CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Hone © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 MECHANICAL STATES OF SOLIDS John J. Gilman Materials Science and Engineering, University of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles, California 90095 Abstract. In the field of shock compression of solids, discussions are sometimes inconsistent because descriptions of mechanical states are misused. For example, "elastic strains" and "plastic deformations" are physically distinct entities, yet they are both called "strains" and are sometimes added together inappropriately. This has led to the concept of a "plastic modulus"; to the assumption that plastic deformation is a continuous process; and other errors. These are discussed. It is pointed out that the intimate connections between electronic (chemical) and mechanical states must be taken into account at shock fronts. equation of state, and each specific state has a corresponding set of state variables. In passing from one state to another an elastic material may lose, or gain, small amounts of energy due to an elastic effects, which convert small amounts of elastic energy into entropy and thus are not recoverable. These losses may be associated with specific mechanisms, and their amounts can be calculated quantitatively (at least in principle). In contrast to the well-behaved case of elastic deformation, there is little about plastic deformation that is not chaotic: starting with the distribution of displacements that is associated with it. For centuries it was thought that during plastic deformation the distribution of plastic displacements (the plastic displacement field) was microscopically uniform. Until the acceptance of the atomic theory of matter at the end of the 19th century, there was no reason to think otherwise. Localization of the deformation into shear bands was well-known, of course, but it was not realized that this fragmentation continued beyond microscopic dimensions for 3-4 orders of magnitude further; down to atomic dimensions. Furthermore, the instrumentation that recorded "stress-strain curves" drew pre-dominantly smooth lines with little change in passing from the elastic to the plastic regime (sometimes serrated curves were observed, but they were not the norm). INTRODUCTION Three mechanical states of solids will be discussed in this paper. They are: the elastic state; the plastic state; and the electro-mechanical (or chemical) state. Both elastic and plastic deformations produce displacements within solid matter; i.e., changes of shape. End of similarity. Elastic deformation is usually temporary, well ordered, and mostly affme. Plastic deformation is usually permanent, chaotic, and anything but affme. Since the work needed to cause elastic deformation is stored in the deformed material in the form of changes of electronic structure (strain energy), it can be quickly recovered almost completely. Also, elastic deformation can propagate rapidly from one position to another. On the other hand, the work that causes plastic deformation is dissipated as heat, as well as configurationally entropy, so almost none of it can be recovered, and the de-formation can propagate only slowly. An immediate conclusion is that elastic strains are state variables that depend only on the values of other state variables (+/- pressure, shear stresses, temperature, electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields, etc.). Whenever these are given a particular set of values, the elastic strains (relative to a standard state) acquire corresponding values. Thus the state variables are connected in a definite way by an 36 It is now known that plastic deformation is anything but uniform. It is heterogeneous all the way down to the atomic level and some-what beyond. The somewhat beyond refers to the fact that the quantum mechanical amplitude functions are disturbed in a non-uniform way at the kinks on dislocation lines. The contrast with the homogeneous nature of elastic deformation is striking. The latter is affine right down to atomic dimensions. To illustrate the discontinuity that occurs at the "yield point" of an elastic plastic material consider cyclic loading, and the corresponding "Q", or vibrational quality of the deformation. This is defined as the ratio of the total elastic work done on the material per cycle divided by the amount of energy lost per cycle. Qs up to about 107 are observed for elastic deformations up to the yield point. When yielding occurs, this drops immediately to as little as 10. Thus a quite discontinuous change occurs. Ideally the discontinuity can be even larger. If a dislocation line is present, a plastic deformation of the order of unity can occur in a volume of order, b3 which is to be averaged over the specimen (say one cm3). Here b is an atomic dimension, or about 2 x 10~8 cm., and b3 is about 10 ~ 23 cm3, so the change in Q could be as much as 1023. In practice, this is much too large to be observed, but it makes the point that in principle plastic yielding is an exceedingly discontinuous process. differentiated by subscripts. But their physical bases are fundamentally different. Therefore, their names should be