catalogue of the continental mollusks of russia and

(published online on February 15, 2009)
Inventories of molluscs of Russia (and adjacent territories) is currently becoming a priority,
especially in last decade. Several important publications appeared recently, among others the identification guide to freshwater molluscs of Russia [Starobogatov et al., 2004], annotated list of the
molluscs of Baikal Lake [Sitnikova et al., 2004; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004], monograph of Lymnaeidae of Europe and northern Asia [Kruglov, 2005], as well as the first complete catalogue (although in abridged form and only in Russian) of all groups of Mollusca of Russia and adjacent
countries (within the borders of former USSR) [Kantor, Sysoev, 2005]. The catalogue was compiled
mostly from published data. Only for some groups were the data based on collections, mostly that of
ZIN, which possesses the largest collection of molluscs from the territory of the former USSR.
Later the illustrated catalogue of marine and brackish-water Gastropoda was published [Kantor, Sysoev, 2006]. It included 1240 species, being approximately 1/3 of entire fauna of molluscs.
The catalogue included as a rule photographs of the type specimens for the species, described from
Russia and adjacent territories. For the species, described from elsewhere, mostly the specimens
were used for illustrations on which the record was based, that were identified by the authors in the
corresponding publications.
The full version of the catalogue, which includes the data on type localities and type specimens
of each species for the remaining groups of molluscs has been in preparation since.
After the publication of illustrated catalogue of gastropods it became obvious that such publications turmed to be outdated rather fast. During two years since it was completed, several important
monographs and revisions were published, several are in preparation.
The situation with the continental molluscs is even more complicated. Firstly, the Russian specialists on fresh-water molluscs appeared to be “splitters” comparing with their western colleagues.
This sometimes leads to extreme differences in opinion on species number and taxonomy of some
groups. For example, Graf [2007] recently analyzed the number of species of Unionoidea of
Palearctic recognised by Russian malacologists (156 species in 34 genera) and western specialists
(45 species in 16 genera). Most of the groups are still awaiting the critical re-assessment.
In this situation I decided to publish the available to us materials on continental (fresh-water
and terrestrial) molluscs of Russia and adjacent territories within the borders of former USSR on the
Internet in order to make the results available to broad audience of specialists in Russia and abroad.
Publication in this format will allow rapid corrections and additions of new materials in future. I invite all the specialists to contribute their experience and knowledge to build most comprehensive
and updated inventory of continental molluscs.
This work has been accomplished besides Yu. Kantor by A.A. Schileyko (both from
A.N.Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of Russian Academy of Sciences) and
A.V.Sysoev (Zoological Museum of Moscow State University). Invaluable help was provided by
M.V. Vinarski (Omsk State Pedagogical University).
In compiling the work all available sources were used: monographs, separate papers, as well as
species lists and catalogues. Moreover, the original descriptions of most of the species were
checked. This was possible through the access to several large libraries in Russia and abroad (principally the libraries of Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris and National Museum of Natural
History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.). As a result hundreds of mistakes in published
sources, including the nomenclature of many species were corrected. Unfortunately, we were not
able to find references for a few species. Still type material for many species was not traced. The
basis of the list of terrestrial species was the unpublished manuscript of Likharev and Schileyko. It
represented the second updated edition of the famous monograph of I.M. Likharev and E.S. Rammelmeyer [1952], which was supposed to be published in late 1980-s but due to long period of economic instability was never printed.
In current database all terrestrial and freshwater molluscs are included. Frackish-water species
of Gastropoda were treated in Kantor and Sysoev [2006] and therefore are not included herein. On
the contrary, brackish water bivalves (including those of the Caspian Sea, which may be considered
as marine) are treated in the current catalogue.
In species entry the main habitat is included: F – stands for fresh-water species, B – for brackish-water, M – for marine, and T – for terrestrial species.
Species within genera and genera within families are arranged in alphabetical order. Subgenera are not included.
On the types of Ya. I. Starobogatov
Mention should be made of the types of some species, described by Ya. I. Starobogatov (19322004), especially in co-authorship with B. M. Logvinenko from the Caspian Sea. These authors
wrote the molluscan section in the Atlas of invertebrates of the Caspian Sea (Moscow, 1968). Logvinenko and Starobogatov did not mention holotypes in the text (or type localities), but specified
them in the figure captions. Although there is no information about the depository of the types, they
should be stored in ZIN, where Ya. I. Starobogatov worked most of his life. Nevertheless, we were
not able to find many of the types in ZIN collection. According to personal communication of L. L.
Yarohnovich (collection manager of fresh-water and land molluscs of ZIN), part of the collection of
Caspian molluscs, including types of new species, was stored in the Biological Faculty of Moscow
State University in the laboratory of B. M. Logvinenko. After his death the material was transferred
to ZIN and was kept in the personal office of Starobogatov for many years. After Starobogatov’s
death all the numerous samples were transferred to the general molluscan storage, but until now not
completely processed and therefore not included into type and general collections. Thus it is possible that many of the types that are listed in this publication as “not traced” may be available in future.
On the inventory system in Zoological Institute of RAS
A significant number of the types are stored in ZIN. Therefore we should briefly mention the
system of inventory numbers used in this collection.
Starting in the late XIX century there was a card systematic catalogue in molluscs collections
of ZIN (probably started by S. M. Herzenstein and N. M. Knipowich). For each species a separate
card (with several entries) was started and the locality and the author of identification were cited for
each sample. Thus, each sample was given a number which was unique only within single species.
In this publication we refer to such numbers in the systematic catalogue as “ZIN No. ** in the systematic catalogue”. Usually the card started with the type specimens and therefore most of them
have No. 1. In the collections the lots are arranged taxonomically in accordance with the systematic
catalogue numbers.
Beside the systematic catalogue, in the 1960’s a system of inventory numbers was started.
The numbers were attributed to the lots not in taxonomic order. The inventory numbers cover most
of the samples of marine gastropods and only partially those of fresh-water and land. In this book
we provide the inventory numbers (if available), as well as systematic catalogue numbers. The number before the slash is the inventory number, while that following is the number in the systematic
Quantitative estimate of the fauna of continental molluscs of Russia
At present 1892 continental species are included in Version 1.0 of the catalogue. We are following the current number of species in Russian literature (see above about the “splitting”).
Many colleagues assisted us in compiling this list. We want to thank them all, but especially:
B. I. Sirenko, P. V. Kiyashko, L. L. Yarohnovich, R. Kormushkina from ZIN; T. Ya. Sitnikova from
Limnological Institute of RAS; V.V. Anistratenko (Institute of Zoology of National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine); L. A. Prozorova (Biological-Pedological Institute of Farf-Eastern Branch of
RAS; prof. P. Bouchet, J.-P. Rocroi, V. Héros from the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (Paris);
J. D. Taylor, K. Way, and D. G. Reid from the Natural History Museum (London); Prof. M. G.
Harasewych (Na tional Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.); A.
Warén (Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stokholm); M. Glaubrecht (Zoological Museum,
Humboldt University, Berlin)
Graf D. L. 2007. Palearctic freshwater mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionoida) diversity and the
Comparatory Method as a species concept. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences
of Philadelphia, 156: 71-88.
February 15, 2009
Сокращения названий музеев и институтов
[Abbreviations of the museums and institutions]
ANSP — Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, USA
BMNH — Natural History Museum, London, UK
CASIZ — California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA
IMT — Institute of Malacology, Tokyo, Japan
IORAN — Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
IRSNB — Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique
LSL — Linnean Society, London, UK
MA — private collection of Masao Azuma, Takarazuka, Hyõgo prefecture, Japan
MCZ — Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
MHNG — Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Genève, Switzerland
MNHN — Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, France
NC — Nishinomiya Shell Museum, Hyõgo prefecture, Japan
NMBE — Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern, Switzerland
NMC — National Museum of Canada
NMG – Naturhistoriska Museet Göteborg, Sweeden
NHMB – Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, Switzerland
NHMV – Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
NMV — National Museum of Victoria, Australia
NMWZ — National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, UK
NSMT — National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan
RAMM — Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter, UK
SMF — Natur-Museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
SMNH — Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stokholm, Sweeden
SSM — Sea and Shell Museum, Rikuzen-Takada, Iwate prefecture, Japan
USMP — Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, USA
UMT — University Museum, University of Tokyo, Japan
USNM — National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA
UUZM — Uppsala University Museum, Uppsala, Sweeden
YPM — Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, USA
ZIN — Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russia
ZMB — Zoologisches Museum, Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin Germany
ZMBN — Zoologisk Museum, University of Bergen, Norway
ZMC — Zoologisk Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
ZMMU — Zoological Museum of Moscow University, Russia
ZMUC — Zoological Museum of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
ZMUO — Zoologiske Museum, Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Clade NERITIMORPHA [= Neritopsina]
HELICINOIDEA Férussac, 1822
HELICINIDAE Férussac, 1822
(Kantor Yu. I., Schileyko A.A., Likharev I.M., Sysoev A.V.)
Hemipoma A. Wagner, 1905
Type species: Helicina hakodadiense Hartman, 1890 (SD Wenz, 1938)
Hemipoma hakodadiense (Hartman, 1890)
[= Hemipoma sadoense A. Wagner, 1905]
Helicina hakodadiense Hartman, 1890: 286, pl. 3, fig. 8.
● Type locality: «Hakodadi, Japan» (Hakodate Prefecture, Hokkaido).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Itirup and Irup islands (Kurile Islands) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
NERITOIDEA Rafinesque, 1815
NERITIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
(Kantor Yu. I.)
Theodoxus Montfort, 1810
Type species: Theodoxus lutetianus Monfort, 1810 (= Nerita fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758) (OD)
● Remark: Shadin (1952) and others recorded Theodoxus transversalis (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) for
Ukraine. Nevertheless, the area of this species is probably restricted to the middle Danube and there
are no specimens collected on the territory of former USSR (Anistratenko et al., 1999).
Theodoxus astrachanicus Starobogatov in Starobogatov, Filchakov, Antonova et Pirogov, 1994 F
Starobogatov et al., 1994: 8-9, fig. 1 (1, 2).
● Type locality: southern end of Barskaya Kosa, 1 m (Volga Delta).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of the Azov Sea and Volga delta, in rivers (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al.,
Theodoxus danasteri (Lindholm, 1908)
Neritina danubialis var. danasteri Lindholm, 1908: 214-215.
● Type locality: "Fluss Dnjestr bei Rybnitzy, Gvt. Podolien".
● Types: whereabouts unknown.
● Distribution: northern Black Sea maritime area, rivers (Anistratenko, 1998b; Anistratenko et al., 1999;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: some records of Th. danubialis (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) in lower Danube and its mouth probably (eg.
Polischuk, 1974) probably are incorrectly identified specimens of Th. danasteri (Anistratenko, 1998b; Anistratenko et al., 1999).
Theodoxus euxinus (Clessin, 1886)
F, B
Neritina euxina Clessin, 1886: 55.
● Type locality: "Mangalia, au der Küste des schwarzen Meeres, nördlich von Varna".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Black Sea maritime area, lower parts of rivers (Anistratenko, 1998b; Anistratenko et al., 1999;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Theodoxus fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Neritina brauneri Lindholm, 1908; Neritina brauneri f. lacrymans Lindholm, 1908; Neritina brauneri f.
alboguttata Lindholm, 1908; Neritina brauneri f. pulcherrima Lindholm, 1908; Theodoxus dniestroviensis
Put, 1972]
Nerita fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758: 777.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Lectotype (Anistratenko et al., 1999): LSL. 566
● Distribution: rivers of Azov-Black seas and Baltic Sea basins (Anistratenko, 1998b; Anistratenko et al.,
1999; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Theodoxus milachevitchi Golikov et Starobogatov, 1966
Golikov, Starobogatov, 1966: 353, fig. 1 (1a, 1b).
● Type locality: phaseoline silt, off Crimea coast, Black Sea, 44º47’15”N, 35º50’20”E, 71 fathoms.
● Holotype: ZIN 1/6134.
● Distribution: subfossil on phaseoline silt, off Crimea coast, Black Sea, 20-60 m (Golikov, Starobogatov,
Theodoxus pallasi Lindholm, 1924
F, B
[= Theodoxus schirazensis var. major Issel, 1865]
Lindholm, 1924c: 34 (nom. nov. pro Neritina liturata Eichwald, 1838 non Schultze, 1826).
● Type locality: Daghestan.
● Lectotype (Starobogatov et al., 1994): ZIN 54547/63.
● Distribution: Caspian and Aral seas; 0-35 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968; Starobogatov, 1974), Armenia (Akramowski, 1976), Ural River (Pirogov et al., 1994).
Theodoxus sarmaticus (Lindholm, 1901)
F, B
Neritina fluviatilis var. sarmatica Lindholm, 1901: 181-182.
● Type locality: "im Oskol, in stilleren Buchten. Namentlich häufig in einer seeartigen Bucht am rechten
Ufer des Flusses bei Novyi Oskol, ... Mühlendamm bei Golubino".
● Syntypes: ZIN 6098/23, 6099/24, 6100/25.
● Distribution: rivers of the northern coast of Black and Azov seas (Anistratenko, 1998b; Anistratenko et al.,
1999; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Theodoxus schultzii (Grimm, 1877)
B, M
Neritina schultzi Grimm, 1877: 77-78, pl. 7, fig. 5, pl. 8, fig. 16.
● Type locality: two localities in the Caspian Sea: 43º17' N, 01º03' E, 40 fathoms, and 42º48' N, 01º22' E, 48
● Syntypes: ZIN, No. 5 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: middle and southern Caspian Sea; 15-100 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Theodoxus subthermalis (Bourguignat in Issel, 1865)
Theodoxus fluviatilis var. subthermalis Bourguignat -- Issel, 1865: 22-23.
● Type locality: not stated (Lac de Paleostomi, près de Poti, Georgie – locality of the probable syntype).
● Probvable syntype: MHNG, Bourguignat collection.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of the eastern coast of Black and Azov seas (Anistratenko, 1998b; Anistratenko et al., 1999; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Theodoxus velox V. Anistratenko in O. Anistratenko, Starobogatov et V. Anistratenko, 1999
Theodoxus velox V. Anistratenko -- O. Anistratenko, Starobogatov et V. Anistratenko, 1999: 17-18, fig. 4, 7.
● Type locality: Dnieper delta, Zbyrjevskji liman.
● Types: Institute of Zoology, Kiev.
● Distribution: type locality, Kahovskoye reservoir (Anistratenko et al., 1999; V. Anistratenko, pers. comm.).
(Kantor Yu. I., Schileyko A.A., Likharev I.M., Sysoev A.V.)
Toffolettia Giusti, 1971
Type species: Cyclostoma striolatum Porro, 1840 (OD)
Toffolettia lederi (O. Boettger, 1881)
Pomatias lederi Boettger O., 1881a: 244, pl. 9, fig. 22.
● Type locality: "Kutais in Mingrelien" (Kutaisi, Georgia).
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1958): SMF No. 158975.
● Distribution: wet deciduous forests of northern branches of western (Dakhovskoie ravine) and eastern
(Military-Osetin Road, Kurtatinskoe ravine) of Great Caucasus; southern branches of Great Caucasus from
Fischt Mountain in the west to Rachinsky Ridge in the east (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); vicinities of Matzesta,
Adler and Sochi (Egorov, Greke, 2003).
(Kantor Yu. I., Schileyko A.A., Likharev I.M., Sysoev A.V.)
Caspicyclotus Forcart, 1935
Type species: Cyclotus sieversi L. Pfeiffer, 1871 (monotypy)
Caspicyclotus sieversi (L. Pfeiffer, 1871)
[= Cyclotus bourguignati Doumet-Adanson, 1885; Cyclotus herzi O. Boettger, 1889; Valvata brandti Westerlund, 1897, part.; Cyclotus biggsi Schlesch, 1934; Caspicyclotus praesieversi Steklov, 1966]
Cyclotus sieversi Pfeiffer, 1871: 69-70.
● Type locality: «Caucasia meridionali» (Lenkoran, Azerbaijan).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Eastern Transcaucasia: forests of Lenkoran lowland and Talysh, southern branches of Great
Caucasus from Lagodekhi to Nukhi (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); one record near Mtzkheta (Rosen, 1925).
(Kantor Yu. I., Schileyko A.A., Likharev I.M., Sysoev A.V.)
Acicula Hartmann, 1821
Type species: Bulimus lineatus Draparnaud, 1821 (monotypy)
Acicula limbata Reuss, 1860
Reuss, 1860: 61.
● Type locality: «Tuchoritz und Lipen» (Czechia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Georgia: Poti, Surami, Manglisi (Boeters et al., 1989).
Acicula moussoni O. Boettger, 1879
Boettger, 1879a: 41, pl. 1, fig. 7
● Type locality: Kazbek (Caucasus).
● Lectotype (Boeters et al., 1989): SMF No. 4202a (not No. 4056 as designated by Zilch, 1976b – see
Boeters et al., 1989).
● Distribution: several records at northern and southern branches of Great Caucasus, Suram and AdzharTrialet ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Acicula parcelineata (Clessin, 1911)
[= Acme carpatica A. Wagner, 1912; Acme parcelineata var. cylindracea Sitsch, 1925; Pupula wagneri
Hesse, 1930, nom. nud.; Acicula bakanense Steklov, 1966]
Acme parcelineata Clessin, 1911: 165.
● Type locality: «Dzingelau, Oestr. Schlesien» (Dziegielow near Cieszyn, Poland).
● Syntypes: lost (Zilch, 1976b).
● Distribution: Ukraine: Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Platyla Moquin-Tandon, 1855
Type species: Acme dupuyi Paladilhe, 1868 (SD Boeters, Gittenberger et Subai, 1989)
Platyla jankowskiana (Jackiewicz, 1979)
Acicula jankowskiana Jackiewicz, 1979: 95, fig. 1.
● Type locality: valley of Zhencha river, near Tatarov village, Ivano-Frankovsk Region, Ukraine.
● Holotype: IZP.
● Distribution: type locality.
Platyla oedogyra (Paladilhe, 1868)
[= Acme similis Reinhardt, 1880; Acme perpusuilla Reinhardt, 1880]
Acme ? var. oedogyra Paladilhe, 1868: 236, pl. 13, figs. 4-6.
● Type locality: «Kieco».
● Lectotype (Boeters et al., 1989): Paladilhe collection, Faculté des Sciences, Montpellier, France.
● Distribution: Ukraine: Lvov and Zhitomir regions (Anistratenko, 1998b).
Platyla polita (Hartmann, 1840)
[= Carychium lineatum C. Pfeiffer, 1828 non Bulimus lineatus Draparnaud, 1801, nec Carychium lineatum
A.E.J. Férussac, 1821; Cyclostoma lubricum Held, 1847; Truncatella lubrica Held, 1847; Acme subpolita
Gottschick, 1921]
Pupila acicularis polita Hartmann, 1840: 5, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: "Gipfel des Schönebergs bei Hof Geismar in Hessen" (Schoneberg Mountains, Hessen,
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Kaliningrad Region, Baltic countries, vicinities of St.-Petersburg (Glint), Valdai, Moscow,
and Central-Russian Hills, western regions of Byelorussia (Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Polesye), Ukraine (Carpathians, Volyno-Podolsk Hills), vicinities of Kiev, Kanevsly Natural Reserve (Kornyushin, 1988).
(Kantor Yu. I., Schileyko A.A., Likharev I.M., Sysoev A.V.)
Palaina Semper, 1865
Type species: Diplommatina macgillivrayi L. Pfeiffer, 1854 (SD Iredale, 1944)
Palaina amurensis (Mousson, 1887)
Diplommatina amurensis Mousson, 1887: 23-24, pl. 1, fig. 7.
● Type locality: vicinities of Vladivostok.
● Syntype: ZMZ No. 526628.
● Distribution: Southern Primorye Territory (Ussurijsky and "Kedrovaya Pad'" natural reserves, vicinities of
Vladivostok) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
(Kantor Yu.I., Sysoev A.V.)
Amuropaludina Moskvicheva, 1979
Type species: Paludina praerosa Gerstfeldt, 1859 (OD)
Amuropaludina chloantha (Bourguignat, 1860)
Vivipara chloantha Bourguignat, 1860a: 534, pl. 24, figs. 5-7.
● Type locality: "divers affluents de l'Amour moyen".
● Types:
● Distribution: Amur basin, excluding upper part of Zeya basin; in rivers and running lakes (Bogatov,
Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Amuropaludina pachya (Bourguignat, 1860)
Vivipara pachya Bourguignat, 1860a: 532-533, pl. 24, figs. 1-2.
● Type locality: "le flueve Amour".
● Types:
● Distribution: central and lower Amur basin, in rivers and running lakes (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992];
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Amuropaludina praerosa (Gerstfeldt, 1859)
Paludina praerosa Gerstfeldt, 1859: ????, pl. 9, figs. 6a, 7.
● Type locality: middle Amur River.
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, 1979): ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur basin, excluding upper part of Zeya basin and Amgun basin, in rivers and running lakes
(Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cipangopaludina Hannibal, 1912
Type species: Paludina malleata Reeve, 1863 (OD)
Cipangopaludina kurilensis Starobogatov in Moskvicheva, 1979
[= Viviparus malleatus sensu auct., non Paludina malleata Reeve, 1863]
Starobogatov in Moskvicheva, 1979: 91.
● Type locality: Kunashir Island [Kurile Islands].
● Lectotype (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]): ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands, southern and central Sakhalin, in lakes and slow-running rivers (Prozorova, 1996[1997]a; Prozorova, 1998a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cipangopaludina sujfunensis Moskvicheva, 1979
Cipangopaludina sujfunensis Moskvicheva, 1979: 89-90, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Lake Soldatskoye near Ussuri town (basin of Razdolnaya River).
● Holotype: ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: basins of the rivers of southern Primorje, except Amur basin, in lakes (Moskvicheva, 1979;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cipangopaludina ussuriensis (Gerstfeldt, 1859)
Paludina ussuriensis Gerstfeldt, 1859: 507-508, pl. 9, figs. 1-4.
● Type locality: "In den Seen, die mit dem mittleren und unteren Amur in Verbindung stehen, namentlich
häufig afer in den Lachen au der Ussuri-Mündung".
● Lectotype (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]): ZIN No. 15 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Amur basin, excluding upper and central parts of Zeya and Bureya basins, in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cipangopaludina zejaensis Moskvicheva, 1979
Cipangopaludina zejaensis Moskvicheva, 1979: 89, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Lake Orlinoye, 120 km from mouth of Arga River (upper Zeya basin).
● Holotype: ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: upper and central parts of Zeya and Bureya basins, middle Amur and Ussuri basins, in lakes
(Moskvicheva, 1979; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Contectiana Bourguignat, 1880
Type species: Cyclostoma contectum Millet, 1813 (fixation of the types species not traced)
Contectiana contecta (Millet, 1813)
[= Nerita fasciata Müller, 1774 (part.); Paludina crystallina Gray, 1821; Paludina inflata Villa et Villa,
1841; Vivipara lacustris Beck, 1847]
Cyclostoma contectum Millet, 1813: 5-7.
● Type locality: "La Mayenne, etc. A Angers: les fossés de Tournemine; ceux de Reculée".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern part of Europe: basin of the Balhic Sea, central parts of basins of Danube and
Dnieper, in lakes and small permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Contectiana fennica (Kobelt, 1909)
Vivipara fennica Kobelt, 1909a: 9, pl. 394, fig. 2265-2267.
● Type locality: "Finnischer Meerbusen beim Dorfe Lachta (Gouv. St. Petersburg)".
● Lectotype (Zilch 1955): SMF No. 47879.
● Distribution: lakes of the basin of the Baltic Sea, upper basin of Volga River (Pleshcheevo Lake, Yaroslavl
Region), freshwater parts of the Finish Gulf, Ukraine in Shatsk lakes (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Contectiana kormosi (Kobelt, 1909)
Vivipara contecta kormosi Kobelt, 1909b: 315-316, pl. 62, fig. 12.
● Type locality: "Soto in Ungarn".
● Holotype: SMF No. 48413.
● Distribution: lakes of the basin of the Baltic Sea, middle Danube basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Contectiana ladogensis Chernogorenko et Starobogatov, 1987
Chernogorenko, Starobogatov, 1987a: 147.
● Type locality: northern part of Ladoga Lake (NW European part of Russia).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Contectiana listeri (Forbes et Hanley, 1849)
[= Vivipara communis Moquin-Tandon, 1855; Paludina moquini Roumeguere, 1858; Vivipara vera
Frauenfeldt, 1862; Vivipara brachya Bourguignat, 1880; Vivipara carniolica Bourguignat, 1880; Vivipara
communis Bourguignat, 1880; Vivipara isseli Bourguignat, 1880; Vivipara minutula Bourguignat, 1880; Vivipara paludosa Bourguignat, 1880; Vivipara taurica Bourguignat, 1880; Vivipara contecta var.russiensis
Milachevitch, 1881; Vivipara ranarum Servain, 1884; Vivipara contecta var. rossica Westerlund, 1886;
Paludina contecta var. gallensteini Kobelt, 1893; Vivipara contecta var. corcyrensis Kobelt, 1909; Vivipara
contecta var. croatica Kobelt, 1909]
Paludina listeri Forbes, Hanley, 1849 in 1848-1853: pl. 71, fig. 16; 1850: 8-11.
● Type locality: southern half of England, Southport in Lancashire, York, the Thames, the Trent, the Ex, the
Tawe at Swansea.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except extreme south and north, Ural River, south of western Siberia (westward of
Ob River), in lakes and small permanent waterbodies (Anistratenko, 1998b; Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Contectiana turrita (Kobelt, 1909)
Vivipara contecta turrita Kobelt, 1909a: 8, pl. 394, fig. 2263.
● Type locality: "Tollensee in Mecklenburg".
● Holotype: SMF No. 48309.
● Distribution: lakes in the basin of the Baltic Sea, Ukraine (Shatsk lakes) (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Contectiana zebra (Kobelt, 1877)
Paludina zebra Kobelt, 1877: 74, pl. 138, fig. 1370.
● Type locality: "Constantinopel".
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1955, as "Typus"): SMF No. 26555.
● Distribution: western Transcaucasia (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Viviparus Montfort, 1810
Type species: Helix viviparus Linnaeus, 1758 (tautonymy)
Viviparus ater (Christofori et Jan, 1832)
[= Paludina crassa Villa et Villa, 1841; Vivipara acerosa Bourgignat, 1862; Vivipara amblia Bourgignat,
1870; Vivipara penchinati Bourgignat, 1870; Vivipara aristidis Bourgignat, 1880; Vivipara letourneuxi
Bourgignat, 1880; Vivipara taciti Bourgignat, 1880; Vivipara tanousi Bourgignat, 1880; Vivipara thiesseana
Bourgignat, 1880; Paludina mamillata var.hazayi Westerlund, 1886; Vivipara danubialis var. banatica
Kobelt, 1909; Vivipara mamillata var. carlovacensis Kobelt, 1909; Vivipara pyramidalis var. erjaveci
Kobelt, 1909; Vivipara danubialis var. kormosi Kobelt, 1909; Vivipara pyramidalis var. montovana Kobelt,
1909; Vivipara danubialis var. rumaenica Kobelt, 1909]
Paludina atra Christofori, Jan, 1832: 3.
● Type locality: not stated (Italia superioris – from title).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of the basins of Danube, Dnieper and Dniester rivers, now through entire
Dnieper and basin of the Western Dvina River, vicinities of Tolliatti and Pyatigorsk (Anistratenko, 1998b;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Viviparus costae (Heldreich in Mousson, 1863)
[Paludina nucleus (Mousson)]
Paludina costae Heldreich -- Mousson, 1863: 18.
● Type locality: "environs de Constantinople".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western Transcaucasia, north of Minor Asia, rivers (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Viviparus sphaeridius (Bourguignat, 1880)
[= Vivipara sphaeridia Bourguignat, 1880; Vivipara strongyla Bourguignat, 1880; Vivipara neptun Clessin,
Vivipara sphaeridia Bourguignat, 1880: 47-48.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types:
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of the basins of Danube, Dnieper and Dniester rivers, now through the entire
Dnieper and the basin of the Western Dvina River (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Viviparus vistulae (Kobelt, 1907)
Vivipara fasciata vistulae Kobelt, 1907: 29.
● Type locality: "Weichsel bei Graudenz".
● Lectotype (Zilch 1955): SMF 47828.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of the basin of the Baltic Sea (Neman, Visla, Kurshsk Bay) (Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Viviparus viviparus (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Nerita fasciata Müller, 1774 (part.); Cyclostoma achatinum Lamarck, 1812; Viviparus vulgaris Gray,
1850; Paludina duboisiana Mousson, 1863; Vivipara subfasciata Bourguignat, 1870; Vivipara subfasciata
var. sequanica Bourguignat, 1870; Paludina okaensis Clessin, 1875; Vivipara forbesi Bourguignat, 1880;
Vivipara nevilli Bourguignat, 1880; Vivipara imperialis Bourguignat, 1884; Vivipara penthica var. albisiana
Servain, 1884; Vivipara bourguignati Servain, 1884; Vivipara paeteliana Servain, 1884; Vivipara penthica
Servain, 1884; Vivipara strongyla Servain, 1884; Paludina duboisiana var. concis Westerlund, 1886;
Paludina penthica var. porphyrea Westerlund, 1886]
Helix vivipara Linnaeus, 1758: 772.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Lectotype (ICZN Opinion 573, 1959): LSL, No. 603.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of Europe except for extreme north and south, western Transcaucasia (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Pirogov et al., 1994).
(Kantor Yu. I., Schileyko A.A., Likharev I.M., Sysoev A.V.)
Pomatias Studer, 1789
Type species: Nerita elegans Müller, 1774 (SD Newton, 1891)
Pomatias hyrcanum (Martens, 1874)
[= Cyclostoma caspius Mousson, 1876]
Cyclostoma costulatum var. hyrcanum Martens, 1874: 30.
● Type locality: «Rescht und Enzeli an der Südküste des kaspischen Meeres» (now Rasht and Bandar-e Pahlavi, northern Iran).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: forests of Talysh, Lenkoran and Khachmass lowlands (Azerbaijan) (Likharev, Schileyko,
Pomatias rivulare (Eichwald, 1829)
[= Cyclostoma costulatum Rossmässler, 1837]
Cyclostoma rivulare Eichwald, 1829: 302.
● Type locality: vicinities of Tarki village, near Makhachkala [Daghestan].
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Crimea: foothills along upper and medium parts of the Karasu river (Puzanov, 1927); Carpathians (Anistratenko, Anistratenko, 2001); forest areas of North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, except Talysh
and forests of Lenkoran and Khachmass lowlands, where the species is replaced by Pomatias hyrcanum
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
CERITHIOIDEA Fleming, 1822
MELANOPSIDAE H. et A. Adams, 1854
(Kantor Yu.I.)
Fagotia Bourguignat, 1884
Type species: Melanopsis esperi Férussac, 1823 (SD Wenz, 1939)
● Remarks: the genus Fagotia is considered sometimes as a synonym of Esperiana Bourguignat, 1877
(Glöer, 2002), although treated as a full genus by Starobogatov et al. (2004). Fagotia acicularis
(Férussac, 1823) and F. esperi (Férussac, 1823), recorded from Russian territory by Shadin (1952), are in fact
absent there (Starobogatov et al., 1992).
Fagotia berlani Bourguignat, 1884
Bourguignat, 1884: 34-35.
● Type locality: “Le Danube а Ibralia; la Save entre Agram et Sissek”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lower Danube and rivers of northwestern basin of the Black Sea (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Although in 1884 Bourguignat cited the date for the species as 1880, its description was not published before. He might refer to the manuscript date rather that to publication date.
Fagotia danubialis Bourguignat, 1884
Bourguignat, 1884 [1880]: 35-36.
● Type locality: “Le Danube а Ibralia; la Save а Agram; la Krapina а Sused (Croatie)”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lower Danube and rivers of northwestern basin of the Black Sea (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Although in 1884 Bourguignat cited the date for the species as 1880, its description was not published before. He might refer to the manuscript date rather that to publication date.
Fagotia dneprensis Starobogatov, Alexenko et Levina, 1992
Starobogatov et al., 1992: 64, fig. 3 (11).
● Type locality: Dnieper River near Kherson.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Danube and rivers of northwestern basin of the Black Sea (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Fagotia roseni Starobogatov, Alexenko et Levina, 1992
Starobogatov et al., 1992: 62, fig. 3 (4, 5).
● Type locality: Quaternary deposits near Kulevi (formerly Redul-Kaleh), Georgia.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Quaternary deposits of western Georgia, probably lives in rivers of South Black Sea maritime
territory (Starobogatov et al., 1992).
Melanopsis Férussac, 1807
Type species: Buccinum praerosum Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Wenz, 1939)
● Remark: Melanopsis praerosa (L., 1758), recorded for Russian territory by Shadin (1952), is absent here
(Starobogatov et al., 1992).
Melanopsis ashkhabadensis Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1984
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984: 1480, fig. 1 14, 3 8
● Type locality: Ashkhabad, rapid mountain springs — Ferjuza, Guli, etc. [Turkmen SSR].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Ashkhabad region (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Melanopsis buccinoidea Olivier, 1801
Olivier, 1801: 297, Atlas pl. 17, fig. 8.
● Type locality: "les eaus douces de Scio, de presque toutes les оles de l'Archipel, de Crète, de Syrie".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western Georgia (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Melanopsis denegabilis Férussac in Pallary, 1939
Melanopsis denegabilis Férussac -- Pallary, 1939: 85-86, textfig. 11, pl. 6, figs. 9-13.
● Type locality: "La localité originale nést pas connue. La seule provenance indiquée est la Mésopotamie. ...
Cette espèce est très commune au Levant. ... En Iraq, ... а Rahalya Springs, а Kani Sepi et а Karsi".
● Types: BMNH.
● Distribution: small rivers flowing to the Kura River from Lesser Caucasus (Kazakh district of Azerbaijan
(Starobogatov et al., 1992).
Melanopsis laevigata Lamarck, 1816
[= Melanopsis ascania Bourguignat, 1880]
Lamarck, 1816: 12, pl. 458, fig. 8.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Syntypes: MHNG.
● Distribution: western Georgia (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Melanopsis mingrelica Bayer in Mousson, 1863
Melanopsis mingrelica Bayer -- Mousson, 1863: 91-92.
● Type locality: "de l'intérieur de la Mingrélie ..., puis de Rédutkaleh".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western Georgia (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Melanopsis minutula Bourguignat, 1884
Bourguignat, 1884: 92-93.
● Type locality: "Fontaine froide du Hamman а Brousse (Anatolie); Nahr-Antalies dans le Liban (Syrie);
puits artésien de Tamerna-Kedima, dans le Ziban (Algerie)".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western Georgia (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Melanopsis roseni Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1984
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984: 1479, fig. 1, 11.
● Type locality: Zakaspijsk Region (Turkmen SSR).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Zakaspijsk Region (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Melanopsis sistanica Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1984
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984: 1477, fig. 1, 15.
● Type locality: "Eastern Persia", coll. N.A.Zarudnyj, 1896
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: “Sistan” region (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Melanopsis starostini Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1984
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984: 1480, fig. 1 13, 3 7.
● Type locality: Gennob, Central Kopetdag (Turkmen SSR).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Central Kopetdag (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Melanopsis transcaspia Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1984
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984: 1478, fig. 1, 9.
● Type locality: Gjaure stream, collective farm "imeni 1 Maja", Ashkhabad Region [Turkmen SSR].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Melanopsis turkmenica Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1984
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984: 1478-1479, fig. 1, 10.
● Type locality: Zakaspijsk Region [Turkmen SSR].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Melanopsis variabilis (v. d. Busch in Philippi, 1847)
Melania (Melanopsis) variabilis v. d. Busch – Philippi, 1847: 175, pl. IV, fig. 7, 8, 10.
● Type locality: “Schiraz et Persepolis, Persiae”.
● Types: whereabouts unknown.
● Distribution: small rivers flowing to the Kura River from Lesser Caucasus (Kazakh district of Azerbaijan
(Starobogatov et al., 1992).
Melanopsis zarudnyi Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1984
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984: 1479-1480, fig. 1 12, 3 6.
● Type locality: "Golden spring" near Ashkhabad [Turkmen SSR].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1984).
Microcolpia Bourguignat, 1884
Type species: Melanopsis acicularis Férussac, 1823 (SD Wenz, 1939)
● Remarks: the genus Microcolpia is considered sometimes as a synonym of Esperiana Bourguignat, 1877
(Glöer, 2002), although treated as a full genus by Starobogatov et al. (2004).
Microcolpia canaliculata Bourguignat, 1884
Bourguignat, 1884: 62.
● Type locality: "Le Danube а Ibraпla".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lower Danube and rivers of north-western Black Sea basin (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Microcolpia potamactebia (Bourguignat, 1870)
Melanopsis potamactebia Bourguignat, 1870: 67-68.
● Type locality: "le Danube ... de Brahilov, .. des environs de Belgrade".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lower Danube and rivers of north-western Balck Sea basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Microcolpia ucrainica Starobogatov, Alexenko et Levina, 1992
Starobogatov et al., 1992: 69, fig. 3, 20.
● Type locality: Yuznyj Bug River [Ukraine].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Danube and rivers of north-western Black Sea basin (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
PACHYCHILIDAE P. Fischer et Crosse, 1892
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
“Parajuga” Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2003
● Remark: this name first appeared in Starobogatov et al., 2004, as published in 2004. Neverheless, the description of the taxon was not published prior to the publication of the mentioned work (L.A.Prozorova, personal communication). According to articles 16.1 and 16.2 of ICZN the name is not available, since it was
not explicitly indicated as intentionally new and the type species was not mentioned.
“Parajuga” amgunica (Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1986)
Juga (Hua) chankensis Moskvicheva -- Zatrawkin, 1986: 35, fig. 1 (7), 2 (7).
● Type locality: mouth of Nimilen River, tributary of Amgun’ River.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: basin of Amgun and Tugur rivers (northern Khabarovsk Territory, rivers (Bogatov,
Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
“Parajuga” amurensis (Gerstfeldt, 1859)
[= Semisulcospira cancellata sensu Shadin, 1952, part. non Benson, 1833]
Melania amurensis Gerstfeldt, 1859: 512-514, figs. 14-24.
● Type locality: "im Amur, im mittleren Laufe und einem Theile des unteren dieses Stromes".
● Lectotype (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: entire Amur basin, in rivers (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
“Parajuga buettneri” (Ehrmann in Buettner et Ehrmann, 1927)
Melania buettneri Ehrmann – Buettner, Ehrmann, 1927: 246-247.
● Type locality: Ussuri River, Spasskoje.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Amur below Bureinskyi Ridge, in rivers and flowing parts of lakes (Starobogatov et al.,
“Parajuga” arsenievi Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004
Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004: 281, pl. 106, fig. 5.
● Distribution: Zerkalnaya River basin (eastern slopes of Sikhote-Alin, central Primorje) (Starobogatov et al.,
● Remark: this name first appeared in Starobogatov et al., 2004, as published in 2004. Neverheless, the description of the species was not published prior to the publication of the mentioned work (L.A.Prozorova,
personal communication). According to articles 16.1 of ICZN the name is not available, since it was not ex-
plicitly indicated as intentionally new and the type material was not mentioned.
“Parajuga” chankensis (Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1986)
Juga (Hua) chankensis Moskvicheva -- Zatrawkin, 1986: 33, 34, fig. 1,5, 2,5.
● Type locality: middle Amur river.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: entire Amur basin except for Amgun and upper reaches of Zeya and Bureya; in rivers and
lakes (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
“Parajuga” czerskii (Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1986)
Juga (Hua) czerskii Moskvicheva -- Zatrawkin, 1986: 34, 35, fig. 1,6, 2,6.
● Type locality: valley of Odarka River, Khanka Lake basin.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Ussuri basin, Amur basin (from Bureya Ridge to Bogorodskoe village); in rivers (Bogatov,
Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
“Parajuga” heukelomiana (Reeve, 1859)
[= Semisulcospira cancellata sensu Shadin, 1952, part. non Benson, 1833]
Melania heukelomiana Reeve, 1859: pl. 17, sp. 123.
● Type locality: not known to author.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Amur basin; in rivers and large lakes (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]; Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
“Parajuga” nodosa (Westerlund, 1897)
[= Melania amurensis var. laevigata Gerstfeldt, 1859, non Melania laevigata Lamarck, 1815; Melania
amurensis sensu Shadin, 1952, part. non Gerstfeldt, 1859]
Baicalia (Maackia) nodosa Westerlund, 1897b: 128
● Type locality: "Sibirien. Fluss Argunj".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Amur basin except for Amgun and upper reaches of Zeya; in rivers and lakes (Bogatov,
Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
“Parajuga” popovae Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004
Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004: 136 (nom. nov. pro Juga (Hua) starobogatovi Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva in
Zatrawkin, 1986, non Popova, 1981).
● Distribution: Tugur River (northern Khabarovsk Territory); in slowly flowing rivers (Bogatov, Zatrawkin,
1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: this name first appeared in Starobogatov et al., 2004, as published in 2004. Neverheless, the description of the species was not published prior to the publication of the mentioned work (L.A.Prozorova,
personal communication). According to articles 16.1 of ICZN the name is not available, since it was not ex-
plicitly indicated as intentionally new and the type material was not mentioned.
“Parajuga” sihotealinica Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004
Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004: 281, pl. 106, fig. 9.
● Distribution: Zerkalnaya River basin (eastern slopes of Sikhote-Alin, central Primorje) (Starobogatov et al.,
● Remark: this name first appeared in Starobogatov et al., 2004, as published in 2004. Neverheless, the description of the species was not published prior to the publication of the mentioned work (L.A.Prozorova,
personal communication). According to articles 16.1 of ICZN the name is not available, since it was not ex-
plicitly indicated as intentionally new and the type material was not mentioned.
“Parajuga” subcalculus Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004
Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004: 281, pl. 106, fig. 8 (nom. nov. pro Juga calculus sensu Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1986, non Melania calculus Reeve, 1859).
● Distribution: southern Primorje Territory, rivers and lakes of basins of Amur and Ussuri bays (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: this name first appeared in Starobogatov et al., 2004, as published in 2004. Neverheless, the description of the species was not published prior to the publication of the mentioned work (L.A.Prozorova,
personal communication). According to articles 16.1 of ICZN the name is not available, since it was not ex-
plicitly indicated as intentionally new and the type material was not mentioned.
“Parajuga” subextensa Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004
Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004: 282-283, pl. 106, fig. 13 (nom. nov. pro Juga extensa sensu Zatrawkin et
Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1986, non Melania extensa Martens).
● Distribution: southern Primorje Territory, rivers and lakes of basins of Amur and Ussuri bays (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: this name first appeared in Starobogatov et al., 2004, as published in 2004. Neverheless, the description of the species was not published prior to the publication of the mentioned work (L.A.Prozorova,
personal communication). According to articles 16.1 of ICZN the name is not available, since it was not ex-
plicitly indicated as intentionally new and the type material was not mentioned.
“Parajuga” subtegulata Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004
Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004: 282, pl. 106, fig. 11 (nom. nov. pro Juga tegulata sensu Zatrawkin et
Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1986, non Melania tegulata Martens, 1905).
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of southern Primorje (basins of Anur and Ussuri bays) (Starobogatov et al.,
● Remark: this name first appeared in Starobogatov et al., 2004, as published in 2004. Neverheless, the description of the species was not published prior to the publication of the mentioned work (L.A.Prozorova,
personal communication). According to articles 16.1 of ICZN the name is not available, since it was not ex-
plicitly indicated as intentionally new and the type material was not mentioned.
“Parajuga” tugurensis (Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1986)
Juga (Hua) tugurensis Zatrawkin, Moskvicheva -- Zatrawkin, 1986: 36, fig. 1,11.
● Type locality: Tugur River, 35 km upstream from the mouth, near Tugur settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Tugur River basin (northern Khabarovsk Territory); in rivers (Bogatov, Zatrawkin,
1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
“Parajuga” zerkalnensis Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004
Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2004: 281, pl. 106, fig. 4.
● Distribution: Zerkalnaya River basin (eastern slopes of Sikhote-Alin, central Primorje) (Starobogatov et al.,
● Remark: this name first appeared in Starobogatov et al., 2004, as published in 2004. Neverheless, the description of the species was not published prior to the publication of the mentioned work (L.A.Prozorova,
personal communication). According to articles 16.1 of ICZN the name is not available, since it was not ex-
plicitly indicated as intentionally new and the type material was not mentioned.
THIARIDAE Gill, 1871 (1823)
(Kantor Yu.I.)
Melanoides Olivier, 1804
Type species: Melanoides fasciolata Olivier, 1804 (monotypy)
Melanoides kainarensis Starobogatov et Izzatullaev, 1980
Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1980: 26-28, fig. 2 1, 2 8,
● Type locality: warm spring KhodzhaKajnar, Kugitang Ridge, Chardzhou region, Turkmen SSR.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Charshangin District, Chardzhou Region, Turkmenia (Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1980).
Melanoides pamiricus Lindholm, 1930
Melanoides tuberculatus pamiricus Lindholm, 1930: 69, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: (hot spring Dzhaushangoz, upper reaches of Shakhdara River, southeastern Tajikistan).
● Types: probably lost (Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1980).
● Distribution: hot spring Dzhaushangoz, southeastern Tajikistan (Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1980).
Melanoides shahdaraensis Starobogatov et Izzatullaev, 1980
Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1980: 29-30, fig. 2 7, 13.
● Type locality: hot spring Dzhaushangoz, 3360 m above the sea level, Shakhdar River basin, western Pamir.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1980).
AMNICOLINAE Tryon, 1863 (+ Terrestribythinellidae)
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Akiyoshia Kuroda et Habe, 1954
Type species: Akiyoshia uenoi Kuroda et Habe (OD)
Akiyoshia sachalinensis Zatrawkin et Bogatov, 1988
Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1988: 129, textfig. (7).
● Type locality: southern Sakhalin, near Yablochnyi settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: southern Sakhalin (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]).
Bythinella Moquin-Tandon, 1855
Type species: Bulimus viridis Poiret, 1801 (fixation of the types species not traced)
Bythinella adsharica Lindholm, 1913
Lindholm, 1913: 67.
● Type locality: vicinities of Batum, spring near river Adsharis-Zchali at its entrance to Tschoroch.
● Syntypes: ZIN?
● Distribution: Transcaucasia (Adzharia) (Shadin, 1952).
Bythinella austriaca (Frauenfeld, 1863)
Paludinella austriaca Frauenfeld, 1857: 574, fig. 2.
● Type locality: “Osterreich, Steiermark, Krain, Aschersleben”.
● Types: Vienna Museum?
● Distribution: central part of Danube basin and in Karpatian area of Ukraine (Starobogatov, Zatrawkin,
1987; Anistratenko, 1998b).
● Remark: outside the territory of former USSR the species is also recorded in Sudety and Tatry, as well in
western Romania (Glöer, 2002). M.V. Vinarski (personal communication) pointed out the species includes
ast least 4 subspecies and it Is not clear which one is found in Russian territory.
Bythinella hungarica Hazay, 1881
Hazay, 1881: 93, pl. 14, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Budapest, St. Margaretr Island.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: central part of Danube basin and in Karpatian area of Ukraine (Starobogatov, Zatrawkin,
1987; Anistratenko, 1998b).
Kolhymamnicola Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1976
Type species: Amnicola kolhymensis Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967 (OD)
Kolhymamnicola kolhymensis (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Amnicola kolhymensis Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 228-229, fig. 12.
● Type locality: Hood lands of the Kolyma River, near the small settlement Karetovo.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: basins of Kolyma river, rivers of Chukotka and Kamchatka, in small permanent waterbodies
(Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967; Starobogatov et al., 2004); Lena, Indigirka and Yana river basins (Dolgin, 2001).
Kolhymamnicola miyadii (Habe, 1942)
Amnicola miyadii Habe, 1942: 25, 27, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: Simusyu-tх of the North Kurile Islands [Simushir?].
● Distribution: North Kurile Islands, Kamchatka, in lakes (Prozorova, 1998a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Kolhymamnicola ochotica Zatrawkin et Bogatov, 1988
Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1988: 128, textfig. (5).
● Type locality: Magadan Region, Okhotsk District, Bolshoye Ueginskoye Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: basin of Okhota River (north of Khabarovsk Region), in lakes (Bogatov, Zatrawkin,
1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Kolhymamnicola wasiliewae Zatrawkin et Bogatov, 1988
Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1988: 127-128, textfig. (3, 4).
● Type locality: small inlet on the river Bolin (tributary of the lower Amur River) near Amursk city.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Amur basin, in small rivers (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Marstoniopsis Regteren Altena, 1936
Type species: Hydrobia steinii Martens, 1858 (OD)
Marstoniopsis scholtzi (Schmidt, 1856)
[Hydrobia steinii Martens, 1858]
Hydrobia scholtzi Schmidt, 1856: 158.
● Type locality: “sumpfigen Wiesengräben zwischen Breslau und Marienau”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of Baltic Sea, upper part of Volga basin, in rivers on slow stream and in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004); Zapadnyi Bug (Anistratenko, 1998b – as Marstoniopsis steinii (Martens, 1858)).
Outside former USSR also in Great Britain, Netherlands and Belgium (Glöer, 2002; Anderson, 2005)
Terrestribythinella Sitnikova, Starobogatov et Anistratenko, 1992
Type species: Terestribythinella baidashnikovi Sitnikova, Starobogatov et Anistratenko, 1992 (OD)
Terrestribythinella amphibiotica Anistratenko, 1995
Anistratenko, 1995: 66-68.
● Type locality: «Zachrovana Dolina» area, Ilyinetzkoje Forestry, Irshava District, Zakarpatskaya Region.
● Holotype: IZU.
● Distribution: type locality (Anistratenko, 1998b).
Terrestribythinella baidashnikovi Sitnikova, Starobogatov et Anistratenko, 1992
Sitnikova et al., 1992: 10-11, fig. 2 (3).
● Type locality: Ugolskoe Forestry, Karpatsky Natural Reserve, Tyachev District, Zakarpatskaya Region.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Anistratenko, 1998b).
Terestribythinella carpathica Sitnikova, Starobogatov et Anistratenko, 1992
Sitnikova et al., 1992: 11, fig. 2 (4).
● Type locality: Ugolskoe Forestry, Karpatsky Natural Reserve, Tyachev District, Zakarpatskaya Region.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Anistratenko, 1998b).
BAICALIINAE P. Fischer, 1885
(Kantor Yu.I.)
Baicalia Martens, 1876
Type species: Ligea carinata W. Dybowski, 1875 (SD Dall, 1877)
Baicalia carinata carinata (W. Dybowski, 1875)
[= Trachybaikalia carinata martensiana subvar. orthos B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1914; Trachybaikalia
carinata martensiana elencha B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1914]
Ligea carinata W. Dybowski, 1875: 45-46, pl. 4, fig. 1, pl. 6, fig. 7, a–d.
● Type locality: originally “Baikal, 300-350 m”, Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova
et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and east-central Baikal, 50-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Baicalia carinata fuchsiana (B. Dybowski, Grochmalicki, 1915)
Trachybaicalia carinata var. fuchsiana B. Dybowski, Grochmalicki, 1915a: 299, pl. 2, fig. 5 a–d.
● Type locality: not stated (Balkal – from title).
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, 12-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Baicalia carinata hoernesiana (B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1915)
[= Baicalia carinata carinata, part. sensu Kozhov, 1936, non W. Dybowski, 1875]
Trachybaicalia carinata var. hoernesiana B. Dybowski, Grochmalicki, 1915a: 295-296, pl. 2, fig. 4 a–b.
● Type locality: "Baikalsee".
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal and Maloe More, 10-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Baicalia dybowskiana dybowskiana (Lindholm, 1909)
[= Trachybaikalia dybowskiana lindholmi B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1914]
Baikalia (Trachybaikalia) dybowskiana Lindholm, 1909: 71, texfig. 3.
● Type locality: Berhin (W coast of central Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 3-80 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Baicalia dybowskiana carinatoides Kozhov, 1936
Baicalia (Baicalia) dybowskiana var. carinatoides Kozhov, 1936: 120, pl. 4, fig. 12.
● Type locality: Chivyrkyiskij Bay (northern Baikal).
● Type material: lost (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Distribution: type locality, 1.5-2 m (Kozhov, 1936; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Baicalia carinatocostata (W. Dybowski, 1875)
[= Trachybaikalia carinato–costata, T. carinato–costata bittneri subvar. clara, opaca, pyramidalis, micronella; T. carinato–costata credneri subvar. inflatella, T. carinato–costata sanbergeri, T. carinato–costata
moussoni – B. Dybowski, Grochmalicki, 1914]
Ligea carinato–costata W. Dybowski, 1875: 46, pl. 3, figs. 24-26, pl. 6, fig. 8.
● Type locality: originally “Baikal, 300-350 m”, Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova
et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 10-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Baicalia rugosa (Lindholm, 1909)
[= Trachybaicalia carinata var. martensiana subvar. rudis B. Dybowski, Grochmalicki, 1914]
Baikalia (Trachybaikalia) carinata forma rugosa Lindholm, 1909: 69.
● Type locality: Svyatoi Nos (northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern and central Baikal, 3-40 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Baicalia turriformis (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Ligea turriformis W. Dybowski, 1875: 50-51, pl. 3, figs. 4-7; pl. 6, fig. 9 a-d.
● Type locality: originally “Baikal, 300-350 m”; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova
et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 10-500 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Godlewskia Crosse et Fisher, 1897
Type species: Leucosia godlewskii W. Dybowski, 1875 (OD)
Godlewskia bacilliformis (Kozhov, 1936)
Baicalia (Gerstfeldtia) bacilliformis Kozhov, 1936: 110, 310, pl. 3, figs. 31-33.
● Type locality: near village Syhaya, 39 m (E coast of southern Baikal); Oto-Khushun, 72 m (Maloe More);
Barguzin Bay, 20-40 m.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 20–100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Godlewskia columella (Lindholm, 1909)
[= Gerstfeldtia columella, var. typica, tumida, spicata, rufula – B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1913]
Baikalia (Gerstfeldtia) columella Lindholm, 1909: 67, pl. 1, figs. 46-48.
● Type locality: off Baranchiki (W coast of southern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 7-45 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Godlewskia godlewkii godlewkii (W. Dybowski, 1875)
[= Gerstfeldtia godlewskii ladislavi, G. g. felixi, G. g. henrici, G. g. stanislavi, G. g. constantinae, G. g. antoninae, G. g. medialia, G. g. parvula, G. g. victori, G. g. kasimirae – B. Dybowski, Grochmalicki, 1913]
Leucosia godlewskii W. Dybowsky, 1875: 40-41, pl. 3, figs. 10-14, pl. 6, fig. 2a-d.
● Type locality: not stated in original description, Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova
et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 7-250 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Remark: possibly, some of 10 infraspecific forms described by Dybowski and Grochmalicki (1913) may
apper to be separate species and subspecies differing in the shell size and the whorl convexity. The subspecies Godlewskia godlewkii speciosa (Kozhov, 1936) may thus appear to be a junior synonym of one of these
varieties (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Godlewskia godlewkii speciosa (Kozhov, 1936)
Baicalia (Gerstfeldtia) godlewskii var. speciosa Kozhov, 1936: 114, 310.
● Type locality: Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Maloe More and northern Baikal, 10-250 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Godlewskia pulchella pulchella (W. Dybowski, 1875)
[= Gerstfeldtia pulchella pulchella, G. p. conoidalis, G. p. columnalis, G. p. fuscata, G. p. fusca – B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1913]
Leucosia godlewskii var. pulchella W. Dybowski, 1875: 41, pl. 3, figs. 15-19.
● Type locality: not stated in original description; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova
et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 4-200 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Godlewskia pulchella intermedia (Kozhov, 1936)
Baicalia (Gesrtfeldtia) pulchella var. intermedia Kozhov, 1936: 115-116, 311, pl. 4, figs. 37- 40.
● Type locality: Ongureny (northern Baikal, slightly northward of Maloe More) and the entire northern half
of Baikal, 8-180 m.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, Maloe More 10-180 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Godlewskia wrzesniowskii wrzesniowskii (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Ligea wrzesniowskii W. Dybowski, 1875: 47, pl. 3, figs. 44-46, pl. 6, fig. 14.
● Type locality: not stated in original description; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova
et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 15-120 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Godlewskia wrzesniowskii olchonensis (Kozhov, 1936)
Baicalia (Gerstfeldtia) wrzesniowskii var. olchonensis Kozhov, 1936: 108-109, 310, pl. 3, figs. 29-30.
● Type locality: Olhonskiye Vorota, 30-40 m (border between central and northern Baikal); Barguzin Bay.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: central Baikal, 20–40 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Godlewskia wrzesniowskii profunda (Lindhlm, 1924)
Baicalia (Baicalia) herderiana profunda Lindholm, 1924a: 23.
● Type locality: Tukalaragda (NE coast of northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, 15–25 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Korotnewia Kozhov, 1936
Type species: Baikalia (Godkewskia) korotnevi Lindholm, 1909 (OD)
Korotnewia angigyra (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Godlewskia) angigyra Lindholm, 1909: 64, pl. 1, figs. 56-58.
● Type locality: Boguchanskaya Bay (W coast of northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, Maloe More, 11-200 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Korotnewia korotnevi korotnevi (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Godlewskia) korotnevi Lindholm, 1909: 65, pl. 1, figs. 22-24.
● Type locality: Dagarskaya Bay (northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ANSP, ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 10-120 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Korotnewia korotnevi gracilis (Kozhov, 1936)
[= Baikalia (Godlewskia) korotnevi Lindholm, 1909, part.]
Baicalia (Korotnewia) korotnewi var. gracilis Kozhov, 1936: 78, 82-83, 308, pl. 5, figs. 31-33.
● Type locality: Olhonskiye Vorota (border between central and northern Baikal), Mukhor Bay (Maloe
More), 2-5 m.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Maloe More [Baikal], 2-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Korotnewia korotnevi selengensis (Kozhov, 1936)
Baicalia (Korotnewia) korotnewi var. selengensis Kozhov, 1936: 78, 83-84, 308, pl. 5, figs. 40-42; pl. 8, fig.
● Type locality: off Selenga River mouth, Posolskyi Sor (E coast of central Baikal), 8-20 m.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: central Baikal, 10-120 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Korotnewia semenkewitschi semenkewitschi (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Parabaikalia) semenkewitschi Lindholm, 1909: 30; pl. 1, figs. 30, 31.
● Type locality: Berhin (W coast of central Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern and central Baikal, 3-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Korotnewia semenkewitschi nitida (Kozhov, 1936)
Baicalia (Korotnewia) semenkewitschi forma nitida Kozhov, 1936: 79, 80.
● Type locality: Selenga shallows near Mysovaya and Boyarskaya (SE coast of southern Baikal).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, 2-70 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Liobaicalia Martens, 1876
Type species: Leucosia stiedae W. Dybowski, 1875 (SD Dall, 1877)
Liobaicalia stiedae (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Leucosia stiedae W. Dybowski, 1875: 38, pl. 3, figs. 20-23; pl. 6, fig. 1, pl. 7, figs. 9-10.
● Type locality: originally “"Baikalsee"”; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova et al.,
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 15-300 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Remark: Sitnikova (1991) suggested, that Liobaicalia stiedae polita Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1920 is a
synonym of L. stiedae stiedae; L. s. hispida polita Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1920 should be considered as
a subspecies; while L. stiedae parvula polita Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1920 should be a separate species,
although still there are no proofs for that (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Maackia Clessin, 1880
Type species: Ligea costata W. Dybowski, 1875 (SD Westerlund, 1880)
Maackia angarensis (Gerstfeldt, 1859)
Hydrobia angarensis Gerstfeldt, 1859: 7, figs. 12-13.
● Type locality: Angara, Baikal.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Angara River and SW littoral of Baikal in the area of headwaters of Angara, 1-20 m (Star-
obogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Maackia bythiniopsis (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Baikalia) bythiniopsis Lindholm, 1909: 45, pl. 1, figs. 1-4.
● Type locality: Baranchuk (W coast of southern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 5-15 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Maackia costata (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Ligea costata W. Dybowski, 1875: 46-47, pl. 3, figs. 34-37; pl. 6, fig. 12a-d.
● Type locality: originally “Baikal, 300-350 m”; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova
et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 2-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Maackia herderiana herderiana (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Baikalia) herderiana Lindholm, 1909: 47, pl. 1, figs. 11-14.
● Type locality: Baranchuk, Listvennichnoye (SW coast of Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Remark: Starobogatov et al. (2004) list this taxon as Maackia raphidia herderiana.
Maackia herderiana parvula Kozhov, 1936
Baicalia (Eubaicalia) herderiana var. parvula Kozhov, 1936: 57, 60, 307, pl. 3, fig. 14.
● Type locality: Proval Bay, shallow water (east-central Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 2-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Maackia herderiana semicostulata (Lindholm, 1924)
Baicalia (Baicalia) angarensis semicostulata Lindholm, 1924a: 22.
● Type locality: Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, 10-30 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Maackia pusilla (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Baikalia) pusilla Lindholm, 1909: 49, pl. 1, figs. 49-51.
● Type locality: Haransa Bay in Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake: Maloe More and Bolshoi Ushkanii Island, 5-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Maackia raphidia (Bourguignat, 1860)
Bithynia raphidia Bourguignat, 1860a: 537, pl. 23, figs. 20, 21.
● Type locality: “lac Baikal”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Angara River to Irkutsk (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Maackia umbilicifera (Starostin, 1926)
Baikalia (Eubaikalia) umbilifera Starostin, 1926: 23, textfigure 23.
● Type locality: off Bolshoi Ushkanyi Island, 50 m [Baikal].
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-1397.
● Distribution: type locality, 10-50 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Maackia variesculpta (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Baikalia) variesculpta Lindholm, 1909: 48, pl. 3, figs. 5-10.
● Type locality: Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern and central Baikal, 1-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Maackia werestschagini (Kozhov, 1936)
Baicalia (Eubaicalia) werestschagini Kozhov, 1936: 55, 63-64, 307, pl. 3, figs. 41-42.
● Type locality: 4 localities in Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal), 2-3 m.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal: Maloe More, 2-3 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Parabaikalia Lindholm, 1909
Type species: Leucosia florii W. Dybowski, 1875 (OD)
Parabaikalia dubiosa (Kozhov, 1936)
Baicalia (Parabaicalia) elata var. dubiosa Kozhov, 1936: 76-77, 307, pl. 5, fig. 10, 11.
● Type locality: Boguchanskaya, Frolikha and Ayaya inlets, near Kurla and Urbikan capes, Barguzin and
Chivyrkuiskij bays (northern Baikal), 5-15 m.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, 4-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Parabaikalia elata (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Leucosia angarensis var. elata W. Dybowski, 1875: 43-45, pl. 4, figs. 18-25, pl. 6, fig. 5a-d.
● Type locality: originally "Baikal-See ... 10 Metern"; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 4-120 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Parabaikalia florii (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Leucosia florii W. Dybowski, 1875: 39, pl. 3, figs. 1-3; pl. 6, fig. 3a-d; pl. 7, fig. 8.
● Type locality: originally “"Baikals"; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova et al.,
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 1.5-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Parabaikalia kobeltiana (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Parabaikalia) kobeltiana Lindholm, 1909: 51, text-figure 1.
● Type locality: Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: western coast of southern and central Baikal, 2-30 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Parabaikalia milaschevitschi (Lindholm, 1909)
[= Baikalia florii sensu Milaschewitsch, non Dybowski, 1875) in Korotnev, 1901, part.]
Baikalia (Parabaikalia) milaschevitschi Lindholm, 1909: 51, text-figure 2.
● Type locality: Bezymannaya Bay near Goryachinsk (E coast of central Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 3-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Parabaikalia oviformis (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Leucosia oviformis W. Dybowski, 1875: 42, pl. 3, figs. 8–9.
● Type locality: not stated in original description; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova
et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 3-120 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudobaikalia Lindholm, 1909
Type species: Baikalia jentteriana Linholm, 1909 (OD)
Pseudobaikalia cancellata (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Pseudobaikalia) cancellata Lindholm, 1909: 59, pl. 1, figs. 33-34.
● Type locality: Dagarskaya Guba (NE coast of northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, 19-98 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudobaikalia contabulata (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Ligea contabulata W. Dybowski, 1875: 47-48, pl. 3, figs. 38-43; pl. 6, fig. 13a-d.
● Type locality: originally “Baikal, 300-350 m”; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova
et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: Zoological Museum of Lvov University.
● Distribution: Baikal, 1.5-200 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudobaikalia elegantula (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Pseudobaikalia) elegantula Lindholm, 1909: 57, pl. 1, figs. 41-42.
● Type locality: off Kurma, Maloe More (Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Maloe More, northern Baikal, 1.5-15 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudobaikalia jentteriana Lindholm, 1909
Baikalia (Pseudobaikalia) jentteriana Lindholm, 1909: 55, pl. 1, figs. 35-37.
● Type locality: Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, Maloe More, 15-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudobaikalia pulla pulla (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Leucosia angarensis var. pulla Dybowski, 1875: 44-45, pl. 4, fig. 26 – 34, pl. 6, fig. 6 a-d.
● Type locality: origianally "Baikal-See ... 300 Metern"; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted
Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 15-200 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudobaikalia pulla tenuicosta (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Pseudobaikalia) tenuicosta Lindholm, 1909: 58, pl. 2, figs. 38-40.
● Type locality: Berhin (W coast of central Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern and central Baikal, 15-200 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudobaikalia subcilindrica (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Pseudobaikalia) subcilindrica Lindholm, 1909: 56, pl. 1, figs. 43-45.
● Type locality: Berhin (W coast of central Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, 3.5 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudobaikalia zachwatkini (Kozhov, 1936)
Baicalia (Pseudobaicalia) zachwatkini КKozhov, 1936: 86, pl. 3, fig. 43-48; pl. 12, fig. 6-7.
● Type locality: Bolshiye Koty (W coast of southern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 2-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pyrgobaicalia Starobogatov, 1972
Type species: Pyrgobaicalia aenigma Starobogatov, 1972 (OD)
● Remark: this genus was originally (but provisionally) assigned to the family Baicaliidae (= Baicaliinae),
though its actual taxonomic position is still unclear (T. Sitnikova, pers. comm.).
Pyrgobaicalia aenigma Starobogatov, 1972
Starobogatov, 1972a: 169-170, fig. 6.
● Type locality: Tajik SSR, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Dunkulduk Lake (probably carried out
from a nearby spring).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Teratobaikalia Lindholm, 1909
Type species: Baikalia (Teratobaikalia) macrostoma Lindholm, 1909 (OD)
Teratobaikalia ciliata (W. Dybowski, 1875)
[= Dybowskia ciliata, var. typica (major, minor, pulla), angarensis – B. Dybowski, Grochmalicki, 1923]
Ligea ciliata W. Dybowski, 1875: 49, Taf. 3, fig. 27-29, Taf. 4, fig. 10.
● Type locality: Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 2-100 m; Angara River down to Irkutsk (Sitnikova et al., 2004, Starobogatov et al.,
● Remark: This highly variable species may consist of two separate species and several subspecies, inhabiting different biotopes. Thus it is possible, that some of the varietes, described by B. Dybowski, Grochmalicki,
1923 will appear to be valid taxa (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Teratobaikalia clandestina (Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975)
[= Teratobaikalia (Baikaliella) clandestina sensu Sitnikova, 1991, non Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975]
Baicalia (Baicaliella) clandestina Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 97, fig. 2А.
● Type locality: near Sljudjanka city [southern Baikal Lake], depth 240 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Teratobaikalia duthiersii duthiersii (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Ligea duthiersii W. Dybowski, 1875: 48-49, pl. 3, figs. 30-33, pl. 6, fig. 11a-d.
● Type locality: originally “Baikal, 300-350 m”; Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova
et al., 2004).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, 15-50 m, Angara River down to Irkutsk (Sitnikova et al., 2004, Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
Teratobaikalia duthiersii angarensis (B. Dybowski, 1913)
Baikalia (Trichiobaikalia) duthiersii var. angarensis B. Dybowski, 1913: 211, pl. 5, fig. 31a.
● Type locality: Angara River.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Angara River (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Teratobaikalia duthiersii pachypleura (Lindholm, 1924)
Baicalia (Trichiobaikalia) duthiersii var. pachypleura Lindholm, 1924а: 24.
● Type locality: Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Teratobaikalia humerosa (Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975)
[= Teratobaikalia (Baikaliella) clandestina clandestina sensu Sitnikova, 1991, non Beckman, Starobogatov,
Baicalia (Baicaliella) humerosa Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 97, fig. 2D
● Type locality: near Jazovka River (northeastern Baikal), depth 20-24 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, Chivyrkyiskyi bay (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Teratobaikalia macrostoma (Lindholm, 1909)
[Baicalia (Teratobaicalia) macrostoma forma lyogyra Lindholm, 1924]
Baikalia (Teratobaikalia) macrostoma Lindholm, 1909: 43, pl. 1, figs. 25-29.
● Type locality: Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern and central Baikal, Maloe More, 1-40 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Teratobaikalia nana (Lindholm, 1909)
Baikalia (Baikaliella) nana Lindholm, 1909: 44, pl. 1, figs. 52-55.
● Type locality: Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal) and Boguchanskaya Guba (northern Baikal) – to be checked in ZIN.
● Lectotype (Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 10-120 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Teratobaikalia producta (Kozhov, 1936)
Baicalia (Baicaliella) nana var. producta Kozhov, 1936: 97, pl. 5, figs. 48-49.
● Type locality: Ayaa Bay (NE coast of northern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality and Maloe More, 13-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Bithynia Leach in Abele, 1818
Type species: Helix tentaculata Linnaeus, 1758 (OD)
Bithynia curta (Garnier in Picard, 1840)
[= Bithiynia codia Bourgignat, 1862]
Paludina impura var. curta Garnier -- Picard, 1840: 304.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Europe, except extreme north-east, south of Western Siberia, in rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Bithynia decipiens (Millet, 1843)
Paludina decipiens Millet, 1843: pl. 63.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Europe, except extreme north-east, south of Western Siberia, in rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Bithynia producta Moquin-Tandon, 1855
[= Paludina impura var. producta Menke, 1830, nom. nud.]
Bithynia tentaculata var. producta Moquin-Tandon, 1855: 528, pl. 39, fig. 41.
● Type locality: "а Agen" (France).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of Baltic Sea basin, upper Volga basin, southern European Russia (Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Bithynia tentaculata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Helix tentaculata Linnaeus, 1758: 774.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Probable syntypes: UUZM Nos. 1174 a-c.
● Distribution: entire Europe except extreme north-east, Western Siberia, Ural River, in rivers and lakes
(Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1987; Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Codiella Monterosato in Locard, 1884
Type species: Turbo leachi Sheppard, 1823 (monotypy)
Codiella leachii (Sheppard, 1823)
Turbo leachii Sheppard, 1823: 152.
● Type locality: “habitat in rivis – Found paringly in Campsey Mere, and Holbrook stream and mill-ponds”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin and upper part of Volga basin (Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1987; Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
Codiella kickxii (Westendorp, 1835)
[= Bithynia ventricosa Gray in Turton, 1840; Bithynia celtica Paladilhe, 1870]
Paludina kickxii Westendorp, 1835: 337.
● Type locality: ??
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Digyrcidum Locard, 1882
Type species: Bythinia bourguignati Paladilhe, 1869 (monotypy)
Digyrcidum bourguignati (Paladilhe, 1869)
Bythinia bourguignati Paladilhe, 1869: 225-227, pl. 19, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: "dans les basins du jardin Picos, près de Perpignan (Pyrénées Orientales)".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: south of Europe, eastward to Volga delata, in rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Opisthorchophorus Beriozkina, Levina et Starobogatov, 1995
Type species: Paludina troscheli Paasch, 1842 (OD)
Opisthorchophorus abakumovae Andreeva et Starobogatov, 2001
Andreeva, Starobogatov, 2001: 77-78, fig. 1.
● Type locality: western coast of Krivoye Lake, Tarskyi area of Omsk District [Western Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Western Siberia, southern Ural, probably northern Kazakhstan, in temporary and semiperma-
nent waterbodies (Andreeva, Starobogatov, 2001; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Opisthorchophorus baudonianus (Gassies, 1859)
[= Bithynia proxima Frauenfeld, 1862; Bithynia blanci Locard, 1894]
Bithinia baudoniana Gassies, 1859: 289-290.
● Type locality: "les fossés de la grande Lande voisine des prés salés, au Teich" (France).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Europe, in Russia soutward from the Oka River, south of Western Siberia, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Opisthorchophorus hispanicus (Servain, 1880)
[= Paludina inflata Hansen, 1845 non Villa et Villa, 1841]
Bythinia Hispanica Servain, 1880: 147.
● Type locality: “Alluvions du Guadalaviar, près de Valence”.
● Types: unknown?
● Distribution: southern Europe and southern Western Siberia, northern Kazakhstan (Irtysh basin), in temporary waterbodies (Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Opisthorchophorus troschelii (Paasch, 1842)
Paludina troscheli Paasch, 1842: 300-301, textfigs a-d.
● Type locality: "bei Berlin gefundenen".
● Lectotype (Falkner, 2003): whereabouts unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, except northern, entire Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, Ural River (Starobogatov,
Zatrawkin, 1987; Pirogov et al., 1994; Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Falkner (2003) believes that Paludina troschelii is a junior synonym of Turbo leachii Scheppard,
1823, whereas the large form of what is treated as troschelii belongs to Paludina transsilvanica E. Bielz,
1853. Nevertheless, Glöer (2004) denied the synonymy of Paludina troschelii and Turbo leachii and considered restoration of Paludina transsilvanica premature.
Opisthorchophorus valvatoides Beriozkina et Starobogatov in Beriozkina, Levina et Starobogatov, 1995
Beriozkina, Levina, Starobogatov, 1995: 34-35, figs. 1I, 4F.
● Type locality: Sergievka, Balashov district, Saratov Region.
● Holotype: ZIN?
● Distribution: temporary waterbodies of south of eastern Europe, northern Kazakhstan (Irtysh basin) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Paraelona Beriozkina et Starobogatov in Anistratenko et Stadnichenko, 1995
Type species: Bithynia majewsky Frauenfeld, 1862 (OD)
Paraelona boissieri (Charpentier in Küster, 1852)
[= Bythinia ilysaeca Locard, 1894]
Paludina boissieri Charpentier -- Küster, 1852: 35-36, pl. 7, figs. 30-32.
● Type locality: "die Umgegend von Rom".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lower part of the Dnieper, Stavropol Territory, in permanent waterbodies (Anistratenko,
1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Paraelona fausseki Beriozkina et Starobogatov in Anistratenko et Stadnichenko, 1995
Paraelona fausseki Beriozkina et Starobogatov -- Anistratenko et Stadnichenko, 1994[1995]: 152, 153, fig.
● Type locality: Kuma River.
● Holotype: ZIN?.
● Distribution: Ciscaucasia, Rostov Region, in temporary waterbodies (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Paraelona majewsky (Frauenfeld, 1862)
[= Bythinia hellenica Kobelt, 1892]
Bithynia majewsky Frauenfeld, 1862: 1153.
● Type locality: "Dalmatien, Kroatien, ... Plattensee in Ungarn".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: south of Europe, eastward to Volga delta, in semipermanent waterbodies (Anistratenko,
1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Paraelona milachevitchi Beriozkina et Starobogatov in Anistratenko et Stadnichenko, 1995
Paraelona milachevitchi Beriozkina et Starobogatov -- Anistratenko et Stadnichenko, 1994[1995]: 151, 152,
fig. 129.
● Type locality: village Balki, Konka river (one of branches in the delta of Dnieper), Kherson Region,
● Holotype: ZIN?.
● Distribution: Dnieper delta and lower Ob basin waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Andreeva, Abakumova, 2003).
Paraelona socialis (Westerlund, 1886)
[= ? Digyreidum renei Letourneux, 1887]
Bythinia socialis Westerlund, 1886: 19.
● Type locality: "Sicilien, Oreto bei Palermo".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Europe, lower Ob basin waterbodies, northern and western Kazakhstan, in temporary
waterbodies (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Andreeva, Abakumova, 2003).
Paraelona sphaerica (Bourguignat in Locard, 1886)
Bithynia sphaerica Bourguignat -- Locard, 1886:102.
Type locality:
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: south-eastern Europe, Ukraine (Anistratenko, Stadnichenko, 1994[1995]).
