
 201 Valley Brook Drive
Silver Spring Maryland, 20904
Honors Health Education
Honors Health Education is taught for a semester of 18-weeks. All students are required to successfully complete a Health
Education Course prior to high school graduation. Knowledge, concepts, skills, and strategies essential to making healthful
decisions are presented promoting lifelong health and well-being. Certified Health Education teachers implement a variety
of learning activities to promote and practice wellness skills and health literacy. The development of lifelong positive
health-related attitudes and behaviors are emphasized to promote self-reliance and self-regulation.
Key Concepts
Mental and emotional health—apply effective communication skills, the decision-making process, goal setting and strategies
to manage stress to health decisions for self, family, and community.
Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs—analyze factors that influence the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs; investigate
the effects of prescription and over-the-counter drugs and resulting consequences; examine the physical, psychological,
social, and legal consequences of the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs; access information and services for
treatment of addictive behaviors.
Personal and consumer—practice health enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks to live safer, healthier lives; locate
resources that provide valid health information concerning consumer health issues and services; analyze risk factors and
behaviors that contribute to the development of illness.
Family life and human sexuality—explain the process of human reproduction and identify the most prevalent congenital and
hereditary conditions that affect the fetus; distinguish between healthy and unhealthy relationships; describe the roles and
responsibilities of parenting; analyze factors that influence an individual’s decisions concerning sexual behavior;
demonstrate capacity and purpose for setting sexual limits.
Safety and injury prevention—assess appropriate responses to harassment and other violent behaviors; assess and
respond appropriately to sexual aggression; recognize contributors to harassment, intimidating behaviors, and violence;
demonstrate the ability to respond appropriately to emergency, non-emergency, and hazardous situations.
Nutrition and fitness—demonstrate an understanding of body image, how it is developed and influenced; analyze the
benefits of maintaining a healthy weight; analyze influences on eating and activity behaviors and create a personal plan for
improvement; explain the role of nutrients and healthy eating in maintaining and restoring health; examine the relationship
among food intake, physical activity, and weight management; analyze information from the Nutrition Facts Label, Food
Guide Pyramid, and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Disease prevention and control—examine society’s response to disease; describe risk factors and behaviors that influence
contraction and transmission of communicable diseases; access valid information about HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted
Media and Technology in Health Education- students will use various forms of media and technology in this course to both
research and showcase evidence of their learning.
Grading and Reporting:
Mastery total percentage: 90%
 Formative will account for 50% of the total mastery grade.
 Summative will account for 40% of the total mastery grade.
Homework: 10%
 Mastery and Practice
(ex. Daily class work)
(ex. Test, projects, etc.)
Types of Assignments: Given accurate & Helpful Feedback
Learning & Practice
 Class work & Homework
 Tests & Quizzes (Graded)
 Class work and Homework (Graded)
 Projects and Journaling (Graded)
Daily Expectations:
Be Respectful
Do not speak when others are speaking
Do not put down others opinions and ideas
Be Responsible
Raise your hand before leaving seat
Be on time and ask for help when needed
Be ready to Learn
Bring all necessary materials to class
Focus on following instructions when teacher is speaking
Sharpen Pencils upon entering class
Consequences for Misbehavior/Tardiness:
Warning (if tardy fill out “tardy slip”)
Student-Teacher conference
Call home
Referral to the office
Late work & Missing work:
Each assignment will have a due date. This is the date in which the assignment is expected to be submitted.
The deadline, which is 3 school days after the due date, is the last day an assignment will be accepted for a
grade. Work not turned in by the deadline will be considered missing.
Missing work will be recorded in the grade book as a 0.
Assessments will be available for class work and homework.
End of the unit assessment (final Written Tests & Quizzes) cannot be retaken.
In the case of re-assessed work, the reassessment grade will be the grade that counts.
All assignments are titled with the ‘Day of the Assignment’. When you are absent and you return, look at the
current day; then go to the “Absent” crate to pick up the previous days missed.
Example: If you are absent for one day and you return on “Day 3” Assignment. You should go to the “Absent” crate
and pick up “Day 2” if you missed the previous day.
Make Up Work
Extra Credit:
There will be no extra credit at any time.