distinct.. Also, it is improper to add, subtract, multiply, or divide them. In this paper, the word "strain", and its corresponding symbol, 8 will be restricted to the elastic case. For the plastic case, the word "deformation", and its corresponding symbol, 5 will be used. It is especially important to recognize, that quantities derived from £ and 6 are also physically distinct. In particular, (da/de), an elastic modulus, is physically very different from (da/dS) which is not (repeat not) a modulus. The latter relates to the dissipation of stress, but not to its propagation. The slope, (da/d6) may be legitimately taken to be a strain-hardening coefficient, however. A formal distinction is that (da/d8) may be either positive or negative, whereas (da/de) must always be positive. Negative values of (da/d8) are important be-cause they produce a mode of plastic instability that results in localized plastic shear bands. The negative values are created whenever the rate of multiplication of dislocation lines in-creases the deformation rate more rapidly than is necessary to keep up with the deformation rate that the external system is trying to impose. The external system may be the loading machine, the strained material around the tip of a crack, etc. ELASTIC AND PLASTIC DISPLACEMENTS ELASTIC STATES AND PLASTIC DEFORMATION Physically, a displacement is the same geo-metric thing whether it results from an elastic strain, or a plastic deformation. Therefore, it should be the variable of choice in dealing with elasto-plastic problems. Since there are two kinds of displacement, although they are physically identical entities, they can be distinguished by means of subscripts and they can appear together in equations. However, their space and time derivatives have different physical meanings, so the derivatives cannot appear together in the same equation. Thus most elasto-plastic problems should be described by a set of at least two equations each of which contains only one kind of derivative. Then the solution of the corresponding problem requires the simultaneous solution of the set (the elastic and the plastic equations. Small changes of the shapes of solid bodies can be conveniently described in terms of displacement gradients. That is, in terms of a field of displacements normalized by dividing them by a corresponding field of local gauges; yielding a field of displacement gradients. To provide a useful description these fields must be continuous, and compatible. Furthermore, in the elastic case, they must be differentiable with respect to both time and space. But, plastic displacement gradients do not meet this last criterion because they are irreversible, and they are microscopically discontinuous. Unfortunately, for the historical reasons out-lined above, the word "strain" has been used to describe both elastic and plastic deformations; sometimes 37 An additional reason why the elastic and plastic derivatives cannot be mixed is that the elastic displacements are continuous, whereas the microscopic plastic displacements are quantized in units of the Burgers displacement, b. To some extent these quantized displacements can be smoothed out in macroscopic problems, but this does not eliminate the other differences between the elastic and plastic displacements; i.e., the fact that one is conservative, while the other is non-conservative. The second derivative of an elastic displacement with respect to position is an elastic modulus (either bulk or shear). But this is not the case for the second derivative of the plastic displacement since the latter is not conserved. Thus there is no "plastic modulus". This is important in interpreting: elastic-plastic impacts; plastic zones at crack tips; local yielding; upper yield-points; etc. Accordingly, deformation at a high rate and a low temperature should be the same as de-formation at a low rate and a high temperature. To a considerable extent this is true, but the substitution of time for temperature is not quantitative. Therefore, this parameter is useful for making interpolations, but it is not reliable for extrapolations. DEBRIS PRODUCTION The motion of dislocations through a solid (crystal, glass, or composite) causes plastic deformation. This was quantitatively verified in the 1950s by Oilman and Johnston.3 One of the surprises of their direct observations was that there is a stochastic component of dislocation motion associated with the screw type. Screw dislocations are not restricted to motion on one glide plane. As a result they "double-cross-glide" in an apparently random fashion; perhaps in response to thermal fluctuations.4 In addition to multiplication, this creates "debris" in the wakes of moving screw dislocations. The debris consists of innumerable dislocation dipoles having a variety of dipole moments. It is this debris that causes deformation hardening, and leads to fatigue cracks, and other forms of degradation. Dipole debris production occurs at a higher rate when the applied stress, and the deformation rate, is high, or the temperature is low. There is a long standing myth that most (90-95%) of the work that is done to produce plastic deformation is converted into heat during the deformation. This is