MYSORELLINAE Annandale, 1920
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Alocinma Annandale et Prashad, 1919
Type species: Amnicola sistanica Annandale et Prashad, 1919 (OD)
Allocinma caspica (Westerlund, 1902)
Bythinia (Digycidum) servainiana var. caspica Westerlund, 1902: 45.
● Type locality: "Kaspisches Meer an der Ostseite".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: described, as it was said, from the Caspian Sea off Krasnovodsk; probably lives in waterbodies of Bolshoi Balkhan (Turkmenistan) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Boreoelona Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967
Type species: Bithynia contortrix Lindholm, 1909 (OD)
Boreoelona caerulans caerulans (Westerlund, 1896)
Bithynia (Elona) caerulans Westerlund, 1896: 197.
● Type locality: “Dshungarei” [nothern Balkhash Lake].
● Types: ZIN?
● Distribution: Balkhash Lake (Shadin, 1952).
Boreolona caerulans moltschanovi (Lindholm, 1915)
Bythinia moltschanovi Lindholm, 1915: 344-345.
● Type locality: "Beim See Karateren" (Amu Darya Delta).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Shadin, 1952; Izzatullaev, 1982).
Boreoelona contortrix (Lindholm, 1909)
Bithynia contortrix Lindholm, 1909: 30, pl. 1, fig. 61, 62.
● Type locality: Angarskyi sor of Baikal Lake.
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967): ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: eastern Siberia, Amur basin, Primorje (except the north), in permanent and semipermanent
waterbodies (Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Boreoelona ehrmanni Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1991
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1991: 137, fig. 1.
● Type locality: lake near railway station Khabarovsk-2, Khabarovsk Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of Amur and Primorje, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Boreoelona lindholmiana (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Bithynia lindholmiana Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 227-228, fig. 11.
● Type locality: Semipalatinsk Region, water bodies near the Lake Kos-Kul.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 4 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Altai, in lakes and back-waters of rivers (Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Boreoelona sibirica (Westerlund, 1886)
Bythinia troscheli var. sibirica Westerlund, 1886: 18.
● Type locality: "Sibirien".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: eastern Siberia, north of the Far East, in lakes and smaller permanent wasterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Boreoelona ussuriensis (Ehrmann in Buettner et Ehrmann, 1927)
Bithinia ussuriensis Ehrmann – Buettner, Ehrmann, 1927: 242-244, pl. 12, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Ussuri near Spasskoje.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of Amur and Primorje (except the north), in temporary waterbodies (Bogatov,
Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Gabbiella Mandahl-Barth, 1968
Type species: Bithynia stanleyi var. humerosa Martens, 1879 (OD)
Gabbiella araxena Akramowski, 1970
Akramowski, 1970: 255.
Type locality:
● Distribution: Araks basin and lower Kura river (Akramowski, 1976; Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1987).
Gabbiella cyrea Starobogatov in Starobogatov et Zatrawkin, 1987
Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1987: 151.
● Type locality: Syukh-bulag River, Azerbaijan.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1987).
Digoniostoma Annandale, 1920
Type species: Paludina cerameopoma Benson, 1830 (OD)
Digoniostoma kashmirense (Nevill, 1884)
Bithynia tentaculata var. kashmirensis Nevill, 1884: 39.
● Type locality: Kashmir, Sri Nagar.
● Syntypes: Indian Museum, Calcutta.
● Distribution: central Amu-Darya (Izzatullaev, 1982; Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1987).
● Remark. In the mentioned publications no diagnosis, not description was provided. Therefore the
name is nomen nudum. We were not able to trace, where the name was validated.
Digoniostoma oxiana Izzatullaev, 1982
Izzatullaev, 1982: 337-338, textfig. (B).
● Type locality: deposits of Amu-Darya River near settlement Kerkichi, Khadzhambosky district of Turkmen
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: southeast of Turkmenia, southeast of Tajikistan (Izzatullaev, 1982; Starobogatov, Zatrawkin,
Parafossarulus Annandale, 1924
Type species: Paludina striatula Benson, 1842 (OD)
Parafossarulus manchouricus (Gerstfeldt in Bourguignat, 1860)
Bythinia manchourica Gerstfeldt -- Bourguignat, 1860a: 535, pl. 24, figs. 11-13.
● Type locality: "le fleuve Amour et divers cours d'eau de la Sibérie méridionale".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Amur basin, in rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Parafossarulus spiridonovi Zatrawkin et Starobogatov in Zatrawkin, Dovgalev et Starobogatov, 1989
Zatrawkin, Dovgalev, Starobogatov, 1989: 77-78, fig. 3
● Type locality: near village Kirovo, basin of Bidzan River (Jewish Autonomous Region), Khabarovsk district.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Zatrawkin, Dovgalev, Starobogatov, 1989; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Parafossarulus striatulus (Benson, 1842)
Paludina (Bithynia) striatula Benson, 1842: 488.
● Type locality: China [from the publication title].
● Syntypes: Zoological Survey of India.
● Distribution: Amur basin, Primorye (Shadin, 1952).
Parafossarulus sungariensis Moskvicheva in Starobogatov, Zatravkin, 1987
Parafossarulus sungariensis Moskvicheva -- Starobogatov, Zatravkin, 1987: 152.
● Type locality: Sungari basin, small lake near Harbin (China).
● Holotype: ZIN??
● Distribution: known from Sungari River, may be found also in Amur near mouth of Sungari (Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
(Kantor Yu.I.)
Kainarella Starobogatov, 1972
Type species: Kainarella minima Starobogatov, 1972 (OD)
Kainarella minima Starobogatov, 1972
Starobogatov, 1972a: 168, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Turkmen SSR, Charshanginskij district, hot spring Khodzha-Kajnar.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov, 1972a).
Nurekia Izzatullaev, Sitnikova et Starobogatov, 1985
Type species: Nurekia triculiformis Izzatullaev, Sitnikova et Starobogatov, 1985 (OD)
Nurekia triculiformis Izzatullaev, Sitnikova et Starobogatov, 1985
Izzatullaev, Sitnikova, Starobogatov, 1985: 59, fig. 3 3.
● Type locality: South Tajikistan (southern spurs of the Vakhsh Ridge, Danga-rinskij district, vicinities
ofAlimtaj, southward from Nurek water reservoir, rotten aryk.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: South Tajikistan (Izzatullaev, Sitnikova, Starobogatov, 1985).
Pseudocaspia Starobogatov, 1972
Type species: Caspia issykkulensis Clessin, 1894 (OD)
Pseudocaspia issykkulensis (Clessin, 1894)
Caspia issykkulensis Clessin, 1894: 66.
● Type locality: Issyk-Kul Lake.
● Types: ZIN.
● Distribution: Issyk-Kul Lake (Shadin, 1952)
Pseudocaspia (?) kainarensis Starobogatov, 1972
Starobogatov, 1972a: 167, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Turkmen SSR, Charshanginskij district, hot spring Khodzha-Kajnar.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov, 1972a).
Pseudocaspia ljovuschkini Starobogatov, 1972
Starobogatov, 1972a: 166, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Turkmen SSR, Charshanginskij district, Kaptar-Khana Cave, underground brackish-water
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov, 1972a).
Pseudocaspia narzikulovi (Izzatullaev, 1972)
Pseudamnicola narzikulovi Izzatullaev, 1972: 45-46, fig. 1(2).
● Type locality: deposits of Vaksh River in the natural Reserve “Tigrovaya balka” near jetty.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev, 1972).
Pseudocaspia starostini Starobogatov, 1972
Starobogatov, 1972a: 166-167, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Turkmen SSR, Charshanginskij district, hot spring Khodzha-Kajnar.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov, 1972a).
Pseudocaspia tadjikistanica (Izzatullaev, 1972)
Caspia tadjikistanica Izzatullaev, 1972: 44, fig. 1(1 а-б).
● Type locality: deposits of Vaksh River in the natural Reserve “Tigrovaya balka” near jetty.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev, 1972).
HYDROBIIDAE Stimpson, 1865
(Kantor Yu.I.)
Belgrandiella A. J. Wagner, 1927
Type species: Paladilhia (Belgrandiella) kusceri A. J. Wagner, 1914 (OD)
Belgrandiella abchasica Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962 : 48, fig. 1 E.
● Type locality: Nizhnjaja Shakuranskaja cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov, 1962).
Belgrandiella caucasica Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962 : 48, fig. 1 D.
● Type locality: Krasnoaleksandrovskaja cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov, 1962).
Bucharamnicola Izzatullaev, Sitnikova et Starobogatov, 1985
Type species: Pseudamnicola bucharica Shadin, 1952 (OD)
Bucharamnicola bucharica (Shadin, 1952)
Pseudamnicola bucharica Shadin, 1952: 233-234, fig. 162.
● Type locality: springs of Hissar Ridge (Tajikistan).
● Syntypes: ZIN. ???
● Distribution: springs of Hissar Ridge (Tajikistan) (Shadin, 1952; Izzatullaev et al., 1985).
Geyeria A. J. Wagner, 1914
Type species: Geyeria plagiostoma A. J. Wagner, 1914 (OD)
Geyeria horatieformis Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: fig. 1 3 [Z].
● Type locality: Nizhnjaja Shakuranskaja cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Geyeria valvataeformis Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: 48-49, fig. 1 Ж [Zh].
● Type locality: Krasnoaleksandrovskaja cave, Caucasus
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Horatia Bourgignat, 1887
Type species: Horatia klecakiana Bourgignat, 1887 (SD Westerlund, 1902)
Horatia borutzkii Shadin, 1932
Shadin, 1932: 12-13, pl. 1, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Riogesa Cave near Kutaisi (Georgia). ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Shadin, 1952).
Horatia ljovuschkini Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: 44, fig. 1 г [G].
● Type locality: Nizhnjaja Shakuranskaja cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Horatia sokolovi Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: 43-44, fig. 1 б [B].
● Type locality: Nizhnjaja Shakuranskaja cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Martensamnicola Izzatullaev, Sitnikova et Starobogatov, 1985
Type species: Hydrobia brevicula Martens, 1874 (OD)
Martensamnicola brevicula (Martens, 1874)
Hydrobia (Amnicola) brevicula Martens, 1874: 30-31, pl. 2, fig. 28
● Type locality: puddle near Samarkand fortress.
● Types: not specified.
● Distribution: Central Asia (particularly Tajikistan), springs (Shadin, 1952; Izzatullaev et al., 1985).
Martensamnicola hissarica (Shadin, 1950)
Amnicola hissarica Shadin, 1950: 62, fig. 1.
● Type locality: spring in Gazhni ravine in Hissar Ridge, 32 km north of Stalinabad, 1200 m above sea level.
● Syntypes: ??
● Distribution: Tajikistan (spring on right bank of Kondar River), Uzbekistan (spring at Bakhmal, Dzhzakh
Region) (Izzatullaev et al., 1985).
Martensamnicola kazakhstanica Izzatullaev, Sitnikova et Starobogatov, 1985
Izzatullaev et al., 1985: 55-56, fig. 3 (1).
● Type locality: Kazakhstan, Chimkent Region, spring near Vannovka village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev et al., 1985).
Paladilhiopsis Pavlović, 1913
Type species: ???
Paladilhiopsis aculeus Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: 47, fig. 2 G.
● Type locality: Nizhnjaja Shakuranskaja cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Paladilhiopsis carpathica L. Soos, 1940
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Ukraine – Goverly caves, Ivano-Frankovsk district (Anistratenko, 1998b).
Paladilhiopsis orientalis Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: 46-47, fig. 2 D.
● Type locality: Krasnoaleksandrovskaja cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Paladilhiopsis pulcherrima Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: 47, fig. 2 A-B.
● Type locality: Krasnoaleksandrovskaja cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Paladilhiopsis schakuranica Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: 47, fig. 2 Zh.
● Type locality: Nizhnjaja Shakuranskaja cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Paladilhiopsis shadini Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: 45-46, fig. 2V.
● Type locality: Tzebelda cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Paladilhiopsis subovata Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: 46, fig. 2E
● Type locality: Krasnoaleksandrovskaja cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Sogdamnicola Izzatullaev, Sitnikova et Starobogatov, 1984
Type species: Hydrobia pallida Martens, 1874 (OD)
Sogdamnicola pallida (Martens, 1874)
Hydrobia (Amnicola) pallida Martens, 1874: 31-32, pl. 2, fig. 27.
● Type locality: little pond in the garden in Uzgun (Zarafshan valley).
● Syntypes:
● Distribution: springs of Central Asia (Shadin, 1952).
Sogdamnicola shadini Izzatullaev, 1984
Izzatullaev, 1984b: 173, text. fig. a, b.
● Type locality: Urgut, spring [Central Asia].
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: springs of Central Asia (Izzatullaev, 1984b).
Tadzhikamnicola Izzatullaev, 2002
Type species: ???????
Tadzhikamnicola likharevi (Izzatullaev, 1973)
Pseudamnicola likharevi Izzatullaev, 1973b: 77, fig. 1B.
● Type locality: flood plain of the river Surhob, vicinities of the soviet farm “Muminabad”, Kulyabskij district, spring [Tajikistan].
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Tajikistan (Izzatullaev, 1973b).
Tadzhikamnicola pavlovskii (Izzatullaev, 1973)
Pseudamnicola pavlovskii Izzatullaev, 1973b: 76-77, Fig. 1A.
● Type locality: flood plain of the river Surhob, vicinities of the soviet farm “Muminabad”, Kulyabskij district, spring [ Tajikistan].
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Tajikistan (Izzatullaev, 1973b).
Turkmenamnicola Izzatullaev, Sitnikova et Starobogatov, 1985
Type species: Pseudamnicola lindholmi Shadin, 1952 (OD)
Turkmenamnicola lindholmi (Shadin, 1952)
Pseudamnicola lindholmi Shadin, 1952: 231-232, fig. 162.
● Type locality: Shar-Arab spring near Kushka (Turkmenia).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Shadin, 1952; Izzatullaev et al., 1985).
Turkmenamnicola raddei (Boettger, 1889)
Pseudamnicola lindholmi Boettger, 1889: 970, pl. 2, fig. 6 a-c.
● Type locality: “bei Chodsha-Kala”.
● Types: "Lectotype" SMF No. 4160, "paralectotypes" SMF No.s 4161/1, 93402/4.
● Distribution: Turkmenia (Shadin, 1952).
Turkmenamnicola smaragdovae (Abrikosov et Tzvetkov, 1945)
Pseudamnicola smaragdovae Abrikosov, Tzvetkov, 1945: 207-209, fig. 1.
● Type locality: sources of the Sekiz-yab River near Germab (Mikhailovskoe) village, south of Geok-tepe.
● Holotype: ZMMU (not found).
● Distribution: upper reaches of Sekib-Yab [sic] (vicinities of Germab village) and Sherlok rivers, Turkmenia
(Shadin, 1952).
● Remark: The holotype was mentioned in the original description (as "type") but without any distinguishing
characters. The ZMMU collection contains 9 specimens from the type series (out of 44 originally mentioned),
and there is no indication of the type status on the label. Therefore, we cannot exclude that one of them is in
fact the holotype, though there is no possibility to identify it as such.
Valvatamnicola Izzatullaev, Sitnikova et Starobogatov, 1984
Type species: Pseudamnicola archangelskii Shadin, 1952 (OD)
Valvatamnicola archangelskii (Shadin, 1952)
Pseudamnicola archangelskii Shadin, 1952: 232-233, fig. 161.
● Type locality: spring at the road from Vozadil village to Shakhmardan village (Alai mountain system, Uzbekistan).
● Syntypes: ZIN. ???
● Distribution: type locality (Shadin, 1952).
Valvatamnicola schahimardanica Izzatullaev, 1984
Izzatullaev, 1984b: 174, textfig. v (letter).
● Type locality: spring between Shahimardan and Vyadil, Fergan Area, UzbekSSR.
● Holotype: ZIN, No.1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev, 1984b).
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Lithoglyphus Megerle von Mühfeld in Hartmann, 1821
Type species: Lithoglyphus eburneus Megerle von Mühfeld in Hartmann, 1821 (nom. nud.; = Paludina naticoides Férussac in Pfeiffer, 1828) (SD Herrmannsen, 1847)
Lithoglyphus apertus (Küster, 1852)
Paludina aperta Küster, 1852: 45-46, pl. 9, figs. 14-18.
● Type locality: "in der Save bei Agram in Croatien".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Black Sea maritime area, rivers (Anistratenko, Stadnichenko, 1994 [1995]; Anistratenko, 1998b).
Lithoglyphus naticoides naticoides (C. Pfeiffer, 1828)
Paludina naticoides C.Pfeiffer, 1828: 45-46, pl. 8. fig. 1, 2, 4.
● Type locality: “Donau bei Wien, Ungarn bei Pesth”
● Types: ?
● Distribution: rivers of Azov-Black Sea maritime areas, entered the Volga River delta (Anistratenko, Stadnichenko, 1994[1995]; Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lithoglyphus naticoides berolinensis Westerlund, 1886
Lithoglyphus naticoides var berolinensis Westerlund, 1886: 85.
● Type locality: "Germania, Berlin". [lectotype label].
● Lectotype (Alexenko et al., 1990): ZIN systematic catalogue No. 1.
● Distribution: rivers of Baltic Sea drainage (Alexenko, Levina, Starobogatov, 1990; Starobogatov et al.,
Lithoglyphus pyramidatus Möllendorff, 1873
Möllendorff, 1873: 59, fig. 20.
● Type locality: River Urbas, Bosnia.
● Types: ???
● Distribution: Ukraine except Carpathians, delta of Volga river, in rivers and lakes]; Anistratenko, 1998b;
Starobogatov et al., 2004); outside former USSR the species is found in waterbodies of northern Balkan Peninsula and north-western Anatolia (Glöer, 2002).
● Remark. This species until recently was identified as L. fuscus (Pfeiffer, 1828) (Anistratenko, Stadnichenko, 1994[1995]).
Shadinia Akramowski, 1976
Type species: Pyrgula terpoghassiani Shadin, 1952 (OD)
Shadinia akramowskii (Shadin, 1952)
Hydrobia akramowskii Shadin, 1952: 226, fig. 149.
● Type locality: spring in Dzhabachalu village, Zangibassar District, Armenia.
● Types: not specified.
● Distribution: Armenia (Shadin, 1952).
Shadinia terpoghassiani (Shadin, 1952)
[= Pyrgula terpoghassiani Akramowski, 1952, nom. nud.]
Pyrgula terpoghassiani Shadin, 1952: 227, fig. 151 (by indication).
● Type locality: Aiger-Lich Lake (Armenia).
● Types: not specified.
● Distribution: Armenia, Araks River Basin, Azerbajdzhan (Akramowski, 1976).
(Kantor Yu.I.)
Benedictia W. Dybowski, 1875
Type species: Benedictia fragilis W. Dybowski, 1875 (OD)
Benedictia baicalensis (Gerstfeldt, 1859)
[= Benedictia lindholmi Kozhov, 1929]
Paludina baicalensis Gerstfeldt, 1859: 6, fig. 8.
● Type locality: Kultuk, 3 fathoms (southern Baikal).
● Neotype (Sitnikova, 1987): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 1.5-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia distinguenda distinguenda Lindholm, 1924
Benedictia fragilis distinguenda Lindholm, 1924d: 22.
● Type locality: Maloe More, "Kobylya Golova" (Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1987??): ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal Lake, Maloe More, 20-200 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia distinguenda lamuana Sitnikova, 1987
Sitnikova, 1987: 1473, fig. 3, 5.
● Type locality: of the mouth of Bolshaya Kotinka river (western coast of southern Baikal).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal Lake, 20-200 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia fragilis W. Dybowski, 1875
Benedictia fragilis W. Dybowski, 1875: 5-21, pl. 1, figs. 1–5; pl. 5, figs. 1–16; pl. 7, figs. 17–19; pl. 8, figs.
● Type locality: Kultuk [restricted by Sitnikova et al., 2004].
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1987): ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal Lake, 30-1300 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia kotyensis Matiokin, Dzuban et Sitnikova, 1988
Matiokin et al., 1988: 123-134, fig. 6 (1-3).
● Type locality: at the mouth of Bolshie Kotinki River, 20-30 m (southern Baikal).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal Lake, 20-30 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia limnaeoides limnaeoides (Schrenck, 1867)
Paludina limnaeoides Schrenck, 1867: 619, pl. 26, figs. 2- 6.
● Type locality: Amur River, Bureya mountains [erroneous label – Sitnikova et al., 2004].
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1987): ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal Lake, 10-120 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia limnaeoides ongurensis Kozhov, 1936
Benedictia limnaeoides var. ongurensis Kozhov, 1936: 44, pl. 2, figs. 30-32/
● Type locality: Olhonskiye Vorota, 11.5 fathoms (Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1987): ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal Lake, Maloe More, 5-120 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia limnaeoides litoralis Kozhov, 1936
Benedictia limnaeoides var. litoralis Kozhov, 1936: 45, pl. 1, figs. 11, 27.
● Type locality: Boguchanskaya Inlet, 9.5 m (northern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1987): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 10-60 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia maxima maxima (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Hydrobia maxima W. Dybowski, 1875: 27, pl. 1, fig. 24.
● Type locality: Kultuk (southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Lectotype (Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975): ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal Lake, 40-260 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia maxima marisminus Sitnikova, 1987
Sitnikova, 1987: 1474, fig. 4, 3.
● Type locality: Maloe More.
● Holotype: ZIN.
Distribution:northern Baikal Lake, Maloe More, 20-220 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia nana Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975
Benedictia (Baicalocochlea) nana Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 101, fig. 3, G.
● Type locality: near Sosnovka [Baikal Lake], depth 300 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, 300-400 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia pulchella pulchella Sitnikova, 1987
Sitnikova, 1987: 1472, fig. 3, 8.
● Type locality: Kultuk.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal Lake, 20-220 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia pulchella sarmensis Sitnikova, 1987
Sitnikova, 1987: 1472, fig. 3, 7.
● Type locality: Sarma in Maloe More [Baikal].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal Lake, 20-220 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Remark: After examination of the morphology and radula of B. fragilis, B. distinguenda and B. pulchella, it
appears that the species are very similar and two latter ones are probably the local morphs of B. fragilis (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia pumyla (Lindholm, 1924)
Kobeltocochlea pumyla Lindholm, 1924a: 17.
● Type locality: northern Baikal: Tukalaranga Bay.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal Lake, 100-420 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Benedictia shadini Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975
[= Benedictia maxima (part.) sensu Shadin, 1952]
Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 100-101, fig. 35 [B].
● Type locality: Maloe More [Baikal Lake].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake: Maloe More, 39-135 м (Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975).
Kobeltocochlea Lindholm, 1909
Type species: Hydrobia martensiana W. Dybowski, 1875 (OD)
Kobeltocochlea falsipumyla Sitnikova, 2000
Sitnikova, 2000: 105, fig.1–5
● Type locality: Akademiya Ridge (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, 50-540 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Kobeltocochlea lindholmiana Sitnikova, 1987
CèтTèкова, 1987: 1471; fig. 2, 3.
● Type locality: Maloe Morye, Olchonskiye Vorota, Baikal.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Maloe Morye, northern Baikal, 2-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Kobeltocochlea martensiana (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Hydrobia martensiana W. Dybowski, 1875: 24, pl. 1, figs. 1823.
● Type locality: Kultuk (southern Baikal) [restricted by Sitnikova et al., 2004].
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1987): ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 2-40 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Kobeltocochlea olchonensis Lindholm, 1909
Kobeltocochlea martensiana var.olchonensis Lindholm, 1909: 37.
● Type locality: Olchonskiye Vorota (Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1987): ZIN.
● Distribution: central and northern Baikal, 2-40 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudobenedictia Sitnikova, 1987
Type species: Kobeltocochlea michnoi Lindholm, 1929 (OD)
Pseudobenedictia michnoi (Lindholm, 1929)
Kobeltocochlea michnoi Lindholm, 1929c: 316, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Hovsogöl Lake, Mongolia.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 3-30 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Remark: Although the label, accompanying the holotype states that the specimen was collected in
Hovsogöl Lake, it has been never found there again.
Yaroslawiella Sitnikova, 2001
Type species: Yaroslawiella eximia Sitnikova, 2001 (OD)
Yaroslawiella eximia Sitnikova, 2001
Sitnikova, 2001: 499, figs.1, 2, 3.
● Type locality: Baikal, Akademia Ridge 102-157 m (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Holotype: Limnological Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 827.
● Distribution: type locality, 100-260 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pomatiopsidae STIMPSON, 1865
Triculinae Annandale, 1924
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Sibirobythinella Johansen et Starobogatov, 1982
Type species: Sibirobythinella kuznetzkiana Johansen et Starobogatov, 1982 (OD)
Sibirobythinella almaatina Izzatullaev, Sitnikova et Starobogatov, 1985
Izzatullaev et al., 1985: 56-57, fig. 3, 2.
● Type locality: Alma-Ata Region [Kazakh SSR], Zailijskij Alatau [Ridge], spring Belbulak and vicinities of
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kazakhstan (Izzatullaev et al., 1985).
Sibirobythinella kuznetzkiana Johansen et Starobogatov, 1982
Johansen, Starobogatov, 1982: 1142-1144, fig. a, v.
● Type locality: Kuznetzk Alatau Mountains [southern Siberia], "lime-tree island", stream on the right bank
of Tom' River 2.5 km downstream from Kazyr, station 95, samples 163-165.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Mountain Shoriya (Tomsk Region) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Cincinna Hubner, 1810
Type species: Nerita piscinalis (Müller, 1774) (OD)
Cincinna aliena (Westerlund, 1876)
Valvata aliena Westerlund, 1876a: 63, fig. 15.
● Type locality: “Jenissei, Nischnij Inbatsk (lat. 63°` 50’)”.
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967): ZIN, No. 8 in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: rivers of Yenissei River basin, estuaries of large tributaries of Baikal, north of Western Siberia
(Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967; Starobogatov et al., 2004, Sitnikova et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna ambigua (Westerlund, 1873)
Valvata ambigua Westerlund, 1873: 439.
● Type locality: “Sverige vid Göteborg”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of Europe and south of Western Siberia (Irtysh River basin) (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna amurensis Moskvicheva in Starobogatov et Zatrawkin, 1985
Moskvicheva – Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1985: 1156-1157, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Kutumanda River (Amur basin).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur River basin (except its upper part), Ussuri River, Khanka Lake (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990
[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna antiqua (Morris in Morris et Sowerby, 1838)
Valvata antiqua Morris – Morris, Sowerby, 1838: 547, fig. 26.
● Type locality: the Thames valley [from the publication title].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of the basin of the Baltic Sea and North Sea, lower and central Dnieper (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Starobogatov et al. (2004) believe that Cincinna antiqua sensu Anistratenko, 1998b is probably a
separate species. Glöer (2002) considers this species as subspecies of Valvata piscinalis.
Cincinna bathybia (W. Dybowski, 1886)
Valvata (Cincinna) bathybia W. Dybowski, 1886: 129, pl. 4, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Kultuk (southern Baikal) (restricted in Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 50-400 (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Cincinna brevicula (Kozhov, 1936)
Valvata (Cincinna) aliena var. brevicula Kozhov, 1936: 18, pl. 1, fig. 30.
● Type locality: Bogushanskaya Inlet (Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: basins of Yenissei, Lena, and lower Ob’ rivers, Azabachje Lake in Kamchatka, Baikal; in slowrunning rivers and river floodland lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna bureensis Starobogatov et Zatrawkin, 1985
Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1985: 1158, fig. 6.
● Type locality: lake on the left bank of the River Bureja, near Chekunda (old) settlement, Khabarovsk Territory
[Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: basins of Bureya and Manoma rivers and taiga tributaries of Ussuri River(Bogatov, Zatrawkin,
1990 [1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna chereshnevi Bogatov, Zatrawkin et Starobogatov in Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]
Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]: 35-36, fig. 8. а-в [a-v].
● Type locality: southern Chukchi Peninsula, basin of Khatyrka River, Lake Egergytgyn.
● Holotype: ZIN in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: glacial lakes of southern Chukchi Peninsula (basin of Khatyrka River) and northern Okhotsk Sea
maritime area (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna chersonica Chernogorenko et Starobogatov, 1987
Chemogorenko, Starobogatov, 1987b: 150.
● Type locality: mouth of Dnieper river.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern areas of eastern Europe to Altai, rivers (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna chishimana Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1999
[= Cincinna kizakikoensis Fujita et Habe, 1991]
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1999: 54-55, figs. 2B, 3.
● Type locality: Iturup Island, Reidovoe Lake, 1-5 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of Iturup Island (South Kurile Islands) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna confusa (Westerlund, 1897)
[= Valvata stelleri W. Dybowski, 1904]
Valvata (Cincinna) confusa Westerlund, 1897b: 130.
● Type locality: "Sibirien. Thal des Olenek".
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967): ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: from north of western Siberia to Kamchatka and Chukchi Peninsula, North Kurile Islands (Shumshu Island), in lakes and slow-running rivers (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna contorta (Müller, 1774)
[Valvata piscinalis var. fluviatilis Colbeau, 1859]
Nerita contorta Müller, 1774: 187-188.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: lakes of the Baltic Sea basin, central and lower parts of Dnieper basin (Anistratenko, 1998b as
Cincinna fluviatilis; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Glöer (2002) considers this species as a synonym of Valvata piscinalis antiqua. Anistratenko and
Anistratenko (2001) cited the opinion of Ya.I.Starobogatov, that Valvata piscinalis var. fluviatilis Colbeau, 1859
is a synonym of Cincinna contorta. Most of european malacologists under the name Valvata fluviatilis
identified separate species, for which Starobogatov proposed a new name Cincinna (Cincinna) falsifluviatilis
(see below).
Cincinna depressa (C. Pfeiffer, 1821)
[= Valvata borealis Milachevitch, 1881]
Valvata depressa Pfeiffer, 1821: 100, pl. 4, fig. 33.
● Type locality: "in einem schlammingen Wassergraben, unweit Hanau, bey dem Dorfe Enkheim".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and south of Western Siberia (Irtysh basin), lakes and large ponds (Anistratenko, 1998b;
Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna dilatata (Eichwald, 1830)
Paludina dilatata Eichwald, 1830: 219.
● Type locality: Quaternary deposits near Grodno.
● Lectotype (Starobogatov et al., 1994): ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe, Western Siberia (Irtysh and central Ob’ rivers basins), lakes and rivers (Anistratenko,
1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna discors (Westerlund, 1886)
Valvata discors Westerlund, 1886: 133.
● Type locality: "Schweden in See Ringsjön".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of the Baltic Sea basin, central Dnieper basin (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004); Western Siberia (Irtysh River basins) (Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna falsifluviatilis Starobogatov in Anistratenko et Anistratenko, 2001
Cincinna (Cincinna) falsifluviatilis Starobogatov – Anistratenko, Anistratenko, 2001: 139-140. fig. 110
[nom. nov. pro Valvata fluviatilis sensu Westerlund, 1886; non Colbeau, 1859]
● Type locality: “Belgien, England, Deutschland, Russland”.
● Types: not specified.
● Distribution: Europe, in Russia – basin of the Balthis Sea, in Ukraine – in middle and lower pargt of the
Dnieper basin, rivers (Anistratenko, Anistratenko, 2001; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark : in Starobogatov et al., 2004 this species is attributed to 1996, which is obviously erroneous. Kantor
and Sysoev (2005) overlooked the description of the species in Anistratenko and Anistratenko (2001) and
therefore erroneously concluded that the name is unavailable. The mistake was corrected by
M.V.Vinarski (personal communication).
Cincinna frigida (Westerlund, 1873)
Valvata frigida Westerlund, 1873: 436-437.
● Type locality: “Från Naustejaur I Pite Lappmark”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Europe and Siberia to Okhotsk Sea basin, lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Glöer (2002) considers this species as a synonym of Valvata sibirica.
Cincinna gafurovi (Izzatullaev, 1977)
Valvata (Cincinna) gafurovi Izzatullaev, 1977: 948-949, textfig.
● Type locality: Tajik SSR, Gorno-Badakhmanskaya Autonomous Republic, lake Sylykty-Sai (area about 300
m2), 10 km south-westward from Kyzil-Rabat, on depth 2-3 m.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Tajikistan (Izzatullaev, 1977).
Cincinna hankensis Prozorova, 1988
Prozorova, 1988b: 1736-1738.
● Type locality: small lake near the shore of Khanka Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: basin of Khanka Lake and southern part of Primorje, in lakes and semipermanent waterbodies
(Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna helicoidea (Dall, 1905)
Valvata lewisi helicoidea Dall, 1905: 123, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2
● Type locality: Lake Bennett, Yukon Territory; Old Fort Yukon, Alaska; and others.
● Syntype: USNM No. 180304.
● Distribution: Chukchi Peninsula, lower reaches of Kolyma River, northwestern Kamchatka, Eastern Siberia
(from Khatanga to Kolynma) and Western Siberia (lower Ob’ basin) (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]; Dolgin,
2001; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna iturupensis Prozorova in Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1998
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1998c: 61, 63, fig. 3D.
● Type locality: Lake Dobroye, Iturup Island.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of Iturup (Kurile Islands) (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1998c; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna japonica (Martens, 1877)
Valvata japonica Martens, 1877: 116.
● Type locality: Lake Hakone, Japan.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of southern Sakhalin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna kamchatica Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1998
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1998c: 63, 65, fig. 3A.
● Type locality: eastern Kamchatka, puddle on Bolshoi Kamchatskyi Island in the valley of Kamchatka River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kamchatka, Kolyma basin, northern Okhotsk Sea maritime area, lakes (Starobogatov et al.,
Cincinna kliniensis (Milaschewitsch, 1881)
Valvata fluviatilis var. kliniensis Milaschewitsch, 1881: 236.
● Type locality: "Moujevo" (vicinities of Moscow).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, south of Western Siberia, mostly in lakes and large ponds (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna klucharevae Starobogatov in Starobogatov et Zatrawkin, 1985
Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1985: 1158, fig. 5.
● Type locality: southern Sakhalin Island, near Bousset lagoon, Bolshoj Vavaj Lake, depth 2.4 m.
● Holotype: ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: lakes of southern Sakhalin Island (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna korotnevi (Lindholm, 1909)
Valvata (Cincinna) korotnevi Lindholm, 1909: 73, pl. 1, fig. 63.
● Type locality: Angarskyi sor (northern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: southern part of central Siberia, Baikal Lake (Starobogatov et al., 2004, Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Cincinna laethmophila (Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975)
Valvata (Pseudomegalovalvata) Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 95, fig. 1D.
● Type locality: near Listvennichnoe [Baikal Lake], depth 1380 m.
Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Cincinna lewisi (Currier, 1868)
Valvata lewisi Currier, 1868: 9 [new name for Valvata striata sensu Lewis, non Philippi, 1834].
● Type locality: Grattam, Kent (Michigan).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes (excluding thermokarst) of southern Chukchi Peninsula (Khatyrka River basin) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna lilljeborgi (Westerlund, 1897)
Valvata lilljeborgi Westerlund, 1897a: 137.
● Type locality: "Suecia in fluvio Fyrisån ad Upsala".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of the Baltic Sea basin, central part of Dnieper basin, south of Western Siberia (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna macrostoma (Steenbuch in Mörch, 1864)
[= Valvata macrostoma Steenbuch in Beck, 1847, nom. nud; Valvata umbilicalis Westerlund, 1878]
Valvata macrostoma Mörch, 1864: 59.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, in temporary waterbodies (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna mergella (Westerlund, 1883)
Valvata mergella Westerlund, 1883c: 166.
● Type locality: Port Clarence, NW America.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Chukchi Peninsula: Khatyrka River basin in the south to Chaun lowland in the north (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna middendorffi Moskvicheva in Starobogatov et Zatrawkin, 1985
Cincinna sibirica middendorffi Moskvicheva -- Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1985: 1158-1159, fig. 7.
● Type locality: Amur.
● Holotype: ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: small semipermanent and temporary waterbodies of Amur basin and Primorje (Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Cincinna obtusa (Draparnaud, 1801)
Cyclostoma obtusum Draparnaud, 1801: 39-40.
● Type locality: "France septemtrionale".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of the Baltic Sea basin, central and lower Dnieper basin, south of Western Siberia (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna olkhonica (Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975)
Valvata (Pseudomegalovalvata) olkhonica Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 94, fig. 1V.
● Type locality: Kharin-Irgi Bay (Oikhon Gates) (Baikal Lake], depth 32-39 m, 14.9.1966.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Cincinna pamirensis Starobogatov, 1972
Valvata (Cincinna) pamirensis Starobogatov, 1972a: 170-171, fig. 9.
● Type locality: Tajik SSR, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Shaimak, 7 km from Kyzyl-Ravat, warm
spring on right bank of the Aksu River, sample 136.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Cincinna piscinalis (Müller, 1774)
Nerita piscinalis Müller, 1774: 172.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, western Siberia, lakes and rivers (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004); Armenia (Akramowski, 1976).
Cincinna profundicola (Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975 )
Valvata (Pseudovalvata) profundicola Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 95, fig. 1A.
● Type locality: near Bolsodej Cape [Baikal Lake], depth 300 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, 100-800 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Cincinna pulchella (Studer, 1820)
Valvata pulchella Studer, 1820: 23.
● Type locality: “Umgebung des Bielersee’s in Wassergräben”.
● Lectotype (Forcart, 1957): NMBE.
● Distribution: Europe, western Siberia, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004); Armenia (Akramowski, 1976).
Cincinna saghalinensis (Miyadi, 1935)
Valvata pulchella saghalinensis Miyadi, 1935: 61, pl. 3, fig. 3.
● Type locality: “along the shore of a lakelet Tyatya-numa on the western coast of South Sakhalin”.
● Holotype: Ôtu Hydrobiological Station.
● Distribution: small semipermanent waterbodies of southern Sakhalin (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna sibirica (Middendorff, 1851)
Valvata cristata var. sibirica Middendorff, 1851: 299.
● Type locality: Siberia.
● Lectotype (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1998c): ZIN [collected in Barnaul].
● Distribution: from north of western Siberia and Altai mountains to Okhotsk Sea; Transbaikalia and Chita region, Baikal Lake, in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004, Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Remark: the species is mentioned in CLECOM database as inhabiting Norway, Sweden and Finland.
Cincinna simusyuensis (Miyadi, 1935)
Valvata piscinalis simusyuensis Miyadi, 1935: 60-61, pl. 3, fig. 2.
● Type locality: “Shumshir Island” [Kurile Islands].
● Lectotype (Fujita, Habe, 1991): Ôtu Hydrobiological Station.
● Distribution: Shumshu Island (North Kurile Islands), eastern Kamchatka, lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna sirotskii Starobogatov et Zatrawkin, 1985
Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1985: 1157, fig. 2.
● Type locality: near Novyj Mir settlement, Komsomolskij district, Khabarovsk Territory (Far East), depth 0.2
● Holotype: ZIN N1 in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: basin of Amur River (except its upper part), Ussuri and Tugur rivers, northwestern Sakhalin
(Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cincinna skorikovi (Lindholm, 1911)
Valvata (Cincinna) skorikovi Lindholm, 1911: 299-300.
● Type locality: 5 stations in "Newabucht".
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, Black Sea maritime area, Western Siberia (Irtysh and central Ob’ rivers basins), rivers
and lakes (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna ssorensis (W. Dybowski, 1886)
Valvata (Cincinna) ssorensis W. Dybowski, 1886: 113, pl. 4, figs. 1, 3, 5.
● Type locality: Posolskyj sor (eastern coast of Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: Yenissei River basin, Baikal, Lena and lower Ob’ rivers basins, Kamchatka, North Kurile Islands
(Shumshu Island), in lakes and slow-running rivers (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]; Dolgin, 2001; Starobogatov et al., 2004, Sitnikova et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Cincinna sujfunensis Prozorova in Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1998
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1998c: 65, 67, fig. 4H.
● Type locality: Razdolnaya River near Razdolnoye settlement [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Razdolnaya (Sujfun) River and rivers entering Khanka Lake from south-east (Starobogatov et al.,
Cincinna tenagobia (Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975)
Valvata (Pseudomegalovalvata) tenagobia Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 93, риC. 1S.
● Type locality: Kharin-Irgi Bay (Oikhon Gates) [Baikal Lake], depth 32-39 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Cincinna tymiensis Starobogatov in Starobogatov et Zatrawkin, 1985
Starobogatov, Zatrawkin, 1985: 1157, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Sakhalin Island, right bank of the River Tym' near Nogliki settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Sakhalin Island, basin of the River Tym (Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1990[1992]; Starobogatov et al.,
Megalovalvata Lindholm, 1909
Type species: Valvata baicalensis Gerstfeldt, 1859 (OD)
Megalovalvata baicalensis (Gerstfeldt, 1859)
[= Valvata grubii W. Dybowski, 1875]
Paludina baicalensis Gerstfeldt, 1859: 510, figs. 8-10.
● Type locality: "Baikalsee".
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1983): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 3-50 m, Angara River (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Megalovalvata demersa (Lindholm, 1909)
Valvata (Liratina) baicalensis var. demersa Lindholm, 1909: 79.
● Type locality: Berchin Bay, 25 fathoms (western coast of central Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1983): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 3-50 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Megalovalvata kozhovi Sitnikova, 1983
Sitnikova, 1983: 35.
● Type locality: Zavorotnaya Bay (western coast of northern Baikal).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 3-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Megalovalvata lauta (Lindholm, 1909)
Valvata (Atropidina) lauta Lindholm, 1909: 74, pl. 1, figs. 68-70.
● Type locality: Davsha Inlet, 9 fathoms (eastern coast of northern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1983): ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal Lake and eastern coast of central Baikal, 2-70 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Megalovalvata parvula (Kozhov, 1936)
Valvata (Megalovalvata) lauta var. parvula Kozhov, 1936: 25.
● Type locality: off Listvennichnyi Island, 5 m (eastern coast of central Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1983): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 2-50 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Megalovalvata piligera piligera (Lindholm, 1909)
[= Valvata (Liratina) baicalensis sensu Lindholm, 1909 and Thiele, 1929, non Gerstfeldt, 1859]
Valvata baicalensis var. piligera Lindholm, 1909: 77.
● Type locality: Maloe More, 26 fathoms [Baikal].
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1983): ZIN.
● Distribution: Maloe More and southern Baikal Lake, 5-40 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Megalovalvata piligera minor (Lindholm, 1909)
Valvata (Liratina) baicalensis f. minor Lindholm, 1909: 78.
● Type locality: Boguchanskaya Guba (western coast of northern Baikal).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: northern Baikal Lake, 2-50 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Megalovalvata piligera nudicarinata (Lindholm, 1924)
Valvata (Liratina) piligera nudicarinata Lindholm, 1924b: 217.
● Type locality: southern Baikal, ? Murinskaya bank.
● Lectotype (Sitnikova, 1983): ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal Lake, 5-40 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Valvata Müller, 1774
Type species: Valvata cristata Müller, 1774 (monotypy)
Valvata andreaei Menzel, 1904
Valvata (Cincinna) andreana (lapsus calami) Menzel, 1904: 77, textfig.
● Type locality: "in der diluvialen (interglacialen) pflanzenreichen Süsswasserablagerung von Wallensen im
Südlichen Hannover und in dem altalluvialen Kalktufflager von Alfeld a.d. Leine".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of the basin of the Baltic Sea, Western Bug basin, south of Western Siberia (Anistratenko,
1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
● Remark: the species was named after German naturalist A. Andreae and therefore the spelling of species epithet andreana is obviously lapsus calami. Menzel corrected himself the spelling in the same issue of Nach-
richtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft on page 96. Nevertheless, in Russian literature the species epithet is traditionally spelled incorrectly (including Kantor, Sysoev, 2005). The problem was corrected by M.V. Vinarski.
Valvata cristata Müller, 1774
[= Nerita valvata Gmelin, 1778]
Müller, 1774: 198-199.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, western Siberia, central Dnieper basin (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Valvata elatior Menzel, 1904
Valvata (Cincinna) andreana var. latior Menzel, 1904: 77-78, textfig.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of the basin of the Baltic Sea (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Valvata geyeri Menzel, 1904
Valvata (Cincinna) geyeri Menzel, 1904: 78-79, textfig.
● Type locality: "in Weissen See bei Fuessen in Bayern".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of the basin of the Baltic Sea, central Dnieper, south of Western Siberia (Anistratenko,
1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Valvata lietuvensis Chernogorenko et Starobogatov, 1987
Chernogorenko, Starobogatov, 1987b: 149.
● Type locality: Vyshtitis Lake, at the border of Kaliningrad district and Lithuania.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Valvata nana Westerlund, 1873
Westerlund, 1873: 437.
● Type locality:
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of the basin of the Baltic Sea (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Valvata planorbulina Paladilhe, 1867
Paladilhe, 1867: 50, pl. 21, figs. 23-26.
● Type locality: "dans des alluvions du Lez".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of the Baltic Sea, central Dnieper basin (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Valvata pusilla (Müller, 1774)
Nerita pusilla Müller, 1774: 171.
● Type locality: "In lacu Ruppinensi".
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: lakes of the basin of the Baltic Sea, Western Bug river basin (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
Valvata spirorbis Draparnaud, 1805
Draparnaud, 1805: 41.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, central Dnieper basin (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Valvata trochoidea Menke, 1846
Valvata contorta var. trochoidea Menke, 1846: 116.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of Europe, except extreme north and south, south of Western Siberia (Anistratenko, 1998b;
Starobogatov et al., 2004; Lazutkina, 2004).
Valvata vystitiensis Chernogorenko et Starobogatov, 1987
Chernogorenko, Starobogatov, 1987b: 148.
● Type locality: Vyshtitis lake, at the border of Kaliningrad district and Lithuania.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
BORYSTHENIINAE Starobogatov, 1983
Borysthenia Lindholm, 1913
Ann. Mus. zool. Ac. Sci, 18: 167, nom. nov. pro Jelskia
Type species: Valvata naticina Menke, 1845 (так в 1927)
Borysthenia alligans (Lindholm, 1927)
Valvata naticina f. alligans Lindholm, 1927a: 22.
● Type locality: "Weichsel bei Plock" (Poland).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basins of Dnieper, Dniester, Neman, and Visla rivers; Kaliningrad Region (Anistratenko, 1998b;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Borysthenia jelskii (Crosse, 1863)
Valvata jelskii Crosse, 1863: 382-384, pl. 13, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Dnieper, near Kiev.
● Holotype: MNHN.
● Distribution: known on the single specimen from Dnieper near Kiev (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Borysthenia menkeana (Jelski, 1863)
Valvata menkeana Jelski, 1863: 136-137, pl. 6, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Dnieper, off Romanovka, near Kiev.
● Syntype: MNHN.
● Distribution: basins of Dnieper, South Bug, Dniester, Danube, Neman, Visla rivers; Kaliningrad Region (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Borysthenia naticina (Menke, 1846)
Valvata naticina Menke, 1846: 129.
● Type locality: “Hungaria, ad Pestinum”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basins of Dnieper, South Bug, Dniester, Danube, Neman, Visla rivers; Kaliningrad Region (Anistratenko, 1998b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxoidea THIELE, 1931
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Acroloxus Beck, 1837
Type species: Patella lacustris Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Herrmannsen, 1846)
Acroloxus arachleicus Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 74, fig. 2, 9.
● Type locality: Arakhlej Lake, Zabaikalje, [SE Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus baicalensis Kozhov, 1936
Acroloxus lacustris var. baicalensis Kozhov, 1936: 184, 314, pl. 7, fig. 39.
● Type locality: Krutaya Inlet (Chivyrkuiski Bay, Baikal), 3 m.
● Holotype: not traced.
● Distribution: Angara, Yenissei, Baikal (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Acroloxus caucasicus Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 73-74. fig. 2, 7.
● Type locality: Shaitankazak Lake, Chontaul’sk reservation, Dagestan [Caucasus].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Dagestan, Stavropol Region, in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus hassanicus Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991
[= Acroloxus hassanicus Kruglov et Starobogatov in Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]]
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 77, fig. 1 4, 3 5.
● Type locality: Pojma River (former Adimi), near Bamburovo village, Khasanskij district, Primorje Territory [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Primorje: basins of Ussuri River, Khanka Lake and rivers of southern Primorje (Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
Acroloxus klucharevae Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991
[= Acroloxus klucharevae Kruglov et Starobogatov in Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1990 (1992)]
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 78, fig. 1 (6).
● Type locality: Lake Bolshoi Vavai, near Aniva Bay, south Sakhalin Island.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus kolhymensis Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1998
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1998a: 39-41, figs. 1A, 2A-B.
● Type locality: Shuchie Lake, lower Kolyma basin in vicinities of Cherskyi settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Kolyma basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus lacustris (Linnaeus, 1758)
Patella lacustris Linnaeus, 1758: 783.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Probable syntypes: UUZM Nos. 1269 a-b.
● Distribution: Europe and western Siberia, in rivers and permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus likharevi Moskvicheva, Kruglov et Starobogatov in Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991 F
[= Acroloxus likharevi Moskvicheva, Kruglov et Starobogatov in Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]]
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 75-76, fig. 1 2, 3 5-6.
● Type locality: Olenevka River, basin of the River RazdoFnaya near Ussurijsk [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basins of Amur and Tugur (southern Okhotsk Sea maritime area) rivers and rivers entering
Japan Sea and Tatar Strait (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus lindholmi Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 72, fig. 2 (4).
● Type locality: Luga River near Preobrazhenskoe, Leningrad Region.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus oblongus (Lightfoot, 1786)
Patella oblonga Lightfoot, 1786: 168, pl. 3, figs. 1-5.
● Type locality: near Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe (probably except north-eastern part), western Siberia, in still waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus okaensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 70-72, fig. 1 3, 3 3.
● Type locality: Oka River [central Russia], zaton Studenetz.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe (except, probably, north-east), in large and shallow still waterbodies (Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Acroloxus orientalis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991
[= Acroloxus orientalis Kruglov et Starobogatov in Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]]
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 75, fig. 2 10.
● Type locality: spring, connecting lake Kotika with Tym' River, Sakhalin Island.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Sakhalin, upper part of Zeya River basin (Amur Region), in rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus regelae Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1998
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1998a: 41-42, figs. 1B, 2C.
● Type locality: Shuchie Lake, lower Kolyma basin in vicinities of Cherskyi settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Kolyma basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus rossicus Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 72-73, fig. 2 5, 3 4.
● Type locality: Myshega River, surroundings of Aleksin, Kaluga Region [central Russia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe (probably except north-east), in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus shadini Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 73, fig. 2 6.
● Type locality: Shaitankazak Lake, Chontaul'sk reservation, Dagestan [Caucasus].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: entire Europe, south of western Siberia, north of Kazakhstan, Altai, in rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus ussuriensis Moskvicheva, Kruglov et Starobogatov in Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991 F
[= Acroloxus ussuriensis Moskvicheva, Kruglov et Starobogatov in Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1990 [1992]]
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 76-77, fig. 1 3, 3 7.
● Type locality: river Malyi Sungachik, 1 km from the mouth, [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur and southern Primorje rivers basins, in rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus victori Prozorova, 1996
Prozorova, 1996a: 495-497, figs. 1 (1), 2.
● Type locality: Chistovodnaya River in vicinities of Vanino City, near railroad bridge.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Acroloxus zarjaensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1991
[= Acroloxus zarjaensis Kruglov et Starobogatov in Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1990 (1992)]
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1991: 77-78, fig. 1 5.
● Type locality: Lake Zarja, Lazovsk reservation, Primorje [coast of the Japan Sea].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Baicalancylus Starobogatov 1967
Type species: Ancylus dybowskii var. laricensis W. Dybowski, 1913 (OD)
Baicalancylus boettgerianus (Lindholm, 1909)
Ancylus (Pseudancylastrum) boettgerianus Lindholm, 1909: 28, pl. 2, figs. 37-38.
● Type locality: near cape Kurma in Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: Maloe More, northern Baikal, 2-10 m (Starobogatov, 1989; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Baicalancylus kobelti (W. Dybowski, 1885)
Ancylus kobelti W. Dybowski, 1885: 313, fig.1.
● Type locality: near Listvyanka (western coast of southern Baikal).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, Angara, 5-10 m (Starobogatov, 1989; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Baicalancylus laricensis (W. Dybowski, 1913)
Ancylus dybowskii var. laricensis W. Dybowski, 1913: 140 (nom. nov. pro Ancylus dybowskii sensu Lindholm, 1909).
● Type locality: near Listvyanka (western coast of southern Baikal).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 2-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Baicalancylus njurgonicus Starobogatov, 1989
Starobogatov, 1989: 72, fig. 2, 13 5, z, l.
● Type locality: Maloe More, Cape Njurgon [Baikal Lake], 3 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 2-10 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Gerstfeldtiancylus Starobogatov, 1989
Type species: Gerstfeldtiancylus gerstfeldti Starobogatov, 1989 (OD)
Gerstfeldtiancylus benedictiae Starobogatov, 1989
[= Ancylus (Pseudancylastrum) troscheli sensu Lindholm, 1909, non W. Dybowski, 1875, part.]
Starobogatov, 1989: 65, fig. 2, 6 5, z, l.
● Type locality: vicinities of Listvennichnyj [SW coast of Baikal Lake], 3-14 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 3-20 m, mostly on shells of Benedictia (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Remark: Among paratypes there are 6 paralectotypes of Ancylus sibiricum Gerstfeldt, 1859, coll.
A.A.Maak, 1854 from "Angara and Baikal Lake".
Gerstfeldtiancylus caputiformis Starobogatov, 1989
Starobogatov, 1989: 65, fig. 2, 5 5, z, l.
● Type locality: Zavorotnaya Inlet, western coast of northern Baikal Lake, 4 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, 3-10 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Gerstfeldtiancylus kotyensis Starobogatov, 1989
[Gerstfeldtiancylus kozhovi Starobogatov, 1989]
Starobogatov, 1989: 60, fig. 2, 3 5, z, l.
● Type locality: near Bolshiye Koty, NW part of southern Baikal Lake, 25-40 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 4-40 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Remark: synonymy of G. kotyensis and G. kozhovi was proved by Shirokaya (2005).
Gerstfeldtiancylus pileolus Starobogatov, 1989
Starobogatov, 1989: 67, fig. 2 8 5, z, l.
● Type locality: Zavorotnaya Inlet, western coast of northern Baikal Lake, 4 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov, 1989; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Gerstfeldtiancylus porfirievae Starobogatov, 1989
[= Ancylus (Pseudancylastrum) troscheli sensu Lindholm, 1909, non W. Dybowski, 1875, part.]
Starobogatov, 1989: 66, fig. 2, 7 5, z, l.
● Type locality: Cape Kocherikovskij, W coast of northern Baikal Lake, 6-8.5 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, 4-12 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Gerstfeldtiancylus renardii (W. Dybowski, 1884)
[Gerstfeldtiancylus gerstfeldti Starobogatov, 1989]
“Ancylus” renardii W. Dybowski, 1884: 157, pl. 4, figs. 2, 4.
● Type locality: southern Baikal.
● Syntypes: Zoological Museum of Lviv University (Ukraine).
● Distribution: western coast of Baikal, 4-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Remark: synonymy of G. renardii and G. gerstfeldti was proved by Shirokaya (2005).
Gerstfeldtiancylus roepstorfi Shirokaya, Röpstorf et Sitnikova, 2003
Shirokaya, Röpstorf, Sitnikova, 2003: 117, 119, fig. 3C-D, 4 A-I.
● Type locality: littoral of Maly Uskany Island (Baikal), depth 13 m.
● Holotype: collections of Limnological Institute, No. 898.
● Distribution: southern and northern Baikal, 13-20 m (Shirokaya, Röpstorf, Sitnikova, 2003).
Pseudancylastrum Lindholm, 1909
Type species: Ancylus sibiricus Gerstfeldt, 1859 (OD)
Pseudancylastrum aculiferum Starobogatov, 1989
[= Ancylus sibiricus Gerstfeldt, 1859, part.]
Pseudancylastrum aculiferum Starobogatov, 1989: 55, fig. 1, 10, 5, z, l.
● Type locality: Kultuk, SW corner of Baikal Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, 4-36 m (Starobogatov, 1989; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Remark: Holotype is at the same time a paralectotype of Ancylus sibiricum Gerstfeldt, 1859.
Pseudancylastrum beckmanae Starobogatov, 1989
Pseudancylastrum beckmanae Cтаробогатов, 1989: 49, fig. 1, 4 5, z, l.
● Type locality: near Cape Solontzovyj, western coast of the northern Baikal Lake, 40-18 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: western coast of northern Baikal, 4-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudancylastrum cornu Starobogatov, 1989
Starobogatov, 1989: 50, fig. 1, 5 5, z, l.
● Type locality: southern Baikal Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudancylastrum dorogostajskii Starobogatov, 1989
Pseudancylastrum dorogostajskii Strobogatov, 1989: 57, fig. 1, 12 5, z, l.
● Type locality: vicinities of Listvennichnyj (Baranchik) [SW coast of the Baikal Lake], 6-15 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: western coast of southern Baikal and eastern coast of northern Baikal, 3-35 m (Starobogatov,
1989; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudancylastrum dybowskii (Clessin, 1882)
Ancylus dybowskii Clessin, 1882b: 38, pl. 7, fig. 1.
● Type locality: southern Baikal.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baikal, Angara River downstream to Irkutsk (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al.,
Pseudancylastrum frolikhae Sitnikova et Starobogatov, in Sitnikova, Fialkov, Starobogatov, 1993
Sitnikova et al., 1993: 134, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Frolikha Bay (south-western coast of northern Baikal), 340-360 m.
● Holotype: Limnological Institute, No. 263-264.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, 100-450 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudancylastrum irindaense Starobogatov, 1989
Pseudancylastrum irindaense Starobogatov, 1989: 52, fig. 1, 7 5, z, l.
● Type locality: Irinda Bay, east coast of northern Baikal Lake, 5 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, Maloe More [Baikal], 2-10 m (Starobogatov, 1989).
Pseudancylastrum korotnevi Starobogatov, 1989
Pseudancylastrum korotnevi Cтаробогатов, 1989: 51, fig. 1, 6 5, z, l.
● Type locality: near Cape Kocherikovskij, western coast of northern Baikal Lake, 6-8.5 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: western coast of Baikal, 4-10 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudancylastrum olgae Starobogatov, 1989
Pseudancylastrum olgae Starobogatov, 1989: 48s, fig. 1 (3), 5 z, l.
● Type locality: near Kluevka, SE coast of southern Baikal Lake, 8 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: south-eastern coast of Baikal, 2.5-10 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudancylastrum poberezhnyi Starobogatov, 1989
Pseudancylastrum poberezhnyi Starobogatov, 1989: 56, fig. 1, 11 5, z, l.
● Type locality: near Bolshie Koty [SW Baikal Lake].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 4-15 m (Starobogatov, 1989; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudancylastrum sibiricum (Gerstfeldt, 1859)
Ancylus sibiricum Gerstfeldt, 1859: 23, fig. 30.
● Type locality: Angara River within borders of Irkutsk.
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, Angara River downstream to Irkutsk (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et
al., 2004).
Pseudancylastrum troschelii (W. Dybowski, 1875)
Ancylus troschelii W. Dybowski, 1875: 64, pl. 4, figs. 35-37.
● Type locality: Kultuk (southern Baikal) [restricted Sitnikova et al., 2004].
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, 5-25 m (Starobogatov, 1989; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Pseudancylastrum werestschagini Starobogatov, 1989
Pseudancylastrum werestschagini Starobogatov, 1989: 52, fig. 1, 8 5. z. l.
● Type locality: near Bolshie Koty [southern Baikal Lake], 3-5 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, 3-20 m; Angara River downstream to Irkutsk (Starobogatov, 1989; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Aenigmomphiscola Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1981
Type species: Aenigmomphiscola europaea Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1981 (OD)
Aenigmomphiscola europaea Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1981
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1981: 969, fig. 1, 1, 7, 12;3A;4A.
● Type locality: vicinities of Ufa city, bog near Urgun village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern part of European Russia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Aenigmomphiscola kazakhstanica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1981
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1981: 973, fig. 1, 3, 9, 14; 3 B; 4B.
● Type locality: Kokchetav Region, Shchucginskij district [northern Kazakhstan], pasture Kyzyl-Agach.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: south of western Siberia and northern Kazakhstan, eastward to Altai (Starobogatov et al.,
Aenigmomphiscola uvalievae Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1981
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1981: 971-973, fig. 1, 2, 8, 13; 2; 3B; 4B; 5.
● Type locality: Kokchetav Region, Shchucginskij district [northern Kazakhstan], sovkhoz imeni Frunze,
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern part of European Russia, south of western Siberia and northern Kazakhstan, eastward
to Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea Lamarck, 1799
Type species: Helix stagnalis Linnaeus, 1758 (monotypy).
Lymnaea aberrans (Westerlund, 1897)
Limnaea ovata var. aberrans Westerlund, 1897b: 125.
● Type locality: Kamchatka River basin.
● Lectotype (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984a): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: eastern Kamchatka, northern and western shores of the Okhotsk Sea, Kolyma River, North
Kurile Islands (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea almaatina Izzatullaev, Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983
Izzatullaev et al., 1983a: 323, fig. 1 (3-4).
● Type locality: spring in the valley of Bolshaja Almaatinka River [southern Kazakh SSR]
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: mountain part of Central Asia, probably in inner Altai (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Star-
obogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea alticola Izzatullaev, Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983
Izzatullaev et al., 1983b: 53, fig. 1-2.
● Type locality: Pamir Mountains, hot spring near Jashikul Lake [Tajik SSR].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: mountains of Central Asia (thermal springs) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea ampullacea (Rossmässler, 1835)
Limnaeus ampullaceus Rossmässler, 1835b: 19, pl. 7, fig. 124.
● Type locality: “im Lac de Joux im Jura (5. Charp.)”.
● Types: lost (R. Janssen, pers. comm.).
● Distribution: Europe, southern Siberia eastward to Baikal Lake, Baikal Lake (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
1993b; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Lymnaea amurensis Kruglov, Moskvicheva et Starobogatov in Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1984 F
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984a: 28, fig. 1, 12; 2, 14.
● Type locality: Khabarovsk Territory [Far East], valley of the Amur River, shallow water body near the
Petropavlovskoe Lake, near Kukhari village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur basin, Primorje (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea arachleica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 23, fig. 1, 6, 2, 2.
● Type locality: Lake Arakhlei (Transbaikalia).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Lake Arakhlei (Chita Region) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea araratensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1985
[= Limnaea elophila sensu Kobelt, 1877, non Bourguignat, 1862; Lymnaea omsiana sensu Hubendick, 1951,
non Locard, 1883].
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1985c: 26. fig. 1 d, 3d.
● Type locality: pond near the railway station Masis, Armenian SSR.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Armenia, western Middle East, Kirghizstan (lake Son-Kul), Pamir (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
Lymnaea archangelica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1986
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1986: 60, fig. 1; 2, 2.
● Type locality: pool in the Hood lands of the Uemljanka River, Arkhangelsk Region, 10-12 km from entering the Severnaja Dvina River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern part of East Europe, West Siberia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea atkaensis Dall, 1884
[= Lymnaea randolphi Baker, 1904]
Lymnaea ovata var. atkaensis Dall, 1884: 343.
● Type locality: Aleutians.
● Syntypes: USNM 29031.
● Distribution: Chukchi Peninsula (Amguema river drainage and eastwards), Koryak upland (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea atra atra (Schrank, 1803)
Buccinum atrum Schrank, 1803: 288.
● Type locality: “in der Donau”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe (excluding extreme northeastern part) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea atra starobogatovi Lazareva, 1967
Lymnaea starobogatovi Lazareva, 1967a: 1343-1344, figs. 1 (2-2a), 2 (2-2a).
● Type locality: former river-bed of Tobol River, Kustanai Region, Kazakhstan.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: steppes of Kazakhstan and the Irtysh basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea atra zebrella (B. Dybowski, 1913)
Costolimnaea zebrella B. Dybowski, 1913: 186, pl.4, fig. 10 a, b.
● Type locality: vicinities of Kultuk (southern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: northeastern Europe, West Siberia, Yenissei basin, Baikal (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a;
Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Lymnaea auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Radix auriculatus Montfort, 1810]
Helix auricularia Linnaeus, 1758: 774-775.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, Siberia, Uzbekistan, Baikal, rivers of Pacific coast of Far East from Kamchatka to
Primorje (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Lymnaea azabatschensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989a: 18, fig. 1, 5, 2, 4.
● Type locality: Kamchatka, channel from Azabachje Lake to the Kamchatka River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southeastern Kamchatka (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea bactriana (Hutton, 1849)
Limnaea bactriana Hutton, 1849: 656.
● Type locality: Quetta (fide Annandale, Prashad, 1919) [Afghanistan].
● Holotype: Asiatic Society of Bengal (fide Annandale, Prashad, 1919).
● Distribution: western Middle East, eastern Transcaspia, Central Asia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea badia (Küster, 1862)
Limnaeus badius Küster, 1862: 23, pl. 4, figs. 18-19.
● Type locality: Dalmatia.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: within Russia – Volga delta (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea bakowskyana (Clessin, 1879)
Lymnaea peregra var. bakowskyana Clessin, 1879: 12, pl. 1, fig. 8.
● Type locality: “Pickow. Galiciae”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Europe, Caucasus (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea balthica (Linnaeus, 1758)
[Turbo patulus DaCosta, 1778]
Helix balthica Linnaeus, 1758: 775.
● Type locality: “M. Balthici littora”.
● Neotype (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1983b): ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe, southern Siberia, Baikal (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Remark: synonymy of Lymnaea patula and L. balthica was suggested by Vinarski and Glöer (2007),
who also designated lectotype of the former species.
Lymnaea berlani (Bourguignat, 1870)
Limnaea berlani Bourguignat, 1870: 44-45.
● Type locality: not stated (lower Danube – from title).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: South Europe, northern Caucasus, Transcaucasia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea blauneri (Shuttleworth in Küster, 1862)
Limnaeus blauneri Shuttleworth -- Küster, 1862: 56, pl. 12, fig. 7-8.
● Type locality: “In der Scweitz im Canton Wallis, auf dem Matterhorn”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Ciscaucasia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea bodamica (K. Miller, 1873)
Limnaea stagnalis var. bodamica K. Miller, 1873: 4, pl. 1, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Karelia (fide Kruglov, 2005).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basins of Baltic and White seas (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea bowelli (Preston, 1909)
Limnaea bowelli Preston, 1909: 115.
● Type locality: “Te-ring Gompa, in a small hill stream arising from a spring, 14, 000 feet; also from Mangtsa, 14, 500 feet; High Hill, Gompa, Gyantse valley in a small hill stream, among moss and stones, 14, 500
feet; and Gyantse, 13, 120 feet” [Tibet].
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: mountain part of Central Asia, probably in Tuva and Altai (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea callomphala (Servain, 1881)
Limnaea callomphala Servain, 1881: 78.
● Type locality: "lac [Balaton], entre Füredet et Tihany".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western and southern parts of European Russia, Ukraine (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: empty shells that seems conspecific with L. callomphala were found in Western Siberia, although
the taxonomic position should be confirmed by anatomical data (M.V. Vinarski, personal communication).
Lymnaea carelica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1983b: 1467, fig. 2, 6; 3J.
● Type locality: shallow water body near Svjatozero (Karelian ASSR)
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Karelia (Baltic drainage area) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea chereshnevi Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 27, fig. 1, 24; 2, 22.
● Type locality: Maloe Lake, basin of the river Bolshaya, western Kamchatka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: western and southern Kamchatka, North Kurile Islands (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea clavata (Westerlund, 1885)
[= Galba glabra sensu Jackiewicz, 1959, non Müller, 1774].
Limnaea glabra var. clavata Westerlund, 1885a: 49.
● Type locality: “Norddeutschland, Schweeden”.
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin (Luga River) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea coreana (Martens, 1886)
Limnaea auricularia var. coreana Martens, 1886: 80.
● Type locality: “Changjin, Prov. Hangyöngdo, Korea”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Amur basin, southern part of Primorje (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al.,
Lymnaea corvus (Gmelin, 1791)
Helix corvus Gmelin, 1791: 3665
● Type locality: "in Thuringiae".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin, north-western part of the Dnieper drainage area (right tributaries of the Pripyat river) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea curtacorvus Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1984
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984b: 65, fig. 1, J; 2 5, 6.
● Type locality: not designated.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea danubialis (Schrank, 1803)
Buccinum danubialis Schrank, 1803: 286.
● Type locality: “in der Donau”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Caucasus and Rostov Region (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea dipkunensis Gundrizer et Starobogatov, 1979
Gundrizer, Starobogatov, 1979: 1134, fig. 1, 4.
● Type locality: Gomoe Lake, flood land of the Kurejka River upper mouth of river Dipkun (NW Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern part of Central Siberia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea dolgini Gundrizer et Starobogatov, 1979
Gundrizer, Starobogatov, 1979:1132, fig. 1, 2; 2, 2.
● Type locality: lake in flood land of the Kurejka River 20 km upper its mouth [NW Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower part of the Ob basin, Шкеныр and Yenissei basins (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b;
Dolgin, 2001; Vinarski, unpublished).
Lymnaea doriana (Bourguignat, 1862)
Limnaea doriana Bourguignat, 1862a: 60.
● Type locality: "Sicile".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: south of East Europe, Caucasus, northern part of Kazakhstan, Tuva (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
1993a; Prozorova, Sharyi-Ool, 1999; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea dupuyi (Locard, 1893)
Amphipeplea dupuyi Locard, 1893: 47.
● Type locality: "marais de Peychaud (Gironde)" (France).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea dvoriadkini Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1984
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984a: 29, fig. 1, 14; 2, 17.
● Type locality: Primorje Territory [Far East], northern coast of the Vostok Bay, stream near Avangard settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur basin, Primorje (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea euphratica (Mousson, 1874)
Limnaea euphratica Mousson, 1874: 40-41.
● Type locality: “Samava” [lower Mesopothamia].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Daghestan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea falsipalustris Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989a: 19, fig. 1, 6; 2, 5.
● Type locality: Kamchatka, channel from Azabachje Lake to the Kamchatka River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southeastern Kamchatka (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea fontinalis (Studer, 1820)
[= Lymnaea acutalis Morelet, 1845]
Limneus fontinalis Studer, 1820: 93.
● Type locality: “Umgebund von Bern, in Bächen”.
● Lectotype (Forcart, 1957): NMBE.
● Distribution: Europe, Siberia, Baikal (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b, Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Lymnaea fragilis fragilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
[Limnaea stagnalis var. producta Colbeau, 1859]
Helix fragilis Linnaeus, 1758: 774.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: North Europe, entire Siberia, eastward to Kolyma basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Prozorova, 1998b).
Lymnaea fulva (Zigler in Küster, 1862)
Limnaeus fulva Zigler -- Küster, 1862: 16, pl. 4, fig. 19-21.
● Type locality: “in Krain in Gebirgsquellen”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Ciscaucasia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea fusca fusca (C. Pfeiffer, 1821)
Lymnaeus fuscus C. Pfeiffer, 1821: 92, pl. 4, fig. 25.
● Type locality: “entre Füred et Tihany” [Balathon Lake].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin, small waterbodies (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al.,
● Remark: in recent western European malacological literature (eg. Falkner et al., 2001; Glöer, 2002) this
name is used for different species from that of Kruglov and Starobogatov (1993a).
Lymnaea fusca maritima (Clessin, 1878)
Limnaea palustris var. maritima Clessin, 1878: 76, pl. 3, fig. 17.
● Type locality: “Küste des Bottnischen busens der Lanschaft Medelpad”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: brackish waters of Baltic Sea (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea gebleri (Middendorff, 1851)
Middendorff, 1851: 292, pl. 30, fig. 1-3.
● Type locality: Zaisan Lake (eastern Kazakhstan).
● Lectotype (Lazareva, 1967b): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: eastern Kazakhstan, Tuva, Altai? (Lazareva, 1967b; Prozorova, Sharyi-Ool, 1999; Kruglov,
Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004;).
Lymnaea gedrosiana (Annandale et Prashad, 1919)
Limnaea gedrosiana Annandale, Prashad, 1919: 48-49, pl.7, fig. 2-4.
● Type locality: “Pishin district (Chaman), Kandahar, Quetta and in the Hamun-i-Helmand in Seistan”.
● Syntypes: Zoological Survey of India, M 11533/2.
● Distribution: southern Tajikistan (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea glabra (Müller, 1774)
Buccinum glabrum Müller, 1774: 135-136.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: probably in Baltic Sea basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea glutinosa (Müller, 1774)
Buccinum glutinosum Müller, 1774: 129.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, south part of West Siberia, northern part of Central Siberia (eastward to Ob mouth),
northern Kazakhstan (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea goupili (Moquin-Tandon, 1856)
Limnaea truncatula var. goupili Moquin-Tandon, 1856: 474.
● Type locality: “dans la Sarthe (Goupil)” [France].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe (except for extreme north-east) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea gueretiniana (Servain, 1881)
Limnaea gueretiniana Servain, 1881: 76.
● Type locality: Save, near Belgrad.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic, Black and Azov seas drainages (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea gundrizeri Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1983a: 141.
● Type locality: water body near the shore of Surulu-Kol’ Lake, Ulaganskij district. Altai Territory [SW Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Altai (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea hadutkae Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 22, fig. 1, 12; 2, 7.
● Type locality: hot spring Khadutka. Kamchatka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern Kamchatka, thermal springs (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea hakusyensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 20, fig. 1, 5; 2, 6.
● Type locality: hot spring entering Baikal Lake in the vicinities of Khakusa Bay.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern shore of Baikal, thermal springs (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea hartmanni (Studer, 1820)
Limneus hartmanni Studer, 1820: 93.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea hookeri Reeve, 1850
[= Lymnaea heptapotamica Lazareva, 1967]
Reeve, 1850: 49, textfig.
● Type locality: "Thibetan or north side of Sikkim Himalaya, at 18,000 feet elevation".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: eastern central Asia, eastern Kazakhstan, Altai, Transbaikalia, Amur drainage including
Khanka Lake and southern Primorje (Lazareva, 1967; Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al.,
Lymnaea igarkae Gundrizer et Starobogatov, 1979
Gundrizer, Starobogatov, 1979:1133, fig. 1, 3; 2, 3.
● Type locality: water body in the city Igarka [NW Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern part of Central Siberia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea iliensis Lazareva, 1967
Lazareva, 1967a: 1347-1348, figs. 1 (6-6a), 2 (6-6a).
● Type locality: river floodland lake near Kaskelenka River entrance to Ili River (Kazakhstan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Balkhash Lake drainage area (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea impura (Troschel, 1837)
Limnaeus impurus Troschel, 1837: 172.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Tajikistan, southern Uzbekistan (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea intercisa (Lindholm, 1909)
[= Gulnaria intercisa var. sorica B. Dybowski, 1912]
Limnaea auricularia var. intercisa Lindholm, 1909: 5, pl. 1, fig.72.
● Type locality: Maloe More [central Baikal].
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN
● Distribution: southern part of Central Siberia, Baikal, northeastern Kazakhstan (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
1993a; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Lymnaea intermedia Lamarck, 1822
Lymnaea intermedia Lamarck, 1822: 162.
● Type locality: “en France, dans le Quercy”.
● Syntype: MHNG.
● Distribution: Europe, Siberia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea intermedia Lamarck, 1822
Lymnaea intermedia Lamarck, 1822: 162.
● Type locality: “en France, dans le Quercy”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, Siberia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea iturupica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 26, fig. 1, 20; 2, 17.
● Type locality: Lebyazhje Lake, Iturup Island [Kurile Islands], vicinities of Kuril'sk city.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea jacutica Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967 fig. 3B
Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 233, fig. 27.
● Type locality: mouth of the Kolyma river, near small settlement Chajchaja.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: northern Siberia from Ural mountains to Kolyma drainage, Far East: northern Okhotsk Sea
maritime area and northern Sakhalin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea japonica (Jay, 1856)
Lymnea japonica Jay, 1856: 294-295, pl. 5, figs. 10-12.
● Type locality: Simoda [Japan].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea juribeica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1984
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984a: 32, fig. 1, 17.
● Type locality: Tyumen’ Region [Siberia], Gydan Peninsula, Pisi-To Lake in the Juribej River basin.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Yamal Peninsula, lower Ob’ basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Dolgin, 2001).