Progress reports
Report cards
Phone call
Sharis T. Staton, Health and Physical Education Resource
o [email protected]
o 301-989-6065
o Honors Health
Stephanie Jones
o [email protected]
o 301-989-6065
o Honors Health
o Family Life and Human Sexuality
MYP in Physical Education and Health : As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Physical and Health Education: Physical and Health Education Objectives: A. Using knowledge At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. explain physical and health education knowledge 2. apply physical and health education knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations 3. apply physical and health education terminology effectively to communicate understanding B. Planning through inquiry At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. construct, explain and justify a plan 2. analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan based on the outcome of the performance C. Applying and performing At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. apply and demonstrate skills and techniques effectively 2. apply and demonstrate strategies and movement concepts effectively 3. interpret and apply information to perform effectively D. Reflecting and demonstrating At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. explain and demonstrate strategies that enhance their interpersonal skills 2. explain and apply goals to enhance performance 3. analyze and evaluate their own achievements. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Physical and Health Education Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Physical and Health Education on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objective Max Rubric Score Criterion A Using knowledge Maximum 8 Criterion B Planning through Inquiry Maximum 8 Criterion C Applying and performing Maximum 8 Criterion D Reflecting and Maximum 8 demonstrating Students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives may be reported on Edline as an ungraded assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. WE EXPECT! WE BELIEVE! WE ACHIEVE!
Physical Education and Health
201 Valley Brook Drive
Silver Spring, Maryland, 20904
Physical Education is an integral part of the total education of every child in Kindergarten through Grade
12. Quality Physical Education programs are needed to increase the physical competence, health related
fitness, personal/social responsibilities, and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can
be physically active for a lifetime. Areas that the Physical Education Program address are: Improved
Physical Fitness and Fitness Goals, Skill Development, Regular Physical Activity,
Incorporation/Collaboration with other subject areas, Self-Discipline, Sportsmanship, Fair Play, and
The Physical Education Program at Springbrook High School is designed to comply with the MCPS
program of studies align with the Maryland State Standards. In the general Physical Education class
students are offered 2 or 3 different units of activities. Students enrolled in semester specialty courses are
given instruction in intermediate and advanced level skills and strategies inherent to that activity and are
18 weeks in length. Both the general and specialty classes include a fitness component using Fitnessgram.
Fitnessgram is a complete battery of health-related fitness (aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, flexibility and body composition) items that are scored using criteria-referenced standards.
The standards are age and gender specific and are established based on how fit children need to be for
good health.
Main Goal/Focus: to meet the following standards as outlined by
the M.S.D.E.
2. Biomechanics:Improvemovementeffectivenessandsafetybyapplyingprinciplesof
3. Social‐PsychologicalPrinciples:Demonstratepositiveefficacyaboutthemselvesandthe
4. MotorLearningSkills:Demonstrateskillproficiencydevelopedthroughfrequentpractice
5. PhysicalActivity:Performanceinaregular,personalized,purposefulprogramofphysical
6. Skillfulness:Enhancementofstudentabilitytoperformavarietyofskillsandapplicationsby
MYP in Physical Education :
As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives
for Physical and Health Education:
Physical and Health Education Objectives: A. Using knowledge At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain physical and health education knowledge 2. apply physical and health education knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations 3. apply physical and health education terminology effectively to communicate understanding B. Planning through inquiry
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. construct, explain and justify a plan 2. analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan based on the outcome of the performance C. Applying and performing
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. apply and demonstrate skills and techniques effectively 2. apply and demonstrate strategies and movement concepts effectively 3. interpret and apply information to perform effectively D. Reflecting and demonstrating
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain and demonstrate strategies that enhance their interpersonal skills 2. explain and apply goals to enhance performance 3. analyze and evaluate their own achievements. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Physical and Health Education Criteria
The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress
towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are
the key learning areas in Physical and Health Education on which students will be assessed. The
MYP criteria are:
Criterion Criterion A
Criterion B
Criterion C
Criterion D
Learning Objective Using knowledge
Planning through
Applying and
Reflecting and
Max Rubric Score Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives may be reported on Edline as an
ungraded assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each
semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she
is enrolled.
Materials Needed:
 Athletic Wear: Please wear a blue, light blue or white t-shirt. Also, athletic shorts or
sweatpants and running shoes.
 Spandex alone are not acceptable for class. They may be worn under shorts or
sweatpants. Tank tops may not be worn. Sleeveless shirts are okay.
 Each student must provide a combination lock for their gym locker.
