
Physiol Rev 88: 1119 –1182, 2008;
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Potassium Channels
in Gastrointestinal Epithelia
Institute of Physiology and Clinic and Policlinic for Internal Medicine II, Regensburg, Germany
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I. Introduction
A. K⫹ channel families, structures, and expression profiles along the gastrointestinal tract
B. 6/7TM-1P channels
C. 4TM-2P channels (K2P)
D. 2TM-1P channels
E. Ways of K⫹ channel regulation
F. Expression of K⫹ channels in gastrointestinal epithelial cells
G. Multifaceted functions of epithelial K⫹ channels
II. K⫹ Channels Acting in Concert With H⫹-K⫹-ATPase in Gastric Parietal Cells
A. Histology of gastric mucosa
B. Composition of gastric juice
C. Cellular mechanisms of HCl secretion by parietal cells
D. Basolateral K⫹ channels of parietal cells
E. Luminal K⫹ channels of parietal cells
F. Bicarbonate secretion of surface cells in gastric mucosa
III. Transport Across the Epithelium of the Small Intestine
A. Mechanisms of Cl⫺ secretion in crypts of small intestine
B. Bicarbonate secretion in small intestinal villus cells
C. Function of K⫹ channels for reabsorption and secretion in small intestine
IV. K⫹ Channel of the Large Intestine
A. Anatomy of the colon
B. Pathways of luminal K⫹ secretion
C. Role of K⫹ channels for Cl⫺ secretion in colonic crypt cells
D. Do K⫹ channels influence cell fate, proliferation, and carcinogenesis?
V. Exocrine Pancreas and Salivary Glands: Paradigms for Exocrine Secretion
A. Enzyme and Cl⫺ secretion in pancreatic acinar cells
B. Role of the K⫹ conductance for bicarbonate secretion in pancreatic ducts
C. Fluid and electrolyte secretion in salivary glands
D. Formation of primary saliva by acinus cells
E. Modification of the primary saliva by duct epithelia
VI. Conclusions and Perspectives
Heitzmann D, Warth R. Physiology and Pathophysiology of Potassium Channels in Gastrointestinal Epithelia.
Physiol Rev 88: 1119 –1182, 2008; doi:10.1152/physrev.00020.2007.—Epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract are an
important barrier between the “milieu interne” and the luminal content of the gut. They perform transport of
nutrients, salts, and water, which is essential for the maintenance of body homeostasis. In these epithelia, a variety
of K⫹ channels are expressed, allowing adaptation to different needs. This review provides an overview of the
current literature that has led to a better understanding of the multifaceted function of gastrointestinal K⫹ channels,
thereby shedding light on pathophysiological implications of impaired channel function. For instance, in gastric
mucosa, K⫹ channel function is a prerequisite for acid secretion of parietal cells. In epithelial cells of small intestine,
K⫹ channels provide the driving force for electrogenic transport processes across the plasma membrane, and they
are involved in cell volume regulation. Fine tuning of salt and water transport and of K⫹ homeostasis occurs in
colonic epithelia cells, where K⫹ channels are involved in secretory and reabsorptive processes. Furthermore, there
is growing evidence for changes in epithelial K⫹ channel expression during cell proliferation, differentiation,
apoptosis, and, under pathological conditions, carcinogenesis. In the future, integrative approaches using functional
and postgenomic/proteomic techniques will help us to gain comprehensive insights into the role of K⫹ channels of
the gastrointestinal tract.
0031-9333/08 $18.00 Copyright © 2008 the American Physiological Society
A. Kⴙ Channel Families, Structures, and
Expression Profiles Along the Gastrointestinal
B. 6/7TM-1P Channels
Forty different genes of the human genome comprise
the large group of voltage-gated K⫹ channels (200, 201):
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Origin of the channel names: “Shaker”: Drosophila melanogaster
carrying a mutated “shaker” channel gene exhibited shaking behavior
when recovering from diethylether anesthesia (471); “Shab”: Shaker
cognate B; “Shaw” Shaker cognate W; “Shal” Shaker cognate L (61);
“EAG” (ether à go-go gene): flies carrying a mutated “eag” channel gene
exhibited movements during recovery from diethylether anesthesia
which were reminiscent of dancers at the “Whisky-à-Go-Go” night club
(West Hollywood) (276, 673); “ERG”: “ether à go-go related gene” (658);
“ELK”: “ether à go-go like gene” (658); “Slo” (slowpoke): a slow, noninactivating Ca2⫹-dependent K⫹ current orignally descirbed in flies (16,
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The major tasks of the epithelia of the gastrointestinal tract are mass transport of salt, solutes, and water
across epithelial cells which serve as barrier function
between the “milieu interne” and the “milieu externe.” To
perform such mass transport of nutrients, chemical and
electrical gradients are used as driving forces for salt and
solute transport mechanisms. Those gradients are established by the activity of the basolateral Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase
and epithelial K⫹-selective ion channels which hyperpolarize the plasma membrane thereby “charging the battery” for electrically driven transport. This review provides an overview of the molecular and functional diversity of K⫹ channels in epithelia of the gastrointestinal
tract with focus on the physiological role of K⫹ channels.
K⫹ channels form the largest group of ion channels in
the human genome. Unfortunately, the nomenclature of
K⫹ channels is rather confusing and redundant, e.g., for
many K⫹ channels four to six different aliases can be
found in the literature. At present, two “competing” K⫹
channel classifications systems exist, encompassing all
genes of pore-forming K⫹ channel subunits: one is published by the “Human Genome Organization” (HUGO;, and the other one by the “International Union of
Pharmacology” (IUPHAR;
iuphar-ic/index.html). For this review, we have decided to
use the nomenclature proposed by HUGO because the
“KCN” names allow quick access to information of transcriptome and gene databases hosted by the “National
Center for Biotechnology Information” (NCBI; The “KCN” nomenclature of human
K⫹ channel genes comprises 78 genes with the “P loop”
signature of pore-forming ␣-subunits and 13 genes for
␤-subunits. Based on the similarity in the amino acid
sequence and functional properties, the genes of poreforming subunits can be subdivided into three large families (Fig. 1): 1) channel subunits with six or seven transmembrane domains and one pore loop (6/7TM-1P): voltage-gated and Ca2⫹-activated K⫹ channels; 2) channel
subunits with four transmembrane domains and two pore
loops (4TM-2P): K2P channels; and 3) channel subunits
with two transmembrane domains and one pore loop
(2TM-1P): inwardly rectifying K⫹ channels.
KCNA “Shaker”;1 KCNB “Shab”; KCNC “Shaw”; KCND
“Shal”; KCNH “EAG, ERG, ELK”; and “modifiers” (KCNF,
KCNG, KCNS, KCNV), which do not form functional channels as homomers (Fig. 1). Structurally, they are characterized by six (in the case of “Slo” family by 7) transmembrane domains and one pore-forming loop (6/7TM-1P),
and they assemble into tetramers to build functional channels (376). Voltage-gated K⫹ channels are preferentially
expressed in excitable cells, where they have an essential
role for rapid repolarization of the plasma membrane
during the action potential. Interestingly, expression of
voltage-gated K⫹ channels is not restricted to excitable
cells, but they are also found in nonexcitable cells such as
the epithelia of the gastrointestinal tract. In epithelial
cells of the gastrointestinal tract, they are implicated in a
variety of cellular functions, e.g., electrolyte and substrate
transport, cell volume regulation, cell migration, wound
healing, proliferation, apoptosis, carcinogenesis, and oxygen-sensing (456). Among those epithelial voltage-gated
K⫹ channels, KCNQ1 shows the highest levels of expression. Interestingly, KCNQ1 assembles in epithelia predominantly with ␤-subunits which convert the voltagedependent KCNQ1 into a voltage-independent, constitutively open channel complex (549).
In addition to the group of voltage-gated channels,
the family of 6/7TM-2P channels includes two subfamilies
of Ca2⫹-activated channels, the small- to intermediateconductance K⫹ channels (KCNN1– 4), and the family
“SLO”-type large-conductance channels (KCNMA1,
KCNT1–2, KCNU1). In the pore-forming ␣-subunit KCNMA1 (MaxiK), cytosolic Ca2⫹ activity is directly sensed
by a distinct domain of the tail of the channel protein, the
so-called “Ca2⫹ bowl” (20, 668). The other members of the
“SLO” family, although structurally closely related to KCNMA1, do not show the same mechanism of Ca2⫹ regulation. In contrast to the “Ca2⫹ bowl” of KCNMA1, in KCNN
channels the Ca2⫹ sensor is not located in the ␣-subunit
itself; the Ca2⫹ sensitivity is caused by tight coupling of
the channel protein to calmodulin (calmodulin acts as a
␤-subunit of these channels) which results in functional
channels with a very steep Ca2⫹ dependence (134, 269,
557, 676).
C. 4TM-2P Channels (K2P)
K2P channels are characterized by four transmembrane segments and two interspersed P loops between
TM1 and -2 and TM3 and -4, respectively (tandem of two
P-domains). The first members of this channel family have
been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans in 1995 (280), followed by the first
mammalian member which was named “TWIK1” for “Tandem of P domains in a Weak Inward rectifying K⫹ channel” in 1996 (340). In the human genome, the family of 4
transmembrane and 2-P domains K⫹ channels (4TM-2P)
encompasses 15 members. Most likely, the channel proteins form dimers to build functional channels (341). They
are believed to contribute to the background K⫹ conductance under resting conditions in many tissues (342). K2P
channels are regulated by a variety of stimuli, e.g., KCNK1
and KCNK6 are activated by protein kinase C and inhibited by internal acidification (74, 341); KCNK2, KCNK4,
and KCNK10 are mechano-sensitive channels and stimuPhysiol Rev • VOL
lated by arachidonic acid (381, 382); KCNK3 and KCNK9
are regulated by hypoxia (probably in an indirect and
system-specific way) (56, 267, 335, 499, 641); and several
members of the K2P channel family show activation upon
external alkalinization (126, 127, 274, 430, 518) (Fig. 1).
K2P channels in the central nervous system can be stimulated by volatile anesthetics like halothane (194, 483,
605), thereby silencing neuronal activity. K2P channels
are supposed to be involved in various physiological and
pathological processes, e.g., renal bicarbonate transport
(661), general anesthesia (227, 483), neuroprotection
(227), depression (228), pain sensation (9), oxygen sensing (56), apoptosis, and carcinogenesis (484). Although
abundant evidence from animal models suggests that K2P
channels have also important functions in humans, so far
no direct link between mutations of K2P channels and
human disease has been established. An overview on this
group of channels is provided by several excellent reviews (26, 235, 343, 482, 484, 690) and is available on the
internet (⬃duprat/).
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FIG. 1. “KCN” K channel families. Phylogenetic tree of human K⫹ channels using the
“KCN” nomenclature of the “Human Genome
Organization.” For simplicity, the letter code for
K⫹ channels (KCN) has been omitted (e.g.,
KCNA1 is depicted as A1). The tree has been
(http:// based
on DIALIGN fragment weight scores on fulllength protein sequences. In case of splice variants, transcript variant 1 (according to NCBI)
has been used for the alignment.
D. 2TM-1P Channels
E. Ways of Kⴙ Channel Regulation
1. Membrane voltage
The effect of changes of the membrane voltage on the
open probability represents the most important way to
regulate channel activity of “voltage-gated K⫹ channels.”
Recently, the structural basis of voltage-sensing has been
addressed in a large number of studies using a variety of
different techniques, e.g., cysteine scans and X-ray analysis of crystallized channel proteins. In those tetrameric
K⫹ channels, the pore domain is built by transmembrane
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2. Phosphorylation
A key feature of cellular signal transduction is the
activation of protein kinases which change the function of
target proteins by phosphorylation. K⫹ channels have
been found to be modified by a variety of protein kinases,
e.g., protein kinase A, protein kinase C, Ca2⫹/calmodulindependent kinases, tyrosine kinases, serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinases, and WNK [With-NoK(lysine)] kinases (133, 346, 350, 477).
3. Modification of the channel protein
For several K⫹ channels, covalent ubiquitin conjugation has been described as a way to modify channel
activity by changing its surface expression (please refer to
point 14). Recently, small ubiquitin-related modifier proteins (SUMOs) have also been reported to regulate channel function and biophysical properties of K⫹ channels
(31, 506). However, the significance of sumoylation as a
K⫹ channel-regulating protein modification is still a matter of debate (139).
4. Cytosolic Ca2⫹
Cytosolic Ca2⫹ activity is one of the most important
second messengers, e.g., it couples activation of receptors
or action potentials to specific cellular effector mechanisms such as activation of enzymes, exocytosis of transmitter-containing vesicles, muscle contraction, fluid and
enzyme secretion, gene transcription, changes of ion conductances, etc. The open probability of very many K⫹
channels is directly or indirectly regulated by changes in
cytosolic Ca2⫹ ranging from rather small changes of current amplitude to steep dependence of open probability
on cytosolic Ca2⫹ activity. Among these channels, members of the KCNN subfamily and KCNMA1 exhibit the
most impressive Ca2⫹ dependence (190). Similar to KCNN
channels, members of the KCNQ family apparently interact with calmodulin; however, the Ca2⫹ dependence is
less prominent compared with KCNN channels (166, 174,
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The 15 members of the 2TM-1P family are characterized by only two transmembrane domains: one pore loop
and, as the most prominent biophysical feature, by inward
rectification (306). Like voltage-gated K⫹ channels, functional 2TM-1P channels are believed to be tetramers. Several inward rectifiers have important physiological roles,
and gene mutations have been linked to human diseases.
Renal KCNJ1 channels are crucial for luminal K⫹ recycling in the thick ascending loop of Henle. Mutations of
KCNJ1 (ROMK) can cause the salt-wasting “Bartter syndrome” (OMIM 600359, Ref. 576). Mutations in the gene of
KCNJ2 are related to Andersen’s syndrome, which is characterized by cardiac arrhythmia, periodic paralysis, and
dysmorphic features (OMIM 170390, Refs. 30, 500). KCNJ8
channels are relevant for establishing physiological vascular tonus. KCNJ8 knockout mice show a phenotype
similar to that of vasospastic “Prinzmetal” angina (OMIM
600935, Ref. 419); KCNJ11 associates with the sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) to form the ATP-sensitive K⫹ channel of insulin-producing ␤-cells of the islets of Langerhans: loss of function mutations of KCNJ11 have been
found in patients suffering from hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (OMIM 600937, Ref. 617).
The large number of different K⫹ channel genes provides the basis for the precise adjustment of the K⫹
conductance to the cellular needs in various tissues. For
several reasons, however, the diversity of K⫹ channels in
native cells is even much larger than suggested just by the
number of different channel genes: alternative splicing of
mRNA, heteromeric assembly of subunits, and association with proteins not classified as members of the “KCN”
gene family enlarge the variability of native K⫹ channels.
In addition, several regulatory pathways and modifications of channel proteins can lead to dramatic changes of
biophysical properties and membrane localization,
thereby broadening functional diversity. Such multifaceted regulation comprises phosphorylation events (133,
346), ubiquitinylation (180, 225, 608), sumoylation (31,
506), palmitoylation (197, 603), and interaction with lipids
(198, 344, 462).
helices 5 and 6 with the linker between both (pore loop)
lining the conduction pathway. As a typical feature of
voltage-sensitive K⫹ channels, the positively charged
fourth transmembrane domain plays an important role in
voltage-sensing. From the pioneering work of Roderick
MacKinnon, who was the first performing X-ray analysis
of crystallized K⫹ channels (120), we have already excellent information about the structure of the crystallized
channels (262). However, the dynamic structure of the
channel protein in native membranes and the precise
mechanism of channel activation by depolarizing voltages
are still a matter of debate (5, 32, 263, 361, 601).
5. Internal pH
6. External pH
In many tissues, K⫹ channels have been found that
are regulated by changes of the extracellular pH. Most of
the channels showing very strong and steep regulation by
external pH belong to the family of 2-P-domain channels:
KCNK16 (TALK1), KCNK17 (TALK2), and KCNK18
(TRESK). They all are characterized by the inhibition by
external acidification and activation by external alkalinization (127, 428, 430, 449, 509). In contrast, KCNE/
KCNQ1 channels exhibit a complex response to changes
of extracellular pH which is dependent on the assembling
␤-subunit, e.g., KCNE2/KCNQ1 is activated by acidic external pH and KCNE3/KCNQ1 is completely pH insensitive (154, 220, 491). Also members of the inward rectifier
family (2TM-1P) are activated by low extracellular pH
7. Modifiers leading to inward rectification
Inwardly rectifying K⫹ channels exhibit a higher conductance for inward than for outward currents. This fascinating phenomenon can be caused by relief of block by
Mg2⫹ or by polyamines such as spermine and spermidine
at negative membrane voltages (363, 639).
8. Other ions
Interestingly, several K⫹ channels are affected by
cytosolic Na⫹ activity, although those channels do not
conduct Na⫹. This type of regulation has been observed
for KCNK5 (TASK2) (429), Ca2⫹-activated K⫹ channels
(277), and voltage-dependent K⫹ channels (KCNB1)
(364). Moreover, “Slo-2”-type channels have been described to be activated by Na⫹ and by Cl⫺ (487, 691, 692).
composition of the membrane embedding the channel.
Several derivatives of lipids serve as specific regulators
(their action cannot be explained by changes of the fluidity of the membrane) which can have dramatic effects
on basic biophysical properties of the respective K⫹ channels, e.g., phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2),
ceramide and its derivatives, arachidonic acid and its
derivatives, lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), and cholesterol (71, 78, 198, 215, 287, 318, 344, 367, 383, 462, 511, 648,
651, 652).
10. Hypoxia
K⫹ channels play an important role for sensing hypoxia in chemoreceptive cells of the carotid bodies or in
the lung. Several different types of K⫹ channels have been
shown to be modulated by hypoxia or hypoxia-induced
signals [e.g., via changes is cytosolic ATP (641), via
NADPH oxidase NOX4 (335), and via AMP-activated protein kinase (675)]: voltage-dependent K⫹ channels, MaxiK
channels, and TASK-like channels (408, 481, 489).
11. G proteins
The best known example of a regulation of K⫹ channel by G proteins is the activation of KACh K⫹ channels
(KCNJ3 and KCNJ5) (606) in the heart by pertussis toxinsensitive heterotrimeric G proteins that mediate the effect
of M2 muscarinic and A1-adenosine receptors (314). Similar regulation mechanisms have been found in a variety
of ion channels (54, 118, 688).
12. Cell swelling/shrinkage
A large variety of K⫹ channels are activated by cell
swelling, e.g., KCNN4 (669), KCNQ1 (191), and KCNK5
(448). Swelling-induced K⫹ channel activation then leads
to loss of K⫹ as an osmolyte (together with Cl⫺ or other
anions) and to regulatory volume decrease (215, 325).
13. Cell metabolism
In several cell types, K⫹ channel activity is coupled to
metabolic state and energy metabolism. In ␤-cells of endocrine pancreas, muscle cells, and glucose-sensing hypothalamic neurons, inward rectifier K⫹ channels are regulated by the ATP-to-ADP ratio (14, 444, 480). In epithelial
cells of renal proximal tubules and small intestine, basolateral K⫹ channel activity is regulated according to the
transport activity (especially the activity of the Na⫹-K⫹ATPase) and the metabolic state (185, 404, 555).