Lymnaea kafanovi Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1984
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984a: 31, fig. 1, 20; 2, 6.
● Type locality: Sakhalin Region [Sakhalin Island], vicinities of Nogliki settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Sakhalin (basins of Tym and Poronai rivers) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea kamtschatica (Middendorff, 1851)
Limnaeus kamtschaticus Middendorff, 1851: 295, pl. 30, fig. 11-12.
● Type locality: Kamchatka River (probably plane).
● Lectotype (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984a): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: eastern Kamchatka, Chukchi Peninsula, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, and Kolyma rivers basins
(Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Dolgin, 2001).
Lymnaea kazakensis Mozley, 1934
Lymnaea palustris kazakensis Mozley, 1934: 3-4, pl. 1, fig.7.
● Type locality: small dry lake bottom near the village of Novo Troetskaya, northern Kazakstan.
● Holotype: USNM No. 470457.
● Distribution: steppes of West Siberia and Kazakhstan, southern Ural, basin of Ural River and Orenburg
district (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004; M.V. Vinarski, personal communication).
Lymnaea kunashirica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 27, fig. 1, 22; 2, 1.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island [Kurile Islands].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea kurejkae Gundrizer et Starobogatov, 1979
Gundrizer, Starobogatov, 1979: 1131, fig. 1, 1; 2, 1.
● Type locality: lake in flood land of the Kurejka River 20 km upper its mouth [NW Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern part of Central Siberia, Irtysh River basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Vinarski,
Lymnaea kurenkovi Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989a: 18, fig. 1, 4.
● Type locality: eastern Kamchatka, Tumrok Ridge, hot spring (up to 38 C°).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southeastern Kamchatka (thermal springs of Tumrok area), North Kurile Islands (Shumshu
and Paramushir) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea kurilensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 26, fig. 1, 2; 2, 20.
● Type locality: Lebyazhje Lake, Iturup Island [Kurile Islands], vicinities of Kuril'sk city.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea lagotis (Schrank, 1803)
[Gulnaria lagotis lapidaria B. Dybowski, 1912; G. l. forma ssorensis B. Dybowski, 1912; Lymnaea (Radix)
auricularia var. lagotis morpha ssorensis Kozhov, 1936]
Buccinum lagotis Schrank, 1803: 290.
● Type locality: “in der Donau”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, West Siberia, Baikal (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Lymnaea lenaensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1985
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1985b: 31, fig. 1, 7; 2, 8.
● Type locality: River Anga valley (upper Lena River, Irkutsk Region) [Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Central Siberia, Amur drainage, Primorje of the Far East (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea likharevi Lazareva, 1967
Lazareva, 1967a: 1346- 1347, figs. 1 (5-5a), 2 (5-5a).
● Type locality: Borovoe Lake, Kazakhstan.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southeastern part of East European plain, southern part of West Siberia, Kazakhstan (Kruglov,
Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea liogyra (Westerlund, 1897)
Limnaea palustris var. liogyra Westerlund, 1897b: 125.
● Type locality: “Sibirien. Süd-Ussuri-Gebiet”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Amur drainage and Primorje (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea luteola Boettger?
● Distribution: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenia (Izzatullaev, 1972).
Lymnaea mabillei (Locard, 1893)
Amphipelpea mabillei Locard, 1893: 47.
● Type locality: "environs de Troyes (Aube)" (France).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea magadanensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1985
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1985a: 76, fig. 1, 5; 2, 4.
● Type locality: Magadan city [Far East], water reservoir of hydroelectric power station.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern coast of Okhotsk Sea and upper part of Kolyma basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
Lymnaea manomaensis Kruglov, Starobogatov et Zatrawkin in Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1984 F
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984a: 29, fig. 1, 13; 2, 15.
● Type locality: Khabarovsk Territory [Far East], flood land of the Amur River, near Nizhnyaya Manoma
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of Amur and rivers entering Tatar Strait, northern Primorje (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea media (Hartmann, 1840)
Limnaea stagnalis var. media Hartmann, 1840: 20, Hartmann 1841: 44.
● Type locality: "oberbayrischen Seen".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basins of Baltic and White seas (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: M.V. Vinarski (personal communication) considers Lymnaea media sensu Kruglov and Starobogatov (1985) is in fact different species from Limnaea stagnalis var. media sensu Hartmann.
Lymnaea middendorffi (W. Dybowski, 1904)
Limnaea peregra var. middendorffi W. Dybowski, 1904: 52, fig. 7.
● Type locality: "See Sněźinskoje" (Snezhinskoye Lake, Kamchatka).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: eastern Kamchatka, northern and western shores of the Okhotsk Sea, Kolyma River, Lena,
Yana, and Indigirka rivers basins (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Dolgin, 2001; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea mongolica (Yen, 1939)
Pseudosuccinea mongolica Yen, 1939: 68, pl. 15, fig. 54.
● Type locality: “Dsha-ra-tai, Da-ba-sun, Alashan, Innere Mongolia”.
● Holotype: SMF 40332.
● Distribution: along southern and western shores of Khanka Lake (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea monnardi (Hartmann, 1841)
Gulnaria monnardi Hartmann, 1841 [1840-1844]: 71, pl. 18 (pl. 6).
● Type locality: Switzerland.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea mucronata (Held, 1836)
Limnaea mucronata Held, 1836: 278.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea napasica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1983a: 140.
● Type locality: near Napas settlement, Tym River, Tomsk Region [W Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: middle part of the Ob basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea narzykulovi Izzatullaev, Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983
Izzatullaev et al., 1983b: 55, fig. 3-4.
● Type locality: Pamir Mountains, Turumtaikul Lake [Tajik SSR].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Pamir (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea nogoonica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1983a: 140.
● Type locality: vicinitiesi of Kosh-Agach settlement, Altai Territory [SW Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern Altai (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea novikovi Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1983a: 139.
● Type locality: Tarkhatinskoe Lake, Koshagachskij district, Altai Territory [SW Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southeastern part of West Siberia, Altai, southern and central Ural, lower Ob’ basin, Irkutsk
Region (possibly entire Western Siberia) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004;
M.V.Vinarski, personal communication).
Lymnaea nuttaliana Lea, 1841
Lea, 1841: 33.
● Type locality: Oregon.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Eastern Kamchatka, Koryak upland (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea obensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1984
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984a: 25, fig. 1, 5.
● Type locality: lake on the left bank of the Ob' River, against the Polovinnyj Island [Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower part of the Ob basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea obliquata (Martens, 1864)
Limnaeus obliquatus Martens, 1864a: 116, pl. 3, fig. 9-10.
● Type locality: Issyk-kul.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Lake Issyk-Kul', Tuva (Prozorova, sharyi-Ool, 1999; Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea oblonga (Puton, 1847)
Lymnea oblonga Puton, 1847: 60.
● Type locality: “Doller (Haut-Rhein)” [upper Rein].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin and northern Caucasus (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea ollula (Gould, 1859)
Limnaea ollula Gould, 1859: 40.
● Type locality: streams and marshes of Hong Kong Island.
● Lectotype (Johnson, 1964): USNM 831.
● Distribution: temporary waterbodies of southern Primorje (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Lymnaea ovata (Draparnaud, 1805)
[= Gulnaria ovata petricola Lindholm, 1909; Lymnaea (Radix) ovata var. petricola morpha angarensis, morpha tschiwirkuensis Kozhov, 1936]
Limnaeus ovatus Draparnaud, 1805: 50, pl. 2, fig. 30-31.
● Type locality: not specified, in general — France.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, Siberia, Baikal (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Lymnaea pachyta (Westerlund, 1885)
Limnaea taurica var. pachyta Westerlund, 1885a: 48.
● Type locality: not specified, probably the same as for taurica (“Krim”).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: known from Crimea, Odessa Region, and Volga delta (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Son,
Lymnaea pacifampla Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 25, fig. 1, 17; 2, 15.
● Type locality: mouth of the Gladkaya River, Far East, Posjet Bay [Japan Sea]
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Khanka Lake basin, Primorje (except for northernmost areas) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea palustris palustris (Müller, 1774)
Buccinum palustre Müller, 1774: 131-132.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, West Siberia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea palustris syriacus (Mousson, 1861)
Linnaeus syriacus Mousson, 1861: 53-54.
● Type locality: “Damas, Jérusalem”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Armenia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea peregra (Müller, 1774)
Buccinum peregrum Müller, 1774: 130.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea perpolita Dall, 1905
Dall, 1905: 78, pl. 2, fig. 6, 8.
● Type locality: Nushagak, Bristol Bay, Alaska.
● Syntypes: USNM 175557.
● Distribution: probably eastern Chukchi Peninsula (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al.,
Lymnaea persica (Bourgignat in Issel, 1865)
Limnaea auricularia var. persica Bourgignat -- Issel, 1865: 47.
● Type locality: “Kerman (Persia meridionale)”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Azerbaijan (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea petersi Dall, 1905
[= Lymnaea alascensis Baker, 1911]
Dall, 1905: 66, pl. 2, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Koyukuk River, N of Yukon, Alaska.
● Syntypes: USNM 180332.
● Distribution: Chukchi Peninsula (only extreme eastern part), Koryak upland (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
Lymnaea psilia psilia (Bourguignat, 1862)
Limnaea psilia Bourguignat, 1862a: 61.
● Type locality: “rivière de l’Aube, entre Unienville et Dienville (departement de l’Aube)” [France].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, Siberia, Baikal, Far East: river basins of Kamchatka and Okhotsk Sea to Primorje
(Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Lymnaea rectilabrum (Annandale et Prashad, 1919)
Limnaea gedrosiana var. rectilabrum Annandale, Prashad, 1919: 49-50, pl. 6, fig. 1-6.
● Type locality: “Kushdil Khan reservoir, altitude 5000 ft in the hill-country of Baluchistan noerth of Quetta,
and a small pool in the desert some miles south of Nasratabad in Seistan”.
● Syntypes: Zoological Survey of India, M 11534/2.
● Distribution: western Middle East, Tajikistan, southern Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan (waterbodies of KopetDagh) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea saridalensis Mozley, 1934
[Linnaea (Galba) palustris draverti Mozley, 1934]
Lymnaea palustris saridalensis Mozley, 1934: 2-3, pl. 1, fig. 1.
● Type locality: small, somewhat saline lake on the Steppe Sari Dala, 15 km southwest of Pavlodar, northern
● Holotype: USNM No. 469734.
● Distribution: entire Western Siberia, Ural, Kazakhstan (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; M.V.Vinarski, per-
sonal communication).
Lymnaea schelechovi Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 28, fig. 1, 2.!; 2, 16.
● Type locality: Yagelnoye Lake, coast of Yamskaya Inlet, Shelekhov Bay coast, Okhotsk Sea.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: river drainages of Shelekhov Bay and Taui I nlet (Okhotsk Sea) (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea schirazensis (Küster, 1863)
Lymnaeus schirazensis Küster, 1863: 53, pl. 11, fig. 28-31.
● Type locality: “Schiraz, Persien”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western Central Asia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea schubinae Kruglov, Starobogatov et Zatrawkin in Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 24, fig. 1, 16; 1, 14.
● Type locality: river Bochinka, tributary of the Amur River, area of Amursk city
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur basin and Primorje (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea sibirica (Westerlund, 1885)
Limnaea truncatula var. sibirica Westerlund, 1885a: 52
● Type locality: “Sibirien bei Lusino”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: eastern part of West Siberia, East Siberia, Far East, Amur basin, Primorje, extreme northeastern Asia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea sihotealinica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1984
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984a: 30, fig. 1, 15; 2, 16.
● Type locality: Primorje Territory [Far East], Khorolskij district, stream near the road between VladimiroPetrovka and Staraja Devitza.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur basin, Primorje (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea sirikulensis (Nevill, 1878)
Limnaea defilippi var. sirikulensis Nevill, 1878: 7.
● Type locality: “Leh in Ladak” [Indian].
● Syntypes: Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta.
● Distribution: Pamir (in particular, the lake Zorkul "Sirikul") (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea solidissima (Kobelt, 1872)
Limnaea lagotis var. solidlssima Kobelt, 1872: 77.
● Type locality: “Himalaya” [probably Issykkul Lake].
● Types: ZMB.
● Distribution: Pamir (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea stagnalis stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Lymnaea stagnalis var. ssorensiana W. Dybowski, 1912; Lymnaea stagnalis var. subulata angarensis B.
Dybowski, 1912]
Helix stagnalis Linnaeus, 1758: 774.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Probable syntypes: UUZM Nos. 1004 a-b.
● Distribution: Europe and North Asia (ponds), Baikal (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Sitnikova et al.,
Lymnaea streletzkajae Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1985
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1985a: 76, fig. 1, 6; 2, 5.
● Type locality: bog in the Kolyma River (middle part) flood lands, near Agrobaza [NE Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern coast of Okhotsk Sea and upper part of Kolyma basin (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
Lymnaea subangulata (Roffiaen, 1868)
[= Limnaea truncatula var. ventricosa Moquin-Tandon, 1856, non Hartmann, 1841].
Limnaea truncatula var. subangulata Roffiaen, 1868: 78, pl. 1, fig. 9.
● Type locality: “près d’Alfort” [Switzerland].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern European Russia, Caucasus, western Central Asia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea subdisjuncta (Nevill, 1878)
Limnaea lagotis var. subdisjuncta Nevill, 1878: 9.
● Type locality: “Leh in Ladak” [Indian].
● Syntypes: Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta.
● Distribution: desert and semidesert regions of Central Asia, to Inner Mongolia in the east (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea teletzkiana Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1984
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1984a: 25, fig. 1, 2; 2, 2.
● Type locality: Teletzkoe Lake [SW Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Altai (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea tenera (Küster, 1863)
Limnaeus tener Küster, 1863: 54-55, pl. 12, fig. 1-2.
● Type locality: “Persien”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Tajikistan, southern Uzbekistan (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea tengriana Izzatullaev, Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983
Izzatullaev et al., 1983a: 323, fig. 1 (5).
● Type locality: Tajik SSR, Kuljab Region, Muminabad, pool in vicinity of Khan-Tengri Ridge.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: mountain part of Central Asia, probably in inner Altai (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea terebra terebra (Westerlund, 1885)
[= Limnaea attenuata Westerlund, 1877, non Say, 1829; Lymnaea (Fossaria) lindholmi W. Dybowski, 1913]
Limnaea terebra Westerlund, 1885b: 155.
● Type locality: off Jenisejsk, 58°N, 70°5’E.
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967): Zin, No. 2 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Yenissei drainage area (except southern part), Baikal (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Vinarski, Andreev, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Lymnaea (Stagnicola) terebra lindholmi W. Dybowski, 1913 was considered as valid subspecies
by Kruglov and Starobogatov (199) and Sitnikova et al. (2004)), but recently Vinarky and Andreev (2003)
proved that it is not distinguishable from nominotypical subspecies.
Lymnaea terebra bolotensis Mozley, 1934
Lymnaea (Galba) palustris bolotensis Mozley, 1934: 5-6, pl. 1, fig. 3.
● Type locality: flooded area between Rivers Chaganak and Chederti, Djala-Uli drainage basin, northern Kazakstan.
● Holotype: USNM 469821.
● Distribution: steppes of northern Kazakhstan and south of western Siberia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea thermobaicalica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 20, fig. 1, 10-11; 2, 5.
● Type locality: ZIN (warm spring entering Baikal Lake in the vicinities of Hakusa Bay.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern shore of Baikal, thermal springs (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea thermokamtschatica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 22, fig. 1, 9; 2, 9.
● Type locality: hot spring Khadutka, Kamchatka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern Kamchatka, thermal springs (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea thiesseae (Clessin, 1879)
[= Lymnaea shadini Izzatullaev, Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983]
Limnaea truncatula var. thiesseae Clessin, 1879: 4, pl. 1, fig. 2.
● Type locality: “Ins. Euboaea”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southeastern Europe, Caucasus (Daghestan), western Central Asia (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea torquilla (Westerlund, 1876)
Limnaea peregra var. torquilla Westerlund, 1876: 55, pl. fig. 11.
● Type locality: “Jenissei, Surgutskoj (lat. 62° 50’)”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern part of Central Siberia (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea truncatula (Müller, 1774)
Buccinum truncatulum Müller, 1774: 130-131.
● Type locality: “Saxonia”.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, West Siberia eastward to Baikal lake, Tajikistan (Izzatullaev, 1972; Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea tumida (Held, 1836)
Limnaea tumida Held, 1836: 278.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, South Siberia eastward to Baikal Lake and north Siberia near Norilsk (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Sitnikova et al., 2004:).
Lymnaea tumrokensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1985
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1985b: 30, fig. 1, 6.
● Type locality: hot spring, eastern Kamchatka Peninsula, Tumrok Ridge.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: south eastern Kamchatka (thermal sources of Tumrok Range) (Kruglov, Starobogatov,
Lymnaea turricula (Held, 1836)
Limnaea turricula Held, 1836: 278.
● Type locality: Donautal.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea ulaganica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1983
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1983a: 141.
● Type locality: water body near the shore of Surulu-Kol' Lake, Ulaganskij district, Altai Territory [SW Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Altai (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b).
Lymnaea ussuriensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 24, fig. 1, 15; 2, 13.
● Type locality: lake on the border of Khabarovsk [Par East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur basin and Primorje (except for northernmost areas) (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea ventricosella B. Dybowski, 1913
Lymnaea (Fossaria) ventricosella B. Dybowski, 1913: 189, pl. 4, fig. 18.
● Type locality: Bolshoi sor (Baikal).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Yenissei drainage area, Baikal (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Lymnaea viridis Quoy et Gaimard, 1832
Quoy, Gaimard, 1833: 204, pl. 58, figs. 16-18.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Primorje Territory, southern Sakhalin, South Kurile Islands (Starobogatov et al., 2004)
Lymnaea vulnerata (Küster, 1862)
Limnaeus vulneratus Küster, 1862: 22, pl. 4, figs. 13-15.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Ukraine, possibly northern Caucasus and Rostov Region (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lymnaea zarenkovi Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989
Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1989b: 26, fig. I, 23; 2, 18.
● Type locality: Lebedinskoe Lake, Iturup Island [Kurile Islands].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Iturup Island (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993a).
Lymnaea zazurnensis Mozley, 1934
Lymnaea (Radix) zazurnensis Mozley, 1934: 6, pl. 1, fig. 2
● Type locality: Lake Zazurnia, in the mountain range known as Khamar Daban, eastern shore of Lake Baikal.
● Holotype: USNM 470709.
● Distribution: throughout northern Siberia from Ural mountains to Chukchi Peninsula, Altai, mountain parts
of Transbaikalia, northern part of Amur basin and eastern slopes of Sikhote-Alin, Baikal (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993b; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Planorboidea RAFINESQUE, 1815
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Culmenella Clench, 1927
Type species: Bulinus hirasei Clench, 1927 (monotypy)
Culmenella buldowskii Starobogatov et Prozorova, 1990
Starobogatov, Prozorova, 1990: 33-34, fig. 1 8, 2 5
● Type locality: Khanka Lake, near village Astrakhanka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Primorje except for northeastern part (possibly also in central basin of Amur), in shallow
permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Culmenella lindholmi Starobogatov et Prozorova, 1990
Starobogatov, Prozorova, 1990: 31-33, fig. 1 2, 2 4.
● Type locality: Khanka Lake, near village Astrakhanka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Primorje (except for northeastern part) and Amur basin, in shallow permanent and semipermanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Culmenella rezvoji (Lindholm, 1929)
Glyptophysa rezvoji Lindholm, 1929b: 305-306.
● Type locality: “Ussuri-Gebiet, Dorf Jakovlevka am Fl. Daubiche”.
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: Primorje (except for northeastern part), Amur basin, in shallow shallow permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pettancylus Iredale, 1943
Type species: Ancylus tasmanicus Tennison-Woods, 1876 (OD)
Pettancylus wautieri (Mirolli, 1960)
Watsonia wautieri Mirolli, 1960: 154, textfigs 1-25.
● Type locality: Mergozzo Lake (Italy).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: probably Australian species, introduced in Europe (known from Krasnodar Region and cooling reservoirs of electric plants, particularly in Moscow Region), Transcaucasia, and central Asia, in permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Planorbarius Dumeril, 1806
Type species: Helix carnea Linnaeus, 1758 (monotypy)
Planorbarius adelosius (Bourguignat, 1859)
Planorbis adelosius Bourguignat, 1859: 518, pl. 19, figs. 13-15.
● Type locality: "les marécages de la Toscane, notamment dans les environs de Pise".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Europe, south Western Siberia, in small permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al.,
2004; M.V. Vinarski, unpublished).
Planorbarius banaticus (Lang in Bourguignat, 1859)
Planorbis banaticus Lang -- Bourguignat, 1859: 517-518.
● Type locality: "les eaux stagnantes de la Hongrie, du Banat, de la Transylvanie".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, possibly south of Western Siberia, in small permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
● Remark: Mezzherin et al. (2005) on the basis of the analysis of conchological variability and electrophoretric studies synonymised Planorbarius banaticus, P. grandis and P. purpura with Planorbarius
Planorbarius corneus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Helix cornea Linnaeus, 1758: 770.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: entire Europe, western Siberia to Ob River, in large still and running waterbodies (Pirogov et
al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Planorbarius grandis (Dunker in Küster et Dunker, 1850)
Planorbis grandis Dunker – Küster, Dunker, 1850: 35, pl. 7, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: unknown.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northwestern Black Sea maritime area, possibly in basin of Baltic Sea, in lakes (Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
● Remark: Mezzherin et al. (2005) on the basis of the analysis of conchological variability and electrophoretric studies synonymised Planorbarius banaticus, P. grandis and P. purpura with Planorbarius
Planorbarius penchinati (Bourguignat, 1870)
Planorbis penchinati Bourguignat, 1870: 39-42, pl. 3, figs. 4-6.
● Type locality: "le Danube".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northwestern Black Sea maritime area, Baltic Sta basin, in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Planorbarius pinguis (Westerlund, 1885)
Planorbis corneus var. pinguis Westerlund, 1885b: 66.
● Type locality: "Königsberg".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basins of Baltic, Black, Azov and Caspian seas, in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Planorbarius purpura (Müller, 1774)
Planorbis purpura Müller, 1774: 154-157.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: entire Europe, western Siberia, Kazakhstan, in still waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Mezzherin et al. (2005) on the basis of the analysis of conchological variability and electrophoretric studies synonymised Planorbarius banaticus, P. grandis and P. purpura with Planorbarius
Planorbarius stenostoma (Bourguignat in Servain, 1881)
Planorbis stenostoma Bourguignat -- Servain, 1881: 82.
● Type locality: "des bouches du Danube".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: steppe areas of south Europe and Western Siberia to Altai, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Planorbella Gabb, 1873
Type species: Planorbella imitans Gabb, 1873 (OD)
Planorbella hornii (Tryon, 1865)
Planorbis hornii Tryon, 1865: 231, pl. 22, fig. 16.
● Type locality: "Fort Simpson, British America".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: vicinities of Anadyr (Chukotka) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Planorbella subcrenata (Carpenter, 1857)
Planorbis subcrenatus Carpenter, 1857: 220-221.
● Type locality: Oregon.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: so far recorded only in Pleistocene deposits in lower Kolyma basin (Starobogatov et al.,
Seminolina Pilsbry, 1934
Type species: Seminolina eudiscus (fixation of the type species not traced).
Seminolina eudiscus (Pilsbry, 1934)
Pilsbry, 1934: ???
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: sometimes settles in waterbodies of warm regions and cooling reservoirs of electric plants;
particularly, the species was living in irrigation ditches in Dushanbe for several years (Starobogatov et al.,
Ancylus Müler, 1774
Type species: Ancylus fluviatilis Müller, 1774 (SD ICZN Opinion 363, 1955)
Ancylus armenia Boettger, 1881
Ancylus fluviatilis var. armenia Boettger, 1881c: 128.
● Type locality: "Eriwan et lacum Chosapinskensem Armeniae".
● Types: "Lectotype" SMF No. 14976a, "paralectotypes" Nos. 14976b/3, 149674/4.
● Distribution: mountain springs of Armenia (Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 2004).
Ancylus benoitianus Bourguignat, 1862
Bourguignat, 1862b: 180-181.
● Type locality: "Sicile".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western Transcaucasia, northern Osetia, southern Daghestan, above water level in mountain
springs (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 2004).
Ancylus capuloides Jan in Porro, 1838
[= Ancylus fluviatilis var. capuliformis Moquin-Tandon, 1855]
Porro, 1838: 87-88, pl. 1, fig. 7.
● Type locality: "lago di Como al prato Pasquee ed allo sbocco de torrente Breccia; ... torrente Bevera in Brianza".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia, in rivers and springs (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Soldatenko,
Starobogatov, 2004).
Ancylus expansilabris Clessin, 1882
Clessin, 1882b: 51, pl. 6, fig. 12.
● Type locality: "Deutschland. Waldes, Falkenstein, im Regenfluss. Belgien.".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: possibly in Russia, where it is confused with A. fluviatilis (Starobogatov et al., 2004;
Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 2004).
Ancylus fluviatilis Müller, 1774
Müller, 1774: 201-202.
● Type locality: “Saxonia”.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: entire Europe and Ural, Ural River, in rivers and springs (Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Ancylus gibbosus Bourguignat, 1853
Bourguignat, 1853: 186.
● Type locality: “départment de l’Oise (Baudan), des environs de Verdun (Liénard), enfin de plusieurs petits
russeaux de Vendeuvre-sur-Barge (Aule)”.
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: mountain rivers of Tanscaucasia and Ciscaucasia (Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 2004).
Ancylus jani Bourguignat, 1853
[= Ancylus fluviatilis sensu Akramowski, 1976, non Linnaeus, 1758]
Bourguignat, 1853: 185.
● Type locality: “Jan, dans la Lombardie”.
● Distribution: mountain rivers of Transcaucasia and Ciscaucasia (Akramowski, 1976; Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 2004).
Ancylus major Issel, 1865
Ancylus jani var. major Issel, 1865: 428, pl. 3, figs. 58-61.
● Type locality: "cittadella di Erivan in Armenia".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: mountain springs of Armenia (Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 2004).
Ancylus orbicularis Held, 1837
Held, 1837: 305.
Type locality:
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western Ukraine, possibly in Euripean Russia where it is confused with A. fluviatilis (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Ancylus subcircularis Clessin, 1882
Clessin, 1882b: 33.
● Type locality: "Bis jetzt nur bei Reichenberg in Böhmen".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: running waterbodies of Europe, in Russia in St.-Petersburg (Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 2004).
Anisus Studer, 1820
Type species: Helix spirorbis Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Gray, 1847)
Anisus acronicus (Férussac, 1807)
[= Planorbis devians var. euphratica Mousson, 1874; Planorbis rossmässleri Hartwich, 1914]
Planorbis acronicus Férussac, 1807: 105.
● Type locality: Germany.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Eurasia, eastward to basin of Nizhnyaya Tunguska (Pirogov et al., 1994; Prozorova,
2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004); Armenia (Akramowski, 1976).
Anisus agardhi Starobogatov in Prozorova, 2003
Anisus (Bathyomphalus) agardhi “Starobogatov, 1996” -- Prozorova, 2003: 100 (nom. nov. pro Planorbis
contortus var. labiatus Westerlund, 1874 non Planorbis labiatus Benson, 1850).
● Type locality: not specified.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Balthic Sea basin, in permanent and semipermanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Although this species name was at least twice cited in literature as of “Starobogatov, 1996", it has
not been published in that year, and, as far as we know, not before 2003.
Anisus albus (Müller, 1774)
[= Planorbis albus var. cinctutus Westerlund, 1871]
Planorbis albus Müller, 1774: 164.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, Ural River, western Siberia plain, eastward to Altai (Pirogov et al., 1994; Prozorova,
2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Karimov, 2005); Transcaucasia (Akramowski, 1976).
Anisus amuricus Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1998
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1998b: 57, fig. 1D.
● Type locality: Khabarovsk District, lake in the plain of Burea River, 3 km dowstream from mouth of Chekunda River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: central and lower Amur basin, rivers of Primorje (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1998b; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus baicalicus (B. Dybowski, 1913)
Planorbis (Gyraulus) baicalicus B. Dybowski, 1913: 200, pl. 5, fig 26.
● Type locality: southern Baikal.
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletskaya, 1967): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Yenissei River basin, northern Baikal Lake area, Baikal, 1-5 m (Starobogatov, Streletskaya,
1967; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004), south of western Siberia plain
(Karimov, 2005).
Anisus bavaricus (Westerlund, 1885)
Planorbis charteus var. bavaricus Westerlund, 1885a: 72.
● Type locality: "Bayern, Schweden".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Europe except extreme north, south of Western Siberia, northern Kazakhstan, in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus borealis (Lovén in Westerlund, 1875)
[= Anisus (Gyraulus) acronicus, part sensu Starobogatov, 1970, non Férussac, 1807; Gyraulus gredleri var.
borealis Lovén, 1845]
Planorbis borealis Lovén -- Westerlund, 1875: 112-113, pl. 2, figs. 23-25.
● Type locality: "Norwegia, Lapponia & Fennia".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Eurasia, eastward to Kamchatka, Baikal Lake, in lakes and rivers (Prozorova, 2003;
Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Anisus buriaticus Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 44, fig. 2A.
● Type locality: Transbaikalia, vicinity of town Gusinohozyorsk, Buriat Republic.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur Basin, Primorje, Transbaikalia, Selenga River drainage area, Sakhalin (Prozorova,
Starobogatov, 1997a; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus carinea (Westerlund, 1897)
Planorbis (Diplodiscus) vortex var. carinea Westerlund, 1897b: 126.
● Type locality: "Europäisches Russland. Gouv. Perm, Bilimbajewskaja".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Europe except extreme north, in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus centrifugops Рrozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Рrozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 49-50 [nom. nov. pro Anisus Centrifugus sensu Bogatov et Zatrawkin,
1991[1990], non Planorbis centrifugus Westerlund, 1897].
● Type locality: Amur River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur Basin and Primorje, in permanent and semipermanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus centrifugus (Westerlund, 1897)
Planorbis centrifugus Westerlund, 1897b: 141-142.
● Type locality: "Werchne-Kolymsk".
● Lectotype (selected by Рrozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a): ZIN.
● Distribution: Kolyma, Indigirka, Yana and Lena rivers basins, except upper part, and Taui Inlet river basin
(Okhotsk Sea), in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004; M.V. Vinarski, unpublished).
Anisus charteus (Held, 1837)
Planorbis charteus Held, 1837: 305.
Type locality:
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Europe except extreme north, in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus chereshnevi Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 48, fig. 3B.
● Type locality: hot springs in the valey of the Gilmimliveyem River at the oulets of thermal waters, Chukchi
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Chukchi Peninsula, in thermal springs (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a; Prozorova, 2003;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus concinnus (Westerlund, 1881)
Planorbis (Gyraulus) concinnus Westerlund, 1881: 63.
● Type locality: "Suecia ad Ronneby; Norvegia in reg. Gudbrandsdal".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin, in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003).
Anisus contortus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Helix contorta Linnaeus, 1758: 770.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: entire Europe, eastward to Ural River, probably in Irtysh basin, in permanent warterbodies
(Pirogov et al., 1994; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004); northern Asia, Ciscaucasia (Akramowski,
1976); Western Siberia (M.V. Vinarski, unpublished).
Anisus correctus (Westerlund, 1897)
Planorbis correctus Westerlund, 1897a: 123-124.
● Type locality: "Fennia ad Harjula in Kuopio".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin, in springs (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus convexiusculus (Hutton, 1849)
Planorbis convexiusculus Hutton, 1849: 657.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Vaksh River, Tajikistan (Izzatullaev, 1972).
Anisus crassus (Da Costa, 1778)
[= Planorbis (Bathyomphalus) contortus sensu Lindholm, 1909; B. Dybowski, 1912; Kozhov, 1936, part.,
non Linnaeus, 1758]
Helix crassa Da Costa, 1778: 66, pl. 4, fig. 11.
● Type locality: the Thames near London; rivulets about Peterborough-bouse, Westminster (England).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, Siberia to Kolyma River, Baikal, in permanent waterbodies (Sitnikova et al., 2004;
Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus dazuri (Mörch, 1868)
Planorbis dazuri Mörch, 1868: 27 (nom. nov. pro Planorbis spirorbis sensu Rossmässler, 1835, non Müller,
● Type locality: "Bei Kassel, in Schweden und Frankreich" (Rossmässler, 1835a: 106).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Europe, except northern areas, southern Ural and south of Western Siberia, in temporary warterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Karimov, 2005).
Anisus discoides (Reinhardt, 1870)
Planorbis vortex var. discoides Reinhardt, 1870: 24.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Syntypes: SMF No. 147619/10.
● Distribution: entire Europe except extreme north, in lakes (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus dispar (Westerlund, 1871)
Planorbis dispar Westerlund, 1871: 131.
● Type locality: "In Suecia haec species formis allatis pertotum regnum, a maxime meridionali parte prov.
Skеne saltem usque in Luleе Lappmark, ad. 67-68 lat. bor., distributa, locis plerisque (prov. Blekinge, ubi
rara, excepta) frequens. In Norvegia passim as Christiania et Bergen.".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: although species was repeatedly reported from Western Siberia, no specimens from this area are
present in Russian malacological collections (Karimov, 2005).
Anisus (Gyraulus) draparnaudi (Sheppard, 1823)
[= Planorbis limophilus Clessin, 1884]
Helix draparnaudi Sheppard, 1823: 158-159.
● Type locality: Holbrook mill-pond.
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, western Siberia, northern Kazakhstan, Tuva, in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova,
2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus eichwaldi (Grimm in W. Dybowski, 1888)
[= Planorbis micromphalus Grimm, 1876, non Fuchs, 1870]
Planorbis eichwaldi Grimm -- W. Dybowski, 1888: 49-50, pl. 2, fig. 11a-c, pl. 3, fig. 10a-c.
● Type locality: “Kaspi-See”.
● Syntypes: ZIN?
● Distribution: middle and southern Caspian Sea; 30-200 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Anisus hypocyrtus Servain, 1888
[= Planorbis compressus Michaud, 1831 non de Serres, 1818]
Planorbis hypocyrtus Servain, 1888: 299-300, pl. 7, figs. 6-9.
● Type locality: not stated ("environs de Hambourg" – from title).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Europe except extreme north, Western Siberia, in lakes (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov
et al., 2004; Karimov, 2005).
Anisus ignotellus (B. Dybowski, 1913)
Gyraulus ignotellus B. Dybowski, 1913: 204, pl. 5, fig..
● Type locality: Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: Kultuk, Maloe More (Baikal), 3-110 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Anisus illibatus (Westerlund, 1883)
Planorbis (Gyraulus) illibatus Westerlund, 1883b: 53.
● Type locality: Onuyo, Saitama Pref., Honshu, Japan.
● Types: SMNH.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands (Iturup and Zeiyoniy) (Prozorova, 1996[1997]a; Prozorova, 2003).
Anisus infirmus Mori, 1938
Anisus (Gyraulus) laevis infirmus Mori, 1938a: 280, 284, 298, pl. 18, fig. 16.
● Type locality: a river flowing into Itubisinai-ko, Tisima.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands (Kunashir and Zeiyony), southern part of Sakhalin Island, in cold springs
and lakes (Prozorova, 1996[1997]a; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus infraliratus (Westerlund, 1876)
Planorbis infraliratus Westerlund, 1876a: 12-13.
[= Planorbis polaris Westerlund, 1885]
● Type locality: "Jenissei, Nischnij Inbatsk (63º50')".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Siberia from Yenissei to Chukotka, Tuva, in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus issykulensis (Clessin, 1907)
Gyraulus issykulensis Clessin, 1907: 8.
● Type locality: not stated (Issyk-Kul Lake – from title).
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: Issyk-Kul Lake (Izzatullaev, 1972).
Anisus iturupensis Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 48-49, fig. 3C.
● Type locality: Solnechnoye Lake, Iturup Island (southern Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands, in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a; Prozorova,
2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus japonica (Martens, 1867)
[= Anisus (Gyraulus) albus Mori, 1938]
Planorbis compressus var. japonicus Martens, 1867: 214.
● Type locality: Japan, near Yokohama.
● Holotype: whereabouts unknown.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands (Prozorova, 1996[1997]a).
Anisus johanseni (Mozley, 1934)
Planorbis (Spiralina) johanseni Mozley, 1934: 6-7, pl. 1, fig. 8.
● Type locality: Kotur Kulb, near Borovoye, Kazakstan.
● Holotype: USNM 470515.
● Distribution: northern Kazakhstan, in lakes (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: although species was reported from southern part of Western and Central Siberia (eg. by Starobogatov et al., 2004), it is still not found there (Karimov, 2005). It is possible that the species is just a junior
synonym of A. vortex (M.V. Vinarski, unpublished).
Anisus kamtschaticus (Westerlund, 1876)
[= Planorbis borealis var. dershavini Rozen, 1927]
Planorbis (Gyraulus) kamtschaticus Westerlund, 1876b: 127.
● Type locality: "Sibirien. Halbinsel Kamtschatka, im Flusse Kamtschatka".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: north-east Asia from Lena River basin in the west and Amur River basin in the south, in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus khabarovskiensis Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 45, fig. 2D.
● Type locality: Innokentievskoye Lake (Khabarovsk part of Amur drainage area).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: middle and lower parts of Amur drainage area, in permanent or semipermanent waterbodies
(Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus kolesnikovi Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1966
[= Planorbis eichwaldi var. dybowski Kolesnikov, 1947; Anisus kolesnikovi sublitoralis Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1966]
Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1966b: 1473-1474, figs. 5,6.
● Type locality: Caspian Sea, 40°37’ N, 50°52’ E, 115 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: middle and southern Caspian Sea; 30-200 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1966b, 1968).
Anisus kruglowiae (Johansen, 1937)
Planorbis kruglowiae Johansen, 1937: 191, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Altai, Lake Tenginskoye.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Lake Tenginskoye, lakes of Burlinsk water system of the plain Altai (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Karimov, 2005).
Anisus kussakini Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 46, fig. 2F.
● Type locality: branch of the Anadyr River with slightly brackish water, entering the Ugolnaya Inlet.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Chukchi Peninsula, Kamchatka, possibly Kolyma River basin, in semipermanent waterbodies
(Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus ladacensis (Nevill, 1878)
[= Gyraulus ehrenbergi (Beck) sensu Zhadin, 1950, non Beck, 1837; Gyraulus laevis sensu Zhadin, 1950,
non Alder, 1833]
Planorbis (Gyraulus) laevis var. ladacensis Nevill, 1878: 10-11.
● Type locality: Leh.
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: Central Asia (Izzatullaev, 1972; Prozorova, 2003).
Anisus laevis (Alder, 1838)
Planorbis laevis Alder, 1838: 337.
● Type locality: “in a pond at Whitley Quarries”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except south and south-east (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004); Transcaucasia (Akramowski, 1976).
● Remark: Planorbis laevis Faure et Sionest, 1808 – probable homonymy.
Anisus leucostoma (Millet, 1813)
[= Planorbis rotundatus W. Dybowski, 1912; Planorbis (Anisus) leucostoma var. nikolensis Kozhov, 1936]
Planorbis leucostoma Millet, 1813: 16-17.
● Type locality: “Angers: les fossés en Pierre-Lize, en St.-Laud, etc.” [France].
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and western Siberia, eastward to left bank of Lena and Nizniya Tunguska rivers, in
temporary waterbodies (Pirogov et al., 1994; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al.,
2004; M.V. Vinarski, unpublished); Armenia (Akramowski, 1976).
Anisus minusculus Moskvicheva in Dvoriadkin, 1980
Anisus (Microanisus) minusculus Moskvicheva -- Dvoriadkin, 1980: 25, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Semitka River (Amgun’ River basin) in the vicinities of the settlement Imeni Poliny
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Amur basin, Primorje, in temporary and semitemporary waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Star-
obogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus nikolensis (B. Dybowski, 1913)
Gyraulus dazuri var. nikolensis B. Dybowski, 1913: 194, pl. 5, fig. 23.
● Type locality: Bolshoi Posolskyi Sor [Baikal].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: central and eastern Siberia, Baikal Lake and vicinities, coast of the Okhotsk Sea (lower
reaches of Uda River), 0-0.5 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus noziriensis Mori, 1938
Anisus (Gyraulus) albus noziriensis Mori, 1938a: 280, 284, 296, pl. 17, fig. 14.
● Type locality: Noziri-ko, Nagano-ken.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Sakhalin, South Kurile Islands (Kunashir and Zelenyi), in permanent and semipermanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 1996[1997]a; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus nummulus (Held, 1837)
Planorbis nummulus Held, 1837: 304.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Europe except extreme north, in permanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus perezii (Graëlls in Dupuy, 1850)
Planorbis perezii Graëlls -- Dupuy, 1850: 441, pl. 25, fig. 6.
● Type locality: "les environs d'Arles, de Troyes, la forкt de Raismes [nord]".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basins of Black and Baltic seas, in shallow temporary waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus septemgyratus (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1835)
Planorbis septemgyratus Ziegler -- Rossmässler, 1835a: 106, pl. 2, fig. 64.
● Type locality: unknown to author.
● Types: lost (R. Janssen, pers. comm.).
● Distribution: south of Europe, Baltic sea basin, Black Sea maritime area to Altai, in shallow temporary waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus sibiricus (Dunker, 1848)
Planorbis sibiricus Dunker, 1848: 42.
● Type locality: "Sibiria".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: eastern Siberia, Yenissei basin, north of Far East, in small semipermanent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus spirillus (Gould, 1859)
Planorbis spirillus Gould, 1859: 40.
● Type locality: Ousima [Amami-O-Shima, Ryukyu Islands].
● Lectotype (Johnson, 1964): USNM 1557.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands, southern Sakhalin Island (Prozorova, 1996[1997]a; Prozorova, 2003).
Anisus spirorbis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Helix spirorbis Linnaeus, 1758: 770.
● Type locality: “in Europae Lacubus, magnitudine Sem. Anethi”.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: entire Europe, western Siberia, northern Kazakhstan, Ural River (Pirogov et al., 1994; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Karimov, 2005); Armenia (Akramowski, 1976).
Anisus spondyloides (Weinland, 1883)
Planorbis contortus var. spondyloides Weinland, 1883: 122.
● Type locality: "Schönthal, Württemberg".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin, in permanent waterbodies waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Anisus sretenskiensis Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 44-45, fig. 2B.
● Type locality: Transbaikalia, vicinity of town Sretensk, Shilka River drainage area, Chita Region.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Transbaikalia, Shilka River drainage area (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a; Prozorova, 2003;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus stelmachoetius (Bourguignat. 1860)
[= Planorbis stelmachoetius var. notatus Westerlund, 1885]
Planorbis stelmachoetius Bourguignat, 1860b: 139, pl. 2, fig. 10-13.
● Type locality: small rivers near Dinan.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and south of Western Siberia, Tuva, in permanent waterbodies (Pirogov et al., 1994;
Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus strauchianus (Clessin, 1884)
Planorbis strauchianus Clessin, 1884: 204-205, pl. 31, fig. 5.
● Type locality: "Rissland Ukiow".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: south of Europe, in temporary waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus stroemi (Westerlund, 1881)
[= Planorbis (Gyraulus) angasolensis B. Dybowski, 1912]
Planorbis strömi Westerlund, 1881: 63.
● Type locality: "Norvegia, Fennia (ad Oulu et Nuottasaari Ostrobottniae), Siberia".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Europe, western and eastern Siberia westward to the Okhotsk Sea coast, southward
to Amur basin and Primorje, Baikal, 0-5 m (Prozorova, 2003; Sitnikova et al., 2004; Starobogatov et al.,
Anisus subfiliaris Moskvicheva in Dworiadkin, 1980
Anisus (Gyraulus) subfiliaris Moskvicheva -- Dworiadkin, 1980: 25, fig. 2.
● Type locality: ???
● Lectotype (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1998b): ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Far East from upper reaches of the Amur to Sakhalin, in semipermanent waterbodies
(Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus substroemi Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1976
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1976: 85-86, fig. 5 V.
● Type locality: Anadyrskij district, pool near Vakarevo [Chukchi Peninsula]
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Chukchi Peninsula, northern Okhotsk Sea maritime area, in permanent and small semiperma-
nent waterbodies (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus sulcatus Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1966
Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1966b: 1474, fig. 7.
● Type locality: 42°45’ N, 48°29’ E, 79 m.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: middle Caspian Sea; 75-150 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1966b, 1968).
Anisus terekholicus Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 45, fig. 2C.
● Type locality: Lake Terekhol, Tuva Republic.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Tuva (Lake Terekhol) (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus thermochukchensis Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 46, 47, fig. 3A.
● Type locality: hot springs in the valey of the Gilmimliveyem River at the oulets of thermal waters, Chukchi
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern Chukchi Peninsula, in warm springs with the temperature up to 42о (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus tugurensis Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 45-46, fig. 2E.
● Type locality: Tugur River valley.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Tugur River basin (southern Okhotsk Sea maritime area), in permanent and semipermanent
(Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus umbiliciferus (Kozhov, 1936)
Planorbis (Gyraulus) umbiliciferus Kozhov, 1936: 150, pl. 6, figs. 44-47.
● Type locality: Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal: northern part and Maloe More (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Anisus vortex (Linnaeus, 1758)
Helix vortex Linnaeus, 1758: 770.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: entire Europe except extreme north, Ural River, Western and Central Siberia, in permanent
waterbodies (Pirogov et al., 1994; Dolgin, 2001; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Karimov, 2005).
Anisus vorticulus (Troschel, 1834)
Planorbis vorticulus Troschel, 1834: 51.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin, in lakes (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus zelenensis Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 49, fig. 3D.
● Type locality: Utinoye Lake, Zeleny Island (Lesser Kurile Islands – Habomai).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands, in lakes (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a; Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anisus zhirmunskii Prozorova, 2003
Prozorova, 2003: 103-104, fig.
● Type locality: Lake Bolshoi Pelis, Island Bolshoi Pelis, Peter the Great Bay [Japan Sea].
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: southeastern Primorje (basins of rivers Tumannaya and Gladkaya, southern islands of the Peter the Great Bay) (Prozorova, 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Armiger Hartmann, 1840
Type species: Nautilus crista (Linnaeus, 1758) (OD)
Armiger annandalei (Germain, 1918)
Planorbis (Armiger) annandalei Germain, 1918: 282-283, pl. 5, figs. 2-4.
● Type locality: "Yarkand".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: mountain areas of central Asia, in Russia in lake Tere-Hol (Tuva) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Armiger bielzi (Kimakowicz, 1884)
[= Armiger vitoldianus B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1922; A. paravitoldianus B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1922; Planorbis crista var. inermis Lindholm, 1926, part.]
Planorbis crista var. bielzi Kimakowicz, 1884: 79.
● Type locality: "Hammersdorf".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: entire Europe, southern part of Western Siberia, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, and Kolyma rivers
basins, in still and running waterbodies (Dolgin, 2001; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Karimov, 2005).
Armiger crista (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Turbo nautileus Linnaeus, 1767; Planorbis imbricatus Müller, 1774: 165; Planorbis cristatus Draparnaud,
1805; Planorbis crista var. spinulosus Clessin, 1873; Armiger jagellonensis B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki,
1922; A. sobieskianus B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1922; A. gedyminensis B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki,
1922; Planorbis crista var. inermis Lindholm, 1926, part.]
Nautilus crista Linnaeus, 1758: 709.
● Type locality: “in Germaniae”.
● Types: unknown?
● Distribution: Europe, western and eastern Siberia, Baikal, Central Asia, Ural River (Akramowski, 1976;
Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Armiger eurasiaticus Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1996
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1996: 172, fig. 3D.
● Type locality: Elva, Estonia.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe, northern Asia, in permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Armiger jankovskajae Izzatullaev, 1984
Izzatullaev, 1984a: ???
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: eastern Pamir (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Armiger khoresmicus Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1996
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1996: 174, fig. 4D.
Type locallity: Lake Korp-Kul’, Khiva district of Khoresm Region of Uzbekistan.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower reaches of Amu-Darya (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Armiger shamaricus Izzatullaev, 1972
Izzatullaev, 1972: 47-48, fig. 1 (10 a-б).
● Type locality: Shamar Lake, Tajik SSR, Tajikabad district, 2600 m above sea level.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
Distibution: type locality (Izzatullaev, 1972).
Choanomphalus Gerstfeldt, 1859
Type species: Choanomphalus maacki Gerstfeldt, 1859 (monotypy)
Choanomphalus amauronius amauronius Bourguignat, 1860
Choanomphalus amauronius Bourguignat, 1860c: 529, pl. 23, figs. 6-10.
● Type locality: "dans la rivière d'Angara ainsi que dans le lac Baпkal, en Sibérie"..
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, Angara, 1-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus amauronius angulatus (B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925)
Valvatomphalus angulatus B. Dybowski, Grochmalicki, 1925: 878, figs. 29-31.
● Type locality: southern Baikal.
● Types: unknown, possibly in the museum of Lvov University (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Distribution: Baikal, Angara in vicinities of Irkutsk, 1.5-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus amauronius westerlundianus Lindholm, 1909
Choanomphalus (Achoanomphalis) amauronius westerlundianus Lindholm, 1909: 20, pl. 2, fig. 1, 3.
● Type locality: Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: SE coast of Baikal, 2-40 m (Kozhov, 1936; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus annuliformis Kozhov, 1936
Choanomphalus (Sulcifer) annuliformis Kozhov, 1936: 182, pl. 6, figs. 42, 43, 59, 66-68, 68a.
● Type locality: Ongureny (W coast of Baikal, northward to Bolshuye Olhonskiye Vorota).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Baikal, Maloe More, 1.5-10 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus anomphalus W. Dybowski, 1901
[= Choanomphalus (Achoanomphalus) dybowskianus Lindholm, 1909]
W. Dybowski, 1901a: 123.
● Type locality: Angara.
● Types: possibly in the museum of Lvov University (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Distribution: Baikal, 3-35 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus aorus Bourguignat, 1860
Bourquignat, 1860c: 530, pl. 23, figs. 11-15.
● Type locality: "en Sibérie, dans le lac Baпkal".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baikal, Angara River downstream to Bratsk, 1.5-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Choanomphalus bathybius bathybius Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975
Choanomphalus (Kozhovisulcifer) bathybius bathybius Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 104, fig. 4A.
● Type locality: near Sosnovka Bay (northern Baikal), depth 400 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus bathybius meridianus Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975
Choanomphalus (Kozhovisulcifer) bathybius meridianus Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 105, рèC. 4B.
● Type locality: near Sljudjanka city (southern Baikal), depth 170 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus cryptomphalus W. Dybowski, 1901
W. Dybowsky, 1901a: 123.
● Type locality: Angara.
● Syntypes: “Museum Lemberg.”
● Distribution: Balkal, Angara River downstream to Irkutsk (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus eurystomus Lindholm, 1909
[= Choanomphalus (Choanomphalus) amauronius f. euristomus Kozhov, 1936]
Choanomphalus (Achoanomphalus) eurystomus Lindholm, 1909: 16, pl. 11, figs. 22-24.
● Type locality: Solzan (E coast of southern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 3-35 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus gerstfeldtianus Lindholm, 1909
[= Choanomphalus (Choanomphalus) gerstfeldtianus var. striatus Kozhov, 1936]
Choanomphalus (Achoanomphalus) gerstfeldtianus Lindholm, 1909: 20, pl. 2, figs. 15-17.
● Type locality: Baranchiki and Solzan (southern Baikal).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 1.5-10 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus grachevi Sitnikova et Röpstorf, 1999
Choanomphalus (Baicaloplanorbis) grachevi Sitnikova, Röpstorf, 1999: 123, 124, 126, figs. 2-5.
● Type locality: Talanka Bay (W coast of central Baikal).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: W coast of central Baikal, 10-12 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus huzhirensis Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975
Choanomphalus (Kozhovisulcifer) huzhirensis Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975: 104-105, fig. 4G.
● Type locality: Maloe More, against Khuzhiry settlement, 65 m (Baikal Lake).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal: type locality and Malye Olkhonskiye Vorota, 65-100 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus hyaliniiformis Moskvicheva in Dworiadkin, 1980
Choanomphalus hyaliniiformis Moskvicheva -- Dworiadkin, 1980: 31, fig. 7.
● Type locality: Khanka Lake, 1 km southward from village Astrakhanka.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: central and lower Amur basin, Primorje (Razdolnaya River basin, small waterbodies near
lakes Khanka, Khasan and Doritzine), in small permanent and semipermanent waterbodies (Zatrawkin,
1985b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus incertus incertus Lindholm, 1909
Lindholm, 1909: 121, pl. 2, figs. 31-33.
● Type locality: Guba Ayaya, Besymyannaya Buchta, Insel Bogutschan, Bogutschanskaya Buchta.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus incertus mesospiralis B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925
Choanomphalus mesospiralis B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925: 878, figs. 4, 5, 11, 14.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Baikal, Angara River downstream to Irkutsk (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus korotnevi Lindholm, 1909
[= Choanomphalus planospiralis B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925]
Lindholm, 1909: 13, pl. 2, figs. 25-27.
● Type locality: Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal: Maloe More and SW coast of northern part, 1-15 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus kozhovi Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975
Choanomphalus (Baicaloplanorbis) kozhovi Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 106, fig. 4E.
● Type locality: near Bolshaya Kosa Cape (NW Baikal).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality and W coast of northern Baikal, 12-70 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus lindholmi Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975
Choanomphalus (Kozhovisulcifer) lindholmi Beckman, Starobogatov, 1975: 105, fig. 4V.
● Type locality: near Zavorotnyj Cape (northern Baikal).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, W coast of northern Baikal, 12-70 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus maacki maacki Gerstfeldt, 1859
[= Choanomphalus bicarinatus W. Dybowski, 1901; Choanomphalus mesospiralis B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925]
Choanomphalus maacki Gerstfeldt, 1859: 24, fig. 31.
● Type locality: Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: southerrn Baikal, Angara River, 1.5-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus maacki andrussowianus (Lindholm, 1909)
[= Choanomphalus elatospiralis B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925, Choanomphalus andrussovianus B.
Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925]
Choanomphalus andrussowianus Lindholm, 1909: 13, pl. 2, figs. 28-30.
● Type locality: Tolstyi Cape, southward to headwaters of Angara (W coast of southern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: W coast of southern Baikal, 0-30 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus maacki elatior Lindholm, 1909
Choanomphalus korotnevi elatior Lindholm, 1909: 13, pl. 2, figs. 25-27.
● Type locality: Maloe More (border between central and northern Baikal).
● Possible syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal: Maloe More and northern part (Kozhov, 1936; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus microtrochus Lindholm, 1909
Choanomphalus (Achoanomphalus) microtrochus Lindholm, 1909: 22, pl. 2, figs. 10-11.
● Type locality: Ayaya and Dagarskaya bays (E coast of northern Baikal).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: E coast of northern Baikal, 10–12 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus okhoticus Prozorova et Starobogatov, 1997
Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a: 43-44, fig. 1G.
● Type locality: Tugur River valley.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Prozorova, Starobogatov, 1997a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus omphalotus W. Dybowski, 1901
W. Dybowski, 1901a: 122
● Type locality: Angara River.
● Syntypes: probably in Lvov University.
● Distribution: Angara, ? northern Baikal, 2-15 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus parvus Kozhov, 1936
Choanomphalus (Choanomphalus) dybowskianus var. parvus Kozhov, 1936: 178, pl. 4, figs. 35-36.
● Type locality: northern Baikal.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: central and northern Baikal, Maloe, 5–25 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus patulaeformis Lindholm, 1909
Lindholm, 1909: 12, pl. 2, figs. 31-33.
● Type locality: near ulus Kurma in Maloe More [Baikal].
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 2-30 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus planorbiformis Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975
Choanomphalus (Antichoanomphalus) planorbiformis Beckman et Starobogatov, 1975: 107; fig. 4 Zh.
● Type locality: Sosnovka Bay (northern Baikal) depth 400 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, central Baikal, 120-580 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus pygmaeus Lindholm, 1909
Choanomphalus (Achoanomphalus) pygmaeus Lindholm, 1909: 22, pl. 2, figs. 4-6.
● Type locality: Berhin (W coast of central Baikal).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality and Maloe More, 5-25 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus riparius (Westerlund, 1865)
Planorbis riparius Westerlund, 1865: 106.
● Type locality: “Förekommer fästad pa trästycken, stenar o. s. v. pa östra stranden af Härrstorps sjö vif Ronneby”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except extreme north, southern Ural, plain Altai and lower Ob’ basin, in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Dolgin, personal communication).
Choanomphalus rossmaessleri (Auerswald in A. Schmidt, 1851)
[=Planorbis (Gyraulus) planoconcavus Westerlund, 1897]
Planorbis rossmaessleri Auerswald -- Schmidt, 1851: 179.
● Type locality: "prope Lipsias" [Leipzig].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except north, Altai, Siberia, eastward to left bank of Lena river, in temporary water-
bodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Vinarski et al., 2006).
● Remark: examination of the type series of Planorbis (Gyraulus) planoconcavus did not reveal significant
differences from C. rossmaessleri and therefore it is synonimised with the latter (Vinarski et al., 2006).
Choanomphalus schrenkii W. Dybowski, 1875
W. Dybowski, 1875: 60, pl. 2, figs. 27-33.
● Type locality: Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) [restr. Sitnikova et al., 2004].
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and central Baikal, 2-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Choanomphalus valvatoides W. Dybowski, 1875
[= Chоanomphalus. intermedius W. Dybowski, 1901]
W. Dybowski, 1875: 58, pl. 2, fig. 19, 26; pl. 6, fig. 6.
● Type locality: Kultuk (SW coast of southern Baikal) (restricted Sitnikova et al., 2004).
● Lectotype (Sitnikova et al., 2004): ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, 1.5-20 m (Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Helicorbis Benson, 1855
Type species: Planorbis umbilicatus Benson, 1855 (OD)
Helicorbis bactriana Izzatullaev, 1980
Izzatullaev, 1980: 408-409, fig. 2, А, а, б, в.
● Type locality: Turkmen SSR, Kerkichi, right bank of Amu-Darja.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: mountain areas of Central Asia (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Helicorbis kozhovi Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967
Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 239-240, fig. 36.
● Type locality: Kotokel Lake, Mostovaja inlet (Baikal Lake area).
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue
● Distribution: Transbaikalia: Kotokel Lake, valley of Manzurka River (upper Lena basin), Yana, Indigirka
and Kolyma rivers basins, waterbodies of the left bank of Lena, in permanent and semipermanent waterbodies (Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967; Dolgin, 2001; Starobogatov et al., 2004; M.V. Vinarski, unpublished).
Helicorbis kushanica Izzatullaev, 1980
Izzatullaev, 1980: 410, fig. 2, Б, а, б, в.
● Type locality: Turkmen SSR, Kerkichi, right bank of Amu-Darja.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev, 1980).
Helicorbis levanidovae Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1985
Zatrawkin, 1985b: 41, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Amur within borders of Khabarovsk.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, possibly upper Sungari basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Helicorbis rara Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1985
Zatrawkin, 1985b: 40-41, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Vertopryakha River (Amur basin).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur River shore at Sungari junction (Vertopryakha River mouth), possibly upper Sungari
basin (Zatrawkin, 1985; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Helicorbis shilkaensis Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996a: 1427-1428, textfig. (1).
● Type locality: vicinities of Sretensk, Shilka River valley, Chita Region.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Shilka River and Khanka lake basin (southern Primorje) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Helicorbis sujfunensis Starobogatov, 1957
Starobogatov, 1957: 1004-1005, figs. zh-p.
● Type locality: vicinities of Voroshilov city (now Ussurijsk City, Far East).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur River basin, southern part of Primorje, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al.,
Hippeutis Agassiz in Charpentier, 1837
Type species: Helix complanatus Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Clessin, 1878)
Hippeutis complanatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Planorbis (Hippeutis) colchicus Lindholm, 1913]
Helix complanatus Linnaeus, 1758: 769.
● Type locality: "in Europae".
● Types: whereabouts unknown?
● Distribution: Europe and Siberia, Altai, Central Asia (Shadin, 1952; Akramowski, 1976).
Hippeutis diaphanella (Bourguignat, 1864)
Planorbis diaphanellus Bourguignat, 1864a, 2: 167, pl. 9, figs. 39-42.
● Type locality: small rivers of Mostaghanem (Brondel) [Algeria].
● Types: unknown?
● Distribution: Europe, south of western Siberia, Ural River, in permanent waterbodies (Pirogov et al., 1994;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hippeutis euphaea (Bourguignat, 1864)
Planorbis euphaeus Bourguignat, 1864a: 165-167, pl. 9, figs. 35-38.
● Type locality: "environs d'Alger, notamment а Hussein-Dey; -- sur le bords de l'Harrach".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Europe, south of Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, in permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hippeutis fontana (Lightfoot, 1786)
Helix fontana Lightfoot, 1786: 165, pl. 11, fig. 2.
● Type locality: spring near Bulllstrode, Buckinghamshire.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, in permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Kolhymorbis Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967
Type species: Kolhymorbis shadini Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967 (OD)
Kolhymorbis angarensis (B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925)
[= Kolhymorbis maacki Starobogatov et Streletzkaya, 1967]
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Eastern Siberia, Amur basin, Central and Easrern Siberia, from Khatanga to Kolyma River,
in temporary and semipermanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004; Dolgin, 2001).
Kolhymorbis bogatovi Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1985
Zatrawkin, 1985b: 40, fig. 1.
● Type locality: puddle in the upstream of river Manoma, tributary of Anui (lower Amur basin).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: central and lower Amur basin (Zatrawkin, 1985b; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Kolhymorbis dildorae Izzatullaev, 1980
Kolhymorbis dildora Izzatullaev, 1980: 408, fig. 1, В, а, б, в (lapsus calami).
● Type locality: Uzbek SSR, Tashkent Region, Akkurganskoye water reservoir, Balykchi.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev, 1980).
● Remark: although the name of the species in the original description was spelled as dildora, this is obvious lapsus calami, since the species was named фаепук author’s daughter. Besides in the other parts
of the text the name was spelled as dildorae.
Kolhymorbis shadini Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967
Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 237, fig. 32.
● Type locality: water bodies of the Kolyma delta near Pokhodsk.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematicv catalogue.
● Distribution: lower reaches of Siberian rivers from Khatanga in the west to basin of Kolyma in the east,
Chukotka, in shallow permanent waterbodies (Dolgin. 2001; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Planorbis Geoffroy, 1767
Type species: Helix planorbis Linnaeus, 1758 (tautonomy)
Planorbis carinatus Müller, 1774
Müller, 1774: 157-158.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: northwest of Russia, south of European part of Russia, south of Ukraine, Ural River, Altai,
southern Ural, Armenia (Sevan Lake) (Zatrawkin, 1980; Pirogov et al., 1994; Soldatenko, Starobogatov,
1996; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Planorbis dubius Hartmann, 1821
Hartmann, 1821: 254-255.
● Type locality: canals of Rhein and in Katzensee in Zurich Kanton.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Ciscaucasia, Baltic Sea coast, in permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Planorbis intermixtus Mousson, 1874
[= Planorbis persicus Ancey, 1900; Planorbis sieversi sensu Likharev, Starobogatov, 1967 (part.) et Starobogatov, 1970, non Mousson, 1874]
Planorbis (Gyraulus) intermixtus Mousson, 1874: 45.
● Type locality: "La Basse-Mésopotamie".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lowland of Central Asia, eastern Transcaucasia, Daghestan, western part of Volga Delta
(Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 2000).
Planorbis kubanicus Soldatenko et Starobogatov, 1998
[= Planorbis carinatus var. dilatatus Clessin 1873 non Planorbis dilatatus Gould, 1841]
Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 1998: 59-60, 62, figs. 1A, 2.
● Type locality: Russia, Krasnodar Region. Kuban River, Akhtansk group of limans.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Europe, including Ciscaucasia (Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 1996; Starobogatov et al.,
Planorbis philippianus Monterosato in Caziot, 1902
[= Planorbis umbilicatus var. subangulatus Philippi, 1844, non Planorbis subangulatus Lamarck, 1807;
Planorbis philippi Germain, 1908]
Monterosato -- Caziot, 1902: 262 (nom. nov. pro Planorbis subangulatus Philippi, 1844, non Linnaeus,
● Type locality: "In rivulis prope Panormum frequens (ad Nicaem Liguriae legit cl. Kunze)" (Philippi, 1844:
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Ukraine, Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia (Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 1998; Starobogatov et al.,
Planorbis planorbis (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Planorbis marginatus Draparnaud, 1805;
Helix planorbis Linnaeus, 1758: 769.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Probable syntypes: UUZM Nos. 1177 a-b.
● Distribution: Europe, southern West Siberia to Altai, Baikal Lake, Tajikistan (lake Shamar) (Izzatullaev,
1972; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Sitnikova et al., 2004).
Planorbis sieversi Mousson, 1873
Mousson, 1873: 29-30, pl. 7, fig. 9.
● Type locality: "Daralagher".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Central Asia, eastern Transcaucasia, Daghestan, Volga delta, in permanent and semipermanent waterbodies (Akramowski, 1976; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Planorbis tangitarensis Germain, 1918
[= Planorbis sieversi sensu Likharev, Starobogatov, 1967 (part.), non Mousson, 1873]
Planorbis planorbis var. tangitarensis Germain, 1918: 276.
● Type locality: "Tangitar, dans la Kachgarie (Turkestan Oriental)".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: mountain regions of Central Asia, possibly in Altai and Tuva (Izzatullaev, 1972; Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
Planorbis umbilicatus Müller, 1774
[= Planorbis marginatus Draparnaud, 1805]
Müller, 1774: 160-161.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmak).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: entire Europe, Cisbaikalia, in permanent waterbodies (Soldatenko, Starobogatov, 2000; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Polypylis Pilsbry, 1906
Type species: Bulimus largillierti Philippi, 1845 (monotypy)
Polypylis almaatina Starobogatov et Mamilova, 1970
Starobogatov, Mamilova, 1970: 62-63, fig. 1,2.
● Type locality: eastward from Alma-Ata (Kazakh SSR), spring at the territory of collective farm "Zarja
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan (Izzatullaev, 1972).
Polypylis likharevi Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967
Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 238-239, fig. 35.
● Type locality: lake on the former river bed in flood-lands of the River Malyj AnjuJ [NE Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Kolyma River basin, Kamchatka, in small permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov, Streletzkaja,
1967; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Polypylis nitidella (Martens, 1877)
[= Polypylis (Segmentina) mica Westerlund, 1883]
Planorbis nitidellus Martens, 1877: 112.
● Type locality: Yokohama.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Polypylis semiglobosa Moskvicheva in Dworiadkin, 1980
Polypylis semiglobosa Moskvicheva -- Dworiadkin, 1980: 28-30, fig. 5.
● Type locality: ???
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Amur basin, Primorje, in small permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Polypylis sibirica Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967
Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 238, fig. 34.
● Type locality: lake on the Oblom Cape (eastern coast of the Baikal Lake).
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Cisbaikalia, probably in south of Central Siberia, Kolyma River basin, in lakes (Starobogatov,
Streletzkaja, 1967; Dolgin, 2001; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Polypylis starobogatovi Izzatullaev, 1973
Izzatullaev, 1973a: 65-66, fig. А (1, 2, 3).
● Type locality: Tajik SSR, natural reserve “Tigrovaya balka”, central cordon, deposits of the Blue Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev, 1973a).
Promenetus Baker, 1935
Type species: Planorbis exacuous Say, 1821 (OD)
Promenetus exacuous (Say, 1821)
Planorbis exacuous Say, 1821: 165.
● Type locality: Lake Champlain.
● Syntypes: ANSP.
● Distribution: found in stomach of fish caught in central part of Anadyr River (Chukotka) (Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Segmentina Fleming, 1818
Type species: Nautilus lacustris Lightfoot, 1786 (monotypy)
Segmentina avecenninae Izzatullaev, 1980
Izzatullaev, 1980: 406, fig. 1, А, Б, а, б, в.
● Type locality: Turkmen SSR, Kerkichi, right bank of Amu-Darja.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: type locality (Izzatullaev, 1980).
Segmentina caucasica Kruglov et Soldatenko, 1997
Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997: 126, figs. 4D, 7D, 11B.
● Type locality: northern Caucasus, Northern Osetia Republic, road to Alagir, puddle.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Caucasus, in temporary waterbodies (Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997).
Segmentina clessini (Westerlund, 1873)
Planorbis clessini Westerlund, 1873: 613-614.
● Type locality: “Svewrige pе Öland i en back söder om byn Kohlstad nära Borgholm”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except for extreme north-east, northern Kazakhstan, Altai, probably south of Western
Siberia (Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997).
Segmentina distinguenda (Gredler, 1859)
Planorbis nitidus var. distinguenda Gredler, 1859: 217.
● Type locality: "Breslau".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except for extreme north, northern Kazakhstan, Altai, south of Western Siberia, in
shallow permanent waterbodies, south of Central Asia (Izzatullaev, 1980; Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Segmentina inniae Kruglov et Soldatenko, 1997
Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997: 117-118, fig. 3C.
● Type locality: Latviya, Skrundskyi District, fishery farm Rita Ausma, pond 33.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin, south of Western Siberia (within the Irtysh River basin) (Starobogatov et
al., 2004; Karimov, 2005).
Segmentina lineata Kruglov et Soldatenko, 1997
Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997: 121-122, figs. 3F, 6D, 10A.
● Type locality: Smolensk Region, Dorogobyzhskyi Area, village Ushakovo, pond.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Latvia, European Russia, in shallow permanent waterbodies (Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997).
Segmentina malkae Kruglov et Soldatenko, 1997
Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997: 126-128, figs. 4E, 8A, 11C.
● Type locality: northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Malka River near village Ekaterinogradskaya.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Caucasus, temporary waterbodies (Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997).
Segmentina molytes (Westerlund, 1885)
Planorbis nitidus var. molytes Westerlund, 1885a: 86.
● Type locality: "Deutschland bei Heidelberg u. Vegesack".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except extreme north, northern Kazakhstan, probably Altai (Kruglov, Soldatenko,
1997; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Segmentina montgazoniana Bourguignat in Servain, 1881
Servain, 1881: 89-90.
● Type locality: "dans les mares des villages de la Villenueve, la Ville-au-Bois, la Loge-aux-Chèvres, etc.
(Département de l'Aube)"(France).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except south, in shallow permanent waterbodies (Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Segmentina nitida (Müller, 1774)
[= Planorbis microcephalus Moquin-Tandon, 1855]
Planorbis nitidus Müller, 1774: 163-164.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, except for extreme north-east, Ural River (Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al.,
Segmentina oelandica (Westerlund, 1885)
Planorbis nitidus var. oelandicus Westerlund, 1885a: 86.
● Type locality: "Schweden, Borgholm".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Ukraine, European Russia except for extreme north, south of Western Siberia (within the
Irtysh River basin), in shallow permanent waterbodies (Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997; Starobogatov et al., 2004;
Karimov, 2005).
Segmentina petropolitana Kruglov et Soldatenko, 1997
Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997: 124-126, figs. 4C, 7C, 11A.
● Type locality: Ukraine, vicinities of Vinnitsa.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe, except for extreme north-east, in shallow permanent waterbodies (Kruglov,
Soldatenko, 1997).
Segmentina servaini Bourguignat in Servain, 1881
Servain, 1881: 86-87.
● Type locality: "lac Balaton, ... environs de Krapina (Croatie)".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe (except for north-east), south of Western Siberia (within the Irtysh River basin), in
shallow permanent waterbodies (Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Karimov, 2005).
Segmentina starobogatovi Kruglov et Soldatenko, 1997
Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997: 122-124, figs. 4B, 7B, 10C.
● Type locality: Kalinigrad District, Rybachyi settlement, puddle on a meadow.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin, central Volga basin, in shallow permanent and semipermanent waterbodies
(Kruglov, Soldatenko, 1997).
Trochorbis Benson, 1855
Type species: ????
Trochorbis anastasiae Izzatullaev, 1973
Izzatullaev, 1973a: 67-68, fig. В (1, 2, 3).
● Type locality: Tajik SSR, natural reserve “Tigrovaya balka”, central cordon, deposits of the Blue Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Tajikistan, Vakh River (Izzatullaev, 1973a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Trochorbis calathus (Benson, 1850)
Planorbis calathus Benson, 1850: 348-349.
● Type locality: “in lacubus Bhimtal et Neini Tal, regionis Kemaonensis Himalayanae; necnon in stagnis
nonnulis agri Rohilllani, prope urbem Morahabad, Indiae septentrionalis”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Vaksh River, near natural reserve “Tigrovaya balka”, Tajikistan (Izzatullaev, 1972).
Trochorbis tadzhikistanica Izzatullaev, 1973
Trochorbis tadzhikistanical [lapsus calami] Izzatullaev, 1973a: 66-67, fig. Б (1, 2, 3).
● Type locality: Tajik SSR, natural reserve “Tigrovaya balka”, central cordon, deposits of the Blue Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Tajikistan, Vakh River (Izzatullaev, 1973a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Aplexa Fleming, 1820
Type species: Bulla hypnorum Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Herrmannsen, 1846)
Aplexa amurensis Starobogatov et Prozorova in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989 F
Starobogatov, Prozorova, Zatrawkin, 1989: 65, fig. 1 4, 2 4.
● Type locality: Khabarovsk Territory [Far East], swamp near settlement Konstantinovka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur basin and Primorje, Balkal and upper Yenissei (northeastern Tuva) basins, in temporary
waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Aplexa aphallica Starobogatov et Zatrawkin in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989 F
Starobogatov, Prozorova, Zatrawkin, 1989: 66, fig. 1 7.
● Type locality: Artemovka River, Primorje Territory, Hankayskij District [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Khanka lowland, probably Amur basin, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Aplexa ataxiaca (Fagot, 1883)
Physa ataxiaca Fagot, 1883: 222-223.
● Type locality: "Campagne-les-Bains, entre Quillan et Limoux (Aude)" (France).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern part of eastern Europe, south of Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Aplexa hypnorum (Linnaeus, 1758)
Bulla hypnorum Linnaeus, 1758: 727-728.
● Type locality: "in Europae".
● Types: not traced, not in LSL (Taylor, 2003).
● Distribution: Europe. south of Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, eastward to Altai, in temporary waterbodies
(Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Aplexa moskvichevae Starobogatov et Zatrawkin in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989
Starobogatov, Prozorova, Zatrawkin, 1989: 66, fig. 1 (6), 2 (6).
● Type locality: Artemovka River, [Khabarovsk Territory, Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Primorje, probably Amur basin, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Aplexa orientalis Starobogatov et Prozorova in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989
Starobogatov, Prozorova, Zatrawkin, 1989: 65, fig. 1 5, 2 5.
● Type locality: Khabarovsk Territory [Far East], swamp near settlement Konstantinovka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur basin, Primorje, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Aplexa turrita (Müller, 1774)
Planorbis turritus Müller, 1774: 169.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Holotype: ZMUC.
● Distribution: Europe, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Sibirenauta Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967
Type species: Physa kultukiana B. Dybowski, 1913 (OD)
Sibirenauta aenigma (Westerlund, 1876)
Physa (?) aenigma Westerlund, 1876a: 101, 104-105.
● Type locality: "Podkamennojes Tunguskas in flode i Jenissei".
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989): ZIN, No.1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: south of Central and Eastern Siberia (northward to Yakutsk and mouth of Podkamennaya
Tunguska River), Altai, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Sibirenauta elongata (Say, 1821)
[= Physa hypnorum var. depressior Middendorff, 1851; Physa hypnorum var. polaris Westerlund, 1876;
Physa kultukiana B. Dybowski, 1913]
Physa elongata Say, 1821: 171.
● Type locality: shores of Illinois.
● Syntypes: ANSP No. 21208.
● Distribution: from north or Western Siberia to Chukotka, upper Amur basin (Starobogatov, Streletzkaya,
1967; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Sibirenauta sibirica (Westerlund, 1876)
Physa sibirica Westerlund, 1876a: 55-56, fig. 13.
● Type locality: "Jenissei, Sopotschnaja Korga (lat. 71º40')".
● Syntypes: SMNH No. 1651, Westerlund collection 12:31.
