CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 HIGH-PRESSURE VAPORIZATION AND BOILING OF CONDENSED MATERIAL: A GENERALIZED CLAUSIUS-CLAPEYRON EQUATION Alexander L. Conor1 Applied Science and Engineering Consulting, 624-523 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, ON, Canada M2R 1N4 Abstract In this study a generalized Clausius-Clapeyron equation, based on the equilibrium thermodynamics and including the pressure effect, is derived. It is assumed that the vapor and the liquid (or solid) phases of the material are in equilibrium, whereas liquid phase is under total pressure equaling the sum of vapor pressure and external pressure. New equations with high external pressure give the values of partial vapor pressure significantly higher and boiling points lower compared with data obtained by Clausius-Clayperon equation. pressure on vapor pressure is presented below. INTRODUCTION To determine the partial vapor pressure, p , on the surface of the particle (molten metal) or the drop of the liquid, the following well-known Clausius-Clapeyron equation is applied PHASE EQUILIBRIUM FOR MIXTURE: VAPOR/SURROUNDING GAS AND CONDENSED PHASE. We consider a closed system with given volume V=Vi+V2, where Vi and V2 are volume of gaseous mixture and condensed phase, respectively. Let Ni (i= 1,2,3) be mole number of vapor, condensed phase and surrounding gas, respectively, whereas N3=constant, since gas is impermeable for condensed phase, and N1+N2=const Free energy (Helmgoltz function) for such system can be represented in the following form, (1) In Eq. (1), p* and 1 are constants. T, 1 and R denote the temperature, the latent heat of vaporization of material and universal gas constant. In the case of detonation of the mixture with metallic particles where the external pressure, p , in 10 8 the reaction zone is of the order of -10 Pa, the vapor phase fraction of the metal particles, calculated using Eq. (1), was found to be negligible even at high temperatures. Possibly, ClausiusClapeyron equation, determining partial pressure of saturated vapor on the condensed surface in vacuum (p =0), is responsible in this case for the g low vapor pressure. Due to this, the derivation of the corresponding equation taking into account the effect of external A = A! (T, V1? Nb N3) +A2 (T, V2,N2), where A* (i=l,2) is free energy of the gaseous mixture and condensed phase, respectively. It is known1 that for equilibrium system free energy is minimum with constant T and V. Particularly, it means that partial derivatives of A at variables Vi and NI, equal zero. Since dA} IdN^ = //j and dA2 I dN2 = ju2 we 63 (similar to the approach used in deriving ClausiusClapeyron equation). Therefore, Eq. (3) reduces to the following form have equality of the corresponding chemical potentials,ju^ = // 2 .It is important to note, that within the framework of the model of ideal gas free energy of gaseous mixture is represented as additive function of mole number NI (i=l,3), i.e. Aj=Av (T, Vi, NO+Ag (T, V1? N3). Differentiating this expression we obtain that a chemical potential, //!, does not depend on the mole number N3 and coincides with the chemical potential of the pure vapor, occupying volume Vi. Therefore, the chemical potentials for the vapor ^ and the liquid phase jj,2 must be equal in the following form ^)=exp (4) where pv represents the partial vapor pressure corresponding to the case when p=0, i.e. it is g defined by Eq. (1), j^ is molecular mass of the vapor and p is constant density of condensed material. The implicit Eq. (4) can be used to calculate the partial vapor pressure, p , as a function of temperature and pressure. Analysis of Eq. (4) showed that its solution lies in the range 0<pg<pgm where pgm can be determined from the correspondent equation. It is important to notice that for p >0 the vapor pressure, PV, predicted by g Eq. (4) is found to be greater than the corresponding value predicted by ClausiusClapeyron equation. Note, that Eq. (4) was derived without assumption of smallness for molar volume of the condensed phase, (V2/N2)« (Vi/NO. (2) where p = PV + pg is total pressure. The equilibrium condition with different pressures was also used in the derivation of the well-known Van't Hoff equation for osmotic pressure. The equality (2) implies that EFFECT OF EXTERNAL PRESSURE ON PARTIAL VAPOR PRESSURE AT PHASE TRANSITION WITH CONSTANT TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF BOILING POINT OF THE CONDENSED MATERIAL ON PRESSURE To start with we find function f (T, p ) for phase 8 transition at constant value of T. Since, as per2, Eq. (4) can also be used to determine the dependence of the boiling point of the molten particle on the pressure of the surrounding gas. Under boiling conditions, the dependence of the boiling point, Tb, on the pressure could be expressed in the form of an implicit equation similar to Eq. (4). However, if p* is negligible compared to pg then the equation for Tb reduces to the following explicit equation: N which means that the differentiation of Eq. (2) leads to the following equation, (3) „ i-v»mpKip) Here Si, Vi and Ni denote entropy, volume and mole numbers of each phase, respectively. Equation (3) can be integrated assuming a constant value of T and using EOS for ideal gas 64 Hence, for function p , (6), the following partial derivatives take place, Table 1. T as a Function of pg l.OOE+08 5.00E+08 7.00E+08 pg(Pa) Tb°K:Eq.