Greenphire User Reference Guide - FAQ

University of Pennsylvania
Office of the Comptroller
Disbursements Group
What is Greenphire?
What should we consider first before requesting our study be set up in Greenphire?
When should I request ClinCards?
Is Greenphire HIPAA-Compliant?
Must the coordinator of the study submit the request or can it be anyone on the IRB-Approved Study Team?
What do the Greenphire ClinCards look like?
What should I enter for the Budget Amount?
Why do I have to list the name and email address of my Business Administrator?
What should I enter as ‘Anticipated Duration of Study (in Months)’?
Why do I have to enter Budget Codes?
Who would I get the Budget Codes from?
Why would I use a Payment Schedule?
How do I include others who also need access to my study in Greenphire?
Once my study is set up in Greenphire, how do I request more ClinCards, increase my budget, or request any other
Does the Greenphire system check SSN’s?
What do I do with the W-9 forms that have been filled out by the subjects?
Should I enter the real Subject ID into the Greenphire system?
What if a subject tells me he already has a ClinCard?
How do I add a subject to my study if he/she is already in Greenphire?
If a subject says they lost their ClinCard, will assigning a new ClinCard make the old one invalid?
Is there a limit to how much I can pay a subject?
Can I pay subjects for multiple visits in one transaction, or am I only allowed to process one visit per transaction?
How can I make sure a subject only receives payment for a visit/milestone once?
What if I paid the wrong person or I paid someone the wrong amount?
What if I entered the wrong ClinCard number or the wrong token number?
When I pay someone, is the money available to the person instantly?
How do I approve payments in Greenphire?
What is the reimbursement rate per mile?
Am I required to use a C-2 form?
Who is eligible to be paid by Greenphire ClinCard?
Can an international subject be paid with a Greenphire card?
Can University of Pennsylvania employees involved in a study be paid with the Greenphire ClinCard?
Are subjects charged fees to use the Greenphire ClinCard?
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How is my study/department charged? Do I have to transfer funds to the Greenphire account?
Can I return unused ClinCards?
Why can’t I see my study in Greenphire?
What should I do if a subject is having problems with their ClinCard?
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What is Greenphire?
The Greenphire ClinCard is a reloadable, prepaid card available as a ‘human subjects’ payment option; a faster, safer
method to pay your study participants and provides an excellent alternative to AP check requests (PDA forms), gift
cards, and petty cash. In addition, Greenphire supplies a convenient administrative tool for loading, tracking, and
reporting your studies’ payments.
What should we consider first before requesting our study be set up in Greenphire?
We put many of the decisions for how you want to use the Greenphire ClinCard system in your control. With your
clinical team, Principle Investigator, and/or Business Administrator, please answer the following:
Who will be the main contact for the study and submit the online request? (must have a Pennkey/password)
Who will need access to Greenphire, and what kind of access does each person need?
Does the BA need/want access to Reports within Greenphire?
Which person(s) should be assigned as Approver for reimbursements and manual payments over $100?
Are you going to be making the same type of payment and same dollar amount to all or most of your patients?
We can set up scheduled payments in Greenphire for you.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
When should I request ClinCards?
It’s important that you list Greenphire ClinCard as a payment option in your IRB application or in a modification you
submit to the IRB for an approved study.
You should submit your Greenphire ClinCard Request Form about a week to a month before you will start issuing
payments to patients. Once you submit the ClinCard request form, your cards are available within approximately 24
hours, after we receive approval from your BA.
We understand every situation is unique, so if you need your cards quickly, please contact us to let us know, and we
will work with you to get you your cards as soon as possible.
It’s important to remember that ClinCards do have expiration dates. They expire 3 years from when the cards are
manufactured. Please ask if you would like clarification.
Is Greenphire HIPAA Compliant?
Yes, Greenphire is HIPAA Compliant. Please refer to the document titled, “ClinCard Data Security and Privacy
Statement,” located on our webpage in the References section.
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Must the coordinator of the study submit the request or can it be anyone on the IRB-Approved Study Team?
Anyone on the IRB-approved study team may submit the request as long as they have a Pennkey and Password to log in.
In the Comments/Notes section at the bottom of the request form, please list other people that will need access to the
study in the Greenphire system and what kind of access they need:
Coordinator - registers subjects in Greenphire and makes payments
Approver - Any manual payment or reimbursement of $100 or more must be approved before the money is
issued to the subject on their ClinCard.
Reports - There are many reports in Greenphire such as ‘Payments By Study’ and ‘Program Balance Detail.’
One person can have one type of access, all three, or any combination.