9. Lipids and derivatives
14. Membrane surface targeting/retrieval from the
Functional properties of a large number of K⫹ channels, perhaps of all channels, are dependent on the lipid
Mechanisms affecting targeting of the channel to the
plasma membrane or retrieval from have been shown to
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A large number of K channels are affected by internal pH changes, ranging from relatively slight changes of
biophysical properties (e.g., current amplitude of some
voltage-dependent channels, Ref. 635) up to dramatic
changes of open probability of some members of the
“inward rectifier” family (KCNJ). A prominent example of
the latter group of channels is the “renal outer medulla K⫹
channel” (ROMK or KCNJ1), whose pH regulation has
been analyzed in detail leading to the identification of
amino acid residues which presumably serve as pH sensors. Those channels are inhibited by cytosolic acidification and are activated by internal alkalinization, respectively (41, 513, 551).
play a major role for the regulation of the epithelial Na⫹
channel (ENaC) which is removed from the membrane
after ubiquitin conjugation (384, 587). Apparently, K⫹
channel function is also dependent on insertion to and
removal from the surface membrane (366). Specific sorting and targeting to the membrane can be mediated by
signal motives of the pore-forming ␣-subunit, ubiquitylation (71, 225, 260, 349), and assembly with ␤-subunits and
adaptor proteins that modify surface localization of the
channel complex (80, 366, 507, 516, 519, 549, 622).
F. Expression of Kⴙ Channels in Gastrointestinal
Epithelial Cells
G. Multifaceted Functions of Epithelial Kⴙ
In gastrointestinal epithelia, K⫹ channels are involved in a plethora of different physiological and pathophysiological processes. From a general perspective, the
consequences of K⫹ channel activity encompass the electrical effect on the membrane potential and effects related
to the transport of K⫹ as an ion and osmolyte. Dependent
on the specific cellular context, epithelial K⫹ channels
serve the following tasks (Fig. 2).
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In practically all living cells, K⫹ channels play a
pivotal role for generation and stabilization of a hyperpolarized membrane voltage. In epithelia, the hyperpolarized membrane voltage fuels so-called “secondary active”
electrogenic transport systems which transport substrates against a chemical gradient. For example, in renal
proximal tubular cells and enterocytes of small intestine,
specific transport proteins reabsorb glucose, neutral
amino acids, and other solutes together with Na⫹ across
the luminal membrane. The coupling of substrate transport to the influx of Na⫹ (driven by the electrical and
chemical gradient for Na⫹) provides a robust driving
force, which, e.g., allows the Na⫹/glucose cotransporter
of proximal tubular cells to build up a ⬎100-fold gradient
for glucose (42). On the other hand, the Na⫹ influx by
such systems depolarizes the membrane, thereby reducing the driving force of further transport. In this situation,
activation of K⫹ channels repolarizes the membrane and
restores the driving force for ongoing electrogenic transport. It is not surprising that the K⫹ conductance of
transporting epithelia is tightly coupled to transport activity. The coupling of transport activity and K⫹ conductance occurs via several mechanisms, e.g., activation by
depolarization of the membrane (voltage-dependent K⫹
channels); activation by intermediates of energy metabolism (ATP-sensitive K⫹ channels); intracellular signaling
such as pH, Ca2⫹, and other second messenger pathways;
and changes in cell volume and membrane stretch (122,
185, 378, 661).
2. Recycling of K⫹ across the plasma membrane
In epithelial cells K⫹ is accumulated within the cytosol predominantly via three transport proteins, Na⫹-K⫹ATPase, H⫹-K⫹-ATPase, and Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹ cotransporter.
The resulting chemical K⫹ gradient is a prerequisite for
the establishment of the normal membrane voltage via K⫹
channels. On the other hand, those transport proteins
serve also other functions: the Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase is needed
to eliminate Na⫹ from the cytosol and thus absorbs K⫹,
H⫹-K⫹-ATPases are used to secrete H⫹, and Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹
cotransporters serve the uptake of Na⫹ and Cl⫺ into the
cell. Sustained activity of Na⫹-K⫹- and H⫹-K⫹-ATPases
and Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹ cotransporter requires a sufficient concentration of extracellular K⫹ which can become the
rate-limiting factor of transport activity (438, 627). Under
this condition, K⫹ channels can serve as an ideal pathway
for recycling of K⫹ across the membrane. The most evident example for the function of K⫹ channels as K⫹
recycling pathway is the gastric parietal cell, where acid
secretion by the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase is almost completely dependent on parallel export of K⫹ through luminal K⫹
channel (see below) (167).
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Central for the understanding of the functional relevance of K⫹ channels in native tissue is the knowledge of
their molecular nature and expression patterns. However,
a complete and detailed analysis of epithelial K⫹ channel
expression is not yet available. At present, three internet
databases are commonly used to evaluate gene expression: the EST-based “Unigene” database which provides
an “organized view of the transcriptome” (hosted by the
National Center for Biotechnology Information “NCBI”,
query.fcgi?db⫽unigene), and the gene array databases
“Gene Expression Omnibus” (hosted by the NCBI, http:// and “GFN SymAtlas” [hosted
by the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (593),]. These databases provide very useful information about tissue-dependent gene expression. Besides technique-immanent
problems, the applicability of those data for epithelial
physiology is yet limited by the fact that the gastrointestinal tissues have been mostly harvested “in toto” for
those analyses including muscle layers, the enteric nervous tissue and other intrinsic cell types. Table 1 provides
an overview of expression and function of K⫹ channels in
the gastrointestinal tract. More comprehensive information from mainly hypothesis-driven experiments is discussed in the respective chapters on K⫹ channels of the
stomach, small intestine, colon, and pancreas (see below).
1. Regulation of membrane voltage and electrical
driving force
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KCNA3 MK3, HLK3, Human: ⫹⫹ Human: ⫹ EST
cancer cell
P (321)
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Voltage-gated channels, Shaker-related subfamily
Pancreas (total)
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Guinea pig:
⫹⫹ Canine:
⫹⫹ Rabbit:
cells of Cajal
and colonic
regulating GI
motility, role
in mucosa is
not clear. P,
IF (209); IP,
IF, BA (193)
Canine: ⫹⫹
Rabbit: ⫹
muscle cells
and colonic
regulating GI
motility, role
in mucosa is
not clear. N
(208); IP, IF,
BA (193)
Rabbit: ⫹⫹⫹ Human: ⫹⫹
membrane of islets. IF, IS,
colonic crypt P (682); EST
role in
mucosa is
not clear. IP,
IF, BA (193)
Salivary Glands
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KCNA2 HK4, KV1.2
KCNA1 RBK1, HUK1, Rat: ⫹⫹
cell lines
of cell
P (674)
KCNA3 knockout mice
weighed significantly less
than control littermates.
KCNA3 channels may
participate in pathways that
regulate body weight, and
channel inhibition may
increase basal metabolic
rate (678).
KCNA1 knockout mice
displayed frequent
spontaneous seizures
correlating on the cellular
level with alterations in
hippocampal excitability
and nerve conduction (581).
Episodic ataxia type I (55).
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KCNA10 Kv1.8
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹
KCNA5 HK2, HPCN1, Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹
cancer cell
P (321)
Rat: ⫹⫹
islets (␤-cell).
secretion? P
Human: ⫹ EST
Pancreas (total)
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Human: ⫹ EST Human: ⫹ EST
Voltage-gated channels, Shaker-related subfamily, ␤ members
Human: ⫹
Canine: ⫹⫹
muscle cells.
regulation of
GI motility. N
(466); C
(156); EST
Mouse: ⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹
islets. P (374)
regulating GI
motility? P
Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
islets (␤cells).
secretion? IS
(273); IF, IS,
P (682)
Salivary Glands
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KCNB2 Kv2.2
Pancreas (total)
Pancreas Acinus
Voltage-gated channels, Shab-related subfamily
Human: ⫹ EST
Human: ⫹ EST Human: ⫹ EST
Human: ⫹⫹
islets (␣-cell).
secretion? IF,
IS, P (682);
Voltage-gated channels, Shaw-related subfamily
Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
neuronal activity
and GI motility?
activity and
P (464)
GI motility?
P (464)
Mouse: ⫹ EST
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹
islets (␤-cell)
secretion? P
(464); IF
(375); IF, IS,
P (682); EST
Human: ⫹⫹ Canine: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹⫹
Localization: Localization:
Canine: ⫹⫹
colonic smooth
cancer cell
muscle cells.
islets (␦lines.
regulation of GI
muscle cells.
motility? N, P
regulation of
secretion? IF,
GI motility?
IS, P (682)
P (321)
P (156); N, P
Pancreas Duct
Human: ⫹ EST
Salivary Glands
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KCNAB2 knockout
mice showed
reduced life spans,
seizures, and cold
tremors (409).
Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
KV4.2, RK5,
Human: ⫹ Mouse:
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹ Mouse:
Localization: ⫹ Localization:
jejunal smooth
muscle cells.
regulation of GI
motility? QP, IF
(11); EST
of GI
motility. P,
QP (10)
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Localization: Localization:
jejunal smooth
muscle cells.
regulation of GI
motility? P,
motility. QP, IF
IF (10);
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹
Pancreas (total)
Mouse: ⫹⫹
acinar cells.
Pancreas Acinus
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
NB, P (241)
muscle cells.
regulating GI
motility? QP,
IF (11); P
(293); EST
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫺
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹ P
muscle cells.
regulating GI
motility. QP,
IF (11); P
(293); EST
Voltage-gated channels, Shal-related subfamily
Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹
islets (␤-cell).
secretion? IF,
IS, P (682)
Human: ⫹ EST Human: ⫹⫹
not in
islets. IF, IS,
P (682)
Human: ⫹ EST Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
islets (␦cells).
secretion? IF
(181); IF, IS,
P (682); EST
Pancreas Duct
Salivary Glands
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Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
KCNE1 minK, ISK,
KCND3 KV4.3,
Pancreas (total)
Human: ⫺
⫹/⫺⫹ P
(183, 660);
NB (96);
Pancreas Acinus
Human: ⫹ Mouse: Human: ⫹
⫺ Function:
Mouse: ⫹/⫺
electrolyte and
N (79); P
(660); NB
transport? N
(96); EST
(79); P (660);
NB (96)
Human: ⫺ Rat: Mouse: ⫹⫹ Rat: ⫹⫹
⫹⫹ N (79); P
Localization: not
clear, possible
association with
KCNQ1. Function:
electrolyte and
enzyme secretion?
F (284, 302, 663)
Voltage-gated channels, Isk-related family
Mouse: ⫹⫹ Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Localization: Mouse: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
jejunal smooth
islets (␣Function:
muscle cells.
muscle cells.
motility? P,
regulating GI
IF (10);
motility? P (64);
regulating GI
secretion? P
QP, IF (11); P
motility. QP,
(64); NB, P
IF (11); P
(241); IF
(293); EST
Pancreas Duct
Human: ⫹ Rat:
KCNE1 knockout
⫹⫹ Localization:
mice show
impaired KCNQ1
localization in
gland ducts. IF
pancreatic acinar
(596); EST
cells and altered
zymogen granula.
Loss of Na⫹ and
K⫹ via the
renal Na⫹ loss (12,
637, 660). Human
KCNE1 mutations
can cause “long QT
syndrome” (632).
Deletion of KCNE1L 300194
has been reported
to cause “AMME
contiguous gene
syndrome” (498).
Salivary Glands
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Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
Pancreas (total)
Human: ⫺ Mouse: Human: ⫹
⫺ N, IS, IF (96);
Mouse: ⫺ N,
P (660)
IS, IF (96); P
of gastric
for K⫹,
P (183); IF
(220); N,
IS, IF (96);
P (660); F
(522); EST
Human: ⫹⫹ Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹⫹⫹ Human: ⫹ EST
Mouse: ⫹⫹
⫹⫹ P
(183, 660);
membrane of
(96); EST
crypt base cells,
in colonic
association with
crypt cells,
with KCNQ1.
electrolyte and
transport? N, IS,
driving force
IF (96); P (660);
for Cl⫺
secretion. N,
IS (549); EST
IS, IF (96); P
(660); IS
(549); EST
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫺ NB (96) Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹ EST
Mouse: ⫺
⫹⫹/⫺ NB
NB (96); EST
(96); EST
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Salivary Glands
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Association of human 604433
KCNE3 mutations
with “hypokalemic
periodic paralysis”
is controversially
discussed (1, 271,
KCNE2 knockout
mice display
impaired gastric
acid secretion and
changes of the
gastric mucosa
(522). Human
KCNE2 mutations
can cause “long QT
syndrome” (2).
Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
KV5.1, kH1,
KCNH1 eag, h-eag,
KCNG4 Kv6.4, Kv6.3
KCNG1 KV6.1, kH2,
Pancreas Acinus
Voltage-gated channels, subfamily F
Pancreas (total)
Human: ⫹ EST Human: ⫹ N
(594); EST
Voltage-gated channels, subfamily G
Human: ⫹⫹
islets (␣-cell).
secretion? N
(594); P, IS,
IF (682)
Human: ⫹⫹
islets (␤-cell).
secretion? P,
IS, IF (682)
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹ P
(464); N
(643); EST
neuronal and GI
neuronal and
activity? P (464)
GI activity?
P (464)
Voltage-gated channels, subfamily H (eag-related)
Human: ⫹ P (540)
Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹⫹
neuronal and GI
neuronal and
activity? P (464)
GI activity?
P (464)
Mouse: ⫹
Pancreas Duct
Salivary Glands
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Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
Mouse: ⫹
Rat: ⫺ P
KCNH8 Kv12.1
Pancreas (total)
Pancreas Acinus
Rat: ⫹⫹ P (295)
Rat: ⫹⫹ Function: Rat: ⫹⫹
Function: K⫹
K⫹ secretion? P
secretion? P
Inwardly rectifying channels, subfamily J
Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹
Human: ⫹⫹ Human: ⫹/⫺⫹
Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Localization: Localization:
jejunal smooth
cancer cell
islets (␤cancer cell
lines, colonic
interstitial cells
cancer (not
of Cajal.
Function: GI
secretion? P
motility. P (464);
(464, 527)
QP, IF (136); P,
regulation of
IF (699); EST
P (464); P,
W, IF (327)
GI motility.
P, W, IF
(458, 569)
KCNH3 BEC1, Kv12.2
KCNH4 Kv12.3
Rat: ⫹⫹
GI motility.
P, W, IF
Human: ⫹
Pancreas Duct
Mutation of KCNH2
can cause “long QT
syndrome” (89).
Human: ⫹
KCNJ1 mutations
cause “antenatal
Bartter syndrome
type 2” (576).
gland duct cells.
Function: K⫹
secretion. W, P
Salivary Glands
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Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
Pancreas (total)
IRK1, Kir2.1
Rat: ⫺
Human: ⫹
P (159);
Rat: ⫺
Human: ⫹
P (159);
Mouse: ⫹⫹⫹
islets (␣-cell).
secretion? P,
IF (689)
Canine: ⫹
Canine: ⫹
Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
smooth muscles.
Function: GI
motility. QP, IF
Function: GI
islets (␣-cell).
motility. QP,
IF (50)
secretion? P,
IF (689); EST
Rat: ⫺
Human: ⫹⫹ EST Human: ⫹ EST Human: ⫹ EST
of gastric
involved in
P (159); P,
W, IF (388)
GIRK1, Kir3.1 Rat: ⫺ P
Human: ⫹ Canine: Human: ⫹
Canine: ⫹
smooth muscles.
Function: GI
motility. QP, IF
Function: GI
(50); EST
motility. QP,
IF (50)
Rat: ⫺ P
Rat: ⫹ Localization:
electrolyte and
enzyme secretion.
P, F (285)
Rat: ⫹⫹⫹
electrolyte and
enzyme secretion?
P, F (285)
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Bovine parotid
Mutations of KCNJ2
gland Function:
cause “Andersen
periodic paralysis”
secretion in
ruminant parotid
gland. P, IF
Salivary Glands
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Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
GIRK3, Kir3.3 Rat: ⫺ P
Human: ⫹ P (642)
Pancreas (total)
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
islets (␤cells).
with SUR2,
regulation of
secretion. IS
(600); N
(239); EST
Human: ⫹
with diabetes
type II). P
Human: ⫹ EST Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹
islets EST. N
(239); EST
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Salivary Glands
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KCNJ10 Kir4.1, Kir1.2 Rat: ⫹⫹
of gastric
for H⫹-K⫹ATPase
activity. P,
IF (159)
KCNJ11 BIR, Kir6.2
Rat: ⫺ P
Human: ⫹⫹ EST
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹ EST
Mouse: ⫹
Rat: ⫺ P
(159); EST
Mutations of KCNJ11
can cause
“permanent neonatal
diabetes mellitus”
(177) and “hyperinsulinemic
hypoglycemia” (617).
Transgenic KCNJ11
mice (expressing a
KCNJ11) develop
hypoglycemia with
hyperinsulinemia as
neonates and
hyperglycemia with
hypoinsulinemia and
decreased ␤⫺cell
numbers as adults
Mutant KCNJ10 mice 602208
suffer from inner
ear degeneration
and deafness (250).
Mutations of KCNJ8
are believed to
cause “Prinzmetal
angina”. KCNJ8
knockout mice
show a
phenotype (419).
Pancreas (total)
Pancreas Acinus
88 • JULY 2008 •
KCNK1 DPK, TWIK-1 Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹ Mouse: Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹
⫹⫹ P (343,
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹ N
⫹⫹ QP
518); QP (413);
P (343, 518);
(340); P (343,
(413); P
DB, P (13); EST
DB, P (13);
518); QP
(518); EST
(413); DB, P
(13); EST
Human: ⫹⫹
ductal cells.
IS (354)
Pancreas Duct
Human: ⫹ Mouse:
⫹⫹⫹ EST
Salivary Glands
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Physiol Rev • VOL
K2P channels, subfamily K
KCNJ12 Kir2.2,
Rat: ⫺ P
Human: ⫹
KCNJ13 Kir7.1, Kir1.4 Human: ⫹⫹ Human: ⫹⫹⫹
Human: ⫹ N
Rat: ⫹⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹
(105, 438)
Localization: basolateral
transport? N
membrane of
membrane of
(105, 438,
mucosa. P
intestinal cells.
acinar cells.
(159); N
(105, 438,
possible role in
secretion P, F
transport? N
(479); P (304);
N, W, IF (438);
KCNJ14 Kir2.4, IRK4 Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹ EST
Human: ⫹ EST
Rat: ⫺ P
(159); EST
KCNJ15 Kir4.2, Kir1.3 Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹⫹ N
(573); EST
⫹⫹ Rat:
mucosa P
(159); IS
(616); EST
KCNJ16 Kir5.1
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫺ Mouse: Human: ⫺ N
Human: ⫹⫹⫹ N Human: ⫹⫹
Rat: ⫺ P
⫹ N (354); EST
(354); EST
(159); EST
acinar and
centroacinar cells
(no islets). IS
KCNK1 knockout
display impaired
renal phosphate
handling and a
reduced K⫹
conductance in
cortical collecting
ducts (421, 445).
Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
Human: ⫺
QP (413)
Human: ⫺ P
(343, 345)
Human: ⫹ QP
(413); EST
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹ N
(127); EST
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
QP (413); N,
QP (412); P
(343, 345);
Pancreas (total)
Human: ⫹/⫺ P Human: ⫺ QP
(344); EST
Human: ⫹ Mouse: Human: ⫹ N
⫹ N (127, 282)
Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹ QP
(413); N, QP
(412); P (343,
345); EST
Human: ⫹⫹
⫹⫹ QP
(413); N,
QP (412);
Mouse: ⫹ N
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Human: ⫹ Mouse:
Salivary Glands
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KCNK2 knockout
mice are healthy
and fertile, and
show no
defects. However,
knockout animals
are more sensitive
to ischemia and
neuroprotection by
fatty acids is
diminished. KCNK2
knockout mice are
also resistant to
anesthesia by
volatile anesthetics
(227) and
depression (228).