● Distribution: subarctic and arctic areas of Asia, from Yenissei mouth to Chukotka (Starobogatov et al.,
Sibirenauta tuvaensis Starobogatov et Zatrawkin in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989
Starobogatov, Prozorova, Zatrawkin, 1989: 68, figs. 1 9, 2 8.
● Type locality: Tuva ASSR, Toorakhem settlement [at the border of Mongolia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Tuva, in temporary waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Costatella Dall, 1870
Type species: Physa costata Newcomb, 1861 (OD)
Costatella acuta (Draparnaud, 1805)
Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805: 55.
● Type locality: "dans la Garonne et les rivières qui s'y jettent".
● Syntype: NHMV No. 1820/XXVI/45.
● Distribution: Ciscaucasia, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Volga River delta, southern Primorje (Izzatullaev,
1972; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Costatella integra (Haldeman, 1841)
Physa (Diastropha) integra Haldeman, 1841: cover p. 3.
● Type locality: Indiana.
● Syntypes: ANSP No. 280023.
● Distribution: introduced from north America, Volga River delta, Fреäкавказüе, southern Primorje, also in
cooling basins of the electric plants (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Physa Draparnaud, 1801
Type species: Bulla fontinalis Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Children, 1823; ICZN Opinion 94, 1958)
Physa adversa (Da Costa, 1778)
Turbo adversus Da Costa, 1778: 96-98, pl. 5, fig. 6.
● Type locality: the Thames from Wandsworth to Windsor; ponds and stagnant waters about London; Middlesex; Surrey; river Wandle (England).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: entire Europe and Siberia eastward to Yenissei (Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al.,
Physa arachleica Starobogatov et Prozorova in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989
Starobogatov, Prozorova, Zatrawkin, 1989: 72, fig. 3 4, 4 4.
● Type locality: Chita Region, Arakhlej Lake [SE Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Physa bulla (Müller, 1774)
Planorbis bulla Müller, 1774: 167-168.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western and southern part of eastern Europe, southern part of Western Siberia, Kazakhstan
(Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Physa chukchensis Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1976
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1976: 84. fig. 5 I.
● Type locality: Usf-Chaun [Chukchi Peninsula].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Far East from Chukchi Peninsula to lower reaches of Kolyma, in thermokarst waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Physa fontinalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Bulla fontinalis Linnaeus, 1758: 727.
● Type locality: "in Lacuum".
● Types: not traced, not in LSL (Taylor, 2003).
● Distribution: basin of Baltic Sea (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Physa hankensis Starobogatov et Prozorova in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989
Starobogatov, Prozorova, Zatrawkin, 1989: 72, fig. 3 5, 4 5,6
● Type locality: Khabarovsk, swamp near Kaktokovskoye Lake [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur basin and southern Primorje (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Physa jarochnovitschae Starobogatov et Zatrawkin in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989 F
Starobogatov, Prozorova, Zatrawkin, 1989: 73, fig. 3 7, 4 7.
● Type locality: delta of the Kolyma River (NE Siberia).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Physa jennessii Dall, 1919
Dall, 1919: 3A, 4A, 12A, 18A, 20A, pl. 2, fig. 2.
● Type locality: ponds near Bernard harbour (Canada).
● Types: NMC Nos. 4019, 4020.
● Distribution: Chukchi Peninsula ans westward to lower Kolyma, in thermokarst waterbodies (Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
Physa khabarovskiensis Starobogatov et Zatrawkin in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989 F
Starobogatov et al., 1989: 73, fig. 3 6.
● Type locality: Khabarovsk, swamp near Kaktokovskoye Lake (Far East).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Physa kuvaevi Starobogatov et Prozorova in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989
Starobogatov et al., 1989: 74, fig. 3 8, 4 8.
● Type locality: lake near airport Anadyr (Chukchi Peninsula).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Physa skinneri Taylor, 1954
Taylor, 1954: 4, 9-10.
● Type locality: "SE. cor. sec. 6, T.5 N., R. 28 E., Beaver Co., Oklahoma" (USA, Pleistocene).
● Holotype: Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan No. 181292.
● Distribution: Chaun lowland river basin (northeast of Siberia), in thermokarst waterbodies (Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Physa streletzkajae Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1976
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1976: 84, fig. 5 II.
● Type locality: Anadyrskij district, Vakarevo, lake No. 6, station 5 [Chukchi Peninsula]
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basins of Yana and Anadyr rivers (northern Far East), in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Physa tei Starobogatov et Prozorova in Starobogatov, Prozorova et Zatrawkin, 1989
Starobogatov et al., 1989: 74-75, fig. 3 9.
● Type locality: lake near airport Anadyr (Chukchi Peninsula).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Anadyr River (Chukchi Peninsula), in thermokarst waterbodies (Starobogatov et al.,
Physella Haldeman, 1843
Type species: Physa globosa Haldeman, 1841 (monotypy)
Physella nuttallii (Lea, 1864)
Physa nuttallii Lea, 1864: 116.
● Type locality: Lewis' River, Oregon.
● Holotype: USNM No. 170770.
● Distribution: Krest Bay coast (Chukchi Peninsula), in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
(Kantor Yu. I., Schileyko A.A., Likharev I.M., Sysoev A.V.)
Carychium Müller, 1774
Type species: Carychium minimum Müller, 1774 (monotypy)
Carychium lederi O. Boettger, 1880
[= Carychium primitivum Schileyko, 1967]
Boettger, 1880b: 383.
● Type locality: not stated (Talysh -- from the title).
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Lenkoran lowland and mountain forests of Talysh (Azerbaijan) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Carychium minimum Müller, 1774
Müller, 1774: 125.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: widely distributed in European forest zone (mainly in southern subzone of taiga and in mixed
and broad-leaved forests), reaching Arkhangelsk in the north (Velichkovsky, 1927), Crimea and Caucasus
inclusive in the south, and forest areas of South Ural (Krestyaninov, 1973) and northern, central, and eastern
Kazakhstan (Uvalieva, 1981) in the east.
● Remark: Uvalieva described 2 new species of Carychium, C. montanum and C. kasachstanicum, holotypes
of which were said to be stored in ZIN. Examination of the "holotypes" has shown that (1) they do not correspond to descriptions and illustrations of the author; (2) they were collected two years after the publication,
i.e. cannot be types; (3) they are typical C. minimum, and, therefore, both names are junior synonyms of this
Carychium sibiricum Westerlund, 1897
[= Carychium pessimum Pilsbry, 1902; Carychium gerstfeldti Schlesch, 1938]
Westerlund, 1897b: 124
● Type locality: "Amur".
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: deciduous and mixed forests of the Amur basin, Primorye, southern Sakhalin, Kurile Islands,
southern Kamchatka (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Carychium tridentatum (Risso, 1826)
Saraphia tridentata Risso, 1826: 84-85.
● Type locality: not stated (Alpes Maritimes (southern France) -- from title).
● Types: probably lost (Arnaud, 1978).
● Distribution: common in East Europe, mainly in mixed and deciduous forests (including Carpathians),
spreading in the north to St.-Petersburg, in the south (through steppe zone along non-climax formations) -- to
mountain-forest areas of Crimea inclusive. Widely distributed in mountain forests of Caucasus, but absent in
forests of Lenkoran lowland and Talysh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
(Kantor Yu. I., Schileyko A.A., Likharev I.M., Sysoev A.V.)
Novisuccinea Pilsbry, 1948
Type species: Succinea ovalis Say, 1817 (OD)
Novisuccinea altaica (Martens, 1871)
Succinea altaica Martens, 1871: 46, 50.
● Type locality: "Buchtarminsk" (later -- Ust-Bukhtarma, now flooded by Bukhtarminskoe Water Reservoir;
south-western Altai).
● Lectotype (Kilias, 1973): ZMB No. 20616a.
● Distribution: Tien-Shan (Kirgiz, Zailijskij, Kungei, Terskei ridges), Altai, Sayan, Tuva (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Novisuccinea diserta Schileyko et Likharev, 1986
Schileyko, Likharev, 1986: 215, figs 15, 16.
● Type locality: Transbaikalia, Khamar-Daban Ridge, valley of Solzan River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: coastal areas of southern Baikal (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Novisuccinea evoluta (Martens, 1879)
[= Succinea granulosa Lindholm, 1927]
Succinea evoluta Martens, 1879: 126.
● Type locality: «Kuldsha» (Ining (Kuldja), northwest China).
● Lectotype (Kilias, 1973): ZMB No. 34825a.
● Distribution: Tien-Shan (Kirgiz, Fergana, Talassky ridges), Altai, Transbaikalia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Novisuccinea lyrata (Gould, 1859)
[= Succinea horticola Reinhardt, 1877]
Succinea lyrata Gould, 1859: 40.
● Type locality: "Loo Choo" (Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Archipelago).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands, South Sakhalin (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Novisuccinea martensiana (Nevill, 1878)
[= Succinea martensiana var. gigas Martens, 1882]
Succinea martensiana Nevill, 1878: 5, pl. 1, figs. 30, 31.
● Type locality: "Yarkand: Sasak Taka, Pasrobat", north-western China.
● Syntypes: ZMB No. 30142.
● Distribution: Tien-Shan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Novisuccinea strigata (L. Pfeiffer, 1855)
[= Succinea chrysis Westerlund, 1883]
Succinea strigata Pfeiffer L., 1855: 297.
● Type locality: "Port Clarence", Alaska.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Kamchatka (Koryak National Area), Chukchi Peninsula (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pamirsuccinea Schileyko et Likharev, 1986
Type species: Pamirsuccinea eximia Schileyko et Likharev, 1986 (OD)
Pamirsuccinea eximia Schileyko et Likharev, 1986
Schileyko, Likharev, 1986: 202, figs. 3, 4.
● Type locality: Pamir, vicinities of Roshtkala village, south-eastward of Khorog.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: species recorded in three localities in East Pamir: vicinities of Roshtkala, Yashikul, and Kudara villages on left bank of the Talimas River (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Succinea Draparnaud, 1801
Type species: Helix putris Linnaeus, 1758 (= Succinea amphibia Draparnaud, 1801) (SD Gray J.E., 1847)
Succinea gladiator Schileyko et Likharev, 1986
Schileyko, Likharev, 1986: 209, figs. 9, 10.
● Type locality: Tuva, mountain pass in Aradansky Ridge, on Kyzyl road, 190 km from Minusinsk.
● Holotype: ZMMU (not found).
● Distribution: type locality.
Succinea lauta Gould, 1859
Gould, 1859: 422.
● Type locality: «Hakodati» (Hakodate, southern Hokkaido, Japan).
● Lectotype (Johnson, 1964): USNM No. 24129.
● Distribution: Amur Region, southern Khabarovsk Territory, Primorye Territory, South Sakhalin, South Kurile Islands (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Succinea putris (Linnaeus, 1758)
Helix putris Linnaeus, 1758: 774.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: nearly transpalearctic range; the species is replaced by a similar oriental species S. lauta in the
Amur Region, southern Khabarovsk Territory, Primorye Territory, South Sakhalin, and South Kurile Islands
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Remarks: Due to high interpopulation variability, a lot of species and varieties of S. putris group have been
described in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The resolution of problem of their status requires an examination of type material or, at least, material from type localities. Since virtually all these forms were described from West Europe, at present it seems reasonable to refrain from ultimate judgements on their status
in the absence of sufficient material. In any case, the material studied has shown the presence of a broad
range of interpopulation variability of shell characters at constant anatomy.
Succinella Mabille, 1870
Type species: Succinea oblonga Draparnaud, 1801 (monotypy)
Succinella oblonga (Draparnaud, 1801)
Succinea oblonga Draparnaud, 1801: 56.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Syntype: NHMV.
● Distribution: East-European Plain, Crimea, Caucasus; spreading to Yenisei and West Altai in the east.
Northern border of the range approximately coincides with that of mixed and broad-leaved forests (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Oxyloma Westerlund, 1885
Type species: Succinea hungarica Hazay, 1881 (= Succinea dunkeri L. Pfeiffer, 1865) (monotypy)
Oxyloma ajanica Schileyko et Likharev, 1986
Schileyko, Likharev, 1986: 229, figs. 29, 30.
● Type locality: vicinities of Ayan settlement on the Okhotsk Sea coast.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: coast of Okhotsk and northern Japan seas, Kurile Islands (except southern) (Starobogatov et
al., 2004), Iturup Island (Gusarov, 1999).
Oxyloma dunkeri (L. Pfeiffer, 1865)
[= Succinea hungarica Hazay in Kobelt, 1880]
Succinea dunkeri Pfeiffer L., 1865: 101.
● Type locality: bog in delta of Danube.
● Syntypes: ZMB.
● Distribution: vicinities of Melitopol and Astrakhan, mountain Daghestan, Lenkoran lowland (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Oxyloma elegans (Risso, 1826)
[= Succinea pfeifferi Rossmässler, 1835]
Succinea elegans Risso, 1826: 59.
● Type locality: not stated (Alpes Maritimes (southern France) -- from title).
● Syntypes: MNHN.
● Distribution: Palearctic (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxyloma retusa (Lea, 1834)
Succinea retusa Lea, 1834: 117.
● Type locality: vicinities of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: several records in Kamchatka, in Azabachiya River valley (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); Iturup
Island (Gusarov, 1999).
Oxyloma sarsi (Esmark in Esmark et Hoyer, 1886)
[= Oxyloma lejavai Hudec, 1966]
Succinea pfeifferi var. sarsi Esmark -- Esmark, Hoyer, 1886: 108, pl. 5, fig. 2.
● Type locality: not stated (northern Norway -- from title).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: most part of Palearctic, eastward to Yakutsk (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxyloma starobogatovi Schileyko et Likharev, 1986
Schileyko, Likharev, 1986: 227, figs. 27, 28.
● Type locality: Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region, Alagansky District, Surulukol lake, northern shore.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Succinoides Schileyko, 1967
Type species: -- Succinoides stelliferus Schileyko, 1967 (OD)
Succinoides stelliferus Schileyko, 1967
Schileyko, 1967: 24, fig. 1.
● Type locality: vicinities of Lenkoran.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-4944.
● Distribution: Lenkoran lowland (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
ORDER Geophila FÉRUSSAC, 1821
Cochlicopa Férussac, 1821
Type species: Helix lubrica Müller, 1774 (SD Westerlund, 1902)
Cochlicopa collina (Drouët, 1855)
[= ?Cochlicopa lubrica var. ovata Jeffreys, 1862; ?Cochlicopa lubrica var. viridula Jeffreys, 1862; Zua lubrica var. olivea Locard, 1880; Cochlicopa lubrica var. lacteola Lindholm, 1911]
Achatina collina Drouët, 1855: 46-47.
● Type locality: «près de Lyon, а Mouy-de-l’Oise, а Liézey, dans les Vosges» (France).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Russia: Moscow, Leningrad, Irkutsk regions; Ukraine: Podolia and mountain Crimea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cochlicopa curta Clessin, 1908
Cochlicopa lubrica var. curta Clessin, 1908: 8.
● Type locality: not stated (vicinities of Regensburg, Austria -- from title).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Russia (southern Krasnoyarsk Region), Ukraine (Podolia and Zaporozhye Region), Georgia
(Borzhomi) (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa dushanbensis Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996b: 119, fig. 4 F, G.
● Type locality: Dushanbe, garden of Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of Tajikistan Academy of Sciences.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: mountain areas of Central Asia from southern Tajikistan (unknown from Pamir) to Ferghana
depression (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa heptapotamica Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996b: 116-117, fig. 4B.
● Type locality: Karatal River bank at Kesken settlement, Alma-Ata Region, Kazakhstan.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: mountain regions of western Central Asia from Pamir to Zailijskij Alatau Ridge (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa izzatullaevi Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996b: 118-119, fig. 4 D, E.
● Type locality: floodland of Sorbo River, Romit Wildlife Reservation, Tajikistan.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: from southern Tajikistan (unknown from Pamir) to Zailijskij Alatau Ridge (Starobogatov,
Cochlicopa kamchatica Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996b: 119-120, fig. 5 A, B.
● Type locality: Kamchatka, Milkovo, forest on the first terrace.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kamchatka (Starobogatov, 1996b); North Kurile Islands (Pearce et al., 2002).
Cochlicopa kurenkovi Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996b: 120-121, fig. 5C.
● Type locality: Kamchatka, Milkovo, forest on the first terrace.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kamchatka (Starobogatov, 1996b); North Kurile Islands (Pearce et al., 2002).
Cochlicopa kurilensis Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996b: 122-123, fig. 5F.
● Type locality: Shikotan Island (Kurile Islands), vicinity of Krabovaya (formerly Anama) inlet.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Shikotan, Iturup, Kunashir, Zeleny islands (Kurile Islands), southern Sakhalin (Starobogatov,
Cochlicopa likharevi Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996b: 121, fig. 5D.
● Type locality: Primorye Territory, Suputinsky Wildlife Reservation.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Sikhote-Alin mountain system (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa lubrica (Müller, 1774)
[= Bulimus nitidissimus Krynicki, 1833; Cionella columna Clessin, 1875]
Helix lubrica Müller, 1774: 104-105.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: forest and forest-steppe zones from West Europe to Irkutsk Region (Central Siberia) and to
mountain regions of Central Asia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); Kurile Islands (Shikotan, Paramushir, Atlasova) (Pearce et al., 2002).
Cochlicopa lubricella (Ziegler in Porro, 1838)
[= Cochlicopa exigua Menke, 1830 (nom. nud.); Achatina lubrica var. fusiformis Picard, 1840; Glandina
azorica Albers, 1852; Cionella pulchella Mousson, 1873; Cionella lubrica var. polita Westerlund, 1887, non
Porro, 1838; Zua lubrica f. lacteola Lindholm, 1911]
Bulimus lubricus var. lubricella Ziegler -- Porro, 1838: 53-54.
● Type locality: Comasca Province (Italy).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Russia: European part, Siberia, Kamchatka, Primorye Territory (Ternei); Ukraine (Polesye to
steppe zone), Georgia (Borzhomi, Lagodekhi), Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan (mountain regions), Tajikistan (mountain regions) (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa lubricoides (Potiez et Michaud, 1838)
[= Zua boisii Dupuy, 1850; Achatina nilssoni Malm, 1851; Bulimus maderensis Lowe, 1852; Bulimus subcylindricus var. exigua Moquin-Tandon, 1855; Bulimus lubricus var. lubricella Stabile, 1846, non Porro, 1838;
Cochlicopa lubrica var. columna Clessin, 1875; Ferussacia crassula Fagot, 1879]
Achatina lubricoides Potiez, Michaud, 1838: 129.
● Type locality: «les Appennins, en Italie а Rimini».
Types unknown.
● Distribution: Russia: European part, Caucasus (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa maacki Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996b: 121-122, fig. 5E.
● Type locality: Amur River near mouth of Sungary River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur territory and Sikhote-Alin mountain system (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa major (Bourguignat, 1864)
Ferussacia subcylindrica var. major Bourguignat, 1864a: 36.
● Type locality: Alger and Oran (Algeria).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Russia (Orenburg and Irkutsk regions), Ukraine (Poltava, Rovno, Chernigov, Kiev, Vinnitza
regions) (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa minima (Siemaschko, 1847)
[= Cionella lubrica var. litaunica Westerlund, 1887; Cionella lubrica var. pfeiffeti sensu Westerlund, 1874,
non Weinland, 1874]
Achatina minima Siemaschko, 1847: 111, pl. 1, fig. 4.
● Type locality: "bei Riga" (Latvia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine (Ternopol Region) (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa mukhitdinovi Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996b: 117-118, fig. 4C.
● Type locality: Kuramin Range near Bobokir village, Asht District, Khodjend Region, Tajikistan.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: from Pamir to Kuramin Range, probably also in mountain ranges of Tien-Shan system in
north Tajikistan (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa nitens (Gallenstein, 1852)
Achatina nitens Gallenstein, 1852: 75.
● Type locality: Klagenfurt, Karintia (Austria).
● Syntypes: SMF No. 166385/7.
● Distribution: East-European Plain, Crimea, Caucasus, and southern Siberia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cochlicopa pfeifferi (Weinland, 1874)
Cionella pfeifferi Weinland, 1874: 36, textfig.
● Type locality: «in montibus, quos dicunt «Albem Suevicam» prope Hohen-Wittlingen» (BadenWürtemberg, Germany).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Russia (Orenburg Region), Ukraine (Ternopol Region) (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa pseudonitens Uvalieva, 1967
Uvalieva, 1967: 215, figs. 2, 3.
● Type locality: South Altai Mountains, floodplain of Malaya Narymka River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: species found in three localities in South Altai: in Malaya Narymka river valley, on bank of
Bolshaya Narymka river, and in vicinities of Verkhne-Katunsk village (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
● Remark: Records of the species from mountains of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are based on misidentification (Starobogatov, 1996b).
Cochlicopa repentina Hudec, 1960
Hudec, 1960: 287, obr. 4, foto 1 a 4, 3 a 6.
● Type locality: shore of pond near Budine on river Ogrzha, Czechia.
● Holotype: National Museum of Prague, No. 22/1960.
● Distribution: Moscow Region, Ukraine, mountains of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, valley of Nizhnyaya Tunguska River (tributary of Yenissei) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cochlicopa shikotanica Starobogatov, 1996
Starobogatov, 1996b: 122, fig. 5F.
● Type locality: Shikotan Island (Kurile Islands), vicinity of Krabovaya (formerly Anama) inlet.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Shikotan, Iturup, Kunashir, Zeleny islands (Kurile Islands), southern Sakhalin (Starobogatov,
Orcula Held, 1837
Type species: Pupa dolium Draparnaud, 1801 (SD Herrmannsen, 1847)
Orcula dolium (Draparnaud, 1801)
Pupa dolium Draparnaud, 1801: 58-59.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Syntype: NHMV.
● Distribution: species not found on East European Plain, but may probably occur in Transcarpathia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Orculella Steenberg, 1925
Type species: Pupa orientalis L. Pfeiffer, 1861 (OD)
Orculella bulgarica (Hesse, 1915)
Orcula bulgarica Hesse, 1915: 62.
● Type locality: Bulgaria, vicinities of Varna.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Caucasus: probably near Anapa (?), debris of Araks River near Darosham (Nakhichevan), and
eastern coast of Sevan Lake near mouth of Masrik River. The species has never been found alive (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Orculella ruderalis Akramowski, 1947
Orculella scyphus ruderalis Akramowski, 1947: 179, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: Armenia, Ekhegnadzor district, Gnishik village, "Khozanner" area.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: several localities near Gnishik village, Armenia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pilorcula Germain, 1912
Type species: Pupa raymondi Bourguignat, 1863 (monotypy)
Pilorcula trifilaris (Mousson, 1863)
Pupa trifilaris Mousson, 1863: 391.
● Type locality: Redutkaleh (northward of Poti).
● Syntypes: ZMZ No. 514413.
● Distribution: Colchis lowland, western part of Great Caucasus northward to Maikop, along northern slopes
of Great Caucasus to Vladikavkaz in the east (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Schileykula Gittenberger, 1983
Type species: Orcula batumensis sensu Hesse, 1924 (OD)
Schileykula batumensis (Retowski, 1889)
Pupa (Orcula) doliolum var. batumensis Retowski, 1889: 254.
● Type locality: debris of the Chorokh river near Batumi.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Adzharia (a single doubtless finding in debris of the Chorokh river near Batumi) (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Schileykula kaznakovi (Rosen, 1914)
Pupa kaznakovi Rosen, 1914: 190-191, pl. 2, figs. 11a-b.
● Type locality: Ardanuch, near Artvin (northern Turkey, vilayet Chorokh).
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality. Probably present in Adzharia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Sphyradium Charpentier, 1837
Type species: Bulimus doliolum Bruguière, 1792 (SD Martens in Albers, 1860)
Sphyradium doliolum (Bruguière, 1792)
[= Pupa bifilaris Mousson, 1873]
Bulimus doliolum Bruguiere, 1792: 351.
● Type locality: vicinities of Paris.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Crimea, Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pagodulina Clessin, 1876
Type species: Pupa pagodula Des Moulins, 1830 (monotypy)
Pagodulina lederi (O. Boettger, 1886)
Pagodina pagodula var. lederi Boettger, 1886a: 305, pl. 3, fig. 8.
● Type locality: Talysh.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1947): SMF No. 3726.
● Distribution: Elburz Range, including Talysh mountains (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pagodulina pagodula (Des Moulins, 1830)
Pupa pagodula Des Moulins, 1830: 158, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Périgord (southwestern France, western part of Massif Centrale).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: probably occurs in Transcarpathian area (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euxinolauria Lindholm, 1924
Type species: Pupa (Charadrobia) pulchra Retowski, 1883 (OD)
Euxinolauria caucasica (L. Pfeiffer, 1857)
Pupa caucasica Pfeiffer, 1857: 88.
● Type locality: Kazbek.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: broad-leaved forests of central and eastern areas of southern slopes of Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euxinolauria glomerosa Suvorov et Schileyko, 1991
Suvorov, Schileyko, 1991: 76, figs. 6, 7.
● Type locality: vicinities of Tzoniarisi village on Meskheti Ridge, Adzharia.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-17812.
● Distribution: type locality.
Euxinolauria honesta Suvorov et Schileyko, 1991
Suvorov, Schileyko, 1991: 75, fig. 5.
● Type locality: mountain pass Beshumi on Arsiyan Ridge, Adzharia (2250 m above sea level).
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-17811.
● Distribution: type locality.
Euxinolauria mica Schileyko, 1998
Schileyko, 1998a: 77, fig. 81 (nom. nov. pro Euxinolauria zonifera sensu Schileyko, 1975c, 1984, non Lauria
zonifera Pilsbry, 1934)
● Type locality: Caucasian Reserve, vicinities of Guzeripl.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Known only from several findings in type locality (near Guzeripl, western part of Great Caucasus) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euxinolauria paulinae (Lindholm, 1913)
[= Lauria paulinae unicolumellaris Lindholm, 1914]
Lauria paulinae Lindholm, 1913: 62-63.
● Type locality: «Notanebi, 37 Werst nördlich von Batumi».
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: maritime regions of Adzharia, 40-50 km around Batumi (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euxinolauria pulchra (Retowski, 1883)
[= Pupa pulchra f. bilabiata Retowski, 1887; Lauria pulchra var. nitens O. Boettger, 1888; Pupa pontica
Retowski, 1889]
Pupa (Charactrobia) pulchra Retowski, 1883: 57-58.
● Type locality: Sudak (southern coast of Crimea).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: south-western and western parts of Great Caucasus, western part of Lesser Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euxinolauria rectidentata Schileyko, 1975
Schileyko, 1975: 1769, figs. 1(1-2), 6(1).
● Type locality: valley of the Machakheli-tzkali river in Adzharia.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Euxinolauria silicea Schileyko, 1975
[= Lauria pulchra sensu Hudec et Lezhawa, 1969 non Pupa pulchra Retowski, 1883]
Schileyko, 1975c: 1777, fig. 6, 8.
● Type locality: Tekhuri river valley, south-western part of Great Caucasus, upstream of Taleri village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: two findings in type locality.
Euxinolauria sinangula Schileyko, 1975
Schileyko, 1975c: 1775, fig. 3 (3-4), 6, 7.
● Type locality: Batumi Botanical Garden.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: two findings in type locality.
Euxinolauria superstructa (Mousson, 1876)
[= Pupa superstructa var. lederi O. Boettger, 1883; Pupa superstructa var. unibasalis O. Boettger, 1886;
Lauria zonata mut. albina O. Boettger, 1889]
Pupa (Pupilla) superstructa Mousson, 1876a: 37-38, pl. 2, fig. 7.
● Type locality: «Lailasch, gouvernement de Koutaпs» (Svaneti Ridge).
● Syntypes: ZMZ Nos. 514508, 514509.
● Distribution: Black Sea maritime area of Caucasus, Novorossiysk to Adzharia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euxinolauria tenuimarginata (Pilsbry, 1922)
Lauria tenuimarginata Pilsbry, 1922: 76, pl. 10, figs. 1-2.
● Type locality: Notanebi, 40 km N of Batumi.
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 130116.
● Distribution: species found in three localities of south-western Transcaucasia: near Notanebi station, 40 km
northward of Batumi; near Chakvistavi village, 20 km eastward of Batumi; and in Batumi Botanical Garden
at Zelenyi Mys, in Colchis forest grove (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euxinolauria vitrea (Schileyko, 1989)
Speleodentorcula vitrea Schileyko, 1988a: 1303, fig. 1 (I).
● Type locality: West Caucasus, Verkhnekazachjebrodskaya Cave on River Mzymta.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-14441.
● Distribution: type locality.
Euxinolauria zonifera (Pilsbry, 1934)
[= Pupa superstructa var. zonata O. Boettger, 1883 non Pupa zonata Gassies, 1869]
Lauria zonifera Pilsbry, 1934: 139 (nom. nov. pro Pupa zonata O. Boettger, 1883).
● Type locality: Tzebelda on River Kodori, Abkhazia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western regions of Great Caucasus, Colchis lowland, and Black Sea maritime part of Lesser
Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Lauria Gray, 1840
Type species: Pupa umbilicata Draparnaud, 1801 (= Turbo cylindracea Da Costa, 1778) (SD Herrmannsen,
Lauria cylindracea (Da Costa, 1778)
[= Pupa umbilicata Draparnaud, 1801; Pupa sempronii Charpentier, 1837; Pupa dilucida Rossmässler, 1837;
Lauria cymmetrica Puzanov, 1925]
Turbo cylindraceus Da Costa, 1778: 89.
● Type locality: Middlesex and Surrey, Lincolnshire, Morsley, Northamptonshire, Flintshire (England).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain-forest Crimea, Transcaucasia, possibly Daghestan and West Kopetdagh (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Argna Cossmann, 1899
Type species: Pupa ferrari Porro, 1838 (OD)
Argna bielzi (Rossmässler, 1859)
Pupa bielzi Rossmässler, 1859: 109, pl. 85, fig. 942.
● Type locality: "Nagy Falu, unweit Bethlen" (southern Transylvania).
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1985): SMF No. 51716/2.
● Distribution: mountain and foothill areas of Ukrainian (Forested) Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Strobilops Pilsbry, 1893
Type species: Helix labyrintica Say, 1817 (OD)
Strobilopsis coreana Pilsbry, 1927
Pilsbry, 1927b: 43, pl. 10, figs. 8-10.
● Type locality: vicinities of Pyongyang ((North Korea).
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 99967a.
● Distribution: Kedrovaya Pad Natural Reserve (southern Primorye Territory) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Acanthinula Beck, 1847
Type species: Helix aculeata Müller, 1774 (monotypy)
Acanthinula aculeata (Müller, 1774)
Helix aculeata Müller, 1774: 81-82.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: most part of European territory of Russia, eastward to about 40º E, northward to latitude of
Petrozavodsk; mountain Crimea, Caucasus, highland regions of Central Asia (not found in Kopetdagh) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Spermodea Westerlund, 1902
Type species: Helix lamellata Jeffreys, 1830 (monotypy)
Spermodea lamellata (Jeffreys, 1830)
Helix lamellata Jeffreys, 1830: 333.
● Type locality: Scarborough, York, eastern England.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Kaliningrad Region (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Zoogenetes Morse, 1864
Type species: Helix harpa Say, 1824 (monotypy)
Zoogenetes harpa (Say, 1824)
[= Helix amurensis Gerstfeldt, 1859]
Helix harpa Say, 1824: 256, pl. 15, fig. 1.
● Type locality: North America.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Circumboreal-alpine species. Russia: north of European part, Siberia, Kamchatka, Commander and Kurile islands; to Sikhote-Alin along eastern coast of Asia; single record in Great Caucasus (near
Teberda, 2200 m above sea level) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Planogyra Morse, 1864
Type species: Helix asteriscus Morse, 1857 (monotypy)
Planogyra borealis (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905)
Punctum boreale Pilsbry, Hirase, 1905: 717-718.
● Type locality: Akkeshi, Kushiro (Hokkaido, Japan).
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 90230a.
● Distribution: Shikotan Island (South Kurile Islands) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vallonia Risso, 1826
Type species: Vallonia rosalia Risso, 1826 (= Helix pulchella Müller, 1774) (monotypy)
● Remark: Morelet (1858) described Helix flocculus from vicinities of Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka. This species could belong to Vallonia or Punctum, but its status is uncertain, whereas the type material was not found
(Gerber, 1996).
Vallonia asiatica (Nevill, 1878)
[= Vallonia ladacensis sensu Schileyko, 1984, part]
Helix (Vallonia) costata var. asiatica Nevill, 1878: 4.
● Type locality: «Wakhan» (Afghanistan).
● Lectotype (Gerber, 1996): Zoological Survey of India (Calcutta) No. M23209.
● Distribution: Armenia, mountain regions of Central Asia (Gerber, 1996).
Vallonia chinensis Suzuki, 1944
[= Vallonia chinensis Tokunaga et Naora, 1939, nom. nud.]
Suzuki, 1944: 375, pl. 33, figs. 1-4, 9, 10.
● Type locality: «Kuhsiangtung, Harbin, Manchouko» (China, Manchuria, Haerhpin [Harbin]; fossil).
● Holotype: «Sigenkagaku Kenskyusyo, Tokyo» (after Suzuki, 1944); apparently lost (Gerber, 1996).
● Distribution: the species is known from a single Recent shell collected by Maak on «Amur» (Gerber,
Vallonia costata (Müller, 1774)
[= Vallonia rosalia Risso, 1826]
Helix costata Müller, 1774: 31.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Holarctic (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vallonia enniensis (Gredler, 1856)
[= Helix costellata Sandberger, 1875]
Helix pulchella var. enniensis Gredler, 1856: 56.
● Type locality: «Talgrund des Talfer-Baches bei Bozen» (Trentino-Alto Adige, northern Italy).
● Lectotype (Gerber, 1996): SMF No. 193139a.
● Distribution: Latvia, Transcarpathia, Ciscarpathia, Moscow Region, vicinities of Novorossijsk (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Vallonia excentrica Sterki in Pilsbry, 1893
Pilsbry, 1893: 249-251, pl. 32, figs. 6-9.
● Type locality: USA, New York, Staten Island.
● Lectotype (Pilsbry, 1948): ANSP No. 10080.
● Distribution: species widely but locally distributed over Holarctic territory; presence in Siberia requires
confirmation (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); Kunashir (Kurile Islands) (Pearce et al., 2002).
Vallonia kamtschatica Likharev, 1963
Vallonia cyclophorella kamtschatica Likharev, 1963: 70, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Kamchatka, vicinities of Milkovo.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kamchatka, vicinities of Ayan (Okhotsk Sea coast) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); Siberia
(Daursky Ridge, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sayan Ridge), Kunashir, Simushir (Kurile Islands) (Gerber, 1996).
Vallonia ladacensis (Nevill, 1878)
[= Vallonia miserrima Gude, 1914]
Helix (Vallonia) ladacensis Nevill, 1878: 4.
● Type locality: «Mataian in the Dras valley (Ladak)» (India, Kashmir).
● Lectotype (Rajagopal, Subba Rao, 1972): Zoological Survey of India (Calcutta) No. M18328.
● Distribution: mountain regions of Central Asia (Tien-Shan) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS; Gerber, 1996).
Vallonia mionecton mionecton (O. Boettger, 1889)
Helix (Vallonia) adela var. mionecton Boettger, 1889: 941, pl. 26, fig. 11 a-d.
● Type locality: «Transcaspien. Auf dem Gipfel des Agh-dagh im Kopet-dagh» (northern Iran).
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1969): SMF No. 3738.
● Distribution: Tajikistan: Zeravshan and Hissar Ridges (Gerber, 1996).
Vallonia mionecton schamhalensis Rosen, 1892
Vallonia mionecton var. schamhalensis Rosen, 1892: 125.
● Type locality: «Schamhala in Chorassan» (northern Iran).
● Lectotype (Gerber, 1996): SMF No. 3742a.
● Distribution: Tajikistan/Uzbekistan: Chasret-Sultan Mountains (Gerber, 1996).
Vallonia patens patens Reinhardt, 1883
[= Vallonia costata var. amurensis Sterki in Pilsbry, 1893]
Reinhardt, 1883: 43.
● Type locality: «Powantschan in China (Prov. Chili)» (China, Hebei: «Bao-hwa-shan»).
● Lectotype (Yen, 1939): SMF No. 42466.
● Distribution: besides two records in the Amur valley, the species was also found in forests of Primorye Territory, in vicinities of Vladivostok and on many islands in the Peter the Great Bay (Likharev, Schileyko, MS,
as Vallonia amurensis; Gerber, 1996).
Vallonia peteri Schileyko, 1984
Vallonia tenuilabris peteri Schileyko, 1984: 169, fig. 90 (VI).
● Type locality: Prymorye Territory, Peter the Great Bay, Kozlov Island.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Subspecies found on following islands of Peter the Great Bay: Kozlov, Dva Brata, Verkhovsky, Pakhtusov, Vera (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vallonia pulchella (Müller, 1774)
[= Helix adela Westerlund, 1874]
Helix pulchella Müller, 1774: 30.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Holarctic (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vallonia pulchellula tenerrima Gerber, 1996
Gerber, 1996: 136-137, figs. 2h, 3r, 48d, 52a-c.
● Type locality: Vladivostok, SSE part of Egersheld Peninsula, ca. 200 m from refueling station toward Cape
● Holotype: Zoologische Staatssammlung, München No. 1885/1.
● Distribution: Vladivostok (Gerber, 1996).
Vallonia tenuilabris (Al. Braun, 1843)
Helix tenuilabris Braun, 1843: 143.
● Type locality: «im Löss von Wiesbaden» (Germany, Hessen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Siberia, mountain regions of Central Asia, Amur basin (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vallonia zaru Almuhambetova, 1979
Almuhambetova, 1979: 32, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Central Asia, Zailijskij Ridge, canyon of Turgen River, Tau-Turgen sanatorium.
● Holotype: lost.
● Distribution: type locality.
PUPILLIDAE Turton, 1831
Gibbulinopsis Germain, 1919
Type species: Orthogibbus pupula Deshayes, 1863 (OD)
Gibbulinopsis cryptodon (Heude, 1880)
[= Pupa heudeana Moellendorff, 1884; Pupilla heudeana grandis Moellendorff, 1901]
Pupa cryptodon Heude, 1880a: 77, pl. 18, fig. 20.
● Type locality: «environs de la ville de Houai-ugan» (south-eastern China).
● Syntypes: SMF No. 4601.
● Distribution: islands of Peter the Great Bay (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Gibbulinopsis gracilis (Izatullaev, 1970)
Pupilla gracilis Izzatullaev, 1970a: 53, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Tajikistan, Hissar Ridge, debris of Sardai-Mion River, near Romit settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
● Remark: Species was described from a single shell, so its validity requires confirmation. It cannot be excluded that it is a high form of G. signata, because a reduction of upper palatal fold occurs in some populations of the latter species. Arkhangelsky (1933) reported findings of Pupilla sp. in Samarkand vicinities, on
the River Siab banks, in Urgut and Sary-Mazar. He wrote that it "differs from other Pupilla in size (up to 5
mm), brown color, and oblique, well seen striation". Arkhangelsky distinguished this form from G. signata,
because this species was mentioned separately. Probably, the author dealt with G. gracilis.
Gibbulinopsis interrupta (Reinhardt in Martens, 1876)
Bulimus (Pupilla) interrupta Reinhardt -- Martens, 1876: 367.
● Type locality: Borzhomi.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Central part of Nort Caucasus, Daghestan, central and eastern Transcaucasia (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Gibbulinopsis nanosignata Schileyko et Izatullaev, 1980
Schileyko, Izzatullaev, 1980: 283, fig.
● Type locality: Hissar Ridge, right bank of Iskanderdarja River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern foothills of eastern Turkestan Ridge (Vorukh settlement; also found in debris of Isfara River); Hissar Ridge, near lakes Iskanderkul and Varenkul, on banks of Iskanderdarja River (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Gibbulinopsis signata (Mousson, 1873)
[= ? Pupa armeniaca Issel, 1865; Pupa cristata Martens, 1874; Pupa signata var. parvula Mousson, 1876;
Pupa signata var. cylindrica Mousson, 1876; Pupa diecki Gredler, 1889; Pupa signata var. cyclostoma Westerlund, 1893; Pupa signata var. debilis Westerlund, 1893]
Pupa signata Mousson, 1873: 211-212, pl. 8, fig. 7.
● Type locality: debris of Araks River.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Eastern Transcaucasia, southern Central Asia, south-eastern Kazakhstan (Likharev, Schileyko,
Pupilla Leach, 1828
Type species: Pupa marginata Draparnaud, 1801 (= Turbo muscorum Linnaeus, 1758) (monotypy)
Pupilla alabiella Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 191, figs. 110 (II), 111.
● Type locality: Verkhovsky Island, Peter the Great Bay.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: two small rocky islands in the Peter the Great Bay (Verkhovsky and Dva Brata) (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Pupilla anzobica Izzatullaev, 1970
Izzatullaev, 1970: 54, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Hissar Ridge, Anzob mountain pass (3450-3500 m above sea level).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Pupilla bigranata (Rossmässler, 1839)
Pupa bigranata Rossmässler, 1839: 27, fig. 645.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: lost (R. Janssen, pers. comm.).
● Distribution: West Ukraine, valleys of some tributaries of the Volga (Moscow River, Oka); southern parts
of Ural with adjacent territories of Kazakhstan and West Siberia; mountain areas of Central Asia and southern Kazakhstan; several records in East and North Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pupilla bipapulata Akramowski, 1947
Akramowski, 1947: 255.
● Type locality: Armenia, Abovyan Region, Gegart.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: South and south-eastern Armenia: Azat River basin to Daralagez to Kafan and Megrin regions
(Akramowski, 1976).
Pupilla gallae Tzvetkov, 1940
Tzvetkov, 1940a: 384.
● Type locality: South Kazakhstan, Zailijskij Ridge, Issyk ravine, 50 km eastward of Alma-Ata.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-3350.
● Distribution: mountain systems of south-eastern Kazakhstan and north-eastern Kirgizia: Zailijskij, Terskei,
and, probably, Kungei ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pupilla inequidenta Schileyko et Almuhambetova in Almuhambetova, 1979
Almuhambetova, 1979: 30, fig. 1.
● Type locality: floodplain of Aksai River, Zailijskij Ridge.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-21492.
● Distribution: several localities in Zailijskij Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pupilla inops (Reinhardt, 1877)
[= Pupilla muscorum var. caucasica O. Boettger, 1879]
Pupa triplicata var. inops Reinhardt, 1877a: 79, pl. 3, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Borzhomi.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pupilla limata Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 193, figs. 110 (I), 112.
● Type locality: Chukchi Peninsula, vicinities of Markovo.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: two localities in Chukchi Peninsula: vicinities of Markovo and bank of the Amguema River
along Egvekinot-Iultin road (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pupilla muscorum (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Pupa marginata Draparnaud, 1801; Pupa unidentata C. Pfeiffer, 1821 non Studer, 1820; ? Pupa cupa Jan,
1832; Pupa muscorum f. albina Menke, 1830; Pupa muscorum f. edentula Menke, 1830; Pupa muscorum
var. pratensis Clessin, 1871; Pupa muscorum var. lundstromi Westerlund, 1876; Pupa muscorum var. caucasia O. Boettger, 1880; Pupa muscorum var. glis Westerlund, 1893; Pupa muscorum asiatica Moellendorff,
1901; Pupilla muscorum var. milaschevitschi Lindholm, 1911]
Turbo muscorum Linnaeus, 1758: 767.
● Type locality: Sweden.
● Syntype: BMNH.
● Distribution: Holarctic (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pupilla sterri (Voith in Fürnrohr, 1840)
[= Pupa cupa auct., non Jan, 1832; Pupa cupa var. carpathica Kimarowicz, 1890; Pupilla wolfae Tzvetkov,
Pupa sterri Voith -- Fürnrohr, 1840: 469.
● Type locality: Regensburg, Bayern.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Caucasus (vicinities of Tbilisi); Carpathians (Baidashnikov, 1985); Central Asia (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Pupilla striopolita Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 188, fig. 106.
● Type locality: Tien-Shan, Chatkal Ridge, Kasankai River bank near Ala-Buka village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Central Asia: Chatkal, Talas, Kirgiz, Zailijskij ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pupilla triplicata (Studer, 1820)
[= ? Pupa triplicata var. luxurians Reinhardt, 1877; Pupa triplicata var. suboviformis O. Boettger, 1879;
Pupa triplicata var. cylindrata O. Boettger, 1879]
Glischrus (Pupa) triplicata Studer, 1820: 89.
● Type locality: "Kt. Waadt bei Bex-Vieux", Switzerland.
● Lectotype (Forcart, 1957): NMBE.
● Distribution: Carpathians; Crimea; isolated populations in basins of the Don (Novocherkassk), Volga, and
Oka; North Caucasus and Transcaucasia; Central Asia, southern Kazakhstan, southern Altai; most eastern
record -- on Baikal shore, near Cape Krestovsky (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pupilla turcmenica O. Boettger, 1889
Pupa (Pupilla) cupa var. turcmenica Boettger, 1889: 958, pl. 26, fig. 3a-c.
● Type locality: Kopetdagh, Ag-Dagh Mountain;
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Central Asia (Kopetdagh, Hissar, Kirgiz, Zailijskij ridges) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pupoides L. Pfeiffer, 1854
Type species: Bulimus nitidulus L. Pfeiffer, 1839 (SD Kobelt, 1880)
Pupoides coenopictus (Hutton, 1834)
Pupa coenopicta Hutton, 1834: 85.
● Type locality: India, Bombay.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: species found in debris of the Vakhsh River near "Tigrovaya Balka" Reserve; probably occurring in basin of middle or upper reaches of this river (southern Tajikistan) (Izzatullaev, 1970b; Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Gastrocopta Wollaston, 1878
Type species: Pupa acarus Benson, 1856 (OD)
Gastrocopta huttoniana (Benson, 1849)
[= Pupa theeli Westerlund, 1898, non Westerlund, 1877]
Pupa huttoniana Benson, 1849: 126.
● Type locality: Simla (Himalayas, North India).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: species repeatedly found in debris of Kafirnigan River near Dushanbe. Apparently, mollusks
live in this river valley, between Hissar and Karategin ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Gastrocopta theeli (Westerlund, 1876)
[= Pupa denudata Mousson, 1887; Gastrocopta coreana Pilsbry, 1916]
Pupa theeli Westerlund, 1876a: 102, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Mikulino, vicinities of Yeniseisk.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): SMNH No. 1657.
● Distribution: species distributed patchily: South Primorye, vicinities of Yeniseisk and Chelyabinsk, South
Altai, Kirgiz Ridge; basins of Kura and Rioni rivers (found in debris); highland of Daghestan (Botlikh) and
North Caucasus (middle reaches of Chegem River) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo Müller, 1774
Type species: Vertigo pusilla Müller, 1774 (monotypy)
Vertigo antivertigo (Draparnaud, 1801)
[= Turbo sexdentatus Montagu, 1803; Alaea palustris Jeffreys, 1830; Vertigo sinuata Mousson, 1873]
Pupa antivertigo Draparnaud, 1801: 57.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Types: probably in NHMV.
● Distribution: Most part of Palearctic: eastward to Transbaikalia inclusive, northward to zone of tundra
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo circumlabiata Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 208, fig. 129.
● Type locality: Kunashir Island, vicinities of Sernovodsk City (South Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (South Kurile Islands), Okhotsk Sea coast near Ayan (Likharev, Schileyko,
Vertigo eogea Pilsbry, 1919
Pilsbry, 1919: 151-152, pl. 14, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Akkeshi, Kushiro, Yesso (Hokkaido, Japan).
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 87899a.
● Distribution: Paramushir, Shumshu, Atlasova Islands (Kurile Islands) (Kuroda, Koba, 1933).
Vertigo extima (Westerlund, 1876)
[= Vertigo modesta ultima Pilsbry, 1919]
Pupa (Vertigo) arctica var. extima Westerlund, 1876a: 42.
● Type locality: Baklanikha on the Yenisei.
● Lectotype (Waldén, 1986): SMNH Westerlund collection No. 8: 145.
● Distribution: Yenisei (vicinities of Baklanikha) and Ob (Pokur settlement, Surgut District, Tyumen Region)
basins, Chukchi Peninsula (Amguema and Lavrentiya rivers) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo hirasei Pilsbry, 1901
Pilsbry, 1901b: 128.
● Type locality: «Yanagawa, prov. Chikugo, Kiusiu» (Kyushu, Japan).
● Lectotype (Pilsbry, 1919): ANSP No. 79738a.
● Distribution: Shikotan Island (South Kurile Islands) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo hydrophila (Reinhardt, 1877)
Pupa (Vertigo) hydrophila Reinhardt, 1877b: 323, pl. 11, fig. 6.
● Type locality: «Hakotade insulae Yesso» (Hokkaido, Japan).
● Syntype: ZMB No. 28178.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands (Iturup, Kunashir) (Pearce et al., 2002).
Vertigo japonica Pilsbry et Hirase, 1904
[= Vertigo coreana Pilsbry, 1919; Vertigo tosana Pilsbry, 1919]
Pilsbry, Hirase, 1904a: 118.
● Type locality: Ikushagawa, Oshima Islands, Japan.
● Holotype: ANSP No. 85746a.
● Distribution: South Primorye, South Kurile Islands, coast of Tatar Strait (vicinities of Vanino) and Okhotsk
Sea (Ayan) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo kushiroensis Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905
Vertigo hirasei kushiroensis Pilsbry, Hirase, 1905: 718.
● Type locality: Akkeshi, Kushiro (Hokkaido, Japan).
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 90223a.
● Distribution: Shikotan Island (South Kurile Islands) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo microsphaera Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 210, fig. 132.
● Type locality: Podutesnaya Bay, Bering Island.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Bering Island (Commander Islands), Shikotan and Kunashir Islands (Kurile Islands)
(Schileyko, 1984; Pearce et al., 2002).
Vertigo modesta modesta (Say, 1824)
[= Pupa hoppii Møller, 1842; Pupa shuttleworthiana L. Pfeiffer, 1847; Pupa decora Gould, 1848; Pupa
genesii Gredler, 1856; Pupa borealis Morelet, 1858; Vertigo arctica Wallenberg, 1858; Pupa ronnebyensis
Westerlund, 1871; Pupa inermis Westerlund, 1877 non Deshayes, 1863; Vertigo geyeri Lindholm, 1925; Vertigo westerlundi Pilsbry, 1922]
Pupa modesta Say, 1824: 259, pl. 15, fig. 5.
● Type locality: vicinities of Lake Superior (NW North America).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: north of Eurasia including West and East Siberia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); Kurile Islands
(Pearce et al., 2002).
Vertigo modesta alpestris Alder, 1838
Vertigo alpestris Alder, 1838: 340.
● Type locality: Northumberland, England.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Crimea (Chatyrdagh), Siberia, Sikhote-Alin with foothills (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo moulinsiana (Dupuy, 1849)
[= Pupa laevigata Kokeil in Gallenstein, 1852; Vertigo ventrosa Heynemann, 1862; Pupa lilljeborgi Westerlund, 1868; Pupa küsteriana Westerlund, 1875]
Pupa moulinsiana Dupuy, 1849: [3], No. 284.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East-European Plain, to Lithuania in the north, Volga River in the east and southern Armenia
in the South (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo pseudosubstriata Ložek, 1954
[= Vertigo laevis Uvalieva, 1967]
Ložek, 1954: 327, pl. 1, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Czechia, Moravia region, excavation of Paleolithic settlement in Dolni Vestonice above
River Dyi.
● Holotype: Geological Institute, Prague. ???? (ÖГÈ)
● Distribution: South Altai and Zailijskij, Jungar, Terskei ranges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo pusilla Müller, 1774
[= Vertigo heterostropha Leach in Turton, 1831]
Müller, 1774: 124.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East-European Plain, eastward to the Volga, northward to approximately 60º N; Caucasus,
North Kazakhstan, Altai (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo pygmaea (Draparnaud, 1801)
[= Alaea vulgaris Jeffreys, 1830]
Pupa pygmaea Draparnaud, 1801: 57.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Syntypes: NHMV.
● Distribution: East-European Plain, to Lithuania in the north, Volga River in the east and southern Armenia
in the south (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo sieversi (O. Boettger, 1879)
[= Pupa (Vertigo) sieversi var. punctum O. Boettger, 1880; Pupa (Vertigo) sieversi var. subalpestris O.
Boettger, 1880; Pupa (Vertigo) sieversi var. substriata Likharev et Rammelmeyer, 1952]
Pupa (Vertigo) sieversi Boettger, 1879b: 407-408, pl. 10, figs. 6, 7.
● Type locality: «Tabizhuri» (vicinities of Tabatzkuri Lake, South Georgia, Trialeti Ridge)
● Holotype: unknown.
● Distribution: Species widely but locally distributed in central and western parts of North Caucasus and
Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertigo substriata (Jeffreys, 1830)
[= Pupa curta Held, 1837; Pupa striata Reeve, 1863; Pupa pygmaea var. nitidula Mousson, 1876; Pupa substriata var. mitis O. Boettger, 1880; Alaea substriata f. viridana Lindholm, 1910]
Alaea substriata Jeffreys, 1830: 515.
● Type locality: England, Burnstaple.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East-European Plane, except nothernmost areas, North Caucasus and Georgia; an isolated part
of range in Altai (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vertilla Moquin-Tandon, 1855
Type species: Vertigo plicata A. Müller, 1838 (= Vertigo angustior Jeffreys, 1830) (SD Pilsbry, 1929)
Vertilla angustior (Jeffreys, 1830)
[= Vertigo hamata Held, 1837; Vertigo plicata A. Müller, 1838]
Vertigo angustior Jeffreys, 1830: 361.
● Type locality: "Marino near Swansea" (England).
● Types: unknown. ???
● Distribution: Lithuania, Estonia, Russia (Leningrad, Moscow, Nizhnyi Novgorod, Kirov regions, Tatarstan), western Byelorussia and Ukraine, mountain Crimea, North Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Columella Westerlund, 1878
Type species: Pupa inornata Clessin, 1872 (= Pupa edentula Draparnaud, 1805) (SD Westerlund, 1887)
Columella acicularis Almuhambetova, 1979
Almuhambetova, 1979: 31, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Zailijskij Ridge, Tau-Turgen Valley.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Columella aspera Waldén, 1966
Waldén, 1966: 53, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Västmanland, Linde Kirchspiel, im Nadewald ö Siggebohyttan [Sweden].
● Holotype: NMG.
● Distribution: Valdai Hills (Shikov, 1979).
Columella columella (G. Martens, 1830)
[= Pupa gredleri Clessin, 1872; Pupa regularis Westerlund, 1898]
Pupa columella Martens, 1830: 171.
● Type locality: «Württemberg, zwischen Heslach und Kalten Thal bei Stuttgart».
● Lectotype (Forcart, 1959): NMB No. 5900a.
● Distribution: mountain Crimea, Transcaucasia (vicinities of Kadjaran, Armenia and Kaputdjukh Mount,
Lesser Caucasus), mountain systems of Central Asia, Siberia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Columella edentula (Draparnaud, 1805)
[= Vertigo lepidula Held, 1837; Pupa inornata m. turritella Westerlund, 1875; Pupa edentula f. nana O.
Boettger, 1880]
Pupa edentula Draparnaud, 1805: 59-60, pl. 3, figs. 28, 29.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Lectotype (Pocryszko, 1990; as «Typus»): NHMV.
● Distribution: East-European Plain (except for steppe area), Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Central Asia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); Kurile Islands (Pearce et al., 2002).
Columella intermedia Schileyko et Almuhambetova in Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 219, fig. 139 (III).
● Type locality: Talasskij Ridge, Bakhrausu ravine.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Truncatellina Lowe, 1852
Type species: Pupa linearis Lowe, 1852 (monotypy)
Truncatellina callicratis (Scacchi, 1833)
[= Pupa rivierana Benson, 1854; Pupa laevistriata Retowski, 1888]
Turbo callicratis Scacchi, 1833: 11.
● Type locality: Naples, Botanical Garden [Italy].
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Kopetdagh, mountain areas of eastern Central Asia, South
Altai (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Truncatellina claustralis (Gredler, 1856)
[= Pupa claustralis var. anodus Gredler, 1856; Pupa clavella Reinhardt, 1877]
Pupa claustralis Gredler, 1856: 116, pl. 2, fig. 1a-c.
● Type locality: Sallegg [Tirol, Austria].
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ciscarpathia, Crimea, Central Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Truncatellina costulata (Nilsson, 1822)
[= Pupa ascaniensis Schmidt, 1849]
Pupa costulata Nilsson, 1822: 51.
● Type locality: «Ad Esperöd Scaniae».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East-European Plain: eastward to the Volga, northward approximately to Estonia-MoscowUljyanovsk line; Crimea, Transcaucasia, Central Asia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Truncatellina cylindrica (Férussac, 1807)
[= Pupa minutissima Hartmann, 1821; Vertigo pupila Held, 1837; Pupa micula Mousson, 1876; Truncatellina cylindrica var. costigerella Lindholm, 1926; Truncatellina tauricola Lindholm, 1926]
Vertigo cylindrica Férussac, 1807: 52.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Syntypes: MNHN.
● Distribution: East-European Plain: northward to Estonia, Moscow Region, eastward to South Ural; southward to Carpathians, Crimea, North Caucasus, Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrina Reichenbach, 1828
Type species: Bulimus avenaceus Bruguière, 1792 (SD Reichenbach, 1836)
Chondrina amphorula Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 231, figs. 148 (III), 150.
● Type locality: vicinities of Verkhnee Inkhelo village, near Karata settlement, Daghestan.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-25327.
● Distribution: Daghestan, North Caucasus (valleys of rivers Chegem and Terek), Armenia (Idzhevan District).
Chondrina clienta clienta (Westerlund, 1883)
[= Glischrus hordeus Studer, 1820, nom. oblit.; Pupa avenacea var. paucidens Westerlund, 1887; Pupa subhordeum Westerlund, 1887]
Pupa avenacea var. clienta Westerlund, 1883a: 60.
● Type locality: «Choè im Tatra Gebirge».
● Lectotype (Gittenberger, 1973): NMG No. 2174.
● Distribution: Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrina clienta caucasica Ehrmann, 1931
Ehrmann, 1931: 19, pl. 1, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Lechkhum Ridge (south slopes of Great Caucasus).
● Lectotype (Gittenberger, 1973): SMF No. 44091a.
● Distribution: mountain Crimea and Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrina granum (Draparnaud, 1801)
[= Pupa profuga Westerlund, 1898]
Pupa granum Draparnaud, 1801: 59.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Lectotype (Gittenberger, 1973): NHMV No. 77707.
● Distribution: East Transcaucasia, West Kopetdagh, Great Balkhan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrina rhodia taurica (Kessler, 1860)
Pupa taurica Kessler, 1860: 226.
● Type locality: vicinities of Yalta, Crimea.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain Crimea (mostly southern slopes) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Granaria Held, 1837
Type species: Pupa frumentum Draparnaud, 1801 (SD Herrmannsen, 1847)
Granaria frumentum (Draparnaud, 1801)
[= Pupa frumentum var. minor Rossmässler, 1837; Pupa frumentum var. elongata Rossmässler, 1837]
Pupa frumentum Draparnaud, 1801: 59.
● Type locality: not stated (France-- from title).
● Lectotype (Gittenberger, 1973): NHMV No. 77703.
● Distribution: Ukraine: Carpathians, Ciscarpathia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pyramidula Fitzinger, 1833
Type species: Helix rupestris Draparnaud, 1801 (monotypy)
Pyramidula rupestris (Draparnaud, 1801)
[= Helix saxatilis Hartmann, 1821; Euryomphalia umbilicata Beck, 1837; Helix spinula Villa, 1841; Helix
rupestris var. trochoides Moquin-Tandon, 1855; Pyramidula przevalskii Lindholm, 1922]
Helix rupestris Draparnaud, 1801: 71-72.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Volyno-Podolsk Hills, East Carpathians, mountain Crimea, Caucasus, Central Asia (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Akramowskiella Schileyko, 1984
Type species: Buliminus umbrosus Mousson, 1873 (OD)
Akramowskiella andronakii (Lindholm, 1913)
Buliminus (Ena) andronakii Lindholm, 1913: 20.
● Type locality: Artvin, northeastern Turkey.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: ? Adzharia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Akramowskiella schuschaensis (Kobelt, 1902)
Buliminus (Ena) schuschaensis Kobelt, 1902: 727, pl. 107, figs. 9, 10.
● Type locality: vicinities of Shusha, Nagornyi Karabakh.
● Types: SMF No. 10702 ("lectotype"), 10703/10 ("paralectotypes").
● Distribution: eastern part of Lesser Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Akramowskiella umbrosa (Mousson, 1873)
[= Buliminus talyschanus O. Boettger, 1880; Buliminus obscurus var. humberti Rosen, 1901; Buliminus hyrcanus Lindholm, 1915]
Buliminus umbrosus Mousson, 1873: 205-206, pl. 8, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Borzhomi.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: North Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Differena Schileyko, 1984
Type species: Differena leucostoma Schileyko, 1984 (OD)
Differena leucostoma Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 316, figs. 225, 226.
● Type locality: Kyapaz Mount, north part of Mrovdagh Ridge in eastern part of Lesser Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Geminula Lindholm, 1925
Type species: Buliminus didymodus O. Boettger, 1880 (= Bulimus isseliana Bourguignat in Issel, 1865) (OD)
Geminula continens (Rosen, 1892)
[= Chondrus natalensis Samadov, 1952]
Buliminus (Amphiscopus) continens Rosen, 1892: 125-126.
● Type locality: «Schamhala und Kasandshik» (northwestern Kopetdagh).
● Syntypes: SMF No. 64121.
● Distribution: Great Balkhan, Kopetdagh, Zeravshan, Nurat and Hissar ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Geminula isseliana (Bourguignat in Issel, 1865)
[= Bulimus ghilanensis Bourguignat in Issel, 1865; Chondrus nucifragus Mousson, 1873 non L. Pfeiffer,
1848; Buliminus didymodus O. Boettger, 1880; Buliminus callilabris O. Boettger, 1889; Buliminus tardigyrus
Westerlund, 1896]
Bulimus isselianus Bourguignat -- Issel, 1865: 421-422, pl. 2, figs. 37-40.
● Type locality: «Lago Goktscha in Armenia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: north slopes of Lesser Caucasus, to Khanlar in the west; middle reaches of Araks River valley
to Dzhvezh in the west; mountain steppes of Talysh (Zuvand); Kopetdagh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Imparietula Lindholm, 1925
Type species: Bulimus leucodon L. Pfeiffer, 1846 (OD)
Imparietula brevior (Mousson, 1876)
[= Chondrula brevior var. viator Westerlund, 1897]
Buliminus brevior Mousson, 1876a: 34-35, pl. 2, fig. 5.
● Type locality: upper reaches of Araks River.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Armenia (near Lichk village and vicinities of Gyumri (former Leninakan)), ? northern slopes
of Lesser Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Imparietula schelkovnikovi (Rosen, 1914)
[= Buliminus königi Retowski, 1914]
Buliminus schelkovnikovi Rosen, 1914: 188, pl. 2, fig. 9.
● Type locality: Boz-Dagh Mount near Evlakh.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Boz-Dagh Mount and vicinities of Khudat (northwestern Great Caucasus) (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Laevozebrinus Lindholm, 1925
Type species: Buliminus urgutensis Kobelt, 1902 (OD)
Laevozebrinus eremita (Reeve, 1849)
[= Buliminus kuschakewitzi Ancey, 1886; Buliminus kuschakewitzi var. candisata Ancey, 1886; Buliminus
bonvallotianus Ancey, 1886; Buliminus potaninianus Ancey, 1886; Buliminus eremita var. hepatica Ancey,
1887; Buliminus eremita var. procera Ancey, 1887; Buliminus eremita var. germabensis O. Boettger, 1889;
Buliminus (Petraeus) walteri O. Boettger, 1889; Buliminus kuschakewitzi var. funki Ancey, 1893; Buliminus
eremita var. solivagus Westerlund, 1896; Buliminus bonvallotianus var. colorata Ancey, 1902]
Bulimus eremita Reeve, 1849: pl. 78, sp. 573.
● Type locality: Afghanistan, «on ... march from the Bolun Pass to Cabul».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Kopetdagh, western Tajikistan, Ferghana Valley and adjacent ridges (Likharev, Schileyko,
Laevozebrinus guttula (Muratov, 1992)
Pseudonapaeus guttula Muratov, 1992: 39-42, fig. 2.
● Type locality: southwestern Kopetdagh, between Sumbar and Chandyr rivers, 10 km south of Kara-Kala.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-16590.
● Distribution: Kopetdagh, basins of Sumbar and Chandyr rivers (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Laevozebrinus lenis Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 305, figs. 215 (III), 218.
● Type locality: Karatau Ridge, 50 km northeast of Turkestan City.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Karatau Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Laevozebrinus ufjalvyanus (Ancey, 1886)
[= Subzebrinus prochorovi Lindholm, 1927)
Buliminus ufjalvyanus Ancey, 1886a: 38-40.
● Type locality: «Khanat de Kokhand» (Ferghana Valley).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ferghana Valley, Ferghana, Chatkal and Alai ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Laevozebrinus urgutensis (Kobelt, 1902)
Buliminus ? urgutensis Kobelt, 1902: 21, pl. 248, fig. 1606.
● Type locality: Urgut, Samarkand Region.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1959-1960): SMF No. 150811.
● Distribution: Urgut, Samarkand Region (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Ljudmilena Schileyko, 1984
Type species: Chondrus sieversi Mousson, 1873 (OD)
Ljudmilena sieversi (Mousson, 1873)
[= Buliminus hoplites Westerlund, 1890; Buliminus adjaricus Retowski, 1914; Buliminus araxena Lindholm,
1923; Buliminus acampsica Lindholm, 1923]
Chondrus sieversi Mousson, 1873: 207-208, pl. 7, fig. 6.
● Type locality: debris of Araks River.
● Syntype: ZMZ No. 514143.
● Distribution: Adzharia, South Armenia, Nakhichevan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Ljudmilena tricollis (Mousson, 1876)
[= Buliminus tricollis var. excellens Retowski, 1889; Buliminus armeniacus Ancey, 1893 non Mortillet, 1854;
Chondrula excellens var. duodecimgyrata Lindholm, 1923; Chondrula carseana Lindholm, 1923]
Chondrus tricollis Mousson, 1876b: 141, pl. 5, fig. 2.
● Type locality: «Azhuz» (Atzkuri), Kura River valley.
● Syntype: ZMZ No. 514074.
● Distribution: local records in southern Transcaucasia except its eastern areas (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Mastoides Westerlund, 1896
Type species: Buliminus albocostatus Westerlund, 1896 (monotypy)
Mastoides albocostatus (Westerlund, 1896)
[= Buliminus albocostatus var. distortus Westerlund, 1896]
Buliminus (Mastoides) albocostatus Westerlund, 1896: 192.
● Type locality: Arslanbob, Ferghana Ridge.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: vicinities of Arslanbob, Ferghana Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Mastoides orloffensis (Kobelt, 1905)
[= Buliminus albocostatus Ancey, 1902 non Westerlund, 1896]
Buliminus (Mastoides) albocostatus orloffensis Kobelt, 1905: 19, fig. 1972 (nom. nov. pro Buliminus albocostatus Ancey, 1902 non Westerlund, 1896).
● Type locality: Karagoin ravine, Talas River valley.
● Syntypes: ZMMU Nos. Lc-21493, Lc-14565.
● Distribution: Talas River valley (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Ottorosenia Muratov, 1992
Type species: Buliminus (Subzebrinus) varenzovi Rosen, 1893 (OD)
Ottorosenia varenzovi (Rosen, 1893)
[= ?Buliminus miser var. misellus Westerlund, 1896]
Buliminus (Subzebrinus) varenzovi Rosen, 1893: 179.
● Type locality: Kopetdagh, Gaudan mountain pass.
● Lectotype (Muratov, 1992): ZIN.
● Distribution: Kopetdagh and (?) Turkestan Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudochondrula Hesse, 1933
Type species: Buliminus florenskii Rosen, 1914 (= Pupa seductilis Rossmässler, 1837) (OD)
Pseudochondrula lederi (O.Boettger, 1883)
[= Buliminus lederi var. limis Westerlund, 1887]
Buliminus lederi Boettger, 1883: 177, pl. 7, fig. 1.
● Type locality: vicinities of Esheri village, north of Sukhumi, Svanetia, Georgia.
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: locally on Great Caucasus, except for eastern part, and northern slopes of Lesser Caucasus
(Bakuriani) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudochondrula seductilis (Rossmässler, 1837)
[= Buliminus seductilis var. armeniaca Mortillet, 1854; Chondrus scapus var. destitutus Mousson, 1873;
Chondrus sagax var. destituta Mousson, 1873; Buliminus komarowi O. Boettger, 1880; Buliminus (Chondrula) incertus Retowski, 1883; Buliminus florenskii Rosen, 1914; Buliminus (Chondrula) lindholmi Retowski, 1915]
Pupa seductilis Rossmässler, 1837: 10, pl. 23, figs. 306, 307.
● Type locality: Dalmatia.
● Syntypes: SMF Nos. 237088 ("lectotype"), 237089/1 ("paralectotype").
● Distribution: southwestern Georgia (Batumi) and Armenia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudochondrula sinistrorsa Kokotschashvili et Schileyko in Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 294, figs. 205 (V), 208 (IV).
● Type locality: western Georgia, southwestern Suram Ridge, Lashe village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Pseudochondrula tetrodon (Mortillet, 1854)
[= Buliminus (Chondrula) diffusus Mousson, 1876; Buliminus (Chondrula) kollyi Retowski, 1889]
Buliminus tetrodon Mortillet, 1854: 11, pl. 1, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Ispir, vilayet Erzurum, Turkey.
● Syntypes: MHNG.
● Distribution: Georgia (Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Borzhomi) and southern Armenia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudochondrula tuberifera (O. Boettger, 1879)
[= Buliminus lederi var. limis Westerlund, 1887]
Buliminus (Chondrula) tuberifer Boettger, 1879a: 22-23, pl. 1, fig. 9.
● Type locality: Kazbek and Kobi.
● Syntype: ZMB No. 31251
● Distribution: Kazbek, vicinities of Kobi, Suram Ridge, North Osetia (Zrug ravine), western Great Caucasus
(Pregradnaya settlement on Urup River) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus Westerlund, 1887
Type species: Buliminus asiaticus Martens, 1881 (SD Lindholm, 1922)
Pseudonapaeus albiplicatus (Martens, 1874)
[= Buliminus przevalskii Ancey, 1886; Buliminus ferghanensis Kobelt, 1890; Buliminus retteri Rosen, 1897;
Buliminus albiplicatus f. implicata Westerlund, 1898; Subzebrinus flammulatus Lindholm, 1927]
Buliminus albiplicatus Martens, 1874: 20, pl. 2, fig. 15.
● Type locality: Tashkent.
● Lectotype (Kilias, 1971): ZMB No. 22399a.
● Distribution: entire Tien-Shan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus aptychus (Ancey, 1886)
[= Buliminus aptychus var. capusiana Ancey, 1886]
Buliminus aptychus Ancey, 1886b: 334.
● Type locality: «Wjernoje (Semiretschinsk)» (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Zailijskij Ridge (Kazakhstan) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus asiaticus (Martens, 1881)
[= Buliminus vamberyi Ancey, 1886; Buliminus komarovi Kobelt, 1890 non O. Boettger, 1880; Buliminus
turanicus Ancey, 1893]
Buliminus asiaticus Martens, 1881 (1880-1881): 29, pl. 6, figs. 12-14.
● Type locality: «Kuldsha» (Ining (Kuldja), northwest China).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: northeastern and eastern Central Asia and East Kazakhstan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus bacillus Kuznetsov, 1999
Kuznetsov, 1999: 108-109, fig. 5.
● Type locality: Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata Region, Kaskelen District, Zailijskij Alatau Ridge, left side of Aksai
River valley, 300 m upstream from pioneer camp «Leninetz», lower part of eastern slope above earth road.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-24067.
● Distribution: northern slope of Zailijskij Alatau Ridge (northern Tien-Shan) (Kuznetsov, 1999).
Pseudonapaeus chodschendicus (Mukhitdinov, 1976)
Chondrulopsina chodschendicus Mukhitdinov, 1976: 39, fig. 1A, 2A.
● Type locality: Kuraminskij Ridge, vicinities of Asht village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kuraminskij Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus diplus (Westerlund, 1896)
Buliminus (Pseudopetraeus) diplus Westerlund, 1896: 191.
● Type locality: Ferghana Ridge, Arslanbob.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): NMG No. 2018.
● Distribution: Ferghana Ridge (Arslanbob and Kyzyl-Ungur) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus dissimilis (Martens, 1882)
[= Buliminus ferghanensis Kobelt, 1890; Buliminus retteri Rosen, 1897; Buliminus albiplicatus f. implicata
Westerlund, 1898; Subzebrinus flammulatus Lindholm, 1927]
Buliminus dissimilis Martens, 1882b: 106.
● Type locality: Arasan-Bulak (Alma-Ata Region, Kazakhstan).
● Lectotype (Kilias, 1971): ZMB No. 101575a.
● Distribution: foothills of Zailijskij, Kungei, Terskei ridges, upper reaches of Naryn River (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus drymaeus (Westerlund, 1896)
Buliminus (Chondrulopsis) drymaeus Westerlund, 1896: 194.
● Type locality: Ferghana Ridge, Arslanbob.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: western Ferghana Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus eleonorae (Tzvetkov, 1940)
Ena (Subzebrinus) eleonorae Tzvetkov, 1940a: 386-387.
● Type locality: Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata Region, Dzhambul District, Kastek Ridge, Uzun-Agach River gorge,
Alayak pasture.
● Lectotype (Kuznetsov, 1999): ZMMU No. Lc-24068.
● Distribution: western parts of Kyungei Ala-Too and Kastek ridges, eastern Kirgiz Ala-Too Ridge (northern
Tien-Shan) (Kuznetsov, 1999).
Pseudonapaeus entodon (Martens, 1882)
[= Buliminus entodon var. dextroversa Ancey, 1886]
Buliminus entodon Martens, 1882b: 106.
● Type locality: near Vernyi City (= Alma-Ata), foothills of Zailijiskij Alatau Ridge.
● Syntype: ZMB No. 101576.
● Distribution: northern slopes of Zailijskij, Kastek, Kirgiz Ala-Too ridges (northern Tien-Shan) (Kuznetsov,
Pseudonapaeus entoptyx (Lindholm, 1925)
Buliminus entoptyx Lindholm, 1925a: 32.
● Type locality: Kara-Su, Ferghana Ridge.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ferghana, western Talas (Aksu-Djabagly natural reserve), Pskem and Ugam ridges (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus errans (Westerlund, 1896)
[= Buliminus costatus Clessin, 1894; Buliminus merzbacheri Weber, 1913]
Buliminus (Mastoides) errans Westerlund, 1896: 193.
● Type locality: along Kugart River, near Taranbazar.
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Ferghana Ridge: near Taranbazar and Nara-Alma River (tributary of Kugart [= Koek-Art]
River) valley (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus galinae (Tzvetkov, 1940)
Ena galinae Tzvetkov, 1940a: 386.
● Type locality: foothills of Zailijskij Alatau Ridge near Alma-Ata, slope of river near State farm of NKVD
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZMMU No. Lc-3773.
● Distribution: foothills of Zailijskij Ridge (Kazakhstan) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
● Remark: Izzatullaev (1991) recorded a Chinese species, Buliminus saccatus Moellendorff, 1901, from Terskei Ridge. However, the description and figure much better correspond to P. galinae than to P. saccatus, and
the described species is most probably a form of variability of P. galinae.
Pseudonapaeus goldfussi (Kobelt, 1893)
Buliminus (Chondrula?) goldfussi Kobelt, 1893: 82, pl. 171, fig. 1102.
● Type locality: Alai Ridge.
● Holotype: SMF No. 156686.
● Distribution: Ferghana and Alai ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus herzensteini (Ancey, 1886)
[= Buliminus herzensteini var. strophostoma Ancey, 1886; Buliminus herzensteini var. pellucens Ancey,
Buliminus herzensteini Ancey, 1886a: 23-24.
● Type locality: eastern part of Russian Turkestan.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Zailijskij, Kungei and Terskei ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus izzatullaevi Kuznetsov, 1999
Kuznetsov, 1999: 102-103, fig. 1 A, B, C.
