
Anatomy and Physiology
Springbrook High School
Mrs. Maria McAndrews
[email protected]
Overview of Course:
Anatomy and Physiology is an advanced level course in which students study structures,
functions, and dysfunctions of the major systems of the human body. The course is intended for
all students who wish to study how the human body operates. Dissection is a requirement for this
Intro to Anatomy and Physiology - Ch. 1/Ch. 2
Cells and Tissue – Ch. 3
Integumentary System – Ch. 4
Skeletal System – Ch. 5
Muscular System – Ch. 6
Digestive System – Ch. 14
Nervous System – Ch. 7- Brain Dissection
Cardiovascular System (Blood) – Ch. 10/11
Heart Dissection
Respiratory System – Ch. 13- Pluck Dissection
Urinary System – Ch. 15- Kidney Dissection
Endocrine System - Ch. 9
Lymphatic System - Ch. 12
Reproductive System – Ch. 16- Uterus Dissection
Disease Discovery
Skin Diseases
Bone Diseases
Muscle Diseases
Digestive Diseases
Nervous System Diseases
Heart Diseases
Lung Disease
Urinary Diseases
Endocrine Disorders
Autoimmune Diseases
Reproductive Diseases
The content of the course will emphasize:
 TERMINOLOGY used to describe the human body and its function…there is a lot, so be
prepared to memorize and share mnemonic devices with each other.
 Read the Text Assignments
 Study Vocabulary
 Bring Textbook to class
 Bring a Pen or Pencil, Notebook, and Colored pencils to class
Standards-Based Grading and Reporting
Student work will be assigned to one of three weighted categories:
 Homework (10%)
 Formative Assessments (50%) Examples: projects, labs, class assignments, exit cards,
and quizzes
 Summative Assessments (40%) Examples: projects, quizzes, and unit tests
Category percentages are then added together to determine the student’s total percentage grade.
Marking period grades are assigned using the following scale:
A = 100 - 89.5%
B = 89.4 – 79.5% C = 79.4 – 69.5% D = 69.4 – 59.5% E = 59.4 – 0%
Late Work / Missing Work / Make-Up Work:
 Each assignment will have a due date. This is the date by which you are expected to
submit the assignment. Your grade will drop one letter grade if it is not turned in by the
due date.
 The deadline is the last day an assignment will be accepted for a grade. Work not turned
in by the deadline will be considered missing and receive a zero.
 Make-up work: All work missed due to an excused absence must be made up within a
reasonable time frame which is agreed upon between the teacher and the student. Special
arrangements must be made with the teacher to make-up work due to an extended
excused absence.
 Students should take advantage of the One-Lunch program to complete missing
assignments and to receive extra academic support.
Retake/Reassessment policy:
If it is determined by the teacher that a reteach/reassess is necessary for a formative assessment
then the teacher will announce at that time the date for the reteach and reassessment. All
students may participate in the reteach/reassess regardless of original grade. Summative and
Homework assignments are not reassessable.
Z’s and 0’s:
When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/
assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a
teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the
task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero. Z’s count as a zero and show that the student did
not turn in the assignment.
Student Handbook – Check for dates of assignments, quizzes and tests
Back-to-School Night - September 17th at 7:00 p.m. (6:00 p.m. for IB and ESOL Parents)
Progress Reports/Interims and Report Cards
On-Line Grades through Springbrook High School’s Homepage www.springbrookhs.org
Click on “Edline” link.
 Edline will contain assignments and due dates for the following: homework, quizzes, test,
projects and lab work.
 I may be contacted directly through my email address below.
o [email protected]
MYP Course Expectation
As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Science:
Science Objectives:
A. Using knowledge
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain scientific knowledge
2. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations
3. analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments
B. Inquiring and designing
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
2. formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning
3. explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected
4. design scientific investigations
C. Processing and evaluating
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. present collected and transformed data
2. interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning
3. evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation
4. evaluate the validity of the method
5. discuss improvements or extensions to the method
D. Reflecting on the impact of science
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue
2. discuss and evaluate the various implications of the use of science and its application in solving a specific
problem or issue
3. apply communication modes effectively
4. document the work of others and sources of information used.
As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria.
Science Criteria
The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement
of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in science on which
students will be assessed. The criteria for science are:
Learning Objective
Max Rubric
Criterion A
Using knowledge
Maximum 8
Criterion B
Inquiring and designing
Maximum 8
Criterion C
Processing and evaluating
Maximum 8
Criterion D
Reflecting on the impacts of Maximum 8
Students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives may be reported on Edline as an ungraded assignment.
Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’
achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled.
Springbrook High School Science Department
AP Chemistry 2016-2017
Instructor: Dr. Rock Classroom F113
[email protected]
Science Office (301) 989-6064
Academic Support: Lunch MonFriday or after school by appt
AP Chemistry is a college level class providing the basic body of chemical information and
laboratory experience typically covered in a two semester introductory sequence in chemistry. At some
colleges and universities, high scores on the AP Chemistry exam allow a student to claim up to 8 to 10
academic credits. The curriculum for double period AP Chemistry addresses all topics required for
Advanced Placement Chemistry by the College Board. A student who works to complete this course
will acquire a solid preparation for college chemistry, exposure to laboratory methods and procedures,
rigorous practice in problem solving, great practice in analytical skills, and a working familiarity with
chemical concepts and many of their real world applications.
***A detailed syllabus for AP Chemistry is attached and posted at our class site on Edline***
1. Do the work: Experience has shown that completing homework is the most important indicator for
success on the AP Chemistry exam. Study groups are an extremely effective way to accomplish this and
learn the course material.
2. Ask questions: Ask questions in class, after class, during help sessions, and on your own. Continually
ask yourself if you understand the material, and push yourself to clear up questions as they arise.
3. Stay organized: Having an organized system for keeping your work is so important that I will check
yours periodically.
4. Mutual respect: My aim is for every student to feel comfortable in the classroom, and empowered to learn.
No question asked with sincere intent is a poor question since from your point of view, it needs to be asked!
Truth comes out of error more easily than out of confusion.
Francis Bacon
(In other words: Chem is try!)
Plan that you will be working on AP Chemistry at least 45 minutes to one hour every night!
Class Materials:
1. Text:
11th Edition, Brown, LeMay and Bursten’s Chemistry, the Central Science.
We will also have test preparation workbook to accompany this text.
2. Bring a scientific calculator to class each day!
3. Organization:- A well-defined system for organizing notes, class work, handouts, tests and homework is
required. You will design this system and will turn in a written explanation of what you will be doing to stay
organized. Do what works best for you, and modify it as needed. Bring it to class each day. A notebook for
recording your lab data will be kept in the classroom at your lab station.
1. Neatness: If a paper is unreadable, it will be returned to the student ungraded, with one day to rewrite the
2. Late work: Assignments will have a due date, after which the equivalent of a letter grade (10%) is
deducted, and a deadline, after which the assignment will be considered missing and will receive no
1. Reading - Students are responsible for reading assigned sections in the text. Effective reading includes
identifying and recording important terms, working through sample problems and formulating questions for
clarification in class. Occasionally notes may be checked, or quizzes may be given on textbook material.
2. Lecture notes – Lectures will clarify or enhance the assigned reading. Materials presented will appear on
quizzes and tests. Students will establish study skills to take their own notes and review them often.
3. Problem Sets – For each unit, exercises in the chapter and problems at the end of the chapter will be
assigned. Other problem sets will supplement the text. While problem sets may be collected from
students on the day of a unit exam, it is important to do them promptly to prepare for class, and they
will often be checked for completion on their due date, and quizzes will be based on the problem sets.
4. Tests – Tests in AP Chemistry are designed to evaluate class achievement, help prepare for college
exams and, of course, to prepare for the AP exam in May. Tests are multiple choice, problem-solving
and short essays.
5. Much of our problem solving work in class will be done cooperatively. For individual assignments, however,
such as lab write-ups and tests, all written work is to be completed individually. Copying, rephrasing, or
“checking the answers” from the work of another student will result in a drastic reduction in grade for both
students involved.
Grading Basics:
Points will be assigned to every test, quiz, lab and homework assignment. Grades will be based on the percentage
of total points earned, and total points will be determined using a weighted average:
Summative Assessments: Mainly tests and quizzes - 2 to 3 tests per quarter, quizzes 1 to 3 weekly – 40%.
Formative Assessments: Mainly quizzes, lab and class work - 50%.
Homework – Timely completion of homework is critical to success in AP Chemistry. Efforts made at home will
often be checked for completion, reinforced and expanded upon in class, and homework content will be tested in
quizzes-homework completion 10%
Make-up work – If absent for any reason, students are expected to take responsibility for finding out about make
up work, and making up any work missed within a reasonable time agreed upon by student and teacher. This
includes obtaining lecture notes, and arranging times to make up labs, quizzes and tests. Missed laboratory
assignments, quizzes and tests can be made up during lunch Monday through Friday, or after school by
Laboratory Work:
1. Although you are up and moving around when in the lab, this is a time for careful movement and directed
attention. You will be handling potentially dangerous chemicals and equipment. We will review appropriate
laboratory practices and all laboratory rules will be strictly enforced. Failure to follow the rules will result in
a score of zero on the lab and/or administrative referral.
2. Pre-laboratory assignments must be completed before lab work is initiated.
3 Unless stated otherwise, each student is responsible for doing their own work on each aspect of a lab
activity (recording data, doing calculations, abstracts, reports, etc.) and receives his or her own grade.
More useful information on MCPS grading policies – these guidelines will be followed
throughout the year:
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower
than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the
teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to
meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a
zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are
expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities
for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when
the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework
assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and
learning process.
Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of
the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension,
the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher
does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an
extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a
student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student
can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit
for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the
principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Retake/Reassessment Policy
Some formative quizzes or other formative assignments will be available for
reassessment as determined by the teacher. The reassessment can be for all or a
portion of the original assignment, and the format will also be determined by the
teacher. Reassessment will be available after re-teaching. Re-teaching may be done
by the teacher, it may be comprised of peer to peer re-teaching done in student groups,
or it may consist of a student correcting their work with access to teacher input. The
teacher will be available during lunch for re-teaching prior to reassessment. All
students may participate in the reteach/reassess regardless of original grade. The
window to complete reassessments will be determined by the teacher and will be
communicated to students when the reassessment opportunity is announced. No
reassessments will be accepted following that time. Summative assessments are not
available for reassessment. The reassessment grade replaces the original grade even if
the reassessment grade is lower.
Springbrook High School Advanced Placement Chemistry
Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1
Intro to Matter and Measurement: Atoms, Ions and Molecules
Recall definitions and provide examples of physical and chemical change
Recall the three states of matter, their general properties and the methods for their
Understand and be able to perform calculations using scientific notation (standard
For the metric system, state the basic units of mass, length, and volume, and the
common prefixes. Be able to convert between units using the factor-label method
Solve quantitative problems using conversion factors.
Understand the concept of derived units and use relationships relating to density
Distinguish between intensive and extensive properties
Recall the meaning of uncertainty and understand and be able to use the rules for
determining significant figures, rounding off, and expressing in scientific notation.
Understand the differences between the concepts of accuracy and precision
Understand and be able to illustrate the difference between random and systematic
Convert between Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales.
Know the difference between elements, mixtures and compounds including the
difference between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures, and illustrate those
differences using separation methods.
Explain the laws of definite and multiple proportions.
Discuss the development of atomic theory through Dalton, Thomson and Rutherford.
Know the three particles that make up the atom and their relative charges, masses and
positions in the atom.
Be able to use atomic number (Z) and mass number (A) notation to calculate the
numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons present.
Know what the term isotope means and be able to perform simple calculations relating
to isotopic data, including the average atomic mass of an element
Describe how the mass spectrometer can be used to determine relative isotopic, masses
using the 12C scale.
Understand, that in very general terms, nuclear reactions (radiation, fission and fusion)
involve the rearrangement of the nucleus and chemical reactions involve the
rearrangement of electrons.
Describe ionic and covalent bonding.
Identify seven diatomic elements.
Describe and understand the potential energy vs nuclear distance graph for a diatomic
Understand the meaning of the terms molecule and ion
Be able to identify groups (name), periods, metals and non-metals on the periodic
Learn the lists of common anions and cations (including polyatomic ions)
Know how to combine those anions and cations (including polyatomic ions) in the
correct proportions to form ionic compounds with no net charge.
Be able to name binary ionic and molecular compounds
Be able to name simple binary acids oxoacids
Be able to name ionic compounds containing polyatomic anions, including oxoanions
Be able to name hydrated salts
Be able to name and write formulas for the first ten alkanes
Nuclear Chemistry
Relate the stability of a nucleus to the number of protons and neutrons.
Define and identify the types of radioactive decay.
Solve half-life problems.
Define and identify nuclear transformations.
Write balanced nuclear equations.
Unit 2
Understand and be able to apply the concept of the mole in chemical calculations
(including the application of Avogadro's number)
Understand the definition of an atomic mass unit, and its relationship to atomic mass.
Know how to convert between molar mass, moles, mass, and particles in a given
Calculate the percent composition of a compound.
Be able to calculate empirical formulas from % by mass data
Be able to convert empirical formulas to molecular formulas given molar mass data
Be able to write chemical equations in words
Be able to write chemical equations using chemical formulas and chemical symbols
(this requires knowledge, and correct use of, chemical nomenclature)
Understand, and be able to use, state symbols as part of chemical equation writing
Be able to balance chemical equations
Understand why balancing chemical equations is important
Understand the importance of, and be able to apply, the concept of stoichiometric
coefficients relating to reacting ratios
Be able to use combustion data to calculate empirical formulas of compounds
Use precipitation analysis to find the % of a pure substance in a mixed sample.
Be able to calculate the formulas of hydrated salts from experimental data
Understand, and be able to apply, the concept of a limiting reactant
Understand, and be able to apply, the concept of percentage yield
Know how to calculate the number of moles of a solution present in a reaction from
Be able to perform calculations relating to dilution
Be able to calculate the individual ion concentrations when ionic compounds are
dissolved in water
Aqueous Chemistry
Understand that a reaction in aqueous solution is one that is carried out in water
Understand the terms electrolyte, weak electrolyte and non-electrolyte and be able to
predict which compounds fall into which category
Learn and be able to apply solubility rules
Recall that an acid is a hydrogen ion donor
Recall that a base is a hydrogen ion acceptor
Distinguish between the terms: dissolution, dissociation and ionization
Understand how the degree of ionization/dissociation determines the strength of an
acid and a base
Understand that in a neutralization reaction an acid and base react to form a salt and
Predict the products of double replacement reactions (precipitate, weak electrolyte, and
Understand that oxidation and reduction can be described in terms of loss and gain of
electrons respectively
Be able to find the oxidation number of an element within a compound
Identify redox reactions and identify oxidizing and reducing agents.