**The Disbursements group can also run reports from Greenphire and send them upon request.**
What do the Greenphire ClinCards look like?
What should I enter for the Budget Amount?
The Budget Amount on the ClinCard Request Form is the total amount you expect to pay your subjects; this also
includes any travel reimbursements you expect to pay on the ClinCard. We enter this dollar amount into the
Greenphire system when we set up your study.
If you reach your budgeted amount, the system will alert you, and in order to process anymore payments, you will
have to contact the Disbursements group via the online request form to increase your budget. This is one of the
many controls Greenphire offers to help you control your budget.
Why do I have to list the name and email address of my Business Administrator?
We must have an emailed approval from your BA in order to set up your study in Greenphire and to issue you the
ClinCards. They are responsible for approving your budget and your use of Greenphire as a payment method. They will
receive an email when you submit the request, and we do not process your request until we have an email from your BA
with approval.
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What should I enter as ‘Anticipated Duration of Study (in Months)’?
Please enter the complete period of time from when you will pay your first payment to your first participant to when
you will pay the last payment to your last participant.
Why do I have to enter Budget Codes?
The Disbursements group front-loads the money to pay your subjects. Then, we charge each study/department (using
the budget codes you supply us) for payments or reimbursements made to subjects. Each month’s charges will be billed
on the last business day of the following month.
Example: In March you request 20 ClinCards, make 10 payments of $20 each, and 10 reimbursements of $4.50 each.
In April, we would enter a journal for:
The payments = $200
The reimbursements = $45
Each cost would be charged to the proper budget code.
Who would I get the Budget Codes from?
Your supervisor, Business Administrator, Principle Investigator, or IRB-approved study team should be able to supply you
with the Budget Codes.
Why would I use a Payment Schedule?
We suggest setting up scheduled payments because:
Most studies are making the same payment with the same dollar amount to most or all of their participants.
It prevents coordinators from accidentally double-paying participants for the same visit.
Once you pay a subject for the visit, that option disappears from that subject's drop down list of payments.
With Manual Payments, a payment greater than $100 needs a second level of approval (the Approver) before it goes
onto the Subject's ClinCard.
Scheduled Payments are "pre-approved," regardless of the dollar amount.
Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss if you have any questions. Also, see our document,
“Greenphire Controls,” under the Benefits section of our webpage.
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How do I include others who also need access to my study in Greenphire?
In the Comments/Notes section at the bottom of the form, please include the first and last name of anyone who will
need access to your study in Greenphire. Please also include their role (Coordinator, Approver, and/or access to
You can also provide this information in an email to [email protected] after you have been contacted
regarding your request.
Once my study is set up in Greenphire, how do I request more ClinCards, increase my budget, or request any other
Please fill out another request form online; make sure to click the box for ‘Existing Study.’ You do not need to fill out
every space, just the identifying information (IRB, Study Nickname, and BA name/email) as well as the item(s) you’re
changing. Feel free to explain or add more information using the ‘Comments/Notes’ section at the bottom of the form.
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Does the Greenphire system check SSN’s?
The Greenphire system does not check SSN’s to verify if they are correct, but apparently, it will reject some numbers
based on rules that some sequences are impossible. Please verify SSN’s with subjects if this happens.
What do I do with the W-9 forms that have been filled out by the subjects?
We now have an operational Greenphire W-9 database. W-9’s can now be sent to Disbursements, and we will scan
and log them into the database. The actual forms will then be destroyed.
The link to search this database is located on our Greenphire webpage, and it is available to anyone with a PennKey
ID. You will only be able to search and confirm a W-9 has been scanned and logged in. Disbursements will have full
access to the forms if you need to view them.
Process Steps:
1. Send your past and future Greenphire W-9’s to the following address and label them Greenphire W-9’s (IF NOT
Accounts Payable
4th Floor Franklin Building- Room 440
3451 Walnut St
Mail Code: 6281
2. AP will scan and log each W-9 into the database.
3. If a coordinator or BA wants to verify a Greenphire W-9 is on record they would search (by first name / last name /
last 4 digits of their SSN) using the following link. This link is now available on Penn’s Greenphire webpage:
**This database is only for W-9’s from subjects registered in Greenphire. W-9’s attached to Petty Cash or AP Checks will
not be scanned into this database.**
Should I enter the real Subject ID into the Greenphire system?
It is a best practice to enter accurate and real information into the ClinCard portal. The name, DOB, and address
must be accurate for the subject to be able to receive Greenphire customer support for their card. The Subject ID is
used to blind the subject name in reporting, so as long as the Subject ID correlates to the correct subject, then there
shouldn't be any issues.