● Type locality: Uzbekistan, Surkhan-Darya Region, southern slope of Hissar Ridge, Khopzada River gorge.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-24065.
● Distribution: type locality (Kuznetsov, 1999).
Pseudonapaeus kasnakowi (Westerlund, 1898)
Buliminus (Brephulus) kasnakowi Westerlund, 1898: 163.
● Type locality: Vakhsh valley.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): NMG No. 1806.
● Distribution: Hissaro-Darvaz ridge system (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus leucopleurus (Lindholm, 1927)
?Subzebrinus leucopleurus Lindholm, 1927d: 258.
● Type locality: Chatkal Ridge, vicinities of Sary-Chelek Lake.
● Syntypes: ZIN, ZMMU No. Lc-15132.
● Distribution: type locality.
Pseudonapaeus leucoptychus (Ancey, 1886)
[= Buliminus costatus Clessin, 1894; Buliminus merzbacheri Weber, 1913]
Buliminus leucoptychus Ancey, 1886b: 336.
● Type locality: «fleuves Fekkes et Naryn-Kol» (rivers Tekes and Narynkol).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Chu River valley, vicinities of Issyk-Kul Lake, East Kirgizia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus lindholmi Kuznetsov, 1999
Kuznetsov, 1999: 103-105, fig. 2 A, B, C.
● Type locality: Kirgizia, Chu Region, Alamedi District, Kirgiz Alo-Too Ridge, northwest of Chon-Kurchak
village, 200 m northwest of automobile bridge, floodland of left bank of Chon-Kurchak River.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-24063.
● Distribution: Kirgiz Ala-Too, Zailijskij Alatau, Kyungei Ala-Too ridges (northern Tien-Shan) (Kuznetsov,
Pseudonapaeus miser (Martens, 1874)
Buliminus miser Martens, 1874: 21-22, pl. 2, fig. 17.
● Type locality: Auchi-Dagana valley on the road from Ura-Tyube to mountain pass leading to Zaravshan
valley (northern foothills of Turkestan Ridge).
● Holotype: unknown.
● Distribution: Turkestan, Hissar, Alai, Ferghana, Chatkal, Kirgiz, Zailijskij ridges; Tarbagatai, western Altai
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus naykatikus Pazylov in Pazylov, Kuchbaev et Daminova, 2001
Pazylov et al., 2001: ??-??.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: ???
● Distribution: type locality ???
Pseudonapaeus otostomus (Westerlund, 1898)
Buliminus (Brephulus) otostomus Westerlund, 1898: 164.
● Type locality: Totkul, Vakhsh valley.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): NMG No. 1797.
● Distribution: Hissaro-Darvaz ridge system (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus regelianus (Ancey, 1886)
[= Buliminus cylindroconus Ancey, 1886]
Buliminus asiaticus var. regeliana Ancey, 1886a: 26-27.
● Type locality: «Wjernoje, dans la Songarie» (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Zailijskij and Dzungar ridges and south and west of Issyk-Kul Lake (Likharev, Schileyko,
Pseudonapaeus retrodens (Martens, 1879)
[= Buliminus retroplicatus Westerlund, 1894]
Buliminus retrodens Martens, 1879: 126.
● Type locality: «Kuldsha» (Ining (Kuldja), northwest China).
● Lectotype (Kilias, 1971): ZMB No. 34878a.
● Distribution: Zailijskij, Kungei, Terskei, Djetim-Bel, Naryn, At-Bashi ridges, north-eastern Ferghana Ridge
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus schileykoi Izzatullaev, 1991
Izzatullaev, 1991: 138, fig.
● Type locality: Karateginskij Ridge, Komarou ravine, vicinities of Rvoz village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Karateginskij, Darvazskij, Peter the First ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus schnitnikovi (Lindholm, 1922)
Buliminus (Pseudopetraeus) schnitnikovi Lindholm, 1922b: 274.
● Type locality: vicinities of Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Zailijskij Ridge, near Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus secalinus (Martens, 1881)
[= Buliminus semenovi Ancey, 1893; Buliminus biformis Westerlund, 1896; Buliminus torquatus Westerlund,
1896; Ena secalina var. maibulaki Skvortzov, 1940]
Buliminus secalinus Martens, 1881 (1880-1881): 27, pl. 6, figs. 8, 9.
● Type locality: «Kuldsha» (Ining (Kuldja), northwest China).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Tien-Shan: Zailijskij, Kirgiz, Kungei, Terskei, ?Ferghana, Alai ridges (Likharev, Schileyko,
Pseudonapaeus sogdianus (Martens, 1874)
[= Buliminus oxianus Martens, 1876; Buliminus oxianus var. brevior Martens, 1876; Buliminus labiellus var.
kokandensis Martens, 1882; Buliminus larvatus Ancey, 1902; Buliminus korshinskii Lindholm, 1922]
Buliminus sogdianus Martens, 1874: 19, pl. 2, fig. 14a-c.
● Type locality: upper reaches of Zeravshan valley, Kuli-Kalan.
● Syntype: ZMB No. 22406.
● Distribution: mountain areas of Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, western Kirgizia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus stabilis stabilis Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 262, figs. 172, 173.
● Type locality: West Tien-Shan, Pskem River valley, 15 km upstream of Nanai settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: West Tien-Shan, Pskem and Ugam ridges, Pskem River valley and lower reaches of Ugam
River (Kuznetsov, 1999).
Pseudonapaeus stabilis chatkalicus Kuznetsov, 1999
Kuznetsov, 1999: 110, fig. 6 A, B, C.
● Type locality: Uzbekistan, Tashkent Region, Bostanlyk District, Keksui Ridge, 5.5 km south of Burchmulla
settlement, right side of Chatkal River valley, lower third of western slope of Paltau Mount, 50 m above road,
1200 m above sea level.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-21892.
● Distribution: Keksui Ridge (West Tien-Shan), lower reaches of Chatkal Ugam River (Kuznetsov, 1999).
Pseudonapaeus submucronatus (Lindholm, 1927)
Ena (Pseudonapaeus) submucronatus Lindholm, 1927c: 100.
● Type locality: Chatkal Ridge, middle reaches of Uzun-Akhmat River, 1200-1400 m above sea level.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: two localities in the Naryn River Basin: along one of right tributaries of the Naryn in Chatkal
Ridge and in foothils of Ferghana Ridge, along the same river (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus subobscurus (Ancey, 1886)
Buliminus subobscurus Ancey, 1886b: 330.
● Type locality: Daraty-Bulak, «Fekkès» (Tekes) River valley.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East Kirgizia (Sary-Djaz Ridge, Tekes River valley) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus trigonochilus (Ancey, 1886)
[= Buliminus trigonochilus f. expansilabris Westerlund, 1896; Buliminus trigonochilus f. planicollis Wester-
lund, 1896; Buliminus trigonochilus f. pachychyla Westerlund, 1896; Buliminus castaneus Westerlund, 1897;
Buliminus maracandensis Rosen, 1901; Buliminus latilabris Lindholm, 1927]
Buliminus trigonochilus Ancey, 1886a: 28.
● Type locality: Samarkand.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern slopes of Chatkal, Ferghana and Alai ridges, vicinities of Samarkand (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Pseudonapaeus zeravshanicus Pazylov et Daminova in Pazylov, Kuchbaev et Daminova, 2001
Pazylov et al., 2001:
● Type locality: ???
● Types: ???
● Distribution: type locality ???
Subzebrinus Westerlund, 1887
Type species: Buliminus labiellus Martens, 1881 (SD Moellendorff, 1901)
Subzebrinus labiellus (Martens, 1881)
[= Buliminus labiellus var. strophostoma Ancey, 1886; Buliminus pullaster Ancey, 1886]
Buliminus labiellus Martens, 1881 (1880-1881): 24, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: Tarbagatai (Dzungar), «zwischen den Seen Balchasch und Dsaisan».
● Lectotype (Kilias, 1971): ZMB No. 101591a.
● Distribution: Zailijskij, Dzungar, Tarbagarai ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turanena Lindholm, 1922
Type species: Buliminus herzi O. Boettger, 1889 (OD)
Turanena albolimbata (Lindholm, 1927)
Ena (Turanena) albolimbata Lindholm, 1927c: 98.
● Type locality: Chatkal Ridge, upper reaches of Turduk River (Naryn River Basin).
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: Chatkal, ? Talas, Kirgiz ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turanena boamica Kuznetsov, 1999
Kuznetsov, 1999: 110-112, fig. 7 A, B, C.
● Type locality: Kirgizia, Chu Region, Kemin District, Kirgiz Ala-Too Ridge, Oktorkoi Mountains, left side
of Chu River gorge (= Boam gorge), southwestern part of Kyz-Kuioo village, middle of east-south-eastern
slope of mount, small ravine.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-24064.
● Distribution: type locality.
Turanena cognata (Lindholm, 1927)
Ena (Turanena) cognata Lindholm, 1927c: 99.
● Type locality: Chatkal Ridge, lower reaches of Turduk River.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: Chatkal, ? Talas, Kirgiz ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turanena conicula (Martens, 1882)
Buliminus coniculus Martens, 1882a: 23-24, pl. 3, fig. 3.
● Type locality: «Kuldsha» (Ining (Kuldja), northwest China).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Alai (Chauvai village) and Zeravshan (near Marguzor Lake) ridges (Likharev, Schileyko,
Turanena herzi (O. Boettger, 1889)
Buliminus (Pseudonapaeus) herzi Boettger, 1889: 950, pl. 17, fig. 14.
● Type locality: Iran, Elburs, vicinities of Shakhrud.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1959-1960): SMF No. 156687.
● Distribution: ? mountains of southwestern Turkmenia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turanena inversa Schileyko et Moisseeva, 1995
Schileyko, Moisseeva, 1995: 45-46, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: Tien-Shan, Chatkal Range, upper part of the valley of the Aflatun River (left tributary of the
Chatkal River).
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-22029.
● Distribution: type locality.
Turanena leptogyra (Lindholm, 1927)
Ena (Turanena) leptogyra Lindholm, 1927c: 99.
● Type locality: Chatkal Ridge, Balgut village between Mart and Kumbel mountain passages.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: Alai, Chatkal, Pskem, ? Ugam, Talas ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turanena margaritae Schileyko et Moisseeva, 1989
Schileyko, Moisseeva, 1989: 139, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Tien-Shan, Kichik-Alai Ridge, Kirgiz-Ata Canyon, bank of Mazar-Sai River upstream from
Eski-Naukat settlement.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-14477.
● Distribution: type locality.
Turanena martensiana (Ancey, 1886)
[= Buliminus liostracus Ancey, 1886]
Buliminus martensiana Ancey, 1886a: 45-46.
● Type locality: mountains near Shakhimardan, foothills of Altai.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Turkestan, Zeravshan, Hissar ridges through Alai, Zaalai, Ferghana ridges to southwestern
slopes of Kungei Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turanena meshkovi Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 279, fig. 186 (VII, VIII).
● Type locality: West Tien-Shan, Pskem River valley, 15 km upstream of Nanai village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: West Tien-Shan, Pskem River valley (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turanena scalaris (Naegele, 1902)
Buliminus (Pseudonapaeus) scalaris Naegele, 1902: 6-7.
● Type locality: «in Monte Razoki, Urmia» (northwestern Iran).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: South Armenia (Gnishik village, Dzafarigyukh area) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turanena stschukini (Lindholm, 1927)
Ena (Turanena) stschukini Lindholm, 1927c: 100.
● Type locality: Dzuvan-Syuget River valley, right tributary of Uzun-Akhmat River (Naryn River Basin).
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: Chatkal and Ferghana ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turanena tenuispira Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 282, figs. 186 (V, VI), 196, 197.
● Type locality: Kara-Kostek River valley near Alma-Ata.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Zailijskij and Ferghana ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrulopsina Lindholm, 1925
Type species: Buliminus haberhaueri Ancey, 1886 (= Buliminus intumescens var. fedtschenkoi Ancey, 1886)
Chondrulopsina fedtschenkoi (Ancey, 1886)
[= Buliminus intumescens var. inermis Ancey, 1893; Buliminus anomphalus Westerlund, 1897; Buliminus
bisinuatus Westerlund, 1898; Buliminus rennenkampfi Rosen, 1901; Chondrulopsina trisinuata Mukhitdinov,
Buliminus intumescens var. fedtschenkoi Ancey, 1886a: 51.
● Type locality: «Samarkand, dans la vallée du Sarafschan».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain and submountain areas of Samarkand Region: Ferghana, Alai, Kuramin, Turkestan,
Zaalai, Hissar ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrulopsina intumescens (Martens, 1874)
[= Buliminus annenkovi Ancey, 1893; Buliminus (Chondrula) anomphalus f. infans Westerlund, 1897; Buliminus intumescens var. sultanus Rosen, 1901; Subzebrinus likharevi Mukhitdinov, 1976]
Buliminus (Chondrula) intumescens Martens, 1874: 22, pl. 2, fig. 18.
● Type locality: Chupanata near Samarkand.
● Holotype: ZMB No. 22459.
● Distribution: mountain regions of Central Asia except for northern Tien-Shan and Dzungar Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Siraphoroides Schileyko, 1977
Type species: Siraphorus moltschanovi Likharev et Rammelmeyer, 1952 (OD)
Siraphoroides moltschanovi (Likharev et Rammelmeyer, 1952)
Siraphorus moltschanovi Likharev, Rammelmeyer, 1952: 207, figs. 121, 122.
● Type locality: Arslanbob, Ferghana Ridge.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Ferghana Ridge (Arslanbob), Yangyskyr Mountains near eastern Ferghana Ridge, upper
reaches of Pchan River (right tributary of Ala-Buka, Naryn River Basin), Naryn River valley in 10 km of AtBashi hydroelectric power plant (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Merdigera Held, 1837
Type species: Helix obscura Müller, 1774 (SD Herrmannsen, 1847)
Merdigera obscura (Müller, 1774)
Helix obscura Müller, 1774: 103.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baltic countries, western Ukraine, Byelorussia (Vitebsk Region), Russia (Tver, Smolensk,
Yaroslavl regions, vicinities of Moscow and St.-Petersburg), mountain Crimea, northwestern Caucasus, Uzbekistan (West Tien-Shan), Kazakhstan (Dzhungaria) (Kuznetsov, 1999).
Adzharia Hesse, 1933
Type species: Adzharia renschi Hesse, 1933 (monotypy)
Adzharia renschi Hesse, 1933
Hesse, 1933: 158, fig. 4.
● Type locality: «Chula» (Khulo) mountain pass, Adzharo-Imereti Ridge.
● Lectotype (Kilias, 1971): ZMB No. 75980a.
● Distribution: type locality.
Buliminus Beck, 1837
Type species: Buliminus labrosus Olivier, 1804 (SD Gray, 1847)
Buliminus urmianus O. Boettger, 1898
[= Buliminus valentini Kobelt, 1902]
Buliminus (Petraeus) halepensis var. urmiana Boettger, 1898: 26-27.
● Type locality: «Urmia in Kurdistan, Nordwest-Persien» (vicinities of Rezaiyeh (Urmia) City, northwestern
● Types: "Lectotype" SMF No. 14506, "paralectotypes" SMF No. 14507/15, 150761/13.
● Distribution: Nakhichevan area (mouth of Alindzha-chai River, 5 km west of Dzhulfa), Azerbaijan (Zangilan Region) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Andronakia Lindholm, 1914
Type species: Chondrula (?) catenulata Lindholm, 1913 (monotypy)
Andronakia catenulata (Lindholm, 1913)
Chondrula (?) catenulata Lindholm, 1913: 22-23.
● Type locality: «Ortschaft Wasrija am Pass nach Kwarzschana (Gouvernement Batum» (northwestern Turkey).
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: Adzharia: Mtirala Mount in 28-30 km east of Batumi and Khelvachauri district near Chirnali
village in Chirnali River valley (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Retowskia O. Boettger, 1881
Type species: Chondrus schlaeflii Mousson, 1863 (monotypy)
Retowskia schlaeflii (Mousson, 1863)
[= Buliminus schlaeflii var. ingens O. Boettger, 1888]
Chondrus schlaeflii Mousson, 1863: 390.
● Type locality: «Rédutkaleh» (vicinities of Poti).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain areas of western Great Caucasus (including upper reaches of Belaya River in the
east) and Transcaucasia (including Suram Ridge in the east) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Brephulopsis Lindholm, 1925
Type species: Chondrus attenuatus Krynicki, 1833 (= Bulimus bidens Krynicki, 1833) (OD)
Brephulopsis bidens (Krynicki, 1833)
[= Chondrus attenuatus Krynicki, 1833; Bulimus theodosianus Bourguignat, 1876; Buliminus retowskianus
Clessin, 1881]
Chondrus bidens Krynicki, 1833: 401-402, pl. 3, fig. 3a-e.
● Type locality: Simferopol (Crimea).
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: Crimea (mountains and steppe) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Brephulopsis cylindrica (Menke, 1828)
[= Chondrus lineatus Krynicki, 1833; Chondrus turgidus Krynicki, 1833; Chondrus fuscilabris Krynicki,
1833; Chondrus concolor Krynicki, 1833; Bulimus unicolor Andrzejowski in Krynicki, 1833; ?Bulimus turritella Andrzejowski in Krynicki, 1833; Bulimus illibatus Rossmässler, 1837; Bulimus tauricus L. Pfeiffer,
1848; Chondrus duboisi Mousson, 1863; Bulimus subacuminatus Retowski, 1888; Buliminus cylindricus inflatus Pusanov, 1925]
Bulimus cylindrica Menke, 1828: 77.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Crimea (mountains and steppe); probably introduced records from Moldova, Odessa, Novorossiisk, Anapa and Sukhumi (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasicola Hesse, 1917
Type species: Buliminus raddei Kobelt, 1880 (monotypy)
Caucasicola raddei (Kobelt, 1880)
Buliminus raddei Kobelt, 1880: 50, figs. 2008, 2009
● Type locality: «? Avarien» (mountain Daghestan).
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1959-1960): SMF No. 156684.
● Distribution: horseshoe-shaped range starts in North Caucasus, approximately at Maikop (one record near
Nalchik), passing westward to Novorossiisk and Gelendzhik and including western regions of southern slopes
of Great Caucasus, to the Kodor River in the east. As for East Caucasus, Kobelt himself was not certain about
the reliability of the type locality, and there are no reliable records of the species from Daghestan (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Chondrula Beck, 1837
Type species: Helix tridens Müller, 1774 (SD Martens in Albers, 1860)
Chondrula bielzi (Kimakowicz, 1890)
Dentistomus (Amphitrorsus) bielzi Kimakowicz, 1890: 222.
● Type locality: Transylvania.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine (Lesistye Carpathians) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrula caucasica (L. Pfeiffer, 1852)
[= Buliminus ponticus Retowski, 1887]
Bulimus caucasica L. Pfeiffer, 1852: 94.
● Type locality: «in Caucaso».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Novyi Afon (Abkhazia), Crimea between Feodosiya and Sudak (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrula microtraga (Rossmässler, 1839)
Pupa microtraga Rossmässler, 1839: 30, fig. 651.
● Type locality: Greece.
● Holotype: SMF No. 182473.
● Distribution: the species could be found in Adzharia near border of Turkey and near the border of Romania
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrula sunzhica Steklov, 1962
Chondrula microtraga sunzhica Steklov, 1962: 141, pl. 2, figs. 3, 4.
● Type locality: Akchagyl and «Subakchagyl» deposits (Pliocene) of Sunzha River near Alda village, Ciscaucasia.
● Holotype: PIN.
● Distribution: East Georgia (Telavi District, Alvani village; Kvareli District, Eniseli-Tarsagalavani village;
Gremi village, Mount Chrdili) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrula tridens (Müller, 1774)
[= Chondrus major Krynicki, 1833; Chondrus elatus Andrzejowski in Krynicki, 1833; Pupa tricallosa Parreyss in Krynicki, 1833; ?Chondrus microstomus Andrzejowski in Krynicki, 1833; Pupa tridens var. eximia
Rossmässler, 1835; Buliminus albolimbatus L. Pfeiffer, 1848; Buliminus bayeri L. Pfeiffer, 1848; Buliminus
tridens var. attenuatus Issel, 1865; Chondrus galiciensis Clessin, 1879; Buliminus tridens var. kubanensis O.
Boettger, 1879; Buliminus tridens var. caucasicus Martens, 1880; Buliminus tridens var. major f. marcida O.
Boettger, 1886; Chondrula tridens var. tenuilabiata Lindholm, 1901; Buliminus tridens var. exiguus Retowski, 1914; Buliminus tridens var. terkensis Retowski, 1914]
Helix tridens Müller, 1774: 106-107.
● Type locality: «in Italia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East-European Plain (Ryazan Region, steppe zone to the Ural River in the east), Crimea, Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chondrus Cuvier, 1817
Type species: Bulimus zebra Olivier, 1801 (SD Gray, 1847)
Chondrus zebrula (Férussac, 1821)
[= Bulimus zebra Olivier, 1801 non Bruguière, 1792; Bulimus tantalus L. Pfeiffer, 1868; Buliminus olympicus Kobelt, 1877; Brephulus bithynicus Galland, 1884; Brephulus zebra var. anatolica Galland, 1884; Brephulus brardus Galland, 1884; Brephulus zebropsis Galland, 1884; Buliminus euxinus Retowski, 1889]
Helix (Cochlogena) zebrula Férussac, 1821: 58, 70 (nom. nov. pro Bulimus zebra Olivier, 1801).
● Type locality: «Gemleck, les Dardanelles» (Gemelek, Turkey).
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1998b): MNHN.
● Distribution: empty shells found in sea debris in Crimea (near Sudak) and on the sea shore in Poti (between
mouths of Rioni and small river flowing from Paleostom Lake) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Ena Turton, 1831
Type species: Bulimus montanus Draparnaud, 1801 (SD Herrmannsen, 1847)
Ena montana (Draparnaud, 1801)
Bulimus montanus Draparnaud, 1801: 65.
● Type locality: «dans les montagnes des Cévennes et de la Savoie» (France).
● Syntype: NHMV.
● Distribution: western regions of Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Valdai Hills, vicinities of Moscow and St.Petersburg, ? South Ural (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Georginapaeus Schileyko, 1988
Type species: Bulimus hohenackeri L. Pfeiffer, 1848 (OD)
Georginapaeus hohenackeri (L. Pfeiffer, 1848)
[= Bulimus hohenackeri Krynicki, 1837, nom. nud.; Buliminus hohenackeri var. intermedius Mousson, 1863;
Buliminus hohenackeri f. leucolaemis Lindholm, 1922]
Bulimus hohenackeri Pfeiffer, 1848: 223.
● Type locality: Georgia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: central and eastern parts of North Caucasus, Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Peristoma Krynicki, 1833
Type species: Peristoma merduenianum Krynicki, 1833 (monotypy)
Peristoma boettgeri (Clessin, 1883)
[= Bulimus assimilis Rossmässler, 1837; Buliminus kusnetzowi Kobelt, 1907; Buliminus brauneri Lindholm,
Buliminus boettgeri Clessin, 1883: 50, pl. 2, fig. 15.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Georgia: Kutaisi, Tekhuri River valley, vicinities of Tzageri, Borzhomi, Teberda Natural Reserve (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Peristoma lanceum Schileyko, 1984
Schileyko, 1984: 343, fig. 250.
● Type locality: Bzyb River valley near Pitzunda.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
● Remark: records of Peristoma merduenianum from some localities of West Caucasus -- Borzhomi, Kutaisi
(Mousson, 1873; Boettger, 1881a, as Buliminus tener) -- probably refer to this species.
Peristoma merduenianum Krynicki, 1833
[= Bulimus tener Rossmässler, 1837; ? Buliminus fragilis Anton, 1839]
Krynicki, 1833: 421-423, pl. 9, fig. 7a-d.
● Type locality: «Merdven and along Aila» (mountain Crimea).
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: mountain Crimea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Peristoma rupestre (Krynicki, 1833)
[= Bulimus assimilis Rossmässler, 1837; Buliminus kusnetzowi Kobelt, 1907; Buliminus brauneri Lindholm,
Buliminus rupestris Krynicki, 1833: 413-415, pl. 3, fig. 5a-d.
● Type locality: Merdven village (mountain Crimea).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain Crimea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Ramusculus Lindholm, 1925
Type species: Bulimus subulatus Rossmässler, 1837 (OD)
Ramusculus subulatus (Rossmässler, 1837)
Bulimus subulatus Rossmässler, 1837: 48, fig. 393.
● Type locality: «? probably Crimea».
● Types: lost (R. Janssen, pers. comm.).
● Distribution: mountain Crimea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Thoanteus Lindholm, 1925
Type species: Bulimus gibber Krynicki, 1833 (OD)
Thoanteus gibber (Krynicki, 1833)
[= Bulimus revolutus Parreyss in Krynicki, 1833; Bulimus revolutus Rossmässler, 1837; Bulimus phorcus
Bourguignat, 1855]
Bulimus gibler [laps. cal., corrected by Krynicki himself in 1837] Krynicki, 1833: 416, pl. 3, fig. 6a-e.
● Type locality: «between Merdven and Skel’yu village» (Crimea).
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: mountain Crimea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Zebrina Held, 1837
Type species: Helix detritus Müller, 1774 (SD Gray, 1847)
Zebrina detrita (Müller, 1774)
[= Bulimus radiatus Bruguière, 1789]
Helix detritus Müller, 1774: 101-102.
● Type locality: «in Italia & in Saxonia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine (flat areas of Transcarpathia, Mala Kopanya village), probably southwestern Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euchondrus O. Boettger, 1883
Type species: Pupa chondriformis Mousson, 1861 (monotypy)
Euchondrus lamelliferus (Rossmässler, 1859)
[= ? Chondrus phasianus Mousson, 1863; Buliminus clessini Retowski, 1883; Buliminus lamelliferus var.
angustatus Retowski, 1887; Chondrula acutior Lindholm, 1922]
Bulimus lamellifera Rossmässler, 1859: 95, pl. 83, fig. 919.
● Type locality: Syria.
● Types: lost (R. Janssen, pers. comm.).
● Distribution: there are no reliable records supported by anatomical studies (the shell of the species is hardly
distinguishable from Improvisa pupoides) but the species is probably present in Adzharia near the border of
Turkey (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Improvisa Schileyko, 1978
Type species: Chondrus pupoides Krynicki, 1833 (OD)
Improvisa pupoides (Krynicki, 1833)
[= Buliminus angustior Retowski, 1888]
Chondrus pupoides Krynicki, 1833: 410.
● Type locality: Mashuk Mount near Pyatigorsk (North Caucasus).
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1984): ZIN.
● Distribution: North Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pentadentula Suvorov, 2006
Type species: Pentadentula balandinae Suvorov, 2006 (OD)
Pentadentula balandinae Suvorov, 2006
Suvorov, 2006: 93-96, figs. 1-2.
● Type locality: NW Caucasus, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, valley of Mzymta river, surroundings of
Monastyr settlement, Akh-Tsu canyon, in the soil in ledges of lime rocks, near the bottom of canyon.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-28617.
● Distribution: type locality.
Senaridenta Schileyko, 1978
Type species: Chondrula nachicevanjensis Hudec, 1972 (OD)
Senaridenta nachicevanjensis (Hudec, 1972)
Chondrula nachicevanjensis Hudec, 1972: 217, figs. 2, 5.
● Type locality: vicinities of Stepanakert, Nagornyi Karabakh.
● Holotype: SMF No. 225190.
● Distribution: type locality.
Caspiophaedusa Lindholm, 1924
Type species: Clausilia perlucens O. Boettger, 1877 (OD)
Caspiophaedusa perlucens (O. Boettger, 1877)
[= Serrulina signifera Westerlund, 1897]
Clausilia perlucens Boettger, 1877a: 69.
● Type locality: «Kaukasus».
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1954): SMF No. 61559a.
● Distribution: Talysh, southern slopes of Great Caucasus from Lagodekhi to Khudat, north and northeastern
parts of Lesser Caucasus and Zangezur (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pontophaedusa Lindholm, 1924
Type species: Clausilia funiculum Mousson, 1863 (OD)
Pontophaedusa funiculum (Mousson, 1863)
Clausilia funiculum Mousson, 1863: 397-398.
● Type locality: «Chysirkaleh» (near Poti).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Black Sea coast from Sochi to Turkey (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
● Remark: Egorov (2001) stated that there is the lectotype of C. funiculum in SMF (No. 61488/5). However,
Zilch (1954) did not mentioned any type specimens of the species, whereas that number belongs to the
specimen illustrated in the Kobelt's chapter in Rossmässler's "Iconographie".
Pravispira Lindholm, 1924
Type species: Clausilia semilamellata Mousson, 1863 (OD)
Pravispira semilamellata (Mousson, 1863)
[= Clausilia semilamellata var. serrulosa Retowski, 1889]
Clausilia semilamellata Mousson, 1863: 396-397.
● Type locality: «Rédutkaleh» (north of Poti).
● Syntypes: ZMZ No. 516635.
● Distribution: forest areas of western and central Great Caucasus, Black Sea coast from Sochi to Turkey,
West and South Georgia, Kutkashen District in Azerbaijan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
● Remark: Egorov (2001) stated that there are syntypes of C. semilamellata in SMF (No. 61536a/5). However, Zilch (1954) did not mentioned any type specimens of the species.
Serrulina Mousson, 1873
Type species: Clausilia sieversi L. Pfeiffer, 1871 (OD)
Serrulina serrulata serrulata (L. Pfeiffer, 1847)
[= Clausilia gracilior Mousson, 1863; Clausilia erivanensis Issel, 1865; Clausilia serrulata var. semiserrata
Lindholm, 1913]
Clausilia serrulata Pfeiffer, 1847: 71.
● Type locality: «Tauria» (Crimea).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western and central forest areas of North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine (Tyachevsky District, between Tereblya and Teresva rivers).
● Remark: The type locality is evidently erroneous, because the species does not live in Crimea. The type
could be collected in sea debris.
● Remark: Egorov (2001) stated that there is the lectotype of C. serrulata in SMF (No. 61514/2). However,
Zilch (1954) did not mentioned any type specimens of the species.
Serrulina sieversi sieversi (L. Pfeiffer, 1871)
Clausilia sieversi Pfeiffer, 1871: 70-71.
● Type locality: «Caucasia meridionalis» (Lenkoran, Azerbaijan).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: South Azerbaijan: forests of Talysh and Lenkoran lowland (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
● Remark: Egorov (2001) stated that there is the lectotype of C. serrulata in SMF (No. 61527a/6). However,
Zilch (1954) did not mentioned any type specimens of the species.
Serrulina sieversi occidentalis Likharev, 1962
Likharev, 1962a: 118.
● Type locality: Azerbaijan, Zakatal Region, Tzilban-chai River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern Georgia and Azerbaijan: mountain desiduous forests of southern slopes of Great Caucasus and adjacent lowland (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Serrulinella Nordsieck, 1864
Type species: Serrulina senghanensis de Morgan in Germain, 1933 (OD)
Serrulinella senghanensis (de Morgan in Germain, 1933)
Serrulina senghanensis de Morgan -- Germain, 1933: 391.
● Type locality: «Le Ghilan: Siah Senghan, Titi, Serd-вb-è-Bala».
● Lectotype (Nordsieck, 1978, as «holotype»): MNHN.
● Distribution: Georgia (Egorov, 2001).
Truncatophaedusa Majoros, Nemeth et Szili-Kovacs, 1994
Type species: Truncatophaedusa evae Majoros, Nemeth et Szili-Kovacs, 1994 (OD)
Truncatophaedusa evae Majoros, Nemeth et Szili-Kovacs, 1994
Majoros et al., 1994: 124-125, fig. 1.
● Type locality: valley of Dagomys River near Nor Luis village, 10 km northward from Dagomys village.
● Holotype: private collection of Szili-Kovacs.
● Distribution: West Caucasus adjacent to Black Sea coast (Egorov, 2001).
Alopia H. et A. Adams, 1855
Type species: Clausilia bielzii L. Pfeiffer, 1848 (SD Westerlund, 1902)
Alopia glauca (Bielz, 1853)
Balea glauca Bielz, 1853: 130.
● Type locality: Transylvania.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: probably in Ukrainian Transcarpathia, in areas adjacent to Molodova and Bistritza river basins.
Cochlodina Férussac, 1821
Type species: Clausilia bidens Draparnaud, 1801 (= Turbo laminata Montagu, 1803) (SD Pilsbry, 1922)
Cochlodina cerata (Rossmässler, 1836)
[= Cochlodina pareyssi Rossmässler, 1836]
Clausilia cerata Rossmässler, 1836b: 15, fig. 258.
● Type locality: «Buccovina» (Ukraine, Chernovtzy Region).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine (Chernovtzy and Zakarpatye regions) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cochlodina costata (Ziegler in C. Pfeiffer, 1828)
[= Cochlodina commutata Rossmässler, 1836]
Clausilia costata Ziegler -- Pfeiffer, 1828: 42, pl. 7, figs. 17, 18.
● Type locality: «Illyrien».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine: Zakarpatye Region (Polevina, 1959; Zdun, 1960).
Cochlodina laminata (Montagu, 1803)
Turbo laminatus Montagu, 1803: 359-361, pl. 11, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Lackham wood and Bow Wood (Wiltshire), neighbourhood of Sandwich (Kent) (England).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East-European Plain, mountain Crimea, Stavropol Region (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cochlodina orthostoma (Menke, 1830)
Clausilia orthostoma Menke, 1830: 130.
● Type locality: vicinities of Leipzig (Germany).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Carpathians, Baltic countries, northwestern, western and central regions of East-European
Plain (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Acrotoma O. Boettger, 1881
Type species: Clausilia komarovi O. Boettger, 1881 (OD)
Acrotoma claussi Nordsieck, 1977
Nordsieck, 1977: 91, textfig. 1, pl. 5, fig. 21.
● Type locality: Abkhazia, Bzyb River valley, upstream of Goluboe Lake (see Remark).
● Holotype: SMF No. 246940.
● Distribution: type locality.
● Remark: the only lake in the Bzyb River valley is Ritza Lake, and «Goluboe Lake» in the type locality is
probably a mistake of the collector.
Acrotoma gegica Suvorov, 2002
Suvorov, 2002: 161-163, fig. 1 A-E.
● Type locality: NW Caucasus, Abkhazia, Ritsinsky National Park, valley of Gega River (right tributary of
Bzyb River), surroundings of Gegsky waterfall.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-25409.
● Distribution: type locality.
Acrotoma juliae Suvorov, 2002
Suvorov, 2002: 165-166, fig. 3 A-E.
● Type locality: NW Caucasus, Abkhazia, Ritsinsky National Park, valley of Jupshara River (left tributary of
Gega River), canyon «Jupsharskie vorota».
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-25410.
● Distribution: type locality.
Acrotoma laccata (O. Boettger, 1881)
Clausilia laccata O. Boettger, 1881b: 342-343.
● Type locality: «in parte meridionali Caucasi Pontici».
● Holotype: SMF No. 144040/1.
● Distribution: type locality.
● Remark: as mentioned by Boettger in the description, the species was described from a single shell, therefore the «lectotype» in Zilch, 1976a is in fact holotype.
Acrotoma komarowi (O. Boettger, 1881)
Clausilia (Acrotoma) komarowi O. Boettger, 1881b: 341-342.
● Type locality: ««Kodor» Transcaucasiae in funibus Ponticus Caucasi» (Abkhazia, middle reaches of Kodor
● Holotype: SMF No. 144037.
● Distribution: Abkhazia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Acrotoma narzanensis (Rosen, 1901)
Clausilia narzanensis Rosen, 1901b: 10.
● Type locality: Kislovodsk, Kovarstva Castle.
● Lectotype (Likharev, 1962a): ZIN.
● Distribution: North Caucasus (vicinities of Kislovodsk, Kabardino-Balkaria) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Acrotoma semicincta (O. Boettger, 1881)
[= Clausilia (Acrotoma) semicincta var. ciscaucasica Rosen, 1901]
Clausilia (Acrotoma) semicincta O. Boettger, 1881b: 343-344.
● Type locality: Teberda (North Caucasus).
● Lectotype (Likharev, 1962a): ZIN.
● Distribution: western part of North Caucasus in upper reaches of Kuban and Podkumka rivers (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
● Remark: the lectotype designation by Zilch (1976a: 204, fig. 2; SMF No. 144037) is invalid because the
lectotype has been previously designated by Likharev (1962a: 159).
Acrotoma tunievi Suvorov, 2002
Suvorov, 2002: 163-164, fig. 2 A-E.
● Type locality: NW Caucasus, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, surroundings of Khosta settlement, Kavkazsky
State Natural Biosphere Reserve, Khosta yew-box tree wood.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-25411.
● Distribution: type locality.
Akramowskia Norsieck, 1975
Type species: Euxina akramowskii Likharev, 1962 (OD)
Akramowskia akramowskii (Likharev, 1962)
Euxina akramowskii Likharev, 1962b: 221, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Khustup Mount near Vachagan village, Kafan District, Armenia.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Akramowskia valentini (Loosjes, 1964)
Armenica valentini Loosjes, 1964: 146, figs. 3-5.
● Type locality: «between Chaikend and Tandzaver» (Kafan District, Armenia).
● Holotype: SMF No. 144141.
● Distribution: Gekhi River basin, Kafan District, Armenia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Armenica O. Boettger, 1877
Type species: Clausilia laevicollis Charpentier, 1852 (monotypy)
Armenica disjuncta armenica Nordsieck, 1975
Nordsieck, 1975: 97.
● Type locality: Armenia, Ekhegnadzor District, Gnishik village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Armenia (Egorov, 2001).
Armenica gracillima (Retowski, 1889)
Clausilia (Oligoptychia) gracillima Retowski, 1889: 261.
● Type locality: debris of Chorokh River near Batumi.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1976a): SMF No. 144152.
● Distribution: Adzharia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Armenica griseofusca (Mousson, 1876)
[= Clausilia commena Retowski, 1889]
Clausilia griseofusca Mousson, 1876b: 145-146, pl. 5, fig. 3.
● Type locality: «environs de Tabizhuri» (vicinities of Tabatzkuri Lake, South Georgia).
Syntype (?): SMF No. 144161.
● Distribution: western and southeastern Georgia (Egorov, 2001).
● Remark: Egorov (2001) has designated a lectotype of the species (SMF No. 144161). However, the designation is invalid because the respective specimen is merely cited as "lectotype" (ICZN Declaration 44). Zilch
(1954) with a query listed that specimen as a syntype.
Armenica likharevi Nordsieck, 1975
Nordsieck, 1975: 85.
● Type locality: Armenia, Idzhevan District, Laki ravine near Verin Agdan village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Armenica unicristata (O. Boettger, 1877)
[= Laciniaria lantzi Lindholm, 1924; Armenica brunnea sensu Likharev, 1962a, non Rossmässler, 1839]
Clausilia unicristata O. Boettger, 1877b(August): 75-76.
● Type locality: Ekaterinenfeld (now -- Bolnisi, South Georgia).
● Holotype: SMF No. 144127.
● Distribution: southern slopes of Great Caucasus between Zakataly and Shemakha, northern and northeastern parts of Lesser Caucasus, Zangezur (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Armenica zakatalica Nordsieck, 1977
[= Armenica hueti sensu Likharev, 1962, non Mortillet, 1854]
Nordsieck, 1977: 93.
● Type locality: Great Caucasus, Zakatal Natural Reserve, Rychug Ridge, south slope near Gubor-chai River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, Shemakha District (Azerbaijan), Samur River valley near Ikhrek village (Daghestan) (Egorov, 2002).
Elia H. et A. Adams, 1855
Type species: Clausilia moesta Rossmässler, 1839 (OD)
Elia derasa (Mousson, 1863)
[= Clausilia ossetica Schmidt, 1868; Clausilia sandbergeri Mousson, 1873; Clausailia derasa f. suanetica O.
Boettger, 1883]
Clausailia derasa Mousson, 1863: 400-401.
● Type locality: «Rédutkaleh» (north of Poti), «Koutais» (Kutaisi).
● Syntypes: ZMZ No. 516718; SMF Nos. 133462, 133456a.
● Distribution: West Transcaucasia and Central Ciscaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Elia novorossica (Retowski, 1888)
[= Clausilia somchetica var. dissophya Westerlund, 1897]
Clausilia (Euxina) novorossica Retowski, 1888: 284.
● Type locality: Novorossiisk.
● Lectotype (Likharev, 1962a): IZP.
● Distribution: West Caucasus: mountains between Novorossisk and Anapa (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Elia ossetica (Mousson, 1863)
[= Clausilia tschetschenica L. Pfeiffer, 1866]
Clausilia somchetica var. ossetica Mousson, 1863: 399-400.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: central areas of North Caucasus, Inner Daghestan, Georgia (except western regions), North
Armenia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Elia somchetica somchetica (L. Pfeiffer, 1846)
[= Clausilia kolenatii Siemaschko, 1847; Clausilia eichwaldi Siemaschko, 1847; Clausilia colchica Pareyss
in L. Pfeiffer, 1857]
Clausilia somchetica L. Pfeiffer, 1846: 94.
● Type locality: Somchetia (Kakhetia, East Georgia).
● Syntype: SMF No. 133500a.
● Distribution: forest and subalpine zones of Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Elia somchetica raddei (Mousson, 1876)
Clausilia raddei Mousson, 1876a: 43-44, pl. 4, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Mount Schambodel, height 6000 feet, south of Achalzich (North Armenia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: North Armenia, Akstafa-chai River valley (Egorov, 2001).
● Remark: Egorov (2001) designated the lectotype (SMF No. 133512/4), though the designation is invalid
because he merely cited a specimen as a lectotype (ICZN Declaration 44). Moreover, Zilch (1954) did not
mention any specimen of the type series in the SMF.
Elia tuschetica Likharev et Lezhawa, 1961
Likharev, Lezhawa, 1961: 473, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: left bank of Tusheti Alazan, 1600 m above sea level.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: mountain Tushetia (southwestern part of highland Daghestan), Tusheti Alazan basin (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euxina O. Boettger, 1877
Type species: Clausilia hetaera L. Pfeiffer, 1848 (OD)
Euxina gastron Nordsieck, 1995
[= Euxina persica persica sensu Likharev, 1962a (part., non O. Boettger, 1877]
Nordsieck, 1995: 11, pl. 1, fig. 1.
● Type locality: «Prov. Gilan, Tal des Shim Rud zwischen Lahijan und Deilaman, Tchalmeh roud» (northern
● Holotype: MNHN.
● Distribution: Talysh (Vasharu-chai River valley) (Egorov, 2001).
Euxina talyschana Likharev, 1962
Likharev, 1962a: 173, figs. 97, 98.
● Type locality: Talysh, Nyudis-Kalasi Mount.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Talysh mountains (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euxinastra O. Boettger, 1888
Type species: Clausilia hamata O. Boettger, 1888 (monotypy)
Euxinastra hamata (O. Boettger, 1888)
Clausilia hamata O. Boettger, 1888: 152-153.
● Type locality: Batumi (Adzharia).
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1976a): SMF No. 145385.
● Distribution: Georgia (Batumi) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Filosa O. Boettger, 1877
Type species: Clausilia filosa Mousson, 1863 (OD)
Filosa filosa (Mousson, 1863)
Clausilia filosa Mousson, 1863: 395-396.
● Type locality: «Chysirkaleh» (vicinites of Poti, Adzharia).
● Syntype: ZMZ No. 516636.
● Distribution: Black Sea coast of Adzharia (Georgia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
● Remark: Egorov (2001) designated the lectotype (SMF No. 145384a), though the designation is invalid
because he merely cited a specimen as a lectotype (ICZN Declaration 44). Moreover, Zilch (1976a) did not
mention any specimen of the type series in the SMF.
Kazancia Neubert, 1992
Type species: Kazancia monticola Neubert, 1992 (OD)
Kazancia lindholmi (Kobelt in Lindholm, 1912)
Clausilia lindholmi Kobelt -- Lindholm, 1912: 202.
● Type locality: Salolet Mount near Artvin City (Turkey, vilayet Chorokh).
● Lectotype (Likharev, 1962a): ZIN.
● Distribution: East Georgia (Lagodekhi) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Mentissoidea O. Boettger, 1877
Type species: Clausilia fusorium Mousson, 1876 (= Clausilia rupicola Mortillet, 1854) (SD Kennard,
Woodward, 1923)
Mentissoidea rupicola rupicola (Mortillet, 1854)
[= Clausilia fusorium Mousson, 1876; Clausilia litotes var. litoderma O. Boettger, 1881]
Clausilia rupicola Mortillet, 1854: 13, pl. 1, fig. 7.
● Type locality: Tortum (Turkey, vilayet Erzurum).
● Syntype: ZMZ No. 516714.
● Distribution: Georgia (Adzharia and Black Sea coast northward to Sukhumi) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Mentissoidea rupicola litotes (A. Schmidt, 1868)
[= Clausilia litotes var. ganeo O. Boettger, 1883; Clausilia litotes var. suanetica O. Boettger, 1883]
Clausilia litotes Schmidt, 1868: 162.
● Type locality: Osetia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Great Caucasus (forests of western areas of northern part; southern parts eastward to Nukha,
Azerbaijan); isolated range in North Osetia, Chechnya, Ingushetia; southern Transcaucasia (northern parts of
Lesser Caucasus from Adzharo-Imereti Ridge to Nagornyi Karabakh) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
● Remark: Egorov (2001) designated the lectotype (SMF No. 143740), though the designation is invalid because he merely cited a specimen as a lectotype (ICZN Declaration 44). Moreover, Zilch (1976a) did not
mention any specimen of the type series in the SMF.
Scrobifera O. Boettger, 1877
Type species: Clausilia foveicollis Charpentier, 1852 (= Clausilia taurica L. Pfeiffer, 1848) (monotypy)
Scrobifera taurica taurica (L. Pfeiffer, 1848)
[= Clausilia taurica Krynicki, 1837, nom. nud; Clausilia foveicollis Charpentier, 1852; Clausilia vinosa
Westerlund, 1886]
Clausilia taurica Pfeiffer, 1848: 412.
● Type locality: «Kutais» (Georgia).
● Syntype: SMF No. SMF No. 144074a.
● Distribution: all forest areas of Caucasus except for Adzharia and Talysh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
● Remark: Egorov (2001) designated the lectotype (SMF No. 144074a), though the designation is invalid
because he merely cited a specimen as a lectotype (ICZN Declaration 44). Zilch (1976a) cited only a syntype
in the SMF.
Scrobifera taurica brjanskii (Rosen, 1911)
[= Clausilia foveicollis var. schaposchnikovi Rosen, 1911]
Clausilia foveicollis var. brjanskii Rosen, 1911: 125, pl. 2, fig. 6a-b.
● Type locality: Adler (Caucasian Black Sea coast).
● Syntypes: SMF No. 30782/2.
● Distribution: northern (Nalchik) and southwestern (Sochi) Caucasus (Egorov, 2001).
Strigileuxina Nordsieck, 1994
Type species: Clausilia (Euxina) reulauxi Boettger, 1887 (OD)
Strigileuxina reulauxi (O. Boettger, 1887)
Clausilia (Euxina) reulauxi Boettger, 1887: 55-56.
● Type locality: Batumi (Adzharia).
● Lectotype (Nordsieck, 1975): SMF No. 145389.
● Distribution: Georgia (Adzharia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Clausilia Draparnaud, 1805
Type species: Pupa rugosa Draparnaud, 1801 (SD Turton, 1831)
Clausilia bidentata (Strøm, 1765)
[= Clausilia nigricans Maton et Rackett, 1807; Clausilia bidentata var. septentrionalis A. Schmidt, 1857;
Clausilia bidentata var. exigua Westerlund, 1871; Clausilia bidentata var. elongata Clessin, 1878]
Turbo bidentata Strøm, 1765: 436, pl. 6, fig. 17.
● Type locality: Scandinavia. ???
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baltic countries (Kurzeme, Hiumaa and Saaremaa islands, northwestern Estonia), Leningrad
Region (Primorsk) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Clausilia cruciata (Studer, 1820)
[= Clausilia cruciata f. minima A. Schmidt, 1856; Clausilia cruciata f. gracilis A. Schmidt, 1856]
Glischrus (Clausilia) cruciata Studer, 1820: 89.
● Type locality: «Kt. Wallis, Leukerbad» (Switzerland).
● Lectotype (Forcart, 1957): NMBE.
● Distribution: Baltic countries (far from sea shore), Leningrad Region, southwestern Karelia (north of
Ladoga Lake), sporadically in Pskov, Vitebsk, Moscow, Tver, Brest regions and in Carpathians (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Clausilia dubia Draparnaud, 1805
[= Clausilia roscida Studer, 1820; Clausilia dubia var. speciosa A. Schmidt, 1857; Clausilia dubia var. vindobonensis A. Schmidt, 1857; Clausilia dubia var. obsoleta A. Schmidt, 1857; Clausilia dubia var. alpicola
Clessin, 1878; Clausilia dubia var. podolica Bąkowski, 1880; Clausilia dubia f. runensis Tschapeck, 1883]
Draparnaud, 1805: 70, pl. 4, fig. 10.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Lectotype (Bank, Gittenberger, 2000): NHMV.
● Distribution: Baltic countries, Pskov and Tver regions, near Vitebsk, «Belovezhskaya Pushcha Natural Reserve, Carpathians, Volyno-Podolsk Hills (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Clausilia pumila pumila C. Pfeiffer, 1828
Pfeiffer, 1828: 41, pl. 7, fig. 16.
● Type locality: Illyria.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, southern Estonia), Kaliningrad Region, sporadically in
Carpathians and Volyno-Podolsk Hills (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Clausilia pumila sejuncta A. Schmidt in Westerlund, 1871
Clausilia sejuncta A. Schmidt -- Westerlund, 1871: 75.
● Type locality: «in Suecia media, in montibus Omberg et Mösseberg».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia), Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tver, Smolensk, Kaluga, Tula regions, eastward to Kostroma, southward to Orel Region (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Macrogastra Hartmann, 1840
Type species: Pupa ventricosa Draparnaud, 1801 (monotypy)
Macrogastra latestriata latestriata (Bielz in A. Schmidt, 1857)
Clausilia latestriata Bielz -- A. Schmidt, 1857: 27-28, figs. 52-56, 183, 184.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine (Carpathians and Volyno-Podolsk Hills) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Macrogastra latestriata borealis (O. Boettger, 1878)
Clausilia latestriata var. borealis Boettger, 1878c: 136.
● Type locality: «Neukuhren in Samland, Ostprussien» (now -- Pionersky settlement, Kaliningrad Region).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baltic countries, deciduous forests of Valdai Hills (Shikov, 1982), Byelorussian Polesye, vicinities of Vitebsk (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Macrogastra plicatula (Draparnaud, 1801)
Pupa plicatula Draparnaud, 1801: 64.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Syntypes: NHMV.
● Distribution: northwestern, western and western-central areas of Russia; Chatyr-Dagh, mountain Crimea
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Macrogastra tumida (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1836)
Clausilia ventricosa var. tumida Ziegler -- Rossmässler, 1836b: 21, fig. 277.
● Type locality: «Buccovina» (now -- Chernovtzy Region, Ukraine).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine: Ivano-Frankovsk, Lvov, Ternopol, Zakarpatskaya, Chernovtzy regions (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Macrogastra ventricosa (Draparnaud, 1801)
Pupa ventricosa Draparnaud, 1801: 62-63.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Syntypes: NHMV, MNHN.
● Distribution: Baltic countries, sporadically in mixed and desiduous forests of northwestern, western and
central areas of Russia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Ruthenica Lindholm, 1924
Type species: Clausilia filograna Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1836 (OD)
Ruthenica filograna (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1836)
Clausilia filograna Ziegler -- Rossmässler, 1836b: 17-18, fig. 264.
● Type locality: «Oesterreich, Illyrien, Bucovina, Croatien».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baltic countries, northwestern and central Russia, Byelorussia, Ukrainian Carpathians and
Ciscarpathia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Alinda H. et A. Adams, 1855
Type species: Turbo biplicata Montagu, 1803 (SD Martens in Albers, 1860)
Alinda biplicata (Montagu, 1803)
Turbo biplicata Montagu, 1803: 361, pl. 11, fig. 5.
● Type locality: south England.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Transcarpathia (Ukraine) (Imre, 1941).
Alinda fallax (Rossmässler, 1836)
Clausilia fallax Rossmässler, 1836b: 16-17, fig. 262.
● Type locality: «Galicien».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine (Ivano-Frankovsk, Ternopol, Chernovtzy regions) (Baidashnikov, 1988).
Alinda stabilis (L. Pfeiffer, 1847)
Clausilia stabilis L. Pfeiffer, 1847: 70.
● Type locality: Banat.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine (Carpathians) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Balea Gray, 1824
Type species: Pupa fragilis Draparnaud, 1801 (= Turbo perversus Linnaeus, 1758) (SD Martens in Albers,
Balea perversa (Linnaeus, 1758)
Turbo perversus Linnaeus, 1758: 767.
● Type locality: Europe.
Type: BMNH.
● Distribution: species found on one islet near the coast of Estonia (Krausp, 1940).
● Remark: Likharev (1962a) suggested that the species lives also in mountain Crimea. However, the material
most probably belongs to Mentissa gracilicosta.
Bulgarica O. Boettger, 1877
Type species: Clausilia varnensis L. Pfeiffer, 1848 (OD)
Bulgarica cana (Held, 1836)
Clausilia cana Held, 1836: 275.
● Type locality: Bayern (Germany).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East-European Plain to Kazan in the east (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Laciniaria Hartmann, 1844
Type species: Pupa plicata Draparnaud, 1801 (monotypy)
Laciniaria plicata (Draparnaud, 1801)
Pupa plicata Draparnaud, 1801: 63.
● Type locality: «Mont Jura» (France).
● Syntype: NHMV.
● Distribution: mixed and deciduous forests of Baltic countries (except Moozund Islands), western, southwestern (Carpathians, Ciscarpathia, Volyno-Podolsk Hills) and central regions of East-European Plain (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Likharevia Nordsieck, 1975
Type species: Clausilia (Oligoptychia) gustavi O. Boettger, 1880 (OD)
Likharevia gustavi (O. Boettger, 1880)
Clausilia (Oligoptychia) gustavi Boettger, 1880b: 381-382.
● Type locality: Shindan-kalasi Mount, Talysh.
● Lectotype (Nordsieck, 1975): SMF No. 144147.
● Distribution: Talysh, isolated mounts above forest zone and on rocks and rock slides in Diabar depression
(Zuvant) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Mentissa H. et A. Adams, 1855
Type species: Clausilia canalifera Rossmässler, 1836 (SD Martens in Albers, 1860)
Mentissa canalifera (Rossmässler, 1836)
[= Clausilia detersa Rossmässler, 1836; Clausilia acridula Rossmässler, 1836]
Clausilia canalifera Rossmässler, 1836a: 17-18, fig. 183.
● Type locality: «Taurien» (Crimea).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: nearly entire mountain-forest Crimea (Baidashnikov, 1990a).
Mentissa gracilicosta (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1836)
Clausilia gracilicosta Ziegler -- Rossmässler, 1836a: 18, fig. 184.
● Type locality: «Taurien» (Crimea).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: the range consists of two parts: western, semicircular, covering southwestern mountain Crimea from the Belbek River to Sevastopol and farther nearly to Alupka along sea coast; and eastern -- to AiPetri yaila along sea coast, narrowing to maritime zone towards Yalta (Baidashnikov, 1990a, b).
Mentissa velutina Baidashnikov, 1990
Baidashnikov, 1990a: 21, figs. 1 A, B, 2 A, B, 3 A, B, V.
● Type locality: southern slopes of Crimean mountains between Goluboi settlement and Opolznevoe village.
● Holotype: Insitute of Zoology of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
● Distribution: Yalta Mountain-Forest Natural Reserve, Ai-Petri and Yalta yailas and western part of Babugan-Yaila (Roman-Kosh Mount), at 650-1500 m above sea level (Crimea) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Micropontica O. Boettger, 1881
Type species: Clausilia closta O. Boettger, 1881 (monotypy)
Micropontica circassica (O. Boettger, 1888)
[= Clausilia circassica var. claviformis Rosen, 1914; Clausilia retowskii var. interjecta Rosen, 1914; Clausilia retowskii var. saltuensis Rosen, 1914]
Clausilia (Micropontica) circassica Boettger, 1888: 154.
● Type locality: Oschten-Fischt Mounts (northwestern Great Caucasus).
● Syntypes: Überseemuseums, Bremen, Germany No. 114/1-4.
● Distribution: western part of Great Caucasus (Oshten-Fisht mountain range, upper reaches of Kodor River
south of Klukhor mountain pass); easternmost finding -- in upper reaches of Malka River (Terek basin) near
Shidzha-Tmas Mount (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Micropontica closta (O. Boettger, 1881)
Clausilia (Micropontica) closta Boettger, 1881b: 345-346.
● Type locality: Psyrtzkhij monastery (Novyi Afon, Abkhazia).
● Lectotype (Likharev, 1962a): ZIN.
● Distribution: vicinities of Gagra and Novyi Afon (Black Sea coast of Abkhazia) (Likharev, Schileyko,
Micropontica retowskii (O. Boettger, 1888)
[= Clausilia baleopsis Westerlund, 1897; Clausilia (Micropontica) retowskii var. simulia Westerlund, 1901]
Clausilia (Micropontica) retowskii Boettger, 1888: 154-155.
● Type locality: Guk Mount (near Maikop).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western part of Great Caucasus near Caucasian Natural Reserve and its immediate vicinities
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Mucronaria O. Boettger, 1877
Type species: Clausilia acuminata Mousson, 1876 (monotypy)
Mucronaria acuminata (Mousson, 1876)
[= Clausilia acrolepta Martens, 1876]
Clausilia (Mentissa) acuminata Mousson, 1876b: 144-145, pl. 5, fig. 4.
● Type locality: «Tabizhuri» (vicinities of Tabatzkuri Lake, South Georgia).
● Syntypes: ZMZ No. 516706.
● Distribution: Shav-Nabad Mount, east of Tabatzkuri Lake (South Georgia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Mucronaria duboisi (Charpentier, 1852)
[= Clausilia subtilis A. Schmidt, 1868; Clausilia subtilis f. minor A. Schmidt, 1868; Clausilia subtilis f. plicata O. Boettger, 1880; Clausilia stomatica Westerlund, 1884]
Clausilia duboisi Charpentier, 1852: 402, pl. 11, fig. 12.
● Type locality: Crimea.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: forest areas of Transcaucasia (except for Talysh and Lenkoran lowland), North Caucasus
(Vladikavkaz, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Mucronaria index (Mousson, 1863)
[= Clausilia climax O. Boettger, 1888]
Clausilia index Mousson, 1863: 401-402.
● Type locality: «Rédutkaleh, Chesyrkaleh» (now -- Kulevi, north of Poti (Georgia).
● Syntypes: ZMZ No. 516685.
● Distribution: West Georgia, mostly along sea coast (Sukhumi to Batumi), less frequently far from the coast
(Kutaisi, Sairme, Borzhomi) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Mucronaria pleuroptychia (O. Boettger, 1878)
[= Clausilia pleuroptychia var. polygyra Boettger, 1881]
Clausilia pleuroptychia Boettger, 1878a: 291-292, pl. 10, fig. 1.
● Type locality: «Syrien».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: central part of West Georgia between Kvirila River in the east and Tzkhenis-Tzkali in the
west, in the zone of hills and low limestone mountains (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Mucronaria strauchi (O. Boettger, 1878)
Clausilia strauchi Boettger, 1878b: 176.
● Type locality: forest near Tianeti, north of Tbilisi (Georgia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East Georgia, mostly near Mtzkheta, Tianeti, Manglisi (vicinities of Tbilisi) (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
CHECK!! -- Sp. mentioned (p. 301-303, pl. 10, f. 6; same loc.) also in «1878a» -- Jahrb. dtsch. malak. Ges.,
5: 33-61, 97-107, 291-306 (no data stated, nor separate issues present).
Quadriplicata O. Boettger, 1878
Type species: Clausilia quadriplicata A. Schmidt, 1868 (monotypy)
Quadriplicata aggesta aggesta (O. Boettger, 1879)
[= Clausilia protracta Westerlund, 1901; Clausilia aggesta var. praegracilis Rosen, 1914]
Clausilia aggesta Boettger, 1879a: 34-35, pl. 1, fig. 6.
● Type locality: debris of Kuban River.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: north branches of western part of Great Caucasus, from Novorossiisk to beginnings of Bolshaya Laba River (Kuban basin); south branches -- from Krasnaya Polyana to Gudauta District of Abkhazia
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Quadriplicata aggesta stauropolitana (Rosen, 1901)
Clausilia (Euxina) stauropolitana Rosen, 1901b: 11.
● Type locality: Stavropol.
● Lectotype (Likharev, 1962a): Museum of Georgia No. 1578a.
● Distribution: Stavropol and vicinities (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Quadriplicata dipolauchen (O. Boettger, 1881)
Clausilia (Euxina) dipolauchen Boettger, 1881a: 235-236, pl. 9, fig. 18.
● Type locality: Kveda-Gordi near Tzkheni-tzkali River (Tzulukidze District of Georgia).
● Lectotype (Likharev, 1962a): Museum of Georgia, No. 1580a.
● Distribution: foothills (not higher than 500 m above sea level) and some hills of northern border of Colchis
maritime plain (not lower than 100 m above sea level), between Khobi and Tzkhaltubo-tzkali rivers (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Quadriplicata lederi (O. Boettger, 1879)
[= Clausilia gradata O. Boettger, 1879; Clausilia lederi var. triadis Boettger, 1881]
Clausilia (Euxina) lederi Boettger, 1879a: 36-37, pl. 1, fig. 5.
● Type locality: Suram Ridge.
● Lectotype (Likharev, 1962a): Museum of Georgia No. 1585.
● Distribution: south branches of Great Caucasus, from Ochamchiri District of Abkhazia to Tbilisi,
Mtzkheta; branches of Lesser Caucasus near Borzhomi and Abastumani (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Quadriplicata pumiliformis (O. Boettger, 1881)
[= Clausilia pumiliformis var. rusticana Retowski, 1914; Clausilia pumiliformis var. inarmata Lindholm,
1913; Clausilia pumiliformis var. circumplicosa Lindholm, 1913]
Clausilia (Euxina) pumiliformis Boettger, 1881a: 234-235, pl. 9, fig. 17.
● Type locality: between Sukhumi and Poti.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mostly forests of maritime areas between Soch and Sukhumi; some populations in vicinities
of Novorossiisk and Poti; more continentally in chestnut forest zone (Krasnaya Polyana, Tzebelda); western
branches of Great Caucasus (Belaya River basin up to 1000 m above sea level) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Quadriplicata quadriplicata (A. Schmidt, 1868)
Clausilia quadriplicata Schmidt, 1868: 163.
● Type locality: Racha Ridge (West Georgia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: forests of southern parts of Central and East Great Caucasus, northern and northeastern parts
of Lesser Caucasus; floodland forests of lower Terek; absent in Talysh and Zangezur (Likharev, Schileyko,
Quadriplicata subaggesta (Retowski, 1887)
Clausilia (Euxina) subaggesta Retowski, 1887: 37, pl. 1, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Crimea, sea debris.
● Lectotype (Likharev, 1962a): IZP.
● Distribution: Georgia: subtropical maritime area of Adzharia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vestia Hesse, 1916
Type species: Clausilia elata Rossmässler, 1836 (SD Lindholm, 1924)
Vestia elata (Rossmässler, 1836)
Clausilia elata Rossmässler, 1836a: 20, fig. 190.
● Type locality: «Buccovina» (now -- Chernovtzy Region, Ukraine).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine: Ciscarpathia (Chernovtzy and Ivano-Frankovsk regions) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vestia gulo (Bielz, 1859)
Clausilia turgida var. gulo Bielz, 1859: 222.
● Type locality: Transylvania.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine: Lesistye Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vestia turgida turgida (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1836)
Clausilia turgida Ziegler -- Rossmässler, 1836a: 20-21, pl. 12, fig. 190.
● Type locality: «Buccovina» (now -- Chernovtzy Region, Ukraine).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine: Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vestia turgida procera (Bielz, 1853)
Clausilia procera Bielz, 1853: 123.
● Type locality: Tziblesh Mount, North Rumania.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine: East Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cecilioides Férussac, 1814
Type species: Buccinum acicula Müller, 1774 (SD Watson, 1828)
Cecilioides acicula (Müller, 1774)
[= Caecilianella acicula var. liesvillei Bourguignat, 1856; Cionella acicula var. nodosaria Boettger, 1879;
Cionella nautica Westerlund, 1887; Caecilianella acicula var. obtusata Westerlund, 1887; Caecilianella
praeclara Westerlund, 1898; Caecilianella retteri Rosen, 1901; Cecilioides acicula var. abchasica Retowski,
Buccinum acicula Müller, 1774: 150-151.
● Type locality: Thangelstedt (Thuringia, Germany).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain Crimea, Caucasus, Central Asia from Kopet Dagh to Pamiro-Alai; occurrence in
Ukrainian Carpathians and on Russian Plain not proved (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cecilioides raddei (O. Boettger, 1879)
Cochlicopa (Hohenwartiana) raddei Boettger, 1879a: 25, pl. 1, fig. 8.
● Type locality: «Borshom, Mamudly» (100 miles southwestward of Tbilisi, Georgia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Crimea, Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Poiretia Fischer, 1887
Type species: Bulimus algirus Bruguière, 1792 (monotypy)
● Remark: Likharev and Rammelmeyer (1952) mentioned also the second Recent species in the fauna of
Caucasus: P. roseni Lindholm, 1924. However, judging from the syntype in ZIN collection, the species was
described from fossil shells.
Poiretia mingrelica (O. Boettger, 1881)
Glandina algira var. mingrelica Boettger, 1881a: 170, pl. 7, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Kutaisi (Georgia).
● Lectotype (Subai, 1980): SMF No. 70590.
● Distribution: Georgia: Abkhazia (Gagry, Novyi Afon, Pitzunda, middle valley of Kodor River to
Verkhnyaya Tzebelda), Mingrelia (Tzkhenistzkhali River valley near Gordi village, Tzageri, vicinities of Kutaisi) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Punctum Morse, 1864
Type species: Helix minutissima Lea, 1841 (OD)
Punctum apertum Pilsbry et Hirase, 1904
Pilsbry, Hirase, 1904b: 5.
● Type locality: Nemuro (Hokkaido, Japan).
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 86490a.
● Distribution: Iturup and Kunashir Islands (Kurile Islands) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS; Pearce et al., 2002).
Punctum boreale Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905
Pilsbry, Hirase, 1905: 717.
● Type locality: Akkeshi, Kushiro (Hokkaido, Japan).
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 90230a.
● Distribution: Shikotan Island (South Kurile Islands) (Likharev, 1957; Pearce et al., 2002).
Punctum conspectum (Bland, 1865)
[= Helix lepta Westerlund, 1883; Vallonia patens sensu Likharev et Rammelmeyer, 1952, non Reinhardt,
Helix conspectum Bland, 1865: 163, fig. 7.
● Type locality: San Francisco, California.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: South Kamchatka, Simushir and Kunashir Islands (Kurile Islands), Primorye Territory (Likharev, Schileyko, MS; Pearce et al., 2002).
Punctum micropleuros (Paget, 1854)
[= Helix pusilla R. Lowe, 1831, non Helix pusilla Vallot, 1801; Patula lederi O. Boettger, 1880]
Helix micropleuros Paget, 1854: 454.
● Type locality: "prope Montpellier".
● Types: .
● Distribution: Caucasus: Talysh and Lenkoran lowland; Hissar Ridge (Izzatullaev, 1975; as Vallonia patens
non Reinhardt, 1883).
Punctum pygmaeum (Draparnaud, 1801)
Helix pygmaea Draparnaud, 1801: 93.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Syntypes: NHMV.
● Distribution: mountain and plain areas of temperate latitudes of Eurasia: from Atlantic coast to Kamchatka,
Sakhalin and Kurile Islands (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Punctum ussuriense Likharev et Rammelmeyer, 1952
Punctum pygmaeum ussuriense Likharev, Rammelmeyer, 1952: 256, fig. 182.
● Type locality: Ussuri Natural Reserve (Primorye Territory).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Primorye Territory (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Discus Fitzinger, 1833
Type species: Helix ruderata Férussac, 1821 (SD Gray, 1847)
Discus depressus (A. Adams, 1868)
Helix (Patula) depressus A. Adams, 1868: 467.
● Type locality: " Vladimir Bay" (350 km NW of Vladivostok)
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: basin of midle Amur, Primorye Teritory, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Commander and Kurile Islands, northern Khabarovsk Territory (lower Amur, Ayan, Stanovoi Ridge), vicinities of Baikal Lake (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Discus perspectivus (Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1816)
[= Helix solaria Menke, 1830]
Helix perspectivus Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1816: 11.
● Type locality: Austria. ???
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukraine (Carpathians and Ciscarpathia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Discus rotundatus (Müller, 1774)
Helix rotundatus Müller, 1774: 29-30.
● Type locality: Denmark, Norway.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baltic countries (Lithuania east of Kaunas, western Latvia, Moozund Archipelago), Kaliningrad Region, western regions of Byelorussia and Ukraine (not found in Carpathians), mountain Crimea (one
finding, probably introduced) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Discus ruderatus (Férussac, 1821)
[= Helix pauper Gould, 1858; ? Helix cronkhitei Newcomb, 1865; Patula ruderata var. conica Bąkowski et
Lomnicki, 1892]
Helix ruderatus Férussac, 1821: 40.
● Type locality: «Les Hautes-Alpes du Valais, ... près des glaciers du Mt. Pleureur».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East European Plain, Siberia (including Chukchi Peninsula, Kamchatka, northern Khabarovsk
Territory), Carpathians, Crimea, Caucasus, Altai, Sayan, vicinities of Baikal Lake (Likharev, Schileyko, MS);
Kurile Islands (Pearce et al., 2002).
ZONITIDAE Mörch, 1864
Hawaiia Gude, 1911
Type species: Helix kawaiensis L. Pfeiffer, 1855 (= Helix minuscula Binney, 1840) (monotypy)
Hawaiia minuscula (Binney, 1840)
Helix minuscula Binney, 1840: 435, pl. 22, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Ohio, USA.
● Lectotype (Pilsbry, 1946): ANSP No. 74416a.
● Distribution: southern Primorye Territory (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pristiloma Ancey, 1887
Type species: Zonites stearnsi Bland, 1875 (SD Baker, 1930)
Pristiloma japonica Pilsbry et Hirase, 1903
[= Pristiloma arcticum sensu Likharev, 1963 non Lehnert, 1884]
Pilsbry, Hirase, 1903: 79.
● Type locality: «Toya, Kuziro, in eastern Yesso» (Hokkaido, Japan).
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 85754a.
● Distribution: southern Kamchatka, northern (Kuroda, Koba, 1933) and southern (Likharev, 1957) Kurile
Islands, southern Sakhalin (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Striatura Morse, 1864
Type species: Striatura milium Morse, 1864 (monotypy)
Striatura chishimana (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1904)
Zonitoides chishimanus Pilsbry, Hirase, 1904b: 5.
● Type locality: «Kunashiri, Chishima» (Kurile Islands).
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 86491a.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (Pearce et al., 2002).
Vitrea Fitzinger, 1833
Type species: Glischrus (Helix) diaphanus Studer, 1820 (monotypy)
Vitrea angystropha (O. Böttger, 1880)
[= Crystallus lantzi Lindholm, 1913]
Hyalinia angystropha O. Böttger, 1880b: 380.
● Type locality: Suram Ridge.
● Lectotype (Pinter, 1972): SMF No. 170983.
● Distribution: forests of Transcaucasia, except for Talysh and Lenkoran lowland (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrea contortula (Krynicki, 1837)
[= Vitrea viridis Westerlund, 1897]
Helix contortula Krynicki, 1837: 51 (nom. nov. pro Helix contorta Krynicki, 1836).
● Type locality: «Cauc.» (Pyatigorsk -- from labels).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Caucasus, floodland forests of Krasnodar and Stavropol regions (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrea contracta (Westerlund, 1871)
[= Hyalinia abchasica Retowski, 1914; Vitrea botterii sensu Likharev et Rammelmeier, 1952 non L. Pfeiffer,
Zonites crystallina var. contracta Westerlund, 1871: 56.
● Type locality: «Ronneby, Blekinge» [Sweden]
● Lectotype (Waldén in Riedel, 1966): NMG.
● Distribution: Baltic countries, Valdai Hills, Carpathians, Lvov Region, mountain part of Crimea, sporadically in Caucasis (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrea crystallina (Müller, 1774)
[= Vitrea podolica Clessin, 1880]
Helix crystallina Müller, 1774: 23, 215.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western, northwestern and central parts of East-European Plain. Records from mountain forests of the Crimea (Jaeckel, 1950; Likharev, Rammelmeier, 1952) are doubtful (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrea nadejdae Lindholm, 1926
Lindholm, 1926: 69.
● Type locality: mountain Crimea near New Simeiz.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: sporadically found around New Simeiz near Yalta (Crimea) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrea praetermissa Riedel, 1988
Riedel, 1988a: 73, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Adzharia, Zelenyi Mys near Batumi.
● Holotype: IZP.
● Distribution: type locality.
Vitrea pygmaea (O. Böttger, 1880)
[Vitrea etrusca sensu Lindholm, 1926 non Paulucci, 1878]
Hyalinia pygmaea O. Böttger, 1880a: 118, pl. 4, fig. 8.
● Type locality: Martkopi near Tbilisi.
● Lectotype (???): SMF No. 171023/1.
● Distribution: mountain forests of the Crimea, Central Ciscaucasia (Kalitina, 1953, 1954), Central and Eastern Transcaucasia, Western Kopet Dagh. Records from western part of Northern Caucasis (Likharev, Rammelmeier, 1952) are erroneous (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrea rhododendronis Riedel, 1966
[= Vitrea diaphana erjaveci sensu Riedel, 1959 non Brusina, 1870]
Riedel, 1966: 45-47, figs. 11-13.
● Type locality: near Lentekhi, Georgia.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Vitrea sorella (Mousson, 1863)
Zonites sorella Mousson, 1863: 299-300.
● Type locality: debris or Rioni River.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: type locality (western Transcaucasia, based on the description of the species from the Rioni
debris) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrea transsylvanica (Clessin, 1877)
Hyalina transsylvanica Clessin, 1877b: 133, pl. 2, fig. 12.
● Type locality: Transylvania.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1979): SMF No. 45685.
● Distribution: Ukraine: forest regions of Carpatian Mountains (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrea subrimata (Reinhardt, 1871)
Hyalina subrimata Reinhardt, 1871: 39.
● Type locality: «Tschechoslowakei, Mährisches Gesenke, Kessel».
● Lectotype (Pinter, 1972): SMF No. 3482/1.
● Distribution: a single finding in Ukraine, Lvov Region, near Boleslav (Bąkowski, Łomnicki, 1892).
ZONITINAE Mörch, 1864
Aegopinella Lindholm, 1927
Type species: Helix pura Alder, 1830 (OD)
Aegopinella epipedostoma (Bourguignat in Fagot, 1879)
[= Aegopinella epipedostoma iuncta Hudec, 1964]
Zonites epipedostoma Bourguignat -- Fagot, 1879: 286.
● Type locality: «Quartier de Caraman (commune d’Avignolet)» (France).
● Syntypes: MHNG.
● Distribution: Ukrainian Carpathians, Novogrudsk Hills (Baranovichi district) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Aegopinella minor (Stabile, 1864)
[= Hyalina stauropolitana Rosen, 1901a]
Hyalina nitens var. minor Stabile, 1864: 31.
● Type locality: not stated (Piedmont, Northern Italy -- from title).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: deciduous forests and forest-steppe of Novogrudsk, Middle Russian, Pridneprovye, and Voluno-Podolsk hills; foothills of Ukrainian Carpathians; mountain Crimea; separate heights of North Caucasus.
Northermost records are from Svyantzen Hills near Naroch Lake (Minsk Region), vicinities of Smolensk, and
near Senezhskoe Lake in vicinities of Klin (Moscow Region) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Remarks: Examination of respective collection has shown that all records of Ae. nitidula (Draparnaud) and
Ae. nitens (Michaud) refer to Ae. minor (Elsky, 1862; Retowski, 1888, 1914; Lindholm, 1901; Rosen, 1901b,
1903, 1911, 1914; Puzanov, 1925, 1927), as well as Krynicki's (1836) indication of the presence of Helix
nitidosa Férussac (nom. nudum) in vicinities of Kharkov and Volyn.