Balance redox reactions by the half-reaction method
Recognize the different types of redox reaction. Namely synthesis (combination),
decomposition, combustion, and single replacement including metal displacement,
hydrogen displacement from water and acids and halogen displacement
Learn and be able to use the activity series as a tool for predicting displacement
Understand the concept of disproportionation
Understand the difference between, and be able to write, molecular, ionic and net ionic
equations for the reaction types studied in this unit
Solve stoichiometry problems for all three types of reactions.
Recall and understand the technique of titration
Be able to carry out simple quantitative moles calculations using titration data
Unit 3
Define potential energy, kinetic energy, heat, work, system, surroundings, exothermic and
Relate work and heat to the first law of thermodynamics E = q + w
Understand specific heat and heat capacity
Be able to solve calorimetry problems to find specific heat or heat capacity, or use specific
heat to find the heat change when the temperature of a pure substance is altered.
Interpret heating and cooling curves.
Relate bond formation to the release of energy and bond breaking to the absorption of
Understand, be able to quote a definition and write appropriate equations for standard
enthalpy of formation
Understand, be able to quote a definition and write appropriate equations for standard
enthalpy of a reaction
Be able to solve a calorimetry problem to determine the enthalpy of a reaction
Understand and be able to use a Hess's Law cycle to calculate a given enthalpy change
Electronic Structure
Apply the fundamental expression relating the frequency, wavelength, and velocity of
electromagnetic radiation, with appropriate regard for units.
Describe how light is dispersed into a spectrum and the difference between continuous and
line spectra.
Appreciate that the electron can be considered to have wave like properties as well as
particle type properties
Understand how line emission spectra are formed
Understand the relationship of energy to frequency including Planck’s constant
Explain how Einstein accounted for the photoelectric effect by considering radiant energy
as particles.
Describe and apply Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom: the assumptions, the picture of the
atom, the energy expression, and the energy-level diagram.
Understand and use the Rydberg equation
Summarize de Broglie's and Heisenberg's ideas.
Explain the differences between Bohr's and Schroedinger's models of the atom.
Understand the concept of electrons in shells and the use of quantum numbers
Understand the use of the terms s, p, d and f and their use in orbital notation
Recall the shapes of the s, p and d orbitals, and recall that orbitals are electron probability
Understand the rules for filling orbitals (the Aufbau process) and determining electronic
configuration including the Pauli exclusion principle, Hund's rule of maximum
multiplicity and notable exceptions
Be able to construct the electronic configuration of the elements using the s, p and d and f
Be able to construct the electronic configuration of the elements using the noble gas core
and s, p, d and f notation
Be able to construct the electronic configuration of simple ions (including d block ions)
Be able to describe electronic configurations using the electrons in boxes notation
Recall the meaning of the terms paramagnetic, diamagnetic and isoelectronic
Use the periodic table to describe the Aufbau process; and explain the basic features of the
electron configurations of the representative and transition elements, especially the
number of valence electrons in each representative group.
Recall and understand that the noble gases have full outer shells that represent stable
electronic configurations with low potential energy and since chemical reactivity is
determined by electronic configuration these elements are stable and relatively inert
Interpret PES data to show relative energies of electrons in an atom, and the relative
number of electrons in different energy levels.
Transition Metal Basics
Understand the concept of the dative (co-ordinate) bond related to Lewis structures
Write electron configurations for transition metals and their ions.
Understand that polarization caused by small highly charged cations leads to ionic
compounds exhibiting some covalent character
Define coordination compound, coordination number, ligand, complex ion, and chelate.
Identify some common ligands.
Be able to name well-known transition metal complex ions by color, and understand why
color occurs in d block complexes.
Name and write formulas for coordination compounds.
Predict products for reactions involving complex ions (ligand exchange and
decomposition), and be able to write net ionic equations to describe those reactions.
Unit 4
Define first, second, and third ionization energies; describe the factors that affect the
magnitude of these ionization energies; and relate ionization energies to the location of
elements in the periodic table.
Define electron affinity; cite the factors influencing its magnitude; and describe the
variation of electron affinity within periods and groups of the periodic table.
Recall how and why atomic and ionic size vary when moving about the periodic table
Relate Coulomb’s Law, the shell model, the concept of shielding/effective nuclear charge
as factors in understanding periodic trends.
Be able to predict the group an element is in from ionization energy data
Understand electronic shielding effects
Understand how many physical properties (e.g. density, color) change gradually when
moving across a period or up and down a group
Understand the lanthanide contraction
Bonding and Molecular Geometry
Understand that when forming chemical bonds atoms are attempting to form more stable
electronic configurations
Explain ionic bonding, bond energy, bond length, covalent bonding and polar covalent
Define electronegativity, and use its values to assess relative metallic/nonmetallic
characteristics of an element
Understand the role of charge density in determining some physical properties of ionic
Understand that ionic bonding and covalent bonding are at two ends of a sliding scale of
bond type, often expressed as % ionic character
Understand the concept of electronegativity
Describe the relationship between electronegativity difference and the percent ionic
character of a bond.
Understand that differences in electronegativity in covalent molecules causes dipoles and
some ionic character in covalent compounds
Write acceptable Lewis structures for virtually any molecule, atom, or ion.
Note violations to the octet rule: which species violate the rule, and why
Be able to predict the shapes and bond angles of simple molecules and ions using Lewis
Recognize situations when resonance occurs and draw plausible resonance structures.
Compute the formal charge on each atom in a Lewis structure, and use formal charges to
determine which of several Lewis structures is the most plausible.
Predict the electron-pair geometry and the molecular shape of a molecule or ion with
VSEPR theory.
Use electronegativities to determine if a bond is polar, and use bond polarities and
molecular shape to predict whether a molecule has a dipole moment.
Write hybridization schemes for the formation of sp, sp2, sp3, hybrid orbitals; predict the
geometrical shapes of molecules in terms of the pure and hybrid orbitals used in bonding.
Describe sigma and pi bonding (from valence bond theory).
Understand that molecular orbital theory uses molecular orbital diagrams and describes
covalent bonding for a wider array of systems than Lewis or VSEPR models.
Organic Chemistry Basics
Write formulas and name compounds for alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatics..
Predict boiling point trends for a homologous series.
Be able to identify main functional groups
Understand structural and optical isomerism
Understand and be able to recognize simple organic reactions (combustion, substitution,
acid base, addition & esterification)
Describe and explain the structure of benzene using chemical and physical evidence.
Unit 5
Be able to convert between common units of pressure
Explain the operation of a mercury barometer, and an open-end manometer, and be able to
use the data obtained with these devices
Be able to convert between different units of temperature
State Boyle's law both mathematically and graphically and be able to use it in calculations
State Charles law both mathematically and graphically and be able to use it in calculations
State and be able to use Avogadro's law in calculations
Recall and be able to use the combined gas law in calculations
Solve for one of P, V, n, or t when given values for the other three for an ideal gas.
Recall and be able to use Dalton's law of partial pressures in calculations
State what is meant by STP and STP molar volume, and be able to use the latter in
Use the alternate version of the ideal gas law for calculating molar masses of gases and
determining gas densities
Combine gas molar masses with empirical formulas to determine molecular formulas.
Solve stoichiometry problems involving gases
Solve problems involving mixtures of gases with (a) the ideal gas law, (b) Dalton's law of
partial pressures, or (c) Avagadro’s law of partial volumes
Understand the concept of equilibrium vapor pressure and be able to describe how it is
Compute the pressure of gases collected over water
State the postulates and the basic mathematical relationships of the kinetic molecular
theory of gases
Understand the concept of, and be able to perform calculations involving, the root-meansquare-speed of gases and distinguish kinetic energy from velocity
Understand the terms effusion and diffusion and relate their rates to molar mass
Understand real vs. ideal gases and be able to use the Van der Waals equation to relate
reasons for deviations from the ideal gas law.
Explain the significance of a and b in the van der Waals equation
Use experimental data to compute the gas constant, or the molecular weight of a gas.
Intermolecular Forces
Describe the difference between intra- and intermolecular forces and distinguish between
the different types of forces between molecules (including hydrogen bonds, dipole-dipole
interactions and London dispersion forces or induced dipole-induced dipole forces), and
explain how these forces influence physical and chemical properties.
Predict for any particular substance of known structure which types of intermolecular
forces may be operative and which particular type is of major importance.
Describe the nature of the hydrogen bond and distinguish those molecular systems in
which hydrogen bonding will be of importance.
Explain the relationship between intermolecular forces and properties such as heat of
vaporization and vapor pressure.
Phases, Liquids and Solids
Employ the kinetic molecular theory and the concept of intermolecular attractions to
explain the properties of each phase (i.e., viscosity, vapor pressure, boiling point, melting
point, and surface tension).
Define melting point and boiling point and discuss the energy changes involved with each.
Understand how the difference in intermolecular bonding can lead to differences in
boiling points of similar compounds
Discuss volatility, solubility in water, and acid base behavior of each of the organic
functional groups with respect to the intermolecular attractions present in each
Identify and describe different kinds of bonding in solids: ionic, network covalent,
Relate differences in bonding types of solids to differences in their physical properties.
Discuss properties of carbon allotropes that depend on bonding structures.
Understand and be able to apply the energetics of the ionic bond as described by the BornHaber Cycle and associated calculations
Distinguish between the different types of solids.
Understand the concept of physical equilibrium and be able to interpret phase diagrams,
including triple point and critical point
Interpret simple phase diagrams and use phase diagrams to predict changes that occur as a
substance is heated, cooled, or undergoes a change in pressure.
Understand the significance of the negative freezing point slope for water’s phase diagram
Understand how semi-conducting properties of silicon are modified by doping with
another element
Distinguish n and p type semiconductors, and how they are used to control conductivity.
Solutions and Alloys
Be able to convert readily between units of concentration: molarity, % by mass, ppm,
mole fraction
Perform molarity calculations from density and % composition data
Discuss why substances will or will not dissolve in another substance
Discuss the effect of temperature on solubility
Discuss the effect of pressure on solubility and solve Henry’s law problems
Be able to relate qualitative changes in vapor pressure to addition of non-volatile solutes
to solvents (Raoult's Law)
Be able to recall and use equations relating to quantitative treatments of boiling point
elevation, freezing point depression
Understand the van't Hoff factor
Distinguish colloids and suspensions from true solutions
Compare the properties of alloys with the properties of their constituent elements to
determine if an alloy has formed.
Distinguish the structures of interstitial and substitutional alloys.
Unit 6
General Equilibrium
Understand the concept of dynamic equilibrium, physical and chemical
Understand that equilibria take a finite time to be achieved
Describe how the rate of a reaction is related to the rate of disappearance of a reactant or
formation of a product.
Relate the condition of equilibrium to the rates of the forward and reverse reactions.
Write the equilibrium constant expression for a balanced chemical equation, whether
homogeneous or heterogeneous
Derive K values for situations where chemical equations are reversed, multiplied through
by constant coefficients, or added together
Assess the relative importance of the forward and reverse reactions from the magnitude of
an equilibrium constant.
Be able to calculate values for Kc and associated data from initial concentrations
Be able to write an expression in terms of partial pressures for the equilibrium constant Kp
given an equation
Be able to calculate values for Kp and associated data from pressure data
Relate a value of Kp to the corresponding value of Kc
Predict the direction in which a reaction proceeds toward equilibrium by comparing the
reaction quotient, Q, to Kc
Recall and understand Le Chatelier's Principle
Make qualitative predictions of how equilibrium conditions change when an equilibrium
mixture is disturbed
Identify those factors that affect the value of the equilibrium constant and distinguish them
from the factors that affect equilibrium position
Be able to calculate an overall K, given simultaneous equilibria
Acid Base Equilibrium
Describe similarities and differences between Bronsted Lowry and Arrhenius definitions
of acids and bases
Identify Bronsted Lowery acids and bases and write equations of acid-base reactions.
Explain what self-ionization (or autoionization) is and describe the nature of the proton in
aqueous solution.
Calculate ionic concentrations in solutions of strong electrolytes, and relate [H3O+] and
[OH-] through Kw.
Given a value of any one of [H3O+], [OH-], pH, and pOH, be able to compute values of the
other three.
Be able to identify acid base conjugate pairs and their relative strengths
Recall the difference between strong and weak acids in terms of ionization
Identify a weak acid or base, write a chemical equation to represent its ionization, and set
up its ionization constant expression.
Perform K, % ionization, pH, pOH, [H3O+], or [OH-] calculations for weak acids and
weak bases.
Describe the ionization of a polyprotic acid in aqueous solution
Predict which ions hydrolyze and whether salt solutions are acidic, basic, or neutral.
Perform K, % ionization, pH, pOH, [H3O+], or [OH-] calculations for salt solutions.
Discuss the relationship between acid strength and structure.
Discuss acid/base properties of oxides.
Buffers and Titrations
Describe the effect of common ions on the ionization of weak acids and bases, and
calculate the concentrations of all species present in solutions of weak acids or bases and
their common ions.
Calculate the concentrations of each species present in a solution formed by mixing an
acid and a base.
Explain why the pH of water changes markedly when a small amount of aid or base is
added, and why the pH of a buffer does not change very much with a similar addition.
Describe how buffer solutions can be prepared.
Use the Henderson-Hasselbach equation.
Calculate the pH of a buffer solution from concentrations of the buffer components and a
value of Ka or Kb, and describe how to prepare a buffer that has a specific pH.
Define and compute values for "buffer range" and "buffer capacity.”
Describe how the blood buffer system works.
Explain how an acid-base indicator works to determine the equivalence point in a titration.
Identify different titration curves for different acid-base reactions
Calculate pH values and plot the titration curve of a strong acid with a strong base.
Calculate pH values and plot the titration curve of a weak acid with a strong base or of a
weak base with a strong acid.
Plot titration curves and use those curves to determine the initial pH, buffer regions, and
the pH of the equivalence point, and to select an appropriate indicator.
Understand the important parts of a titration curve: initial pH and its significance, pH and
equivalence point, pKa determination and ½ equivalence point
Identify titration curves for polyprotic acids
Understand the hydrolysis of salts and the effect this has on pH
Understand how indicators work
Solubility Equilibrium
Write the solubility product expression, Ksp, for a slightly soluble ionic compound.
Distinguish solubility (g/L) from molar solubility (mol/L)
Calculate Ksp from the solubility of an ionic compound or solubility from the value of
Use Ksp and Qp to describe saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated solutions
Determine whether a salt will precipitate from solution based on the concentration of its
Calculate the effect of common ions on the aqueous solubilities of sparingly soluble salts.
Determine the concentration of ions remaining in solution after precipitation and predict
whether precipitation will be complete.