KCNK3 knockout
display discrete
changes of
neuronal K⫹
conductance and
sensitivity toward
the sedative
They have slight
changes in
nociception but no
phenotype (8, 351,
417). Female mice
and adrenocortical
mislocalization of
the aldosterone
synthase (219).
Pancreas (total)
88 • JULY 2008 •
Mouse: ⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹ P
(508); EST
Human: ⫹/⫺ Human: ⫺ N, P
N, P (283)
(283); P (15)
KCNK15 dJ781B1.1,
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹ Rat: ⫺
Mouse: ⫹
P (345); QP
Rat: ⫺ QP
(413); N, P (17)
(413); N, P
(17); EST
Rat: ⫹ P
Human: ⫹⫹ N, P
Human: ⫹⫹⫹ N Human: ⫹⫹ IS (126)
(176, 207);
Human: ⫹/⫺
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
N, P (283); P
N, P (283); P
(15); EST
Human: ⫹⫹ N,
P (176)
Human: ⫹ Rat:
⫺ P (345); N,
P (17)
Human: ⫹⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹⫹
mucosa. P
(288); IF, W
Human: ⫹ QP
Human: ⫹⫹
staining of IF
in islets. P
(413) ;IF
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹⫹ P
(345); QP
(413) N, P
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
N, P (176);
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫺ QP
(413); N (74);
P (534); EST
Human: ⫹
acinar cells. X-gal
(126); QP (413)
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Human: ⫹ Mouse:
Human: ⫹ EST
Salivary Glands
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Physiol Rev • VOL
Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
N (74); P
(534); EST
Human: ⫹⫹ Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹ QP
⫹⫹⫹ QP
(413); N (74); P
(413); P
(534); EST
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹ QP
QP (413)
Human: ⫹⫹ Human: ⫹ Rat: ⫺
Rat: ⫹⫹ P
P (288, 413)
(288, 413);
IF, W (300)
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹ Mouse: Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹
⫹⫹ QP (413);
Mouse: ⫹ N,
Mouse: ⫹/⫺
QP (413);
N, P (518); EST
P (518); EST
N, P (518);
pancreas and
islets. N, P
(518); EST
KCNK5 knockout
mice exhibit
metabolic acidosis
caused by renal
loss of bicarbonate
ions due to
impaired proximal
tubular transport
(22, 661).
Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
Pancreas (total)
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹ Mouse: Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹
⫹ DB (28); F
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹ DB
⫹⫹ DB
(662); EST
Rat: ⫹⫹
(28); P (217);
(28); N, P
Rabbit: ⫹⫹
(426); EST
membrane of
surface (and
to less
extent crypt)
Function: K⫹
DB (28); F
(662); IF, F
(400, 536);
BA (192);
Salivary Glands
Human: ⫹⫹ Mouse: Rat: ⫹⫹
Human ⫹⫹⫹
KCNMA1 knockout
⫹⫹ (only in adult
Mouse: ⫹⫹ Rat:
mice show
animals) Rat: ⫹⫹
⫹⫹ Localization:
moderate vascular
Pig: ⫹⫹⫹ Guinea
membrane of
acinar cells.
dysfunction and
pig: ⫹⫹⫹
ductal cells
Function: saliva
secretion and
deficits (541). They
driving force
membrane of
predisposition for
acinar cells.
secretion. F
Function: driving
(187); P
epilepsy and
force for Cl
secretion. F (254,
dyskinesia (121).
255, 396, 495, 599);
volume decrease
Knockout mice
F, P (463); P (217)
after cell
have no defect in
swelling. P, N
colonic Cl⫺
(437, 441, 523);
secretion, but
W (441); EST
impaired colonic
K⫹ secretion (400,
542). Parotid gland
fluid secretion is
only slightly
affected by the
knockout. In
double knockouts,
stimulated saliva
secretion is
reduced (523). In
human ulcerative
colitis, KCNMA1
expression is
broadened along
the crypt axis and
may contribute to
increased fecal K⫹
loss (536).
Large conductance calcium-activated channels, subfamily M, ␣ member
Human: ⫹ EST Human: ⫹⫹⫹ N Human: ⫹⫹
(176); P (93);
acinar cells.
channel, role in
inflammation? IS
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹⫹ P
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KCNMA1 Kca1.1, Slo1
Rat: ⫹ N (275)
Human: ⫹⫹ P
Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
Pancreas (total)
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Human: ⫹⫹
DB (28); N
(51); EST
Human: ⫹⫹
DB (28); N
(51); EST
Human: ⫹/⫺
DB (28); N
(51); EST
Human: ⫺ Rat:
⫺ P (217); N
Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹
Rat: ⫺
duct cells?
(217, 633); N
(51); EST
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
Rat: ⫺
␤-cells. N (51,
455); P (366);
P, IS (633)
Human: ⫹ EST Mouse: ⫹⫹ Rat:
islets, not in
duct cells. P
(217, 607)
Intermediate/small conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily N
Human: ⫹⫹ DB
(28); N (51)
Human: ⫹ N (51)
Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹
DB (28); EST
duct cells?
Large conductance calcium-activated channels, subfamily M, ␤ members
Human: ⫹⫹ DB
(28); EST
Human: ⫹ N Human: ⫹⫹ N
Human: ⫹⫹
DB (28)
Human: ⫹
⫹⫹ N
(51); EST
Human: ⫹⫹
⫹⫹ DB
(28); EST
KCNN1 hSK1, Kca2.1 Human: ⫹
KCNMB1 hslo-␤
Human ⫹ EST
KCNMB1 deletion in 603951
mice leads to a
decrease in Ca2⫹
sensitivity of BK
channels, a
reduction in
functional coupling
of Ca2⫹ sparks to
BK channel
activation, and
increases in
arterial tone and
blood pressure
(52). Mice have a
relative resistance
against diastolic
hypertension (140).
Mouse ⫹ P, N
Mouse ⫹ P, N
Salivary Glands
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Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
KCNN2 SK2, Kca2.2
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹ Rat:
Human: ⫹ Rat:
⫹⫹ Guinea
⫹⫹ Guinea pig:
pig: ⫹⫹
interstitial cells
of Cajal.
cells of
Function: GI
motility? P, IF
Function: GI
(160); IF, EM
motility? IF,
(291); EST
EM (291); P,
IF (160);
Guinea pig: ⫹⫹
smooth muscle
cells. Function:
GI motility. IF
Mouse: ⫹⫹ Rat:
islets (␤cells), not in
duct cells.
secretion? P
(217); P, IF
(607); EST
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹
islets (␤cells), not in
duct cells.
secretion? P
(217); P, IF
(607); EST
Pancreas (total)
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Salivary Glands
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overexpression in
mice induced
responses to
hypoxia and
presumably by
effects on uterine
contraction (44).
expression of
KCNN3 channels in
aged mice may
represent a
mechanism that
contributes to agedependent decline
in learning and
memory and
synaptic plasticity
(37). The level of
KCNN3 channel
expression in
endothelial cells
may be a
determinant of
vascular tone and
blood pressure
Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
KCNN4 SK4, Kca4,
IK, Ca1,
Pancreas (total)
Pancreas Acinus
Salivary Glands
Gastric acid secretion
is reduced and
gastric mucosa is
hyperplastic in
KCNQ1 knockout
mice (334, 638).
Human mutations
of KCNQ1 cause
“long QT
syndrome” (442,
650), “short QT
syndrome” (29),
and familial atrial
fibrillation (77).
Human: ⫹⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹
KCNN4 knockout
Mouse: ⫹⫹ Rat;
mice are of normal
⫹⫹ Localization:
appearance and
acinar cells.
and luminal
fertility. Volume
membrane of
regulation of T
activated by
lymphocytes and
duct cells.
erythrocytes is
impaired. Fluid
secretion of
secretion from
primary saliva?
secretion. IF
parotid glands is
N, P (27, 437,
(618); P
normal (27). In
441, 523, 602);
colonic mucosa
QP (75); IS
carbachol(441); IF
stimulated CI⫺
secretion is
ducts of
decreased (146,
400). Knockout
gland (618); EST
mice show virtually
normal saliva
secretion (27, 523).
Pancreas Duct
Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹ Rat: ⫹⫹ Mouse: ⫺ P, IS Human: ⫹ DB
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹ N
Localization: islets
(684); EST
Rat: ⫹⫹
(79, 539); EST
and basolateral
Guinea pig:
membrane of
acinar cells
Localization: (associated with
(associated with
KCNE1). Function:
driving force for
providing driving
force for
transport. N (79,
secretion? P, IS
96); P, IS (103);
(103); IF (663); F
P (334); IF (638,
driving force
(284, 302, 333)
663); EST
for luminal
secretion. N
(79, 96); P
for H⫹/K⫹
(311); S
(184); IF
activity. P
(348, 663); IS
(183, 334);
(549); EST
N, IF (96)
P, IS (103);
IF (220);
Voltage-gated channels, KQT-like subfamily
Human: ⫹⫹ Human: ⫹ Mouse: Human: ⫹⫹⫹ Human: ⫹/⫺
Rat: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Rat: ⫹⫹
Rat: ⫹ DP
Localization: probably in the
(259); N
membrane of
basolateral (and
(244); P (607),
pancreatic acinar
(and luminal
cells. Function:
of surface
membrane of
?) membrane
electrolyte and
cells. N
crypt cells,
of crypt
enzyme secretion.
(244); P
endocrine cells,
IF (618)
(640) IF
(163); EST
driving force
driving force for
secretion. DP
(259); N (244);
DP (259),P
(244, 356,
640, 665); IF,
W, P (618,
163); EST
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Physiol Rev • VOL
88 • JULY 2008 •
KCNU1 Kca5.1, SLO3
Human: ⫹
Human: ⫹
Rat: ⫹ N
(485); EST
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹
KCNQ5 Kv7.5
Human: ⫹
KCNQ4 Kv7.4
KCNQ3 Kv7.3
Mouse: ⫹ EST
Human: ⫹⫹ Rat:
⫹ N (485); EST
Mouse: ⫹ EST
Human: ⫹⫹ EST
Human: ⫹
Mouse: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹ EST
Pancreas (total)
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas Duct
Potassium channels, subfamily V
Rat: ⫺ P (217)
Potassium channels, subfamily U
Rat: ⫺ P (217)
Human: ⫹ EST Human: ⫹⫹
Mouse: ⫹
islet ␤-cell.
secretion? P,
IF, IS (682)
Potassium channels, subfamily T
Rat: ⫺ P (217)
Voltage-gated channels, delayed-rectifier, subfamily S
Human: ⫹ EST
Human: ⫹ EST
Human ⫹ EST
Salivary Glands
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Mutations of human
KCNQ2 cause
“benign familial
convulsions” (579)
and “myokymia
with neonatal
epilepsy” (95).
Mutations of human
KCNQ3 are
associated with
“benign neonatal
epilepsy” (72).
Mutations of human
KCNQ4 cause
deafness” (305).
Pancreas Duct
Human: ⫺ P (464) Human: ⫹⫹
Human: ⫹⫹⫹
KCNV2 alone
KCNV2 alone
is not
is not
only in
only in
with KCNB1.
with KCNB1.
P (464)
P (464)
Pancreas Acinus
Pancreas (total)
Kv8.2, Kv11.1
P, PCR; QP, quantitative PCR; N, Northern blot; DB, RNA dot blot; IS, in situ hybridization; IF, immunfluorescence; F, functional evidence; W, Western blot; IP, immunoprecipitation;
BA, binding assay; EST, UniGene EST data.
Physiol Rev • VOL
2. Schematic illustration of K⫹ channel function in epithelia. A:
K channels hyperpolarize the membrane voltage, thereby fueling electrogenic transport mechanisms such as Na⫹-coupled reabsorption of
nutrients (not depicted) or luminal Cl⫺ secretion. Basolateral K⫹ channels can hyperpolarize also the luminal membrane if the paracellular
pathway allows ion currents to flow. In addition, they contribute to the
establishment of a transepithelial voltage (Vte), which drives ions
through the paracellular pathway. B: K⫹ channels as recycling pathways
for K⫹: Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase and H⫹-K⫹-ATPase take up K⫹ in exchange for
Na⫹ and H⫹, respectively. For ongoing activity of these ATPases, recycling of K⫹ is required to avoid depletion of K⫹ in the external fluid.
Therefore, activity of the ATPases and K⫹ channels is often tightly
coupled. C: luminal K⫹ channels in distal nephron and the colon are
direct ways to eliminate K⫹. They hyperpolarize the luminal membrane
and lead in concert with luminal Cl⫺ channels to electroneutral KCl
secretion. The driving force for paracellular transport, e.g., of Na⫹, is
reduced (Vte in this model is only ⫺12 mV compared with ⫺20 mV in A).
D: swelling-induced K⫹ channels participate in cell volume regulation.
Many K⫹ channels are directly or indirectly (via swelling-induced increase in Ca2⫹) activated by cell swelling. K⫹ leaves the cell together
with its counterion, and water follows these osmolytes: the cells perform regulatory volume decrease.
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Salivary Glands
3. K⫹ and salt handling
4. Cell volume regulation
Transcellular transport of salt and substrates paralleled by osmotic water flow represents a continuous challenge for epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract to
keep their cell volume constant. To achieve this goal, the
precise adjustment of cellular uptake on the one hand and
elimination of osmolytes on the other hand is necessary to
avoid large changes of the cell volume with the risk of
cellular damage. To stabilize normal cell volume, several
types of transport proteins are regulated by cell swelling/
shrinkage and, therefore, are able to counteract volume
changes, e.g., Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹ cotransporters, Cl⫺ channels,
and K⫹ channels (115, 203, 230, 322, 459). In intestinal
epithelial cells, several types of volume-sensitive K⫹ channels are strongly expressed, e.g., TASK2 (KCNK5, Ref.
447), SK4 (KCNN4, Refs. 535, 669), and Kv7.1 (KCNQ1,
Ref. 191). Activation of those channels by cell swelling
results in the exit of K⫹ and the same amount of negatively charged counterions, which decreases the osmolality of the cytosol and induces water flux out of the cell:
“regulatory volume decrease.”
5. Proliferation, differentiation, and cell death
Proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis of cells
are essential processes for every multicellular organism.
During these processes, K⫹ channel expression and K⫹
channel activity is tightly controlled to adapt membrane
voltage and cell volume to the needs. On the other hand,
changes of the expression pattern of K⫹ channels and
their activity can have severe impact on the ability of cells
to go through distinct parts of the cell cycle or to perform
apoptosis (323). Therefore, it is not surprising that severe
disturbances such as cancer can be accompanied by upPhysiol Rev • VOL
6. Cell migration and wound healing
Cell migration and movement of cells is required to
reseal mucosal defects after injury. Over the last years,
there has been growing evidence for an important role of
K⫹ channels during cell migration (558) and wound healing of epithelial cells (179, 365, 512, 572). Apparently, K⫹
channels and ion transporters are required for localized
volume changes that play a role for single cell migration.
However, the precise mechanisms by which K⫹ channels
affect wound healing, and vice versa, still need to be
7. Functions of K⫹ channel proteins independent from
K⫹ permeation?
Very recently, evidence has been provided that interaction of KCNB1 (Kv2.1) K⫹ channels with the SNARE
protein syntaxin facilitates exocytosis. Interestingly, this
facilitation was not dependent on the function of KCNB1
as a K⫹ channel, because it could be observed even after
disruption of the pore function of the channel (578). A
qualitatively similar observation has been made for
KCNK1 associated with ARF6/EFA6: KCNK1 expression
interfered with the endocytosis of transferrin receptors
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K⫹ channels in the luminal membrane of epithelial
cells are an evident pathway for the exit of K⫹ out of the
cell, and if not reabsorbed later on, for elimination of K⫹
from the body. Since plasma K⫹ homeostasis is an absolute crucial parameter for the survival of mammalian
organisms, the elimination of K⫹ from the body is tightly
controlled by several mechanisms. Among those, the regulation of luminal colonic K⫹ channels by the mineralocorticoid aldosterone has been the focus of research. In
surface cells of colonic crypts, aldosterone leads to stimulation of Na⫹ reabsorption and concomitant K⫹ secretion; the latter one stabilizes the driving force for ongoing
Na⫹ uptake. Additionally, there exist aldosterone-independent ways of regulation, which allow handling of K⫹
balance independent from the Na⫹ balance. However, the
precise nature of the aldosterone-dependent and -independent regulation of intestinal K⫹ excretion still awaits
detailed characterization.
or downregulation of certain K⫹ channels genes (308, 472,
474, 484). So far, five different K⫹ channel genes have
been the focus of most studies investigating the effect of
K⫹ channel function on proliferation and tumorigenesis:
KCNA3, KCNN4, KCNK9, KCNH1, and KCNH2 (591). In
tissues such as muscle or the nervous system, the rate of
proliferating cells is very low, and most of the cells live
for many years in a postmitotic, terminal differentiated
status. In intestinal epithelial cells, however, proliferation
rate is very high, and renewal of the epithelium occurs in
2–3 days and 3– 8 days in small and large intestine, respectively (352). The short life span of intestinal cells
requires very precise and timely adjusted mechanisms for
fine tuning of the cellular processes including ionic conductances which affect proliferation, differentiation, and
finally apoptosis. As a consequence, pharmacological inhibition or overexpression of K⫹ channels can modify cell
growth (474). In addition, blockade of K⫹ channels diminishes apoptotic K⫹ efflux which normally takes place as
an early event during apoptosis and which is needed for
the execution of later parts of the apoptotic program
(IEC-6 cell line) (189). Disturbances of the cellular processes underlying growth, differentiation, and cell death
have implications for diseases such as inflammatory
bowel disease, adenoma formation, and carcinogenesis.
Therefore, knowledge of the role of K⫹ channels for these
basic processes shall lead to better understanding for the
control of cell growth, cell fate, and cell death and finally
could offer new therapeutic strategies for diseases of
gastrointestinal epithelia.
irrespective of its function as an ion channel (94). It is
possible that similar ion permeation-independent functions of channels as part of protein complexes will be
discovered for other K⫹ channels in the future.
Over the last years, our knowledge about K⫹ channel
genetics, structure, and molecular aspects of their various
cellular functions has largely improved. In the following
sections, we will provide an overview about the molecular
physiology of K⫹ channels in epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract.
The stomach is important for storage, for milling and
first digestion of the ingested food, and for appropriate
delivery of the gastric content into the small intestine.
Digestion and denaturation of food proteins is initiated by
pepsins and acidic pH of the gastric juice, which also
serves to diminish the number of possibly harmful microorganisms. In addition, intrinsic factor secreted by parietal cells promotes the absorption of vitamin B12 in the
terminal ileum. As an important protective measure
against the acidic luminal content, gastric surface cells
produce a bicarbonate-rich mucous secretion. During the
Physiol Rev • VOL
last years, molecular techniques have allowed the identification of several K⫹ channels that are specifically expressed in the stomach. In this section, we discuss the
functional role of those K⫹ channels during ion transport
of gastric epithelial cells.
