3) – Fig. Free-surface are dV = V 0 .du p /c L recorded by fibre-optic VISAR probes. Assuming between different thickness samples reaching the dE =theP sound . dV is speed, free-surface approximately twice the same up gives velocity cL , as a function ...allowing isentrope to be calculated particle velocity,an uentire p, then the time difference from eachdifferent shot. Vthickness temperature and the pressure 0 is room samples between reaching volume. same up gives the sound speed, cL , as a function Figure 2. Streak of reflectivity from an Al and Pb step target. Time runs left-right and space up-down. Reflectivity initially increases when the shock breaks out at each surface. Figure 2. Streak of reflectivity from an Al and Pb step target. Figure 2. Streak of reflectivity from an Al and Pb step target. Time runs left-right and space up-down. Reflectivity initially Time runs left-right space up-down. Reflectivity increases when the and shock breaks out at each surface. initially increases when the shock breaks out at each surface. 80 Copper panel. Sample Window. Window. Velocity Velocity interferometer. locity interferometer. interferometer. Magnetic field. Magnetic Magneticfield. field. 5.0 5.0 5.0 Sample Anode Anode Current pulse - ~20MA, ~60kV, ~100ns. Current pulse - ~20MA, ~60kV, ~100ns. Current pulse - -20MA, ~60kV, ~100ns. 4.5 — North Top 03 3.5 3.0 35 Ig3.0 ' 3.0 2.5 2.5 $2.5 3.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 Center MP1 North Top 03 — North North Center MP1 North Center 04 North Center MP1 — North Center 04 North Bottom MP2 North Center 04 — North Bottom MP2 North Bottom MP2 East Top 04 — East Top 04 East Top 04 East Center MP1 — East Center MP1 East Center MP1 East Center 03 — East Center 03 East Center 03 East Bottom MP2 — East Bottom MP2 East Bottom MP2 East Bottom 03 East Bottom 03 East Bottom 03 — South Top 03 South Top 03 — South Top 03 South Center MP1 — South Center MP1 South Center MP1 South Center 04 South Center 04— South Center 04 South Bottom MP2 South Bottom MP2 — South Bottom MP2 South Bottom 03 South Bottom 03— South Bottom 03 West Top 04 West Top 04 — WestTop04 West Top 03 West Top 03 — West Top 03 West Center MP1 West Center MP1 — West Center MP1 West Bottom MP2 West Bottom MP2 — West Bottom MP2 West Bottom 04 West Bottom 04 4.0 •f 4.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 Figure 3. Schematic ofmagnetically-driven Z magnetically-driven Figure Schematic of Z Z magnetically-driven ICE Figure 3.3.Schematic of ICEICE experiment. current pulse and the field it it it experiment. A current pulse the magnetic experiment. AAcurrent pulse andand the magnetic magnetic fieldfield generates produce magnetic pressure pulse inina acopper generates produce a magnetic pressure pulse incopper a copper generates produce aamagnetic pressure pulse panel which transmits stress wave into aasample. panel which transmits a stress wave a sample. panel which transmits aa stress wave intointo sample. ofofAn upu.p. alternative analysis can be done by the cLc= = (t2(t -t1-t ) / (x2-x1) ) L integration" 2 1 ) / (x2 -x 1 "backwards method of Hayes (5), Where x is sample thickness andand t is tthe timetime for for Where EOS x is sample thickness is the varying parameters until calculation and the surface to reach velocity up. the surface data to reach velocity up. experimental match for multiple thicknesses. Then pressure, P, specific volume, V, and Then pressure, P, specific volume, and Two shots have been fired from: using AWE V, targets internal energy, E, may be found internal energy, E, may be found from: (Z753 and Z770). For Z753 a four panel dP = 1/v0 . cL . dup dP= =was . cL . du 0used p configuration with each panel having dV V1/v 0 . dup / cL dV = V . dup / cL of bulk lead, single0 samples identical dE thickness = P . dV =an P entire . lead-antimony dV isentrope to alloy. crystal leaddE and The four …allowing be calculated isentrope be calculated from …allowing each were shot. an V0entire is300, room and thicknesses 200, 400temperature andto 600 microns. from each shot.comparison V0 is room temperature and pressure volume. This allowed direct of the materials even pressure volume. Anfull alternative analysis can repeated be done the by 300 the and before data analysis. Z770 “backwards integration” method