Understand how pH can affect molar solubility
Explain how fractional precipitation works and when it can be used
Identify common precipitating agents and their use in selective precipitation.
Unit 7
Understand how temperature, concentration, surface area and catalysts affect a rate of
Explain how to obtain the data needed for a kinetic study from the results of a simple
chemical analysis.
Establish the exact rate of a chemical reaction from the slope of a tangent line to the
concentration vs. time graph. Also explain how to determine the initial rate.
State the meaning of reaction order and use the rate law to determine the order of a
Apply the method of initial rates to determine the rate law for a reaction.
Use the rate law and rate data to calculate a rate constant, k, or use the rate law and rate
constant to calculate rate data.
Establish, through rate data, equations, and graphs, whether a reaction is zero order, first
order, or second order.
Determine the half-life of a reaction that is zero-order, first-order, or second-order.
Calculate the time required for the concentration to drop to some given value given
necessary information for a first or second order reaction.
Calculate the concentration of reactant at a given time for a first or second order reaction.
Describe the collision theory of reactions, stating the factors that affect collision frequency
and those that lead to favorable collisions.
Describe the Maxwell-Boltzman energy distribution curve, and qualitatively explain how
it changes at different temperatures.
Explain the concept of activation energy.
Understand and be able to interpret an energy profile plot, including enthalpy of reaction
and activation energy for the forward and reverse reactions.
Show an energy profile graph for a two or three step reaction.
Interpret the Arrhenius equation to show how the rate constant depends on temperature
and activation energy
Describe the role of a catalyst and explain the difference between homogeneous and
heterogeneous catalysis.
Describe a reaction mechanism, and distinguish between elementary processes and a net
chemical reaction.
Understand the difference between catalysts and intermediates in a reaction mechanism
Derive the rate law from a simple mechanism with the concepts of steady-state condition
and rate-determining step.
Understand the relationship of kinetics to the equilibrium expression
Calculate H from average bond energies.
Understand and be able to apply the concept of entropy with respect to the universe, the
system and the surroundings
Predict whether the entropy change in a given process is positive, negative, or near zero.
Understand the concept of spontaneity in terms of entropy and enthalpy
Use the concept of Gibb's Free Energy as a predictor of reaction spontaneity
Use the Gibbs-Hemholtz equation to show the dependence of change in G on changes in S
and H
Understand that enthalpy ( H) changes as a function of temperature
Understand the entropy/enthalpy relationship at the point of phase change
Calculate ∆S for any reaction from tabulated absolute entropy values, S.
Determine the ∆G from tabulated data, both tables of ∆Gf and those of ∆Hf and S.
Determine ∆G at various temperatures given ∆S and ∆H.
Calculate the free energy change under nonstandard conditions.
Calculate ∆G from K or vice versa.
Review the definition of oxidation and reduction in terms of electrons
Describe how a voltaic cell operates, with the concepts of electrodes, salt bridges, half-cell
reactions, net cell reaction, and cell diagram.
Use line notation to describe a voltaic cell.
Describe the standard hydrogen electrode, explain how other standard electrode potentials
are related to it, and use half cell potentials to calculate overall cell potential.
Be able to predict the likelihood of chemical reactions using overall cell potentials and
understand how those predictions may not prove to be accurate
Qualitatively (using the Nernst equation) predict the effect of varying conditions
(concentrations and gas pressures) on values of E (cell).
Understand the relationship between Gibbs free energy, equilibrium constants and cell
potential, and be able to perform related calculations.
Describe an electrolytic cell and how it differs from a voltaic cell.
Draw a diagram of an electrolytic cell
Understand electrolysis and the electroplating process
Identify the possible half reactions that might occur in an electrolysis and choose the pair
that will occur, based on the highest (least negative) cell potential.
Use Faraday's laws to relate the quantity of chemical change produced by a given amount
of charge.
Be familiar with titrations based on oxidation reduction reactions.
**AP Exam Review**
AP Physics 1 Syllabus
Teacher Contact Information:
Miss Rooney, Room F106
Email: [email protected]
Available daily during lunch
Course Description:
AP Physics 1 is equivalent to a one semester, algebra based,
college-level physics course. The course explores topics such as
kinematics, Newton’s Laws of motion, work, energy, power, systems of particles and linear
momentum, circular motion and rotation, gravitation, electricity and wave motion.
Laboratory requirements are particularly important, allowing students to gain hands on, real world
experience with the theory of motion. Approximately 25% of class time will be dedicated to laboratory
experimentation. Since this course is offered during a single period, which is 47 minutes long,
experiments may be conducted over several days of instruction. Students ask questions, make
observations and predictions, design experiments, analyze data, and construct arguments in a
collaborative setting. Additionally, each student will be required to maintain a digital lab portfolio to
present to colleges for potential laboratory credit.
The grade of each student is based on the following:
Percent of Grade
Completion assignments: Homework, Warm-ups, etc
Formative assessments: Lab reports, Projects, Homework, Class work, Quizzes (announced &
unannounced), etc.
Summative assessments: Unit Tests, Quizzes, AP Free Response Journal
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the
task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a
teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the
task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to
separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete
assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same.
It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to
facilitate the teaching and learning process.
 Retake/Reassessment Policy
Students will be given the opportunity for reassessment on quizzes through quiz corrections. Students will
be provided specific guidelines for completing these corrections and they will be due 1 week after the
assessment is handed back. There will be no reassessment on laboratory reports.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their
absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up
work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give
a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student
make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the
course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in
accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Primary text:
Physics. 5th ed. By Douglas C. Giancoli, 1998. Prentice Hall
Please Sign and Return
Parent Name (Print): ______________________
Parent Signature: ________________________
Student Name (Print): _______________________
Student Signature: _________________________
Course Outline:
1. Vector Operations
2. Kinematics
a. One Dimensional Motion (including graphing position, velocity, and acceleration)
b. Two Dimensional Motion (projectiles)
3. Dynamics
a. Newton’s Laws of Motion and Forces
b. Friction
4. Universal Law of Gravitation
a. Newton’s Law of Gravitation
b. Circular Motion
5. Energy
a. Work
b. Energy
c. Conservation of Energy
d. Power
6. Momentum
a. Impulse and Momentum
b. The Law of Conservation of Momentum
7. Rotation
a. Rotational Kinematics
b. Rotational Energy
c. Torque and Rotational Dynamics
d. Angular Momentum
e. Conservation of Angular Momentum
8. Simple Harmonic Motion
a. Simple Pendulums
b. Mass-Spring Oscillators
9. Electrostatics
a. Electric Charge
b. The Law of Conservation of Electric Charge
c. Electrostatic Forces
10. Circuits
a. Ohm’s Law
b. Kirchhoff’s Laws
c. Simple DC Circuits
11. Mechanical Waves and Sound
AP Physics C: Mechanics
Teacher Contact Information:
Miss Rooney, Room F106
Email: [email protected]
Available daily during lunch
Course Description:
AP Physics C: Mechanics is equivalent to a one semester, calculus based, college-level physics
course, especially appropriate for students planning to specialize or major in physical science or
engineering. The course explores topics such as kinematics, Newton’s Laws of motion, work, energy,
power, systems of particles and linear momentum, circular motion and rotation, oscillations, and
gravitation. Introductory integral and differential calculus is used throughout this course.
Laboratory requirements are particularly important, allowing students to gain hands on, real world
experience with the theory of motion. Approximately 20% of class time will be dedicated to laboratory
experimentation. Since this course is offered during a single period, which is 45 minutes long,
experiments may be conducted over several days of instruction. Students ask questions, make
observations and predictions, design experiments, analyze data, and construct arguments in a
collaborative setting. Additionally, each student will be required to maintain a lab portfolio to present to
colleges for potential laboratory credit.
The grade of each student is based on the following:
Percent of Grade
Completion assignments: Homework, Warm-ups, etc
Formative assessments: Lab reports, Projects, Homework, Class work, Quizzes (announced &
unannounced), etc.
Summative assessments: Unit Tests, Quizzes, AP Free Response Journal
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the
task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a
teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the
task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to
separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete
assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same.
It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to
facilitate the teaching and learning process.
 Retake/Reassessment Policy
Students will be given the opportunity for reassessment on quizzes through quiz corrections. Students will be
provided specific guidelines for completing these corrections and they will be due 1 week after the assessment
is handed back. There will be no reassessment on laboratory reports.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their
absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up
work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give
a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student
make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the
course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in
accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Primary text:
Fundamentals of Physics, 6th ed., by
Halliday/Resnick/Walker, 2004, John Wiley & Sons.
Please Sign and Return
Parent Name (Print): ______________________
Parent Signature: ________________________
Student Name (Print): _______________________
Student Signature: _________________________
Course Outline:
Motion Along a Straight Line: (restricted to one-dimension)
Position and displacement
Average Velocity and Average Speed
Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
Average Acceleration
Instantaneous Acceleration
Graphs of Position vs Time and Acceleration vs Time given Velocity vs Time graphs: (The
Marriage of Calculus and Physics)
Constant Acceleration: A Special Case
Applications: Collision Problems
(1-2-3 Dimensions)
Vectors and Scalars
Adding Vectors Geometrically
Components of Vectors
Unit Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Multiplying Vectors
Dot Product (Scalar or Inner Product) Cross Product (Cross
Right Hand Rule
Motion in Two and Three Dimensions:
Moving in Two or Three Dimensions
Position and Displacement
Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity
Average Acceleration and Instantaneous Acceleration
Projectile Motion
Uniform Circular Motion
Relative Motion in 1 and 2 Dimensions
Force and Motion (I):
Causes of Acceleration
Newton’s First Law
Inertial Reference Frames
Newton’s Second Law
Some types of Force Gravitational Force
Normal Force Friction Tension
Newton’s Third Law
Applications to the 3 Laws
Demonstrations on the 3 Laws
The Importance of Free Body Diagrams and Summation of Forces
Force and Motion (II):
 Static vs. Kinetic
Normal Force revisited
Properties of Friction
The Drag Force and Terminal Speed
Uniform Circular Motion revisited
Kinetic Energy and Work:
Work and Kinetic Energy
Work Done by the Gravitational Force
Work Done by a Spring Force
Where does the maximum speed actually occur when the spring is vertical?
Work Done by an Applied Force
Work Done by a General Variable Force
Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy:
Conservative vs. Non-conservative Forces
Path Independence of Conservative Forces
Determining Potential Energy Values
Gravitational Potential Energy
Elastic Potential Energy
Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Reading Potential Energy Curves
Turning Points and Equilibrium Points
Work Done on a System by an External Force
Conservation of Energy
Power revisited
Great advantages of using energy considerations in solving problems
Systems of Particles:
A special Point (Center of Mass)
Newton’s Second Law for a System of Particles
Linear Momentum
The Linear Momentum of a System of Particles
Conservation of Linear Momentum
Systems of Varying Mass: A Rocket (Closed Systems)
(SEMESTER TWO) Collisions:
Impulse and Linear Momentum
Momentum and Kinetic Energy in Collisions
Inelastic Collisions in One Dimension
Velocity of Center of Mass
Elastic Collisions in One Dimension
Collisions in Two Dimensions
A Close Examination of what happens ‘during’ a collision
Finding Minimum Separation
Translation and Rotation
Establishing a convention ‘where clocks run negatively’
Angular Displacement
Angular Velocity
Angular Acceleration
Angular Quantities as Vectors
Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
Relating the Linear and Angular Variables
Position Speed Acceleration
Kinetic Energy of Rotation
Calculating the Rotational Energy
Parallel-Axis Theorem
Newton’s Second Law for Rotation
Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy
Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum:
The Kinetic Energy of Rolling
The Forces of Rolling
Torque Revisited
Angular Momentum
Newton’s Second Law in Angular Form
The Angular Momentum of a System of Particles
The Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body Rotating About a Fixed
Conservation of Angular Momentum
Equilibrium and Elasticity:
The Requirements of Equilibrium
The Center of Gravity
Tension and Compression
Newton’s Law of Gravitation
Gravitation and the Principle of Superposition
Gravitation Near the Earth’s Surface
Gravitation inside Earth
Gravitational Potential Energy
Potential Energy and Force
Escape Speed
Planets and Satellites: Kepler’s Laws
Satellites: Orbits and Energy
(Two Cases: at rest and in orbit)
Simple Harmonic Motion
The Acceleration of SHM
The Force Law for SHM
Energy in SHM
An Angular Simple Harmonic Oscillator
 Simple Pendulums
 The Physical Pendulum
SHM and Uniform Circular Motion
Damped SHM
What Will We Be Studying?
Springbrook High School
The goal of the study of Biology is for students to understand the complexity of the living
world, including characteristics that all living things share. Organisms are linked in a complex
web of life. Organisms evolve over time due to the interactions of genetics and the
environment. Organisms pass on their traits to their offspring through sexual and asexual
reproduction. A variety of teaching strategies are used in this course including laboratory
experiments, demonstrations, direct instruction, independent reading, current events, and
cooperative learning.
Students will be able to apply topics learned in class to solve real world Biological problems.
Semester A
Semester B
Structure and Function
Sports Injury (6 weeks)
RFP Project
Analysis of
Relationships in
Ecosystems (9 weeks)
RFP Project
Invasive Species
Inheritance and Variation of
Traits (6 weeks)
of model
Matter and Energy in
Ecosystems (9 weeks)
Urban Farming
Natural Selection and
Evolution (6 weeks)
Standards-Based Grading and Reporting
Student work will be assigned to one of three weighted categories:
 Homework (10%)
 Formative Assessments (50%) Examples: projects, labs, class assignments, exit cards,
and quizzes
 Summative Assessments (40%) Examples: projects, quizzes, and unit tests
Category percentages are then added together to determine the student’s total percentage grade.
Marking period grades are assigned using the following scale:
A = 100 - 89.5%
B = 89.4 – 79.5% C = 79.4 – 69.5% D = 69.4 – 59.5% E = 59.4 – 0%
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to
the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a
zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of
the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to
separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to
complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline
are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline
may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Late Work / Missing Work / Make-Up Work:
 Each assignment will have a due date. This is the date by which you are expected to
submit the assignment. Your grade will drop one letter grade if it is not turned in by the
due date.
 The deadline is the last day an assignment will be accepted for a grade. Work not turned
in by the deadline will be considered missing and receive a zero.
 Make-up work: All work missed due to an excused absence must be made up within a
reasonable time frame which is agreed upon between the teacher and the student. Special
arrangements must be made with the teacher to make-up work due to an extended
excused absence.
 Students should take advantage of the One-Lunch program to complete missing
assignments and to receive extra academic support.
Retake/Reassessment policy:
If it is determined by the teacher that a reteach/reassess is necessary for a formative
assessment then the teacher will announce at that time the date for the reteach and reassessment.