A. Histology of Gastric Mucosa
The stomach mucosa consists of so-called gastric
glands, which are composed of several specialized cell
types (Fig. 3). The luminal surface is covered by a layer of
epithelial cells that secrete alkaline mucus to protect the
mucosa against the acidic gastric juice. Secretion of protective mucus is the predominant function of the relatively short “cardiac” glands. Oxyntic glands in the “fundus” and the “corpus” of the stomach are longer, and they
contain many parietal cells (50 – 60% of the cells) and
chief cells. This type of gastric gland produces the vast
majority of the gastric juice. Chief cells produce precursors for the protease pepsin and are located at the base of
the gland. As a self-protection mechanism, surface mucous cells secrete gel-forming glycoproteins together with
NaHCO3, thereby forming an unstirred layer of acid-neutralizing mucous. Additionally, endocrine and paracrine
cells within the epithelium play important regulatory
roles for the gastric secretory function. In the “antrum,”
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FIG. 3. Ion transport in gastric mucosal cells. A: histology of mouse gastric mucosa. Mucous-producing cells cover the surface of the gastric
mucosa. Acid-producing parietal cells are shown as dark cells within the gastric glands. Chief cells (gray color) are mainly located in the lower part
of the gland. The arrows point to cell type for which models are depicted in B and C. B: hypothetical model for bicarbonate secretion in gastric
surface cells. In the luminal membrane, Cl⫺ and HCO⫺
channels. Luminal anion exchangers replace
3 leave the cell through CFTR-dependent Cl
luminal Cl⫺ by HCO⫺
K⫹ channels are probably together
with others localized in the basolateral membrane. Basolateral Na⫹/HCO⫺
the uptake of HCO⫺
3 and exit
of H⫹, respectively. C: cell model for acid secretion of parietal cells. H⫹ is secreted by the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase in the luminal membrane in exchange for
K⫹ which recycles through apical K⫹ channels. KCNE2/KCNQ1 (E2/Q1) and members of the KCNJ inward rectifier family (Jx) have been identified
as luminal K⫹ channels. Cl⫺ is secreted through apical Cl⫺ channels. Basolateral anion exchanger exports HCO⫺
3 in exchange for Cl .
pyloric glands are the predominant gland type which contain (besides surface epithelial cells and mucous neck
cells) gastrin-producing G cells. The population of small
undifferentiated stem cells is located in the upper third of
the gland (the so-called “neck region”). These stem cells
are the progenitor cells of all gastric cell types (223, 224).
motility is mediated by several hormones including secretin, cholecytokinin (CCK), and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). Secretin and GIP indirectly inhibit gastric acid
secretion via a release of somatostatin. At higher doses,
CCK acts as an antagonist of gastrin (88, 231, 237, 550).
C. Cellular Mechanisms of HCl Secretion by
Parietal Cells
B. Composition of Gastric Juice
Physiol Rev • VOL
The stimulation of secretion involves two major signaling pathways: acetylcholine via M3 receptors and gastrin via CCK-2 receptors lead to an increase of the cytosolic Ca2⫹ activity, whereas histamine via H2 receptors
increases cAMP. Both pathways end up in protein phosphorylation by protein kinase A or protein kinase C. In
addition to these “classical” ways of activation of acid
secretion, very recently evidence was provided for a role
of calcium-sensing receptor (515) and amino acid transport in the modulation of acid secretion (60, 289). The
activation process of parietal cells is accompanied by
dramatic morphological changes (461, 636). During the
transition from the resting to the stimulated state, H⫹-K⫹ATPase-containing tubulovesicles fuse with each other
and gain access to the apical surface. This impressive
prolongation and extension of these secretory canaliculi
largely increases the apical membrane compartment. By
fusion of the tubulovesicles, the H⫹-pumping P-type
ATPase, which consists of a catalytic ␣- and a regulatory
␤-subunit, is translocated into the luminal membrane
compartment (125). Because of the strict coupling of H⫹
export to uptake of K⫹, replenishment of luminal K⫹ is an
absolute requirement for the activity of the H⫹-K⫹ATPase. In the following, the mechanisms guaranteeing
sufficient luminal K⫹ concentration for ongoing H⫹-K⫹ATPase activity will be discussed in detail (686, 387).
1. Luminal K⫹ recycling: a pivotal step for gastric
acid secretion
Starting in the 1930s, gastric acid secretion and the
role of different ions for this process have been studied in
vitro (100, 186). It has been observed that gastric acid
secretion strongly depends on the presence of Ca2⫹ and
K⫹. Although the importance of K⫹ for gastric acid secretion was evident, it was not yet clear “what aspect of
potassium in the tissue is the determinant of secretion”
(92). The gastric mucosa secretes hydrochloric acid
(1:1,000,000 from the cytosol to the luminal fluid). Therefore, it was postulated that an ATP-consuming protein is
involved in this process. In 1967, purification and characterization of H⫹-K⫹-ATPase and later on the cloning of its
␣- and ␤-subunits revolutionized our understanding of
acid secretion in parietal cells (65, 150, 151, 574). The
strict coupling of H⫹ secretion to K⫹ uptake by the H⫹-
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The adult human stomach secretes 2–3 liters of gastric juice per day with differing acidity and ionic composition dependent on the secretory rate. The acidic, mucous-rich, and enzyme-containing fluid is secreted by different specialized cell types located in the so-called
gastric glands. After stimulation, gastric parietal cells are
able to produce the most acidic fluid found in human
body, with a proton concentration up to 150 –160 mM. The
acid denaturates food proteins, promotes cleavage of pepsinogens to the active pepsins, and reduces the number of
microorganisms ingested by the food (393). During stimulated secretion of parietal cells, the increase in H⫹ concentration of the secreted fluid is paralleled by a decline
in Na⫹ concentration, a moderate increase in K⫹, and an
enhanced output of intrinsic factor (451).
The control of gastric secretion can be divided into
three phases: 1) cephalic phase, 2) gastric phase, and 3)
intestinal phase. The cephalic phase is initiated by the
brain through afferent stimuli from taste and smell receptors, which converge on the vagal nucleus in the medulla
oblongata. Efferent fibers of the vagal nerve excite neurons in the myenteric and submucous plexus, leading to
the liberation of acetylcholine, which in turn promotes
the release of histamine from enterochromaffin-like cells
in the gastric mucosa. In addition, gastrin is released from
antral G cells. All three hormones lead to the stimulation
of gastric secretion. The gastric phase is initiated mainly
by the distension of the stomach by the food and the
chemical nature of the nutrients. The distension leads to
an intramural local and an extramural vago-vagal reflex
response which supports secretion via the same mechanisms as the cephalic phase. G cells and the release of
gastrin are activated by partially digested proteins and
support ongoing HCl secretion. A decrease in luminal pH
activates a negative-feedback mechanism via somatostatin produced by D cells in the antral and pyloric mucosa.
Somatostatin acts as a paracrine hormone and turns off
gastric acid secretion. Moreover, prostaglandin E2 also
inhibits acid secretion by activation of inhibitory Gi proteins. The predominant regulatory aspect of the intestinal
phase is associated with inhibition of gastric secretion
and regulated emptying of the stomach. Acidic pH, fat,
and osmolality of the gastric content entering the duodenum are the major stimuli for a negative-feedback mechanism. This feedback inhibition of gastric secretion and
K⫹-ATPase explained the necessity of sufficient amounts
of K⫹ in the luminal fluid, but still the way that K⫹ enters
the lumen was not clear (167, 331, 531). Good evidence
has been provided that Cl⫺ and K⫹ are secreted across
the luminal membrane through specific conductive pathways that are activated during stimulation of acid secretion (514, 671, 101, 385, 386). It was suggested that the
luminal K⫹ conductance is a rate-limiting step for H⫹
secretion (671).
D. Basolateral Kⴙ Channels of Parietal Cells
E. Luminal Kⴙ Channels of Parietal Cells
Although the number of reports on basolateral K⫹
channels in parietal cells is very limited, the basolateral
membrane is at least easily accessible with the patchclamp pipette. For the luminal membrane, the situation is
much more difficult, and access to the luminal membrane
of parietal cells of intact glands is not possible. Over the
last 6 years, several possible candidates for luminal K⫹
channels have been identified by molecular biology and
immunofluorescence techniques. In addition, genetically
modified animals and specific channel inhibitors have
provided important information concerning the physiological significance of luminal K⫹ channels.
Physiol Rev • VOL
1. The KCNQ1/KCNE2 channel: a major player for
parietal cell function
The first study suggesting a significant contribution
of a K⫹ channel for parietal cell function was published in
2000 by Lee et al. (334). They reported that targeted
disruption of the KCNQ1 gene causes deafness and gastric
hyperplasia in mice (334). Originally, KCNQ1 (KvLQT1)
has been cloned as a K⫹ channel responsible for a certain
form of cardiac arrhythmia, the so-called “long QT syndrome type 1” (650). KCNQ1 belongs to a five memberscontaining subfamily of the 6/7TM-1P K⫹ channels, and it
is expressed in the heart and a variety of epithelial tissues.
The gastric mucosa of KCNQ1 ⫺/⫺ animals shows dramatic changes: severe mucosal hyperplasia and disorganization, hypertrophia of mucous cells, reduced parietal
cell number, and vacuolation of parietal cells with a loss
of H⫹-K⫹-ATPase staining. In addition, KCNQ1 ⫺/⫺ mice
exhibited hypochlorhydria and had elevated plasma gastrin levels that likely reflects the impairment of gastric
acid secretion. This study pointed to a pivotal function of
KCNQ1 for gastric mucosa and acid secretion; however,
the localization and cellular function of KCNQ1 in gastric
mucosa was not yet elucidated. Shortly after, KCNQ1 was
immunolocalized in the luminal membrane compartment
of mouse parietal cells where it partially colocalized with
the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase (96, 183). With the use of pharmacological inhibitors of KCNQ1, in a variety of species acid
secretion can be almost completely blocked (183). Together with the observations made in KCNQ1 knockout
mice, these reports clearly demonstrated the physiological significance of KCNQ1 for gastric acid secretion. For
the first time, these reports convincingly unraveled the
molecular identity and functional importance of a luminal
K⫹ channel of parietal cells. In the luminal membrane of
parietal cells, KCNQ1 assembles with its ␤-subunit
KCNE2 (96, 183, 220). This assembly severely changes the
biophysical properties of KCNQ1: the voltage-dependent
and slowly activating KCNQ1 is transformed into a constitutively open, voltage-insensitive, and acid-resistant
channel which is activated by cAMP and phospholipids
(96, 220, 221, 621). Recently, it was shown by a gene chip
analysis on cell-sorted rat parietal cells that KCNQ1 and
KCNE2 are both strongly expressed in gastric mucosa and
enriched in the parietal cell fraction. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of KCNQ1 in isolated gastric glands
led to similar blockade of acid secretion as it was observed with inhibitors of the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase or histamine
receptor (H2) blockers (319). The final proof for the importance of the assembly of KCNQ1 with KCNE2 for
parietal cell function has been recently provided by a nice
study with a KCNE2 knockout mouse model: KCNE2
knockout mice display a severe gastric phenotype with
impaired acid secretion, gastric mucosal hyperplasia, and
an abnormal distribution of KCNQ1 (522).
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With regard to the K⫹ conductance, hyperpolarization of the luminal and basolateral membrane was observed upon stimulation (102, 460). With the use of the
patch-clamp technique, several different K⫹ channels
have been measured in the basolateral membrane of Necturus oxyntic cells, among them a 40- to 70-pS K⫹ channel
and an inwardly rectifying 30-pS K⫹ channel. The 40- to
70-pS K⫹ channel is activated by rises in cytosolic Ca2⫹;
the open probability of the 30-pS K⫹ channel is increased
by cAMP (597, 634). Similar channels have also been
found in the basolateral membrane of oxyntic cells of the
bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). A frequently observed 60-pS
K⫹ channel is Ca2⫹ regulated and stimulated by Mg2⫹/
ATP from the cytosolic side (294, 418). Like oxyntic cells
from Necturus, frog oxyntic cells have a 30-pS K⫹ channel
that shows Mg2⫹-dependent inward rectification and activation by cAMP (418). Interestingly, those K⫹ channels
were inhibited by the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase inhibitor omeprazole (294, 418). Relatively little is known about K⫹ channels of mammalian parietal cells. In the basolateral membrane of rabbit parietal cells, a 230-pS K⫹ channels has
been observed as well as nonselective cation channels
(532). In parietal cells from guinea pig, three types of K⫹
conductances have been observed in whole cell experiments: voltage-dependent inwardly and outwardly rectifying K⫹ conductances and a Ca2⫹-activated K⫹ conductance (298).
FIG. 4. Working model for acid secretion. Under resting
conditions, the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase has no access to the luminal
membrane. After stimulation of acid secretion, vesicles containing the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase fuse with the luminal membrane,
and the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase is targeted to the apical pole. In the
depth of the canaliculi, KCNE2/KCNQ1 channels in concert
with Cl⫺ channels secrete a KCl-rich fluid. Then H⫹-K⫹-ATPase
activity leads to replacement of K⫹ by H⫹. [Model adapted
from Heitzmann et al. (220).]
2. Regulation of heteromeric KCNE2/KCNQ1 channels
in the luminal membrane of parietal cells
Physiol Rev • VOL
3. Other candidates for luminal K⫹ channels of
parietal cells
Over the last 6 years, good evidence has been provided for an important role of luminal KCNE2/KCNQ1 K⫹
channels as a limiting factor for gastric acid secretion in
various species. However, there is also evidence for other
K⫹ channels in the luminal membrane of parietal cells.
Several members of the inward rectifier family (2TM-1P)
are expressed in stomach mucosa, and inwardly rectifying
K⫹ channels have been described as candidates for luminal K⫹ channels: KCNJ1 (Kir1.1, ROMK) (4), KCNJ2
(Kir2.1) (388), KCNJ10 (Kir4.1) (159), KCNJ15 (Kir4.2)
(172), KCNJ13 (Kir7.1) (171), and KCNJ16 (Kir5.1) (319).
With the use of immunofluorescence and immunoelectron
microscopy, KCNJ10 has been found to colocalize with
the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase in the luminal membrane compartment (159). In a recent gene expression study on stomach
mucosa and parietal cell-enriched cell fractions, several
K⫹ channels appeared to be specifically enriched in parietal cells compared with whole stomach mucosa. With the
use of array and real-time PCR techniques, three K⫹ channel genes were the most promising parietal cell-specific
candidates: KCNQ1, KCNE2, and KCNJ16 (319). It might
well be that heteromeric KCNJ15/KCNJ16 channels or
other members of the inward rectifier family are involved
in luminal K⫹ recycling of parietal cells. Supporting that,
very recently it has been suggested that CFTR plays a role
in gastric acid secretion by modulating a KATP-like K⫹
conductance (575). The functional data on KCNE2/
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As mentioned above, a key step during activation of
acid secretion is the exocytotic event leading to the fusion
of H⫹-K⫹-ATPase-carrying vesicles with the luminal membrane compartment. Since KCNQ1 colocalizes partially
with the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase, it was evident to suggest a similar type of regulation for KCNQ1. Under resting conditions, KCNQ1 and H⫹-K⫹-ATPase show a distribution pattern suggestive for a localization in intracellular vesicles.
Interestingly, KCNQ1 and H⫹-K⫹-ATPase are only partially colocalized, indicating that KCNQ1- and H⫹-K⫹-ATPase-carrying vesicles are not, or only to some extent, overlapping (319, 220). Upon stimulation of acid secretion, the
H⫹-K⫹-ATPase is directed to the apical pole of the parietal
cells and the distal parts of the canaliculi. The KCNQ1
staining does not show a similar strong redistribution. Although KCNQ1 and H⫹-K⫹-ATPase partially colocalize in the
canaliculi compartment, the KCNQ1 staining appears to be
less focused to the apical pole, and it is stronger in the distal
part (close to the dead end) of the canaliculi (220). Therefore, we propose the following working model (Fig. 4): upon
activation of secretion, parietal cells start to secrete a K⫹and Cl⫺-rich fluid at the end of the canaliculi. H⫹-K⫹ATPases located at the apical pole of canaliculi then
exchange K⫹ by H⫹. If this model is correct, high and
potentially harmful concentrations of HCl are formed
only at the very apical pole. This would lower the risk
for parietal cell damage due to accidental leak of the
canalicular membrane. The significance of such a leakage, however, has not yet been established. Probably,
there is not only an intracellular gradient for the distribution of KCNQ1 and the H⫹-K⫹-ATPase but also a
gradient along the gland axis. In most sections of
mouse stomach, we observed a stronger staining for
KCNQ1 in basal parietal cells and a more pronounced
staining for H⫹-K⫹-ATPase in the apically localized
parietal cells (unpublished data).
If apparently KCNE2/KCNQ1 is not regulated by a
targeting event to the luminal membrane, how is it regulated? Heterologously expressed KCNE2/KCNQ1 are activated by increases in intracellular cAMP concentration,
by PIP2, and by acidic extracellular pH (220). The activa-
tion by acidic pH is conferred on KCNQ1 by the assembly
with its parietal cell ␤-subunit KCNE2. Apparently, the
extracellular NH2 terminus and at least part of the transmembrane region of KCNE2 are needed to transmit extracellular acidification into activation of KCNQ1 current
(221). All evidence considered, KCNE2/KCNQ1 is a physiologically important luminal K⫹ channel that is activated
during stimulation of acid secretion. Inactivation of
KCNE2/KCNQ1 results in severe impairment of acid secretion. Probably indirectly via compensatory high
plasma gastrin levels, the KCNE2/KCNQ1 defect leads to
significant hyperplasia of stomach mucosa and disturbed
parietal cell morphology (117).
KCNQ1 indicate that this channel complex is absolutely
necessary for physiological acid output under stimulated
conditions. Therefore, KCNE2/KCNQ1 could act in concert with inward rectifiers. Or the predominant role of
inward rectifiers is to support secretion at basal conditions or sustained secretion. Moreover, some of the channels mentioned above, for which the subcellular distribution is not yet known, might be localized in the basolateral
membrane. Ongoing studies on knockout mice will probably shed some light on the physiological role of the
various K⫹ channels in gastric parietal cells.
The mechanism of bicarbonate secretion in gastric
surface cells probably resembles very much those of bicarbonate secretion in small intestine. Therefore, the
principles of cellular bicarbonate transport will be discussed in more detail in section IIIB. In the stomach,
secretion of the bicarbonate-rich mucus is the most important line of defense against the aggressive gastric
juice. Unfortunately, very little is known about the role of
K⫹ channels for gastric bicarbonate secretion. On the
basis of immunofluorescence data, KCNQ1 appears to be
present in gastric surface cells. Probably associated with
its “intestinal”-type ␤-subunit KCNE3, KCNQ1 is localized
in the basolateral membrane (183). In the basolateral
membrane of surface cells, the Ca2⫹-regulated KCNN4
channel is expressed (163). Probably, KCNQ1 channels
are activated after stimulation of the cAMP pathway and
KCNN4 after increases of cytosolic Ca2⫹. When activated,
both K⫹ conductances hyperpolarize the basolateral
membrane, thereby providing the driving force for luminal Cl⫺ exit which augments Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchange resulting in net secretion of HCO⫺
3 across the luminal membrane (Fig. 3B).
The small intestine is the part of the gastrointestinal
tract where most of the ingested food is digested into its
constituents. Cleavage by enzymes of the pancreatic juice
and of small intestinal enterocytes leads to the breakdown of macromolecules into reabsorbable units. Moreover, there is an impressive movement of water across the
epithelia of the gastrointestinal tract: 2–3 liters of water
are ingested by the food per day, and 7– 8 liter of water
from secretions enter the lumen of the gastrointestinal
tract. The majority of these 10 liters of water is reabsorbed by the epithelial cells of the small intestine, 1.5–2
liters are reabsorbed in the large intestine, and only 0.15–
0.2 liters are excreted by feces (18). Most of the water
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reabsorption probably occurs passively driven by the osmotic gradient that is generated by reabsorption of nutrients and salt. In addition, a substantial amount of water
might be directly reabsorbed by solute transporters cotransporting water together with their substrates, e.g., the
Na⫹-dependent glucose transporter (414, 326, 362). However, more recent studies have questioned the concept of
secondarily active water transport through cotransporters (73, 165). The passive component of water reabsorption occurs paracellularly and probably transcellularly
through aquaporins (a very good overview on intestinal
aquaporins is provided by Matsuzaki et al., Ref. 402). The
molecular identification of proteins forming cell-to-cell
contacts and tight junctions has largely improved our
understanding of the paracellular pathway. Among those
proteins, claudins form the most diverse group with some
20 members. Several claudins show very specific expression patterns along the crypt-surface-villus axis and vary
in the different segments of the gastrointestinal tract.