Aegopinella pura (Alder, 1830)
[= Helix lenticula Held, 1837]
Helix pura Alder, 1830: 37.
● Type locality: Northumberland, England.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East-European Plain, Crimea, Stavropol Hills, Caucasus exept for Adzharia. Records from
Murmansk and Western Siberia (Likharev, Rammelmeier, 1952) are erroneous (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Nesovitrea C.M. Cooke, 1921
Type species: Helix pauxillus Gould, 1852 (OD)
Nesovitrea hammonis (Strøm, 1765)
[= Helix viridula Menke, 1830; Helix radiatula Alder, 1830]
Helix hammonis Strøm, 1765: 435, pl. 6, fig. 16.
● Type locality: Norway.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: forests of East-European Plain, Caucasus and Siberia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); Kurile Islands (Pearce et al., 2002).
Nesovitrea petronella (L. Pfeiffer, 1853)
Helix petronella L. Pfeiffer, 1853a: 95.
● Type locality: Swiss Alps.
● Lectotype (Forcart, 1960): BMNH.
● Distribution: forests of East-European Plain, Caucasus and Siberia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cellariopsis A. Wagner, 1915
Type species: Schistophallus deubeli A. Wagner, 1915 [= Hyalinia cellaria var. orientalis Clessin, 1887]
Cellariopsis orientalis (Clessin, 1887)
[= Schistophallus deubeli A. Wagner, 1915]
Hyalina cellaria var. orientalis Clessin, 1887: 69.
● Type locality: «Ungarn im Tatragebirge» [Slovak Tatra Mountains].
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukrainian Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Conulopolita O. Boettger, 1879
Type species: Hyalinia (Conulopolita) raddei O. Boettger, 1879 (monotypy)
Conulopolita cavatica (Riedel, 1966)
[= Oxychilus cochlospeleus Tzvetkov in Birshtein, 1950, nom. nud.]
Oxychilus (Conulopolita) cavaticus Riedel, 1966: 188-191, figs. 196-201, pl. 5, fig. 52-54.
● Type locality: Khosta, cave near Shirokii Pokos.
● Holotype: ZIN
● Distribution: caves near Khosta, Adler, Gudauta, Sukhumi (Riedel, 1966).
Conulopolita raddei (O. Boettger, 1879)
Hyalinia (Conulopolita) raddei O. Boettger, 1879c: 97-98, pl. 2, fig. 1.
● Type locality: «in einer Stalaktitenhöhle in Abchasien (Kaukasus)» (a stalactite cave in Abkhazia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: different caves on western Abkhazia (Gudauta, Sukhumi, Tzebelda) (Likharev, Schileyko,
Conulopolita sieversi (O. Boettger, 1879)
[= Hyalinia cellaria var. subapertus O. Boettger, 1879]
Hyalinia cellaria var. sieversi Boettger, 1879b: 394, pl. 10. fig. 8.
● Type locality: «Ratscha» (Rachinsky Ridge, western Georgia).
● Lectotype (Riedel, 1966): SMF No. 3498.
● Distribution: mountain-forest and subalpine areas of central part of North Caucasus (North Osetia), Daghestan, central and eastern Transcaucasia; westward of Suram Ridge: isolated records from Tzebelda
(Abkhazia), Omalo and Notanebi (Adzharo-Imereti Ridge) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); Armenia: forest zone
of northern districts, Zangezur, locally in lower alpine zone, as well as Amasi, Artik, and Sevan districts (Akramowski, 1976).
Conulopolita ? stopnevichi (Rosen, 1925)
Vitrea stopnevichi Rosen, 1925: 5, fig. 1.
● Type locality: «Mons Schoana» (Shoan Mountain, Batalpashinsky distict of Kuban Region).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: found on 5 localities of western Great Caucasus, west and northwest of Elbrus (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Discoxychilus Riedel, 1966
Type species: Discoxychilus lindholmi Riedel, 1966 (OD)
Discoxychilus lindholmi Riedel, 1966
Riedel, 1966: 227, 284 (nom. nov. pro Patula goctschana Lindholm, 1922, non P. ruderata var. Gorktschaana Mousson, 1873, non P. p. Gortschkaana Mousson, 1876, nec P. goctschaana O. Boettger, 1881).
● Type locality: «Adzarischkali» (Adzhariskali) near Batumi.
● Lectotype (Riedel, 1966): IZP.
● Distribution: several places in lower reaches of Chorokh River and vicinities of Batumi (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Eopolita Pollonera, 1916
Type species: Zonites aequatus Mousson, 1854 [= Eopolita protensa (Férussac, 1886)] (monotypy)
Eopolita derbentina (O. Boettger, 1886)
[= Hyalinia siraphora Westerlund, 1897]
Hyalinia (Polita) derbentina Boettger, 1886b: 130-131, pl. 3, fig. 3a-d.
● Type locality: vicinities of Derbent.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: foothills of eastern offshoot of Great Caucasus near Derbent and Makhachkala, northern and
eastern offshoot of Lesser Caucasus, Zangezur and central part of Armenia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Morlina A. Wagner, 1915
Type species: Helix glabra Rossmässler, 1835 (SD Lindholm, 1927)
Morlina glabra striaria (Westerlund, 1881)
Zonites glabra var. striaria Westerlund, 1881: 52.
● Type locality: «Transsilvania (Michelsberg prope Hermannstadt...), Polonia (Ojcow...)».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukrainian Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus Fitzinger, 1833
Type species: Helix cellaria Müller, 1774 (SD Herrmannsen, 1847)
Oxychilus alliarius (Miller, 1822)
Helix alliarius Miller, 1822: 379.
● Type locality: Bristol (England).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Khiyumaa and Saaremaa islands in the Baltic Sea, two greenhouses in St. Petersburg (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus caspius (O. Boettger, 1880)
[= Hyalinia schmidti Rosen, 1914]
Hyalinia (Polita) caspia O. Boettger, 1880b: 379.
● Type locality: Khamarat, Talysh.
● Lectotype (Riedel, 1966): SMF No. 225554.
● Distribution: forests of Lenkoran lowland and Talysh, South-Caspian lowland (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus cellarius (Müller, 1774)
Helix cellaria Müller, 1774: 28-29.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen, Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Kalinigrad Region, Lithuania (Kaunas), Latvia (Riga), Estonia (Glinta and Saaremaa Islands),
Pulkov Hills near St.-Petersburg (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus crenimargo (Retowski, 1889)
Hyalinia crenimargo Retowski, 1889: 231.
● Type locality: «Risa» (Rize, northeastern Turkey).
● Lectotype (Riedel, 1966): IZP.
● Distribution: vicinities of Batumi (Botanical Garden, Chaisubany) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus decipiens decipiens (O. Boettger, 1886)
Hyalina decipiens Boettger, 1886b: 131-132, pl. 3, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Shakh-Dagh Mount, north-eastern Azerbaijan.
● Lectotype (Riedel, 1966): SMF No. 158333.
● Distribution: forests of Great Caucasus and Borzhomi district in Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus decipiens adsharicus Riedel, 1966
Riedel, 1966: 89-91, figs. 68-72.
● Type locality: botanical garden, Zelenyi Mys near Batumi.
● Holotype: IZP.
● Distribution: Transcaucasia: vicinities of Batumi (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus deilus deilus (Bourguignat, 1857)
[= Hyalinia krynickii Clessin, 1883; Helix filicum Krynicki, 1836 part.]
Zonites deilus Bourguignat, 1857: 9, pl. 8, figs. 7-9.
● Type locality: vicinities of Sevastopol.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern coast of Crimea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus difficilis (O. Boettger, 1888)
Hyalinia (Retinella) difficilis Boettger, 1888: 150-152.
● Type locality: Oschten-Fischt Mountains, valley of Kurdzhips River, Guk mountain (western Great Caucasus).
● Syntypes: SMF Nos. 225580 ("lectotype"), 225581/1, 225582/1, 225583/10 juv. ("paralectotypes").
● Distribution: mountain forests of western Great Caucasus; upper reaches of Belaya River (Ciscaucasia);
from Sochi and Mzymta river basins to Psyrckha River basin (Transcaucasia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus disciformis Riedel, 1959
Oxychilus caspius disciformis Riedel, 1959: 71, figs. 1, 2, pl. 1, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Northern Iran, Ghilan province.
● Holotype: IZP.
● Distribution: forests of Lenkoran lowland and Talysh, South-Caspian lowland (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus discrepans (Retowski, 1889)
[= Hyalinia difficilis var. batumensis Retowski, 1914]
Hyalinia difficilis var. discrepans Retowski, 1889: 233.
● Type locality: «Adsharizkal» (Adzhariskali near Batumi).
● Syntype: IZP.
● Distribution: Georgia: Adzharo-Imereti Ridge (to Kobuleti in the north, to Adigeni in Adzhariskali River
valley in the East, to Chorokh River valley in the south) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus draparnaudi (Beck, 1837)
Helicella draparnaudi Beck, 1837: 6 (nom. nov. pro Helix lucida Draparnaud, 1801, non Pultney, 1799).
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: sporadically near Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Kharkov and Uzhgorod (Likharev, Schileyko,
Oxychilus duboisi (Charpentier in Mousson, 1863)
Zonites duboisi Charpentier -- Mousson, 1863: 295-296.
● Type locality: Kutaisi.
● Syntypes: ZMZ No. 502231.
● Distribution: Kutaisi (ruins of Bagrat Castle and neighborhood) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus elegans (O. Boettger, 1881)
Hyalinia (Mesomphix) elegans O. Boettger, 1881a: 197-198, pl. 8, fig. 12a-c.
● Type locality: forests of Lenkoran.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: forests of Lenkoran lowland and Talysh mountains (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus emmae (Akramowski, 1955)
Vitrea emmae Akramowski, 1955: 149, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Laki ravine near Verin-Agdan village, Idzhevan district of Armenia.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: forests of Lesser Caucasus from Akhaltzikhe to Idzhevan (southern Georgia and northern Armenia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus filicum (Krynicki, 1836)
Helix filicum Krynicki, 1836: 201.
Type locality (restr. Riedel, 1966): Lenkoran.
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Talysh and Lenkoran lowland (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus horsti (O. Boettger in Reibisch, 1892)
[= Hyalinia ampliata Rosen, 1911; Hyalinia duboisi (non Mousson, 1863) et Hyalinia sucinacia (non O.
Boettger, 1883) auct.]
Hyalinia horsti O. Boettger -- Reibisch, 1892: 50.
● Type locality: valley of Belaya River.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western part of Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus imperator Riedel, 1966
[= Schistophallus duboisi auct., non Mousson, 1863]
Riedel, 1966: 161, figs. 165-167, pl. 3, figs. 31-36.
● Type locality: valley of Psyrtzkha river, Novyi Afon, Abkhasia.
● Holotype: IZP.
● Distribution: Abkhasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus inopinatus (Ulicný, 1887)
[Hyalina opinata Ulicný in Clessin, 1887 (nom. err.); Hyalinia plutonia Kimakowicz, 1890]
Hyalina inopinata Ulicný, 1887: 111, fig. 36/1.
● Type locality: «Pavlovske vrchy», southern Moravia, Czechia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Volyn-Podolsk Hills, Ukraine (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus iphigenia (Lindholm, 1926)
Hyalina iphigenia Lindholm, 1926: 167.
● Type locality: Sredniye Lemeny village near Novyi Simeiz, western part of South coast of Crimea.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Oxychilus kobelti (Lindholm, 1910)
Retinella kobelti Lindholm, 1910: 223.
● Type locality: ravine of Savluk-Su River, Alma River basin (north-western offshoot of Babugan-Yaila
Ridge, Crimea).
● Lectotype (Riedel, 1972): ZIN.
● Distribution: Mountain Crimea: forest regions of Babugan-Yaila and foothills of Chatyr-Dagh. One finding
on Southern coast near Aidanila village (near Nikitsky Botanical Garden) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus koutaisanus koutaisanus (Mousson, 1863)
[= Hyalinia kutaisana auct.; Hyalinia kutaisiana auct.; ? Zonites lucidus var. selectus Mousson, 1863; Hyalinia kutaisiana var. transitans O. Boettger, 1883 part.]
Zonites cypricus var. koutaisanus Mousson, 1863: 295.
● Type locality: Kutaisi.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: central and southern Georgia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus koutaisanus mingrelicus (Mousson, 1863)
[Hyalina mingrelica var. intermissa Kobelt, 1879; Hyalinia pontica O. Boettger, 1881Hyalinia kutaisiana
var. transitans O. Boettger, 1883 part.; Hyalinia reticulata O. Boettger, 1883]
Zonites mingrelicus Mousson, 1863: 294.
● Type locality: «atterrissements du Rhéon, ... Koutais» (Rioni River, Kutaisi).
● Syntype: ZMZ No. 502223.
● Distribution: West Caucasus, from basin of Psekups River to basin of Laba River in Ciscaucasia, from Sochi to Abkhasia and Mingrelia in Transcausasia. Absent in southern Georgia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus oschtenicus (O. Boettger, 1888)
Hyalinia (Polita) oschtenica Boettger, 1888: 150.
● Type locality: forests of Oschten-Fischt Mountains on West Great Caucasus.
● Syntype: SMF No. 160942.
● Distribution: western part of Great Caucasus; from Kurdjips River to Dakhovsky ravine (Belaya River) in
Ciscaucasia; from Sochi (Khosta) to valley of Kodori River and off Tkvarcheli (Abkhasia) in Transcaucasia
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus suaneticus suaneticus (O. Boettger, 1883)
Hyalinia suanetica O. Boettger, 1883: 148, pl. 5, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Svanetia.
● Syntypes: SMF Nos. 225695 ("lectotype"), 225696/1+3 juv., 225697/1 ("paralectotypes".
● Distribution: western part of Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus suaneticus likharevi (Riedel, 1966)
Schistophallus suaneticus likharevi Riedel, 1966: 166, figs. 168-171, pl. 2, figs. 25-27.
● Type locality: Khosta, Yew-Boxwood copse.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Oxychilus subeffusus (O. Boettger, 1879)
[= Hyalinia effusa O. Boettger, 1879 non Helix effusa L. Pfeiffer, 1866; Hyalinia subeffusa var. depressa O.
Boettger, 1881; Hyalinia subeffusa var. daghestanica O. Boettger, 1886]
Hyalinia (Vitrea) subeffusa Boettger, 1879b: 395-396 (nom. nov. pro Hyalina effusa O. Boettger, 1879).
● Type locality: «Mamudly», southern Georgia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Great Caucasus northward to Zheleznovodsk, central and south Georgia, Armenia, northeastern Lesser Caucasus to Talysh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus sucinacius sucinacius (O. Boettger, 1883)
[= Hyalinia denselineata P. Hesse, 1914; Hyalinia sericata Lindholm, 1922]
Hyalinia sucinaceus O. Boettger, 1883: 150, pl. 5, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Nakeral mountains (southern offshoots of Rachinsky Ridge, western Georgia).
● Lectotype (Riedel, 1966): SMF No. 162978.
● Distribution: forests on Rachinsky, Lechkhum, Adzharo-Imereti and Trialeti Ridges (western Georgia)
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus sucinacius zakatalicus (Likharev et Riedel, 1962)
Schistophallus sucinacius zakatalicus Likharev, Riedel, 1962: 14, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: Zakatal Reserve,Verketel Ridge near Kamplov cave.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: mountain forests of southern offshoots of central part of Great Caucasus at border between
Georgia and Azerbaijan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus translucidus (Mortillet, 1854)
[= Hyalinia komarowi O. Boettger, 1881a]
Helix translucidus Mortillet, 1854: 9, pl. 1, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Trabzon, Turkey.
● Syntypes: unknown.
● Distribution: in parks and gardens of some vilages along Black sea coast of Caucasus, from Sochi to Batumi; parks of Moscow, Kutaisi and botanical garden in Ashkhabad; greenhouses in Moscow, Rostov-onDon, Alma-Ata, Dushanbe and Tashkent (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oxychilus (?) diaphanellus (Krynicki, 1837)
[= Helix diaphana Krynicki, 1833 nom. praeocc. non Studer, 1820; Hyalina taurica Clessin, 1881b; Hyalina
planaria Clessin, 1883; Hyalinia zonulata Westerlund, 1886]
Helicella diaphanella Krynicki, 1837: 53.
● Type locality: «Taur.» (Crimea between Skel and Merdven – in Krynicki, 1833 and on label).
● Syntypes: ZIN, MNHN.
● Distribution: mountain forests of Main Ridge, presumably Yajla and Chatyr-Dagh and Southern Coast,
Crimea (Puzanov, 1927).
«Oxychilus» andronakii (Lindholm, 1914)
Hyalinia andronakii Lindholm, 1914a: 33.
● Type locality: Kwarzchana», 8 km north from Artvin (northeastern Turkey).
● Lectotype ZIN (?)
● Distribution: Chorokh River basin (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
«Oxychilus» birsteini Tzvetkov, 1940
Tzvetkov, 1940b: 57, fig. 1.
● Type locality: «cave in Andreevka», Abkhasia.
● Syntypes: ZMMU Nos. Lc-14469, Lc-14470.
● Distribution: Nizhnyaya Andreevskaya cave near Akhalsheny (27 km north from Sukhumi) (Birstein,
«Oxychilus» lederi (O. Boettger, 1880)
Hyalinia (Polita) lederi O. Boettger, 1880a: 117-118, pl. 4, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Tbatani, northeastern Georgia.
● Lectotype (Riedel, 1966): SMF No. 125199.
● Distribution: a single record from upper reaches of Alazani River, 2100 m above see level (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
«Oxychilus» retowskii (Lindholm, 1914)
Crystallus retowskii Lindholm, 1914a: 35.
● Type locality: Abastumani (Southern Georgia).
● Holotype: Geological Institute of Azerbaijan Academy of Science (Baku).
● Distribution: Lesser Caucasus from Abastumani (Adzharo-Trialeti Ridge) to Dilizhan (Bazum Ridge) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Riedeliconcha Schileyko, 2003
Type species: Hyalina depressa Sterki, 1880 (OD)
Riedeliconcha depressa (Sterki, 1880)
Hyalina depressa Sterki, 1880: 104`-105.
● Type locality: "am Randen (Jura) und im Wuhtachthal (Südost-Schwarzwald, Triasboden), also auf
schweizerischen sowohl wie aud deutschen (Baden) Gebiete".
● Syntypes: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukrainian Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrinoxychilus Riedel, 1963
Type species: Hyalinia suturalis O. Boettger, 1881 (OD)
Vitrinoxychilus subsuturalis (O. Boettger, 1888)
Hyalinia subsuturalis Boettger, 1888: 149-150.
● Type locality: forests on Kurdjips River valley (tributary of Belaya River).
● Syntypes: SMF No. 165895, MNHN.
● Distribution: sporadically in western Great Caucasus: near Maikop, Kurdjips River valley, Yew-Boxwood
copse (Khosta), Inguri River valley near Khaishi village (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrinoxychilus suturalis O. Boettger, 1881
Hyalinia (Polita) suturalis Boettger, 1881a: 190-191, pl. 8, fig. 9a-d.
● Type locality: Suram Ridge.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Adzharo-Imereti, Suram, Rachinsky, Svanetsky and Kodor ridges of Caucasus (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Bilania Schileyko, 1986
Type species: Daudebardia boettgeri Clessin, 1883 (OD)
Bilania boettgeri (Clessin, 1883)
Daudebardia boettgeri Clessin, 1883: 38, pl. 2, fig. 9, 10.
● Type locality: Strateiz near Yalta, Crimea.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: montain forests of Crimea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Carpathica A. Wagner, 1895
Type species: Daudebardia (Carpathica) kimakowiczi A. Wagner, 1895 [= Daudebardia calophana Westerlund, 1881] (SD Forcart, 1950)
Carpathica calophana (Westerlund, 1881)
[= Daudebardia (Carpathica) kimakowiczi A. Wagner, 1895]
Daudebardia calophana Westerlund, 1881: 51.
● Type locality: Przemysl, Poland.
● Syntypes: NMG No. 13.
● Distribution: Carpathians and near-Carpathian areas of Ukraine (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Daudebardia Hartmann, 1821
Type species: Helix rufa Draparnaud, 1805 (SD Forcart, 1950)
Daudebardia nivea Schileyko, 1988
Schileyko 1988b: 1730. fig. 1 (I-IV).
● Type locality: Georgia, Oficho Cave near Kumistavi village, 6 km from Tzkhaltubo, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-14439.
● Distribution: type locality.
Daudebardia rufa (Draparnaud, 1805)
[= Daudebardia haliciensis Westerlund, 1881]
Helix rufa Draparnaud, 1805: 118-119, pl. 8, figs. 26-29.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: the species was recorded from Poland near Przemysl (as D. haliciensis Westerlund, 1881), i.e.
in immediate vicinity of Ukraine (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Inguria Schileyko, 1986
Type species: Daudebardia wagneri Rosen, 1911 (OD)
Inguria wagneri (Rosen, 1911)
[= Daudebardia heydeni Riedel, 1978, part.]
Daudebardia wagneri Rosen 1911: 94, pl. 2, fig. 5.
● Type locality: Maikop and immediate vicinity.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: western offshoots of Great Caucasus, from Maikop in the north to the Tekhuri River valley in
the south, isolated findings in western Lesser Caucasus on Godersinsky pass of Arsiyansky Ridge (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Sieversia Kobelt, 1880
Type species: Daudebardia heydeni O. Boettger, 1879 (monotypy)
Sieversia heydeni (O. Boettger, 1879)
[= Daudebardia sieversi O. Boettger, 1880a; Daudebardia pawlenkoi O. Boettger, 1880a]
Daudebardia heydeni Boettger, 1879a: 3, pl. 1, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Kazbek (erroneous locality, probably Suram Ridge -- Boettger, 1880a: 112).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: maritime regions of West Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Sieversia lederi (O. Boettger, 1881)
[= Daudebardia pontica Simroth, 1912; Daudebardia caucasica Simroth, 1912; Daudebardia rufa sensu
Reibisch, 1892 non Draparnaud, 1805]
Daudebardia lederi Boettger, 1881a: 172-173, pl. 7, fig. 2a-b.
● Type locality: Kutaisi.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: West Ciscaucasia from Maikop to the Black Sea and to mouth of the Chorokh River in the
south (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Szuchumiella H. Wagner, 1945
Type species: Daudebardia (Libania) jetschini A. Wagner, 1895 (SD Forcart, 1950)
Szuchumiella jetschini (A. Wagner, 1895)
[Daudebardia kalischewskii Simroth, 1910 restr. Riedel, 1978; Daudebardia simrothi H. Wagner, 1945 restr.
Riedel, 1978]
Daudebardia (Libania) jetschini A. Wagner, 1895: 618-619, pl. 5, fig. 30a-b.
● Type locality: Psyrtskha near Novy Afon, Abkhazia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: maritime areas of West Caucasus from Gudauta to Tkvarcheli and Kodori River basin (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrina Draparnaud, 1801
Type species: Helix pellucida Müller, 1774 (monotypy)
Vitrina exilis Morelet, 1858
Morelet, 1858: 8.
● Type locality: not stated (Kamchatka – from title).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Iturup, Paramushir, Shumshu, Atlasova Islands (Kurile Islands) (Pearce et al., 2002).
Vitrina pellucida pellucida (Müller, 1774)
[= Vitrina beryllina C. Pfeiffer, 1821 «Bellevnegarten von Cassel» restr. Forcart, 1955; Vitrina globosa O.
Boettger, 1880]
Helix pellucida Müller, 1774: 15.
● Type locality: Fridrihsdal near Copenhagen.
Neotype (Forcart, 1955): ZMUC.
● Distribution: Palearctic (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrina pellucida alaskana Dall, 1905
[= Vitrina pfeifferi Newcomb, 1861 nom. praeocc., non Deshayes, 1851).
Dall, 1905: 37 (nom. nov. pro Vitrina pfeifferi Newcomb, 1861).
● Type locality: Karson River valley Nevada State, USA.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Commander Islands (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Vitrina rugulosa Martens, 1874
[= Vitrina alexandri Westerlund, 1896]
Martens, 1874: 7.
● Type locality: Karakasuk area near Kokand.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain regions of Central Asia (including Kopet-Dagh) and Altai (Likharev, Schileyko,
Phenocolimax Stabile, 1859
Type species: Helicolimax major Férussac, 1807 (SD Fischer in Paulucci, 1878)
Phenacolimax annularis (Studer, 1820)
[= ? Vitrina conoidea E. Martens, 1874; Helicarion sieversi Mousson, 1876; Vitrina subconica O. Boetger,
1878; Vitrina komarowi O. Boettger, 1879; Vitrina annularis f. caucasica Westerlund, 1896; Vitrina raddei
O. Boettger, 1889]
Glischrus annularis Studer, 1820: 86.
● Type locality: «Kt. Wallis, Tourbillon bei Sitten» restr. Forcart, 1957 (Switzerland, Kt. Wallis).
● Lectotype (Forcart, 1957): NMBE.
● Distribution: Carpathians, Crimea, central and eastern Caucasus, Talysh and mountains of Central Asia
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Trochovitrina O. Boettger, 1880
Type species: Lampadia lederi O. Boettger (monotypy)
Trochovitrina lederi (O. Boettger, 1879)
[= Vitrina lederi var. subcarinata O. Boettger, 1880]
Lampadia lederi Boettger, 1879a: 7, pl. 1, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Kazbek Mount.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1979): SMF No. 170216.
● Distribution: Suram Ridge, Lenkoran lowland and mountain-forest zone of Talysh (Likharev, Schileyko,
Eucobresia Baker, 1929
Type species: Vitrina diaphana Draparnaud, 1805 (OD)
Eucobresia nivalis (Dumont et Mortillet, 1852)
[= Phenacolimax alpina Koch in Hesse, 1923 part; Vitrina kochi auct. (non Andreae, 1884)]
Vitrina nivalis Dumont, Mortillet, 1852: 209-211.
● Type locality: «Bassin de Genève. Vallée inférieure du Haut-Rhфne. Azindaz, au-dessus de Bex. Bassin de
Bonneville. Vallée de l’Arve. Col du Bonhomme, а 2,300 m. Bassin de Moutiers. Vallée de la Haute-Isère.
Petit-St-Bernard, а 2,000 m. Vallée du Doron. Col de la Valnoise, а plus de 3,000 m.» (Swiss Alps).
Syntypes (Zilch, 1979): SMF No. 170130/3.
● Distribution: Ukrainian Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Semilimax Agassiz, 1845
Type species: Helix semilimax Férussac, 1802 (SD Hesse, 1923)
Semilimax kotulai (Westerlund, 1883)
Vitrina kotulae Westerlund, 1883a: 54-55.
● Type locality: «Galicia in M. Tatra, 900-2200’ s. m.» (Poland).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Carpathians in Ukraine (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Semilimax semilimax (Férussac, 1802)
[= Vitrina elongata Draparnaud, 1805]
Helix semilimax Férussac, 1802: 236, pl. 1, figs. A-D.
● Type locality: Switzerland, Billafingen near Baden.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Carpathians in Ukraine (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Zonitoides Lehmann, 1862
Type species: Helix nitida Müller, 1774 (monotypy)
Zonitoides arboreus (Say, 1816)
Helix arboreus Say, 1816: sp. no. 2, pl. 4 fig. 4.
● Type locality: North America.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: introduced to parks and gardens of Eastern Hemisphere (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Zonitoides nitidus (Müller, 1774)
Helix nitida Müller, 1774: 32.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen, Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Holarctic (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Discoconulus Reinhardt, 1883
Type species: Hyalina sinapidium Reinhardt, 1877 (SD Pilsbry, 1928)
Discoconulus sinapidium (Reinhardt, 1877)
Hyalina sinapidium Reinhardt, 1877c: 318, pl. 10, fig. 5.
● Type locality: «Yedo, Uweno, Nikkobirge» (Japan).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern Primorye Territory (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euconulus Reinhardt, 1883
Type species: Helix fulva Müller, 1774 (SD Pilsbry in Pilsbry et Ferriss, 1910)
Euconulus fulva Müller, 1774
[= Helix trochiformis Montagu, 1803; Helix fulva var. alderi Gray in Turton, 1840]
Helix fulva Müller, 1774: 56-57.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Holarctic (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Macrochlamys Benson, 1832
Type species: Helix (?) petrosa Hutton, 1834 (SD Blanford, Godwin-Austen, 1908)
Macrochlamys clessini Westerlund, 1902
[= Macrochlanys schmidti Clessin, 1894 nom. ppraeocc. non Brancsik, 1891; Macrochlamys kasachstani
Tzvetkov, 1940]
Westerlund, 1902: 19, 35 (nom. nov. pro Macrochlanys schmidti Clessin, 1894).
● Type locality: Ketmen Ridge, gorge near Podgorny vyselok.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Northern Tien-Shan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Macrochlamys kasnakowi (Westerlund, 1898)
[= Hyalinia maureri Rosen, 1901; Macrochlamys lindbergi Likharev et Starobogatov, 1967]
Hyalinia kasnakowi Westerlund, 1898: 155.
● Type locality: «Turkestan, Sary-Pu».
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Southern Tien-Shan, Alai, Pamir, Hindu Kush (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Macrochlamys sogdiana (Martens, 1871)
[= Macrochlamys sogdiana var. coeligena Gude, 1902]
Helicarion sogdianus Martens, 1871: 65, pl. 1, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: «Turkestan, Fedchenko expedition».
● Lectotype (Muratov, 1991): ZMMU No. Lc-1076.
● Distribution: Tien-Shan, Pamir, Ferghana valley, valleys of Zaravshan, Syr-Daria and Amu-Daria rivers
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Macrochlamys turanica Martens, 1874
[Macrochlamys schmidti Brancsik, 1891; Macrochlamys korshinskii Westerlund, 1896; Hyalinia retteri
Rosen, 1901; Parvatella issikensis Cockerell, 1928]
Martens, 1874: 7, pl. 1, fig. 3.
● Type locality: «Aksay-Tau, Fedchenko expedition».
● Lectotype (Muratov, 1991): ZMMU No. Lc-3785.
● Distribution: Tien-Shan and northern foothills of Pamir (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras Rafinesque, 1820
Type species: Limax gracilis Rafinesque, 1820 (= Limax laevis Müller, 1774) (monotypy)
Deroceras agreste (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Agriolimax fedschenkoi Koch et Heynemann, 1874; Agriolimax transcaucasicus coeciger Simroth, 1901]
Limax agrestis Linnaeus, 1758: 652.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: almost everywhere (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras altaicum (Simroth, 1886)
[= Agriolimax buchar var. coeciger Simroth, 1910; Agriolimax altaicus var. transitorius Waldén, 1957]
Agriolimax altaiucus Simroth, 1886: 28, pl. 1, fig. 14.
● Type locality: Altai.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Western Tien-Shan, (Kirgiz and Zailijskij Alatau), Dzungar Ridge, Altai, Sayan, Cisbaikalia
and Transbaikalia, Amur Region, Primorye Territory, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Kurile Islands (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras bakurianum (Simroth, 1912)
[= Agriolimax schemachensis Simroth, 1912]
Agriolimax bakurianus Simroth, 1912: 40, pl. 3, fig. 34, pl. 7, fig. 23.
● Type locality: Bakuriani (Georgia).
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: forest areas of Transcaucasia, Daghestan near Tlyarata (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras caucasicum (Simroth, 1901)
[= Agriolimax dymczewiczi sensu Simroth, 1901 non Kaleniczenko, 1851; Agriolimax caspius Simroth, 1901;
Lytopelte grusina Simroth, 1901; Lytopelte caucasica armenia Akramowski, 1948; Deroceras hamatus
Skljar, 1975]
Lytopelte caucasicus Simroth, 1901: 171, pl. 17, figs. 5-14.
● Type locality: Lagodekhi, valley of left tributary of Alazani River.
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: central and eastern Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS); introduced to Central Asia (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980) and Far East (vicinities of Vladivostok) (Chernyshev, 1999).
Deroceras ilium (Simroth, 1901)
Agriolimax ilium Simroth, 1901: 159, pl. 15, figs. 29-32.
● Type locality: Il mountain (current name: Sapitskaya Budka) near Vladikavkaz.
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: upper reaches of the Terek, Podkumok, Kodori rivers and upper reaches of eastern tributaries
of the Kuban River (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras laeve (Müller, 1774)
[= Limax gracilis Rafinesque, 1820; Limax hyperboreus Westerlund, 1876; Agriolimax psudodioicus
Velitchkovsky, 1910; Deroceras schulzi Tzvetkov et Matyokin, 1946]
Limax laevis Müller, 1774: 1-2.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Holarctic (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras moldavicum (Grossu et Lupu, 1961)
Lytopelte moldavicum Grossu, Lupu, 1961: 28, figs. 1-2.
● Type locality: Sukevitsa (Suchava district, northern Romania).
● Holotype: Natural History Museum of Bucuresti No. 13166.
● Distribution: Ukrainian Carpathians (Zakarpatskaya and Ivano-Frankovsk regions) (Likharev, Schileyko,
Deroceras occidentalis (Grossu et Lupu, 1966)
Lytopelte occidentalis Grossu, Lupu, 1966: 25, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Styna-de-Vale, Bikhor mountain (western Romania).
● Holotype: Natural History Museum of Bucuresti No. 3139.
● Distribution: south-western part of Ukrainian Carpathians (Zakarpatskaya and Ivano-Frankovsk regions)
and Chernovtsy District (Baidashnikov, 1989).
Deroceras osseticum (Simroth, 1901)
[= Agriolimax subagrestis var. minutus Simroth, 1901 part.]
Agriolimax osseticum Simroth, 1901: 161, pl. 14, figs. 22-26.
● Type locality: Tkibuli (Western Georgia).
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: western part of North Caucasus and western Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras praecox Wiktor, 1966
Wiktor, 1966: 449, figs. 1-10, 15, 16.
● Type locality: Pokshyvna, eastern Sudetes, Poland.
● Holotype: Natural History Museum of Wroclav.
● Distribution: probably western Ukraine (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras reticulatum (Müller, 1774)
[= Agriolimax agrestis auct., non Linnaeus, 1758]
Limax reticulatus Müller, 1774: 10.
● Type locality: Rosenburg, Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Arkhangelsk, Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Tula, Penza, Orel, Kursk,
Saratov and Chelyabinsk regions; Tatarstan; Estonia (Tallinn); Lithuania (Shaulyai district); Ukraine (Kiev,
Zhitomir, Odessa, Yalta, Sevastopol, Ivano-Frankovsk, Yaremcha); North Caucasus (Maikop, Vladikavkaz);
Transcaucasia (Erevan); Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata); Central Asia (Khamzabad, Ferghana district) (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras rodnae Grossu et Lupu, 1965
Grossu, Lupu, 1965: 28, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Inau mountain, Rodna block, Eastern Carpathians, Romania.
● Holotype: Natural History Museum of Bucuresti No. 13135.
● Distribution: a single finding in Kvasy village, Rakhov District, Zakarpatskaya Region (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras sturanyi (Simroth, 1894)
[= Agriolimax laevis aust., non Müller, 1774]
Agriolimax sturanyi Simroth, 1894: 392, pl. 19, figs. 5, 6.
● Type locality: vicinities of Ohrid Lake (Yugoslavia).
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): NHMV No. 19493b.
● Distribution: beech forests near Uzhgorod; sporadically in Moscow and Voronezh regions; gardens, greenhouses and botanical gardens of Alma-Ata (Uvalieva, 1979), St.-Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don,
Khodzhent and Khorog area (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras subagreste (Simroth, 1892)
[= Agriolimax agresticulus Simroth, 1894; Agriolimax ananowi Simroth, 1901]
Agriolimax subagrestus Simroth, 1892: 43.
● Type locality: Maikop.
● Syntypes: ZMB No. 45704.
● Distribution: North Caucasus; introduced to greenhouses of Pushkin (Leningrad Region), Rostov-on-Don
and gardens of Tashkent (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Deroceras tauricum (Simroth, 1901)
[= Agriolimax dymczewiczi sensu Simroth, 1885 non Kaleniczenko, 1851; Agriolimax crimense Simroth,
1901; Deroceras ramosus Skljar, 1975]
Agriolimax tauricum Simroth, 1901: 153, fig. 7.
● Type locality: montain Crimea.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: forest and forest-steppe areas of Crimea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Krynickillus Kaleniczenko, 1851
Type species: Krynickillus melanocephalus Kaleniczenko, 1851 (SD Pilsbry, 1922)
Krynickillus melanocephalus Kaleniczenko, 1851
Kaleniczenko, 1851: 221, pl. 5, fig. 2.
● Type locality: vicinities of Stavropol.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: almost all Caucasus, forests of Stavropol Territory, mountain part of Crimea (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Lytopelte O. Boettger, 1886
Type species: Amalia longicollis O. Boettger, 1886 (= Amalia maculata Koch et Heynemann in Martens,
1874) (monotypy)
Lytopelte maculata (Koch et Heynemann in Martens, 1874)
[= Amalia longicollis O. Boettger, 1886a; Lytopelte transcaspia Rosen, 1894; Deroceras kandaharensis Altena, 1970]
Amalia maculata Koch et Heynemann -- Martens, 1874: 2, pl. 1, fig. 4, pl. 3, fig. 35.
● Type locality: vicinities of Samarkand.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Caucasus (Lenkoran lowland and foothills of Talysh); two findings on south slope of Great
Caucasus (Akhsu, Padar); Central Asia (fruit-forests of Ferghana Ridge, valleyes of Zeravshan, Vakhsh and
Pyandzh rivers); Western Kopet-Dagh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Megalopelte Lindholm, 1914
Type species: Megalopelte simrothi Lindholm, 1914 (monotypy)
Megalopelte simrothi Lindholm, 1914
Lindholm, 1914b: 167.
● Type locality: Dzansul (Murgut-Su river basin, Chorokh vilayet, Northeastern Turkey).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Batumi Botanical Garden (Adzharia); off Akarmara village near Tkvarcheli (Abkhazia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Boettgerilla Simroth, 1910
Type species: Boettgerilla compressa Simroth, 1910 (monotypy)
Boettgerilla compressa Simroth, 1910
Simroth, 1910: 531, pl. 7, figs. 29-33.
● Type locality: Verkhnyaya Tzebelda (Abkhazia).
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality and near Kutaisi on ruins of Bagrat Castle (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Boettgerilla pallens Simroth, 1912
[= Boettgerilla vermiformis Wiktor, 1959]
Simroth, 1912: 55, pl. 3, fig. 50, pl. 8, fig. 32.
● Type locality: Gudauta (Abkhasia)
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: in nature: Abkhazia, western Georgia near Lentekhi and Upper Svanetia; parks and gardens of
Moscow, Vyborg, St.-Petersburg, Lvov, Sochi, Vladikavkas, Erevan, Chelaybinsk; Varzobskaya botanical
station on Hissar Ridge (Tajikistan) (Likharev, Izzatulaev, 1972).
Caspilimax P. Hesse, 1926
Type species: Limax keyserlingi Martens, 1880 (OD)
Caspilimax keyserlingi (Martens, 1880)
[= Limax tigris O. Boettger, 1886; Limax talyschanus O. Boettger, 1886; Limax baeri Simroth, 1898; Gigantomilax robustus Simroth, 1901; Limax persicus Simroth, 1910]
Limax keyserlingi Martens, 1880: 396.
● Type locality: Astrabad (now Gorgan, Northern Iran).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: forests of Talysh and Lenkoran lowland, sporadically in Khudat and Izmail districts (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasolimax Likharev et Wiktor, 1980
Type species: Limax caucasicus Simroth, 1898 (OD)
Caucasolimax caucasicus (Simroth, 1898)
[= Limax ananowi Simroth, 1898; Limax amaloides Simroth, 1898; Limax ananowi var. alticola Simroth,
1912; Limax svaneticus Simroth, 1912]
Limax caucasicus Simroth 1898: 55.
● Type locality: Mayorsha montain, Kazbek.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: central part of Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Gigantomilax O. Boettger, 1883
Type species: Amalia (Gigantomilax) lederi O. Boettger, 1883 (monotypy)
Gigantomilax brunneus (Simroth, 1901)
Monochroma brunneus Simroth, 1901: 96, pl. 6, figs. 1-18.
● Type locality: Nagornyi Karabakh, Karagjol Lake.
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: Zangezur mountain system (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Gigantomilax daghestanus (Simroth, 1898)
[= Limax florenskii Simroth, 1912]
Limax daghestanus Simroth, 1898: 54.
● Type locality: Gunib (Central Daghestan).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Central Daghestan (Gunib, Mekhelta, Agvali), southern Armenia (Leninkan, Vedinsky and
Daralages zoogeoraphical area) (Akramowski, 1971; Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Gigantomilax koenigi (Simroth, 1912)
[= Limax oltinus Simroth, 1912; Limax jailanus Simroth, 1912]
Limax koenigi Simroth, 1912: 10, pl. 1, fig. 4, pl. 5, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Ker-Ogly (vilayet Erzerum, Turkey).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Adzharia (valley of Machakhelis-tzkali River), Armenia (Idzhevan, Noemberyan and Vedinsky districts), Talysh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Gigantomilax lederi (O. Boettger, 1883)
Amalia lederi O. Boettger, 1883: 143, pl. 4, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Svanetia (Georgia).
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): SMF No. 155289.
● Distribution: southern slopes and offshoots of Great Caucasus from Mzymta River basin to Suram pass and
Borzhomi area, Adzharo-Imereti and Shavshetky ridges, Teberda Reserve (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Gigantomilax lenkoranus Simroth, 1912
[= Gigantomilax talyschanus Simroth, 1912]
Simroth, 1912: 48, pl. 3, fig. 44, pl. 7, fig. 27.
● Type locality: Kyz-Kalasi mountain, Zuvand (Talysh, Azerbaijan).
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: Talysh Ridge (southeastern Azerbaijan), near tops of Marayurt, Kyz-Jrdy, Kizkalasi and
Shindan-Kalasi mountains (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Gigantomilax monticola monticola (O. Boettger, 1881)
[= Gigantomilax brunneus Simroth, 1912; Gigantomilax borshomensis Simroth, 1912]
Limax monticola O. Boettger, 1881a: 180-182, pl. 7, fig. 6a-c.
● Type locality: «8000’ Höhe auf dem Taparowan in Hocharmenien» (vicinities of Paravani lake, South
● Holotype: SMF No. 155348/1
● Distribution: between Dzhavakhet, Samsar and Trialet ridges (South Georgia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Gigantomilax monticola armeniacus (Simroth, 1886)
[= Limax Dymczewiczi sensu Martens, 1880 non Kaleniczenko, 1851; Limax primitivus Simroth, 1894; Limax
colchicus Simroth, 1898; Limax valentini Simroth, 1898; Limax ordubadensis Simroth, 1901; Limax incipiens
Simroth, 1912; Limax kaznakovi Simroth, 1912; Limax simplex Simroth, 1898; Limax schmidti Simroth,
1912; Limax schelkovnikovi Simroth, 1912; Limax voronovi Simroth, 1912]
Limax armeniacus Simroth, 1886: 27, pl. 1, figs. 4-7.
● Type locality: Sevanga peninsula, Sevan Lake (Armenia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: most part of mountain systems of Lesser Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Lehmannia Heynemann, 1862
Type species: Limax marginatus Müller, 1774 (monotypy)
Lehmannia jaroslaviae Grossu, 1967
[= Lehmannia vrancensis Lupu, 1973]
Grossu, 1967: 120-124, figs. 1-6.
● Type locality: "Jaroslave, vallée du Topolog, région Arges" (Romania).
● Holotype: Grossu collection No. 1131 (Natural History Museum of Bucuresti).
● Distribution: a single finding near Kipriani village (Moldavia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Lehmannia macroflagellata Grossu et Lupu, 1962
Grossu, Lupu, 1962: 198, figs. 9-11.
● Type locality: Pitrozul (Romania).
● Holotype: National History Museum Bucuresti No. 13133.
● Distribution: Ukrainian Carpathian (Chernogora) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Lehmannia marginata (Müller, 1774)
[= Limax arborum Bouchard-Chantereaux, 1838; Limax livonicus Schrenk, 1848]
Limax marginatus Müller, 1774: 10.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baltic countries, Karelian isthmus, Valaam Island (Ladoga Lake), Byelorussian and Ukrainian
Polesye, Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk, Chernovitzy and Zakarpatskaya regions (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Lehmannia valentiana (Férussac, 1821)
[= Limax poirieri Mabille, 1883]
Limax valentianus Férussac, 1821: 21.
● Type locality: Valencia (Spain).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: gardenfarms of St.-Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and Tashkent (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Limax Linnaeus, 1758
Type species: Limax maximus Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Férussac, 1819)
Limax cinereoniger Wolf, 1803
[= Limax antiquorum Férussac, 1819 part.]
Wolf, 1803: 7.
● Type locality: Germany.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baltic countries, southern Karelia, western and central regions of European part of Russia,
Byelorussia, northern and western Ukraine (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Limax flavus Linnaeus, 1758
[= Limax variegatus Draparnaud, 1801]
Linnaeus, 1758: 652.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: cellars, basements and greenhouses of Moscow, Kaliningrad, Tartu, Saratov and Rostov-onDon (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Limax maculatus (Kaleniczenko, 1851)
[= Limax variegatus sensu Moquin-Tandon, 1855 non Draparnaud, 1801; Limax ecarinatus O. Boettger,
1881; Limax grossui Lupu, 1970]
Krynickillus maculatus Kaleniczenko, 1851: 226, pl. 6, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Kutchuk-Koi (now Kiparisnoe, southern coast of Crimea).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain Crimea and Caucasus; cellars and greenhouses of Pushkin, St.-Petersburg, Sevastopol, Vladikavkaz, Tbilisi and Astrakhan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Limax maximus Linnaeus, 1758
[= Limax cinereus Müller, 1774; Limax antiquorum Férussac, 1819 part.]
Linnaeus, 1758: 652.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: a common species in parks and gardens in European part of Russia (Likharev, Schileyko,
Malacolimax Malm, 1868
Type species: Limax tenellus Müller, 1774 (monotypy)
Malacolimax tenellus (Müller, 1774)
[= Limax serotinus Schrenk, 1848]
Limax tenellus Müller, 1774: 11.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: northwestern, western and central areas of European part of Russia (Likharev, Schileyko,
Turcomilax Simroth, 1901
Type species: Gigantomilax (Turcomilax) nanus Simroth, 1901 (monotypy)
Turcomilax ferganus (Simroth, 1910)
Gigantomilax ferganus Simroth, 1910: 528, pl. 7, figs. 22-25.
● Type locality: eastern slope of Chatkal Ridge.
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: Chatkal Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turcomilax nanus (Simroth, 1901)
[= Gigantomilax abramowi Simroth, 1910; Gigantomilax pischpekensis Simroth, 1910]
Gigantomilax nanus Simroth, 1901: 177, pl. 19, figs. 15-20.
● Type locality: Arslanbob, Baubash-Ata Mount (Ferghana Ridge).
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: Ferghana, Chatkal and Kirgiz ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turcomilax natalianus (Michaelis, 1892)
[= Lehmania stummeri Simroth, 1910; Gigantomilax iliensis Altena, 1954]
Limax natalianus Michaelis, 1892: 31. fig. 3.
● Type locality: mountains of eastern Kazakhstan.
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: Kirgiz, Kungei, Dzungar and Tarbagatai ridges (Central Asia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Turcomilax turkestanus (Simroth, 1898)
[= Limax dengis Simroth, 1910]
Limax turkestanus Simroth, 1898: 54.
● Type locality: «Turkestan.»
● Types: unknown.
Distribution:vicinities of Przhevalsk (Terskei-Alatau); Zailijskij Alatau; Zhetyzhol Ridge (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Turcomilax tzvetkovi Likharev et Wiktor, 1980
Likharev, Wiktor, 1980: 258, figs. 309, 310.
● Type locality: 12 km from Turgen village, Alma-Ata Region, Zailijskij Alatau.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Turgen ravine (eastern part of Zailijskij Alatau) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Eumilax O. Boettger, 1881
Type species: Limax (Milax) Brandti Martens, 1880 (OD)
Eumilax brandti Martens, 1880
[= Paralimax multirugatus O. Boettger, 1888; Paralimax marmoratus Simroth, 1901; Paralimax niger Simroth, 1901; Paralimax salamandroides Simroth, 1901; Paralimax gyratus Simroth, 1901; Paralimax gracillis
Simroth, 1901; Paralimax ochraceus Simroth, 1901; Paralimax albocarinatus Simroth, 1901; Eumilax
brandti var. ciscaucasica Rosen, 1901; Eumilax kalischewskii Simroth, 1910]
Limax brandti Martens, 1880: 143.
● Type locality: Borzhomi.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain forests and meadows on south slopes of Great Caucasus, Suram, Trialet, AdzharoImereti and Shavshet chains of Lesser Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Eumilax intermittens (O. Boettger, 1883)
[= Paralimax raddei Simroth, 1901; Paralimax minutus Simroth, 1901; Paralimax orientalis Simroth, 1912;
Paralimax griseus Simroth, 1912]
Limax intermittens O. Boettger, 1883: 145, pl. 4, fig.7.
● Type locality: Kutaisi.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain forests and meadows on south and north offshoots of Great Caucasus (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Metalimax Simroth, 1896
Type species: Metalimax elegans Simroth, 1901 (monotypy)
Metalimax elegans Simroth, 1901
Simroth, 1901: 94, pl. 6, figs. 1-6.
● Type locality: Tkibuli (Western Georgia).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern offshoots of Great Caucasus (Rachinsky, Zgriisky and Kodor ridges) in western
Georgia and Abkhazia (Tkibuli, Tzageri, Tkvarcheli) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Metalimax varius (O. Boettger, 1884)
Paralimax varius O. Boettger, 1884: 147.
[= Paralimax reibischi Simroth, 1892]
● Type locality: Psyrtzkha (near Novyi Afon, Abkhazia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountain and foothill forests of northwestern Great Caucasus; greenhouses of Sochi and
Rostov-on-Don (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Bielzia Clessin, 1887
Type species: Limax coerulans M. Bielz, 1851 (monotypy)
Bielzia coerulans (M. Bielz, 1851)
[= Limax schwabi Frauenfeld, 1864]
Limax coerulans Bielz, 1851: 14.
● Type locality: South Carpathians (Romania).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukrainian Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Boreolestes Schileyko et Kijashko, 1999
Type species: Boreolestes likharevi Schileyko et Kijashko, 1999 (OD)
Boreolestes likharevi Schileyko et Kijashko, 1999
Schileyko, Kijashko, 1999: 40-41, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: North-Western Caucasus, Oshten-Fisht Mountains, west-facing slope of Mount Oshten.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: North-Western Caucasus, Oshten-Fisht Mountains (Schileyko, Kijashko, 1999).
Boreolestes sylvestris Kijashko in Schileyko et Kijashko, 1999
Schileyko, Kijashko, 1999: 41-43, figs. 3, 4.
● Type locality: North-Western Caucasus, Molchepa riverside (right tributary of Belaya River), 6 km from
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: North-Western Caucasus, upper part of Belaya River basin (Schileyko, Kijashko, 1999).
Drilolestes Lindholm, 1925
Type species: Pseudomilax retowskii O. Boettger, 1884 (OD)
Drilolestes retowskii (O. Boettger, 1884)
[= Pseudomilax reibischi Simroth, 1901; Pseudomilax ananowi Simroth, 1901; Pseudomilax orientalis Simroth, 1912]
Pseudomilax retowskii O. Boettger, 1884: 146.
● Type locality: Psyrtzkha near Novyi Afon (Abkhazia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: forest and alpine zones of Great Caucasus and northern offshoots of Lesser Caucasus eastward of Dzhevakheti ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Hyrcanolestes Simroth, 1901.
Type species: Parmacella velitaris Martens, 1880 (OD)
Hyrcanolestes velitaris (Martens, 1880)
[= Pseudomilax bicolor O. Boettger, 1881; Hyrcanolestes valentini Simroth, 1901; Hyrcanolestes armeniacus
Simroth, 1910; Hyrcanolestes kaznakovi Simroth, 1912; Hyrcanolestes varius Simroth, 1912; Hyrcanolestes
obscurus Simroth, 1912; Hyrcanolestes fursovi Simroth, 1912; Hyrcanolestes declivis Simroth, 1912;
Chrysalidomilax sphingiformis Simroth, 1912]
Parmacella velitaris Martens, 1880: 154.
● Type locality: Astrabad (now Gorgan), northern Iran.
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: forests of Lenkoran lowland and Talysh, northern and eastern offshoots of Lesser Caucasus,
southern offshoots of eastern Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Khostalestes Suvorov, 2003
Type species: Khostalestes kochetkovi Suvorov, 2003
Khostalestes kochetkovi Suvorov, 2003
Suvorov, 2003: 150-152, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Northwestern Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory, Kavkazsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve,
Khosta yew-box tree wood.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-25413.
● Distribution: type locality.
Lesticulus Schileyko, 1988
Type species: Lesticulus nocturnus Schileyko, 1988 (OD)
Lesticulus nocturnus Schileyko, 1988
Schileyko, 1988b: 1733, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Oficho Cave near Kumistavi village (near Tzkhaltubo, western Georgia).
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-22803.
● Distribution: type locality.
Selenochlamys O. Boettger, 1883
Type species: Selenochlamys pallida O. Boettger, 1883 (monotypy)
Selenochlamys pallida O. Boettger, 1883
[= Selenochlamys plumbea Simroth, 1912]
Boettger, 1883: 142, pl. 5, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Kutaisi.
● Holotype: unknown.
● Distribution: near Kutaisi, Gelati, Tkibuli, Chikhareshi, Lentekhi (western Georgia), Tkvarcheli and
Amtkel (Abkhazia) and south of Maikop (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Trigonochlamys O. Boettger, 1881
Type species: Trigonochlamys imitatrix O. Boettger, 1881 (monotypy)
Trigonochlamys imitatrix O. Boettger, 1881
[= Pseudomilax lederi O. Boettger, 1881; Trigonochlamys semiplumbeus O. Boettger, 1886; Trigonochlamys
boettgeri Retowski, 1889; Trigonochlamys minor Simroth, 1901; Phrixolestes adshricus Simroth, 1901;
Phrixolestes ponticus Simroth, 1901; Trigonochlamys pontica Simroth, 1912; Trigonochlamys armeniaca
Simroth, 1912; Trigonochlamys distans Simroth, 1912]
Boettger, 1881a: 177-178, pl. 7, fig. 5a-c.
● Type locality: Kutaisi.
● Holotype: SMF No. 155442.
● Distribution: Georgia: forest zone of Adzharo-Imereti and Shavshetsky ridges, southern slopes of Rachinsky ridge (near Kutaisi and Tkibuli); Armenia: subtropical microsites in Megrin and Kafan areas (Akramowski, 1976); Azerbaijan: outer slopes of Lesser Caucasus (Khanlar and Shamkhor areas), near Kusari
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Troglolestes Ljovushkin et Matiokin, 1965
Type species: Troglolestes sokolovi Ljovushkin et Matiokin, 1965 (monotypy)
Troglolestes sokolovi Liovushkin et Matiokin, 1965
Liovushkin, Matiokin, 1965: 35.
● Type locality: Vorontzovskaya Cave near Sochi.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: type locality.
Candaharia Godwin-Austen, 1888
Type species: Parmacella rutellum Hutton, 1849 (monotypy)
Candaharia aethiops (Westerlund, 1896)
Parmacella anthiops Westerlund, 1896: 183 (nom. err. -- Lindholm, 1922a: 305).
● Type locality: along Uzun-kur-su River (Ferghana Ridge).
● Holotype: lost.
● Distribution: Kirgiz, Ferghana, Hissar, Darvaz, Peter the Great ridges and Khorog (Pamir) (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Candaharia izzatullaevi Likharev et Wiktor, 1980
Likharev, Wiktor, 1980: 352, color plate, fig 2, figs. 475-479.
● Type locality: off Pendzhikent (Tajikistan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, near irrigation system of Botanical Garden of Tajik Academy of Sciences
(Dushanbe), vicinities of Dzhizak station (Uzbekistan) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Candaharia levanderi (Simroth, 1901)
[= Parmacella kaznakovi Simroth, 1912; Parmacella roseni Simroth, 1912]
Parmacella levanderi Simroth, 1901: 203, pl. 20. fig. 4, 10, 21, 22, pl. 21, figs. 1-5.
● Type locality: Samarkand.
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): Zoological Museum of Helsinki University.
● Distribution: Alai mountain system from Zeravshan Ridge in the west to Alai Ridge and Peter the Great
Ridge in the east, Chatkal Ridge (Central Asia) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Candaharia rutellum (Hutton, 1849)
[= Parmacella kainarensis Simroth, 1912; Vitrina baccate Hutton, 1849]
Parmacella rutellum Hutton, 1849: 649.
● Type locality: Kandahar (Afghanistan).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: mountains and offshoots of Tien-Shan, Alai and Pamir-Darvaz mountain systems (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Parmacella Cuvier, 1804
Type species: Parmacella olivieri Cuvier, 1804 (monotypy)
Parmacella ibera Eichwald, 1841
[= Parmacella olivieri sensu Simroth, 1883 non Cuvier, 1804; Clathropodium vitrinaeformis Westerlund,
1897; Parmacella simrothi Germain, 1912]
Parmacella olivieri var. ibera Eichwald, 1841: 250-251, pl. 38, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: "in Iberia" (Georgia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western Kopet Dagh, eastern Transcaucasia, southern offshoots of Great Caucasus, northern
and norteastern offshoots of Lesser Caucasus, coast of Caspian Sea from Makhachkala to Yalama, Lenkoran
lowland and Talysh mountains. Introduced to Caucasian coast of Black Sea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Milax Gray, 1855
Type species: Limax gagates Draparnaud, 1801 (SD Hesse, 1926)
Milax caucasicus (Simroth, 1912)
Amalia caucasica Simroth, 1912: 52, pl. 3, fig. 48, pl. 8, fig. 31.
● Type locality: Borzhomi (Georgia).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, near Lenkoran, and offshoots of Talysh mountains (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Tandonia Lesson et Pollonera, 1882
Type species: Limax marginatus Draparnaud, 1801 (non Müller, 1774) (= Limax rusticus Millet, 1843) (SD
Hesse, 1926)
Tandonia cristata (Kaleniczenko, 1851)
[= Milax cristatus var. nanus Grossu et Lupu, 1961]
Krynickillus cristatus Kaleniczenko, 1851: 225, pl. 6, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Otuz (now Shchebetovka) Southern Crimea.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Sevastopol, Yalta and Simferopol (Crimea), Odessa and Uzhgorod (Likharev, Schileyko,
Tandonia kaleniczenkoi (Clessin, 1883)
[= Milax dobrogicus Grossu, 1882; Milax samsunensis sensu Forcart, 1953 non Forcart, 1942]
Amalia kalenzkoi Clessin, 1883: 39, pl. 2, fig. 11 (nom. err.).
● Type locality: Strateis (district of Yalta).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Sevastopol, Yalta, Simferopol (Crimea) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Tandonia kusceri (H. Wagner, 1931)
[= Milax rusticus longipenis Grossu et Lupu, 1961; Milax rusticus f. balcanicus Grossu et Lupu, 1961; Milax
bojanensis Hudec, 1964]
Milax kusceri H. Wagner, 1931: 200.
● Type locality: Svetka Petka near Nisha (Yugoslavia).
● Holotype: NHMV.
● Distribution: a park and Botanical Garden in Odessa (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Meghimatium Hasselt, 1823
Type species: Meghimatium striatus Hasselt, 1823 (monotypy)
Meghimatium bilineatum (Benson, 1842)
Incilaria bilineatum Benson, 1842: 486
● Type locality: Chzhou-Shan (China).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Primorye Territory and central part of Amur River basin (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Arion Férussac, 1819
Type species: Arion empiricorum Férussac, 1819 [part. syn. Limax ater or Limax rufus Linnaeus, 1758] (SD
Hesse, 1926)
Arion ater (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Arion empiricorum Férussac, 1819 pars.]
Limax ater Linnaeus, 1758: 652.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: probably can be found in Karelia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Arion circumscriptus Johnston, 1828
[= Arion bourguignati Mabille, 1868]
Johnston, 1828: 76.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: found near St.-Petersburg and Zheleznovodsk (North Caucasus) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Arion fasciatus (Nilsson, 1823)
[= Arion nilssoni Pollonera, 1887]
Limax fasciatus Nilsson, 1823 (non 1822): 3-5.
● Type locality: Lund (Sweden).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: found in Moscow, Tver, Lipetzk, Orel, Kursk, Pskov, Kaluga and Ivano-Frankovsk regions,
near St.-Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and Kiev (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Arion hortensis Férussac, 1819
Férussac, 1819: 65-66, pl. 2, figs. 4-5.
● Type locality: Paris and its environs (France).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: a single finding near Uzhgorod (Zakarpatskaya Region) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Arion rufus Linnaeus, 1758
[= Arion empiricorum Férussac, 1819 pars]
Limax rufus Linnaeus, 1758: 652.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: near Pushkino and Kuskovo (Moscow Region) and southern Karelia near Sandal Lake (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Arion sibiricus Simroth, 1901
Simroth, 1901: 53, pl. 2, figs. 1-6.
● Type locality: Irkutsk.
● Lectotype (Likharev, Wiktor, 1980): ZIN.
● Distribution: Central and Eastern Siberia, middle and southern parts of Amur River basin, Primorye Territory, Sakhalin and Kunashir Island (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Arion silvaticus Lohmander, 1937
Arion circumscriptus var. silvaticus Lohmander, 1937: 94, figs. 10-11.
● Type locality: Southern Sweden.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: off Shaulyai and Pagegjaya (Lithuania), Pushkin and Mozhaiskoje (near St.-Petersburg), near
Yaremcha (Ivano-Frankovsk Region, Carpathians) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Arion subfuscus (Draparnaud, 1805)
[= Arion krynickii Kaleniczenko, 1851; Arion brunneus Lehmann, 1862; Arion esthonicus Poska-Teiss, 1927]
Limax subfuscus Draparnaud, 1805: 125-126, pl. 9, fig. 8.
● Type locality: «le Sorézois et la montagne Noire» (southeastern France).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: widely distributed in European part of Russia, common in Carpathians, western and eastern
slopes of Central and South Ural, Ukraine, North Caucasus near Vladikavkaz. Absent in Crimea (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855
[= Arion lusitanicus auctt., non Mabille, 1868]
Arion rufus var. vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855: 10, pl. 1, fig. 1.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: a single finding in Kaluga Region (near Fersikovo village, 39 km east of Kaluga) (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS, as Arion lusitanicus).
ARIANTINAE Mörch, 1864
Arianta Turton, 1831
Type species: Helix arbustorum Linnaeus, 1758 (OD)
Arianta arbustorum (Linnaeus, 1758)
Helix arbustorum Linnaeus, 1758: 771.
● Type locality: «in Europae arbustis».
● Types: probably in BMNH.
● Distribution: Ukrainian Carpathians, Byelorussia, Baltic countries, introduced to vicinities of St.-Petersburg
and Moscow (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Arianta petrii (Kimakowicz, 1890)
Helix aethiops var. petrii Kimakowicz, 1890: 204.
● Type locality: Carpathians.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Chernogora (Gutzul Alps, Ukraine), Chernovtzy Region (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Drobacia Brusina, 1904
Type species: Helix banatica Rassmaessler, 1838 (OD)
Drobacia banatica (Partsch in Rossmässler, 1838)
Helix banatica Partsch -- Rossmässler, 1838: 14, pl. 7, fig. 457.
● Type locality: «im Banat, bei Mehadia» (Romania).
● Syntypes: NHMV.
● Distribution: Ukrainian Carphatians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Faustina Kobelt, 1904
Type species: Helix faustina Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1835 (OD)
Faustina faustina (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1835)
[= Helix faustina var. associata Rossmässler, 1835; Helix faustina f. citrinula Rossmässler, 1835]
Helix faustina Ziegler -- Rossmässler, 1835b: 4-5, pl. 6, fig. 93.
● Type locality: «Galicien».
● Types: probably in SMF.
● Distribution: Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helicigona Férussac, 1821
Type species: Helix lapicida Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Pilsbry, 1895)
Helicigona lapicida (Linnaeus, 1758)
Helix lapicida Linnaeus, 1758: 768.
● Type locality: «in Europae rupibus terrestribus».
● Types: probably in BMNH.
● Distribution: Kalinigrad Region, maritime Latvia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Isognomostoma Fitzinger, 1833
Type species: Helix personata Lamarck, 1792 (OD)
Isognomostoma isognomostomum (Gmelin, 1791)
[= Helix personata Lamarck, 1792]
Helix isognomostomos Gmelin, 1791: 3621.
● Type locality: «Virginia, Thuringia, Alsatia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Carpathians and Ciscarpathia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasotachea C. Boettger, 1911
Type species: Helix atrolabiata Krynicki, 1833 (OD)
Caucasotachea atrolabiata (Krynicki, 1833)
[= Helix stauropolitanus A. Schmidt, 1854; Caucasotachea argonautarum Roschkovski, 1919 nom. nov. pro
Helix atrolabiata auct. non Krynicki, 1833; Helix atrolabiata f. tricolor O. Boettger, 1881; Helix atrolabiata
f. maculato-fasciata O. Boettger, 1881; Helix atrolabiata f. decussata O. Boettger, 1881; repanda Mousson,
1879; laeta Westerlund, 1898; albispira Lindholm, 1913; voronoviae Lindholm, 1913; alternans Retowski,
1914; transiens Retowski, 1914]
Helix atrolabiata Krynicki, 1833: 425-428, pl. 10 a-c.
● Type locality: Mashuk and Besh-Tau mountains near Pyatigorsk.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: horseshoe-like area of western wing of Great Caucasus from north, west and south. Sporadically in western Colchis lowland and off Kutaisi (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasotachea calligera (Dubois de Montpéreux, 1840)
[= Helix calligera var. pallasii Mousson, 1863; Helix atrolabiata var. intercedens Retowski, 1889; Helix
atrolabiata var. nemoraloides Kobelt, 1903]
Helix calligera Dubois de Montpéreux, 1840: 87.
● Type locality: Caucasus.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern slopes of Great Caucasus, Colchis lowland, western Lesser Caucasus (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Caucasothachea lencoranea (Mousson, 1863)
Helix atrolabiata var. lencoranea Mousson, 1863: 203.
● Type locality: Lenkoran.
● Holotype: unknown.
● Distribution: Lenkoran lowland and forests of Talysh (Caucasus) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cepaea Held, 1837
Type species: Helix nemoralis Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Herrmannsen, 1846)
Cepaea hortensis (Müller, 1774)
Helix hortensis Müller, 1774: 52-55.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (vicinities of Copenhagen).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Kaliningrad Region, Latvia, Estonia and sporadically in Vitebsk Region (Likharev, Schileyko,
Cepaea nemoralis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Helix nemoralis Linnaeus, 1758: 773.
● Type locality: «in Europae arboribus».
Prabable syntypes: UUZM No. 757.
● Distribution: locally along coast of Baltic Sea (Kaliningrad Region, Latvia, Estonia) (Likharev, Schileyko,
Cepaea vindobonensis (C. Pfeiffer, 1828)
[= Helix austriaca Menke, 1828; Helix ervensis Krynicki, 1837]
Helix vindobonensis Pfeiffer, 1828: 15-16, pl. 4, figs. 6-7.
● Type locality: "im Erzherzogthum Oesterreich und Illyrien".
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: forest-steppe and steppe zones of East-European Plain, steppes of Crimea and foothills of
North Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cryptomphalus Agassiz, 1837
Type species: Helix aspersa Müller, 1774 (SD Pilsbry, 1889)
Cryptomphalus aspersa (Müller, 1774)
Helix aspersa Müller, 1774: 59.
● Type locality: «Italia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: a single finding in Crimea near Feodosia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Eobania Hesse, 1915
Type species: Helix vermiculata Müller, 1774 (OD)
Eobania vermiculata (Müller, 1774)
Helix vermiculata Müller, 1774
● Type locality: Italy.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Crimea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helix Linnaeus, 17758
Type species: Helix pomatia Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Montfort, 1810)
Helix albescens Rossmässler, 1839
[= Helix obtusata Rossmässler, 1837 nom. praeocc., non Serres, 1824; Helix vulgaris Rossmässler, 1839
nom. praeocc., non Da Costa, 1778; Helix obtusalis Bourguignat, 1860 nom. nov. pro H. obtusata Rossmässler, 1837; Helix obtusalis var. bicincta Kobelt, 1877; Helix obtusata var. balionis Retowski, 1889; Helix
intermissa Westerlund, 1897; Helix vulgaris kubanensis Kobelt, 1906; Helix vulgaris roseni Kobelt, 1906]
Rossmässler, 1839: 10, pl. 44, figs. 585-586.
● Type locality: Northern Italy.
● Holotype: SMF No. 9834.
● Distribution: Odessa, Kherson, Melitopol, mountain and steppe Crimea (Ukraine); western and northern
parts of North Caucasus; sporadically in Daghestan, Georgia, Armenia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helix buchi Dubois de Montpéreux in Pfeiffer, 1853
[= Helix buchi f. minor O. Boettger, 1881; Helix buchi sieversi Kobelt, 1903; Helix pomatia duschekensis
Kobelt, 1906; Helix buchi var. adsharica Kobelt, 1906]
Helix buchi Dubois de Montpéreux -- Pfeiffer, 1853a: 181.
● Type locality: «Grusia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Georgia near Abkhazia, Verin Agdan village (Idzhevan district, Armenia) (Akramowski,
1976; Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helix christophi O. Boettger, 1881
[= Helix christophi var.? atrolabioides Kobelt, 1914]
Boettger, 1881a: 217-218.
● Type locality: Adzharia.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1952a): SMF No. 50787.
● Distribution: southwestern Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helix lucorum Linnaeus, 1758
[= Helix taurica Krynicki, 1833; Helix radiosa Rossmässler, 1838; Helix taurica mut. martensi O. Boettger,
1883; Helix ancyrensis haussknechti Kobelt, 1906]
Linnaeus, 1758: 773.
● Type locality: «in Europae arboribus».
● Neotype (ICZN Opinion 1996, 2002): Zoological Museum of the University of Copenhagen.
● Distribution: mountain Crimea, Black Sea coast of Caucasus (north of Sochi), Colchis lowland and bordering mountain ridges, Armenia, Shemakha and Talysh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helix lutescens Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1837
Helix lutescens Ziegler -- Rossmässler, 1837: 4, pl. 21, fig. 292.
● Type locality: «Lemberg in Galicien» (Lvov, Ukraine).
Neotype (Zilch, 1952b): SMF No. 9850.
● Distribution: Carpathians in western Ukraine and Moldavia, Volyno-Podolsk Hills, insular areas off Zhitomir, Odessa and Nikolaev (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helix nordmanni Parreyss in Mousson, 1854
Mousson, 1854: 366-367.
● Type locality: «le Somketh, l’Imereth et l’Armenie».
● Syntype: ZMZ No. 506382.
● Distribution: southern Georgia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helix pomatia Linnaeus, 1758
Linnaeus, 1758: 771.
[synonyms see in Zilch, 1952]
● Type locality: «in Angliae, Galliae nemoribus».
● Probable syntypes: UUZM No. 866.
● Distribution: Baltic countries, western part of Ukraine and Byelorussia, introduced to vicinities of Moscow,
Kursk, Kiev and Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Levantina Kobelt, 1871
Type species: Helix spiriplana Olivier, 1821 (SD Pilsbry, 1894)
Levantina djulfensis (Dubois de Montpéreux, 1840)
[= Helix urmiensis Kobelt, 1889; Helix placida Westerlund, 1897; Helix casta Westerlund, 1898]
Helix djulfensis Dubois de Montpéreux, 1840: 24.
● Type locality: Djulfa.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Araks River valley (Megrin district) vicinities of Bzhni (Razdan district) (Armenia); Dzhulfa,
Ordubad, Zangilan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Levantina escheriana (Bourguignat, 1864)
Helix escheriana Bourguignat, 1864b: 105, pl. 12, figs. 8-11.
● Type locality: Mesopotamia (now Iraque).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Armenia (Norashen district, Kyarki village) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Acusta Martens, 1860
Type species: Helix ravida Benson, 1842 (OD)
Acusta ravida (Benson, 1842)
[= Helix selskii Schrenck, 1867; Helix cincto-inflata Mousson, 1887; Helix weyrichii sensu Cockerell, 1924
non Schrenck, 1867]
Helix ravida Benson, 1842: 486.
● Type locality: «Chusan».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: lower and middle parts of Amur River basin, the entire Primorye Territory (Egorov, Ivanov,
Fruticicola Held, 1837
Type species: Helix fruticum Müller, 1774 (SD Herrmannsen, 1847)
Fruticicola alaica (Kuznetsov, 1998)
Bradybaena alaica Kuznetsov, 1998: 87-88, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Kirgizia, Osh Region, Naukat District, Kichik-Alai Ridge, Mazar-Sai River (tributary of
Kirgiz-Alai) valley upstream from Eski-Naukat settlement, Naukat Experimental Forestry, Experimental
Point Karagoi, eastern slope, 2500-2700 m.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-22978.
● Distribution: Osh Region of Kirgizia (Kuznetsov, 1998).
Fruticicola almaatini (Skvortzov, 1940)
[= Fruticola alma-atina var. lindholmi Skvortzov, 1940]
Fruticola almaatini Skvortzov, 1940: 372-373.
● Type locality: Maloe Almaatinskoe ravine, Zailijskij Alatau.
● Syntypes: ZMMU Nos. Lc-14476, Lc-14409.
● Distribution: Kazakhstan, northern Tien-Shan, Zailijskij Alatau Ridge, Maloe Almaatinskoe ravine, Kirgiz
Ala Too and Ferghana ridges, Susamyrskaya valley (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
● Remark: In the original description of the species, Skvortzov (1940) did not designate any type specimens
but mentioned 2 specimens and gave their dimensions. Therefore, the shell illustrated in the paper by Egorov
and Ivanov (1997) (No. Lc-14476), was erroneously designated as holotype.
Fruticicola bilaticincta (Martens, 1882)
[= Fruticola saturata Londholm, 1926]
Helix paricincta var. bilaticincta Martens, 1882a: 5-6, pl. 1, figs. 12-13.
● Type locality: «valem fluvii Ili ejusque affluentium ... ad fl. Kungess circa 1300 met. altit.».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ferghana and Chatkal ridges (western Tien-Shan) (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola cavimargo cavimargo (Martens, 1879)
[= Helix ? aspasta Westerlund, 1896; Cathaica iacosta Möllendorff, 1899; Cathaica sügoschuriana Weber,
Helix cavimargo Martens, 1879: 126.
● Type locality: «Kuldsha» (Ining (Kuldja), northwest China).
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1968): SMF 9048.
● Distribution: central and eastern Tien-Shan, northern Pamiro-Alai (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
● Remark: Zilch (1968) cited «Gipfel des Kandagar-Gebirges, Ordos» as the locality of the lectotype.
Fruticicola cavimargo tarbagataica (Matiokin, 1966)
Bradybaena cavimargo tarbagataica Matiokin, 1966: 120.
● Type locality: collective farm May-Bulak, near Karakol River, Tarbagatai Ridge.
● Holotype: ZMMU No Lc-14426.
● Distribution: Semipalatinsk Region, Tarbagatai Ridge, Manrak and Saur ridges, southern Altai, northern
slope of Kurchum and southern foothills of Naryn ridges (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola dichrozona (Martens, 1885)
[= Bradybaena pavlovskii sensu Matiokin, 1966 part.]
Helix dichrozona Martens, 1885: 17.
● Type locality: Namangan.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Chatkal Ridge and southern foothills (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Fruticicola fedtschenkoi (Martens, 1874)
[= Helix sturanyana Kobelt, 1893]
Helix fedtschenkoi Martens, 1874: 16, pl. 1, fig. 9.
● Type locality: off Kulikalan Lake in Zeravshan Valley.
● Lectotype (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997): ZMMU No. Lc-645.