All students may participate in the reteach/reassess regardless of original grade. Summative and
Homework assignments are not reassessable.
 Student Handbook – Check for dates of assignments, quizzes and tests
 Back-to-School Night - September 17th at 7:00 p.m. (6:00 p.m. for IB and ESOL Parents)
 Progress Reports/Interims and Report Cards
 On-Line Grades through Springbrook High School’s Homepage www.springbrookhs.org
Click on “Edline” link.
 Edline will contain assignments and due dates for the following: homework, quizzes, test,
projects and lab work.
 Teachers may be contacted directly through their email address below, or by phoning the
Science Office @ 301-989-6064.
Mr. Kevin Andre
Ms. Rebekah Harrison
Mrs. Maria McAndrews
Mr. David Moore
Ms. Kathryn Sander
Mrs. Barbara Williams
Email Address
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Biology MYP Course Expectation
As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Science:
Science Objectives:
A. Knowing and understanding
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain scientific knowledge
2. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations
3. analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments
B. Inquiring and designing
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
2. formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning
3. explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected
4. design scientific investigations
C. Processing and evaluating
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. present collected and transformed data
2. interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning
3. evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation
4. evaluate the validity of the method
5. discuss improvements or extensions to the method
D. Reflecting on the impact of science
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue
2. discuss and evaluate the various implications of the use of science and its application in solving a specific
problem or issue
3. apply communication modes effectively
4. document the work of others and sources of information used.
As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria.
Science Criteria
The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement
of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in science on which
students will be assessed. The criteria for science are:
Learning Objective
Max Rubric
Criterion A
Knowing and understanding Maximum 8
Criterion B
Inquiring and designing
Maximum 8
Criterion C
Processing and evaluating
Maximum 8
Criterion D
Reflecting on the impacts of
Maximum 8
Students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives may be reported on Edline as an ungraded assignment.
Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’
achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled.
Environmental Science
Springbrook High School
Course Information: 2015-2016
[email protected]
Course Description
Semester A
#1 Earth as a
#2 Ecology
#3 Food web
Key Topics
Interactions among geosphere,
atmosphere, hydrosphere,
Biotic/abiotic relationships;
Ecosystem structure,
biodiversity, scientific method.
Food Chains; food webs; energy
flow; cycles; succession.
Semester B
#1 Pesticides
#2 Deforestation
#3 Talking Trash
#4 Biomes
Terrestrial and aquatic biomes;
characteristics of Earths major
#4 Atmosphere
and Global
Climate Change
#5 Water
Water cycle; surface and
groundwater; water use; water
#5 Energy
Key Topics
How does energy and nutrients
flow through a food chain?
Farmer, Logger,
Environmentalist. Who should
Indoor and outdoor air pollution;
acid rain; noise pollution.
Nonrenewable (fossil fuels;
nuclear); renewable (solar, wind,
biofuels, hydro power,
Land use management and
planning; desertification;; food
production and global climate
Course Goals
Develop an opinion about the manner in which human beings interact with the
environment. Understand how all living things will use their available habitat to survive.
Debate your opinion.
Expected Student Learning Outcomes
What is Environmental Science? Environmental science is the study of how humans interact
with the environment. It is a multidisciplinary field that draws from all of the sciences (as well
as from other fields such as law and sociology), to help us better understand the relationship
between humans and the world in which we live. The topics we will study in this course
include ecology; population; waste management; air and water pollution; global climate
change; and sustainable development.
Required Supplies
Guidelines for Grading
Types of Assignments
BCR Review, Projects
Observational Work
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than
50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher
will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the
basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are
expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for
students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due
date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the
due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Retake/Reassessment Policy
o Summative
 Summative assignments may be reassessed. Must schedule a prearranged time/place to retake. Best times are before the start of school or
at lunch.
o Formative
 Formative assignment may only be reassessed if all assignments in the
unit have already been completed for original credit.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal
status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will
help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a
student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even
though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to
make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences,
teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process
approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Advanced Placement Biology
Springbrook High School
Dr. Virginia Folsom
Science Office: (301) 989-6064
[email protected]
Course Description:
The AP Biology course at Springbrook High School supports the requirements of the College
Board and provides a rigorous study of college level biology. Students will develop a conceptual
framework for modern biology and an understanding of science as a process.
Course Goals:
Students will be able to:
 describe science as a process rather than as a static body of knowledge.
 discuss biological concepts using scientific terminology.
 explain connections between diverse topics.
 gain experience in the process of scientific discovery.
 analyze data and make inferences based on conceptual understanding.
 think critically about the application of biology to environmental and social concerns.
Urry, L.A., Cain, M.L., Wasserman, S.A., Minorsky, P.V., Jackson, R.B., Reece, J.B. (2014)
Campbell Biology in Focus. Pearson Education, Inc.
Class Schedule and Laboratory Practice:
The AP Biology class meets for two periods a day. Laboratory practice is an important
component of the course, and students will be engaged in hands-on laboratory investigation for
two to three periods per week. We will complete recommended AP Biology labs as well as
supplemental investigations adapted from other sources.
Semester A
Biological Molecules
Cells and Membranes
Metabolism, Enzymes & Respiration
Molecular Genetics
Semester B
Plant Science and Photosynthesis
Animal Form and Function
Ecology and Conservation
AP Exam Review
AP Biology Exam:
The AP exam consists of multiple choice questions, mathematical grid-in problems and extended
response questions. Throughout the year, assessments will incorporate past AP exam items to
give students ample practice answering AP questions. The AP Biology Exam will take place on
May 9, 2016. It is expected that every student will take the AP Biology Exam.
Expectations and Student Responsibilities:
1. Students will attend class regularly. Attendance is crucial to success in this challenging
and fast-paced college level class.
2. Students will be respectful of their classmates and the teacher.
3. Students will hand in assignments on time. If additional time is needed, the student must
speak to the teacher before the due date. Otherwise, late assignments will be marked
down by one letter grade (10 %). It is very important to keep up with homework and
reading assignments. It will be hard to catch up if you fall behind! Please see below
for the MCPS due date/deadline policy.
4. All assignments are due at the beginning of the period.
5. Make-up work: All work missed due to an excused absence must be made up within a
reasonable amount of time as agreed upon by the teacher and student.
Grading Policy:
Graded assignments fall into three categories, each of which comprises a pre-determined
percentage of the marking period grade:
Homework = 10 %
Formative assessments = 50 %
Summative assessments = 40 %
Formative assessments may include classwork, homework assignments graded for accuracy,
quizzes and labs. Summative assessments may include unit tests, quizzes and labs. The
following scale determines the marking period grade:
89.5 – 100 %
79.5 – 89.4 %
69.5 – 79.4 %
59.5 – 69.4 %
0 – 59.4 %
Assignment of zeros:
As per MCPS policy, the teacher will assign a grade no lower than 50% for a task or assessment
that is graded based on points or percentages. If a student does no work on the task or
assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If the teacher determines that the student did not
attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task or assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.
Due dates and deadlines policy:
The teacher will establish due dates and deadlines for assignments. It is expected that the due
date is separated from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete
assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the
same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be
the same to facilitate the learning and teaching process.
Retake and reassessment policy:
Some chapter tests and quizzes will be available for reassessment as determined by the teacher.
Reassessment will be available after re-teaching. Re-teaching may be done by the teacher or it
may be comprised of peer to peer re-teaching done in student groups. In order to qualify for
reassessment, the student must make corrections to the initial assessment, identifying the correct
answer and explaining why their answer was incorrect. The teacher will be available during
lunch for additional re-teaching prior to reassessment. The teacher will identify a time window
during which students may take a reassessment. Typically, reassessments will be given during
lunch, but students may arrange an alternative time with the teacher. The time window for
reassessments will be one week. No reassessments will be available after the one week period
passes. The teacher will record the higher score (either original assessment or reassessment) in
the grade book.
Make up policy:
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal
status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is the result of a suspension, the teacher will
help the student make up the work. If the absence in unexcused, the teacher does not have to
help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due.
Even though the teacher does not have to help the student make up missed work, the student still
has to make up the work so the student can complete the reset of the course. For unexcused
absences, teacher may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the
process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Back-to-School Night - September 17th at 7:00 p.m. (6:00 p.m. parent meetings for 12th
grade, ESOL, SPED and Health)
Student Planner – Student-recorded dates for assignments, quizzes and tests
Progress Reports/Interims and Report Cards
On-Line Grades – Use “Edline” link on Springbrook High School’s Homepage:
Edline will contain assignments and due dates for the following: homework, quizzes, test,
projects and lab work.
Group assignments including lab data reporting and analysis will use Google-based
Dr. Folsom may be contacted by email at [email protected], or by
phoning the Science Office at 301-989-6064.
International Baccalaureate Biology HL 2
Springbrook High School
Dr. Virginia Folsom, IB Biology HL 2, Room G105
Science Office: (301) 989-6064
[email protected]
Course Description:
The Higher Level IB Biology course at Springbrook High School is a two-year course that
supports the requirements of the International Baccalaureate Organization and provides a
rigorous study of college level biology. Students will develop a conceptual framework for
modern biology and an understanding of science as a process.
Course Goals:
Students will be able to:
 describe science as a process rather than as a static body of knowledge.
 discuss biological concepts using scientific terminology.
 analyze data and make inferences based on conceptual understanding.
 gain experience in the process of scientific discovery.
 think critically about the application of biology to environmental and social concerns.
Damon, A., McGonegal, R., Tosto, P. & Ward, W. (2007) Higher Level Biology developed
specifically for the IB Diploma (1st ed.). Essex, GB: Pearson Education Limited
Allcott, A. (2007) Biology for the IB Diploma (2nd ed.). Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press
Campbell, N.A. & Reece, J.B. (2008) Biology (8th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings
Laboratory Practice:
Laboratory practice is an important component of the course, and students will complete a
minimum of 60 hours of lab investigation during the two years of the HL Biology program.
During the first year, students complete an interdisciplinary science investigation. During the
second year, each student plans, completes and analyzes an independent lab investigation. A lab
report describing this investigation is submitted as the internal assessment in IB Biology.
Semester A
Semester B
Chemistry of Life
Molecular Genetics
Cells and Membranes
Metabolism, Enzymes & Respiration Evolution
Semester A
Semester B
Plant Science & Photosynthesis
Human Physiology
Exam Review
IB Assessments:
The IB Higher Level Biology assessments include externally and internally graded components.
The external assessments include multiple choice, short answer, data analysis and extended
response items that are administered in three “papers” that students will write in May of
their senior year. The internal assessment is comprised of a teacher-graded lab report that is
externally moderated.
Expectations and Student Responsibilites:
1. Students will attend class regularly. Attendance is crucial to success in this challenging
and fast-paced college level class.
2. Students will be respectful of their classmates and the teacher.
3. Students will hand in assignments on time. If additional time is needed, the student must
speak to the teacher before the due date. Otherwise, late assignments will be marked
down by one letter grade (10 %). It is very important to keep up with homework and
reading assignments. It will be hard to catch up if you fall behind! Please see below
for the MCPS due date/deadline policy.
4. All assignments are due at the beginning of the period.
5. Make-up work: All work missed due to an excused absence must be made up within a
reasonable amount of time as agreed upon by the teacher and student.
Grading Policy:
Graded assignments fall into three categories, each of which comprises a pre-determined
percentage of the marking period grade:
Homework = 10 %
Formative assessments = 50 %
Summative assessments = 40 %
Formative assessments may include classwork, homework assignments graded for accuracy,
quizzes and labs. Summative assessments may include unit tests, quizzes and labs. The
following scale determines the marking period grade:
89.5 – 100 %
79.5 – 89.4 %
69.5 – 79.4 %
59.5 – 69.4 %
0 – 59.4 %
Assignment of zeros:
As per MCPS policy, the teacher will assign a grade no lower than 50% for a task or assessment
that is graded based on points or percentages. If a student does no work on the task or
assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If the teacher determines that the student did not
attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task or assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.
Due dates and deadlines policy:
The teacher will establish due dates and deadlines for assignments. It is expected that the due
date is separated from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete
assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the
same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be
the same to facilitate the learning and teaching process.
Retake and reassessment policy:
Some formative quizzes will be available for reassessment as determined by the teacher.
Reassessment will be available after re-teaching. Re-teaching may be done by the teacher or it
may be comprised of peer to peer re-teaching done in student groups. The teacher will be
available during lunch for additional re-teaching prior to reassessment. Reassessments may be in
the form of a novel assessment on the same content; alternatively, reassessments may be in the
form of student corrections to previously written assessments. When reassessment is by
completing corrections, students will correct multiple choice items by identifying the appropriate
answer and explaining in detail why their selected answer is incorrect and why the correct
answer is more appropriate. To correct essay questions, students may make additions to their
answers in a different color or they may rewrite the essay. For corrected responses, students will
earn back one point for each point earned by correction. Note that the teacher will retain all
written assessments in the classroom, but assessments are accessible for student inspection
during class periods and during lunch. All reassessments (whether novel assessments or
corrections to previously completed assessments) will be done during lunch unless the student
makes an alternative arrangement with the teacher. The window to complete reassessments will
be one week. No reassessments will be accepted following that time. Summative assessments
are not available for reassessment.
Make up policy:
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal
status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is the result of a suspension, the teacher will
help the student make up the work. If the absence in unexcused, the teacher does not have to
help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due.
Even though the teacher does not have to help the student make up missed work, the student still
has to make up the work so the student can complete the reset of the course. For unexcused
absences, teacher may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the
process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Back-to-School Night - September 17th at 7:00 p.m. (6:00 p.m. parent meetings for
12th grade, ESOL, SPED and Health)
Student Handbook – Student-recorded dates for assignments, quizzes and tests
Progress Reports/Interims and Report Cards
On-Line Grades – Use “Edline” link on Springbrook High School’s Homepage:
Edline will contain assignments and due dates for the following: homework, quizzes, test,
projects and lab work.
Leave phone message at Science Office or email teacher (see heading on reverse side).
FORENSICS SYLLABUS: What Will We Be Studying?
Forensic science is the application of science to criminal and civil laws enforced by police investigators in the
criminal justice system. Forensic scientists use their specialized knowledge and training to help police
investigators discover and interpret evidence to help solve crimes. The forensic scientist has become an
active participant in the crime laboratory and a useful contributor to the criminal justice system.
Forensics is an integrated science involving biology, chemistry, earth science, archaeology,
anthropology, law, medicine, and professional/technical writing. In this course, students goals are to
to analyze information involving human remains, glass and soils, trace evidence, firearms and tool
marks, documents, and entomological specimens in order to determine what Forensics entails.