entirely at odds with experimental measurements reviewed by Bever, Holt, and Titchener.5 The partitioning of the work into heat vs. debris depends on the conditions of deformation. That is, on such factors as: temperature, rate, prior deformation, initial perfection of the specimen, and so on. PLASTIC EQUATION OF STATE If a general equation of state existed, it would be possible to approach any given point in a stress, a, deformation, 5, temperature, T, space along an arbitrary path, and the state of the material at the point would always be the same. In other words the material would obey an equation analogous to the state equation for gases (A = constant): PV = AT 0) This has been extensively tested by comparing its partial derivatives at various plastic states (P, V, T points). It is obeyed as long as a material is elastic, but as soon as the yield point is reached, it fails to give consistent values. Equations of this type were extensively tested in the 1930-1950-time period. Some of the results are discussed by Tietz and Dorn1. Another type of state equation is one in which the rate of a reaction depends only on time and temperature if the stress, or the deformation, is held constant. This is true for simple chemical reactions in dilute systems. If it is also true for mechanical systems, the plastic behavior should depend only on a combination of time and temperature known as the Zener-Hollomon parameter2: rate ~ t [exp (- Q/kT)] HEAT PRODUCTION A dislocation moving through a nearly perfect pure metal produces very little heat. This is clear from the small amount of viscous damping that it experiences as indicated by internal friction measurements, and by direct velocity measurements. The viscosity values are of the order of 10"4 Poise. Since the (2) 38 dislocation motion is of the "stick-slip" type, the maximum viscous losses occur during the fast slip events when the dislocation velocities reach about v max = vJn where vs is the shear wave velocity » 3.2 x 105 cm/sec. Then the maximum deformation rate at the core of a dislocation is about (d6/dt)max = vmax /b » 10 5 /2.5x 10'8 = 4x 1012 cm/sec; and the maximum drag stress is 4 x 1 0 8 d/cm2. From this, U = the strain energy per atom = (i2/G)b3 » 1.8 x 10 ~18 erg. The maximum temperature rise, T can be found by equating this to the thermal energy per atom = kT, where k = Boltzmann's const. = 1 .38 x 10 ~16 erg/deg. The result is T » 0.013 °K; a small rise indeed. Even when the viscosity is much larger, say 10" 3 Poise, the temperature rise is a small fraction of a degree K. Since heat production by individual dislocations is small, and the total heat production is large, it is obvious that this part of the plastic deformation process is poorly understood for the case of pure metals. For alloys containing hard particles, the heat production may well be located within the hard particles where there are covalent bonds to be broken irreversibly. In general, the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem of thermodynamics can be invoked6, but this says nothing about the source of the fluctuations, so it is not very satisfying. The apparent drag caused by fluctuating internal stresses has been analyzed by Chen, Oilman and Head7, but again this is rather formal theory. that that the r.h.s. of Equation (3) is differentiable, but it is not since the displacement due to dislocations is quantized. He also assumed that plastic stressdeformation curves are continuous and therefore differentiable. In reality, however, they consist of a series of steps because the deformation is dissipative. That is, when the yield stress is reached a small quantity of deformation occurs, absorbing some elastic strain energy, and thereby reducing the local stress slightly. The deformation then stops, waiting for the stress to rise back to the yield stress. This repeats if there is no deformation hardening, and the material is said to be elastic-perfectly plastic. The deformation is discontinuous in time. Obviously, there is no propagation of the deformation, and the "plastic modulus" is zero. If there is deformation hardening, the pattern is similar, except that the stress-deformation curve takes the shape of a rising staircase. There is still no propagation of the deformation (L_ders band propagation is another matter). FLUCTIATION-DISSIPATION THEOREM A fundamental theorem of statistical thermodynamics is the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theo-rem.6 An important manifestation of it is the EinsteinStokes Equation relating diffusivity and viscosity. This theorem is not intuitively obvious because it is a subtle consequence of the asymmetry of time if it is assumed that the conservation laws for momentum and energy hold.12 Consider a large particle, of mass M, moving through a sea of small particles, of mass m (in one dimension for simplicity). The large particle will experience both "front-end" and "back-end" collisions with the small particles. Front-end collisions will be more frequent than back-end ones when the large particle moves at constant velocity, v. Let r| be the friction, or viscosity coefficient, and (p be a small random force, so the equation of motion (with both steady and