● Distribution: Karatau, Zeravshan, Alai and, possibly, Chatkal ridges, on Digmay plateau, at foothills of
Kuram and Turkestan ridges (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola fruticum (Müller, 1774)
[= Helix fruticum var. europaea W. Dybowski, 1901]
Heilx fruticum Müller, 1774: 71.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: East-European Plain, Crimea, North Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Fruticicola helvola helvola (Frivaldszky in L. Pfeiffer, 1853)
[= Bradybaena likharevi Uvalieva, 1967]
Helix helvola Frivaldszky -- Pfeiffer, 1853b: 188-189.
● Type locality: «Sibiria».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southwestern and southern Altai (Eastern Kazakhstan Region) (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola helvola anachoretica (Matiokin, 1966)
Bradybaena anachoretica Matiokin, 1966: 127, pl. 4, fig. 5.
● Type locality: Tarbagatai.
● Types: unknown (S&L) ● Holotype: ZIN (E&!, 1997).
● Distribution: Semipalatinsk Region, Tarbagatai Ridge, Eastern Kazakhstan, southwestern Altai, Ulbinsky
Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Fruticicola lantzi (Lindholm, 1927)
[= Fruticola lantzi dextrorsa Tzvetkov, 1938; Fruticola lantzi sinistrorsa Tzvetkov, 1938; Fruticola lantzi f.
cingulicarens Lindholm, 1927; Fruticola lantzi var. brauni Skvortzov, 1940; Fruticola lantzi f. albina Tzvetkov, 1941; Fruticola lantzi f. steppensis Tzvetkov, 1941; Fruticola lantzi f. xerophila Tzvetkov, 1941; Fruticola lantzi f. silvestris Tzvetkov, 1941; Fruticola lantzi f. montana Tzvetkov, 1941]
Fruticola lantzi Lindholm, 1927d: 261.
● Type locality: Varukh village near Kokand.
● Syntypes: ZMMU No. Lc-14486.
● Distribution: most ridges of northern and western Tien-Shan, Pamiro-Alai and Alai ridges (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Fruticicola necopinata (Tzvetkov, 1941)
Pseudiberus necopinatus Tzvetkov, 1941: 285.
● Type locality: Tisken-Su side ravine of Turgen ravine (Zailijskij Alatau Ridge).
● Lectotype (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997): ZMMU No. Lc-14429.
● Distribution: Zailijskij Alatau Ridge, ravines of Turgen and Tisken-Su rivers, Kirgiz Ala Too ridge, Alamedin valley (northern Tien-Shan) (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola perlucens (Rosen, 1901)
[= Helix indigena Westerlund, 1898 nom. praeocc., non Mabille, 1895]
Helix perlucens Rosen, 1901a: 9
● Type locality: Garm on Surkhob River.
● Lectotype (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997): ZMMU No. Lc-523.
● Distribution: foothills of Chatkal ridge (western Tien-Shan), Alai, Peter the Great, Hissar and Zeravshan
ridges (Pamiro-Alai) (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola phaeozona phaeozona (Martens, 1874)
[= Helix orithyia Martens, 1874]
Helix phaeozona Martens, 1874: 13, pl. 1, fig. 8, pl. 3, fig. 39.
● Type locality: «Kokand Khanate».
● Lectotype (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997): ZMMU No. Lc-650.
● Distribution: Ferghana and Zailijskij Alatau ridges (Tien-Shan), Alai Ridge (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola phaeozona pseudarianta (Lindholm, 1927)
Fruticola phaeozona pseudarianta Lindholm, 1927c: 195.
● Type locality: «Ferghana-Gebiet, Tal. des Fl. Tshithkan (linker Nebenfluss des Uzun-Achmat), Tal. des Fl.
Turduk (linker Tributar des Karasu»).
● Lectotype (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997): ZIN.
● Distribution: Ferghana Ridge near Arslanbob village, ravines of Chichkhan and Turduk rivers (Egorov,
Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola plectotropis plectotropis (Martens, 1864)
[= Helix palmeni Westerlund, 1898; Helix palmeni f. accincta Westerlund, 1898; Cathaica sügoschuriana
Weber, 1913]
Helix plectotropis Martens, 1864a: 114, pl. 3, figs. 3-5.
● Type locality: Tien-Shan («O-Turkestan: Karagalik» - Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Kirgiz Ala Too, Zailijskij Alatau, Ketmen, Kungei Ala Too ridges (northern Tien-Shan)
(Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola plectotropis mesophila (Tzvetkov, 1941)
Cathaica plectotropis m. mesophila Tzvetkov, 1941: 293.
● Type locality: Issyk ravine.
● Lectotype (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997): ZMMU No. Lc-14466.
● Distribution: northern Tien-Shan, Zailijskij Alatau ridge, Issyk ravine, Turgen ravine (Likharev, Schileyko,
Fruticicola plectotropis scopulosus (Tzvetkov, 1941)
Cathaica plectotropis m. scopilosus Tzvetkov, 1941: 293-294.
● Type locality: Maloe Almaatinskoe ravine.
● Lectotype (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997): ZIN.
● Distribution: Zailijskij Alatau ridge, Maloe Almaatinskoe ravine (northern Tien-Shan), Kirgiz Ala Too
Ridge, Alamedin valley, Kungei Ala Too Ridge, northern shore of Issyk-Kul Lake, near Bosteri town
(Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola saxatilis (Tzvetkov, 1941)
Cathaica saxatilis Tzvetkov, 1941: 298-299.
● Type locality: Issyk ravine, 50 km eastward from Alma-Ata, 1200 to 2000 m above sea level.
● Lectotype (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997): ZMMU No. Lc-14433.
● Distribution: Zailijskij Alatau Ridge, Issyk ravine, Kirgiz Ala Too Ridge, Alamedin valley and Chon-Tash
ravine (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola scalaris (Tzvetkov, 1941)
[= Cathaica scalaris m. alticola Tzvetkov, 1941]
Cathaica scalaris Tzvetkov, 1941: 297-298.
● Type locality: Talgar ravine, 1200-1300 m above sea level.
● Lectotype (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997): ZMMU No. Lc-14467.
● Distribution: Zailijsky Alatau Ridge, Talgar ravine (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola schrenckii (Middendorff, 1851)
[= Helix sibirica L. Pfeiffer, 1853; Helix annexa Westerlund, 1897]
Helix schrenckii Middendorff, 1851: 302, pl. 30, figs. 20-26.
● Type locality: Siberia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: northeastern Europe, Siberia, Altai and Sayan mountains, Kamchatka (Shileyko, Likharev,
MS; Egorov, Ivanov, 1997)
Fruticicola scythica (Westerlund, 1898)
[= Fruticicola roxane Lindholm, 1927]
Helix scythica Westerlund, 1898: 168.
● Type locality: Ferghana Ridge («Pass zwischen Dgehularik und Habin»).
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1978b): ZIN.
● Distribution: Ferghana, Naryn-Too and Baubash-Ata ridges (Tien-Shan), Peter the Great Ridge on PamiroAlai (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola skwortzowi Tzvetkov, 1940
Tzvetkov, 1940a: 389
● Type locality: Kara-Kastek river canyon, May-Tyube Pasture.
● Syntypes: ZMMU No. Lc-14428.
● Distribution: Zailijskij Alatau Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Fruticicola squamulosa (Izzatullaev et Schileyko, 1980)
Bradybaena squamulosa Izzatullaev, Schileyko, 1980: 1220-222, fig. 1A, B.
● Type locality: Kyrgyzstan, northern shore of Issyk-Kul Lake, Cholpon-Ata, Progress settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality; Kazakhstan, estuary of the Koktal River (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola stoliczkana stoliczkana (Nevill, 1878)
[= Helix opposita Westerlund, 1898]
Helix stoliczkana Nevill, 1878: 3, pl. 1, figs. 4-6.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: northern and central Tien-Shan (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola stoliczkana chuika (Egorov in Egorov et Ivanov, 1997)
Bradybaena stoliczkana chuika Egorov -- Egorov, Ivanov, 1997: 39: fig. 32.
● Type locality: Kyrgyzstan, valley of Chu river, 50 km from Rybachje village.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-21420.
● Distribution: northern Tien-Shan, Boam ravine (part of Chu river valley between Kungei Ala Too and Kirgiz Ala Too ridges) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Fruticicola stoliczkana pavlovskii (Likharev, 1955)
[= Eulota pavlovskii var. depressa Likharev, 1955]
Eulota pavlovskii Likharev, 1955: 183-185, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Kum Tar River, northern Tien-Shan.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kyrgyzstan, northern Tien-Shan, Kum Tar River, near Rybachje village on right side of the
Chu valley (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola stschukini (Lindholm, 1927)
Pseudiberus stschukini Lindholm, 1927c: 200.
● Type locality: upper reaches of Turduk River, Chatkal Ridge.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Chatkal Ridge, valley of Turduk River (western Tien-Shan), Kirgiz Ala Too Ridge, Karabalty
valley, Kara-Haty ravine, northern slope of Talas-Alatau Ridge, Besh-Tash valley (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997);
Zailijskij Alatau Ridge, Talgar valley (Likharev, Rammelmeyer, 1952).
Fruticicola tomyris Lindholm, 1927
Lindholm, 1927c: 196.
● Type locality: Chichkan River valley, Ferghana Ridge.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Fruticicola transbaicalia transbaicalia (Schileyko, 1978)
Bradybaena transbaicalia transbaicalia Schileyko, 1978b: 128-130, textfigs. 56, 57, pl. 1, fig. 10.
● Type locality: Transbaikalia, Khamar-Daban Ridge, right bank of Mamai River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Khamar-Daban Ridge, Krasnoyarsk (Schileyko, 1978b; Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola transbaicalia sayanica (Kuznetsov in Egorov et Ivanov, 1997)
Bradybaena transbaicalia sayanica Kuznetsov -- Egorov, Ivanov, 1997: 9, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Russia, East Siberia, Khakassia, Biisk district, West Sayan mountain system, Alan Ridge,
left side of the Yenisei valley, 3-4 km north-north-eastward of Cheriomushki village, foot of eastern slope of
«1699 m» mount 20-30 m over railway, along foot of steep rocks.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-22856.
● Distribution: Sayan mountains (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Fruticicola transiliensis (Tzvetkov, 1940)
Cathaica transiliensis Tzvetkov, 1940a: 391.
● Type locality: Alayak ravine near Uzun-Aghach village, Zailijskij Alatau Ridge.
● Lectotype (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997): ZMMU No. Lc-14472.
● Distribution: type locality.
Fruticicola tzwetkovi (Uvalieva et Soboleva, 1973)
[= Cathaica brodskii Tzvetkov et Tzvetkova, 1950 nom. nud.]
Bradybaena tzwetkovi Uvalieva, Soboleva, 1973: 1717, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: Alma-Atinsky State Reserve, right bank of Levyi Talgar River.
● Holotype: Institute of Zoology of Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences No. 5184.
● Distribution: Zailijskij Alatau Ridge and right side of Talgar ravine (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Fruticicola zhecseni Rymzhanov, 1979
Bradybaena plectotropis smsp. zheceni Rymzhanov, 1979: 55, figs. 4-5.
● Type locality: Urochishche Assy, Zailijskij Ridge.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Zailijskij Alatau Ridge, Turgen ravine (northern Tien-Shan) (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Karaftohelix Pilsbry, 1927
Type species: Eulota fiscina Fulton, 1905 (OD)
Karaftohelix arcasiana (Crosse et Debeaux, 1863)
[= Helix arcasiana f. normalis Schrenck, 1867; Helix arcasiana f. depressior Schrenck, 1867; Eulota
murenensis Cockerell, 1926; Ganesella virgo Pilsbry, 1926; Helix fruticum Gerstfeldt, 1859 nom. praeocc.,
non Müller, 1774]
Helix arcasiana Crosse, Debeaux, 1863: 386.
● Type locality: «Shang-hai».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: basin of Amur River (near Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchesk-on-Amur), Razdolno-Khankayskaya
lowland, Pogranichny Ridge, vicinity of Nakhodka, eastern coast of Ussuri Bay, Furugelm Island (Egorov,
Ivanov, 1997).
Karaftohelix bocageana bocageana (Crosse, 1864)
[= Helix miranda A. Adams, 1868; Eulota weyrichii sensu Likharev, Rammelmeyer, 1952 part.]
Helix bocageana Crosse, 1864: 284.
● Type locality: ? China.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southeastern Sakhalin, Shikotan Island (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Karaftohelix bocageana chishimana (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1904)
[= Eulota weyrichii sensu Likharev, Rammelmeyer, 1952 part.]
Eulota chishimana Pilsbry, Hirase, 1904a: 116-117.
● Type locality: Kunashir Island.
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 86324a.
Distribution:Kunashir Island (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Karaftohelix bocageana urupensis (Pilsbry, 1927)
Eulota urupensis Pilsbry, 1927a: 17, pl. 1, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Urup Island (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ANSP No. 99950.
● Distribution: type locality.
Karaftohelix bocageana weyrichii (Schrenck, 1867)
[= Helix sirotina A. Adams, 1868; Eulota fiscina Fulton, 1905]
Helix weyrichii Schrenck, 1867: 669, pl. 26, figs. 11-13.
● Type locality: Sakhalin Island («Bai d’Estaing an der Westküste und bei Manuë an der Ostküste»).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern Sakhalin Island (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Karaftohelix capillata (Schileyko et Bratchik in Schileyko, 1978)
Bradybaena capillata Schileyko et Bratchik -- Schileyko, 1978b: 347-349, textfigs. 468-471.
● Type locality: Malyi Island (Peter the Great Bay).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Malyi, Naumov, Pakhtusov, Kozlov, Matveev, De-Livron, Durnovo, Pelis, Stenin, Klykov
and Rimskij-Korsakov Islands (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Karaftohelix dieckmanni (Mousson, 1887)
[= Helix eutheta Westerlund, 1897]
Helix dieckmanni Mousson, 1887: 13, pl. 1, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Amur River basin.
● Syntypes: ZMZ No. 506102.
● Distribution: from basin of Lower and Middle Amur River to Peter the Great Bay, southern Primorye and
adjacent islands (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Karaftohelix diversita (Schileyko et Bratchik in Schileyko, 1978)
Bradybaena diversita Schileyko et Bratchik -- Schileyko, 1978b: 140-141, textfigs. 82-84.
● Type locality: Dva Brata Islands (Peter the Great Bay).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Dva Brata, Matveev, De-Livron, Durnovo and Rimskij-Korsakov Islands (Egorov, Ivanov,
Karaftohelix duiensis (Westerlund, 1897)
Helix duiensis Westerlund, 1897b: 121.
● Type locality: northern Sakhalin.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: east coast of Sakhalin Island along Due River; Kholmsk district, Racuma village; southeastern
Sakhalin Island, Nevelsk district (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997); Kunashir Island (Pearce et al., 2002).
Karaftohelix fragilis (Pilsbry, 1926)
Eulota fragilis Pilsbry, 1926: 455, pl. 33, fig. 2.
● Type locality: «Kom-san near Senchon» (northern part of Korean Peninsula).
● Holotype: ANSP No. 99957.
● Distribution: southern Primorye Territory (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Karaftohelix incognita (Schileyko, 1988)
Bradybaena incognita Schileyko, 1988a: 1305, fig. 1, II.
● Type locality: Sakhalin Island.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-144480.
● Distribution: type locality.
Karaftohelix intermedia (Rymzhanov, 1983)
Bradybaena intermedia Rymzhanov, 1983: 30-32, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: Karkara ravine, Kungei Ala Too ridge, North Tien-Shan.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kungei Ala Too and Ketmen ridges, Khan-Tengry massif, Dzungar Alatau, Saur and SarymSakty ridges (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
? Karaftohelix kudiensis (Cockerell, 1924)
Hygromia kudiensis Cockerell, 1924: 581.
● Type locality: basin of Kudiya river, Primorye Territory.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: type locality and near Rudnaya Bay (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Karaftohelix kurodana (Pilsbry, 1926)
Eulota kurodana Pilsbry, 1926: 455, pl. 33, figs. 3, 4.
● Type locality: Pukhan-san north of Seoul, Korea.
● Holotype: ANSP No. 99960a.
● Distribution: Primorye Territory, Pogranichnyi district, Pogranichnyi Ridge (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Karaftohelix maacki (Gerstfeldt, 1859)
[= Helix maacki f. elatior Schrenck, 1867; Helix maacki var. depressior Schrenck, 1867; Eulota maacki f.
optima Cockerell, 1924; Helix middendorffi Mousson, 1887 nom. praeocc., non Gerstfeldt, 1859]
Helix maacki Gerstfeldt, 1859: 518, fig. 27.
● Type locality: «Am mittleren Amur, vorzüglich zwischen den Mündungen des Songari und Ussuri».
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of lower and middle Amur River in Primorye Territory (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Karaftohelix middendorffi (Gerstfeldt, 1859)
[= Helix graeseri Mousson, 1887; Eulota eulemnisca Cockerell, 1924; Hygromia amatoris Cockerell, 1924]
Helix middendorffi Gerstfeldt, 1859: 521-522, fig. 29.
● Type locality: Amur River between mouths of Sungari and Ussuri rivers.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Primorye Territory and middle Amur River basin (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Karaftohelix plana (Schileyko et Bakurov in Schileyko, 1988)
Bradybaena plana Schileyko et Bakurov -- Schileyko, 1988: 1305, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Primorye Territory, Anuchinsk district, Chernyshovka station.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-14482.
● Distribution: type locality, Rimskij-Korsakov and Durnovo islands in Peter the Great Bay (Egorov, Ivanov,
Karaftohelix strelkovi (Likharev et Rammelmeyer, 1952)
Eulota strelkovi Likharev, Rammelmeyer, 1952: 408, fig. 340.
● Type locality: southern Sakhalin.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Sakhalin, Iturup, Shikotan, Kunashir Islands (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997; Pearce et al.,
Karaftohelix ussuriensis (Westerlund, 1897)
Helix ussuriensis Westerlund, 1897b: 122.
● Type locality: Nakhodka.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1978b): NMG No. 738.
● Distribution: coastal part of southern Primorye and islands of Peter the Great Bay (Likharev, Schileyko,
Karaftohelix vulcanica (Schileyko, 1978)
Bradybaena vulcanica Schileiko, 1978b: 142-144, textfigs. 87, 88, pl. 2, fig. 20.
● Type locality: foot of Golovnin volcano (southern Kunashir Island).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Ponsadenia Schileyko, 1978
Type species: Helix semenovi Martens, 1864 (OD)
Ponsadenia dentata (Rymzhanov, 1983)
Bradybaena dentata Rymzhanov, 1983: 32, figs. 3, 4.
● Type locality: Kungei Ridge, near Kul-say Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality and Issyk ravine (Zailijskij Alatau Ridge) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Ponsadenia duplocincta (Martens, 1879)
[= Helix paricincta Martens, 1879; Helix paricincta var. bisbicincta Martens, 1882; Helix stenroosi Westerlund, 1898; Helix stenroosi f. tetrica Westerlund, 1898]
Helix duplocincta Martens, 1879: 125.
● Type locality: «Kuldsha» (Ining (Kuldja), northwest China).
● Syntypes: SMF No. 25075/2.
● Distribution: Central Asia from Ili River to eastern Kirgiz Ala Too Ridge, Ketmen Ridge, except for northern slopes of Zailijskij Alatau and Kirgiz Ala Too Ridges, northern shore of Issyk-Kul Lake (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Ponsadenia hirsuta (Matiokin, 1966)
Bradybaena hirsuta Matiokin, 1966: 124, pl., 4, fig. 7.
● Type locality: Dzungar Ridge and Tarbagatai.
● Syntype: ZMMU ? ● Holotype: ZIN (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997 ?).
● Distribution: Tarbagatai, Dzungar and Terskei ridges (Shil.) Zailijskij Alatau (Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Ponsadenia pseudoferghanica (Schileyko, 1978)
Bradybaena pseudoferghanica Schileyko, 1978b: 158-160, textfigs. 114, 115, pl. 4, fig. 37.
● Type locality: Kirgiz Ridge, near Chardovan village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Tarbagatai, Dzungar, Zailijskij and Kirgiz ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Ponsadenia semenovi (Martens, 1864)
[= Cathaica hermanni Gude, 1904; Cathaica keiseri Cockerell, 1928]
Helix semenovi Martens, 1864a: 115, pl. 3, figs. 6-8.
● Type locality: Tien-Shan.
● Types: unknown.
Distributuon: Tien-Shan, except for Pskem and Ugam ridges, Dzungar Ridge, Tarbagatai, southern Altai,
Saur Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS; Egorov, Ivanov, 1997).
Lindholmiola Hesse, 1931
Type species: Helix lens Férussac, 1821 (OD)
Lindholmiola corcyrensis (Férussac, 1819)
[= Helix contorta Rossmässler, 1838]
Helix corcyrensis Férussac, 1819: 21, pl. 69 E, figs. 1-5.
● Type locality: not stated (Corfu Island – from the name derivation).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: a single finding in Durleshtsky forest near Kishinev (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasigena Lindholm, 1927
Type species: Helix eichwaldi L. Pfeiffer, 1846 (OD)
Caucasigena abchasica (Lindholm, 1927)
[= Helix pontica sensu O. Boettger, 1883 non Fischer, 186]
Helix abchasica Lindholm, 1927b: 133.
● Type locality: «Tagereise nördl. Suchum».
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern and southern slopes of western Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasigena armeniaca (L. Pfeiffer, 1846)
[= Helix alpina Menetries, 1832 non Férussac, 1822; Helix nivalis Krynicki, 1837 non Orbigny, 1835]
Helix armeniaca Pfeiffer, 1846 (1841-1846): 77.
● Type locality: «Armenia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern and eastern slopes of Great Caucasus from Kazbek to Shakhdag, Bazum Ridge (Armenia), Kyapaz Mount (Mrovdagh Ridge, Azerbaijan) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasigena caucasicola (Lindholm, 1913)
[= Caucasigena ossetica Tavasieva, 1982]
Helix caucasicola Lindholm, 1913: 138.
● Type locality: central Caucasus, southern side of Krestovsky pass, 2370 m above sea level.
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: central part of Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasigena eichwaldi (L. Pfeiffer, 1846)
[= Helix eichwaldi var. nivicola Lindholm, 1913]
Helix eichwaldi Pfeiffer, 1846 (1841-1846): 77.
● Type locality: Caucasus.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: eastern and northeastern slopes of Great Caucasus. Near Krstovsky pass it can be found on
southern slopes (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasigena rengarteni (Lindholm, 1913)
[= Helix gerassimovi Lindholm, 1913]
Helix rengarteni Lindholm, 1913: 142.
● Type locality: central Caucasus, Baksan River valley.
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: canyons in the north of central part of Great Caucasus, from Malka and Podkumok river valleys in the west to Ardon River valley in the east (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasigena schaposchnikovi (Rosen, 1911)
[= Helix antoni Rosen, 1914 non L. Pfeiffer, 1876; Helix antonwagneri Lindholm, 1927; Caucasigena
schaposchnikovi var. balkariensis Lindholm, 1929]
Helix schaposchnikovi Rosen, 1911: 113, pl. 3, figs. 2a-c.
● Type locality: Oshten and Fisht mountains in western Great Caucasus.
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 210610a.
● Distribution: sporadically on northern slopes of Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasigena schileykoi Tavasiev et Tavasieva, 1980
Tavasiev, Tavasieva, 1980: 144, figs. 1-11.
● Type locality: North Osetiya, Alagir district, Tamisk village, 40 km west of Vladikavkaz.
● Holotype: Museum of Severo-Osetinsky Reserve No. M-104.
● Distribution: type locality.
Caucasigena thalestris (Lindholm, 1927)
[= Helix flaveola Mousson, 1863 non Kaleniczenko, 1853]
Trochulus thalestris Lindholm, 1927b: 123, 130.
● Type locality: between Sukhumi and Poti.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: West Caucasus from Stavropol to Poti (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasigena tschetschenica (Retowski, 1914)
Helix tschetschenica Retowski, 1914: 292.
● Type locality: Bonos-Mta Mount (Chechnya).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: type locality and middle reaches of Fiagdon River (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Diodontella Lindholm, 1929
Type species: Diodontella stschukini Lindholm, 1929 (OD)
Diodontella nubigena Lindholm, 1929
Lindholm, 1929a: 210, pl. 11, fig. 2.
● Type locality: upper reaches of Chegem River.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1978b): ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Diodontella stschukini Lindholm, 1929
Lindholm, 1929a: 206, pl. 11, fig. 1.
● Type locality: lime rocks near top of Cherakh-Kend (Chegem Canyon).
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1978b): ZIN.
● Distribution: Chegem Canyon, 1500 m above sea level (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Edentiella Polinski, 1929
Type species: Helix edentula Draparnaud, 1805 (OD)
Edentiella bakowskii (Polinski, 1924)
Fruticola bielzi var. bakowskii Polinski, 1924: 196-198, figs. 72-74.
● Type locality: «Dora und Tatarуw in oberen Prut-Tal sowie Osthäuge der Czarnohora in den Ostkarpaten».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Carpathians, Chernogora (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helicella Férussac, 1821
Type species: Helix itala Linnaeus, 1758 (SD ICZN Opinion 431, 1956)
Helicella candicans (L. Pfeiffer, 1841)
Helix candicans Pfeiffer, 1841: 220.
● Type locality: Hungary, south of Tapoltza, near Balaton Lake. Monogr. Helic. viv.: Hungaria (prope
Szigleget ad lacum Balaton...) et prope Como; var β et γ in Tauria.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western part of Ukraine and Moldavia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helicopsis Fitzinger, 1833
Type species: Helix striata Müller, 1774 (monotypy)
Helicopsis dejecta (Cristofori et Jan, 1832)
[= Helix arenosa Krynicki, 1836; Helix substriata Clessin, 1881; Xerophila arenosa bistriata Puzanov, 1926;
Xerophila substriata planorum Puzanov, 1927]
Helix dejecta Cristofori, Jan, 1832 -- Rossmässler, 1838: 34, pl. 38, fig. 520.
● Type locality: Crimea.
● Types: unknown.
● Distributon: southern coast of Crimea, vicinities of Melitopol and Novorossiisk (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
● Remark: the authorship of the name is usually cited as "Cristofori et Jan, 1832" (e.g. Schileyko, 1978). However, there in no such name in the work of Cristofori and Jan. The earliest mentioning of the name we could find
is that in Rossmässler (1838). Major monographs of the 19th century (e.g., Pfeiffer, 1848) also cite only Rossmässler as primary souce of data on the species.
Helicopsis filimargo (Krynicki, 1833)
[= Helix taurica Rossmässler, 1837; Helicella lantzi Lindholm, 1926; Xerophila elata Puzanov, 1927; Xerophila milaschevitschi vulcanica Puzanov, 1927]
Helix filimargo Krynicki, 1833: 435.
● Type locality: "Habitat in collibus calcareis Tauriae (Sevastopol, ... Khersones, Kachi, Shulya)".
● Syntypes: ZIN, MNHN.
● Distribution: mountain Crimea, vicinities of Odessa (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helicopsis instabilis (Rossmässler, 1838)
[= Helicella instabilis var. bakowskyana Clessin, 1879; Helix jachnoi Clessin, 1887]
Helix instabilis Rossmässler, 1838: 33, pl. 38, fig. 518.
● Type locality: «bei Lemberg in Galicien».
● Types: probably in SMF.
● Distribution: Dnestr basin (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helicopsis likharevi Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978b: 212-213, textfigs. 232, 233, pl. 10, fig. 96.
● Type locality: Kopet-Dagh, Shekhin-Dere Canyon.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kopet-Dagh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helicopsis paulhessei (Lindholm, 1936)
[= Helicella gasprensis Hesse, 1934]
Helicella paulhessei Lindholm, 1936: 439, fig. 1.
● Type locality: «Southern coast of Crimea, Gaspra manor, Koreiz».
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1978b): ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Helicopsis retowskii (Clessin, 1883)
[= Helicella gireiorum Lindholm, 1926]
Helicella retowskii Clessin, 1883: 47, pl. 3, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Yalta (Crimea).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Crimea (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Helicopsis striata (Müller, 1774)
[= Helicogena lunulata Krynicki, 1833; Martha cereoflava podolica Polinski, 1922; Helicella eudakowi
Skvortzov, 1938 nom. nud.]
Helix striata Müller, 1774: 38.
● Type locality: «in Saxonia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Moldavia, western Ukraine (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Hygrohelicopsis Schileyko, 1978
Type species: Hygrohelicopsis darevskii Schileyko, 1978 (OD)
Hygrohelicopsis darevskii Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978a: 14-15, textfigs. 42-46, pl. 3, fig. 9.
● Type locality: left bank of middle part of Chegem River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Chegem River Canyon, 2000-2500 m above sea level (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Kokotschashvilia Hudec et Lezhawa, 1969
Type species: Helix holotricha O. Boettger, 1884 (OD)
Kokotschashvilia eberhardi Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978a: 19-21, textfigs. 67-70, pl. 3, fig. 12.
● Type locality: central part of Great Caucasus between Kazbegi and Sioni villages.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: highland of western Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Kokotschashvilia holotricha (O. Boettger, 1884)
Helix holotricha Boettger, 1884: 151.
● Type locality: Abkhazia, Psyrtzkha near Novyi Afon.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Black Sea shore of Caucasus and eastward along northern (Maikop) and southern (Tekhuri
River basin) slopes of Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Kokotschashvilia makvalae (Hudec et Lezhawa, 1969)
Trichia makvalae Hudec, Lezhawa, 1969: 41, figs. 1, 5.
● Type locality: Balda village, Gegechkori district of Georgia.
● Holotype: SMF No. 194320.
● Distribution: type locality and Kvaisa (Kvansi) village, Dzhavi district of Georgia (Likharev, Schileyko,
Kokotschashvilia phaeolaema (O. Boettger, 1886)
[= Helix phaeolama var tenuitesta Lindholm, 1913]
Helix (Fruticocampylaea) phaeolaema O. Boettger, 1886b: 137-138, pl. 3, fig. 4 a-e.
● Type locality: Shakh-Dagh Mount, East Caucasus.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: central and eastern parts of northern slopes of Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Kokotschashvilia tanta Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978a: 16-18, textfigs. 57-61, pl. 3, fig. 11.
● Type locality: Lebarde village, Gegechkori district of Georgia.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Leucarchaica Schileyko et Pazylov, 1990
Type species: Leucarchaica rudimentifera Schileyko et Pazylov, 1990 (OD)
Leucarchaica rudimentifera Schileyko et Pazylov, 1990
Schileyko, Pazylov, 1990: 871, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Ferghana Ridge, Kara-Bulak Canyon near Arslanbob.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-15636.
● Distribution: type locality.
Leucozonella Lindholm, 1927
Type species: Helix rubens Martens, 1874 (OD)
Leucozonella angulata (Westerlund, 1896)
[= Fruticicola boewiana Tzvetkova, 1950]
Helix rubens var. angulata Westerlund, 1896: 186-187.
● Type locality: «Turkesian [sic]. Artaschaty; Prov. Samarkand, Kreis Pendschekent, nahe Steinkohlgruben
gegenüber Pisan-Pojane».
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: from southwestern Tien-Shan to Tarbagatai and steppe regions of East Kazakhstan (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Leucozonella caria Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978a: 12-13, textfigs. 37-41, pl. 2, fig. 8.
● Type locality: Hissar Ridge near Khodzha-Obigarm.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Hissar Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Leucozonella caryodes (Westerlund, 1896)
[= Fruticola conospira Lindholm, 1927]
Helix rubens var. caryodes Westerlund, 1896: 186.
● Type locality: «Turkestan und Dshungarei. Länds dem Fl. Kugart, auf Abhängen 6000-6500’. Aslam-bob;
Stadt Lepsinsk; Kreis Sergiopol am Fl. Baskan».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: central and northern Tien-Shan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Leucozonella crassicosta Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978b: 180-181, textfigs. 161-164, pl. 6, fig. 55.
● Type locality: Chatkal Ridge, left bank of Kasansai River upstream from Ala-Buka village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southwestern slopes of Chatkal Ridge along left bank of Kasansai river and northern part of
eastern slopes of Kuramin Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Leucozonella ferghanica (Lindholm, 1927)
Cathaica ferghanica Lindholm, 1927d: 264.
● Type locality: near Sary-Chelek Lake.
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern part of Chatkal Ridge and vicinities of Namangan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Leucozonella globuliformis (Lindholm, 1931)
Fruticicola globuliformis Lindholm, 1931: 54, fig. 1.
● Type locality: near Gulcha, Alai Ridge.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Alai Ridge near Gulcha and near Papan village (Pazylov, Schileyko, 1992).
Leucozonella hypophaea (Lindholm, 1927)
[= Fruticicola balgutensis Lindholm, 1927; Fruticicola balgutensis f. elatior Lindholm, 1927]
Fruticicola hypophaea Lindholm, 1927c: 198.
● Type locality: Chatkal Ridge, Dzhuvan-Suget River valley.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Ferghana and Alai ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Leucozonella intermedia Uvalieva, 1995
Uvalieva, 1995: 9-10, textfig. 3, pl. 1, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Pskem Ridge, Kalasan-Sai ravine.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Leucozonella mesoleuca (Martens, 1882)
[= Helix rubens var. limitata Westerlund, 1896]
Helix mesoleuca Martens, 1882b: 105.
● Type locality: Arshaty, Alai Ridge.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Kirgiz, Talas, Chatkal, Ferghana, Alai, Zaalai, Turkestan and Kuramin ridges and foothills
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Leucozonella mica (Tzvetkova, 1950)
Fruticola mica Tzvetkova, 1950: 331.
● Type locality: Mynzhilke Canyon near Lugovaya station, Kirgiz Ridge.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1988a): ZMMU No. Lc-14407.
● Distribution: type locality.
Leucozonella planulata Uvalieva, 1995
Uvalieva, 1995: 6-8, textfig. 1, pl. 1, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Zailijskij Ridge, Syugatinskie Mountains.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Zailijskij and Kungei ridges (Uvalieva, 1995).
Leucozonella retteri (Rosen, 1897)
[= Helix retteri f. minor Rosen, 1901]
Helix retteri Rosen, 1897: 170.
● Type locality: Amankutan near Samarkand.
● Lectotype (Baker, 1963): ANSP No. 210586a.
● Distribution: Hissar, Peter the Great, Turkestan and Zeravshan ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Leucozonella rubens (Martens, 1874)
[= Helix rubens var. concolor Martens, 1882; Helix rubens var. finschiana Martens, 1882; Helix rubens var.
zeiliana Martens, 1882; Helix rubens var. subangulata Rosen, 1901]
Helix rubens Martens, 1874: 12, pl. 1, fig. 6.
● Type locality: basin of upper Zeravshan River.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: sporadically along all the mountains of Central Asia except for Kopet-Dagh (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Leucozonella rufispira (Martens, 1874)
Helix rufispira Martens, 1874: 9, pl. 1, fig. 38.
[= Helix rufispira var. albidorsalis Martens, 1881; Helix rufispira var. maracandensis Rosen, 1901; Helix
rufispira var. farabensis Rosen, 1901; Helix rufispira var. exserta Rosen, 1901; Helix rufispira var. fuscior
Rosen, 1903; Cathaica rufispira hispida Jaeckel, 1956]
● Type locality: vicinities of Samarkand, Pyandzhikent, Magian and Kulikalan Lake.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Tien-Shan and foothills of Pamir (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Leucozonella schileykoi Pazylov et Kuchbaev in Pazylov, Kuchbaev et Daminova, 2001
Pazylov et al., 2001:
● Type locality: ???
● Types: ???
● Distribution: type locality.
Leucozonella translucens Uvalieva, 1995
Uvalieva, 1995: 8-9, textfig. 2, pl. 1, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Kirgiz Ridge, Tuiyk-Zhar.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kirgiz Ridge (Uvalieva, 1995).
Nanaja Schileyko, 1978
Type species: Nanaja cumulata Schileyko, 1978 (OD)
Nanaja chatkalica Kuznetsov, 1996
Kuznetsov, 1996: 161, fig. 1 A, B.
● Type locality: Uzbekistan, Tashkent Region, Bostanlyk District, 6 km southward of Burchmulla settlement,
Keksui Ridge, right bank of Chatkal River, lower third of south-western slope of Paltau Mountain.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-22839.
● Distribution: Chatkal River valley (Kuznetsov, 1996).
Nanaja cumulata Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978b: 164-165, textfigs. 120-123, pl. 5, fig. 41.
● Type locality: Pskem Ridge, upper part of Pskem River, upstream from Nanai village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Pskem River valley (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Nanaja illuminata Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978b: 165-166, textfigs. 124-126, pl. 5, fig. 42.
● Type locality: western Tien-Shan, narrow side ravine in Pskem River valley, upstream from Nanai village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Pskem River valley (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Odontotrema Lindholm, 1927
Type species: Odontotrema diplodon Lindholm, 1927 (OD)
Odontotrema diplodon Lindholm, 1927
Lindholm, 1927d: 268.
● Type locality: near Sary-Chelek Lake.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: northeastern part of Chatkal Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Odontotrema monodom Schileyko, 1988
Schileyko, 1988a: 1307, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Ashmailya Canyon near Lugovaya station, Kirgiz Ridge.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc- 14442.
● Distribution: western part of Kirgiz Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Plicuteria Schileyko, 1978
Type species: Helix lubomirskii Slуsarski, 1881 (OD)
Plicuteria lubomirskii (Slуsarski, 1881)
[= Helix clessini Ulićny, 1885]
Helix lubomirskii Slуsarski, 1881: 29.
Type locality restr.: Ogrodzenetz, Upper Silesia, Poland. ?????
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Teberdinia Schileyko, 1978
Type species: Helix zolatarevi Lindholm, 1913 (OD)
Teberdinia flavolimbata (O. Boettger, 1883)
[= Helix brjanskii Rosen, 1914; Helix zolatarevi Lindholm, 1913; Caucasigena reminiscenta Schileyko,
Helix flavolimbatus O. Boettger, 1883: 162, pl. 5, fig. 6 a-d.
● Type locality: Svanetiya, Esheri village.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Alpine and subalpine zones of western Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Trichia Hartmann, 1840
Type species: Helix hispida Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Herrmannsen, 1849)
Trichia bielzi (A. Schmidt in Bielz, 1860)
Helix bielzi A. Schmidt -- Bielz, 1860: 199.
● Type locality: northern Transylvania, Romania.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Trichia concinna (Jeffreys, 1830)
[= Helix nothra Westerlund, 1897]
Helix concinna Jeffreys, 1830: 336.
● Type locality: Great Britain, Welsh, Glamorgan near Swonsea.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: probably western part of Ukraine and Byelorussia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Trichia hispida (Linnaeus, 1758)
Helix hispida Linnaeus, 1758: 771.
● Type locality: «in Svecia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: nearly entire European Russia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Trichia villosula (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1838)
[= Helix pietruskyana L. Pfeiffer, 1846]
Helix villosa var. villosula Ziegler -- Rossmässler, 1838: 1.
● Type locality: Hungary.
● Types: probably SMF.
● Distribution: Carpathians and Ciscarpathia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Xeropicta Monterosato, 1893
Type species: Helix krynickii Krynicki, 1833 (monotypy)
Xeropicta candaharica (L. Pfeiffer, 1846)
[= Helix millepunctata O. Boettger, 1889]
Helix candaharica Pfeiffer, 1846: 37.
● Type locality: «Candahar, East Indies» (Afghanistan).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Central Asia from eastern Kopet-Dagh to Ferghana Ridge, Ferghana valley, Chatkal and
western Kirgiz ridges and foothills (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Xeropicta derbentina (Krynicki, 1836)
[= Helix derbentina var. isomera Mousson, 1863; Helix derbentina var. suprazonata Mousson, 1863]
Helix derbentina Krynicki, 1836: 192.
● Type locality: Pyatigorsk.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern coast of Crimea and Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Xeropicta krynickii (Andrzejowski in Krynicki, 1833)
[= Helix theodosia Clessin, 1881; Xerophila krynickii var. odessana Lindholm, 1908; Xerophila orianda Puzanov, 1925]
Helix krynickii Andrzejowski -- Krynicki, 1833: 434.
● Type locality: "Habitat inter montes calcareos Tauriae (Sevastopol, Inkerman, Shulya)".
● Syntypes: MNHN.
● Distribution: southern coast of Crimea, vicinities of Odessa, Anapa, Novorossiisk, Astrakhan, Lenkoran
lowland to Talysh by river valleys (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Xeropicta parableta (O. Boettger, 1881)
Helix (Xerophila) parableta Boettger, 1881a: 212-213, pl. 8, fig. 15 a-c.
● Type locality: debris of Araks River near Nakhichevan.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: highland-steppe zone of Talysh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Cernuella Schlüter, 1838
Type species: Helix variabilis Draparnaud, 1801 (= Cochlea virgata Da Costa, 1778) (SD Gude, Woodward,
Cernuella virgata (Da Costa, 1778)
[= Helix variabilis Draparnaud, 1801; Xerophila euxina Clessin, 1883]
Cochlea virgata Da Costa, 1778: 79, pl. 4, fig. 8.
● Type locality: Oxfordshire, Hempshire, Cornwall, Cambridge (England).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern coast of Crimea and vicinities of Novorossiisk (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chilanodon Westerlund, 1897
Type species: Helix sibirica Westerlund, 1897 (= Helix gerstfeldti Dybowski, 1901) (monotypy)
Chilanodon bicallosa (L. Pfeiffer, 1853)
Helix bicallosa Pfeiffer, 1853a: 638.
● Type locality: «Siberia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Altai (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Chilanodon gerstfeldti (W. Dybowski, 1901)
[= Helix sibirica Westerlund, 1897 non L. Pfeiffer, 1853; Chilanodon gerstfeldti var. depressior Lindholm,
Helix gerstfeldti Dybowski W., 1901b: 136-138, textfig.
● Type locality: "Mundung des Ussuri in den Amour".
● Syntypes: unknown.
● Distribution: Cisbaikalia and Transbaikalia, along Amur River basin to Khabarovsk (Likharev, Schileyko,
Circassina Hesse, 1921
Type species: Helix circassica Mousson, 1863 (OD)
Circassina bojenae Hudec et Lezhawa, 1969
Hudec, Lezhawa, 1969: 44, fig. 2, 6.
● Type locality: Cheri River Canyon, near Balda village, Gegechkori district of Georgia.
● Holotype: SMF No. 194321.
● Distribution: western part of southern slopes of Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Circassina circassica circassica Charpentier in Mousson, 1863
Helix circassica Charpentier -- Mousson, 1863: 370-371.
● Type locality: « Imereth, Nakolakevi» (Nakalakevi, Imeretia, Georgia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: central part of southern slopes of Great Caucasus to border of Colchis lowland (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Circassina circassica akramowskii Schileyko, 1972
Schileyko, 1972: 1135.
● Type locality: off Parz-Lich Lake in northern Armenia.
● Holotype: Institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences of Armenia.
● Distribution: northern Armenia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Circassina circassica simpla Schileyko, 1972
[= Metafruticicola shileykoi Hudec, 1972 (December)]
Schileyko, 1972 (August): 1135, fig. 6 (6-11).
● Type locality: Sapitzkaya Budka Mount, near Vladikavkaz, North Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: North Caucasus except for easternmost parts (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Circassina frutis (L. Pfeiffer, 1859)
[= Helix pachnodes O. Boettger, 1884; Helix circassica var. rudis Retowski, 1889]
Helix frutis Pfeiffer, 1859: 252.
● Type locality: Imeretia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western part of Great Caucasus, Colchis lowland and vicinities of Batumi (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Circassina stephaniae (Hudec et Lezhawa, 1970)
Hela stephaniae Hudec, Lezhawa, 1970: 16, fig. 1, 10.
● Type locality: Novyi Afon, Abkhazia.
● Holotype: Natural History Museum, Prague, No. 7066, 7067.
● Distribution: Black Sea coast of Caucasus from Novyi Afon to Batumi (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Fruticocampylaea Kobelt, 1871
Type species: Helix narzanensis Krynicki, 1836 (SD Lindholm, 1928)
Fruticocampylaea kobiensis (O. Boettger, 1883)
[= Helix kobiensis var. fluxa Rosen, 1914; ? Helix schelkovnikovi Rosen, 1914]
Helix kobiensis Boettger, 1883: 166.
● Type locality: Pasanauri near Aragvi River, Georgia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern slopes of central Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Fruticocampylaea narzanensis (Krynicki, 1836)
[= Helix narzanensis var. suanetica O. Boettger, 1883; Helix narzanensis var. macromphala O. Boettger,
1883; Helix narzanensis var. cyclothira O. Boettger, 1883; Fruticocampylaea schamyli Lindholm, 1922]
Helix narzanensis Krynicki, 1836: 172.
● Type locality: «In Caucaso».
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: almost entire Caucasus ecxept for Colchis lowland, Adzharia, Kuro-Araks lowland and Talysh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Kalitinaia Hudec et Lezhawa, 1967
Type species: Helix schelkovnikovi Bogatschev, 1936 (= Kalitinaia perspectiva Hausdorf, 1993) (OD)
Kalitinaia arcadiana (Schileyko, 1967)
Helicella arcadiana Schileyko, 1967: 28, fig. 1, 3A.
● Type locality: Azerbaijan, Talysh, Zuvand Plateau, 2 km eastward of Kosmalyan village.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-14479, 4844.
● Distribution: Zuvand, Talysh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Kalitinaia crenimargo (L. Pfeiffer, 1848)
[= Helix crenimargo var. obtusior Mousson, 1876; ? Helix acutistria Boettger, 1880]
Helix crenimargo Pfeiffer, 1848: 174.
● Type locality: Caucasus.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: central and eastern Ciscaucasia, Daghestan, eastern Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Kalitinaia gvozdevi (Soboleva, Rymzhanov et Plachov, 1995)
Xerosecta gvozdevi Soboleva et al., 1995: 141-143, figs. 1-2.
● Type locality: Aktau-Buzachinsky Reserve, 30 km west of Tauchik settlement.
● Holotype: Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Republic.
● Distribution: type locality.
Kalitinaia orientalis (Uvalieva et Sacharnova in Uvalieva, 1995)
Xerosecta orientalis Uvalieva et Sacharnova -- Uvalieva, 1995: 12-13, textfig. 5, pl. 1, fig. 5.
● Type locality: West Kazakhstan, Obshchie Syrty.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Kalitinaia perspectiva Hausdorf, 1993
Hausdorf, 1993: 44 (nom. nov. pro Helix schelkovnikovi Bogatschev, 1936, non Helix schelkovnikovi Rosen,
● Type locality: Apsheron deposits (Upper Pliocene) of Kura depression near Mingechauri.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: near Kura River, vicinities of Kaspi (eastern Georgia) and Samukha (western Azerbaijan)
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Kalitinaia tiflisiana (Lindholm, 1913)
Xerophila tiflisiana Lindholm, 1913: 20.
● Type locality: Mta-Tzminda mountain slope, Tbilisi.
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Tbilisi with vicinities and Darjyal Canyon (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Lindholmomneme Haas, 1936
Type species: Helix rhysota Westerlund, 1896 (= Helix nordenskioldi Westerlund, 1876) (OD)
Lindholmomneme altaica (Westerlund, 1896)
Helix (Trichia) rhysota var. altaica Westerlund, 1896
● Type locality: «Am See Jabagan» (Russia, Mountain Altai, Ust-Kan District, Anui Ridge, near Yabogan
settlement on the shore of Yabogan Lake).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: West Altai, Abakan Ridge (Kuznetsov, Schileyko, 1999).
Lindholmomneme kudiensis (Cockerell, 1924)
Hygromia kudiensis Cockerell, 1924: 581.
● Type locality: Primorye Territory, Kudiya River basin, 46° N.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Kudiya River basin and near Rudnaya Bay (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Lindholmomneme nordenskioldi (Westerlund, 1876)
[= Helix rhysota Westerlund, 1896; Helix rhysota var. altaica Westerlund, 1896]
Helix (Eulota) nordenskioldi Westerlund, 1876a: 97-98.
● Type locality: «ad Jenissei adversus Chantojskoj (lat. 68º5’), prope Podk. Tunguska (lat. 61º) et inter Krasnojarsk (lat. 56º) et Tomsk».
● Syntypes: NHMS, possibly ZMMU (Kuznetsov, Schileyko, 1999).
● Distribution: Altai, Salair and Abakan ridges (Kuznetsov, Schileyko, 1999).
Lindholmomneme notophila (Cockerell, 1924)
Hygromia notophila Cockerell, 1924: 581.
● Type locality: Primorye Territory, vicinities of Kongauz.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Primorye Territory, vicinities of Kongauz, Chernigovka and coast of Peschanka Bay near
Vladivostok (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Lindholmomneme rhysota (Westerlund, 1896)
Helix (Trichia) rhysota Westerlund, 1896: 13.
● Type locality: «Am Fusse der Berge Kyrlygan und Alatau (im oberen Laufe von Nenj nahe Tomj)» (Russia, Altai Territory, Solton District, Salair Ridge, slope of Kyrlygan Mount and in mountains in upper reaches
of the Nenya River).
● Lectotype (Kuznetsov, Schileyko, 1999): Zoologiska Institutionen, Göteborg No. 504.
● Distribution: Salair, Abakan, West Sayan ridges (Kuznetsov, Schileyko, 1999).
Lindholmomneme turbinatum Uvalieva, 1995
Uvalieva, 1995: 10-12, textfig. 4, pl. 1, fig 4.
● Type locality: Semipalatinsk Region, Zhana-Semei District, near pioneer camp «Orbita» (Kazakhstan, right
side of Irtysh River valley).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kazakhstan, Irtysh River basin (Kuznetsov, Schileyko, 1999).
Lindholmomneme westerlundi Kuznetsov in Kuznetsov et Schileyko, 1999
Kuznetsov, Schileyko, 1999: 34-36, fig. 5.
● Type locality: Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Divnogorsk District, East Sayan, "Stolby" Reserve, floodlands of right bank of Laletina River (right tributary of Yenisei River), 2.5-3 km southward of "KrasnoyarskDivnogorsk" road.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-23369.
● Distribution: Yenisei River valley on the territory of West and East Sayan (from the dam of Sayano-Shusha
hydroelectric power plant to «Stolby» Reserve) (Kuznetsov, Schileyko, 1999).
? Lindholmomneme boevi (Uvalieva, 1967)
Bradybaena boevi Uvalieva, 1967: 216, figs. 4, 5.
● Type locality: north of Altai village, southern Altai.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
● Remark: Schileyko (1978b) believes that this species most probably does not belong to Bradybaenidae but
is similar to representatives of Hygromiidae. The original description and figures do not allow to decide on its
taxonomic position without an additional study.
Monachoides Gude et Wodward, 1921.
Type species: Helix incarnata Müller, 1774 (OD)
Monachoides aculeata (Uvalieva, 1964)
Zenobiella aculeata Uvalieva, 1964: 201, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Altai, vicinities of Verkhnekatunsk.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Monachoides incarnata (Müller, 1774)
Helix incarnata Müller, 1774: 63.
● Type locality: not designated.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Carpathians and Ciscarpathia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Monachoides stuxbergi (Westerlund, 1876)
[= Helix verna Westerlund, 1897; Helix czekanowskii Westerlund, 1897]
Helix stuxbergi Westerlund, 1876b: 98.
● Type locality: Siberia, Khantaiskoye lake, 68°5’ N.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1978b): NHMS No. 1654.
● Distribution: from Khamardaban Ridge to Dudinka along Angara and Yenisei rivers (Likharev, Schileyko,
Monachoides vicina (Rossmässler, 1842)
Helix vicina Rossmässler, 1842: 3, pl. 51, fig. 689.
● Type locality: Carpathians.
● Holotype: SMF No. 6740.
● Distribution: Carpathians and Ciscarpathia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Perforatella Schlüter, 1838
Type species: Trochus bidens Chemnitz, 1786 (= Helix bidentata Gmelin, 1791) (monotypy)
Perforatella bidentata (Gmelin, 1791)
Helix bidentata Gmelin, 1791: 3642.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Central European Plain (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Perforatella dibothrion (Kimakowicz, 1883)
Fruticicola dibothrion Kimakowicz, 1883: 47.
● Type locality: vicinities of Mukatchevo.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ukrainian eastern Carpathians (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Pseudotrichia Likharev, 1949
Type species: Tricheulota shadini Likharev, 1949 (= Helix rubiginosa A. Schmidt, 1853) (monotypy)
Pseudotrichia rubiginosa (A. Schmidt, 1853)
[= Fruticicola czarnohorica Polinski, 1924; Tricheulota shadini Likharev, 1949]
Helix rubiginosa A. Schmidt, 1853: 3.
● Type locality: vicinities of Wrocław, Poland.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: almost entire Palearctic (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Shileykoia Hudec, 1969
Type cpecies: Helix daghestana Kobelt, 1877 (OD)
Shileykoia daghestana (Kobelt, 1877)
[= Helix (?) aliostoma Westerlund, 1898; Helix eichwaldi var. albocostata Retowski, 1914; Helix eichwaldi
var. königi Retowski, 1914; Shileykoia lithophila Schileyko, 1972]
Helix daghestana Kobelt, 1877: 28, pl. 126, fig. 1217.
● Type locality: Daghestan.
● Probable syntype: SMF No. 103244 (coll. C.R. Boettger 1906, labelled by Zilch as “Neotype”, most probably taken by Boettger from Kobelt’s material) (R. Janssen, pers. comm.).
● Distribution: mountain Daghestan and slopes of eastern Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Urticicola Lindholm, 1927
Type species: Helix umbrosa C. Pfeiffer, 1828 (OD)
Urticicola umbrosa (Partsch in C. Pfeiffer, 1828)
Helix umbrosa Partsch -- Pfeiffer, 1828: 27-28, pl. 6, fig. 7.
● Type locality: islands on Danube river near Vienna.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Carpathians and Ciscarpathia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
ARCHAICINAE Schileyko, 1978
Archaica Schileyko, 1970
Type species: Helix apollinis Martens, 1882 (OD)
Archaica apollinis (Martens, 1882)
[= Helix diaphora Westerlund, 1896; Cathaica apollinis nubila Lindholm, 1931]
Helix apollinis Martens, 1882b: 105.
● Type locality: «Andidjan in valle fluvii Naryn».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Ferghana and Alai ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Archaica heptapotamica (Lindholm, 1927)
[= Cathaica tianschanica Lindholm, 1927; Cathaica kokpoktasica Tzvetkova, 1950; Cathaica heptapotamica
dshambuli Tzvetkova, 1950; Zenobiella tzwetkovi Matiokin, 1966]
Cathaica heptapotamica Lindholm, 1927d: 265.
● Type locality: Kuldja and Issyk-Kul.
● Syntypes: ZIN, ZMMU No. 14410
● Distribution: northwestern Ferghana and Chatkal and central Talas ridges westward to westernmost part of
Tien-Shan; further along Kirgiz Ridge eastward to Issyk-Kul and adjacent regions of China (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Archaica labianix Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978b: 261, pl. 14, fig. 139, textfigs. 323-327.
● Type locality: upper reaches of Pskem River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: upper reaches of Pskem River (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Archaica papanica Pazylov et Schileyko, 1992
Pazylov, Schileyko, 1992: 61-62, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Papan village on Ak-Buura River, Alai Ridge.
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-17982.
● Distribution: type locality.
Archaica suspecta Schileyko et Moisseeva, 1989
Schileyko, Moisseeva, 1989: 141, figs. 2, I; 3, I.
● Type locality: Yangyskyr Mountains, valley of Pchan River (right tributary of Ala-Buka River, Naryn river
● Holotype: ZMMU No. Lc-14440, 19084.
● Distribution: type locality.
EUOMPHALIINAE Schileyko, 1978
Euomphalia Westerlund, 1889
Type species: Helix strigella Draparnaud, 1801 (SD Kobelt, 1904)
Euomphalia appeliana (Mousson, 1876)
[= Helix narzanensis var. appeliusi f. depressa O. Boettger, 1883]
Helix appeliana Mousson, 1876a: 32-33, pl. 2, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Kislovodsk.
● Syntype: ZMZ No. 505745.
● Distribution: horseshoe area around western wing of Great Caucasus from Kislovodsk to Novorossiisk,
along coast of Black Sea and Abkhazia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euomphalia aristata (Krynicki, 1836)
[= ?Helix (Trichia) chrysotricha Boettger, 1888]
Helix aristata Krynicki, 1836: 179.
● Type locality: «In Caucaso (Narzania ???)».
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: central and western parts of North Caucasus and Georgia, southward to Imereti Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Euomphalia strigella (Draparnaud, 1801)
[= Helix podolica Westerlund, 1897]
Helix strigella Draparnaud, 1801: 84-85.
● Type locality: not stated (France -- from title).
● Syntypes: NHMV.
● Distribution: East-European Plain to 61º N in the north, to the Black and Caspian seas in the south, to left
bank of the Volga in the east; isolated findings in Ural (Belaya River basin and vicinities of Ekaterinburg)
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Karabaghia Lindholm, 1927
Type species: Perforatella bituberosa Lindholm, 1927 (OD)
Karabaghia bituberosa (Lindholm, 1927)
[= Helix bifrons Rosen, 1914 non Lowe, 1833]
Perforatella bituberosa Lindholm, 1927b: 124.
● Type locality: Nagornyi Karabakh, Zindzhirlu Ridge.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: highland of Nagornyi Karabakh, Pambak and Sevan ridges in Armenia (Likharev, Schileyko,
Monacha Fitzinger, 1833
Type species: Helix cartusiana Müller, 1774
Monacha cartusiana (Müller, 1774)
Helix cartusiana Müller, 1774: 15.
● Type locality: «in Gallia».
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern Ukraine, Crimea, vicinities of Novorossiisk (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Monacha ciscaucasica Hausdorf, 2000
Hausdorf, 2000: 1586-1587, figs. 5, 14.
● Type locality: Pyatigorsk, Mashuk Mount.
● Holotype: ZMH No. 2771.
● Distribution: surroundings of Pyatigorsk in North Caucasus (Hausdorf, 2000).
Monacha claussi Hausdorf, 2000
Hausdorf, 2000: 1576-1580, figs. 1, 10.
● Type locality: Russia: gorge between Monastyrka and Kepsh.
● Holotype: ZMH No. 2765.
● Distribution: Mzymta valley (Hausdorf, 2000).
Monacha fruticola (Krynicki, 1833)
Helix fruticola Krynicki, 1833: 429-430.
● Type locality: "Habitat in montosis fruticetis Tauriae meridionalis (Simferopol, Shulya, Baidarskaya
dolina, Yuzhnyi bereg)".
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Crimea, introduced to Odessa (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Monacha kuznetsovi Hausdorf, 2000
Hausdorf, 2000: 1581-1583: figs. 2. 11.
● Type locality: Russia: SW slope of the Markoth Gora NE of Gelendzhik.
● Holotype: ZMH No. 2767.
● Distribution: type locality (Hausdorf, 2000).
Monacha perfrequens (Hesse, 1914)
[= Helix perfrequens O. Boettger, 1883 nom. nud.; Helix frequens var. obscura Mousson, 1863 non Müller,
1774; Helix frequens f. minor O. Boettger, 1884]
Monacha samsunensis perfrequens Hesse, 1914: 259.
● Type locality: «Kutais».
● Lectotype (Hausdorf, 2000): SMF No. 6572.
● Distribution: western Caucasus (Hausdorf, 2000).
Monacha roseni (Hesse, 1914)
[= Helix carascaloides O. Boettger, 1884 partim non Bourguignat, 1856; Theba elevata Hesse, 1931;
Monacha caucasicola Schileyko, 1978; Monacha tschegemica Schileyko, 1988]
Helix orientalis roseni Hesse, 1914: 263.
● Lectotype (Hausdorf, 2000:1584): SMF No. 6606a.
● Distribution: western Caucasus (Hausdorf, 2000).
Monacha samsunensis (L. Pfeiffer, 1868)
[= Helix bifaria Westerlund, 1889; Helix perfrequens O. Boettger, 1891; Theba scrobiculosa Lindholm,
1922; Theba scrobiculosa var. perforata Lindholm, 1922]
Helix samsunensis L. Pfeiffer, 1868: 480.
● Type locality: Samsun, Northern Turkey.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: along the coast of the Black Sea between Gelendzhik and Psou valley (Hausdorf, 2000).
Monacha subcarthusiana (Lindholm, 1913)
[= Helix carascaloides O. Boettger, 1884 non Bourguignat, 1856]
Helix subcartusiana Lindholm, 1913: 139.
● Type locality: Sochi, on slope of mountain with lighthouse.
● Lectotype (Schileyko, 1978b): ZIN.
● Distribution: western part of North Caucasus from Pyatigorsk to Black Sea and southward along the coast
to Colchis lowland (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Monacha talyschana (Martens, 1880)
[= Theba longiflagellata Schileyko, 1968; Theba maxima Schileyko, 1968]
Helix talyschana Martens, 1880: 154.
● Type locality: Lenkoran.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Lenkoran lowland and zone of mountain forests of Talysh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Oscarboettgeria Lindholm, 1927
Type species: Helix euages O. Boettger, 1883 (OD)
Oscarboettgeria euages (O. Boettger, 1883)
[= Helix gagriensis Rosen, 1911]
Helix euages O. Boettger, 1883: 161, pl. 4, fig. 2, pl. 6, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Psyrtzkha near Novyi Afon.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western slopes of Great Caucasus and adjacent maritime parts (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Platytheba Pilsbry, 1894
Type species: Helix nummus Ehrenberg, 1831 (OD)
Platytheba mingrelica (Hesse, 1921)
[= Helix jasonis Mousson, 1861 non Mayer, 1856; Helix argonautarum Lindholm, 1922]
Circassina mingrelica Hesse, 1921: 67.
● Type locality: Nakelakevi, Georgia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western and southwestern slopes of Great Caucasus (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Platytheba prometheus (O. Boettger, 1883)
Helix prometheus Boettger, 1883: 159, pl. 4, fig. 6.
● Type locality: southern slopes of Great Caucasus, Muri village on Tzkhenistzkali River.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: southern slopes of Great Caucasus between basins of Tzkhenistzkali and Aragvi rivers (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Prostenomphalia Baidashnikov, 1985
Type species: Prostenomphalia carpathica Baidashnikov, 1985 (OD)
Prostenomphalia carpathica Baidashnikov, 1985
Baidashnikov, 1985: 206, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: Zakarpatskaya Region, Rakhov District, fir tree forest on bank of the Strogovetz river 12.5
km from Luga village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Zakarpatskaya Region, Rakhov District (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Stenomphalia Lindholm, 1927
Type species: Helix selecta Klika, 1894 (OD)
Stenomphalia maiae (Hudec et Lezhawa, 1969)
Euomphalia maiae Hudec, Lezhawa, 1969: 45, figs. 3, 7.
● Type locality: Zeleny Mys, 10-15 km from Batumi.
● Holotype: SMF No. 194322.
● Distribution: Zeleny Mys, Batumi Botanical garden, mouth of Machakheli-Tzkali river (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
Stenomphalia pisiformis (L. Pfeiffer, 1846)
[= Helix arpatschaiana Mousson, 1873; Helix pseudoglobula Mousson, 1873; Euomphalia pisiformis var.
achtaensis Minasyan, 1947; Euomphalia assadovi Likharev et Rammelmeier, 1952]
Helix pisiformis L. Pfeiffer, 1846: 95.
● Type locality: Caucasus.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Caucasus, probably Kopet-Dagh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Stenomphalia ravergiensis (Férussac, 1835)
[= Helix ravergii Krynicki, 1836 nom emend. pro Helix ravergiensis Férussac, 1835; Helix ravergieri auct.
nom emend. pro Helix ravergiensis Férussac, 1835; Helix caucasica L. Pfeiffer, 1845; Helix ravergiensis var.
transcaucasica Mousson, 1863]
Helix ravergiensis Férussac, 1835: 21.
● Type locality: Caucasus.
● Syntypes: MNHN.
● Distribution: widely but sporadically distributed in North Caucasus, Daghestan and Transcaucasia (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Stenomphalia selecta (Klika, 1894)
[= Helix tschorochensis Lindholm, 1913; Theba chrysomallis Lindholm, 1922; Helix globula Kaleniczenko,
1853 non Lea, 1837; Helix? inflata Mousson, 1863 non Deshayes, 1830]
Helix selecta Klika, 1894: 2, 4.
● Type locality: Dilizhan, Armenia.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: North Caucasus, Transcaucasia (absent in Talysh and Kuro-Araks lowland) (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
PAEDHOPLITINAE Schileyko, 1978
Angiomphalia Schileyko, 1978
Type species: Helix regeliana Martens, 1882 (OD)
Angiomphalia almalensis Schileyko et Uvalieva in Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978b: 297-298, pl. 17, fig. 167, textfigs. 398-399.
● Type locality: farm Almaly, Chu River valley near Tokmak village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Chu River valley (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Angiomphalia caelestimontana (Tzvetkov, 1940)
Cathaica caelestimontana Tzvetkov, 1940a: 390.
● Type locality: Zailijskij Ridge, western slope of Karagalinsky Canyon.
● Syntypes: ZMMU No. Lc-3943, Lc-14411.
● Distribution: ridges of Tien-Shan, to south, west and north from Issyk-Kul Lake (Likharev, Schileyko,
Angiomphalia copiosa Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978b: 292-293, pl. 17, fig. 162, textfigs. 382-384.
● Type locality: floodland in upper reaches of Chatkal River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: upper reaches of Chatkal River (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Angiomphalia exasperata Schileyko et Uvalieva in Schileyko, 1978
Schileyko, 1978b: 295-296, pl. 17 fig. 165, textfigs. 390-392.
● Type locality: vicinities of Bolshoye Almaatinskoye lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Zailijskij, Kungei and eastern part of Kirgiz ridges (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Angiomphalia regeliana (Martens, 1882)
Helix rubens var. regelianus Martens, 1882a: 9, pl. 2, fig. 4.
● Type locality: «Kuldsha» (Ining (Kuldja), northwest China).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Tien-Shan and northern offshoots of Pamir (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Angiomphalia seductilis (Westerlund, 1898)
Helix seductilis Westerlund, 1898: 157.
● Type locality: «Kaschkara».
● Syntypes: NMG No. 577.
● Distribution: Zailijskij and Kungei ridges, western part of Terskei Ridge and eastern part of Kirgiz Ridge
(Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Paedhoplita Lindholm, 1927.
Type species: Paedhoplita laminata Lindholm, 1927 (OD)
Paedhoplita buamica (Tzvetkov et Tzvetkova, 1943)
Euomphalia buamica Tzvetkov et Tzvetkova, 1943: 118.
● Type locality: Buam Canyon of Chu river, 59 km from Rybachje village.
● Syntypes: ZMMU No. Lc-14471, 14419, 14422.
● Distribution: canyons of Chu and Arasan rivers in eastern part of Kirgiz Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Paedhoplita kirgisensis Likharev et Rammelmeier, 1952
Likharev, Rammelmeier, 1952: 411, fig. 342.
● Type locality: Kirgiz Ridge, upper reaches of Alamedin River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Paedhoplita laminata Lindholm, 1927
Lindholm, 1927d: 266.
● Type locality: Kirgiz Ridge.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern part of Kirgiz Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Paedhoplita lentina (Martens, 1885)
[= Paedhoplita mesasiana Lindholm, 1927]
Helix lentina Martens, 1885: 18.
● Type locality: Chatkal Ridge.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: northern part of Ferghana Ridge and eastern slopes of Chatkal Ridge (Likharev, Schileyko,
Paedhoplita lindholmi Tzvetkov et Tzvetkova, 1943
Tzvetkov, Tzvetkova, 1943: 119.
● Type locality: Kirgiz Ridge, Karabalty Canyon, rocks near Uzun-Bulak River, 1900-2400 m above sea
● Syntypes: ZMMU No. Lc-14412, 14402.
● Distribution: northern slopes of middle and eastern parts of Kirgiz Ridge, Zailijskij Ridge (Likharev,
Schileyko, MS).
HESSEOLINAE Schileyko, 1990
Hesseola Lindholm, 1927
Type species: Helix adshariensis Lindholm, 1913 (= Helix solidior Mousson, 1873) (OD)
Hesseola solidior (Mousson, 1873)
[= Helix christophori Rosen, 1911; Helix adshariensis Lindholm, 1913; Hesseola adshariensis antontomashevici Hudec, 1972; Metafruticicola pratensis Akramowski, 1949 partim non L. Pfeiffer, 1845]
Helix narzanensis var. solidior Mousson, 1873: 200-201.
● Type locality: «Kisikoparan, Aschich-Dade» (Armenia).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: western and central parts of Lesser Caucasus, a single finding in North Caucasus (Urushten
River valley) (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Hesseola transcaspia (O. Boettger, 1889)
Helix transcaspia Boettger, 1889: 944, pl. 27, fig. 12.
● Type locality: Germab, Kopet-Dagh.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: central and western parts of Kopet-Dagh (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
Caucasocressa Hesse, 1921
Type species: Helix joannis Mortillet, 1854 (OD)
Caucasocressa ibera Hausdorf, 2003
[= Helix pratensis var. depressa Kobelt, 1877; Helix pratensis var. unicingulata Retowski, 1914; Metafruticicola & Caucasocressa pratensis auctt., non L. Pfeiffer, 1846]
Hausdorf, 2003: 2634-2635, figs. 2, 6.
● Type locality: Georgia, Borzhomi.
● Holotype: ZMH No. 2896.
● Distribution: Georgia (Hausdorf, 2003).
Caucasocressa joannis (Mortillet, 1854)
[= Helix joannis var. minor Mortillet, 1854; Helix delabris Mousson, 1863; Helix joannis var. andronakii
Lindholm, 1913; Helix joannis f. pellucidepunctata Retowski, 1914; Fruticocampylaea pratensis karabaghensis Lindholm, 1928]
Helix joannis Mortillet, 1854: 8, pl. 1, fig. 9.
● Type locality: middle reaches of Chorokh River, vicinities of Ispira village, Turkey.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Adzharia (Hausdorf, 2003).
POLYGYRIDAE Pilsbry, 1895
Triodopsis Rafinesque, 1819
Type species: Triodopsis lunula Rafinesque, 1831 (= Helix tridentata Say, 1816) (SD Herrmannsen, 1849)
Triodopsis subpersonatum (Middendorff, 1851)
Helix subpersonatum Middendorff, 1851: 306, pl. 30, figs. 27-29.
● Type locality: vicinities of Udskoe (near of the Okhotsk Sea coast).
● Holotype: ZIN (probably lost).
● Distribution: type locality and Ayan (Likharev, Schileyko, MS).
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Dahurinaia Starobogatov, 1970
Type species: Unio dahuricus Middendorff, 1850 (OD)
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered all species assigned hereign to the genus as a mere synonyms of Margaritifera dahurica (Middendorff, 1850).
Dahurinaia dahurica (Middendorff, 1850)
Unio dahuricus Middendorff, 1850: 3; 1851: 275, Taf. XXVI, fig. 3-5 (as Margaritana).
● Type locality: Argun River at the place of its joining with the Shylka River.
● Lectotype ZIN (selected by Bogatov et al., 2003).
● Distribution: basin of Amur River, Hanka Lake (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
Dahurinaia komarovi Bogatov, Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2003
Bogatov et al., 2003: 45-46, fig. 3 A,D.
● Type locality: Komarovka (Suputinka) River near the Komarov's house, Ussurijsky Nature Reserve, Razdolnaya (Sujfun) River drainage, Primorye Territory
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: small rivers of the basin of Razdolnaya [Sujfun] River (Bogatov et al., 2003; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonyms of Margaritifera dahurica (Middendorff).
Dahurinaia prozorovae Bogatov et Starobogatov in Bogatov, Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2003 F
Bogatov et al., 2003: 48, fig. 3 C,I.
● Type locality: Bolshya Ussurka (Iman) River 30 km downstream of the Melnichnoye settlement, Ussuri
River drainage, Primorye Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers of the basin of Ussuri River (Bogatov et al., 2003).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonyms of Margaritifera dahurica (Middendorff).
Dahurinaia sujfunensis Moskvicheva, 1973
Moskvicheva, 1973b: 1468, fig. 3, ä-ж [d-zh].
● Type locality: Suputinka (Komarovka) River (left tributary of the river Razdolnaya).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Type locality; small rivers of the basin of Razdolnaya [Suifun] River (Moskvicheva, 1973b;
Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonyms of Margaritifera dahurica (Middendorff).
Dahurinaia tiunovae Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1988
Dahurinaia (Dahurinaia) tiunovae Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1988:156-158, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Komissarovka River near vilage Dvoryanka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: small rivers mostly of the basin of Ussuri River (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonyms of Margaritifera dahurica (Middendorff).
Dahurinaia ussuriensis Bogatov, Prozorova, Starobogatov, 2003
Bogatov, Prozorova, Starobogatov, 2003: 47-48, fig. 3 B,G.
● Type locality: Komissarovka River (Sintukha) near the Barabash-Levada settlement, Khanka Lake drainage, Primorye Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers of the basin of Amur River (Bogatov et al., 2003).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonyms of Margaritifera dahurica (Middendorff).
Kurilinaia Zatrawkin et Bogatov in Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1988
Type species: Dahurinaia kurilensis Zatrawkin et Starobogatov, 1984 (OD)
Kurilinaia kamchatica Bogatov, Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2003
Bogatov, Prozorova, Starobogatov, 2003: 48, fig. 4 A, C.
● Type locality: Golygina River, Kamchatka Peninsula.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: small rivers of south and south-west of Kamchatka (Bogatov et al., 2003; Starobogatov et al.,
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonyms of Margaritifera middendorffi (Rosen, 1926).
Kurilinaia kurilensis (Zatrawkin et Starobogatov, 1984)
[ = Dahurinaia shigini Zatrawkin et Bogatov, 1987]
Dahurinaia kurilensis Zatrawkin, Starobogatov, 1984: 1789-1790, fig. 11-14.
● Type locality: Shikotan Island [South Kurile Islands], Krabovaja Bay, river mouth near the sea tidal zone.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands, possibly southern Sakhalin (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987; Bogatov et
al., 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonyms of Margaritifera laevis (Haas, 1910).
Kurilinaia laevis (Haas, 1910)
[= Margaritana sachalinensis Shadin, 1938]
Ptychorhynchus laevis Haas, 1910: 498.
● Type locality: “Saghalin Island”.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1967): SMF No. 3626.
● Distribution: Tym’ River, Sakhalin (Bogatov et al., 2003).
Kurilinaia middendorffi (Rosen, 1926)
[= Unio complanatus Middendorff, 1851, Dillwyn, 1817, nor Barnes, 1823]
Margaritana middendorffi Rosen, 1926: 269.
● Type locality: Mekeshino Lake, Kamchatka.
● Lectotype (Bogatov et al., 2003): ZIN.
● Distribution: small rivers and lakes of south and south-west of Kamchatka (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Kurilinaia zatravkini Bogatov, Prozorova et Starobogatov, 2003
Bogatov et al., 2003: 49-50, fig. 4 B, F.
● Type locality: spring near Golovnino settlement, south part of Kunashir Island.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes and small rivers of southern Kurile Islands and Sakhalin (Bogatov et al., 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonyms of Margaritifera laevis (Haas, 1910).
Margaritifera Schumacher, 1816
Type species: Mya margaritifera Linnaeus, 1758 (monotypy)
Margaritifera borealis (Westerlund, 1871)
Margaritana margaritifera var. γ borealis: Westerlund, 1871: 168.
● Type locality: “in rivo ad Jockmock (Silbjock) in Luleе Lappmark".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of northern Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonyms of Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus,
Margaritifera elongata (Lamarck, 1819)
Unio elongata Lamarck, 1819: 70-71.
● Type locality: rivers of England and, possibly, of European north.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of northern Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonyms of Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus,
Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758)
Mya margaritifera Linnaeus, 1758: 671.
● Type locality: “in totius orbis arctici cataractis”.
● Probable syntypes: UUZM Nos. 811, 1419.
● Distribution: rivers of northern Europe (Bogatov et al., 2003; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
UNIONIDAE Rafinesque, 1820
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
UNIONINAE Rafinesque, 1820
Crassiana Servain, 1882
Type species: Unio crassus Philipsson in Retzius, 1788 (fixation of the type species not traced)
Crassiana crassa crassa (Philipsson in Retzius, 1788)
[= Unio litoralis Rossmaessler, 1835; Unio pseudolitoralis Clessin, 1884]
Unio crassus Philipsson -- Retzius, 1788: 17.