***Forensic science involves the investigation of criminal activity that often involves death. Students
should be prepared to deal with mature content and potentially disturbing material.***
Intro to
Forensics and
the Law
Crime scene
evidence and
Semester A
Summary Statement
The history, definition, and
scope of FS are explored. The
role of the forensic scientist
and services are introduced.
The history and role that
forensic science now plays in the
courtroom is explored
Processing the crime scene and
the legal considerations involved
are examined. Including
evidence collection,
documentation and first
responder responsibilities
Examining various types of trace
evidence such as glass, paint,
soil, fiber, documentation,
handwriting, and voice. Exploring
the means by which to compare
them. How to use a microscope
is reviewed.
aspects of
arson and
Semester B
Summary Statement
Overview of DNA and its use as
Examining the nature of blood
including characterization of
blood stains.
The chemistry of fire and the
preservation of arson evidence
are explored.
Organic and
techniques in
Various types of instruments are
used to help the scientist make
comparisons. These include bullet
comparisons, gunpowder residues
and other impressions.
Time of
and pathology
Examination of remains and
various insect populations can
help investigators determine the
time of death.
Blood Spatter
The interpretation of bloodstains
at a crime scene in order to
recreate the actions that caused
the bloodshed.
& odontology
Exploring physical
characteristics which may be
used to identify human remains.
Determination of sex and age
are explored. Review of the
skeletal system.
and drugs
The role of the toxicologist and
the significance of toxicological
findings as well as the various
major drug groups and drug
identification is examined
As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for
Science Objectives:
Objective A: Knowing and understanding
In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to
Explain scientific knowledge
Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar
Analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments
Objective B: Inquiring and designing
In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to
Explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
Formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning
Explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected
Design scientific investigations
Objective C: Processing and evaluating
In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to
Present collected and transformed data
Interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning
Evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation
Evaluate the validity of the method
Explain improvements or extensions to the method
Objective D: Reflecting on the impacts of science
In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to
Explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue
Discuss and evaluate the various implications of the use of science and its application in
solving a Specific problem or issue
Apply communication modes effectively
Document the work of others and sources of information used
Standards-Based Grading and Reporting
Student work will be assigned to one of three weighted categories:
 homework (10%)
 formative assessments (40%), examples: projects, labs, classwork, exit cards
 summative assessments (50%), examples: quizzes and unit tests
Student performance in each of these categories will then be calculated and totaled to determine a
percentage grade for each student. Marking period grades are assigned using the following scale:
A = 100 - 89.5%
B = 89.4 – 79.5% C = 79.4 – 69.5% D = 69.4 – 59.5% E = 59.4 – 0%
 Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50%
to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will
assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic
requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Late Work / Missing Work / Make-Up Work:
 Each assignment will have a due date. This is the date by which you are expected to submit
the assignment. Your grade will drop one letter grade if it is not turned in by the due date.
 The deadline is the last day an assignment will be accepted for a grade. Work not turned in by
the deadline will be considered missing and receive a zero.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy: Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up
missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a
result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is
unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a
retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to
help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student
can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for
missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal
and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
 Retakes on formative and practice assignments can be done up to 1 week after the assignment
has been handed back. In order to retake a quiz you must schedule a study session at lunch
Required Supplies
Textbook is not sent home but will be used sometimes in class
 Student Handbook – Check for dates of assignments, quizzes and tests
 Back-to-School Night
 Progress Reports/Interims and Report Cards
 On-Line Grades through Springbrook High School’s homepage www.springbrookhs.org Click on
the “Edline” link.
 Teachers may be contacted directly through their email address below, the email link on
Edline, or phone the Science Office @ 301-989-6064 and leave a message.
Ms. Amy Itwaru ROOM G210
Email Address
[email protected]
Springbrook High School: 2015-2016
The goal of Geoscience Explorations is for students to become effective science learners by developing skills in scientific inquiry,
creating and using data analysis tools, and supporting the understanding of Earth and Space with valid scientific evidence.
Students will work in groups to select a planet for a prospecting mission, and rotate career roles as they
analyze core and crustal composition, surface features and processes, and stratigraphic columns to identify
resources and determine the history of the planet. Students will create a final news article and news
video/podcast to present conclusions.
Students will use evidence from a fictional planet to reconstruct the life form found fossilized on that planet
as well as its environment. Students will determine the approximate age of the organism (relative and
absolute) and will use protein analysis techniques to compare this organism to those we have on Earth today
or have had on Earth in the past. Students will evaluate their designs against the evidence provided to them
throughout the project.
Earth and Human
Students will work in groups to select one of four applications for an autonomous underwater vehicle (ocean
glider) and create an image of the seafloor at that location, evaluate the geologic, biologic, and chemical
composition of the undersea location to determine what types of instruments will be best suited for the
mission, identify risks to glider exploration, and describe the roles of various scientific professionals
essential to the mission's success. Groups will also construct an argument for why their glider will become
the next device that companies must use.
Earth and Human Activity will investigate sustainability issues (water resources, mineral resources,
renewable energy resources, soil and land resources), and explore challenges related to human impacts and
natural hazards.
Required Texts: None
Required Supplies: Writing utensils and notebooks/binders
Student work will be assigned to one of three weighted categories. Grades are based on points earned out of points
A = 89.5-100%
B = 79.5-89.4%
Formative: Labs, Projects, exit
cards, quizzes, etc
Summative: Tests, Quizzes
Homework: Practice, Prep
C = 69.5-79.4%
D = 59.5-69.4%
E = 0%-59.4%
Percent of Grade
 Student assignments may include homework, classwork, and discussions; tests, quizzes, inquiry projects,
labs and lab reports, presentations, discussions, and hands-on activities
 Each assignment will have a due date. This is the date by which you are expected to submit the
 The deadline is the last day an assignment will be accepted for a grade. An assignment will drop one
letter grade if it is not turned in by the due date.
 The due date and deadline date may be the same for some assignments.
 Work not turned in by the deadline will be considered missing and receive a zero.
 Make-up work: All work missed due to an excused absence must be made up within a reasonable time
frame. Special arrangements must be made with the teacher to make-up work due to an extended
excused absence.
 Students should take advantage of the One-Lunch program to complete missing assignments and to
receive extra academic support.
 Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, we assign a grade no lower than 50% to the task/
assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, we will assign a zero. If we determine that
the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, we may assign a zero.
(MCPS Policy)
 Due Dates/Deadlines: We will establish due dates and deadlines. We do separate the due date from the
deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be
some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework
assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
 Retake/Reassessment Policy
Students may request the opportunity to retake a formative assignment on a case-by-case basis.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of
their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, we will help a student make up
work. If the absence is unexcused, we do not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a
retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though we do not have to help a student make up
missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course.
For unexcused absences, we may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with
the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Student Handbook – Check for dates of assignments, quizzes and tests
Back-to-School Night - September 17th at 7:00 p.m. (6:00 p.m. for IB and ESOL Parents)
Progress Reports/Interims and Report Cards
On-Line Grades through Springbrook High School’s Homepage www.springbrookhs.org Click on
“Edline” link.
 Edline will contain assignments, due dates and other relevant information.
 Teachers may be contacted directly through their email address below, or by phoning the Science Office
@ 301-989-6064.
 Arrive on time. Students must be seated when the bell rings. Excused tardies must have an appropriate signature.
All other tardies are considered unexcused.
 Students should take care of personal needs (restroom, water, locker, etc.) BEFORE class.
 Come prepared. Students must bring writing materials and paper every day. A 3 ring binder is encouraged to keep
your science materials organized.
 NO eating or drinking during class.
 Laboratory behavior: All appropriate safety requirements will be enforced for labs. Please do not touch lab
materials until you are instructed to do so. Inappropriate/unsafe lab behavior will result in removal from the lab
and/or an administrative referral.
Be responsible for behavior in the classroom that is appropriate for the class activities.
Follow all school rules – head gear and electronic devices will not be allowed in the classroom.
Be respectful of the rights, property, and comfort of others.
Use appropriate language – profanity and vulgar language will not be accepted!
Dress in an appropriate manner, as described in the SHS handbook.
Avoid behavior that is disruptive to class or destructive of property. Inappropriate behavior will result in
detention, a phone call home, and/or an administrative referral
Mr. David Moore
Email Address
[email protected]
Mrs. Sara Ellis
[email protected]
Mr. Randy Decker
[email protected]
Lunch and by
Lunch and by
Lunch and by
Room Number
As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Science:
Science Objectives: Objective A: Knowing and understanding In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain scientific knowledge ii.
Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations iii.
Analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments Objective B: Inquiring and designing In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation ii.
Formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning iii.
Explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected iv.
Design scientific investigations Objective C: Processing and evaluating In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Present collected and transformed data ii.
Interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning iii.
Evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation iv.
Evaluate the validity of the method v.
Explain improvements or extensions to the method Objective D: Reflecting on the impacts of science In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue ii.
Discuss and evaluate the various implications of the use of science and its application in solving a Specific problem or issue iii.
Apply communication modes effectively iv.
Document the work of others and sources of information used As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria.
Science Criteria
The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the
achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in
science on which students will be assessed. The criteria for science are:
Criterion Criterion A
Criterion B
Criterion C
Criterion D
Learning Objective Knowing and understanding
Inquiring and designing
Processing and evaluating
Reflecting on the impacts of science
Max Rubric Score Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives will be reported on Edline as an ungraded
assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will
document students’ achievement in each of the IB MYP subjects in which he or she is enrolled.
Procedures and Expectations for Honors Chemistry
Springbrook High School 2015-2016
Dr. Rock
Room F 113
Science Office: room F104 – phone: (301) 989-6064
[email protected]
Academic Support – F113 will be open for lunch, and after school by appointment.
WELCOME TO HONORS CHEMISTRY!! The goal of this class is to inspire a curiosity about matter and its interactions; to begin a lifetime practice of using an organized, evidence based approach to solving problems; to recognize chemistry’s central significance to the understanding of all other sciences, and to understand how chemistry relates to everyday lives and real world situations. In Honors Chemistry we will use mathematics to explore and model the interactions of matter, and apply our knowledge of chemistry to current topics such as the disposal of hazardous materials, environmental issues, energy resources, and the development and use of synthetic materials. Students will be expected to work individually and in small lab groups, and to participate in whole class discussion. UNITS OF STUDY *****A detailed list of objectives is attached, and posted on Edline***** Semester A Semester B 1. Measurement, Calculations and Matter 1. Stoichiometry Review 2. Molecular Bonding 2. Atomic Theory and Nuclear Chemistry 3. Electron Structure 3. Thermochemistry 4. The Periodic Table 4. Kinetic Molecular Theory and 5. Formulas and Naming Phases of Matter 6. Chemical Reactions 5. Gases 7. The Mole and Mathematics of 6. Solutions Chemical Formulas 7. Acids and Bases 8. Mathematics of Chemical Equations 8. Equilibrium and Kinetics 9. Classification of Matter 9. Colligative Properties CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS 1. Students will abide by all student code of conduct and student handbook rules, and will refrain from distracting activities in class, for example, eating, drinking, or using electronic devices. 2. Students will come to class on time, ready with the appropriate materials to begin work on their warm up as the bell rings! (See materials list below) 3. I expect students to treat teachers, themselves, and their peers with respect. It is my mission that every student feels comfortable in the classroom. To feel they may ask any question about what they are learning in chemistry without fearing that it may be a poor question. I also expect students to respect their physical environment – clean desks, lab benches and lab equipment reflect self‐respect and respect for the learning environment. Our text book is the 2008 edition of Chemistry from Prentice Hall. Students will cover and keep books at home unless asked to bring them to class. Replacement cost of this book is $70.00. The following items must be brought to class every day: 1. Pencil (and eraser), and if pens are used, blue or black pens only. 2. Scientific Calculator (graphing calculator not required) 3. Organization: A systematic method for keeping track of notes, class work, lab work, handouts, quizzes, and homework is required! You will need these materials to review for tests, and if there is a grading discrepancy, you must have the graded or marked paper. PROCEDURES 1. Neatness: If a paper is unreadable, it will be returned to the student ungraded (this includes test and quizzes!) 2. Lab work requires focus and attention to safety, and all laboratory rules will be strictly enforced. Failure to follow the rules will result in a zero for the lab, and/or administrative referral. 3. Unless stated otherwise, each student is responsible for the products of a lab activity (data tables, abstracts, reports, etc.) and receives his or her own grade. Students may share data but are expected to produce their own data tables, do all of their own calculations, and write their own observations and conclusions. GRADING POLICIES Points will be assigned to every test, quiz, lab and homework assignment that is evaluated for content. Grades will be calculated using a weighted average of the following categories: Summative Assessments: Tests and some quizzes each quarter – 40% Formative Assessments: Labs, quizzes and class work. ‐ 50%. In order to promote mastery of content, retakes (by a certain date) will be encouraged for selected formative quizzes. Homework ‐ All homework assignments will be kept in the chemistry notebook. Homework that is checked for completion will be checked on the due date (which is the same as the deadline for this type of assignment) and will count for 10% of the quarter grade. Grades will be continuously updated and will be available through Edline. LATE AND MAKE‐UP WORK I. Late work due to excused absence: If absent for any reason, check Edline for missed assignments. Students are responsible for making up any work missed. This includes obtaining lecture notes, warm‐
ups, homework, or arranging times to make up labs, quizzes and tests. Missed work must be made up in a reasonable period of time agreed upon by student and teacher. II. Other late work: 1. Each assignment will have a due date. This is the date by which you are expected to submit the assignment. Late work loses 10% if not turned in by the due date. 2. The deadline is the last day an assignment will be accepted for a grade. Work not turned in by the deadline will be considered missing. No points will be given for missing work. Words of Wisdom: I have high expectations for all students in my classes, and you may at times find these expectations to be challenging. The keys to success in Honors Chemistry are attending class, participating, listening, taking good notes, completing homework faithfully, staying organized, and developing good study habits. If you do these things, your grades will reflect it. If you do not understand something in class or in the text, it is very important to ASK QUESTIONS RIGHT AWAY, either in class, or when you come for help and practice during lunch. I look forward to seeing you there! As an IB school, students will also be assessed using IB Middle Years Program objectives for Science as they apply to chemistry. Student progress may be reported using the following criteria. The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in science on which students will be assessed. The criteria for science are: Criterion Learning Objective Max Rubric Score Criterion A Knowing and Understanding Maximum 8 Criterion B Inquiring and designing Maximum 8 Criterion C Processing and evaluating Maximum 8 Criterion D Reflecting on the impacts of science Maximum 8 Students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives may be reported on Edline as an ungraded assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. A. Knowing and Understanding At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. explain scientific knowledge 2. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations 3. analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments B. Inquiring and designing At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation 2. formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning 3. explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected 4. design scientific investigations C. Processing and evaluating At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. present collected and transformed data 2. interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning 3. evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation 4. evaluate the validity of the method 5. explain improvements or extensions to the method D. Reflecting on the impact of science At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue 2. discuss and evaluate the various implications of the use of science and its application in solving a specific problem or issue 3. apply communication modes effectively 4. document the work of others and sources of information used. More useful information on MCPS grading policies – these guidelines will be followed throughout the year:  Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)  Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.  Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)  Retake/Reassessment Policy Some formative quizzes or other formative assignments will be available for reassessment as determined by the teacher. The reassessment can be for all or a portion of the original assignment, and the format will also be determined by the teacher. Reassessment will be available after re‐teaching. Re‐teaching may be done by the teacher, it may be comprised of peer to peer re‐teaching done in student groups, or it may consist of a student correcting their work with access to teacher input. The teacher will be available during lunch for re‐
teaching prior to reassessment. All students may participate in the reteach/reassess regardless of original grade. The window to complete reassessments will be determined by the teacher and will be communicated to students when the reassessment opportunity is announced. No reassessments will be accepted following that time. Summative assessments are not available for reassessment. The reassessment grade replaces the original grade even if the reassessment grade is lower. Scope and Sequence for Honors Chemistry 2015-2016
Units as given in Montgomery County Public School Guidelines
Classification of Matter
Formula Writing
Atomic Theory
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
2 Weeks
2 Weeks
Kinetic Molecular Theory
Acids and Bases
Thermodynamics and Kinetics
4 Weeks
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Sequence of Units in Honor’s Chemistry:
1. Introduction to Chemistry:
Properties and Classification of Matter (I); Measurement,
Calculation and Data Analysis
2. Atomic Theory and Calculations of Atomic Mass
3. Electron Structure in the Atom
4. Periodic Table and Periodic Properties
5. Chemical Formulas of Ionic and Covalent Compounds
6. Chemical Equations and Types of Chemical Reactions
The Mole and Mathematics of Chemical Formulas
8. Mathematics of Chemical Equations
9. Classification of Matter (II)
Stoichiometry Review
Molecular Bonding, Organic Compounds and Intermolecular Forces
Thermochemistry, Equilibrium and Kinetics Concepts
Kinetic Molecular Theory and Phases of Matter, Properties of Liquids
Solutions and Colligative Properties
Acids and Bases with applications in Equilibrium
Detailed Objectives (numbered items are published MCPS objectives)
Semester One
 Course expectations
 Safety
3 weeks
3 weeks
2 weeks
1.5 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks 7.