 Whistle (Basketball Class Only)
Grades: Mastery total percentage: 100%
Grading Scale: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, 0-59 = E
 Formative will account for 50% of the total mastery grade.
o WEEKLY PARTICIPATION- Students have an opportunity to earn 20 points each
day of class. This grade will be based on proper preparation that does not hinder
performance (Changing for Class), full participation during the entire class, and
measurable effort. Students that fail to prepare for class and are unable to participate
in class will receive a score of 0.
o SKILLS PRACTICE-Students will work on developing skills related to various
activities. Grades will be based on completion of each skill taught and the level of
effort demonstrated by the student.
 Summative will account for 40% of the total mastery grade.
o Written Test
o Skills Test
o Cognitive/Strategic Assessments during tournament play
o Sportsmanship/Team Play
 Homework will account for 10% of the total mastery grade.
Special Note: Participation Excused
 A student well enough to be in school is generally well enough to be dressed and
participate in class. Any exception to this will be handled on an individual basis.
 A note from a parent/guardian is required to excuse a student due to injury or
illness. It will be accepted for a maximum of three consecutive days. To be
excused longer than three days; a doctor’s note is required. You will also need a
doctor’s note to be accepted back in class.
 A student who has become ill at school will need to have a conversation with
his/her teacher prior to class to determine his/her course of action.
 Any student with an excused absence from school or any student who has been
excused from class participation will have the opportunity to earn make-up points
and receive credit for missed work up to five days after returning to class.
 Students may also complete various physical activities that will count for makeup or missing work.
Types of Assignments: Given accurate & Helpful Feedback
Learning & Practice
 Class work & Homework
 Summative Test & Quizzes (Graded)
 Formative Assessments & Class work (Graded)
 Homework (Graded)
Daily Expectations:
 Be Respectful
o Be a team player.
o Demonstrate positive sportsmanship.
o Obscene language, gestures, harassment or disrespect of any sort, will not be
o Abuse, destruction or misuse of physical education equipment will not be
 Be Responsible
o Be on time for class.
o Turn in all complete assignments by due date.
o Ask for help when needed.
o Secure all personal items in assigned locker in the locker room.
o PE staff will not be responsible for lost items.
o Remove all jewelry, especially hoop earrings and necklaces or lanyards that may
not be safe for game play.
o Report all injuries to the teacher immediately.
 Be ready to Learn
o Bring all necessary materials to class (Shorts, T-Shirt, Sweats, Tennis shoes
w/laces or Velcro.)
o Focus on following instructions when teacher is speaking.
o Be on time for class. (In locker room at the bell, then in class 7 minutes after the
Consequences for Misbehavior/Tardiness:
 Warning
 Loss of points (On-going: any unexcused behavior/tardy that causes students to miss
 Student-Teacher conference
 Call home
 Detention
 Referral to the office
Late work & Missing work:
 Each assignment will have a due date set by the teacher. This is the date in which the
assignment is expected to be submitted.
 The deadline, which will be determined by the teacher, is the last day an assignment will
be accepted for a grade. Work not turned in by the deadline will receive a grade of ‘0‘.
 Missing work will be recorded in the grade book as a ‘Z’ until the deadline set by the
teacher has passed. After the deadline the work will be recorded as a ‘0’ and students will
not be allowed to make the assignment up.
 Assessments will be available for skill practice and skill test, to be modeled by the
teacher; then re-tested during skill practice and game situations.
 End of the unit assessment (final skills tests, final written tests & Quizzes) cannot be
 In the case of re-assessed work, the reassessment will be the grade that counts. (Any
alternative will be determined by the teacher.)
Extra Credit: There will be no extra credit at any time.
 Progress Reports / Interims/ Report Cards / Email / Phone Calls / Edline/Parent Teacher
Graduation Requirements:
 2 semesters of Physical Education
Office Hours:
 Determined by Teacher
Physical Education and health Teaching Staff:
Robert Whittles
Specialty Wrestling
Adaptive Physical Education
Sharis T. Staton (RT)
Stephanie Jones
Honors Health Education
Family Life and Human Sexuality
Honors Health Education
M. Cheryl Ingram
John Furgeson
Melissa Seesz
Specialty Basketball
Specialty Weight Training
Specialty Soccer
Specialty Volleyball
Net Games
General PE
Chris Day
Locker Room Phone #’s
Specialty Weight Training
General PE
Specialty Soccer
(301) 989-6065 (Women)
(301) 989-6066 (Men)