Thus claudins are probably important structural determinants underlying the specific functional properties of the
paracellular pathway (161, 505, 164, 233).
In addition to reabsorptive processes that take place
mainly in the enterocytes of villus cells, intestinal crypt
cells produce a bicarbonate- and Cl⫺-rich secretion. For
neutralization of the luminal contents of the stomach,
bulk secretion of bicarbonate into the lumen by Brunner’s
glands, pancreas, and liver are of importance. In addition
to that, bicarbonate secretion that is derived from surface
cells ensures a neutral juxtamucosal pH within the mucus-bicarbonate barrier. To understand the physiological
regulation of transport processes in the small intestine, an
integrative approach is required taking into account the
complex and multifaceted interactions between mucosal
cells, endocrine cells, neurons, cells of the immune system, blood and lymphatic vessels, and smooth muscles
which are responsible for gastrointestinal motility (18). In
many cases, mediators and hormones affect more than
one of those cell types, and therefore, the in vivo response
upon a given stimulus might substantially differ from the
response of an isolated mucosal preparation in vitro.
Nevertheless, studies on ex vivo epithelial preparations
are the basis for understanding function and regulation of
epithelial transport. In the following, we will discuss the
mechanisms of Cl⫺ and bicarbonate secretion and electrogenic nutrient reabsorption.
A. Mechanisms of Clⴚ Secretion in Crypts of Small
Although the small intestinal mucosa performs net
reabsorption, secretion formed by crypt cells is of physiological and especially pathophysiological relevance. Cl⫺
and to a lesser extent HCO⫺
3 are the ions whose transcel-
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F. Bicarbonate Secretion of Surface Cells in
Gastric Mucosa
lular transport dominates the secretion of crypt cells. The
basic concept of transcellular Cl⫺ transport in crypt cells
of small intestine resembles the one for the colon (Fig. 5):
basolaterally, Cl⫺ is taken up by the Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹ cotransporter (NKCC1) and the A2 anion exchanger (645,
679). At the luminal side, Cl⫺ leaves the cell through
cAMP-activated cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-dependent Cl⫺ channels. The
cAMP pathway is activated by a variety of hormones and
mediators, e.g., prostaglandin E2, serotonin, vasoactive
intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP), and by bacterial toxins, e.g., cholera toxin (for review, see Refs. 143, 312).
Interestingly, the effect of cholera toxin is not restricted
to epithelial cells, but it also increases intestinal blood
supply and affects the gut nervous system. The importance of the enteric nervous system for the effect of
cholera toxin is highlighted by the fact that blockade of
the enteric nervous system inhibits cholera toxin-mediated fluid secretion (67, 68). Although the villi are probably still absorbing during cholera secretion (369), cholera
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FIG. 5. Cl secretion in crypt cells of small intestine. A: section
through mouse duodenum. Reabsorption occurs in enterocytes of the
large villi; Cl⫺ secretion occurs mainly in the short duodenal crypts at
the bottom of the mucosa. B: model for Cl⫺ secretion in crypt cells. For
transcellular Cl⫺ transport, Cl⫺ is taken up mainly by the Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹
cotransporter (NKCC1) and to some extent by Cl⫺/anion exchanger
(AE2). Cl⫺ exits the cell predominantly through cAMP-stimulated CFTR
Cl⫺ channels. The role of Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺ channels, e.g., Bestrophin
1 (Vmd2), for secretion in small intestinal crypt cells is still a matter of
debate. The luminal Cl⫺ exit is driven by the hyperpolarized membrane
voltage generated by basolateral and possibly luminal K⫹ channels.
From functional studies, heteromeric KCNE3/KCNQ1 channels substantially contribute to the basolateral K⫹ conductance during cAMP-stimulated secretion. During Ca2⫹-activated secretion, activity of Ca2⫹-dependent KCNN4 tightly follows the changes of cytosolic Ca2⫹. Probably,
KCNE3/KCNQ1 channels are also active during Ca2⫹-induced secretion.
The role of luminal channels is still questionable, because K⫹ secretion
through channels appears to be very low in the small intestine (70, 629).
toxin, by this “combined approach” on epithelial cells and
enteric nervous system, leads to overwhelming and sustained activation of secretion. This results in a severe
impairment of the net absorptive function of the small
intestine (18, 182, 501, 696, 143).
In addition to the cAMP-mediated CFTR Cl⫺ conductance, there is some evidence for alternative (mainly
Ca2⫹-regulated) pathways, but the physiological contribution of those “non-CFTR” Cl⫺ channels is still a matter of
debate (162, 313): ClC-2 Cl⫺ channels are expressed in
murine small intestine, but they localize to the tight junction complex (202) and/or to the basolateral membrane,
and they are not involved in luminal Cl⫺ secretion (69,
490, 694). A Ca2⫹-regulated Cl⫺ channel expressed in
small intestine is ClCA1, but its expression seems to be
restricted to goblet cells (168, 687). Bestrophin 1 (VMD2)
is a third candidate which has very recently been proposed to underlie the Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺ conductance in
proximal colon and intestinal tumor cell lines (23). Taken
together, CFTR is the principal cAMP-activated Cl⫺ conductance; the functional contribution of Ca2⫹-activated
Cl⫺ channels in small intestine awaits to be established. It
might well be that the Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺ conductance is
especially important for goblet cell function. In crypt
enterocytes, stimulation of the cAMP pathway strongly
increases luminal CFTR Cl⫺ conductance, which leads to
Cl⫺ exit into the lumen and depolarization of the luminal
membrane. For ongoing Cl⫺ secretion, a sufficient
amount of Cl⫺ has to be taken up via basolateral transport
systems (NKCC1 and AE2; Fig. 5B), and the luminal membrane needs to have a potential that is more negative than
the equilibrium potential of Cl⫺. The small intestinal epithelium is relatively leaky, and the luminal and basolateral
membranes are not electrically isolated from each other.
Therefore, a luminal hyperpolarization can be accomplished by activation of basolateral K⫹ channels, which
then fuel luminal Cl⫺ exit. In the colon, KCNE3/KCNQ1
K⫹ channels play the key role as basolateral K⫹ conductance during cAMP-mediated secretion (their function is
discussed in detail in sect. IVC). In small intestinal crypts,
KCNE3/KCNQ1 contribute substantially to cAMP-induced
Cl⫺ secretion (some 50%), but they are not the only active
K⫹ channels (638, 663). McNicholas et al. (411) described
a large-conductance (84 –99 pS) K⫹ channel in human
duodenum that was activated by cAMP (411). Because of
its large single-channel conductance, this channel is
clearly different from KCNE3/KCNQ1. Besides agonists
acting via cAMP (e.g., prostaglandin E2, serotonin), agonists increasing cytosolic Ca2⫹ also stimulate secretion.
Although Ca2⫹-rising agonists do not stimulate the luminal CFTR Cl⫺ conductance, they increase secretion by
hyperpolarizing the basolateral membrane, and they lead
to discharge of mucus from goblet cells. Probably, basolateral KCNN4 K⫹ channels are the major (but not only)
contributors to induce Ca2⫹-mediated secretion (the func-
B. Bicarbonate Secretion in Small Intestinal Villus
FIG. 6. Mechanisms of bicarbonate secretion in small intestine.
Bicarbonate secretion takes place in small intestinal crypt and villus
cells. HCO⫺
3 is taken up by basolateral Na -dependent transporters.
Basolateral K⫹ channels fuel electrogenic bicarbonate uptake and recy⫹
cle K⫹ taken up by the Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase. In addition, HCO⫺
3 and H
generated from CO2 and H2O; Na⫹/H⫹ exchanger activity guarantees
intracellular pH homeostasis. Luminal HCO⫺
3 exit occurs through Cl
channels and Cl⫺/bicarbonate exchangers (AE4; DRA⫽SLC26A3; PAT1⫽SLC26A6). HCO⫺
3 enters the lumen across the paracellular pathway
fueled by hydrostatic pressure and by the chemical gradient for HCO⫺
Transport processes that probably are of minor importance are depicted
with dotted arrows.
The acidic pH and peptic activity of the gastric contents entering the small intestine are a severe challenge
for the enterocytes and mucosal integrity. The duodenal
protection against gastric acid consist of two major components: the unstirred gel layer of mucus reducing the
penetration of acid and pepsins and neutralization of the
acidic contents by secreted bicarbonate. The mucus layer
consists of a loosely adherent superficial layer (thickness:
⬃150 ␮m), mainly acting as lubricant and a firmly adherent layer, acting as a stable and protective line of defense
(thickness: ⬃15 ␮m). An excellent review on the gastrointestinal mucus and bicarbonate barrier has been provided by Allen and Flemström (7). In the following, we
will discuss the cellular mechanisms of bicarbonate secretion in small intestine.
Bicarbonate is taken up via basolateral Na⫹-dependent transporters in electroneutral (NBCn1) and electrogenic (NBC1) ways (Fig. 6). Basolateral K⫹ channels are
needed to restore the driving force for sustained bicarbonate uptake by electrogenic NBC1 transporters, and
they serve as a recycling pathway for K⫹ taken up by the
Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase. Ca2⫹-activated KCNN4 channels (e.g.,
activated via cholinergic stimulation, Ref. 119) and members of the inward rectifier family (KCNJ) have been
found in villus cells. Additionally, data from KCNQ1
knockout mice suggest a basolateral localization of
KCNQ1 channels in small intestinal enterocytes (638);
however, expression of KCNQ1 channels in villus cells is
very low compared with crypt cells (96, 663). With the use
of patch-clamp on enterocytes, several different K⫹ channels have been observed: Ca2⫹-dependent ones (427, 571),
inward rectifiers (566), Ca2⫹-independent large- (422) and
small-conductance K⫹ channels (119, 611), and ATP-sensitive large-conductance K⫹ channels (405). Besides electrogenic NBC1 transporters, bicarbonate and protons can
be generated by the conversion of CO2 and H2O catalyzed
by intracellular carbonic anhydrase. Basolateral and luminal Na⫹/H⫹ exchangers are engaged in the maintenance of the cellular pH homeostasis.
Bicarbonate export across the luminal membrane
occurs via Cl⫺ channels (probably mainly via CFTR, Refs.
81, 232, 310, 502) and via Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchangers [AE4
(⫽SLC4A9); DRA (⫽SLC26A3), PAT-1 (⫽SLC26A6)] (7,
577, 655, 677). Recent studies have highlighted the functional importance of SLC26A6 transporters (577, 656). In
vitro data suggest that bicarbonate might also enter the
luminal space via the paracellular pathway driven by hydrostatic pressure and by the chemical gradient when an
acidic gastric content has entered the duodenum (7).
Several physiological and pathophysiological stimuli
are involved in the complex regulation of duodenal bicarbonate secretion, e.g., prostaglandin E2, VIP, and cholera
toxin via the cAMP pathway (628); heat-stable enterotoxin of Escherichia coli and guanylin via the cGMP
pathway (631, 196); acetylcholine and prostaglandin EP4
by stimulation of the Ca2⫹ pathway (560); capsaicin via
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tion of KCNN4 channels is discussed in sect. IVC). Moreover, KCNN4 also participates in Ca2⫹-mediated secretion
of Brunner’s gland of the duodenum (299). In human
duodenum, KCNN4 could underlie the 19- to 28-pS K⫹
channel that was activated by Ca2⫹ and (in 2/3 of the
patches) by cAMP (411). In mouse jejunum, large-conductance (92 pS), intermediate-conductance (38 pS), and
small-conductance (5–20 pS) K⫹ channels have been observed in the basolateral membrane (62). In cell-attached
patches, the intermediate-conductance K⫹ channel, probably KCNN4, is activated by 1-EBIO and DCEBIO (205,
206). In conclusion, cAMP (and similarly cGMP) leads to
strong and sustained Cl⫺ secretion of small intestinal
crypt cells. The chain of events comprises activation of
luminal CFTR, basolateral K⫹ channels (KCNE3/KCNQ1
and others), and basolateral uptake systems for Cl⫺
(mainly NKCC1). Ca2⫹-increasing agonists mainly stimulate basolateral K⫹ channels (KCNN4, KCNE3/KCNQ1
and others?); they do not or only weakly affect luminal
Cl⫺ conductance. Under physiological and pathophysiological conditions, costimulation of the Ca2⫹ and cAMP
pathways leads to potentiation of secretion (19).
C. Function of Kⴙ Channels for Reabsorption and
Secretion in Small Intestine
Na⫹-dependent solute transporters fueled by the
chemical gradient of Na⫹ and by the hyperpolarized membrane voltage are powerful mechanisms to reabsorb nutrients almost completely, even against the concentration
gradient of the respective substrate (403, 469). The entry
of a positive net charge by these transport systems depolarizes the luminal membrane resulting in a transepithelial
voltage difference (Vte; see Fig. 7) which consecutively
drives paracellular electrogenic transport, i.e., transport
of Cl⫺ (33, 202). On the other hand, increasing depolarization by electrogenic transport reduces the driving force
for further transcellular transport. Moreover, the uptake
of substrates, Na⫹, and water leads to osmotic cell swelling. Under these conditions, concomitant activation of K⫹
channels restores a hyperpolarized membrane voltage
and the transepithelial voltage. The efflux of K⫹ as an
osmolyte counteracts cell swelling. Therefore, it is not
surprising that K⫹ channel activity in the small intestine
appears to follow the transport activity of the enterocytes
(185, 199, 377, 378, 405, 556). Due to the low electrical
resistance of the paracellular pathway, luminal and basolateral K⫹ channels are able to repolarize the luminal
membrane in a similar way. In other respects, the consequences of activation of luminal versus basolateral K⫹
channels are not identical: luminal K⫹ channel activation
directly hyperpolarizes the luminal membrane and
thereby reduces the difference between the luminal and
basolateral potential (i.e., a low transepithelial voltage,
which cannot drive paracellular voltage-dependent reabsorption); and K⫹ is secreted into the lumen. Basolateral
K⫹ channel activation primarily hyperpolarizes the basolateral membrane and increases the transepithelial voltage that drives an ionic current across the paracellular
pathway. Dependent on the ion selectivity of the paracellular pathway, the transepithelial voltage can drive reabsorption of anions or secretion of cations. This paracelPhysiol Rev • VOL
FIG. 7. Reabsorptive function of small intestinal villus cells. Villus
enterocytes reabsorb glucose and neutral amino acids in a Na⫹-dependent manner leading to depolarization of the luminal membrane (218,
292). On the basolateral side, glucose and amino acids leave the cells by
Na⫹-independent carriers (510, 619). Since the basolateral pathway in
small intestine has a relatively high permeability for ions and does not
lead to electrical separation of luminal and basolateral membranes (24,
144, 158, 328), basolateral and luminal K⫹ channels are able to repolarize
the luminal membrane. The transepithelial voltage preferentially drives
reabsorption of anions through the paracellular pathway; water fluxinduced solvent drag can lead to reabsorption of anions and cations.
Likely candidates for basolateral K⫹ channels are KCNN4, KCNK5,
KCNE3/KCNQ1, and inward rectifiers (KCNJ family). Functionally,
MaxiK channels have been observed too. Basolateral K⫹ channels are
activated during substrate transport leading to stabilization of membrane voltage and cell volume, generation of the transepithelial voltage,
and recycling of K⫹ which has been taken up by the Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase.
Candidates for luminal channels could be KCNK1, KCNE1/KCNQ1, and
inward rectifiers. However, so far no data are available supporting the
functional relevance of luminal K⫹ channels. Therefore, relevant expression of K⫹ channels in the luminal membrane of villus cells is questionable.
lular current decreases the Vte; it leads to hyperpolarization of the luminal membrane and depolarization of the
basolateral one. In contrast to luminal K⫹ channels, basolateral K⫹ channel activity increases the K⫹ concentration in the basolateral space, but K⫹ is not “lost” into the
lumen. Since luminal application of substrates, which are
reabsorbed in a Na⫹-dependent manner, results in a substantial increase of the transepithelial voltage, activation
of the basolateral K⫹ conductance probably supports this
transepithelial voltage effect (185, 638).
Relatively little is known about the molecular identity of the K⫹ channels involved in glucose and amino acid
reabsorption. Disruption of the KCNQ1 gene leads to a
decreased short-circuit current upon luminal addition of
glucose and phenylalanine, indicating that basolateral
KCNQ1 (probably coassembling with KCNE3) are required for physiological repolarization of the cell membrane during electrogenic transport (638). In an immunofluorescence study, a KCNJ13 (Kir7.1) staining pattern
was observed in the basolateral membrane of villus cells
of rat small intestine (438). In human small intestine,
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stimulation of vanilloid receptors (272); and luminal acid
and sham feeding (7, 595). The most powerful way of
stimulation of bicarbonate secretion appears to occur via
activation of the cGMP-dependent kinase II; activation of
secretion via protein kinase A and Ca2⫹-dependent pathways is less potent (497). Probably, basolateral K⫹ channels are directly involved in this regulation of bicarbonate
secretion. Blockers of Ca2⫹-activated KCNN4 channels,
such as clotrimazole and TRAM34, inhibit duodenal bicarbonate transport induced by stimulation of the Ca2⫹ pathway; however, these blockers have no effect on cAMP and
cGMP-activated secretion. On the other hand, Ca2⫹ ionophores and 1-EBIO, an activator of Ca2⫹-activated KCNNx
channels, stimulated bicarbonate secretion (119).
KCNJ13 also appears to be strongly expressed (479). Unfortunately, functional data highlighting the physiological
significance of KCNJ13 are not yet available.
1. What are the mechanisms underlying K⫹ channel
activation during reabsorptive activity of small
intestinal enterocytes?
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The main physiological task of the colonic mucosa is
reabsorption of Na⫹, Cl⫺, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA,
derived from bacterial fermentation), and water as well as
secretion of K⫹, HCO⫺
3 , and mucus (36, 662). The transport of these electrolytes is closely linked to the function
of K⫹ channels in the basolateral and luminal membranes
of colonic enterocytes. Under normal conditions, the colon performs net reabsorption: from the 1.5–2 liter of
water per day entering the colon, only some 0.1– 0.2 liter
of water is finally excreted via the feces. Under pathophysiological states, such as secretory diarrhea, colonic
secretion strongly increases. As a consequence, vectorial
transport of Na⫹, Cl⫺, HCO⫺
3 , and water is reversed and
stool volume can increase up to sixfold and more: the
body loses salt, water, and bicarbonate. In colonic mucosa, K⫹ channels are a prerequisite for electrogenic
transport. In addition, they are involved in cell volume
regulation and influence very important cellular functions
such as proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and carcinogenesis. Over the last decades, colonic K⫹ channels
have been studied extensively, which is mirrored by more
than 500 publications on that specific issue. Nevertheless,
a variety of K⫹ channel-related functions are still a matter
of debate, e.g., 1) contribution of specific K⫹ channels to
K⫹ secretion and vectorial transport; 2) missing function
of channels which are strongly expressed, e.g., KCNH8; or
3) changes in K⫹ channel expression: cause or consequence of carcinogenesis? In this section, we outline the
role of K⫹ channels for the function of colonic enterocytes.
