CLUB Mandatory for all clubs I M P O R T A N T D AT E S SPRING 2015 - 2016 JANUARY FEBRUARY 25 01 WELCOME BACK PARTY NOON–4:30PM CLUB CENTER Come have pizza and grab your club important dates for spring! 05 CLUB FAIR #3 11AM-3PM SAU LOBBY Register on the Link under Clubs@RIT 16 SPORTS & COMPLIANCE ASSISTANT MEETING Required for all Sports Clubs 6-7PM CAMPUS CENTER 2610/2650 MARC H 09 CLUB CHAT 11AM–12:30PM JAVAS Come find us to ask a question about your club and earn a free drink! 02 CLUB101 CLUB FAQ FORUM 4-4:30PM CAMPUS CENTER 1010/1015 MANDATORY ALL CLUBS MEETING ALL CLUBS (except Sports Clubs) 6-7PM CAMPUS CENTER 2610/2650 11 12 Facilitating Club: STAR Come find us to ask a question about your club and earn a free drink! CLUB 101 ADVERTISING YOUR CLUB TBD Campus Center 1010/1015 CLUB CHAT 2-4PM JAVAS 22 CLUB CHAT 3-5PM ARTESANO’S Come find us to ask a question about your club and earn a free drink! 17 CLUB 101 PLANNING SUCCESSFUL CLUB EVENTS 4-4:30PM Campus Center 1010/1015 31 CLUB CHAT 3–4PM MIDNIGHT OIL Come find us to ask a question about your club and earn a free drink! Facilitating Club: EGS Interpreters are available upon request #RITClubs CLUB Mandatory for all clubs I M P O R T A N T D AT E S APRIL 05 SPRING 2015 - 2016 07 19 OR MANDATORY ALL CLUBS MEETING ALL CLUBS REQUIRED 6-7PM CAMPUS CENTER 2610/2650 REQUESTING CLUB BUDGETS HOW TO (ATTEND EITHER DATE) 4-4:30PM CAMPUS CENTER 2650 13 21 CLUB CHAT 2–3PM JAVAS Come find us to ask a question about your club and earn a free drink! 28 CLUB CHAT 3-4PM JAVAS CLUB101 TRANSITIONING OUT AND TURNING OVER LEADERSHIP 11:30AM-NOON CAMPUS CENTER 1010/1015 MAY 06 CLUB BUDGETS DUE ONLINE FORM ONLY BY 5:00PM. Come find us to ask a question about your club and earn a free drink! 08 CLUB FAIR #4 11AM-3PM SAU LOBBY Register on the Link under Clubs@RIT 27 CLUB AND ADVISOR END OF YEAR AWARDS 5PM Ingle Auditorium Reception to follow, Skalny Room 11 END OF YEAR PARTY NOON CLUB CENTER Food and dessert provided. Come celebrate all you’ve done this year! ClubsAtRIT Interpreters are available upon request [email protected]
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