1.5 weeks
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
2 weeks
3 weeks
2 weeks
3 weeks
Pre-assessment in math
1. Introduction to Chemistry: Properties and Classification of Matter, Measurement,
Calculation and Data Analysis (Chapters 1-3)
 HS4.1.3.3 classify elements as metals, nonmetals and metalloids based on common physical and
chemical properties and position on periodic table.
 HS4.1.2 gather and interpret data related to physical and chemical properties of matter such as
density and percent composition (by constructing data tables, graphing linear relationships and
using appropriate technology to analyze data.)
 HS4.6.2 recognize mathematics as an integral part of chemistry, comprehend the nature of
mathematical thinking , and become familiar with key mathematical ideas and skills.
 Accuracy, precision, percent error.
 HS4.1.1 select appropriate instruments to directly or indirectly measure length, mass, volume and
temperature (centigram balances, graduated cylinders & pipettes, metric
rulers, thermometers & temperature probes.
 also include units, significant figures, scientific notation, problem solving strategies such as
evaluating an answer, and calculator techniques, as needed according to results of pre-assessment
 HS4.1.3.2 differentiate among elements, compounds, mixtures and solutions.
 HS4.1.A distinguish between physical and chemical changes.
 Observe and explain the density of water as phase changes occur.
2. Atomic Theory and Nuclear Chemistry (Chapters 4 and 25)
 HS4.2.1.A use mass number, atomic number and charge to identify neutral atoms, ions, and
 HS4.2.1 illustrate the structure of the atom including the charge, relative mass and location of the
sub-atomic particles.
 HS4.2.2.1-3 demonstrate that the arrangement and number of sub-atomic particles determine the
position of the elements on the periodic table (atomic number, mass number).
 HS4.4.1.2 identify the atomic mass of the elements.
 Write nuclide symbols and names that identify specific isotopes.
 HS4.2.1.B calculate, and explain the significance of, an element's average atomic mass using
atomic mass units. (H)
 Trace the historical development and/or experimental evidence for the existence and structure of
the atom, including the contributions of Democritus, Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford and Bohr.
 Also distinguish chemical and physical changes from nuclear changes.
3. Electron Structure in the Atom (Chapter 5)
 HS4.2.1 illustrate the structure of the atom by using the Bohr model, including the charge, relative
mass and location of the sub-atomic particles.
 Discuss the concept of discrete energy levels occupied by electrons within an atom, and relate the
emission of light to electron transitions between energy levels.
 Define ground and excited states.
 Discuss the origins of the electron configuration model (electron cloud model) as a mathematical
model, and demonstrate its application to the periodic table.
 HS4.2.2.E infer from the family and period in which the element is located, the valence electrons
and overall electron configuration for the first 20 elements.
 HS4.2.2.F construct electron configurations for all elements and justify exceptions. (H)
Periodic Table and Periodic Properties (Chapters 6 and 7)
Locate periods and families by name on the periodic table.
HS4.2.2.A use families, periods, and common family names in discussions of periodic trends.
HS4.2.2.B predict chemical and physical properties based on an element's location on the periodic
Determine the number of valence electrons for a specific element, given the periodic table.
HS4.2.2.C predict oxidation number.
HS4.2.3b compare the characteristics of the neutral atom to its ion.
HS4.2.2.D use the periodic table to describe the relative atomic radii, ionic radii,
electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity and reactivity of elements.
Chemical Formulas of Ionic and Covalent Compounds (Chapter 9)
HS4.2.5.1 determine the types and numbers of atoms represented by a given formula.
HS4.4.1.1 write symbols for and name elements.
HS4.4.1.3 write formulas for compounds including binary compounds, polyatomic ions and
common acids and bases, when given the name.
 HS4.4.1.4 write the name of binary compounds, polyatomic ions and common acids and bases,
when given the formula.
 Name straight chain organic compounds (alkanes through decane).
 HS4.4.1.A identify traditional nomenclature (-ic and -ous suffixes). (H)
6. Chemical Equations and Types of Chemical Reactions (Chapter 11)
 HS4.4.2 demonstrate that chemical reactions can be represented by symbolic or word equations
that specify all reactants and products involved.
 HS4.4.2.A transpose word equations into symbolic chemical equations and vice versa.
 HS4.4.3 apply the law of conservation of mass and energy by explaining the use of coefficients to
balance a chemical equation.
 HS4.4.4 identify and classify chemical reactions into general types including synthesis,
decomposition, single replacement, double replacement and combustion.
 **HS4.4.5.A predict precipitates based on the solubility rules.
**HS4.4.5.B predict products of chemical reactions based on the reactivity series and solubility
rules. (H)
 HS4.1.3.2.A compare homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.
 HS4.4.5C write net ionic equations (H)
7. The Mole and Mathematics of Chemical Formulas (Chapter 10)
 HS4.4.1.5 calculate the molecular mass of a compound given the periodic table.
 HS4.4.A.A identify and define Avogadro's number and the mole concept operationally and
 Calculate the molar mass of an element or compound, given the periodic table.
 HS4.4.A.B utilize dimensional analysis to perform mole to mole, mass to mass, particle to mole,
and mole to particle calculations.
 HS4.4.A.C utilize dimensional analysis to perform particle to mass and mass to particle
calculations. (H)
HS4.4.A.D use formula mass to calculate percent composition of a compound. (H)
HS4.4.A.E use laboratory data to calculate the empirical and molecular formula of a compound.
8. Mathematics of Chemical Equations (Chapter 12)
 HS4.4.5.1 use the coefficients of a balanced equation to predict amounts of reactants and
 HS4.4.A.F solve problems involving quantitative relationships in equations including
stoichiometric concepts of mole to mole, particle to particle, mass to mass, mole to
volume and volume to mole.
 HS4.4.5 demonstrate that adjusting quantities of reactants will affect the amounts of products
 HS4.4.A.I determine limiting and excess reagents quantitatively to predict percent yield. (H)
Semester Two
1. Molecular Bonding and Intermolecular Forces (Chapter 7 and 8)
 HS4.2.3a explain how atoms will interact with other atoms through the transfer of or sharing of
electrons in the formation of ionic, covalent and metallic bonds.
 HS4.2.3.A construct electron dot structures of atoms and ions to demonstrate the formation of
ionic and covalent compounds.
 HS4.2.4 distinguish among metallic, ionic, and covalent solids in terms of solubility, melting
point, boiling point and conductivity.
 HS4.2.3.B determine the molecular geometry through tetrahedral compounds based on Lewis dot
diagrams and octet rule.
 HS4.2.5 summarize that the properties of a molecule are determined by the number and types of
atoms it contains and how they are arranged.
 HS4.2.5.2 analyze molecular geometry in order to classify molecules as polar or non-polar.
 HS4.2.5.2.A apply the concept of polar and non-polar molecules to predict the solubility of
 Conceptually explain hydrogen bonding.
 HS4.2.4.A compare inter-molecular and intra-molecular forces and relate them to properties of
substances. (H)
Organic Chemistry (Chapters 22 and 23)
Recognize alkenes and alkynes, carboxylic acids and alcohol functional groups.
Recognize the ability of carbon to form chains and make rings.
HS4.2.6a explain why organic compounds have such diverse properties (unique characteristics of
carbon (tetrahedral structure)).
 HS4.2.6b give examples of how organic compounds have had an impact on society (fuels and
3. Thermochemistry, Equilibrium and Kinetics Concepts (Chapter 17)
Define the phase changes of matter.
Use heating curves (temperature vs. time) to illustrate the energetics of phase changes (motion,
kinetic energy, and organization of particles).
HS4.3.1 illustrate that heat energy in a material consists of the ordered and disordered motions of
its colliding particles (phase change).
Differentiate between thermal energy and temperature.
HS4.4.B.C describe systems at equilibrium.
HS4.3.2 explain why the interactions between particles involve a change in the energy system.
Relate endothermic and exothermic changes in chemical reactions to bond energies.
Analyze energy graphs for endothermic and exothermic chemical reactions.
HS4.3.3.B investigate the specific heat of a substance to justify the law of conservation of energy,
total heat lost equals total heat gained in a closed system.
Use specific heat to solve calorimetry problems.
HS4.3.3 state that the total amount of energy in any closed system remains constant.
HS4.3.3.A explain that all systems tend towards disorder and lower energy.
Compare ionic and covalent bonds in terms of bond energy.
HS4.3.4.E use Hess's law to calculate the energy of a reaction. (H)
Also include the basics of nuclear changes: radiation, fission and fusion, and their applications.
Explain how factors of solute surface area, temperature and agitation influence the rate of
Recognize that chemical reactions occur at different speeds.
Describe the relationship between frequency of molecular collisions and reaction rate.
Describe the effects of surface area, temperature and concentration on the frequency of molecular
Understand the concept of activation energy.
Explain the concept of catalyst behavior.
HS4.4.B.C describe systems at equilibrium.
Describe factors that affect systems at equilibrium.
4. Kinetic Molecular Theory and Gases (Chapters 13 and 14)
 HS4.1.3.1 classify matter as solids, liquids, and gases, in reference to the relative position, motion
and energy of particles.
 HS4.3.4 describe the observed changes in pressure, volume, or temperature of a sample of gas in
terms of the behavior of particles.
 HS4.3.4.A apply the combined and ideal gas laws in calculations.
 HS4.3.4.B describe kinetic theory of ideal gases at STP.
 HS4.3.4.C apply Graham's law and Dalton's Law in calculations. (H)
 HS4.3.4.D manipulate the ideal gas law in ideal gas stoichiometry problems. (H)
 HS4.4.A.H solve problems involving quantitative relationships in equations including
stoichiometric concepts of volume to volume. (H)
Solutions (Chapter 15 and 16)
Describe the properties of solutions, and compare solutions to suspensions and colloids.
Interpret solubility curves.
HS4.4.A.J calculate the quantities needed to prepare molar solutions.
HS4.4.A.K prepare molar solutions from using calculated quantities of solute and solvent.
HS4.4.A.L calculate concentration of the solution by percent by mass. (H)
HS4.4.B.A analyze factors that determine the properties of solutions such as electrolytes versus
nonelectrolytes, polar versus non-polar and solubility factors.
 HS4.4.B.B distinguish among the types of solutions by degree of concentration, dilute through
 HS4.3.1.A predict a boiling point elevation and/or a freezing point depression conceptually and
relate colligative effects to intermolecular forces.
Acids and Bases (Chapter 19)
HS4.4.B.C describe systems at equilibrium.
HS4.4.6 describe a neutralization reaction.
HS4.4.6.1 contrast the properties of acids and bases.
HS4.4.6.1.A define an acid or base using the Arrhenius definition including the hydronium ion.
Define an acid or a base using the Bronstead-Lowry definition.
HS4.4.6.2 distinguish between strong and weak acids and bases.
HS4.4.6.2.A describe concentrated and dilute as they apply to acids and bases.
HS4.4.6.3 describe the characteristics of salts.
Recognize the ability of water to act either as an acid or a base.
HS4.4.6.4 utilize and recognize indicators to identify acids and bases.
HS4.4.6.5 describe the pH scale.
HS4.4.6.5.A predict whether a substance is an acid or base based on its pH value.
Describe the function of buffers.
HS4.4.6.5.B explain the relationship between the hydronium ion concentration and the pH.
HS4.4.6.5.C calculate pH given the hydronium or hydroxide ion concentration (whole numbers
without calculators).
HS4.4.6.A perform a titration to determine the concentration of an unknown acid or base.
HS4.4.6.B use calculations to determine the relationship between pH, pOH, and Kw. (H)
HS4.4.6.C calculate Ka and Kb. (H)
HS4.4.B.D predict the effect of a change (stress) on a system at equilibrium.
HS4.4 B.E. calculate Keq (H)
Current Events or Issues
HS4.5.1 investigate an issue such as hazardous waste disposal, the role of food additives and the
substitution of synthetic products for natural products.
HS4.5.2 conclude that the starting materials of the chemical industry such as petroleum, are limited
resources and decisions must be made about their wise consumption.
HS4.5.3 recognize data that are biased.
HS4.5.4 recognize that real problems have more than one solution and decisions to accept one
solution over another are made on the bases of many issues.