Access to studies in the Greenphire system is only granted with approval by the original requester/coordinator to
ensure security and privacy.
Please refer to the document on our webpage titled “KYC – Know Your Customer.”
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What if a subject tells me he already has a ClinCard?
How do I add a subject to my study if he/she is already in Greenphire?
Throughout the study and when the study is over, the subject keeps the ClinCard. If a subject in your study already has a
ClinCard that has been issued by a study funded by the University of Pennsylvania, then you do not need to issue a new
ClinCard. You can look up their profile in Greenphire by clicking on ‘Look Up Subject’ and searching the subject’s name,
initials, email address, or by the last four digits of their ClinCard number. To add this subject to your study, click on their
last name and then click on ‘Edit Subject’ and ‘(Add Study).’ You should be able to select your study from the drop down.
Finally, scroll down and click ‘Save.’
Any funds you pay them will go onto the card already assigned to them in the Greenphire system. If you cannot find the
subject, then it may mean they were part of a study that was not paid with funds from Penn. You would have to issue
them a new card and set them up in the system.
If a subject says they lost their ClinCard, will assigning a new ClinCard make the old one invalid?
Only one ClinCard can be active for a participant at a time. You can assign them a new ClinCard, and the system will
automatically transfer the available balance to the new ClinCard.
They will only be in our system if the lost ClinCard was issued by a study funded by University of Pennsylvania.
If someone found the lost ClinCard and spent any of the money, there is nothing we can do to reclaim that money.
You can assign a new card by searching for them in ‘Look Up Subject.’ Click on their last name to pull up their profile.
The first option is ‘Replace ClinCard.’ Click this option, enter the Token# or Card#, and then click ‘Assign.’
If the subject received the ClinCard from a non-Penn study, they need to contact the location that issued them the
ClinCard or they can call Greenphire Customer Service to get a new card (if they have a balance on it).
Is there a limit to how much I can pay a subject?
A manual payment or reimbursement over $100 will need a second level of approval. The coordinator will be able to
process the payment, but the assigned Approver must approve the payment in Greenphire before the money will be
issued to the subject on their ClinCard.
Setting up Scheduled Payments will eliminate the second level of approval.
We do have a cap on payments set at $700. If you do need to make a payment or reimbursement above that
amount, please contact us at [email protected] or call us.
Can I pay subjects for multiple visits in one transaction, or am I only allowed to process one visit per transaction?
You determine how often you want to pay your subjects. Many studies pay per visit, but we do have one study that has
subjects visiting three times per week for six weeks; the subjects will be paid once per week or every other week.
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How can I make sure a subject only receives payment for a visit/milestone once?
You can provide us with a payment schedule, and we will add that to the Greenphire system. Then, when a
coordinator needs to pay a subject, they just click on the correct visit/milestone, and then click ‘Submit.’ Once a
subject is paid for a visit/milestone, that option disappears, thus limiting any accidental double-payments.
Coordinators can make a manual payment; a note explaining the reason for payment is required.
To check if a subject has been paid, you can pull up their profile and click on the tab labeled ‘Audit History.’ All the
activity is listed here. There is also a print button if you want to make a copy for a subject.
What if I paid the wrong person or I paid someone the wrong amount?
If you realized a payment is wrong, please click on the ‘Support’ tab on the website, You may call
Greenphire Support or send them a message through the website. If you do not notice it right away, and the patient
spends the payment, there is nothing Greenphire can do.
What if I entered the wrong ClinCard number or the wrong token number?
As soon as you realize your mistake, call Greenphire Customer Support (the ‘Support’ tab), and they can undo what you
When I pay someone, is the money available to the person instantly?
The card is activated when the first payment is loaded onto it, and the participant can spend that money
The only exception to this is if a manual payment or reimbursement over $100 is loaded onto the card; this requires
the assigned Approver to login to the system and approve the payment before it will be available to the participant.
You can set up Scheduled Payments in Greenphire, and they do not require a second approval. You can include
scheduled payments with your Greenphire ClinCard Request or send an email to [email protected].
How do I approve payments in Greenphire?
If a payment needs to be approved in Greenphire, the Approver for the study can login any time to
and click on the tab at the top called "Payment Approvals," and any pending payments will be listed. Just click in the box
on the far left of the listed payment, and then click on the "Approve" button.
If there are pending payments needing approval, an email notification is sent from Greenphire at 6am and 4pm.
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What is the reimbursement rate per mile?