A. Anatomy of the Colon
Cecum, proximal, and distal colon exhibit different
functional properties. Cecum and proximal colon have an
intermediate resistance of ⬃100 ⍀䡠cm2, and the distal
colon has a fourfold higher resistance (83, 158). In the
cecum, Na⫹ is reabsorbed electrogenically and electroneutrally. Na⫹ or cation-selective channels that are different from the ENaC are believed to underlie the electrogenic reabsorption (82, 563–565). Electroneutral reabsorption involves Na⫹/H⫹ and Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchange in the
luminal membrane. In the small intestine and colonic
crypt surface cells, the Na⫹/H⫹ exchanger type 3 (NHE3)
is the major isoform (170); in colonic crypt cells, NHE2 is
the dominant isoform in the luminal membrane (195) (Fig.
8). In proximal colon, also KCl cotransport has been
proposed as a luminal K⫹ secretory pathway. In the proximal colon, Na⫹ is predominantly reabsorbed in an electroneutral fashion, again via luminal Na⫹/H⫹ exchange in
concert with Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchangers. The major luminal
SLC26A3 (DRA) (559). As a ba3
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To fulfill varying physiological needs, the reabsorptive capacity of small intestinal epithelial cells is regulated
by transcriptional and nontranscriptional mechanisms.
The expression of transporters can vary over a broad
range depending on the functional requirements (45, 238,
301, 467, 470, 646). To our knowledge, nothing is known
about adaptive changes of K⫹ channel expression in small
intestinal enterocytes, and most of the studies have focused on nontranscriptional mechanisms of intestinal K⫹
channel regulation. There is good evidence for upregulation of K⫹ channels in response to increased transcellular
reabsorption and stimulated basolateral Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase
activity (“pump-leak parallelism,” Ref. 185). Also, pharmacological activation of basolateral K⫹ channels by cromakalim (543), pinacidil, BRL 38227 (234), and diazoxide
(405) has been shown to enhance Na⫹-coupled transport.
Physiologically, the basolateral K⫹ conductance is stimulated by reduction of the cytosolic ATP concentration
(405), by swelling-induced membrane stretch, and interaction with the cytoskeleton (379, 185), intracellular alkalinization (378), stimulation of Ca2⫹/calmodulin kinase
II, cytosolic Ca2⫹ (377), and the cGMP pathway (543).
Schultz and Dubinsky (556) have suggested that cell
swelling might be a key event for the upregulation of
basolateral K⫹ channels because swelling itself induces
several cellular changes such as reorganization of the
cytoskeleton, membrane stretch, and changes in cytosolic
Ca2⫹, which all by itself stimulate the K⫹ conductance.
Therefore, coordinated activation of K⫹ channels and
Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase possibly contributes to the phenomenon
of the “pump-(K⫹)-leak parallelism” (556). In the luminal
membrane of small intestinal cells, K⫹ channels probably
play no or only a minor role. It has been suggested that K⫹
secretion detectable in rat jejunum does not occur
through luminal K⫹ channels but via a pH-regulated and
channel-independent process. This process potentially involves K⫹/H⫹ exchange mechanism that is H⫹-K⫹-ATPase
independent (35, 70). Taken together, K⫹ channel regulation in small intestinal villus cells appears to be modulated dependent on the reabsorptive activity of the enterocytes. By this mechanism, the basolateral K⫹ conductance guarantees 1) a stable driving force for voltagedependent transport activity, 2) it serves cell volume
homeostasis, and 3) it recycles K⫹ which is constantly
taken up by the Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase.
solateral export system for Na⫹ and HCO⫺
3 x
stimulated by epinephrine (153, 561, 562). Na⫹ reabsorption through apical Na⫹ channels is of minor importance.
Moreover, aldosterone apparently increases only electroneutral reabsorption of Na⫹ but not the electrogenic one
(124, 153). In proximal colon, Ca2⫹-regulated K⫹ channels
have been found in the luminal and basolateral membrane. As in the distal colon, the total basolateral K⫹
conductance is decreased by agonists stimulating the
cAMP pathway (554). The distal colon is responsible for
fine tuning of the salt and water reabsorption and, when
stimulated, the colonic mucosa secretes mucus and fluid
to facilitate the passage of the feces. As the distal nephron
and sweat gland ducts, this segment of the gut is a target
tissue of mineralocorticoids that control Na⫹ reabsorption and K⫹ secretion. Additionally, a variety of other
hormones and mediators modulate colonic transport (Table 2). The colonic mucosa consists of crypts, which can
be divided into crypt surface, crypt middle, and crypt
base. Along the crypt axis, the differences in transport
properties reflect a differentiation process that occurs in
the short life span (3– 8 days in human, Refs. 320, 352) of
the crypt cells. The colonic crypt encompasses at least
three cell lineages: enterocytes, endocrine cells, and mucus-producing goblet cells. Renewal of crypt cells by proliferation of stem cells (located in a niche at the crypt
base), migration and differentiation, apoptosis, and exfoliation have to be tightly controlled to avoid ulceration on
the one hand and carcinogenesis on the other hand (226,
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623). With their migration (4.5 ␮m/h) from the crypt base
towards the surface, the functional properties of the enterocytes change (520, 626). At the crypt base, cells predominantly perform electrogenic Cl⫺ secretion. The major task of surface cells is to reabsorb Na⫹ and SCFA and
to secrete HCO⫺
3 and K . However, this “classical view” of
a strict functional gradient along the crypt axis is probably not correct: under certain conditions, surface cells
also contribute to Cl⫺ secretion, and crypt cells can fulfill
reabsorptive tasks, e.g., Na⫹ reabsorption via NHE2 (172,
Besides the net reabsorption of electrolytes and
SCFA, colonic mucosa reabsorbs water. Interestingly, the
precise mechanism of colonic water reabsorption is still
not well understood. Up to 1.5–2 liters of water are reabsorbed per day, but it is at present not clear how much of
the water passes transcellularly and paracellularly. Several aquaporins (AQP) are expressed in the colonic epithelium: AQP1, AQP3, AQP4, and AQP8 (373, 397). In
surface cells, AQP8 is located in the luminal membrane
and probably contributes to transcellular water transport
(317). AQP8 knockout mice only have a very mild phenotype, probably because other aquaporins or reabsorption
across the paracellular pathway compensate for the AQP8
defect. (683). AQP4 is mainly localized in the basolateral
membranes of the upper half of colonic crypts and at
higher levels in proximal than in distal colon. AQP4
knockout mice displayed reduced water permeability in
the proximal colon and a slightly increased water content
of the feces. Interestingly, cAMP-mediated secretion is
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FIG. 8. Principles of colonic ion transport. A: picture of an isolated colonic crypt. The arrows point to cells which correspond to the cell models
shown in B–D. B: transport model of a colonic crypt cell. Cl⫺ secretion in colonic crypt cells has three major components: luminal cAMP-activated
CFTR-dependent Cl⫺ channels, basolateral K⫹ channels (predominantly KCNE3/KCNQ1 and KCNN4), and Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹ cotransporter (NKCC1) as
main Cl⫺ uptake system. HCO⫺
3 transporters are found in the luminal and basolateral membrane and the Na /H exchanger type 2 (NHE2) in the
luminal membrane. K⫹ channels are also localized in the luminal membrane. C: ion transport in surface cells of proximal colon. Na⫹ is mainly
reabsorbed electroneutrally via apical Na⫹/H⫹ exchangers (mainly NHE3). Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchangers (mainly DRA) and Cl /small-chain fatty acid
(SCFA) exchangers have been observed in the luminal membrane, too. KCNMA1 (MaxiK) K⫹ channels appear to be a major pathway for luminal
K⫹ secretion. In the basolateral membrane, KCNE3/KCNQ1, KCNN4, and probably KCNK5 support electrogenic transport by hyperpolarizing the
membrane voltage. D: in surface cells of distal colon, Na⫹ reabsorption mainly occurs in an electrogenic way through epithelial sodium channels
(ENaC) in exchange for K⫹ (leaving the cell through apical K⫹ channels). Luminal H⫹-K⫹-ATPases (colonic type) are engaged in K⫹ reabsorption,
which is of importance during K⫹ deprivation (416).
Agonists modulating colonic transport
GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide)
Tachykinins (substance P,
neurokinin A and B,
neuropeptide B)
Trypsin, thrombin, tryptase
secretion 2
110, 116, 425
114, 178
25, 86
182, 533
cAMP2, Ca2⫹
K⫹ secretion
407, 654
K⫹ secretion
182, 336, 337, 399, 542
58, 182, 278
IP3, Ca2⫹
E, N
secretion 2
KCl secretion 2
SSTR1, 2, 5
M, feces E
G protein-coupled
NO (nitric oxide)
N, M, L
Tumor necrosis factor ␣
Bacterial toxins
Cholera toxin
Toxin of Y. enterocolitica
Heat-stable E. coli toxin
Heat-labile E. coli toxin
Toxin A of C. difficile
Ricinoleic acid
Bile salts
Ref. Nos.
E, N
NPY (neuropeptide Y), PYY
(peptide YY)
(E, SM)
E, N, SubE
113, 251, 278, 457
98, 236, 278, 583, 598
142, 624, 625
85, 182, 278, 315
47, 278, 589
111, 141, 278, 598, 657
278, 598
155, 503
secretion, inhibition 87, 390
of Na⫹ reabsorption
182, 670
67, 68, 182, 368, 501, 696
PGE2, histamine, 5-HT, NO secretion
450, 501
N, neurons; E, enterocytes; M, mast cells; EC, enterochromaffin cells; EE, enteroendocrine cells; SubE, subepithelial cells; ET, endothelial
cells; SM, smooth muscle cells; L, leukocytes; P, pituitary; “(s)”, species differences
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E, SubE
not affected by the AQP4 inactivation (649). The model of
colonic water reabsorption driven by an osmotic gradient
is challenged by the fact that osmolality of the feces is
probably rather high. Therefore, a special model of water
absorption in distal colon has been proposed: crypt cells
and pericryptal sheath surrounding colonic crypts act in
concert to perform effective water reabsorption (435,
436). In the future, integrative research on the axial gradients of aquaporin expression and the peculiar properties and composition of the paracellular pathway will help
to further elucidate colonic water reabsorption.
B. Pathways of Luminal Kⴙ Secretion
1. Luminal KCNMA1 (MaxiK) channels
Among the above-mentioned presumably luminal K⫹
channels, KCNMA1 is the one for which localization and
function in the luminal membrane is documented best. By
immunofluorescence, a KCNMA1-specific staining was
consistently observed in colonic surface cells (146), especially in the apical membrane (210, 503, 542). However,
the localization of KCNMA1 in the luminal membrane of
crypt cells described in these studies is controversial.
Recent studies provided evidence for alteration of KCNMA1 localization by ulcerative colitis and end-stage renal disease. In normal tissue, KCNMA1 was restricted to
surface cells; however, in ulcerative colitis and end-stage
renal disease, the KCNMA1 signal was also detected in
crypt cells. The authors concluded that the changes in
KCNMA1 expression might contribute to the fecal loss of
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2. Luminal KCNN4 (IK1, SK4, KCa3.1) channels?
In two studies, the localization of KCNN4 in rat colonic mucosa has been investigated; however, the staining
pattern differed. Using isolated crypts, Joiner et al. (268)
observed a strong basolateral staining in crypt cells and a
more diffuse pattern in surface cells. Furness et al. (163)
used tissue sections for immunohistochemistry. They observed a KCNN4 staining at the luminal and basolateral
membrane of enterocytes with a weaker signal at the
crypt base. Unfortunately, tissues from KCNN4 knockout
mice were not used as negative controls. Is KCNN4 a
pathway for luminal K⫹ secretion? Based on pharmacology and immunofluorescence, it has been concluded that
KCNN4 contributes to K⫹ secretion (268). However, two
other studies are questioning this conclusion. In colonic
mucosa of KCNN4 knockout mice, carbachol was still
able to activate luminal K⫹ channels, but the activation of
basolateral K⫹ channels was absent (146, 147, 400). The
data from KCNN4 knockout mice clearly point to the
relevance of KCNN4 as a basolateral channel. A major
contribution of KCNN4 to Ca2⫹-induced K⫹ secretion in
surface cells appears to be unlikely because this type of
secretion was virtually absent in KCNMA1 but not in
KCNN4 knockout mice (400).
3. Evidence for other K⫹ channels in the luminal
Analysis of K⫹ channel gene expression in colonic
mucosa suggests that, besides KCNN4 and KCNMA1,
members of the KCND, KCNH, KCNJ, and KCNK families
are also expressed (406). At present, functional data indicating a role for one or several of those channels for K⫹
secretion in the native tissue are not yet available.
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During the last years, much attention has been paid
to the regulation of colonic K⫹ secretion. This function of
colonocytes, which is controlled by mineralocorticoids, is
important for the maintenance of body K⫹ homeostasis.
In addition, luminal K⫹ channels are necessary to establish a sufficient driving force for Na⫹ reabsorption
through ENaC channels (210, 312, 359). However, the
molecular identity of the luminal K⫹ channels underlying
this K⫹ secretion is still a question of debate. The investigation of luminal K⫹ channels in the colon is hampered
by the fact that patch-clamp experiments of luminal membrane patches of native crypts are extremely difficult
because mucus and microvilli strongly impair seal formation. Therefore, most data have been obtained from isolated cells, cultured cells, or from Ussing chamber experiments. At present, several K⫹ channels are “hot” candidates as luminal K⫹ channels: 1) KCNMA1 (MaxiK) (63,
210, 400, 542), 2) KCNN4 (IK1 or SK4) (97, 163, 268), 3) a
chromanol 293B-sensitive K⫹ conductance (112) (which
was not observed in another study, Ref. 391), 4) a inwardly rectifying K⫹ channel probably belonging to the
KCNJ family (662), and 5) perhaps members of the KCNK
family (unpublished data).
K⫹ observed in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis
and end-stage renal disease (398, 536). The functional
importance of KCNMA1 as luminal K⫹ channel of colonic
crypts has been highlighted by numerous studies. In the
luminal membrane of colonic crypt cells, a large-conductance (200 –240 pS) K⫹ channel has been described that is
voltage dependent and regulated by pH, Ca2⫹, and the
cholesterol content of the membrane. Its abundance is
increased by high dietary K⫹ load, by aldosterone, and
probably also by glucocorticoids (63, 359, 537, 34, 318).
Moreover, KCNMA1 channels mediate K⫹ secretion upon
stimulation with luminal purines. This type of Ca2⫹-mediated K⫹ secretion is missing in KCNMA1 knockout mice
(542). These data are suggestive of a prominent role of
KCNMA1 during K⫹ secretion across the luminal membrane of colonocytes. However, there is also evidence
that luminal K⫹ secretion is more complex and probably
consists of several components (552).
C. Role of Kⴙ Channels for Clⴚ Secretion in
Colonic Crypt Cells
1. cAMP-mediated secretion
In crypt cells of large and small intestine, stimulation
of the cAMP pathway leads to sustained and strong secretion of electrolytes and water (Fig. 9). The primary ion
that is transported transcellularly is Cl⫺ and, therefore,
this type of secretion is called Cl⫺ secretion. The key
event for Cl⫺ secretion is the activation of the CFTRdependent Cl⫺ conductance in the luminal membrane. In
cystic fibrosis patients, whose CFTR is defective, this type
of secretion is strongly diminished or absent (312). Upon
activation of the Cl⫺ conductance, Cl⫺ leaves the cell into
the lumen, thus depolarizing the luminal membrane towards the equilibrium potential of Cl⫺. At the equilibrium
potential of Cl⫺, further Cl⫺ exit would be impossible.
Basolateral (and luminal) K⫹ channels hyperpolarize the
membrane, thereby energizing further luminal Cl⫺ exit.
There is evidence from KCNQ1 knockout mice and pharmacological data obtained from rat, rabbit, and human
tissue indicating that cAMP-activated Cl⫺ secretion
largely depends on the activity of basolateral heteromeric
KCNE3/KCNQ1 channels (357, 38, 112, 309, 380, 389, 549,
638). Only in guinea pig colon, no such function for
KCNE3/KCNQ1 has been observed (348).
Why is KCNE3/KCNQ1 in most species examined so
important for cAMP-mediated secretion? KCNE3/KCNQ1
is not the only K⫹ channel in the basolateral membrane of
crypt cells. Another major contributor under control conditions is the Ca2⫹-dependent KCNN4 K⫹ channel. However, after stimulation with cAMP, the cytosolic Ca2⫹
activity drops (probably due to voltage dependence of
Physiol Rev • VOL
Ca2⫹ influx pathways), and KCNN4 activity is shut off
(40). For this reason, the basolateral KCNE3/KCNQ1 K⫹
conductance is the bottleneck during cAMP-induced secretion, and inhibition of KCNE3/KCNQ1 almost completely abolishes electrogenic secretion. In small intestinal crypts, the contribution of KCNE3/KCNQ1 to electrogenic Cl⫺ secretion is less pronounced, and it accounts
only for ⬃50% (638, 663). The biophysical properties of
KCNE3/KCNQ1 are remarkable: homomeric KCNQ1 or
heteromeric KCNE1/KCNQ1 are voltage-sensitive and
slowly activating K⫹ channels (21, 539). Assembly of
KCNQ1 with its intestinal (KCNE3) or gastric (KCNE2)
subunits changes the biophysical properties completely:
KCNE3/KCNQ1 channels are much less voltage dependent and do not show slow activation, but they are constitutively open (549). Moreover, the assembly with different KCNE subunits modifies the pharmacological properties of KCNQ1 (59, 220, 221, 338, 339). The singlechannel conductance of KCNQ1 channels is very small
(221, 526, 567, 685), and from noise analysis, it was estimated to be below 3 pS in colonic epithelium (666).
Interestingly, KCNE3/KCNQ1 channels are stimulated in a
cAMP-dependent way, and they are able to generate a
hyperpolarized basolateral membrane voltage in colonic
crypt cells. The paracellular pathway between colonic
crypt cells is probably permeable for cations such as Na⫹.
Thus luminal and basolateral membranes are not electrically isolated from each other, and basolateral hyperpolarization drives a paracellular Na⫹ flux into the lumen
and hyperpolarizes the luminal membrane (659). By this
mechanism, the basolateral K⫹ conductance repolarizes
the luminal membrane and supports ongoing luminal Cl⫺
exit. In addition to CFTR-dependent Cl⫺ conductance and
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FIG. 9. cAMP- and Ca -stimulated Cl secretion of colonocytes. A: cAMP-mediated Cl secretion, e.g., by stimulation with prostaglandin E2
(PGE2). A primary event of cAMP-induced secretion is the activation of the luminal CFTR-dependent Cl⫺ conductance. In the basolateral membrane,
KCNE3/KCNQ1 channels are activated and hyperpolarize the basolateral membrane, thereby fueling luminal Cl⫺ exit. Na⫹ follows through the
paracellular pathway. In colonocytes, increases in cAMP lead to reduction of cytosolic Ca2⫹ activity. By this mechanism, luminal and basolateral
Ca2⫹-regulated K⫹ channels close. HCO⫺
-mediated secretion after stimulation with
3 can be secreted through CFTR or in exchange for Cl . B: Ca
acetylcholine. In contrast to cAMP stimulation, Ca2⫹ is not able to activate CFTR. Activity of basolateral KCNN4 K⫹ channels mirrors the time
course of acetylcholine-induced Ca increase. KCNE3/KCNQ1 channels are also activated by increased cytosolic Ca2⫹ activity. In the luminal
membrane, Ca2⫹-regulated K⫹ channels are stimulated and lead to electroneutral transcellular secretion of KCl. As a consequence of luminal K⫹
channel activity, the transepithelial voltage difference is small, and paracellular Na⫹ transport decreases.