HS4.5.5 students will use tables, graphs and charts to display data in making arguments and claims in
both written and oral communication.
HS4.6.1 apply chemistry to concepts in other fields of science.
HS4.6.3 investigate the role of chemistry in areas of human endeavor and achievement.
Topics as Covered in Prentice Hall’s Chemistry 2008, Reference Textbook to be used 2015-2016
1. Introduction to Chemistry
2. Matter and Change
3. Scientific Measurement
4. Atomic Structure
5. Electrons in Atoms
6. The Periodic Table
7. Ionic and Metallic Bonding
8. Covalent Bonding
9. Chemical Names and Formulas
10. Chemical Quantities
11. Chemical Reactions
12. Stoichiometry
13. States of Matter
14. The Behavior of Gases
15. Water and Aqueous Systems
16. Solutions
17. Thermochemistry
18. Reaction Rates and Equilibrium
19. Acids, Bases and Salts
20. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
21. Electrochemistry
22. Hydrocarbon Compounds
23. Functional Groups
24. The Chemistry of Life
25. Nuclear Chemistry
Elements Handbook
Math Handbook
OVERVIEW Springbrook High School: 2015-2016
Laboratory Fee is $10.00 per semester
The goal of Introductory Horticulture is to provide practical opportunities for mastering skills in
the care and culture of plants for the home, business, and social environments. This year you
will conduct investigations through Problem Based Learning (PBL) 4 major projects – 1 per
quarter. As you learn about plants and the environment, you will apply your knowledge to create
a prototype to solve the problem. Throughout the year you will be producing plants both outside
and inside the classroom. Lab experiences are an integral part of horticulture, and you will be
working in the greenhouse and around our campus beautifying our environment.
Unit topics
Careers in Horticulture
Greenhouse management and production
Plant Science -nomenclature
Hydroponics -nutrient management
Plant Propagation - how plants grow
The vegetable garden – composting and soil
Business operations
Residential Landscape design
Integrated Pest Management
Invasive species
Floral Design
Herbaceous ornamental plants
Student work will be assigned to one of three weighted categories. Grades are based on points
earned out of total points possible.
A = 89.5-100%
B = 79.5-89.4%
C = 69.5-79.4%
D = 59.5-69.4%
Percent of Grade
Formative: Labs, Projects,
participation, exit cards, quizzes,
Summative: Tests, Quizzes
Homework: Practice, Prep
E = 0%-59.4%
 Student assignments may include homework, classwork, and discussions; tests, quizzes,
inquiry projects, labs and lab reports, presentations, discussions, and hands-on activities.
 Students should take advantage of the One-Lunch program to complete missing
assignments and to receive extra academic support.
 Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, we assign a grade no lower than 50% to
the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, we will assign a
zero. If we determine that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of
the task/assessment, we may assign a zero. (MCPS Policy)
 Due Dates/Deadlines: We will establish due dates and deadlines. We do separate the due
date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete
assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are
the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline
may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
 Retake/Reassessment Policy
Students may request the opportunity to retake a formative assignment on a case-by-case
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of
the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension,
we will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, we do not have to help
a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was
due. Even though we do not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still
has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For
unexcused absences, we may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in
accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS
Student handbook)
 Make-up work: All work missed due to an excused absence must be made up within a
reasonable time frame. Alternative assignments may be required due to absences that
occur during specific classes due to available supplies. Special arrangements must be
made with the teacher to make-up work due to an extended excused absence.
As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives
for Science:
Objective A: Knowing and understanding In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain scientific knowledge ii.
Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations iii.
Analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments Objective B: Inquiring and designing In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation ii.
Formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning Explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected Design scientific investigations Objective C: Processing and evaluating In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Present collected and transformed data ii.
Interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning iii.
Evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation iv.
Evaluate the validity of the method v.
Explain improvements or extensions to the method Objective D: Reflecting on the impacts of science In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue ii.
Discuss and evaluate the various implications of the use of science and its application in solving a Specific problem or issue iii.
Apply communication modes effectively iv.
Document the work of others and sources of information used COMMUNICATION
 Student Handbook – Check for dates of assignments, quizzes and tests
 Progress Reports/Interims and Report Cards
 On-Line Grades through Springbrook High School’s Homepage www.springbrookhs.org
Click on “Edline” link.
 Edline will contain assignments, due dates and other relevant information. Be sure to
check your section assignments as different periods may be studying different units, so
know who is in your class period or check with the instructor for clarification of
assignment expectations and due dates.
 I may be contacted directly through email (address below), or by phoning the Science
Office @ 301-989-6064.
 Arrive on time. Students must be seated when the bell rings. Excused tardies must have an
appropriate signature. All other tardies are considered unexcused.
 Students should take care of personal needs (restroom, water, locker, etc.) BEFORE class.
 Come prepared. Students must bring writing materials and paper every day. A 3 ring binder is
encouraged to keep your science materials organized.
 NO eating during class.
 Laboratory behavior: All appropriate safety requirements will be enforced for labs. Please do
not touch lab materials, hand tools until you are instructed to do so. Inappropriate/unsafe lab
behavior will result in removal from the lab and/or an administrative referral.
 Know your assigned class number so that you can obtain your instructional materials
quickly and be responsible your assigned equipment.
Be responsible for behavior in and out of the classroom that is appropriate for the class activities.
Follow all school rules – head gear and electronic devices will not be allowed during instruction.
Be respectful of the rights, property, and comfort of others.
Use appropriate language – profanity and vulgar language will not be accepted!
Dress in an appropriate manner, be sure to have closed toed shoes that can be soiled from our
outside activities, greenhouse activities and in the classroom as described in the SHS handbook.
 Avoid behavior that is disruptive to class or destructive of property. Inappropriate behavior will
result in detention, a phone call home, and/or an administrative referral
Course Textbook: Introductory Horticulture, Eighth Edition Delmar Publishers. 2011 ISBN 0-8273-6766-X
Textbooks will only be issued upon direct request of the student, otherwise a copy will always be available during
Laboratory Fee is $10.00 per semester to support material costs for instruction. You may choose to
bring a pair of old shoes to leave in the classroom to change into during our outdoor instructional
Mr. Randy Decker
Email Address
[email protected]
Office Room
Springbrook High School
Course Information: 2015-2016
[email protected]
[email protected]_
Course Description
o Semester 1
#1 Football and Boats
 Students apply the knowledge and skills gained through investigation,
observation and analysis of force and motion to create or modify the
game of football.
 With only cardboard and duct tape, students will construct a full size
boat for two, and then apply Newton’s 3 laws of motion as they race to
the finish line!
#2 Energy Drink
 Students apply the knowledge and skills gained through investigation,
observation and analysis of chemical properties, energy and human needs
to create a sports drink tailored to high school athletes. Students will
determine how food and drink provide the human body with what it
needs to keep going.
o Semester 2
 Wilderness Survival
Students will used scientific concepts to develop solutions to problems
that arise when surviving in the wilderness. The solutions will include
shelter construction, water purification, fire starting, and hunting.
Course Goals
This course provides students opportunities to engage in the investigation and
application of physical sciences (Physics and Chemistry).
Expected Student Learning Outcomes
Students will delve into and design solutions to authentic problems based on real life
explorations. Focus topics emphasize the trans-disciplinary nature of science and its role
in innovation and solving local and global issues.
Required Supplies
An opened mind. Belief in yourself.
Guidelines for Grading
Types of Assignments
BCR Review, Projects
Warm Ups/Exit Tickets
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than
50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher
will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the
basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Due dates and deadlines will be established for assignments. It is
recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the
same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Retake/Reassessment Policy
o Summative
 Summative assignments may be reassessed. Must schedule a prearranged time/place to retake. Best times are before the start of school or
at lunch.
o Formative
 Formative assignment may only be reassessed if all assignments in the
unit have already been completed for original credit.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal
status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will
help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a
student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even
though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to
make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences,
teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process
approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Extra Help Hours
After school by appointment and lunch
Room G110
Contact Info
[email protected]
Welcome to IB Physics – Standard Level! Physics has been called the most basic of the sciences. It tells us about the
nature of such things as motion, forces, matter, energy, heat, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, and even what happens
within atoms. What we learn here forms the building blocks for further studies of chemistry, biology, astronomy,
geology, engineering, more advanced physics, and life itself.
The goal of Physics is for students to become effective science learners by developing skills in scientific inquiry, creating
and using data analysis tools, and supporting the understanding of Physics with valid scientific evidence.
There are eight core topics that we will explore this year! These include Physics and Physical Measurement, Mechanics,
Thermal Physics, Oscillations and Waves, Electric Currents, Fields and Forces, Atomic and Nuclear Physics, and Energy
and Power.
The textbook for this course is Physics by Giancoli.
 The book should be COVERED and be well maintained throughout the semester.
 Broken laboratory equipment will be billed to you for the replacement cost.
We will also be using a digital textbook, IB Physics by Tsokos. Chapters will be available online as we get to them.
You are expected to bring the following materials to class EVERYDAY:
 writing utensils, a calculator, and paper/a notebook
 A 3 ring binder is encouraged to keep your science materials organized.
1. All MCPS policies and rules of the SHS student handbook apply (including being digitally responsible, dress
code, language, etc.)
2. Safety First. Inappropriate lab behavior will result in an immediate removal from the lab and/or
administrative referral.
3. Respect those around you: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
4. We are ALL responsible for the learning: A teacher’s responsibility to their students is to give a fair
opportunity for each student to learn. A student’s responsibility is to make a committed attempt to obtain the
knowledge offered in class by doing the work expected, participating in activities, and coming to class ready to learn.
5. Any kind of academic dishonesty will result in a zero grade for the assignment, with no make-up assignment.
6. Students should take care of personal needs (restroom, water, locker, etc.) BEFORE class.
7. When the bell rings students must be seated, class has begun.
8. Student is responsible for making up missed assignments due to absence.
 Unexcused absence = “0” for that day’s assignment, quiz, or test
 Make-up tests and quizzes will be administered at lunch or after school by appointment, once an
absence has been marked as excused.
9. NO eating or drinking during class.
10. Avoid behavior that is disruptive to class or destructive of property. Inappropriate behavior will result in
detention, a phone call home, and/or an administrative referral.
 Due Date is the day an assignment is scheduled to be turned in for full credit.
 Deadline is the absolute last day an assignment will be accepted by a teacher with a 10% penalty added. Any
work after this day will receive a zero.
 All completion assignments have a due date and deadline as the same day – cannot be made up.
 All assessed (checked for correctness) assignments have a deadline of one day after the due date.
 Projects, lab write-ups, reports, etc. have a deadline of three days after the due date.
 No make-up work will be accepted once the unit test has been taken.
 Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, I assign a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a
student does no work on the task/assessment, I will assign a zero. If I determine that the student did not
attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, I may assign a zero. (MCPS Policy)
 Due Dates/Deadlines: I will establish due dates and deadlines. I do separate the due date from the deadline in
order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions
when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date
and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their
absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, I will help a student make up work. If the
absence is unexcused, I do not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though I do not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still
has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, I may
deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal
and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
 Reassessment opportunities will be available. The reassessment must be completed before the unit exam.
 NOTE: The reassessment grade takes the place of the original grade, whether the grade is higher
or lower.
 The following may not be reassessed as per MCPS Grading and Reporting Procedures: “End of course or
semester exams, assessments that end an instructional unit or period of study, final research papers, reports, or
essays, culminating projects or performances.”
Grades will be calculated using weighted categories indicated in the chart below:
Completion assignments: Homework, Warm-ups, Notebook checks, etc.
Formative assessments: Lab reports, Projects, Homework, Class work, Quizzes
(announced & unannounced), etc.
Summative assessments: Unit Tests, Quizzes
Percent of
Grades will reflect individual achievement of the MCPS Standards for a specific marking period.
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
0%-59% = E
NOTE: Grades will be rounded using the first decimal place.
Questions about grades? If something doesn’t match when grades are posted, I will be happy to discuss any possible errors.
BUT!! You must follow the proper procedure:
Have your assignment ready to show me. You should keep all of your work!
Talk to me about the grading problem before or after class. Please do not ask about grades during our
class, and do not interrupt another class to ask me about grades.
When you are discussing your grade, be polite and respectful.
 Back to School Night – September 17, 2015 at 7pm (6pm for IB & ESOL parents)
 Edline will contain assignments and due dates for the following: homework, quizzes, test, projects and lab work
 Progress Reports/Interims
 Report Cards
 I can be contacted directly through my email address or by phoning the Science Office @ 301-989-6064.
o Springbrook High School’s homepage: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/springbrookhs/
Signing this document signifies that you understand and will abide by the policies and procedures listed above.
I ___________________________________________ in pd ___________ have read the information above and understand the
contents. If I have questions I will feel free in contacting the teacher for clarification.
Student Signature: __________________________
Date: ____________
Parent Signature: ___________________________
Date: ____________
Our class will be as enjoyable as you help make it. Our class will be as successful as you help make it. Do your part.
As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Science:
Science Objectives: Objective A: Knowing and understanding In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain scientific knowledge ii.
Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations iii.
Analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments Objective B: Inquiring and designing In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation ii.
Formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning iii.
Explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected iv.
Design scientific investigations Objective C: Processing and evaluating In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Present collected and transformed data ii.
Interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning iii.
Evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation iv.
Evaluate the validity of the method v.
Explain improvements or extensions to the method Objective D: Reflecting on the impacts of science In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue ii.
Discuss and evaluate the various implications of the use of science and its application in solving a Specific problem or issue iii.
Apply communication modes effectively iv.
Document the work of others and sources of information used As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria.
Science Criteria
The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement
of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in science on which
students will be assessed. The criteria for science are:
Criterion Criterion A
Criterion B
Criterion C
Criterion D
Learning Objective Knowing and understanding
Inquiring and designing
Processing and evaluating
Reflecting on the impacts of science
Max Rubric Score Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives will be reported on Edline as an ungraded assignment.
Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’
achievement in each of the IB MYP subjects in which he or she is enrolled.
On-Level Chemistry
Mrs. Bahr Room G-209
Springbrook High School
Science Office: room F-104 - phone: (301) 989-5700 [email protected]
Academic Support- Tutoring is available during lunch (M, W, R, and F) or after school by appointment.
Back to School Night this year is Thursday, September 17th at 7:00 PM
Welcome to a wonderful year of Chemistry!! This class will be challenging and very exciting. You will learn about the
interactions of matter in the world around you and be prepared to succeed in the professional world. You will gain a
toolbox of strategies for analyzing and solving problems and should walk out of this classroom feeling comfortable using
scientific processing in all aspects of your life. Students will be expected to work individually and in small lab groups and
to participate in whole class discussion.