(5) 5956 7315 7217 Tb°K:(Ref. 3) 6125 9072 8376 It is interesting to note that the equation to determine the boiling point, derived based on the Clausius-Clapeyron approach, is different from Eq. (5). The second term in the numerator of Eq. (5) is missing in that equation. Therefore, the values of Tb predicted by Eq. (5) will be lower than the corresponding values obtained based on Clausius Clapeyron equation. Comparison of the Tb results for Al calculated from Eq. (5) and those obtained, based on the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, from (Ref 3) is shown in Table 1. Since pressure, pg, has to be less than pressure in critical point (C.P.), then for aluminum maximum pressure, shown in Table 1, is ~ IGpa. At this point in vicinity of C.P., aluminum density contained in Eq. (5) will be4 p = pc = 0.64 g/cm3. Overall, determining the boiling points near CR demands caution due to the gas ionization that can change the final results. Analysis showed that the function T (p^, represented by Eq. (5), contains ascending and descending branches in the range 0<p <oo. It makes g physical sense when the boiling point increases with pressure in the range 0<pg<pgmb where pgmb can be calculated from the correspondent equation. (7) Since, the volume per mole of a condensed phase, (V /N ), is much less than that of a vapor phase, (V /N), then these smaller terms were neglected in the denominators of Eq. (7) (similar to the approach used in deriving Clausius-Clapeyron equation). An unknown function, p , has to satisfy two partial differential equations (7). It is known that solution to the problem exists if mixed derivatives are equal to each other: dpgdT' (8) Using for vapor EOS for ideal gas, it is not hard to reduce condition (8) for mixed derivatives to equality, (9) CONDENSED MATERIAL VAPORIZATION WITH GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM CONDITION where F (T) is an arbitrary function of temperature. As it is known, at small values of pressure, a latent heat of the phase transition is considered as constant, i.e. F (T) = 1. In the general case the heat of transition is 1 = HI/NI H2/N2, where HI andH2 are enthalpies of vapor and condensed phases, respectively. In the problem under consideration this expression reduces to the correlation matched with Eq. (9). Now we will turn to an integration of the equations (7), preliminary transforming them to the following form The equality 111=^2 obtained above is correct for general case including nonisothermal and nonisobaric processes2. In this section we consider general case of the phase transition when both parameters (T, pg) could be changed. Therefore, Eq. (2) represents a function of two variables. To discover this functionality, the equation (2) is used in the following form: (6) = Pv+Pg> 65 2 dT RT conditions, partial vapor pressure increases by 10-80 times compared with data obtained by Clausius-Clapeyron equation. (10) pRT CONCLUSIONS A general solution of the Eq. (10)-2 can be represented as /> v =/(F)exp \pRT The primary results, Eq. (4), Eq. (5) and Eq. (12), were obtained based on equilibrium thermodynamics. In relation to this it should be noted that L. Landau5 discussed the impact of surrounding gas on vaporization of condensed materials. He admitted that vaporization process in this case might be also considered as equilibrium, since vapor penetrates into surrounding space slowly (by diffusion). The increase of partial vapor pressure and decrease of the boiling point with rise of the external pressure appear to be unexpected results. Qualitatively they may be explained if we take into account that external pressure increases enthalpy of condensed phase and does not change enthalpy of vapor at given temperature. (11) where f(T) is an arbitrary function. Substituting expression (11) in Eq. (10)-1, we find that Constant A=p*, since with p=0 the vapor g pressure p = p^. As a result, the vapor pressure is defined by the following equation, (12) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is grateful to J. Pogotto for his support in origination this paper and to F. Zhang for the valuable comments. Acknowledgment is expressed to the Department of National Defence for funding the work related to the paper. The Eq. (12) is the simplest form of generalized Clausius-Clapeyron equation, obtained with standard assumptions that (V/N) « ( V / N ) and F (T) = 10 The above inequality reduces to condition that ratio npv/(pRT) « 1. Analysis has shown that for aluminum with T > 1000 °K and pg < lOGpa the latter inequality is fulfilled with high accuracy. The solution of equations (7) - (8) was also obtained without assumption of smallness of the above ratio. Then ODE and implicit finite equation, instead formula (12) determine vapor pressure. The equations (4) and (12) are correct if the density of material is slightly changed under high pressure and EOS for ideal gas properly describes the vapor behavior. The method may also be extended for more complicated EOS, allowing for fulfillment of equality (2). In this case equations (7) - (8) are to be solved by numerical integration. New correlations, (4) and (12), were used for calculations of the Al particle vaporization with 10 external pressure up to -10 Pa. At these REFERENCES 1. Kuo, K. K., Principles of Combustion, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986, Ch. 1. 2. WiUiamsJF. A.,CombustionTheory, Benjamin Cummings Publ. Comp., Inc. CA, 1985, pp. 522. 3. Glassman, L, Combustion of Metals. Physical Considerations, Progress in Astronautics and Rocketry, 1 Academic Press, New York, 1960, pp. 253. 4. Fortov, E. V. and lakubov, I. T., The Physics of NonIdeal Plasma, World Scientific Publishing CO., Singapore, 2000, pp. 403 5. Landau, L. D., Akhiezer, A. L and Lifshitz, E. M., General Physics, Mechanics and Molecular Physics, Pergamon Press, London , 1967, pp.206. 66
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