2. cGMP-stimulated secretion
Stimulation of proximal colonic mucosa by agonists
acting via cGMP, e.g., guanylin (6, 152), leads to strong
secretion due to activation of CFTR Cl⫺ conductance. The
Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin apparently also
activates secretion as an exogenous agonist of guanylin
receptors. The effects of guanylin are virtually absent in
mice lacking intact CFTR (90). The effect of guanylin on
K⫹ channels in colonic mucosa has not yet been directly
tested, but presumably, KCNE3/KCNQ1 is responsible for
cGMP-mediated secretion too.
3. Secretion in response to increases in cytosolic Ca2⫹
Upon stimulation with agonists raising intracellular
Ca2⫹, colonic crypt cells hyperpolarize close to the equilibrium potential of K⫹ (Fig. 9B). The hyperpolarization is
due to a large increase in whole cell K⫹ conductance:
Ca2⫹ strongly activates Ca2⫹-sensitive basolateral (and to
lesser extent also luminal) K⫹ channels (662). With the
use of the patch-clamp technique, the most frequently
observed K⫹ channel in the basolateral membrane of
mammalian colonic crypts is a 10- to 25-pS small- to
intermediate-conductance K⫹ channel that is steeply regulated by Ca2⫹ in the physiological range (half-maximal
activation at 300 nM free Ca2⫹, Hill coefficient of 3) (40,
57, 106, 538). In cell-attached recordings, open probability
of this channel is increased by agonists increasing cytosolic Ca2⫹, e.g., carbachol, or by cell swelling (535, 669).
In excised patches, the channels show a run-down, but
channel activity can be refreshed by application of ATP,
suggesting that phosphorylation/dephosphorylation might
regulate the channel. The nature of the respective protein
kinase is still a matter of debate: the human channel has
been reported to be activated by protein kinase A (360,
538); however, this has not been observed for the rat
channel (446). Moreover, protein kinase C appears to be
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not involved in this regulation (107, 446). Probably, the
ATP effect is rather complex: a COOH-terminal domain of
the channel confers the ATP sensitivity without being
phosphorylated itself (173). Interestingly, aldosterone has
been claimed to inhibit the human Ca2⫹-activated K⫹
channel by a nongenomic mechanism (48, 49). Pharmacologically, the Ca2⫹-activated K⫹ channel of colonic
crypts is blocked by Ba2⫹ (90% inhibition at 100 ␮M),
charybdotoxin, TEA, clotrimazole (IC50 60 nM), quinine,
and quinidine. The channel is insensitive to the chromanol
293B (inhibitor of KCNQ1 channels) and activated by
1-EBIO (probably by shifting the Ca2⫹ sensitivity) (40,
108, 109, 128, 644, 662, 665). The functional properties of
the colonic Ca2⫹-activated K⫹ channel resemble those of
cloned human and mouse KCNN4 (SK4, IK1, KCa3.1) channels (244, 270, 355, 356, 640), and in fact, the rat KCNN4
was cloned from colonic crypts (644, 665). Interestingly,
the KCNN4 protein itself is not sensing Ca2⫹, but it becomes Ca2⫹-regulated by association with calmodulin
(134, 269, 281). The relevance of KCNN4 as basolateral K⫹
channel has been highlighted by recent studies on two
knockout models for this channel gene. Disruption of
KCNN4 severely impaired carbachol-induced short-circuit
current in Ussing chamber experiments. In wild-type animals, carbachol leads to a strong (and transient) lumennegative transepithelial voltage (induced by the large increase in basolateral KCNN4 conductance). In KCNN4
knockout mice, this lumen-negative transepithelial voltage deflection is strongly reduced (400) or even absent
(146), but carbachol induced a lumen-positive transepithelial voltage deflection due to activation of luminal
Ca2⫹-regulated K⫹ channels (probably KCNMA1) (400).
Besides hyperpolarization for energizing the transport, a luminal Cl⫺ conductance is needed for the induction of electrogenic Cl⫺ secretion. Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺
channels are not expressed in normal mucosa of distal
colon, or only at very low levels. However, there appears
to be expression of Ca2⫹-regulated Cl⫺ channels in proximal colon, e.g., members of the ClCa family (132). Very
recently, it was shown that bestrophin 1 is another good
candidate to underlie this conductance (23, 312, 313).
Under experimental conditions allowing detection of
small increases in luminal Cl⫺ conductance, Schultheiss
et al. (553) have observed activation of luminal Cl⫺ channels by cholinergic stimulation. This Cl⫺ conductance
was NO dependent and had pharmacological characteristics different from CFTR (553). Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺ channels can be hardly detected in normal distal colon, but
expression of those channels is increased after induction
of carcinogenesis, and a variety of cell lines derived from
intestinal tumors exhibit Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺ channels (23,
39). If Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺ channels are very weakly expressed under physiological conditions, how do Ca2⫹stimulating agonists stimulate Cl⫺ secretion in distal colon? The Ca2⫹-rising agonists predominantly activate ba-
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basolateral KCNE3/KCNQ1 channels, basolateral uptake
of Cl⫺ has also to be stimulated during secretion to provide sufficient intracellular Cl⫺. The major basolateral
Cl⫺ uptake system is the Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹ cotransporter
(NKCC1), which is stimulated by low intracellular Cl⫺,
cell shrinkage, and cAMP (91, 98, 188, 222, 371, 521).
Besides transcellular Cl⫺ transport, the colonic mucosa is
able to secrete HCO⫺
3 as anion, be it through CFTR or by
exchanging luminal SCFA (or Cl⫺) against HCO⫺
3 via luminal anion exchangers (SCFA/HCO⫺
or Cl⫺/
HCO3 exchanger, Fig. 9A) (36, 137, 138). Stimulation of
the cAMP pathway does not only increase electrolyte and
water secretion into the lumen, but it also activates production and secretion of mucus by enterocytes. Mucus
secretion by goblet cells is believed to occur mainly after
increases in cytosolic Ca2⫹ (for review, see Refs. 149,
D. Do Kⴙ Channels Influence Cell Fate,
Proliferation, and Carcinogenesis?
Over the last years, changes of K⫹ channel expression have been shown to be associated with cancer in a
growing number of publications. Apparently, the control
of the cell voltage and cell volume by K⫹ channels greatly
affects the regulation of the cell cycle, proliferation, and
apoptosis (189, 324, 456, 672). With regard to determination of cellular fate and cell differentiation, only a few
examples of primary involvement of K⫹ channels have
been described so far (30, 219).
In the colon, stem cells in the crypt base region
exhibit a very high proliferation rate; the daughter cells
differentiate and lose their proliferative capacity during
their migration to the surface. Finally, the surface cells
undergo apoptosis and are replaced by their successors.
In normal colon, exfoliation of nonapoptotic cells is believed to be a rare event. In tumor tissue, cells do not lose
their capacity to proliferate, and the initiation of apoptosis appears to be retarded: transformed colonocytes accumulate and large numbers of not yet apoptotic cells are
exfoliated into the lumen (320, 358). In renal proximal
tubular cells, KCNK5 (TASK2) K⫹ channels are required
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for apoptotic volume decrease, which is a key event during the process of apoptosis (316). So far, it is not known
whether KCNK5 plays a similar role for apoptotic volume
decrease in small and large intestine, where the channel is
also expressed. The changes in the cellular program during carcinogenesis go along with changes of protein expression and electrical properties. Several K⫹ channels
have been found to be overexpressed in cancer tissue,
e.g., members of the “EAG” family (KCNH1 and KCNH2)
(76, 473, 474), KCNC1 and KCNC4 (Kv3.1 and Kv3.4) (465,
586), KCNA5 (Kv1.5) (465, 586), KCNMA1 (MaxiK) (43),
and KCNK9 (TASK3) (329, 432, 484). Although the
changes in K⫹ channel expression are well documented, it
is often not clear whether those changes are causative for
carcinogenesis or an epiphenomenon reflecting dedifferentiation and ongoing proliferation. Analysis of gene expression profiles including K⫹ channels will help to improve our knowledge about the cellular phenomena underlying carcinogenesis. Moreover, tumor-associated K⫹
channels could serve as useful tumor markers and possible targets for local treatment of colonic cancer (591).
Over the past decades, studies of ion transport mechanisms in exocrine pancreas and salivary glands have
promoted our understanding of the principles underlying
exocrine secretion of epithelial cells. In the following, we
will delineate the putative roles of K⫹ channels in acinar
and duct cells of exocrine pancreas and salivary glands
and their contribution to transepithelial ion transport.
A. Enzyme and Clⴚ Secretion in Pancreatic Acinar
In humans, the epithelial cells of the exocrine pancreas secrete ⬃2 liters of alkaline and enzyme-rich fluid
per day. During the interdigestive phases, the secretory
rate is rather low (0.2– 0.3 ml/min). After ingestion of
food, the secretion rate increases 10-fold. Morphologically and functionally, the exocrine pancreas consists of
two parts, the acinar cells forming a NaCl- and enzymerich fluid and duct epithelial cells that produce bicarbonate-rich secretion. The major task of pancreatic acinar
cells is the secretion of digestive enzymes and zymogens
via exocytosis of enzyme-containing vesicles (so-called
zymogen granules, Fig. 10A) and transepithelial transport
of NaCl and water (496). The mechanisms by which zymogen granules fuse with the apical membrane and release their content have been studied extensively (for
review, see Ref. 257). Upon the fusion event, activation of
ion conductances and water channels in the granule mem-
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solateral K⫹ channels (and to less extent luminal K⫹
channels). Thereby, they increase the driving force for
luminal Cl⫺ exit through open Cl⫺ channels. The major
luminal Cl⫺ conductance is CFTR dependent, but CFTR is
not Ca2⫹ stimulated in colonocytes. Therefore, Ca2⫹-stimulated Cl⫺ secretion necessitates residual costimulation
with cAMP to keep CFTR active. Inhibition of the endogenous cAMP production by indomethacin (indomethacin
inhibits the generation of the cAMP-rising prostaglandin
E2) abolishes cholinergic Cl⫺ secretion. In the absence of
a relevant luminal Cl⫺ conductance, only the Ca2⫹-induced activation of luminal K⫹ channels can be observed
in transepithelial voltage measurements (391).
What is the physiological significance of Ca2⫹-induced Cl⫺ secretion in colonic mucosa? Compared with
cAMP-stimulated secretion, the effect of increased Ca2⫹
appears to be less important, because it is transient, and
it needs cAMP costimulation. Under physiological conditions, stimulation with acetylcholine leads to Ca2⫹-activated flush secretion of electrolytes, water, and mucus. In
addition, acetylcholine stimulates contraction of colonic
muscle and propulsion of the feces. In this regard, Ca2⫹induced secretion is probably important to guarantee low
friction for the propulsion of feces. Longer lasting or
repetitive activation of the Ca2⫹ pathway probably leads
to modification of the composition of the secreted fluid
due to activation of luminal K⫹ channels and reduction of
the paracellular Na⫹ flux: under such conditions, the mucosa secretes a KCl-rich fluid instead of NaCl.
brane is believed to facilitate the wash-out of the vesicle,
thereby discharging zymogens and enzymes into the lumen (258) (however, it should be stated that the major
component of the luminal agonist-elicited Cl⫺ conductance is independent from vesicular conductances, Ref.
253). With the use of molecular and biochemical approaches, ClC-2 and ClC-3 Cl⫺ channels, aquaporin-1 water channels KCNJ8 (⫽Kir6.1), and KCNQ1 K⫹ channels
have been identified in the vesicle membrane (614, 615). A
recent patch-clamp study has highlighted the putative role
of KCNJ8 K⫹ channels and ClC-2 and ClC-3 Cl⫺ channels
in freshly isolated zymogen granules (279). The regulation
of zymogen granule release is mainly triggered by agonists
leading to an IP3-mediated rise of cytosolic Ca2⫹, e.g.,
acetylcholine (via M1 and M3 muscarinic receptors, Refs.
169, 252) and CCK (via CCK1 and CCK2 receptors; however, the role of CCK in stimulating human acinar cells
has been questioned, Refs. 261, 517, 647).
In contrast to the few studies on ion channels located
on secretory vesicles, the cellular mechanism of transepithelial NaCl transport in acinar cells has been investigated extensively. The basic mechanisms are depicted in
Figure 10B. Cl⫺ is taken up across the basolateral memPhysiol Rev • VOL
brane via several transporters, i.e., the Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchanger (AE2, Ref. 529), the Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹ cotransporter
(NKCC1), and the thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter
(NCC, Ref. 697). In response to increases in cytosolic
Ca2⫹, the Cl⫺ conductance of the luminal membrane is
strongly enhanced (145, 394, 478, 693). K⫹ channels hyperpolarize the basolateral membrane, thereby creating
the driving force for luminal Cl⫺ exit through open channels (493). Na⫹ follows across the paracellular pathway
driven by the transepithelial voltage difference (492, 580).
As for enzyme release, hormonal stimulation by acetylcholine or CCK, which leads to rises of cytosolic Ca2⫹,
plays the central role for activating electrogenic Cl⫺ secretion (175, 423, 493, 496). In fact, the acetylcholine
signaling cascade involving a pivotal contribution of IP3
as a messenger releasing Ca2⫹ from internal stores has
been described for the first time in this tissue (590).
Increases in cytosolic Ca2⫹ activity induce impressive
changes of the ion conductance of pancreatic acinar cells.
In the relatively small surface of the luminal membrane, a
large number of Cl⫺ channels open in response to the rise
of Ca2⫹ (478), thus depolarizing the membrane voltage
from some ⫺40 to ⫺20 mV (580). The luminal Cl⫺ chan-
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FIG. 10. Ion transport in exocrine pancreas. A: histology of a pancreatic acinus cells. Zymogen-containing vesicles are localized at the apical
pole of the cells. B: model for Cl⫺ secretion in pancreatic acinar cells. Agonists raising cytosolic Ca2⫹ induce the opening of luminal Ca2⫹-regulated
Cl⫺ channels which depolarize the membrane close to the equilibrium potential of Cl⫺. Basolateral K⫹ channels [KCNE1/KCNQ1, KCNMA1 (MaxiK),
and others] hyperpolarize the membrane voltage below the equilibrium potential of Cl⫺, thus powering luminal Cl⫺ exit. Stimulation of the cAMP
pathway stimulates basolateral KCNQ1 channels. Ca2⫹-regulated nonselective cation channels probably play a minor role (478). Cl⫺/HCO⫺
exchanger (AE2), Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹ (NKCC1), and NaCl (NCC) cotransporters serve as Cl⫺ uptake mechanisms in the basolateral membrane. C: model
of transepithelial bicarbonate in pancreatic duct cells. At the basolateral membrane, bicarbonate is taken up by a Na -2HCO3 cotransporter (NBC).
Additionally, intracellular carbonic anhydrase accelerates formation of bicarbonate from CO2. Na⫹/H⫹ exchangers (NHE) extrude the H⫹ across the
basolateral membrane. Ca2⫹-activated KCNN4 (IK1) and large-conductance K⫹ channels (MaxiK) hyperpolarize the basolateral membrane and
create the driving force for luminal anion exit. In the luminal membrane, Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchangers (SLC26A3 and SLC26A6; Ref. 431) secrete
bicarbonate in exchange for Cl⫺, which leaves the cell through luminal CFTR-type Cl⫺ channels. In addition, non-CFTR-like channels might be also
present. During stimulated secretion, bicarbonate transport probably does not occur via Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchangers but predominantly through a
CFTR-dependent luminal HCO⫺
-regulated Cl⫺ channels appear to play a role during Ca2⫹-mediated secretion. Na⫹
3 conductance. In addition, Ca
follows through the paracellular pathway fueled by the transepithelial voltage.
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and prostaglandin E2 (probably via EP3 receptors), likely
because those receptors reduce the intracellular cAMP
concentration via inhibitory G proteins (330, 332). Although the above-mentioned studies suggest a substantial
contribution of KCNE1/KCNQ1 to Cl⫺ secretion of acinar
cells, KCNQ1 inhibitors do not have a relevant impact on
fluid and enzyme secretion of rat exocrine pancreas (333).
Therefore, KCNE1/KCNQ1 channels are not the bottle
neck limiting acetylcholine-induced secretion, and their
inhibition can be compensated. Further studies are
needed to identify and to characterize other basolateral
K⫹ channels. Taken together, Ca2⫹ and cAMP pathways
act, at least in part, in concert for inducing a strong
electrolyte secretion in pancreatic acinar cells.
B. Role of the Kⴙ Conductance for Bicarbonate
Secretion in Pancreatic Ducts
Pancreatic duct cells secrete a very alkaline fluid that
contains up to 140 mM bicarbonate under stimulated
conditions. Under resting conditions, the bicarbonate
concentration is in the range of 30 – 60 mM. Although the
composition of pancreatic juice during stimulated secretion has been known for a long time, it is still a matter of
debate by which mechanisms the ducts cells achieve such
high bicarbonate secretion (Fig. 10C). An excellent overview about the current knowledge of bicarbonate transport in pancreatic ducts is provided by Steward, Ishiguro,
and Case (588). Under resting conditions with relatively
low luminal concentrations of bicarbonate, a luminal Cl⫺/
3 exchanger (working in a 1:1 stoichiometry) is able
to transport HCO⫺
3 into the lumen energized by the concentration gradient of Cl⫺. Under stimulated conditions
with high luminal bicarbonate and low Cl⫺ concentrations, however, such a Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchanger would import bicarbonate. Therefore, other transport mechanisms
are needed to explain the secretion of HCO⫺
3 against the
chemical gradient (243, 588). One possibility is the presence of electrogenic Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchangers with a stoichiometry of 1:2 (e.g., SLC26A6), which are fueled by the
membrane voltage (243, 588). Such a secretion mode is
possible, if 1) Cl⫺ taken up by the Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchanger
does not accumulate in the cytosol (luminal Cl⫺ channels
are required as exit or recycling pathway) and 2) the
luminal membrane voltage is sufficiently hyperpolarized
(probably in the range of ⫺45 mV) to drive the negative
net charge out of the cell. Which mechanisms are responsible for hyperpolarizing the luminal membrane? Most
likely, the luminal membrane is hyperpolarized below the
equilibrium potential of Cl⫺ by basolateral K⫹ channels
(454). Those basolateral K⫹ channels can also induce
luminal hyperpolarization because the luminal and basolateral membrane are not electrically separated but connected via a Na⫹-permeable paracellular pathway (454).
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nels have been shown to have a very small single-channel
conductance (1–2 pS, Ref. 394), and they are not inhibited
by typical Cl⫺ channel inhibitors such as DIDS, NPPB,
and glibenclamide (693). From the halide permeability
sequence it was deduced that the CFTR Cl⫺ channel does
not underlie this conductance (693). In another study on
pig pancreatic acini, a ClC-2-like Cl⫺ channel has been
described (66). In parallel to activation of luminal Cl⫺
channels, Ca2⫹ stimulates K⫹ channels in the basolateral
membrane. This K⫹ conductance is required to hyperpolarize the membrane voltage below the equilibrium potential to fuel luminal Cl⫺ exit. In pancreatic acinar cells of
various species, a Ca2⫹-regulated large-conductance K⫹
channel (200 pS) has been observed upon stimulation
with the Ca2⫹ agonists acetylcholine, CCK, and bombesin
(254, 255, 396, 492, 494, 495, 599). In rodents, this largeconductance K⫹ channel appears to be expressed in an
age-dependent manner with low expression levels in
young and increased expression in adult animals (463). A
less frequent 50-pS K⫹ channel, which is voltage and Ca2⫹
activated, has been found in human and guinea pig pancreatic acinar cells (495, 599). In mouse pancreatic acini,
voltage-activated K⫹ channels (620) as well as pH-regulated inwardly rectifying K⫹ channels have been observed
that were not regulated by cAMP and cytosolic Ca2⫹
activity (545). It has been suggested that besides members
of the inward rectifier family also 2-P domain K⫹ channels
contribute to the pH-regulated K⫹ conductance of pancreatic acinar cells (126). Apparently different from the
K⫹ channels described above, a slowly activating and
voltage-dependent component of the K⫹ conductance in
pancreatic acinar cells is augmented after cholinergic
stimulation. This current can be inhibited by the KCNQ1
blocker 293B, and single-channel amplitude is very small,
both suggesting that KCNQ1 underlies this voltage-dependent K⫹ conductance of acinar cells (284, 302). The peculiar current kinetics and the fact that this current is
diminished in KCNE1 knockout mice speak in favor for an
assembly of KCNQ1 with its ␤-subunit KCNE1 (663).