random forces) is: NON-PROPAGATION OF PLASTIC DEFORMATION The wave equation for elastic shear strain (one dimension) is: where p = density, u = displacement, and G = shear modulus. Partially by analogy, Taylor8, Rakmatulin9, as well as von Karman and Duwez10 developed a similar equation for "plastic waves" with G replaced by a "plastic modulus". However, since plastic deformation is dissipative, such waves cannot exist as pointed out by Gilman11. Taylor's analysis came first; the others perpetuated his mistake. He assumed-ed F = M (dv/dt) = - nv + (p (4) Denoting TC as the very short dwell-time of each collision, a standard thermodynamic deduction yields a connection between the average thermal energy 39 compression they may plastically deform, or they may undergo a phase transformation. According to conventional wisdom, the behavior is driven by pressure. In fact, shear strains are the important ones. For chemical reactions, this was discovered toward the end of the 19th century by Carey Lea.14 More recently it was deduced from the nature of phase changes15 where it is bond bending, rather than bondcompression that leads to the phase transitions in semiconductors. Allotropic phase changes are the most simple of all chemical reactions because only the bond angles need to change during such reactions. Isomerizations are the next in complexity; then decompositions, and so on. The evidence is that all of these are facilitated by shear strains as might be expected since they all involve changes of shape; whereas changes of size are a secondary factor. The conventional idea that pressure induces chemical reactions, disagrees with both macro- and micro-observations. The macroobservations of Lea14, Bridgman16, and many others, indicate that shear deformation is most important. Micro-observations show that bond angles change while bond lengths don't15. The reason for the large effect of shear on reactions is that shear profoundly affects the electronic structures of solids and molecules.17 The effects are much larger than the effects of hydrostatic pressure, and are often of the opposite sign. In molecules, shear (bond-bending) may be considered to be an inverse Jahn-Teller effect (closing the LUMO-HOMO gap).17 In solids, shear extends one direction while compressing a perpendicular direction. This reduces the minimum band gap.18 Since the band-gap, and the LUMO-HOMO gap, are measures of stability, reducing them leads to structural changes, decompositions, and metallization. kT/2, and the mean square2 fluctuating energy, 4rjic<F 2>, relating the fluctuating force and the viscosity: = (T c /2kT)<F 2 > (5) Thus fluctuating forces yield an apparent drag on the motion of the larger particles as a result of the asymmetry of the collisions between the small randomly moving particles and the large steadily moving ones. Rearranging Equation (5): T = (i c /2kn)<F 2 > (6) This makes it apparent that if the large particle is driven through the viscous sea of randomly moving small particles, the temperature will rise. The nonintuitive feature of this is the inverse dependence on the viscosity. The strong dependence of the temperature on the magnitude of the fluctuating forces might be expected. It may be helpful to note that this is related to the ancient rowboat puzzle in which there are two boats with equally strong rowers. They start at the same place on the bank of a river flowing with a velocity, v. One goes across the river whose width is, w, and comes back to the starting point. The other goes downstream a distance, w, and then comes back. Which one gets back first? One of the rowers represents motion through a constant background, and the other through a fluctuating background. In the case of dislocations, the most important fluctuations are those of shear strains, Ay. Zero-point vibrations of the shear type are always present and play an important role in determining the specific heat. The average square fluctuation is given by:13 <(Ay)2> = k T / G V 0 (7) where G = shear modulus, and V0 = initial volume. A dislocation being driven through these fluctuations by an applied stress causes the temperature to rise. SHEAR AT SHOCK FRONTS There is a sharp change in the state of uniaxial strain at a shock front. This is sometimes taken to be a change of pressure, but uniaxial strain consists of both shear and dilatation. In pure metals, the shear strains are quickly dissipated by plastic deformation, but they always accompany the jump in deformation. INSTABILIITES OF MECHANICAL STATES When solids are subjected to uniaxial compression (a combination of shear strain and negative dilatation), at critical values of the 40 Electronic changes are very much faster than acoustic ones, so they always result from the shear strains and are present within a shock front. They vary in magnitude, of course, with the size of the jump in the uniaxial strain; and the front's thickness. In an exothermic substance, the change in electronic structure induced by a large shear strain initiates the chemical reaction. The released energy perpetuates the reaction. 7. REFERENCES 12. 13. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 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