ofbe400jim Hayes An alternative done (5), bybulk the 400um panels and hadanalysis 200, 300canand of varying EOS parameters until calculation and (5), “backwards integration” method of lead and alloy respectively on the last twoHayes panels. experimental data parameters match for multiple thicknesses. varying EOS calculation and Fig. 4 shows the measured until free-surface velocities Two shots have been fired using AWE targets experimental data match for multiple thicknesses. from shotand Z753. No analysis has yet been done, and (Z753Two Z770). For a four panel shots have been Z753 fired using AWE targets there are possible absolute timing errors, but there configuration used For with each panel havingpanel (Z753 and was Z770). Z753 athicknesses four are clear differences betweenofthe same identical thickness samples bulk lead, single- of configuration was used with each panel having the three lead different crystal and materials. lead-antimony alloy. The four identical thickness samples of bulk lead, singlethicknesses were 200, 300, 400 and 600 microns. crystal lead direct and lead-antimony alloy. The four This allowed comparison of the materials thicknesses were 200, 300, 400 and 600 even before full data analysis. Z770 repeatedmicrons. the ADIABATIC RELEASE EXPERIMENT This allowed direct comparison of 300 and 400µm panels and had 200, the 300materials and 1 repeated the even Z770 400µm of bulkfull leaddata and analysis. alloya respectively on the This before experiment will use lOkms" magnetically300 and 400µm panels and had 300shock and last two panels. Z flyer to drive an200, driven aluminium SMbar 400µm of bulk lead and alloy respectively on thea Fig. 4 shows the measured free-surface into a lead baseplate. On the ISOjum baseplate are velocities from shot Z753. No analysis has yet last two panels. 250jim lead step and samples for the lead to release been Fig. done, 4andshows there arethe possible absolute timing measured 3 free-surface into: 600|J,m Al, 600jim of 0.2gcm"between SiO the aerogel errors, but there clearZ753. velocities fromareshot No analysis2 has yet 3 differences and lOOOjum of 0.1 gem" SiO aerogel, calculated to 2 same the three different materials.timing beenthicknesses done, andofthere are possible absolute 4.0 North Top 03 4.5 4.5 free-surface velocity (km/s) Short-circuit Short-circuittotocathode. cathode. Copper panel. free-surface velocity (km/s) Short-circuit to cathode. — West Bottom 04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.6 1.00.8 0.8 1.2 1.0 1.2 time (µs) time (µs) time (MS) FigureFigure 4. Plot 4. of Plot free-surface velocitiesvelocities measuredmeasured by of free-surface free-surface by Figure 4. Plot of velocitiesofmeasured by VISARVISAR for shotfor Z753. Data forData 3 thicknesses 3 shot Z753. for 3 thicknesses of 33 VISAR for shot Z753. Data for 3 thicknesses of materials show differences between the materials. materials differences between between the materials. materials show differences experiments), the three release states and a freesurface velocity measurement using a gap and ADIABATIC RELEASE EXPERIMENT ADIABATIC EXPERIMENT window above theRELEASE lead give five points on a release adiabat. This experiment will use a 20kms-1 -1 This experiment will magnetically-driven aluminium Z flyer use to drivea an 20kms magnetically-driven aluminium to drive an 8Mbar shock into a lead baseplate. On Ztheflyer 150µm 8Mbar into lead a lead On the POROUS LEAD HUGONIOT baseplate areshock a 250µm stepbaseplate. and samples for 150µm baseplate are ainto: 250µm lead Al, step600µm and samples for the lead to release 600µm of -3 provisionally be ofan0.1gcm impedance-match the-3 This lead to release 600µm Al, 600µm of 0.2gcm SiO2 will aerogel and into: 1000µm -3 calculated -3 experiment driven by Zon0.1gcm flyer. Lead SiO2 0.2gcm aerogel, to an givealuminium pressuresof SiO and 1000µm 2 aerogel release of 4, 0.4 and 0.2Mbar respectively. Shock samples of-50% porosity will give data in the highSiO2 aerogel, calculated to give pressures on breakouts areof monitored VISAR, active or from temperature, low-density regime away release 4, 0.4 andby 0.2Mbar respectively. Shockthe passive fibre optic and the by pressures in the Principal Hugoniot. breakouts areprobes monitored VISAR, active or release samples the impedance