In addition to hormone receptors coupling to the
IP3/Ca2⫹ pathway, pancreatic acinar cells express receptors whose stimulation leads to generation of cAMP, e.g.,
receptors for secretin and VIP. Compared with the prominent regulation by cytosolic Ca2⫹, stimulation of the
cAMP pathway is considered to be of minor importance
for the activation of Cl⫺ secretion (496). Interestingly, the
increase of cytosolic cAMP concentration strongly augments the voltage-dependent and slowly activating K⫹
current carried by heteromeric KCNE1/KCNQ1 K⫹ channels, but cAMP is not able to stimulate luminal Ca2⫹regulated Cl⫺ channels (286). Therefore, cAMP on its own
is not capable to induce transcellular Cl⫺ secretion, but it
probably enhances Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺ secretion by increasing the driving force for luminal Cl⫺ exit. The
KCNE1/KCNQ1 K⫹ current is inhibited by somatostatin
cells can be inhibited by ATP via purinergic receptor
stimulation (probably P2Y2 or P2Y4, Refs. 216, 584). ATP
is released from acinar cells after cholinergic stimulation
and might act as a paracrine factor coordinating acinar
and duct cell function (585). In contrast to basolateral
receptors, luminal puringeric receptors (probably P2X7
and P2X4) lead to depolarization of the membrane and
increases in whole cell conductance (216).
Taken together, sufficient activity of basolateral K⫹
channels is a prerequisite to drive apical electrogenic Cl⫺
and HCO⫺
3 secretion. Furthermore, hyperpolarization of
the basolateral membrane and depolarization of the luminal membrane establish a transepithelial voltage difference that in turn leads to paracellular Na⫹ flux into the
lumen. By these mechanisms, apical, basolateral, and
paracellular ways of ion transport cooperate to establish
secretion of HCO⫺
3 up to 150 mM.
1. What are the properties of the basolateral K⫹
C. Fluid and Electrolyte Secretion in Salivary
According to impalement studies on isolated perfused rat pancreatic ducts, resting pancreatic duct cells
have a hyperpolarized basolateral membrane voltage of
⫺60 to ⫺70 mV due to a high K⫹ conductance leading to
a basolateral resistance of 90 –120 ⍀䡠 cm2 (453, 454). The
luminal membrane of resting duct cells has a very high
electrical resistance of ⬃2,000 ⍀䡠cm2 and probably no
significant K⫹ conductance. The paracellular pathway, as
mentioned in the last paragraph, is Na⫹ permeable with
an estimated resistance of 50 – 80 ⍀䡠cm2. Several hormones stimulating secretion in acinar cells via increases
in cytosolic Ca2⫹ such as CCK, bombesin, and substance
P have no effect on duct cells (468). However, cholinergic
stimulation of the Ca2⫹ pathway and, more importantly,
increases in cAMP by stimulation with secretin, VIP, and
adrenaline (via ␤-receptors) lead to dramatic changes of
the electrical properties of duct cells: the basolateral K⫹
conductance is increased leading to a small hyperpolarization which is followed by depolarization caused by
strong activation of a luminal Cl⫺ conductance (452, 468).
The impressive increase in luminal ion conductance is
mirrored by a drop of the luminal resistance from 2,000 to
80 ⍀䡠cm2. There is experimental evidence for activation
of the luminal Cl⫺ conductance by cAMP and Ca2⫹ pathways (148, 468, 664). The cAMP-induced increase in basolateral K⫹ conductance is probably caused by activation of MaxiK channels via cAMP-dependent phosphorylation. It has been suggested that phosphorylation of
MaxiK channels alters the Ca2⫹ responsiveness of the
channel (187). Additional candidates for basolateral K⫹
channels are Ca2⫹-regulated KCNN4 (IK1) and pH- and
cell volume-sensitive KCNK5 (TASK2) channels (148,
618). Interestingly, the K⫹ conductance of pancreatic duct
In humans, per day more than 1 liter of saliva is
produced mainly by three pairs of large salivary glands,
i.e., sublingual, submandibular, and parotid glands. The
saliva is a watery secretion containing electrolytes, proteins, and mucus. The secretion of saliva is a highly
regulated process (via autonomic innervation) with relatively low rates between the meals and a very high secretion after stimulation, which is initiated by food-related
thoughts, smell and taste of food, and by mastication.
Cholinergic stimulation is a major way for activation
(547), but a variety of other factors and hormones also
modulate saliva production, e.g., ␤-adrenergic stimulation
(104, 264), substance P (265), and purinergic signaling
(680). Saliva is required to hydrate and to protect the
mucosa of the oral cavity, to facilitate milling and transport of the ingested food, to dissolve gustatory substances, to initiate digestion, and to protect against microbial, mechanical, and chemical insults (415, 548). The
physiological importance of saliva is highlighted by diseases of the salivary glands which result in reduced saliva
production, e.g., Sjögren’s syndrome (OMIM no. 270150),
cystic fibrosis (OMIM no. 219700), and chemotherapy
and irradiation for head and neck tumors. Clinical
symptoms encompass oral dryness (xerostomia), dysphagia, adherence of food to the oral mucosa, oral
burning, dental caries, changes in taste, inability to eat
dry food, intolerance to spicy food, inability to speak
for long periods, and chronic esophagitis due to reduced
clearance and buffering of gastric acid leaking back into
the esophagus (53). Like the secretory mechanism in
exocrine pancreas, saliva secretion involves two stages
(613). First, a fluid of plasmalike electrolyte composition
is formed by salivary acinar cells. Afterwards, the secre-
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Another possibility for achieving high luminal HCO⫺
concentrations would be a transport model with a HCO⫺
3permeable ion conductance in the luminal membrane.
The likely candidate for such a luminal HCO⫺
3 -permeable
channel is CFTR, which has been shown to conduct not
only Cl⫺ but also HCO⫺
3 (502, 582). Moreover, patients
suffering from cystic fibrosis display reduced alkalinization of pancreatic fluid (266, 297). Also for this model of
3 secretion, hyperpolarization of the luminal membrane below the equilibrium potential of HCO⫺
3 is required to energize luminal HCO⫺
K⫹ channels are probably responsible for hyperpolarizing
the luminal membrane. Interestingly, data from knockout
mice suggest a functional interplay between CFTR and
the Cl⫺/HCO⫺
3 exchanger SLC26A6 (653). Further work is
needed to elucidate the exciting and complex interactions
of Cl⫺- and HCO⫺
3 -transporting membrane proteins in the
luminal membrane of pancreatic duct cells.
tion is modified during its passage through the ducts:
NaCl is reabsorbed and K⫹ and HCO⫺
3 are secreted by the
duct epithelial cells (392). Below, the basic principles of
saliva formation and its modification along the ducts will
be outlined.
D. Formation of Primary Saliva by Acinus Cells
The principles of saliva production have been the
focus of several excellent reviews (392, 410, 415, 439, 504,
548, 609, 630), and useful lists of salivary gland-specific
gene expression and protein localization have been provided (214, 437). For primary saliva formation, the transcellular movement of Cl⫺ represents a pivotal step (Fig.
11). For this purpose, Cl⫺ is taken up basolaterally via the
Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹ cotransporter [NKCC1 (424) and the Cl⫺/
3 exchanger AE2 (214, 443)]. NKCC1 activity is increased during muscarinergic and ␤-adrenergic stimulation (131, 488). Data from NKCC1-deficient mice have
highlighted the importance of NKCC1 as Cl⫺ uptake
mechanism: saliva flow of the parotid gland was reduced
by some 60% in knockout mice, although these mice
showed a compensatory increase in basolateral Cl⫺/
3 exchange (130). At the luminal pole, Cl leaves the
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cell through Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺ channels. The BEST2
(vitelliform macular dystrophy 2-like protein 1) gene
product has been proposed to underlie this Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺ conductance, but this is still a matter of debate
(415, 437). Other Cl⫺ channels that expressed salivary
glands are ClC2 and ClC3 (437, 440). The luminal Cl⫺ exit
is energized by basolateral K⫹ channels that hyperpolarize the membrane voltage below the Cl⫺ equilibrium potential. With the use of patch-clamp techniques, Ca2⫹- and
voltage-activated K⫹ channels of large conductance (KCNMA1 ⫽ MaxiK ⫽ BK ⫽ Slo1, associated with the ␤-subunits KCNMB1 and KCNMB4) have been described in the
basolateral membrane of parotid and submandibular acinus cells (395, 441, 475). A second type of K⫹ channel
frequently observed in salivary glands is the Ca2⫹-activated K⫹ channel of intermediate single-channel conductance (KCNN4 ⫽ IK1 ⫽ SK4) (213, 246, 259, 441, 602).
Besides Ca2⫹, KCNN4 has been proposed to be activated
by protein kinase A in submandibular acinus cells (212).
Only in bovine parotid glands, an additional inwardly
rectifying K⫹ channel (KCNJ2) has been found (211). For
a long time, the relative contributions of the major channels, MaxiK and IK1, for the basolateral K⫹ conductance
was a matter of debate (245, 247, 592). In recent years,
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FIG. 11. Mechanisms of saliva formation. A: simplified scheme of saliva formation. In acinus cells, a NaCl-rich fluid is secreted. Duct cells
reabsorb Na⫹ and Cl⫺ transcellularly and secrete K⫹ and HCO⫺
is taken up by the basolateral
3 . B: transport model of a salivary acinus cells. Cl
Na⫹-2Cl⫺-K⫹ cotransporter (NKCC1) and by the anion exchanger (AE2) (214). HCO⫺
3 is formed from CO2 in a carbonic anhydrase-dependent way
(not shown); the H⫹ leaves the cell through a basolateral Na⫹/H⫹ exchanger (NHE1). Additionally, a basolateral Na⫹-HCO⫺
3 cotransporter has been
described (NBC1, Ref. 476; not shown in the model). Ca2⫹-activated Cl⫺ channels (perhaps BEST2, Ref. 437) serve as luminal Cl⫺ exit pathway. Na⫹
enters the lumen across the paracellular pathway driven by the transepithelial voltage; water follows probably transcellularly through aquaporins
(probably mainly AQP5, Ref. 99) [Adapted from Nakamoto et al. (437) and Turner and Sugiya (630).] C: working model of salivary duct function
during stimulated saliva production. Na⫹ is reabsorbed through ENaC and luminal Na⫹/H⫹ exchangers; Cl⫺ is reabsorbed by CFTR. HCO⫺
3 is taken
up by basolateral Na⫹-HCO⫺
exchanger (NHE1) is
3 cotransporters (NBC) secreted into the lumen via CFTR (370, 570). The basolateral Na /H
involved in the regulation of the cytosolic pH. The molecular nature of the luminal K⫹ channels is not precisely known. Ducts are relatively
impermeable to water; therefore, net absorption of ions results in hypotonic saliva.
E. Modification of the Primary Saliva by Duct
The major task of salivary gland duct epithelia is to
modify the plasmalike fluid secreted by acinar cells. Final
saliva composition and ion transport in ducts are dependent on the secretory status of the gland. At “low flow”
resting conditions, the ionic composition of the final saliva is (in mM): 3 Na⫹, 25 K⫹, 24 Cl⫺, and 3 HCO⫺
3 , pH 6.5;
after stimulation of saliva secretion by the autonomic
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nervous system, the saliva flow largely increases and the
ionic composition changes (in mM): 45 Na⫹, 21 K⫹, 40
Cl⫺, 26 HCO⫺
3 , pH 7.5 (410). This modification of primary
saliva during the passage through the duct system encompasses reabsorption of Na⫹ and Cl⫺ and secretion of K⫹
and HCO⫺
3 (613). Water is not reabsorbed or only very
little. Since the reabsorption of NaCl exceeds the secretion of K⫹ and HCO⫺
3 , the final saliva becomes hypotonic.
In the luminal membrane, Na⫹ is reabsorbed through
ENaC (84, 123). Cl⫺ enters the cells probably mainly via
the CFTR-dependent Cl⫺ conductance (695). In addition,
ClCA Cl⫺ channels have been described (242, 681). Basolaterally, Na⫹ is extruded by the Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase; Cl⫺
leaves the cell most likely through Cl⫺ channels. For the
luminal secretion of HCO⫺
3 , it has been suggested that
similar to pancreatic ducts luminal CFTR is involved in
this process (570, 695). In the luminal and basolateral
membrane of duct cells, several Na⫹-HCO⫺
3 cotransporting systems (NBC family, Ref. 525) have been found
whose expression patterns appear to vary in a gland-,
segment-, and species-dependent manner (3, 296, 347, 433,
476, 528, 530). Basolateral NBC transporters act as uptake
systems for HCO⫺
3 , and luminal NBC transporters have
been suggested to work as salvage mechanism: in the
resting gland, ducts appear to reabsorb HCO⫺
3 rather than
secreting it, resulting in a relatively low pH (6.5) of the
final saliva at these conditions (370, 613). Electrogenic
NBC transporters (229), e.g., NBC1 in the luminal membrane of ducts of guinea pig parotid gland, could, in
principle, participate in luminal HCO⫺
3 secretion (dependent on a sufficiently hyperpolarized luminal membrane)
(347, 525). Relatively little is known about the K⫹ channels underlying luminal K⫹ secretion (486) (for an overview of the expression of K⫹ channel in salivary glands,
see Table 1). In duct cells, K⫹ channels are needed to
energize voltage-dependent transport processes, e.g., lu⫹
uptake as well as basolateral
minal HCO⫺
3 exit and Na
uptake of HCO3 by electrogenic members of the NBC
transporter family. Furthermore, luminal K⫹ channels are
the likely pathway for K⫹ secretion, and basolateral K⫹
channels are needed to recycle K⫹ that has been taken up
by the Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase. As such a way for luminal K⫹
secretion, KCNJ1 (ROMK)-like channels have been described in human submandibular cells (353). With the use
of immunofluorescence techniques, a KCNN4 (IK1, SK4)specific strong signal was observed in intercalated ducts
of the submandibular gland (618); however, functional
data evaluating the significance of KCNN4 in salivary
ducts have not yet been published. Further studies are
needed to evaluate the functional contribution of KCNJ1
and KCNN4 channels and to identify additional K⫹ channel candidates supporting the ion transport in salivary
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several interesting studies on genetically modified mice
have shed light on the role of these channels during
secretion. Interestingly, KCNN4 (IK1) knockout mice displayed normal activated fluid secretion in parotid glands,
although the linear (KCNN4-specific) K⫹ current component was diminished (27). Also KCNMA1 (MaxiK) knockout mice showed a mild phenotype with a normal secretion rate and slight changes of the ionic composition of
the saliva (523). However, KCNMA1/KCNN4 double
knockout mice exhibited a severely reduced secretion
rate of parotid (523) and submandibular glands (524),
indicating that both channels are important. The membrane voltage of acinar cells of double knockout mice was
depolarized. Upon cholinergic stimulation, the cells depolarized further, which is indicative of the activation of
Ca2⫹-regulated Cl⫺ channels in the absence of Ca2⫹-regulated K⫹ conductance (523, 524). In conclusion, MaxiK
and IK1 K⫹ channels underlie the Ca2⫹-regulated basolateral K⫹ conductance in salivary glands and contribute to
the electrical driving force for luminal Cl⫺ exit. The Cl⫺
channel-induced depolarization of the luminal membrane
and the K⫹ channel-induced hyperpolarization of the basolateral membrane establish a lumen-negative Vte that
drives Na⫹ through the paracellular pathway into the
lumen (492, 630). Parallel to the Ca2⫹-induced cellular
changes leading to NaCl secretion, rises in Ca2⫹ stimulate
the insertion of AQP5 into the luminal membrane (249,
401). The increased cellular water permeability and the
osmotic gradient built by the secretion of NaCl result in a
water flux into the lumen. Although a variety of different
aquaporins are expressed in salivary glands (99), the severely impaired water flux observed in AQP5-deficient
mice underlines the importance of AQP5 for fluid secretion of acinar cells (303, 372). Additionally, there is evidence for a paracellular water flux in submandibular
gland (434). Taken together, the Ca2⫹-induced concerted
activation of luminal and basolateral transport systems
results in the secretion of large amounts of isotonic NaClrich fluid. Additionally, salivary proteins are secreted in
acinar cells via exocytosis of zymogen-containing granules. The secretion of salivary proteins is stimulated in
response to rises of cAMP, e.g., after VIP or ␤-adrenergic
stimulation (248, 415).
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covery of small interfering RNAs (siRNA) as a novel way
of posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression and
the availability of the siRNA technique to knock-down
already synthesized RNA offer new perspectives for basic
and applied research. In the future, the integrative use of
molecular and functional techniques and of modern methods of the postgenome era will further improve our
knowledge about the multifaceted functions of gastrointestinal K⫹ channels and their potential clinical implications.
We thank Dr. Weber for critically reading the manuscript
and Prof. Dr. Kunzelmann for fruitful discussions.
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: R.
Warth, Institute of Physiology, Universitaetstrasse 31, 93053
Regensburg, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]).
This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant SFB699.
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Advances in electrophysiological and molecular techniques as well as genomics and proteomics approaches
have enormously improved our understanding of K⫹
channels over the last 25 years. In the epithelia of the
gastrointestinal tract, K⫹ channels serve a variety of important functions, and their large molecular diversity allows precise adaptation to the complex needs. Such vital
functions of K⫹ channels encompass 1) the K⫹ channelmediated hyperpolarization as a prerequisite of vectorial
transport across the epithelial cells. By this mechanism,
many different K⫹ channels energize voltage-driven transport processes, e.g., electrogenic glucose reabsorption in
small intestine, colonic Na⫹ reabsorption by epithelial
Na⫹ channels, and Cl⫺ secretion in crypt cells or exocrine
glands. Moreover, the polarized activation of K⫹ channels
in basolateral or luminal membranes is a critical factor for
the establishment of a transepithelial voltage difference
that is needed to drive ion transport across the paracellular pathway. 2) Luminal MaxiK channels in the colonic
surface cells act as an exit pathway for K⫹. These mineralocorticoids-controlled channels play a significant role
for the fine-tuning of the electrolyte homeostasis. 3) Several K⫹ channels act in concert with K⫹-transporting
ATPases by allowing K⫹ recycling across the plasma
membrane. A prominent example for this function is the
KCNE2/KCNQ1 heteromeric K⫹ channel, whose activity is
indispensable for gastric acid secretion by the H⫹-K⫹ATPase. 4) K⫹ channels play a role in cellular volume
regulation. During reabsorption of nutrients, epithelial
cells transport vast amounts of osmolytes and, therefore,
they are continuously challenged by changes of cell volume. Cell volume-dependent activation of K⫹ channels is
needed to counterbalance the cellular increase in osmolytes and induces regulatory volume decrease after
cell swelling. 5) K⫹ channels are involved in the control of
cell differentiation, proliferation, and carcinogenesis. Unfortunately, in many cases it is not clear whether changes
in K⫹ function are causative or secondary. Nevertheless,
few examples have illustrated the potential of K⫹ channels to play a crucial role for differentiation, apoptosis,
and carcinogenesis.
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