When using the mileage calculator in Greenphire to reimburse subjects for travel, the system defaults to the IRS medical
rate. If you would like your study to use the IRS business rate, please include that when you submit your request. If you
already have a study set up in Greenphire, and you would like to change the reimbursement rate, please contact us. This
is a decision that should be decided by your clinical team, and you could also consult with your Business Administrator.
Am I required to use a C-2 form?
The use of the C-2 Form is a decision made by your department/ORG. We formed an Advisory Board from across the
University to get input for the Greenphire system and process. Your department can choose to use the C-2 form, but this
is what the Advisory Board decided:
If your department uses C-2 forms for clinical trial studies, the subject that is receiving payment through Greenphire
only has to fill out the C-2 form once, when they receive the ClinCard.
If your department has not used C-2 forms in the past, then you do not need to start using it.
Who is eligible to be paid by Greenphire ClinCard?
Participants can be any person with a government-issued Social Security Number, except for Foreign Nationals (see next
Can an international subject be paid with a Greenphire card?
Foreign Nationals cannot be paid via Greenphire. There is required paperwork for paying foreign nationals, especially if
they receive more than $100, and there is no way to attach this paperwork in Greenphire. Please contact us to discuss.
Can University of Pennsylvania employees involved in a study be paid with the Greenphire ClinCard?
The Greenphire ClinCard is considered the same as cash, so if your employees can be paid via cash in studies, then they
should be okay to receive payment via Greenphire ClinCard.
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Are subjects charged fees to use the Greenphire ClinCard?
There are no fees* for:
Making online or in-store purchases
Cashing out the card by presenting it to a teller at any major bank that supports Master Card.
Calling the automated system for balance inquiries
Calling the Customer Service number and speaking to a live agent
Addition of funds to the card (Note: Funds can only be added to the card by the study site.)
The following activities will incur a fee* to the balance on the ClinCard:
Not using the card or not having funds added to it for more than 3 months will incur a monthly fee of $4.50.
Every time the card is used or funds are added, this 3-month period is reset. **This only applies if there is a
balance on the card.**
ATM withdrawals will incur a fee of $3.00 (additional fees may vary based on location)
Requesting a paper statement. Instead you can always check your available balance online or by calling
Customer Service.
Requesting a replacement card through Customer Service ($7). Instead, your study site can replace your card at
no charge (or $3).
*See Terms and Conditions for additional information. ClinCard Cardholder FAQ on Penn’s Greenphire webpage.
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How is my study/department charged? Do I have to transfer funds to the Greenphire account?
The Disbursements group front-loads the money to pay your subjects. We then charge each study/department (using
the budget codes you supply us) for any payments or reimbursements made to subjects. About mid-month we enter a
journal entry for the previous month’s spend.
Beginning October 1, 2016, Penn’s Division of Finance will absorb all Greenphire ClinCard $3 card fees and $1 load fees
centrally, eliminating all program pass-through costs.
Example: In March you request 20 ClinCards, make 10 payments of $20 each, and 10 reimbursements of $4.50 each.
In April, we would enter a journal for:
The payments = $200
The reimbursements = $45
Each cost would be charged to the proper budget code.
Can I return unused ClinCards?
We will consider returns on a case-by-case basis since Greenphire ClinCards have expiration dates. You may request any
number of ClinCards at any time, so you do not need to keep a large inventory in your clinic or work area.
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Why can’t I see my study in Greenphire?
You will not see a study as an option in most reports until you have registered subjects and made payments.
Coordinators and Approvers can check if they have access to a study:
click on 'Look up Subject'
Then, click on the dropdown under 'Study'. You won't see the study listed here because there are no subjects
enrolled yet. But for now, just to check, click on any study listed.
Then, click on the Search button.
Click on the first subject. Then, click on 'Edit Subject.'
Click '(Add Study)' and click on the dropdown box. You should now see the new study as an option to enroll
Click the Cancel button.
For those with Reports Access:
Click on ‘Reports’ on the top menu bar
Click on ‘Study Budget Report’
You will be able to see all the reports you have access to, as well as their budget, total payments, and remaining
What should I do if a subject is having problems with their ClinCard?
Some subjects are going to a bank to get the balance of the ClinCard in cash, but the bank tellers are refusing to give
cash; they tell the person they need to go to an ATM. Unfortunately, there is a $3 fee if the person goes to an ATM.
Please get the name and location of the bank, and we will ask Greenphire to reach out to that bank. Greenphire has
done this in the past, and it has helped.
Please let us know if any participants have any issues using their ClinCard.
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