match in the passive fibrefound opticbyprobes and the pressures method and assumed Principal Hugoniots. The release samples found by the impedance match initial state in the lead base (confirmed by shock CONCLUSIONS method SUMMARY and assumedAND Principal Hugoniots. The velocity measurement at the step and Principal initial state in the lead base (confirmed Hugoniot data from HELEN laser experiments),by shock velocity measurement at the Principal stepvelocity and Principal AWE laser-driven Hugoniot the three release states and a free-surface Hugoniot datahave HELEN experiments), experiments anlaser accuracy measurement using a from gap reached and window above the of 1% in the three release and atofree-surface velocity shock conventional methods lead give fivevelocity, points oncomparable astates release adiabat. measurement using aWe gap andtens window above the for at lower pressures. have of data points lead giveinfive on a release copper thepoints 10-20Mbar rangeadiabat. where only a few nuclear-driven points existed previously. The POROUS LEAD HUGONIOT technique is being applied to lead, and extended to This will provisionally be anpressures impedance-match intermediate and low (<lMbar) where POROUS LEAD HUGONIOT experiment driven by an aluminium Z flyer. Lead comparison with conventional experiments can of ~50% porosity will give data in the give pressures on release of 4, 0.4 and 0.2Mbar samples validate method. be an impedance-match This the willlaser provisionally errors, but there are clear differences between the high-temperature, low-density respectively. Shock breakouts are monitored by We are driven beginning series away of EOS experiments experiment by anaregime aluminium Zfrom flyer. Lead same thicknesses of the three different materials. Hugoniot. VISAR, active or passive fibre optic probes and the the Principal using the magnetic pressure drive capability of Z. samples of ~50% porosity will give data in the pressures in the release samples found by the Initial ICE data have been taken. Theaway behaviour high-temperature, low-density regime from of impedance match method and assumed Principal bulk, single-crystal the Principal Hugoniot.and alloyed lead has been Hugoniots. The initial state in the lead base compared. (confirmed by shock velocity measurement at the Future experiments will be done on adiabatic step and Principal Hugoniot data from HELEN laser release (where intermediate-pressure HELEN data 81 will be necessary to analyse the data) and on the Hugoniot of porous lead, which will employ many of the techniques perfected in the HELEN impedance match experiments. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the vital assistance and effort of the AWE target fabrication and highprecision machining groups, and the HELEN laser and Z operations groups. Valuable help and advice has also been provided by J. Maw, and A.M. Dunne. © Crown Copyright (2001) "This document is of United Kingdom origin and contains proprietary information which is the property of the Secretary of State for Defence. It is furnished in confidence and may not be copied, used or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written consent of the Director Commercial 2, Defence Procurement Agency, Ash 2b, MailPoint 88, Ministry of Defence, Abbey Wood, Bristol, BS34 8JH, England". REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rothman, S.D. and Evans, A.M., Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1997, Publisher AIP, eds S.C. Schmidt, D.D. Dandekar and J.W. Forbes, New York, 1998, pp. 79-82. Evans, A.M., Freeman, N.J., Graham, P., Horsfield, C.J., Rothman, S.D., Thomas, B.R. and Tyrrell, A.J., Laser and Particle Beams 14(2), pp. 113-123, (1996). Hall, C., "Recent Advances in Quasi-Isentropic Compression Experiments (ICE) on the Sandia Z Accelerator", these proceedings. Zel'dovich, Ya. B and Raizer ,Yu. P, Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena, Publisher Academic Press, New York, 1967, pp. 726-730. "Backward Integration of the Equations of Motion to Correct for Free Surface Perturbations", D. Hayes, Sandia Report SAND2001-1440, 2001. D. Hayes, "Correcting Free Surface Perturbations by Integrating Equations of Motion Backward in Space.", these proceedings. 82
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