Units of Study
Semester A
Semester B
Unit 1: Measurement, Calculations & Matter Unit 1: Stoichiometry Review
Unit 2: Atomic Theory & Nuclear Chemistry Unit 2: Molecular Bonding
Unit 3: Electron Structure
Unit 3: Thermochemistry
Unit 4: The Periodic Table
Unit 4: Kinetic Molecular Theory
Unit 5: Formulas & Naming
& Phases of Matter
Unit 6: Chemical Reactions
Unit 5: Gas Laws
Unit 7: The Mole & Stoichiometry
Unit 6: Solutions
Unit 8: Classification of Matter
Unit 7: Acids and Bases
Unit 8: Kinetics & Equilibrium
Unit 9: Colligative Properties
1. Students are expected to abide by all student code of conduct and student handbook rules.
2. Students are expected to bring all necessary materials with them to class and be ready to learn.
3. Students are expected to act in a PROFESSIONAL manner at all times. Students should treat themselves, their
peers, teachers, administrators, and the classroom environment with RESPECT.
Bring with you to class everyday:
1. Pencils (and erasers)- Homework, tests, and quizzes should be done in pencil.
2. Calculator- A scientific calculator (does not need to be a graphing calculator).
3. Binder- Students are responsible for keeping notes, quizzes, homework, and tests organized. These materials will
be used in class and for studying.
TEXTBOOK: Prentice Hall, Chemistry, 2008 – Replacement cost $70.00
EDMODO: Students are expected to register for and continually monitor Edmodo (www.edmodo.com). Edmodo is a
free, educational website that enables the teacher to share content such as notes, assignments, answer keys, video clips, etc
and manage communication with students and parents. Grades should continue to be monitored on Edline, however.
 All students must behave according to safety guidelines. Unsafe behavior in the lab will result in a “0” lab grade
and removal from the lab.
 All papers are required to be legible. If a paper is unreadable, it will be returned back to the student without a grade. The
paper may then be turned in again for a grade. This includes homework, labs, quizzes, projects and exams. (Late policies
 Conflicts in the classroom that are resulting in decreased learning will be addressed using the following steps:
Discussion with the student
Student contract put into place
Parent-Teacher-Student conference
Grades will be based on the percentage of total points earned, and the total points will be calculated using a weighted
average of the following categories:
Homework……………………. ………10%
Formative Assessments………………..50%
In class assignments
Summative Assessments…………….....40%
1. Late work due to an excused absence: The student is responsible for checking Edmodo to see what assignments
have been missed and making up all missed assignments. The student will need to obtain any missed notes and
will need to set up reasonable due dates with the teacher to make up the missed work (this includes arranging
times to make up labs, quizzes and exams).
2. Other late work: All assignments have a due date that will be discussed and posted in class as well as posted on
Edmodo. Assignments turned in after the due date will be marked down 10%. Assignments will not be accepted
for a grade after the unit for which it was assigned has ended (exam has been taken).
3. Reassessment policy: Students will have the opportunity to re-assess for most formative quizzes. In order to do
so, students MUST meet with the teacher for tutoring before being allowed to re-take the quiz. Students are
expected to complete the re-take quiz on the re-assessment day assigned by the teacher.
If you put forth effort in this class and ask questions when you have them, you will succeed! I look forward to a great year
with you! – Mrs. Bahr
As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria: The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in science on which students will be assessed. The criteria for science are: Criterion Learning Objective Max Rubric Score Criterion A Using knowledge Maximum 8 Criterion B Inquiring and designing Maximum 8 Criterion C Processing and evaluating Maximum 8 Criterion D Reflecting on the impacts of science Maximum 8 Students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives may be reported on Edline as an ungraded assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Science: A. Using knowledge At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. explain scientific knowledge 2. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations 3. analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments B. Inquiring and designing At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation 2. formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning 3. explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected 4. design scientific investigations C. Processing and evaluating At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. present collected and transformed data 2. interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning 3. evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation 4. evaluate the validity of the method 5. discuss improvements or extensions to the method D. Reflecting on the impact of science At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue 2. discuss and evaluate the various implications of the use of science and its application in solving a specific problem or issue 3. apply communication modes effectively 4. document the work of others and sources of information used. PHYSICS: CLASS EXPECTATIONS
Extra Help Hours
After school by appointment and lunch
Room G110 (Garside) Room F106 (Rooney)
Contact Info
[email protected]
[email protected]
Welcome to Physics! Physics has been called the most basic of the sciences. It tells us about the nature of such things as
motion, forces, matter, energy, heat, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, and even what happens within atoms. What we
learn here forms the building blocks for further studies of chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, engineering, more
advanced physics, and life itself.
The goal of Physics is for students to become effective science learners by developing skills in scientific inquiry, creating
and using data analysis tools, and supporting the understanding of Physics with valid scientific evidence.
The first semester will include kinematics, forces, energy, and momentum. The second semester will include thermal
physics, waves, electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics.
The textbook for this course is Physics by Giancoli.
 The book should be COVERED and be well maintained throughout the semester.
 Broken laboratory equipment will be billed to you for the replacement cost.
You are expected to bring the following materials to class EVERYDAY:
 writing utensils, a CALCULATOR, and paper
 A 3 ring binder is encouraged to keep your science materials organized.
1. All MCPS policies and rules of the SHS student handbook apply (including being digitally responsible, dress
code, language, etc.)
2. Safety First. Inappropriate lab behavior will result in an immediate removal from the lab and/or
administrative referral.
3. Respect those around you: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
4. We are ALL responsible for the learning: A teacher’s responsibility to their students is to give a fair
opportunity for each student to learn. A student’s responsibility is to make a committed attempt to obtain the
knowledge offered in class by doing the work expected, participating in activities, and coming to class ready to learn.
5. Any kind of academic dishonesty will result in a zero grade for the assignment.
6. Students should take care of personal needs (restroom, water, locker, etc.) BEFORE class.
7. When the bell rings students must be seated, class has begun.
8. Student is responsible for making up missed assignments due to absence.
 Unexcused absence = “0” for that day’s assignment, quiz, or test
 Make-up tests and quizzes will be administered at lunch or after school by appointment once an absence
has been marked as excused.
9. NO eating or drinking during class.
10. Avoid behavior that is disruptive to class or destructive of property. Inappropriate behavior will result in
detention, a phone call home, and/or an administrative referral.
 Due Date is the day an assignment is scheduled to be turned in for full credit.
 Deadline is the absolute last day an assignment will be accepted by a teacher with a 10% penalty added. Any
work after this day will receive a zero.
 All completion assignments have a due date and deadline as the same day – cannot be made up.
 All assessed (checked for correctness) assignments have a deadline of one day after the due date.
 Projects, lab write-ups, reports, etc. have a deadline of three days after the due date.
 No make-up work will be accepted once the unit test has been taken.
 Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, we assign a grade no lower than 50% to the task/
assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, we will assign a zero. If we determine that
the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, we may assign a zero.
(MCPS Policy)
 Due Dates/Deadlines: We will establish due dates and deadlines. We do separate the due date from the
deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be
some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework
assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of
their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, we will help a student make up
work. If the absence is unexcused, we do not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a
retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though we do not have to help a student make up
missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course.
For unexcused absences, we may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with
the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
 Reassessment opportunities will be available. The reassessment must be completed before the unit exam.
 NOTE: The reassessment grade takes the place of the original grade, whether the grade is higher
or lower.
 The following may not be reassessed as per MCPS Grading and Reporting Procedures: “End of course or
semester exams, assessments that end an instructional unit or period of study, final research papers, reports, or
essays, culminating projects or performances.”
Grades will be calculated using weighted categories indicated in the chart below:
Completion assignments: Homework, Warm-ups, Notebook checks, etc.
Formative assessments: Lab reports, Projects, Homework, Class work, Quizzes
(announced & unannounced), etc.
Summative assessments: Unit Tests, Quizzes
Percent of
Grades will reflect individual achievement of the MCPS Standards for a specific marking period.
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
0%-59% = E
NOTE: Grades will be rounded using the first decimal place.
Questions about grades? If something doesn’t match when grades are posted, I will be happy to discuss any possible errors.
BUT!! You must follow the proper procedure:
 Have your assignment ready to show me. You should keep all of your work!
 Talk to me about the grading problem before or after class. Please do not ask about grades during class.
 When you are discussing your grade, be polite and respectful.
 Back to School Night – September 11, 2014 7pm (6pm for IB & ESOL parents)
 Edline will contain assignments and due dates for the following: homework, quizzes, test, projects and lab work
 Progress Reports/Interims
 Report Cards
 I can be contacted directly through my email address or by phoning the Science Office @ 301-989-6064.
 Springbrook High School’s homepage: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/springbrookhs/
Signing this document signifies that you understand and will abide by the policies and procedures listed above.
I ___________________________________________ in pd ___________ have read the information above and
understand the contents. If I have questions I will feel free in contacting the teacher for clarification.
Student Signature: __________________________
Date: ____________
Parent Signature: ___________________________
Date: ____________
Our class will be as enjoyable as you help make it. Our class will be as successful as you help make it. Do your part.
As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Science:
Science Objectives: Objective A: Knowing and understanding In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain scientific knowledge ii.
Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations iii.
Analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments Objective B: Inquiring and designing In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation ii.
Formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning iii.
Explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected iv.
Design scientific investigations Objective C: Processing and evaluating In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Present collected and transformed data ii.
Interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning iii.
Evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation iv.
Evaluate the validity of the method v.
Explain improvements or extensions to the method Objective D: Reflecting on the impacts of science In order to reach the aims of sciences, students should be able to i.
Explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue ii.
Discuss and evaluate the various implications of the use of science and its application in solving a Specific problem or issue iii.
Apply communication modes effectively iv.
Document the work of others and sources of information used As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria.
Science Criteria
The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement
of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in science on which
students will be assessed. The criteria for science are:
Criterion Criterion A
Criterion B
Criterion C
Criterion D
Learning Objective Knowing and understanding
Inquiring and designing
Processing and evaluating
Reflecting on the impacts of science
Max Rubric Score Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives will be reported on Edline as an ungraded assignment.
Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’
achievement in each of the IB MYP subjects in which he or she is enrolled.
International Baccalaureate Biology HL
Springbrook High School
Ms. Kathryn Sander, IB Biology HL 1, Room G206
Science Office: (301) 989-6064
[email protected]
Course Description:
The Higher Level IB Biology course at Springbrook High School is a two-year course that
supports the requirements of the International Baccalaureate Organization and provides a
rigorous study of college level biology. Students will develop a conceptual framework for
modern biology and an understanding of science as a process.
Course Goals:
Students will be able to:
 describe science as a process rather than as a static body of knowledge.
 discuss biological concepts using scientific terminology.
 analyze data and make inferences based on conceptual understanding.
 gain experience in the process of scientific discovery.
 think critically about the application of biology to environmental and social concerns.
Damon, A., McGonegal, R., Tosto, P. & Ward, W. (2007) Higher Level Biology developed
specifically for the IB Diploma (1st ed.). Essex, GB: Pearson Education Limited
Allcott, A. (2007) Biology for the IB Diploma (2nd ed.). Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press
Campbell, N.A. & Reece, J.B. (2008) Biology (8th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings
Laboratory Practice:
Laboratory practice is an important component of the course, and students will complete a
minimum of 60 hours of lab investigation during the two years of the HL Biology program.
During the first year, students complete an interdisciplinary science investigation. During the
second year, each student plans, completes and analyzes an independent lab investigation. A lab
report describing this investigation is submitted as the internal assessment in IB Biology. This
will be practiced heavily during the 1st year.
Semester A
Semester B
Chemistry of Life
Molecular Genetics
Cells and Membranes
Metabolism, Enzymes & Respiration Evolution
Semester A
Semester B
Plant Science & Photosynthesis
Human Physiology
Exam Review
IB Assessments:
The IB Higher Level Biology assessments include externally and internally graded components.
The external assessments include multiple choice, short answer, data analysis and extended
response items that are administered in three “papers” that students will write in May of
their senior year. The internal assessment is comprised of a teacher-graded lab report that is
externally moderated.
Expectations and Student Responsibilities:
1. Students will attend class regularly. Attendance is crucial to success in this challenging
and fast-paced college level class.
2. Students will be respectful of their classmates and the teacher.
3. Students will hand in assignments on time. If additional time is needed, the student must
speak to the teacher before the due date. Otherwise, late assignments will be marked
down by one letter grade (10 %). It is very important to keep up with homework and
reading assignments. It will be hard to catch up if you fall behind! Please see below
for the MCPS due date/deadline policy.
4. All assignments are due at the beginning of the period unless otherwise stated by the
5. Make-up work: All work missed due to an excused absence must be made up within a
reasonable amount of time as agreed upon by the teacher and student.
Grading Policy:
Graded assignments fall into three categories, each of which comprises a pre-determined
percentage of the marking period grade:
 Homework = 10 %
 Formative assessments = 50 %
 Summative assessments = 40 %
Formative assessments may include classwork, homework assignments graded for accuracy,
quizzes and labs. Summative assessments may include unit tests, quizzes and labs. The
following scale determines the marking period grade:
89.5 – 100 %
79.5 – 89.4 %
69.5 – 79.4 %
59.5 – 69.4 %
0 – 59.4 %
Assignment of zeros:
As per MCPS policy, the teacher will assign a grade no lower than 50% for a task or assessment
that is graded based on points or percentages. If a student does no work on the task or
assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If the teacher determines that the student did not
attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task or assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.
Due dates and deadlines policy:
The teacher will establish due dates and deadlines for assignments. It is expected that the due
date is separated from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete
assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the
same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be
the same to facilitate the learning and teaching process.
Retake and reassessment policy:
Some summative and formative assessments will be available for reassessment as determined by
the teacher. Reassessment will be available only after re-teaching. Re-teaching may be done by
the teacher. The teacher will be available during lunch for additional re-teaching prior to
reassessment. In general, reassessment will be in the form of student corrections to written
assessments or a replacement assignment. Reassessments will be done during lunch unless the
student makes an alternative arrangement with the teacher.
Make up policy:
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal
status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is the result of a suspension, the teacher will
help the student make up the work. If the absence in unexcused, the teacher does not have to
help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due.
Even though the teacher does not have to help the student make up missed work, the student still
has to make up the work so the student can complete the reset of the course. For unexcused
absences, teacher may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the
process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Student Handbook – Student-recorded dates for assignments, quizzes and tests
Progress Reports/Interims and Report Cards
On-Line Grades – Use “Edline” link on Springbrook High School’s Homepage:
Edline will contain assignments and due dates for the following: homework, quizzes, test,
projects and lab work.
Leave phone message at Science Office or email teacher (see heading on reverse side).