● Type locality: “in fluviis Europaea”.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: European part of Russia, Ukraine, Ural River (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva, 1994).
Crassiana crassa sieversi (Drouët, 1881)
[= Unio araxenus Drouët, 1881; Unio stevenianus “Krynicki” Siemaschko, 1847; Unio stevenianus
“Krynicki, 1837” Drouët, 1881; Unio colchicus Drouët, 1881]
Unio sieversi Drouët, 1881: 17.
● Type locality: "la Mingrelie".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers and brooks of Transcaucasia (Shadin, 1952; Akramowski, 1976).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this subspecies as a synonym of Unio crassus crassus Philipsson in
Retzius, 1788.
Crassiana cyprinorum (Bourguignat in Locard, 1882)
Unio cyprinorum Bourguignat -- Locard, 1882: 289, 358.
● Type locality: "La Seine а Chatou, dans Seine-et-Oise".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of Europe, except northern part, Ural river (Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva, 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio crassus crassus Philipsson in Retzius,
Crassiana fuscula (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1835)
Unio fusculus Ziegler -- Rossmässler, 1835b: 21.
● Type locality: “Österreich: Kaltengang”.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1967): SMF No. 10839.
● Distribution: Europe, except northern part, Ural river (Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva, 1994; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio crassus crassus Philipsson in Retzius,
Crassiana irenjensis (Kobelt, 1912)
Unio kungurensis irenjensis Kobelt, 1912: 26-27, pl. 491, fig. 2626.
● Type locality: "in Flüsschen Irenj bei Kungur".
● Holotype: SMF No. 10975.
● Distribution: Europe, Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio crassus crassus Philipsson in Retzius,
Crassiana irgizlaica (Lindholm, 1904)
Unio ater var. irgizlaicus Lindholm, 1904: 343.
● Type locality: "Fluss Irgizla" (Irgizla River, near Orenburg).
● Syntypes: ZIN?.
● Distribution: lower Ural, basins of Ural and Volga rivers (Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio crassus crassus Philipsson in Retzius,
Crassiana musiva musiva (Spengler, 1793)
Unio musivus Spengler, 1793: 67.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe (Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio crassus crassus Philipsson in Retzius,
Crassiana musiva gontieri (Borguignat, 1857)
Unio gontieri Borguignat, 1857: 16, pl. 4, figs. 10-12.
● Type locality: "la Crimée, dans la Tchernaia".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984).
● Remark: Graf (2007) recognized this as a subspecies Unio crassus gontieri distributed in Ukraine to
Crassiana nana nana (Lamarck, 1819)
Unio nana Lamarck, 1819: 76.
● Type locality: "dans la France – Comté".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except northern part, Ural river (Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva, 1994; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio crassus crassus Philipsson in Retzius,
Crassiana nana carnea (Küster, 1854)
Unio carneus Küster, 1854: 103-104, pl. 28, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: "Montenegro, in einem Bach, einem Zuflusse des Moraka-flusses".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except northern part, Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984).
Lanceolaria Conrad, 1853
Type species: Unio grayanus Lea, 1834 (monotypy)
Lanceolaria bogatovi Zatrawkin et Starobogatov, 1984
Zatrawkin, Starobogatov, 1984: 1785-1787, fig. 1-4.
● Type locality: Amur River, Sakhaljan Island, against Amursk city, Khabarovsk Territory [Far East]; inner
lake connected with the Amur River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur River, its tributaries, Ussuri River, Khanka Lake (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Lanceolaria cylindrica (Simpson, 1900).
Lanceolaria chankensis Moskvicheva, 1973
Moskvicheva, 1973b: 1466, fig. 2, к, л [k, l].
● Type locality: Mo (Melgunovka) River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Khanka Lake and rivers, received by it (Moskvicheva, 1973b; Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Lanceolaria cylindrica (Simpson, 1900).
Lanceolaria maacki Moskvicheva, 1973
[= Unio grayanus sensu Schrenck, 1867, non Lea, 1834; Nodularia cylindrica Simpson, 1900, part.]
Moskvicheva, 1973b: 1465, fig. 2, е-ж [e-zh] (nom. nov. pro Unio grayanus sensu Schrenck, 1867, non Lea,
● Type locality: Ussuri River.
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, 1973b): ZIN.
● Distribution: Ussuri River, basin of Khanka Lake (Moskvicheva, 1973b; Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Lanceolaria cylindrica (Simpson, 1900).
Lanceolaria ussuriensis Moskvicheva, 1973
[= Lanceolaria grayana sensu Shadin, 1952, non Lea, 1834]
Moskvicheva, 1973b: 1465-1466, fig. 2, з, è [z, i] (nom. nov. pro Lanceolaria grayana sensu Shadin, 1952,
non Lea, 1834).
● Type locality: Khanka Lake near village Troizkoe.
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, 1973b): ZIN.
● Distribution: Khanka Lake, Ussuri river (Moskvicheva, 1973b; Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Lanceolaria cylindrica (Simpson, 1900).
Tumidiana Servain, 1882
Type species: Unio tumidus Philipsson in Retzius, 1788 (fixation of the type species not traced)
Tumidiana conus conus (Spengler, 1793)
[= Unio ovalis Montagu, 1845]
Unio conus Spengler, 1793: 60-61.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of Europe, except north and north-east, Ural river (Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva, 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio tumidus Philipsson in Retzius, 1788.
Tumidiana conus borysthenensis (Kobelt, 1880)
Unio tumidus var. borysthenensis Kobelt, 1880: 32, pl. 192, fig. 1950.
● Type locality: "im Dniepr bei Ekatherinoslaw".
● Holotype: SMF No. 11055.
● Distribution: Ukraine, Belorussia (Stadnichenko, 1984).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio tumidus Philipsson in Retzius, 1788.
Tumidiana muelleri (Rossmässler, 1838)
Unio muelleri Rosmässler, 1838: 41, pl. 40, fig. 541.
● Type locality: "im Schulensee bei Kiel".
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1967): SMF No. 10815.
● Distribution: rivers of Europe, except north and north-east, Irtysh River basin (within Chelyabinsk district)
(Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004; M.V. Vinarski, personal communication).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio tumidus Philipsson in Retzius, 1788.
Tumidiana tumida tumida (Philipsson in Retzius, 1788)
Unio tumidus Philippson – Retzius, 1788: 17.
● Type locality: “in fluviis Europaea”.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of Europe, except north and north-east, Ural River (Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva, 1994; Kornuishin et al., 2002; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Tumidiana tumida falcatulus (Drouët, 1881)
Unio tumidus var. falcatulus Drouët, 1881: 9.
● Type locality: "la rivière de Kharkov".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio tumidus Philipsson in Retzius, 1788.
Unio Philipsson, 1788
Type species: Mya pictorum Linnaeus, 1758 (SD ICZN Opinion 495, 1957)
Unio limosus limosus Nilsson, 1822
Nilsson, 1822: 110-111.
● Type locality: “in Scania vulgaris”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of western and southern Europe (basins of Baltic, Northern and Black seas), lower
Volga (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758).
Unio limosus behningi Starobogatov et Pirogov, 1970 [1971]
Starobogatov et Pirogov, 1970 [1971]: 229-230, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Kazan near Kirovskij settlement [the Volga delta].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758).
Unio limosus graniger Ziegler in Schmidt, 1840
Unio limosus graniger Ziegler -- Schmidt, 1840: 438-439.
● Type locality: "Aus dem Loschza-Bache, der den Moorgrund durchsschneidet, unweit Laibach".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, Ukraine, Ural and Don rivers basin, Caucasus (Stadnichenko, 1984).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758).
Unio mengrelicus Drouët, 1881
Drouët, 1881: 16.
● Type locality: "la Mingrélie".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: small rivers of Transcaucasia (Shadin, 1952).
Unio pictorum pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758)
Mya pictorum Linnaeus, 1758: 671.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Probable syntypes: UUZM Nos. 808, 809.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of Europe (except northern and north-eastern), western Transcaucasia, Ural
river (Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva, 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Unio pictorum ponderosus Spitzi in Rossmässler, 1844
"Unio pictorum var. Syn. U. ponderosus Spitzi"-- Rossmässler, 1844: 31, pl. 59, fig. 767.
● Type locality: "in einem Mühlbache bei St. Leonhard in Steyermark".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: central Europe, Danube basin, Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984).
“Unio protractus Lindholm, 1932”
Lindholm, 1932: 15-16, pl. 5, fig. 1, 2, 4-7.
● Type locality: ????
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of Ural river and south-east of European part of Russia (Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva,
1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: this species is usually referred to 1932 or 1922 (the latter, eg. Graf, 2007). We were not able to
find its description in the publications of 1922. In the publication of 1932 Lindholm cited his owm manuscript dated 1930. The publication of 1932 did not contaqin formal description and diagnosis. Therefore the
name is not available according to Article 13.1 of ICZN. Nevertheless in the reference part Linholm cited:
«Линдгольм В.А. Моллюски из среднеплиоценовых отложений юго-западной Сибири (Mollusken aus mittelpliozäen Ablagerungen Südwest-Sibiriens). Рукопись, принятая к печати в марте
1930 г. и содержащая первоописания следующих упомянутых в статье новых видов: ... U. protractus ....». [“Lindholm V.A. Molluscs of the Middle Pliocene deposits of south-western Siberia (Mollusken aus mittelpliozäen Ablagerungen Südwest-Sibiriens). The manuscript accepted in March
1930 and contains descriptions of the following mentioned in the paper new species: ... U. protractus ....”] We were not able to find any references to the corresponding publication and we are not
aware whether the descriptipon of Unio protractus was formally published. It is possivle that the
name is not yet validated.
Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758).
Unio rostratus rostratus Lamarck, 1819
[= Unio longirostris Rossmässler, 1836; Unio schrenkianus Clessin, 1880]
Lamarck, 1819: 77.
● Type locality: "dans le Rhфne et les grandes rivières de l'Allemagne, de la Silésie, etc."
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: slow rivers and lakes of Europe, except north-east, Irtysh River basin (within Chelyabinsk
district) (Starobogatov et al., 2004; M.V. Vinarski, personal communication).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758).
Unio rostratus gentilis Haas in Hesse, 1911
Unio gentilis Haas -- Hesse, 1911: 151-152.
● Type locality: "Maritza bei Philippopel".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984).
ANODONTINAE Rafinesque, 1820
Amuranodonta Moskvicheva, 1973
Type species: Amuranodonta kijaensis Moskvicheva, 1973 (OD)
Amuranodonta boloniensis Zatrawkin et Bogatov, 1987
Buldowskia boloniensis Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987: 86-87, fig. 18 з-к [z-k].
● Type locality: Bolon Lake basin of the lower Amur River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Amuranodonta kijaensis Moskvicheva, 1973
Amuranodonta kijaensis Moskvicheva, 1973a: 831-832, fig. 2 (5).
● Type locality: Zarechnoye Lake, basin of the River Kiya (Khabarovsk Region).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of the Ussuri and lower Amur rivers (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Amuranodonta lomakini (Zatrawkin et Bogatov, 1987)
[= Amuranodonta inflata Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1996]
Buldowskia lomakini Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987: 86, fig. 18 д-л [d-l].
● Type locality: Amur River near village Susanino.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of the Ussuri and lower Amur rivers (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al.,
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Amuranodonta parva (Moskvicheva, 1973)
[= Anemina (Buldowskia) lacustris Labay et Shulga, 1999]
Amuranodonta parva Moskvicheva, 1973a: 832, fig. 2 (6).
● Type locality: lower Amur River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of the lower Amur River and Sladkoe Lake (northwestern Sakhalin) (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Amuranodonta pulchra Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1996
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1996a: 974-975, textfig. (3, 4, 6b).
● Type locality: lake in old river bed, 0.5 km upstream of Vostretsovo settlement, right bank of Bolshaya Ussurka River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Bolshaya Ussurka River basin (Primorje) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Amuranodonta sitaensis Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1996
[= Anemina (Buldowskia) adotymensis Labay et Shulga, 1999]
Buldowskia (Amurbuldowskia) sitaensis Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1996a: 973-974, textfig. (1, 2).
● Type locality: inlet of Sita River near bridge of motor road Khabarovsk – Vladivostok.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: баCCеéT УCCурè, lower Amur basin, Krivushka Lake (northern Sakhalin) (Bogatov, 2001;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Anemina Haas, 1969
Type species: Anodonta arcaeformis Heude, 1877 (OD)
Anemina buldowskii (Moskvicheva, 1973)
Sinanodonta (Anemina) buldowskii Moskvicheva, 1973a: 829-830, fig. 2 (3).
● Type locality: Ulakhe (Ussuri) River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Ussuri River, basin of the Khanka (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Anemina fuscoviridis (Moskvicheva, 1973)
[= Anodonta euscaphus sensu Shadin, 1938, non Anodon euscaphus Heude, 1879; Anemina shadini deflexa
Martynov et Tshernyshev, 1992]
Sinanodonta fuscoviridis Moskvicheva, 1973a: 830 (nom. nov. pro Anodonta euscaphus sensu Shadin, 1938,
non Anodon euscaphus Heude, 1879).
● Type locality: Ulakhe (Ussuri) River.
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, 1973a): ZIN.
● Distribution: Ussuri River, Trosnikovoye Lake, introduced in vicinities of Vladivostok (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta euscaphys (Heude, 1879).
Anemina shadini (Moskvicheva, 1973)
[= Anodonta arcaeformis sensu Shadin, 1938, non Anodon arcaeformis Heude, 1877]
Sinanodonta (Anemina) shadini Moskvicheva, 1973a: 828-829 (nom. nov. pro Anodonta arcaeformis sensu
Shadin, 1938, non Anodon arcaeformis Heude, 1877).
● Type locality: Mandzhurka (Troizkaya) River, basin of the Khanka Lake.
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, 1973a): ZIN.
● Distribution: Shilka, Keryleya, Zeya, Amur (lower), and Troizkaya rivers (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Anodonta Lamarck, 1799
Type species: Mytilus cygneus Linnaeus, 1758 (monotypy)
Anodonta cygnea (Linnaeus, 1758)
Mytilus cygneus Linnaeus, 1758: 706.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, except northern part, Ural river (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva,
1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Anodonta stagnalis (Gmelin, 1791)
Mytilus stagnalis Gmelin, 1791: 3362.
● Type locality: "in Schwansee".
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: lakes and ponds of Europe, Ural river (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva,
1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta cygnea (Linnaeus, 1758).
Anodonta zellensis zellensis (Gmelin, 1791)
[= Anodonta cellensis auctt., nom. err. pro zellensis]
Mytilus zellensis Gmelin, 1791: 3362.
● Type locality: "moenia urbis Cellensis circumdante".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of Europe except north and north-east, Ural river (Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva, 1994;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta cygnea (Linnaeus, 1758).
Anodonta zellensis micheli Modell, 1945
Modell, 1945: 81, 97-99, textfig. 26.
● Type locality: "Dnjepr bei Kijew".
● Holotype: not traced.
● Distribution: Ukraine, except Crimea and Karpatian mountains (Stadnichenko, 1984).
Beringiana Starobogatov in Zatrawkin, 1983
Type species: Anodonta beringiana Middendorff, 1851 (OD)
Beringiana beringiana (Middendorff, 1851)
Anodonta cellensis var. beringiana Middendorff, 1851: 284-287, pl. 29, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: Aleutian Islands, Unalashka, Kenai Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kamchatka, Chukchi Peninsula, Kunashir аnd Paramushir islands (Kurile Islands) (Zatrawkin,
Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta beringiana Middendorff, 1851.
Beringiana chereshnevi Bogatov et Starobogatov, 2001
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 2001: 26-27, figs. 2 a, 2 б (b), 4 ж (zh).
● Type locality: Elergytgyn Lake, Khatanga River basin.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Chukchi Peninsula, Kamchatka (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta beringiana Middendorff, 1851.
Beringiana compressa Sayenko et Bogatov, 1998
Sayenko, Bogatov, 1998: 1414-1417, fig. 2, 3 б (b), 4.
● Type locality: Pernatoe Lake, Paramushir Island, 50º03.1' N, 155º22.87' E (North Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta beringiana Middendorff, 1851.
Beringiana derzhavini Bogatov et Starobogatov, 2001
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 2001: 27, figs. 2 в (v), 2 г (g), 4a.
● Type locality: Blizhnyaya River, source of Blizhneje Lake, vicinities of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kamchatka (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta beringiana Middendorff, 1851.
Beringiana kamchatica Bogatov et Starobogatov, 2001
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 2001: 27-28, figs. 2ä (d), 2 е (e), 4 г (g).
● Type locality: Blizhnyaya River, source of Blizhneje Lake, vicinities of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kamchatka, Paramushir Island (North Kurile Islands), Magadan Region (Starobogatov et al.,
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta beringiana Middendorff, 1851.
Beringiana youconensis (Lea, 1867)
[= Anodonta youkanensis Lea, 1868; Anodonta beringiana sensu Shadin, 1938, non Middendorff, 1851]
Anodonta youconensis Lea, 1867: 81.
● Type locality: Upper Youkan River (Alaska).
● Lectotype (Johnson, 1974): USNM No. 86624.
● Distribution: Yakutia, Magadan Region, Kamchatka, Chukchi Peninsula, basin of Anadyr’ River
(Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta beringiana Middendorff, 1851.
Buldowskia Moskvicheva, 1973
Type species: Anodonta arcaeformis sujfunica Lindholm, 1925 (OD)
Buldowskia cylindrica Moskvicheva, 1973
Moskvicheva, 1973b: 1467-1468, fig. 3, в, г [v, g].
● Type locality: Batalyanza River downstream of El-Pauza Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes in the vicinities of Artem (Primorje) (Starobogatov et al., 2004
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Buldowskia flavotincta (Martens, 1905)
Anodonta arcaeformis var. flavotincta Martens, 1905: 64, pl. 2, fig. 4.
● Type locality: "Söul, Provinz Kyöngkwido, Keumgang bei Konju, Provinz Chhungchhöngdo".
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: Lug Lake in the basin of Komarovka River, Razdolnaya River, Krolevezkoye Lake and aja-
cent portions of the river Kievhanka (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Buldowskia koreana Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1996
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1996b: 1331, fig. 2 в, г (v, g).
● Type locality: lake of former bed of Gladkaya River in 2 km of Gvozdevo settlement, Khasan District,
Primorje Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southernmost part of Primorje, lakes and former river beds (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Buldowskia possietica Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1996
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1996b: 1329-1330, fig. 3 а, б (a, b).
● Type locality: lake on Boisman Bay shore, Ryazanovka River basin, Khasan District, Primorje Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southernmost part of Primorje, lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Buldowskia starobogatovi (Moskvicheva, 1973)
Amuranodonta starobogatovi Moskvicheva, 1973a: 831, fig. 2 (4).
● Type locality: small lake on the Krasnoyarskaya hill, vicinities of city Ussuriisk (formerly Nikolsk).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, Khasan Lake, Lug Lake, lakes of the basin of Razdolnaya River (Zatrawkin,
Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Buldowskia sujfunensis (Shadin, 1938)
[= Anemina (Buldowskia) zatrawkini Martynov et Tshernyshev, 1992]
Anodonta beringiana var. sujfunensis Shadin, 1938: 132, fig. 48.
● Type locality: Bokhiiskoe lake, basin of Razdolnaya (Sujfun) River.
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, 1973a): ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of the basin of Razdolnaya River, Khasan Lake, lakes on Pyutatin Island, Barabashevka
River (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Buldowskia sujfunica (Lindholm, 1925)
Anodonta arcaeformis var. sujfunica Lindholm, 1925b: 137.
● Type locality: Razdolnaya (Sujfun) River, near city of Ussuriisk (formerly Nikolsk).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Razdolnaya, Komarovka, and Kievchanka rivers (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Buldowskia suputinensis Moskvicheva, 1973
Moskvicheva, 1973a: 833, fig. 2 (8).
● Type locality: Lug Lake, basin of Komarovka River, vicinities of city Ussuriisk.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality, Kroveletskoye Lake (basin of thew river Kievchanka, tributary of the river Artemovka), Kievchanka River (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta arcaeformis (Heude, 1877).
Colletopterum Bourguignat, 1880
Type species: Anodonta letourneuxi Bourguignat, 1880 (= Anodonta subcircularis Clessin, 1873) (SD
Zatrawkin, 1983)
Colletopterum anatinum (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Anodonta minima Millet, 1833; Anodonta seisanensis Kobelt, 1911; Anodonta piscinalis var. sorica W.
Dybowski, 1913]]
Mytilus anatinus Linnaeus, 1758: 706.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Probable syntype: UUZM No. 825.
● Distribution: rivers of Europe, except extreme north-east, Ural river (Pirogov, Tarasov, Kinazantseva,
1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758).
Colletopterum apollonicum (Bourguignat, 1880-1881)
Anodonta Apollonica Bourguignat, 1880-1881: 91-95, pl. 15, figs. 1-3.
● Type locality: ??? .
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: South Europe and Asia Minor (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758).
Colletopterum bactrianum (Rolle, 1897)
Anodonta bactriana Rolle, 1897: 172.
● Type locality: “Serafschan bei Buchara”.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1967): SMF No. 4412.
● Distribution: Central Asia – Zeravshan and Syrdarya basins (Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1984; Izzatullaev,
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta cyrea Drouët, 1881.
Colletopterum cyreum cyreum (Drouët, 1881)
Anodonta cyrea Drouët, 1881: 29.
● Type locality: "le Kour ...; les cours d'eau du Caucase et de la mer Caspienne" (Kura River).
● Syntype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Caucasus (Shadin, 1952).
Colletopterum cyreum sogdianum (Kobelt, 1896)
[= Anodonta retteri Drouët, 1899; A. samarkandensis Kobelt, 1913]
Anodonta sogdiana Kobelt, 1896: 102-103.
● Type locality: “Serafschan bei Buchara”.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1967): SMF No. 4414.
● Distribution: Central Asia (Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1984; Izzatullaev, 2002)
Colletopterum depressum (Bourguignat, 1880-1881)
Anodonta depressa Bourguignat, 1880-1881: 221-222.
● Type locality: "dans les lacs de la Carniole et de la Carinthe, notamment dans ceux des environs de Klagenfurt".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Europe, basin of the Black Sea, possibly in the lower Don and Volga (Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758).
Colletopterum kokandicum Starobogatov et Izzatullaev, 1984
Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1984: 78, fig. 4,
● Type locality: Pechkoran Lake, northward from Kokand city [Uzbek SSR].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Central Asia, type locality (Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1984; Izzatullaev, 2002).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta cyrea Drouët, 1881.
Colletopterum nilssonii (Küster, 1842)
Anodonta nilssonii Küster, 1842: 61.
● Type locality: ???.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and Siberia (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758).
Colletopterum oblongum (Millet, 1831)
Anodonta oblonga Millet, 1831: 242, pl. 12, fig. 1.
● Type locality: "la Mayenne".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basins of Baltic and Northern seas (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Colletopterum piscinale piscinale (Nilsson, 1822)
[=Anodonta piscinalis sibirica Krovosheina et Starobogatov, 1970; Anodonta (Colletopterum) piscinalis
shadini Starobogatov, Pirogov, 1970[1971]]
Anodonta piscinalis Nilsson, 1822: 116-117.
● Type locality: “in piscinis & fossis Scaniae passim”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except extreme north-east, southern part of western Sibiria, Pribaikal’e, northern Kazakhstan; Armenia (Akramowski, 1976; Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva, 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758).
Colletopterum piscinale falcatum (Drouët, 1879)
Anodonta falcata Drouët, 1879: 332-333.
● Type locality: "le Dniéper, а Wordkodniéprowsk".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Don river basin waterbodies (Stadnichenko, 1984).
Colletopterum ponderosum ponderosum (C. Pfeiffer, 1825)
[= Anodonta anatina var. petshorica Shadin, 1938; Anodonta anatina var. lenae Shadin, 1938; Anodonta
ponderosa altaica Krivosheina et Starobogatov, 1970]
Anodonta ponderosa C. Pfeiffer, 1825: 31-32, pl. 4, figs. 1-6.
● Type locality: "Aus flusse des Radsieker Teiches in den Wörntebach, in der Gegend von Pyrmont".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and south Siberia, Central Asia (Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1984; Starobogatov et al.,
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758).
Colletopterum ponderosum rumanicum (Letourneux in Bourguignat, 1880-1881)
Anodonta rumanica Letourneux -- Bourguignat, 1880-1881:199-200.
● Type locality: "dans le Danube aux environs de Giurgewo, en Valachie".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Black and Azov seas basin (Stadnichenko, 1984).
Colletopterum ponderosum sedakovi (Siemaschko, 1848)
[= Anodonta cellensis var. selengensis W. Dybowski in B. Dybowski, 1913; Anodonta complanata var.
sorensiana W. Dybowski in B. Dybowski, 1913; Anodonta piscinalis var. sorica Shadin, 1938; Anodonta
sedakovi var. nova Shadin, 1938]
Anodonta sedakovi: Siemaschko, 1848: 236.
● Type locality:
● Lectotype ???: not traced.
● Distribution: Siberia, Baikal Lake, Cisbaikalia and Transbaikalia (Buryatia, Gusinoe Lake), south of Eastern Siberia, in rivers and lakes (Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
● Remark: Slugina and Starobogatov (2004) considered Colletopterum ponderosum sedakovi as a valid
taxon. At the same time these authors consider Anodonta complanata var. sorensiana: W. Dybowski in B.
Dybowski, 1913 as a mere syhnonym of Colletopterum ponderosum sedakovi. In the book of Starobogatov et
al. (2004) Colletopterum sorensianum is considered as a valid species inhabiting Baikal Lake. This point of
view is followed by Prozorova and Bogatov (2004). They also consider C. ponderosum sedakovi as a synonym of Colletopterum anatinum (L.). Since there is no established point of view on this problem, we prefer to
follow opinion of Slugina and Starobogatov (2004), since it is dedicated specifically to the fauna of Baikal
Colletopterum ponderosum volgense (Zhadin, 1938)
Anodonta piscinalis var. volgensis Zhadin, 1938: 126, fig. 43.
● Type locality: Bratskaya river.
● Types: ZIN.
● Distribution: Central Asia (Zhadin, 1938, Izzatullaev, 2002)
Colletopterum subcirculare subcirculare (Clessin, 1873)
[= Anodonta (Colletopterum) subcircularis astrachanica Starobogatov, Pirogov, 1970 [1971]]
Anodonta subcirculare Clessin, 1873b: 87-88, pl. 22, fig. 2.
● Type locality: "Europäische Türkei, im See von Skutari".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of the western and southern Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758).
Colletopterum subcirculare plattenicum (Servain, 1881)
[= Anodonta ostiaria Drouët, 1881]
Anodonta plattenica Servain, 1881: 104-106.
● Type locality: "lac [Balaton], а Siö-Fok, et au dessous de Palaznak".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Prichernomorje (Stadnichenko, 1984).
Cristaria Schumacher, 1817
Type species: Cristaria tuberculata Schumacher, 1817 (monotypy)
Cristaria herculea (Middendorff, 1847)
Anodonta herculea Middendorff, 1847: 302-303, 1851: 278, pl. 21, fig. 5, pl. 22, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: Onon River, near village Ust’-Alyatui.
● Lectotype: ZIN (selected by??)
● Distribution: lakes on Iturup Island (Kuriles), basin of Khanka Lake, Onon, Nercha, Argun, Shilka, Zeya,
and lower Amur rivers (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Cristaria plicata (Leach, 1815).
Cristaria tuberculata Schumacher, 1817
Schumacher, 1817: 107, pl. 20, fig. 2.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of Khanka Lake, Ussuri River (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Cristaria plicata (Leach, 1815).
Sinanodonta Modell, 1945
Type species: Symphyncta woodiana Lea, 1834 (OD)
Sinanodonta amurensis Moskvicheva, 1973
Moskvicheva, 1973a: 826-827, fig. 1 (11).
● Type locality: vicinities of Khabarovsk, channel Malye Chepchiki.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: channels of the Amur River, Ussuri, Bolshaya Ussurka rivers, Ulil’, Petropavlovskoye, Dzhalynskoye, Khanka lakes (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Sinanodonta crassitesta Moskvicheva, 1973
[= Sinanodonta renzini Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1988; Sinanodonta ovata Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1996]
Moskvicheva, 1973a: 828, fig. 2 (1).
● Type locality: Suputinka (Komarovka) River.
● Lectotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Razdolnaya, Komarovka rivers, Soldatskoye Lake (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Sinanodonta fukudai Modell, 1945
[= Anodonta woodiana var. eliptica sensu Shadin, 1938, non Anodon eliptica Heude, 1878]
Sinanodonta woodiana fukudai Modell, 1945: 96, textfig. 24.
● Type locality: "Zenra Dф, Fuan Gun, Turuppo, Nordkorea".
● Holotype: Modell collection, No. 3420.
● Distribution: basin of the Razdolnaya river (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Sinanodonta gibba (Benson, 1855)
Anodonta gibbum Benson, 1855: 135.
● Type locality: Tangtse Kaing (China).
● Syntypes: MCZ No. 177314.
● Distribution: central Asia, Tashkent Region, ponds [introduced]; Zeravshan River basin (Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1984; Izzatullaev, 2002; Boimurodov, 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Sinanodonta likharevi Moskvicheva, 1973
Moskvicheva, 1973a: 827, fig. 1 (12).
● Type locality: Shilka River in the vicinities of the town Sretensk-Zabaikalskii.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Shilka, Nercha, Zeya, lower Amur River, Ussuri, Bolshaya Ussurka, Ilistaya rivers, Udyl,
Trostnikovoe (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Sinanodonta manchurica Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1996
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1996b: 1329, fig. 2 в, г (v, g).
● Type locality: lake of former bed of Gladkaya River in 2 km of Gvozdevo settlement, Khasan District,
Primorje Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southernmost part of Primorje (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Sinanodonta orbicularis (Heude, 1880)
Anodon orbicularis Heude, 1880b: pl. 42, fig. 82, caption on opposite unnumbered page.
● Type locality: "Lac de Ma-tang, district de Peng-tse (Kiang-si), au bord du fleuve Bleu".
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Central Asia, Tashkent Region, ponds [introduced]; Zeravshan River basin (Starobogatov,
Izzatullaev, 1984; Izzatullaev, 2002; Boimurodov, 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Sinanodonta primorjensis Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1988
Sinanodonta (Cristariopsis) primorjensis Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1988: 162-163, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Soldatskoye Lake in the basin of Razdolnaya River, Primorje.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes in the basin of Razdolnaya [Sujfun] River (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Sinanodonta puerorum (Heude, 1880)
Anodon puerorum Heude, 1880b: pl. 47, fig. 90, caption on opposite unnumbered page.
● Type locality: "les fosses de la plaine de Tch'ao-hien, sue les bords du Yang-tze".
● Syntype: USNM No. 126509.
● Distribution: central Asia, Tashkent Region, ponds [introduced]; Zeravshan River basin (Starobogatov, Izzatullaev, 1984; Izzatullaev, 2002; Boimurodov, 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Sinanodonta schrencki Moskvicheva, 1973
[= Anodonta magnifica sensu Schrenck, 1867, non Symphinota magnifica Lea, 1834; Anodonta woodiana
sensu Shadin, 1938, non Symphinota woodiana Lea, 1834]
Moskvicheva, 1973a: 826 (nom. nov. pro Anodonta magnifica sensu Schrenck, 1867, non Symphinota magnifica Lea, 1834).
● Type locality: Ussuri River near mouth of the river Khor ("Poor").
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, 1973a): ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Amur, Ussuri, Arsenievka rivers, basin of Khanka Lake (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana woodiana (Lea, 1834).
Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834)
Symphinota woodiana Lea, 1834: 42, pl. 5, fig. 13.
● Type locality: China.
● Types: lost (Johnson, 1974).
● Distribution: southwestern Ukraine (Korniushin et al., 2002).
NODULARIINAE Starobogatov et Zatrawkin in Zatrawkin et Bogatov,
Middendorffinaia Moskvicheva et Starobogatov, 1973
Type species: Unio mongolicus Middendorff, 1851 (OD)
Middendorffinaia arsenievi Moskvicheva et Starobogatov, 1973
Moskvicheva, Starobogatov, 1973: 29, fig. 3 m-o.
● Type locality: Pashino River, near Dormidontovka village, Khabarovsk Territory [Far East]
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basins of Ussuri and lower Amur rivers (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio crassus mongolicus Middendorff, 1851.
Middendorffinaia dulkeitiana Moskvicheva et Starobogatov, 1973
Moskvicheva, Starobogatov, 1973: 33. fig. 5 г, ä [g, d].
● Type locality: tributary of the Suputinka River [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basins of Suputinka and Razdolnaya rivers (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Inversidens pantoensis (Neumayr, 1899).
Middendorffinaia mongolica (Middendorff, 1851)
Unio mongolicus Middendorff, 1851: 272, pl. 42, figs. 7-8.
● Type locality: mountain spring near village Gorbiza [eastern part of Chita Region].
● Holotype: lost (Moskvicheva, Starobogatov, 1973).
● Distribution: Type locality, upstreams of the rivers Zeya, Arga, Ussuri, Khor, Arsenievka, Sungacha
(Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
Middendorffinaia ochotica Bogatov, 2000
Bogatov, 2000: 861-862, textfig. (а-г) (a-g).
● Type locality: Kukhtui River northward of Okhotsk, Khabarovsk Region.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kukhtui River basin (Okhotsk Sea basin), possibly Amur basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio crassus mongolicus Middendorff, 1851.
Middendorffinaia shadini Moskvicheva et Starobogatov, 1973
[= Unio continentalis Shadin, 1938, non Haas, 1910; Middendorffinaia martensi Moskvicheva et Starobogatov, 1973]
Moskvicheva, Starobogatov, 1973: 31-32, fig. 5 a-в [a-v] [nom. nov. pro Unio continentalis Shadin, 1938,
non Haas, 1910].
● Type locality: Rakovka River, tributary of the river Razdolnaya [Far East].
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, Starobogatov, 1973?): ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of the Razdolnaya River (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Inversidens pantoensis (Neumayr, 1899).
Middendorffinaia sujfunensis Moskvicheva et Starobogatov, 1973
Moskvicheva, Starobogatov, 1973: 30, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Sujfun [Razdolnaya] River, 1.5 km southward from Razdol'noe station, Primorje Territory
[Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Razdolnaya, Artemovka, Kievchanka, and Partizanskaya rivers (Moskvicheva, Starobogatov,
1973; Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Inversidens pantoensis (Neumayr, 1899).
Middendorffinaia ussuriensis Moskvicheva et Starobogatov, 1973
Moskvicheva, Starobogatov, 1973: 28-29, fig. 3 è-м [i-m].
● Type locality: Daubikhe River, near Jakovlevka village [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers Arsenievka [Daubikhe], Pashino, Hor; basin of Ussuri River (Zatrawkin, Bogatov,
1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Unio crassus mongolicus Middendorff, 1851.
Middendorffinaia weliczkowskii Moskvicheva et Starobogatov, 1973
[= Middendorffinaia hassanica Moskvicheva et Starobogatov, 1973; Middendorffinaia maihensis Moskvicheva, 1973]
Moskvicheva, Starobogatov, 1973: 33-34, fig. 5 e, ж [e, zh].
● Type locality: Olenevka River (tributary of the Sujfun [Razdolnaya] River [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Type locality (Moskvicheva, Starobogatov, 1973; Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Inversidens pantoensis (Neumayr, 1899).
Nodularia Conrad, 1857
Type species: Unio douglasiae Griffith et Pidgeon, 1833 (monotypy)
Nodularia abbreviata (Westerlund, 1897)
Unio abbreviatus Westerlund, 1897b: 132.
● Type locality: Amur River, near Nikolaevsk.
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, 1973b): ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur, Ussuri, Pilda, Ilistaya, Melgunovka rivers, Khanka Lake (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834).
Nodularia amurensis (Mousson, 1887)
[= Unio douglassiae sensu Shadin, 1938, part. non Griffith et Pidgeon, 1833]
Unio pictorum var. amurensis Mousson, 1887: 26-27, 35, pl.1, fig. 8.
● Type locality: "Chabarofka..., Nicolajewsk".
● Syntypes: SMF 3663/2 (fide Zilch, 1967).
● Distribution: Amur, Ussuri, Milgunovka rivers, Khanka, Udil’, Petropavlovskoye lakes (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834).
Nodularia extremalis Martynov et Tshernyshev, 1992
Nodularia (Magadaninaia) extremalis Martynov, Tshernyshev, 1992: 19, fig.1-3
● Type locality: Magadan Region, Olskii district, a river near village Motykleyka.
● Holotype: 10602/Bv - 1484, Zoological Museum of Far-Eastern State University (No. 254 was erroneously
mentioned in the original publication).
● Distribution: type locality, basin of Tayiskaya guba, River Motyleika (Martynov, Tshernyshev, 1992; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834).
Nodularia flavoviridis (Haas, 1911)
Nodularia douglassiae var. flavoviridis Haas, 1911: 71, pl. 6, fig. 2.
● Type locality: "Buir-nur in Amurgebiet" (Buir-Nur Lake, Mongolia).
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1967): SMF No. No. 3654.
● Distribution: Amur, Ussuri, Milgunovka, Mandzhurka rivers, Khanka, Petropavlovskoye lakes (Zatrawkin,
Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834).
Nodularia lebedevi Zatrawkin et Starobogatov, 1984
Zatrawkin, Starobogatov, 1984: 1787-1788, fig. 5-8.
● Type locality: Sakhalin Island on the Amur River across city of Amursk, inner lake, connected to the Amur
river, Khabarovsk Territory [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Type locality (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834).
Nodularia middendorffi (Westerlund, 1890)
[= Unio pictorum var. longirostris Middendorff, 1851]
Unio middendorffi Westerlund, 1890: 113.
● Type locality: Nercha River, near Nerchinsk.
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, 1973b): ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur, Nercha, Ingoda, Shilka, Onon, Zeya, and Ussuri rivers (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834).
Nodularia moskvichevae Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1992
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1992: 134, fig. 1 (5, 6).
● Type locality: inlet of Razdolnaya River in 1 km from railroad station Razdolnoe, Nadezhdinsky District,
Primorje Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of Razdolnaya [Sujfun] River (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834).
Nodularia sakhalinensis Bogatov, 2001
Nodularia sakhalinensis Bogatov, 2001: 75-77, fig. 2 A-C.
● Type locality: Langry River, northern Sakhalin.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Bogatov, 2001).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834).
Nodularia schrencki (Westerlund, 1897)
Unio schrencki Westerlund, 1897b: 131-132.
● Type locality: Amur River.
● Lectotype (Moskvicheva, 1973b): ZIN.
● Distribution: Amur, Ussuri rivers (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834).
Nodularia vladivostokensis Moskvicheva, 1973
[= Nodularia sujfunica Moskvicheva, 1973]
Moskvicheva, 1973b: 1463, fig. 1 п, р [p, r].
● Type locality: Sujfun (Razdolnaya) River, near station Baranovskyi.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Razdolnaya, and Komarovka rivers (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834).
Kunashiria Starobogatov in Zatrawkin, 1983
Type species: Anodonta japonica Clessin, 1874 (OD)
Kunashiria compressa (Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1996)
Arsenievinaia compressa Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1996b: 1332, fig. 4 в, г (v, g).
● Type locality: small lake Zerkalnoe, Rudnaya River basin, Dalnegorsk District, Primorje Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Rudnaya River basin (Primorje) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana japonica (von Martens in Clessin
Kunashiria coptzevi Zatrawkin et Bogatov, 1987
[= Arsenievinaia alimovi Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1988]
Arsenievinaia coptzevi Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987: 104-105, fig. 20, б [b], 24 в, г [v, g].
● Type locality: Vas’kovskoye Lake near vellage Rudnaya Pristan’, Dalnegorsky area, Primorje Region.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern slope of Sihkhote-Alin and northern Sakhalin [Primorje] (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana japonica (von Martens in Clessin
Kunashiria haconensis (Ihering, 1893)
[= Amuranodonta sihotealinica Zatrawkin et Starobogatov, 1984; Kunashiria japonica boreosakhalinensis
Labay et Shulga, 1999]
Anodonta haconensis Ihering, 1893: 153.
● Type locality: Hakone Lake (Japan).
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1967): SMF No. 3683.
● Distribution: southern Sakhalin, Kurile Islands (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana japonica (von Martens in Clessin
Kunashiria iturupica Bogatov, Sayenko et Starobogatov, 1999
Bogatov et al., 1999: 60-62, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Kuibyshevskoye Lake, Iturup Island, Kurile Islands.
● Holotype: ZIN?.
● Distribution: Kunashir and Iturup Islands, Kurile Islands (Bogatov et al., 1999).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana japonica (von Martens in Clessin
Kunashiria iwakawai (Suzuki, 1939)
Anodonta iwakawai Suzuki, 1939: 130-138 (in Japanese), 139-143 (in English), pl. 5, 6, textfigs. 1-7.
● Type locality: Tarukawa-numa, n-w of Sapporo.
● Holotype: Geological Institute, University of Tokyo, LF1.
● Distribution: Lesser Kurile Islands (Zelenyi, Tanfilyeva, Yurii islands), South Sakhalin (Starobogatov et
al., 2004)
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana japonica (von Martens in Clessin
Kunashiria japonica (Martens in Clessin, 1874)
Anodonta japonica Martens -- Clessin, 1874a: 144-145, pl. 47, figs. 3-4.
● Type locality: "Yokohama in Japan".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of southern Sakhalin and southern Kurile Islands (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Kunashiria sinanodontoides Bogatov, Sayenko et Starobogatov, 1999
Bogatov et al., 1999: 59-60, fig. 1, 3.
● Type locality: Dobroye Lake, Dobroye Nachalo Bay Basin, Iturup Island, Kurile Islands.
● Holotype: ZIN?.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana japonica (von Martens in Clessin
Kunashiria taranetsi (Shadin, 1938)
[= Arsenievinaia zatravkini Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1996]
Anodonta beringiana var. taranetsi Shadin, 1938: 133, fig. 49.
● Type locality: Sakhalin, lake on the flood plain of the river Tym’ near village Kotik.
● Lectotype: ZIN (selected by ???.
● Distribution: east slope of Sikhote-Alin and Sakhalin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana japonica (von Martens in Clessin
Kunashiria zarjaensis (Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1988)
Arsenievinaia zarjaensis Bogatov, Zatrawkin, 1988: 166-167, fig. 6.
● Type locality: Zarya Lake, Primorje.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana japonica (von Martens in Clessin
Kunashiria zimini (Zatrawkin et Bogatov, 1987)
Arsenievinaia zimini Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987: 102-104, fig. 24, а, б [a, b]
● Type locality: Zarya Lake [coast of the Japan Sea] 30 km SW from the village Valentin.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern slope of Sihkhote-Alin’ [Primorje] (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al.,
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Anodonta woodiana japonica (von Martens in Clessin
Pseudanodonta Bourguignat, 1877
Type species: Anodonta complanata Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1835 (SD Westerlund, 1902)
Pseudanodonta complanata (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1835)
[= Pseudanodonta rossmaessleri sensu Shadin, 1952, non Bourguignat, 1870; Pseudanodonta kletti sensu
Stadnichenko, 1984, non Rossmässler, 1835; Pseudanodonta elongata tanousi sensu Stadnichenko, 1984,
non Bourguignat, 1880]
Anodonta complanata Ziegler -- Rossmässler, 1835a: 112, pl. 3, fig. 68.
● Type locality: “Elbe”.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1967): SMF No. 10652.
● Distribution: delta of Volga River, rivers and lakes of the basin of the Baltic Sea, Ukraine, ?Ural river (Pirogov, Tarasov, Kazantseva, 1994; Korniushin et al., 2002; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudanodonta elongata (Holandre, 1836)
Anodonta elongata Holandre, 1836: 54.
● Type locality: "sur les bords de la Moselle en Chambières, au-dessous du Poutiffroy".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of the Baltic Sea and in delta of Volga River (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Pseudanodonta complanata (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1835).
Pseudanodonta kletti (Rossmässler, 1835)
Anodonta kletti Rossmässler, 1835a: 112.
● Type locality: “Oder-Gebiet: Ohlau Fluss bei Breslau”.
● Lectotype (Zilch, 1967): SMF No. 13101.
● Distribution: northern Europe, except its extreme north-east, rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Pseudanodonta complanata (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1835).
Pseudanodonta nordenskioldi Bourguignat, 1880-1881
Bourguignat, 1880-1881: 41 (nom. nov. pro Anodonta complanata sensu Nordenskiold et Nylander, 1856,
non Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1835).
● Type locality: "Frugеrd i Mäntsälä" (Finland).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of the basin of the Baltic Sea (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Graf (2007) considered this species as a synonym of Pseudanodonta complanata (Ziegler in Rossmässler, 1835).
CARDIIDAE Lamarck, 1809
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
● Remark: treated here genera are characterized by the presence of both marine (especially from the Caspian
Sea) and brackishwater species. In order not to split them we deal with entire genera.
Adacna Eichwald, 1829
Type species: Glycimeris laeviuscula Eichwald, 1829
Adacna acuticosta (Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1967)
Hypanis acuticosta Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1967: 232.
● Type locality: central part of the slope of the northern Caspian Sea, 22 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Middle Caspian Sea; 0-50 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Adacna angusticostata (Borcea, 1926)
[= Monodacna colorata var. razelmiana Borcea, 1926 (part.)]
Monodacna colorata var. angusticostata Borcea, 1926: ???
● Type locality: ???.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: limans, estuaries and near-coast lakes of northern Black Sea maritime area (Scarlato, Starobogatov, 1972).
Adacna colorata (Eichwald, 1829)
[= Monodacna colorata var. tanaisiana Milachevitch, 1916; Monodacna colorata var. razelmiana Borcea,
1926 (part.)]
Glycimeris colorata Eichwald, 1829: 279.
● Type locality: “Hab. in ostio Hypanis prope Nicolajeff, in Tanai et Miotide, ubique vivam abservani; In
Volga anme adesse quoque videtun”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: waterbodies of the Danube delta, Dniester and Dnieper-Bug limans (northern Black Sea and
Azov Sea maritime area), Don and Volga deltas, Kuban mouth, water reservoirs of lower Don and Volga,
northern Caspian Sea, intoduced to Balkhash Lake ((Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968; Scarlato, Starobogatov, 1972; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Adacna fragilis Milaschewitsch, 1908
Milaschewitsch, 1908: 992-993.
● Type locality: Dniester liman and Katlabukh lake (northern Black Sea maritime area).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: fresh and brackish-water waterbodies of Danube Delta, Dniester and Dnieper-Bug limans
(northern Black Sea maritime area) (Scarlato, Starobogatov, 1972; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Adacna glabra Ostroumoff, 1905
[= Amphidesma caspia Krynicki, 1837 non Eichwald, 1829; Adacna aspera Ostroumoff et Rosen in Ostroumoff, 1905]
Adacna glabra Ostroumoff, 1905: 18-19.
● Type locality: Dniester Liman.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: northern Caspian Sea near Volga delta and Ural mouth (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Adacna grossui (Scarlato et Starobogatov, 1972)
Hypanis grossui Scarlato, Starobogatov, 1972: 214, pl. 4, fig. 1 A, B.
● Type locality: Seymeny, Dniester liman, northern Black Sea.
● Holotype: ZIN, uncataloged.
● Distribution: limans and lakes of the Danube delta and low-salinity parts of Dniester liman, northern Black
Sea maritime area (Scarlato, Starobogatov, 1972).
Adacna jalpugensis (Borcea, 1926)
Monodacna colorata var. jalpugensis Borcea, 1926: ???
● Type locality: ???.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: waterbodies of Danube Delta and Inguletz River mouth, northern Black Sea maritime area
(Scarlato, Starobogatov, 1972).
Adacna laeviscula (Eichwald, 1829)
Glycimeris laeviscula Eichwald, 1829: 279.
● Type locality: ???.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Caspian Sea; 30-60 m (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Adacna lucida (Borcea, 1926)
Monodacna colorata var. lucida Borcea, 1926: ???
● Type locality: ???.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: north-western Black Sea maritime area (Starobogatov et al., 2004, as A. "luciea").
Adacna polymorpha (Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1967)
Hypanis angusticostata polymorpha Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1967: 232.
● Type locality: central part of northern Caspian Sea, 3 m.
● Holotype: ZIN ???
● Distribution: northern Caspian Sea except most freshened areas (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Adacna pontica (Eichwald, 1838)
[= Cardium pseudocardium Deshayes, 1838; Cardium ponticum Ostroumoff, 1893]
Monodacna pontica Eichwald, 1838: 168-169.
● Type locality: «ostio Tyrae versus Pontum Euxinum, prope Businowatajam».
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: limans and lakes of the Danube delta and low-salinity parts of Dniester and Dnieper-Bug limans, northern Black Sea maritime area (Scarlato, Starobogatov, 1972).
Didacna Eichwald, 1838
Type species: Cardium trigonoides Pallas, 1771 (SD Stoliczka, 1870)
Didacna baeri (Grimm, 1877)
[= Cardium crassum sensu Eichwald, 1829 non Gmelin, 1791; Cardium eichwaldi Krynicki, 1837, nom. nov.
pro Cardium crassum Eichwald, 1829 non Gmelin, 1791]
Cardium baeri Grimm, 1877: 51-54, pl. 8, figs. 2a-c, 3a-d.
● Type locality: three localities in the Caspian Sea, from 40º04' to 40º41' N and from 02º29' to 02º33' E, 1923 fathoms.
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Caspian Sea; 0-50 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
● Remark: The name Cardium eichwaldi Krynicki, 1837 has priority, so additional investigation is needed to
reveal whether it can be considered a nomen oblitum.
Didacna barbotdemarnyi (Grimm, 1877)
Cardium barbot-de-marnyi Grimm, 1877: 56-58, pl. 8, figs. 5a-c, 6a-d.
● Type locality: five localities in the Caspian Sea, from 40º13' to 44º22' N and from 2º33' E to 0º 22'30" W,
7-20 fathoms.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern and middle Caspian Sea; 30-40 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Didacna longipes (Grimm, 1877)
Cardium longipes Grimm, 1877: 54-56, pl. 8, fig. 4a-c.
● Type locality: 2 two localities in the Caspian Sea: 40º39' N, 0º26' E, 6 fathoms, and 40º33' N, 0º22' E, 10
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern and middle Caspian Sea; 0-30 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Didacna parallela Bogatschev, 1932
Bogatschev, 1932:
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Caspian Sea, western coast of middle Caspian Sea; 50-85 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Didacna profundicola Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1966
Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1966a: 13-14, fig. 1.
● Type locality: 39°38' N, 52°02' E (central Caspian Sea), 94 m.
● Holotype: ZIN /10300.
● Distribution: middle and southern Caspian Sea; 75-409 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Didacna protracta protracta (Eichwald, 1841)
Adacna protracta Eichwald, 1841: 280, pl. 40, figs. 10, 11 (not 9, 10, as indicated in the text).
● Type locality: "cum antecendente fossilis in argillaceo deserto circa lacum Elto nensem".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Middle Caspian Sea; 25-50 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Didacna protracta submedia Andrusov, 1911
[= Didacna protracta var. media Andrusov, 1911; Didacna protracta var. grimmi Andrusov, 1911]
Didacna protracta var. submedia Andrusov, 1911:
● Type locality: “Hab/ cum ancedente fossilis in argillaceo deserto circa lacum Eltonensem”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: middle and southern Caspian Sea; 50-85 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Didacna pyramidata (Grimm, 1877)
Cardium pyramidatum Grimm, 1877: 46-49, pl. 8, fig. 1a-d.
● Type locality: five localities in the Caspian Sea, from 38º14'30" to 40º53' N and from 2º33' E to 0º28' E,
20-60 fathoms.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Caspian Sea; 30-100 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Didacna trigonoides trigonoides Pallas, 1771
Cardium trigonoides Pallas, 1771: 478.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Caspian Sea (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Didacna trigonoides praetrigonoides Nalivkin et Anisimov, 1914
Nalivkin, Anisimov, 1914: 5-6, 16-17, pl. 1, figs. 1-2.
● Type locality: post-Pliocene of the Apsheron Peninsula.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Caspian Sea; 50-60 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Hypanis Pander in Menetries, 1832
Type species: Glycymeris plicata Eichwald, 1829 (monotypy)
Hypanis albida Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1967
[= Cardium pseudocatillus "Abich" Grimm, 1877 non Barbot de Marny, 1869]
Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1967: 232.
● Type locality: southeastward from Derbent (western Caspian Sea), 56 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Middle and southern Caspian Sea; 0-150 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Hypanis caspia caspia (Eichwald, 1829)
Corbula caspia Eichwald, 1829: 281, pl. 5, fig. 6.
● Type locality:Caspian Sea.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: eastern part of northern Caspian Sea (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Hypanis caspia filatovae Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1967
[= Cardium caspium sensu Grimm, 1876, non Corbula caspia Eichwald, 1829]
Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1967: 231.
● Type locality: Gulf of Baku (western Caspian Sea).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Caspian Sea; 50 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Hypanis caspia knipowitschi Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1966
Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1966a: 15, fig. 2.
● Type locality: 39°38' N, 52°08' E (central Caspian Sea), 71 m.
● Holotype: ZIN /10560.
● Distribution: middle and southern Caspian Sea; 50-200 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Hypanis minima minima (Ostroumoff, 1907)
Ostroumoff, 1907: 23, textfig.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Aral Sea (was not found since 1970th) (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968; Starobogatov, 1974;
Andreeva, Andreev, 2003).
Hypanis minima ostroumovi Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1967
[= Hypanis minima Ostroumoff, 1907 (partim)]
Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1967: 233.
● Type locality: near Ogurchinsky Island (Caspian Sea), 23.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: middle and southern Caspian Sea; 1-35 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Hypanis plicata (Eichwald, 1829)
[= Adacna grimmi Andrusov, 1923]
Glycimeris plicata Eichwald, 1829: 279.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Caspian Sea; 1-30 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Hypanis regularis Starobogatov in Starobogatov, Prozorova, Bogatov et Sayenko, 2004
Starobogatov et al., 2004: 48, pl. 39, fig. 6 (nom. nov. pro Adacna plicata Grimm, 1877: 66, pl. 8, fig. 14, non
Glycymeris plicata Eichwald, 1829).
● Type locality: Caspian Sea: Srednii Ashur Island; 39º51' N, 0º03' E, 13 fathoms; 40º14' N, 0º37' E, 8 fathoms.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Caspian Sea shallows (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hypanis relicta (Milaschewitsch, 1916)
Adacna relicta Milaschewitsch, 1916: 274-276, pl. 8, figs. 10-12.
● Type locality: Dniester liman, Berezan liman (northern Black Sea maritime area).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: waterbodies of Danube Delta, Dniester and Dnieper-Bug limans (northern Black Sea maritime
area) (Scarlato, Starobogatov, 1972).
Hypanis semipellucida Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1967
[= Adacna edentula Grimm, 187 (partim), non Mya edentula Pallas, 1771]
Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1967: 232-233.
● Type locality: off Tokmak Cape, near shoreline (Caspian Sea).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: middle Caspian Sea; 0-30 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Hypanis sidorovi Starobogatov, 1974
[= Adacna laeviuscula Martens, 1882 non Eichwald, 1829]
Hypanis minima sidorovi Starobogatov, 1974: 246, fig. 213.
● Type locality: near well Kara-Kibir.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Aral Sea; 1-10 m (probably extinct since 1970th) (Starobogatov, 1974; Andreeva, Andreev,
Hypanis vitrea vitrea (Eichwald, 1829)
Glycimeris vitrea Eichwald, 1829: 279.
Type locality:
● Distribution: Caspian Sea; 0-20 m (Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1968).
Hypanis vitrea bergi Starobogatov, 1974
Starobogatov, 1974: 245-246, fig. 212.
● Type locality: near well Kara-Kibir (western coast of Aral Sea).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Delta of Amu Darya River, north-western part of Aral Sea (probably extinct since 1980th)
(Starobogatov, 1974; Andreeva, Andreev, 2003).
(Kantor Yu.I.)
Dreissena Van Beneden, 1835
Type species: Mytilus polymorphus Pallas, 1771 (monotypy)
Dreissena bugensis (Andrusov, 1897)
B, F
Dreissensia bugensis Andrusov, 1897: 285-286, pl. 15, figs. 31-37.
● Type locality: Bug River near Nikolaev City, at Ingul River mouth (across Nikolaev).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western Black Sea maritime area, Dnieper River Basin (except Far North) (Starobogatov,
1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994).
Dreissena caspia caspia Eichwald, 1855
Eichwald, 1855: 311, pl. 10, figs. 19-21.
● Type locality: Chistyi Bank and Cheleken Island (Caspian Sea).
● Types: possibly in the Geological Museum of SPb University.
● Distribution: Caspian Sea (now probably extinct) (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994).
Dreissena caspia pallasi (Andrusov, 1897)
Dreissensia pallasi Andrusov, 1897: 671-672, pl. 20, figs. 33-35.
● Type locality: Aral Sea, near St. Nicholas Island.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Aral Sea (probably extinct since 1990th) (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994;
Andreeva, Andreev, 2003).
Dreissena elata elata (Andrusov, 1897)
[= Dreissena polymorpha var. lata Andrusov, 1897; Dreissena polymorpha var. marina auctt. non Pallas,
Dressensia polymorpha var. elata Andrusov, 1897: 353, pl. 20, fig. 25.
● Type locality: Kuuli Cape, Dazmyk, Apsheron (western Caspian Sea).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Caspian Sea (now probably extinct); down to 30 m (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994).
Dreissena obtusecarinata (Andrusov, 1897)
Dreissensia polymorpha var. obtusecarinata Andrusov, 1897: 354.
● Type locality: Aral Sea.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Aral Sea (probably extinct since 1980th) (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994;
Andreeva, Andreev, 2003).
Dreissena polymopha polymorpha (Pallas, 1771)
[= Mytilus volgae Chemnitz, 1795; Mytilus volgensis Gray, 1825; Mytilus hagenii Baer, 1825; Mytilus arca
Kickx, 1834; Dythalmia danubii Jay, 1835; Tichogonia chemnitzi Rossmaessler, 1835; Dreissena fluviatilis
Bourgignat, 1856; Dreissensia belgrandi Locard, 1893; Dreissensia complanata Locard, 1893; Dreissensia
curta Locard, 1893; Dreissensia eximia Locard, 1893; Dreissensia lacunosa Locard, 1893; Dreissensia lutetiana Locard, 1893; Dreissensia occidentalis Locard, 1893; Dreissensia recta Locard, 1893; Dreissensia
servaini Locard, 1893; Dreissensia sulcata Locard, 1893; Dreissensia tumida Locard, 1893; Dreissensia ventrosa Locard, 1893; Dreissensia westerlundi Locard, 1893; Dreissena polymorpha var. angustiformis
Kolesnikov, 1950; Dreissena cornuliformis Ali-zade, 1961; Dreissena gubkini Ali-zade, 1961; Dreissena
kambai Ali-zade, 1961; Dreissena kopetdagica Ali-zade, 1961; Dreissena lunata Ali-zade, 1961; Dreissena
nalivkini Ali-zade, 1961; Dreissena vestae Ali-zade, 1961]
Mytilus polymorphus Pallas, 1771: 368, 435, 478.
● Type locality: Volga and Yaik rivers, Caspian Sea.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: low-salinity areas of Black and Azov seas, Aral Sea, fresh waters of European Russia, eastward to Ural Mountains and northward to 62° N (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994).
Dreissena polymopha andrusovi (Brusina in Andrusov, 1897)
[= Dreissensia latro Andrusov, 1897]
Dreissensia andrusovi Brusina -- Andrusov, 1897: 374-375, pl. 18, figs. 21-23.
● Type locality: Caspian Sea.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Caspian Sea (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994).
Dreissena polymopha aralensis (Andrusov, 1897)
Dreissensia polymorpha var. aralensis Andrusov, 1897: 354-355, pl. 18, fig. 40.
● Type locality: Aral Sea.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: waterbodies adjacent to Aral Sea (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994).
Dreissena rostriformis compressa Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1966
Logvinenko, Starobogatov, 1966a: 15-16, fig. 3.
● Type locality: off Samur River mouth (Caspian Sea), 90 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Caspian Sea; 70-300 m (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994).
Dreissena rostriformis distincta (Andrusov, 1897)
Dreissensia rostriformis var. distincta Andrusov, 1897: 273-276, pl. 14, figs. 18-24.
● Type locality: numerous localities of Volga River, Caspian, Black and Marmara seas (Recent and fossil).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern and northeastern Caspian Sea; 20-50 m (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994).
Dreissena rostriformis grimmi (Andrusov, 1890)
Dreissensia grimmi Andrusov, 1890: 41.
● Type locality: Caspian Sea, 43°35’ N, 0°30’30» E; 1°3’ E; 30-35 fathoms.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Middle Caspian Sea; 45-80 m (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994).
Dreissena rostriformis pontocaspica (Andrusov, 1897)
Dreissensia tschaudae var. pontocaspica Andrusov, 1897: 294-297, pl. 9, figs. 27-32, pl. 15, figs. 29-30.
● Type locality: several localities on Apsheron Peninsula (Caspian Sea), eastern Caspian Sea coast, Black
Sea at 30-101 fathoms (fossil and subfossil).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southwestern and southeastern Caspian Sea; 20-80 m (Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov, Andreeva, 1994).
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Corbicula Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1811
Type species: Tellina fluminalis Müller, 1774 (monotypy; ICZN Opinion 335)
Corbicula amurensis Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1994
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1994: 149, fig. 1 D-F.
● Type locality: lower Amur near Balbinski cliff [22 km upstream of Kalinovka settlement and 337 km from
the mouth].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Amur River (Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Corbicula consobrina (Cailliaud, 1827)
[= Corbicula fluminalis var. minor Kobelt, 1897; Corbicula fickeli Clessin, 1897; Corbicula heuglini Clessin,
Cyrena consobrina Cailliaud, 1827: 263.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Azerbaijan (Kursalova, Starobogatov, 1971).
Corbicula cor (Lamarck, 1818)
[= Corbicula hohenackeri Clessin, 1879; Corbicula feliciani Locard, 1883]
Cyrena cor Lamarck, 1818: 526.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: eastern Transcaucasia and planes of Anterior and Central Asia (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Corbicula elatior Martens, 1905
[= Corbicula sujfunensis var. sujfunensis Lindholm, 1927]
Martens, 1905: 65-66, pl. 2, fig. 5.
● Type locality: "Provinz Kyöngsangdo, zwischen Tongnai und Kimhai. Imjingang bai Imjin, Provinz
● Holotype: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Primorje (Razdolnaya River and other rivers of the Japan Sea basin) (Zatrawkin,
Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Corbicula ferghanensis Kursalova et Starobogatov, 1971
Kursalova, Starobogatov, 1971: 95.
● Type locality: Ferghana [Uzbekistan], large aryk behind the railway station.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Central Asia (Starobogatov et al., 2004)
Corbicula finitima Lindholm, 1927
[= Corbicula fluminea var. sujfunensis sensu Golikov, Scarlato, 1967 non Lindholm, 1927]
Corbicula sujfunensis var. finitima Lindholm, 1927e: 552, Taf. 32, fig. 2.
● Type locality: estuary of the river Artemovka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Primorje, brackish water waterbodies (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Corbicula fluminalis (Müller, 1774)
[= Corbicula crassula Mousson, 1854]
Tellina fluminalis Müller, 1774: 204-205.
● Type locality: “in fluvio Asiae Euphrat”.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: eastern Transcaucasia and planes of Central Asia (Kursalova, Starobogatov, 1971; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Corbicula japonica Prime, 1864
[= Corbicula bifrons Reinhardt, 1877; Corbicula ovalis Reinhardt, 1877; Corbicula transversa Martens,
1877; Cyrena yokohamensis Sowerby, 1877; Corbicula doenitziana Clessin, 1878; Corbicula fuscata atrata
Reinhardt, 1878; Corbicula martensi Clessin, 1878; Corbicula sadoensis Pilsbry, 1901; Corbicula nipponensis Pilsbry, 1907; Corbicula nipponensis delicata Pilsbry, 1907; Corbicula sujfunensis Lindholm, 1927; Corbicula fluminalis var. extrema Lindholm, 1929; Corbicula fluminea sensu Shadin, 1952 (part.), non Müller,
Prime, 1864: 68, fig. 15.
● Type locality: Japan.
● Holotype: MCZ No. 152904.
● Distribution: Japan Sea, South Sakhalin, South Kurile Islands, also lower reaches of Amur River and some
lakes and rivers near the sea; 0-10 m (Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987; Kafanov, 1991; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Corbicula lindholmi Kursalova et Starobogatov, 1971
Kursalova, Starobogatov, 1971: 94.
● Type locality: lower part of Pachikheza River [Far East].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Primorje (Razdolnaya River and other rivers of the Japan Sea basin) (Zatrawkin,
Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Corbicula nevelskoyi Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1994
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1994: 148-149, fig. 1 A-C.
● Type locality: lower Amur near Balbinski cliff 22 km upstream of Kalinovka settlement and 337 km from
the mouth.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Amur River (Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Corbicula producta Martens, 1905
[= Corbicula fluminea sensu Shadin, 1952 (part.), non Müller, 1774]
Martens, 1905: 66, pl. 2, fig. 8.
● Type locality: "Keumgang bei Kongju, Provinz Chhungchhöngdo".
● Holotype: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Primorje (Razdolnaya River and other rivers of the Japan Sea basin) (Zatrawkin,
Bogatov, 1987; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Corbicula purpurea Prime, 1864
Prime, 1864: 77, fig. 26.
● Type locality: Antioch, Syria.
● Lectotype (Johnson, 1959, as "holotype"): MCZ No. 176914.
● Distribution: eastern Transcaucasia, planes of Anterior and Central Asia (Kursalova, Starobogatov, 1971;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Corbicula sirotskii Bogatov et Starobogatov, 1994
Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1994: 149-1150, fig. 1 G-I.
● Type locality: lower Amur 7 km upstream of Maxim Gorky settlement and 397 km from the mouth.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Amur River (Bogatov, Starobogatov, 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Corbicula tibetensis Prashad, 1929
Prashad, 1929: 61-62, pl. 8, figs. 3-5.
● Type locality: Tibet.
● Holotype: Zoological Survey of India No. M 12837/2.
● Distribution: mountain areas of Central Asia, basin of Syr-Darya River, eastern Kazakhstan (Kursalova,
Starobogatov, 1971; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
SPHAERIIDAE Jeffreys, 1862
SPHAERIINAE Jeffreys, 1862
Amesoda Rafinesque, 1815
Type species: Cyclas similis Say, 1816 (SD Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967)
Amesoda asiatica (Martens, 1864)
Cyclas asiatica Martens, 1864b: 349, fig. 5.
● Type locality: “am Ufer des Irtyschflusses bei Omsk” (Irtysh near Omsk, West Siberia).
● Lectotype (Korniushin, Glaubrecht, 2001): ZMB No. 102816.
● Distribution: basins of Ob (except Irtysh) and Yenissei rivers (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Amesoda caperata (Westerlund, 1897)
Sphaerium (Cyclas) asiaticum var. caperatum Westerlund, 1897b: 130.
● Type locality: "Sibirien. Werchojansk, Mündung des Obj".
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: basins of Ob (except Irtysh) and Pechora rivers (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of S. solidum.
Amesoda draparnaldii (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873)
Sphaerium draparnaldii Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 512 (nom. nov. pro Cyclas lacustris Draparnaud, 1805
[= Cyclas ovalis Férussac, 1807], non Tellina lacustris Müller, 1774)
● Type locality: "Habite dans les lacs et les marais" (France – from title; Draparnaud, 1805: 130).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe (except extreme north and north-east), Ural River (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov et al.,
1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Amesoda falsinucleus Novikov in Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1986 [1987]
Amesoda falsinucleus Novikov – Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1986 [1987]: 37.
● Type locality: middle Ob River, near Pershin.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: middle Ob River (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of S. radiatum.
Amesoda galitzini (Clessin, 1875)
Sphaerium galitzini Clessin, 1875a: 40-41, pl. 2, fig. 6.
● Type locality: "im Auswurfe der Oka, nahe der Einmündung in die letztere zwischen Wladimir und
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe except extreme north and north-east (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: There is another spelling of the specific epithet: galitzinianum (as in caption to fig. 6 in Clessin,
1875a); we prefer to use here the original spelling.
Amesoda korotniewii (W. Dybowski, 1902)
Sphaerium korotniewii W. Dybowski, 1902: 92.
● Type locality: south-eastern Baikal Lake.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 0-3 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Amesoda scaldiana (Normand, 1844)
Cyclas scaldiana Normand, 1844: 5, figs. 1, 2.
● Type locality: “Habite l'Escaut, а Valenciennes" (Escaut (Scheldt) River, France).
● Syntypes: MCZ No. 19554.
● Distribution: Europe, except extreme north-east, basin of Irtysh (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of S. corneum.
Amesoda solida (Normand, 1844)
Cyclas solida Normand, 1844: 6, figs. 3, 4.
● Type locality: "Habite l'Escaut canalisé, а Valenciennes" (Escaut (Scheldt) River, France).
● Syntypes: MCZ No. 19556.
● Distribution: Europe (except extreme north and north-east), Ural River (Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
Amesoda subsolida (Clessin, 1888)
Shaerium subsolidum Clessin, 1888: 339.
● Type locality: Alnarp, Skеne (Sweden) (subfossil).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of the Baltic Sea: Ladozshskoye Lake and freshwater parts of the Finnish Gulf (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of S. solidum.
Amesoda transversalis (Westerlund, 1898)
Sphaerium (Corneola) transversale Westerlund, 1898: 179-180.
● Type locality: "Sibirien. See Puiko, aus dem Magen eines Störs".
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1986 [1987]): ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of Ob (except Irtysh), Pechora, and Mezen rivers (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of S. solidum.
Nucleocyclas Alimov et Starobogatov, 1968
Type species: Cyclas nucleus Studer, 1820 (OD)
Nucleocyclas marisminus (Starobogatov in Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1986 [1987])
Sphaerium marisminus Starobogatov -- Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1987[1987]: 36, fig. 18.
● Type locality: Mukhor Bay, Baikal Lake, depth 5-6 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 5-6 m (Slugina et al., 1994).
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of Sphaerium baicalense.
Nucleocyclas nucleus (Studer, 1820)
Cyclas nucleus Studer, 1820: 93.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Lectotype (Forcart, 1957): NMBE.
● Distribution: Europe, Ukraine, bogs, snall streams and ditches in swamps, wet meadows (Stadnichenko,
1984; Korniushin, 1994).
Nucleocyclas ovale (Férussac, 1807)
[= Sphaerium nitidum sensu Stadnichenko, 1984, non Clessin, 1876; Sphaerium radiatum sensu Korniushin,
1996, 2001, non Westerlund, 1897]
Cyclas ovalis Férussac, 1807: 128.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Lectotype (Falkner, 2000): NHMV, Coll. Draparnaud No. 1820.XXVI.156.
● Distribution: Ukraine (Korniushin et al., 2002).
Nucleocyclas radiata (Westerlund, 1897)
Sphaerium (Cyclas) levinodis var. radiatum Westerlund, 1897b: 131.
● Type locality: "Sibiriens. Tomsk".
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Europe and western Siberia, eastward to Yenissei basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Sphaerium Scopoli, 1777
Type species: Tellina cornea Linnaeus, 1758 (SD Gray, 1847)
Sphaerium baicalense W. Dybowski, 1902
Sphaerium baicalense W. Dybowski, 1902: 92.
● Type locality: SE of Baikal, off mouths or rivers.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 1.5-60 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Sphaerium capiduliferum Lindholm, 1909
Sphaerium capiduliferum Lindholm, 1909: 81, pl. 2, fig. 51.
● Type locality: Kruglaya Inlet, Chivyrkyiski Bay, Baikal Lake.
● Types: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of eastern Siberia (Yenissei and Lena basins), Baikal Lake, 1-5 m (Slugina et al., 1994).
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of S. corneum.
Sphaerium corneum (Linnaeus, 1758)
[= Spaerium mamillatum var. tomentosum Westerlund, 1871]
Tellina cornea Linnaeus, 1758: 678.
● Type locality: Europe.
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: small lakes and ponds of European part of Russia, Ukraine, central Asia (Stadnichenko, 1984;
Korniushin, 1994; Izzatullaev, 2002).
Sphaerium dybowskii Lindholm, 1909
[ = Sphaerium westerlundi sensu W. Dybowski, 1902, non Clessin, 1873]
Sphaerium dybowskii Lindholm, 1909: 93.
● Type locality: south-eastern Baikal Lake.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western and eastern Siberia, Baikal, 0-3 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of S. corneum.
Sphaerium kozhovi Starobogatov in Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1986 [1987]
Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1986 [1987]: 38.
● Type locality: Baikal Lake, Chivyrkyiski Bay, transsection Baklan — Kurbulik, depth 8 m.
● Holotype: ZIN
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 0-5 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of Sphaerium corneum.
Sphaerium levinodis Westerlund, 1876
Sphaerium levinodis Westerlund, 1876a: 67.
● Type locality: Yenissei River, 62°50’N.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western and eastern Siberia, Baikal, 0-5 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004;
Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
● Remark: This and some other species described by Westerlund in 1876 are often considred in Russian literature as described in the Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologishen Gesellschaft (Westerlund,
1876b). However, the respective issue (No. 8-9) was dated August-September (i.e. September 30 for nomenclatural purposes), whereas the paper in the Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar (Westerlund, 1876a) was published on April 1.
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of Sphaerium corneum.
Sphaerium mamillanum Westerlund, 1871
Westerlund, 1871: 154.
● Type locality: Sweden: Skеne, West Götland, Dalarna.
● Syntypes: ZMB No. 21887; ZIN, SMNH, ? NMG.
● Distribution: lakes, ponds, small rivers and running-water ditches of European part of Russia (Korniushin,
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of Sphaerium corneum.
Sphaerium westerlundi Clessin in Westerlund, 1873
[= Sphaerium ssorense Dybowski, 1902]
Sphaerium westerlundi Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 508.
● Type locality: Dalarno province, Sweden.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Europe, Siberia, Baikal Lake, northeastern Asia to Chukchi Peninsula and Kamchatka (Slugina et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
● Remark: In Korniushin's (2001) opinion, this species is a synonym of S. corneum.
MUSCULIINAE Starobogatov in Stadnichenko, 1984
Musculium Link, 1807
Type species: Tellina lacustris Müller, 1774 (monotypy)
Musculium amurense Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva, 1986
Musculium amurensis Moskvicheva -- Zatrawkin, Moskvicheva, 1986: 616, textfig. (1-3).
● Type locality: small river in the Ussuri River basin in vicinities of Dormidontovka village, Khabarovsk Region.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: stagnant permanent waterbodies of middle and lower Amur basin, Primorje (Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Musculium clessini (Paulucci in Clessin, 1882)
Calyculina clessini Paulucci -- Clessin, 1882a: 192, pl. 4, fig. 8 [sic!].
● Type locality: "Ekaterinoslaw Rossiae".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: south of Eastern Europe, in drying waterbodies of steppes; central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium compressum (Middendorff, 1851)
[= Calyculina lacustris var. septentrionalis Clessin in Westerlund, 1878; Musculium lacustre auct., non
Müller, 1774]
Cyclas calyculata var. compressa Middendorff, 1851: 288, pl. 29, figs. 9-10.
● Type locality: vicinities of Barnaul (Altai).
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: shallow waters of lakes and ponds of Siberia and northern Far East (Slugina et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium creplini (Dunker, 1845)
Cyclas creplini Dunker, 1845: 20.
● Type locality: "in kleinen Lehmgruben bei Hohenkirschen, unfern Cassel".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Eurasia, mountain Tajikistan, Kazakhstan (Izzatullaev, 1977; Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium heterodon (Pilsbry, 1895)
Sphaerium heterodon Pilsbry, 1895: 159, pl. 3, figs. 15-17.
● Type locality: "Kishiu, Hizen, Japan".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: permanent waterbodies of south Sakhalin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium hungaricum (Hazay, 1881)
Calyculina hungaricum Hazay, 1881: 95.
● Type locality: Budapest.
● Syntypes: ZMB No. 66346.
● Distribution: Ukraine, central Asia (Stadnichenko, 1984; Izzatullaev, 2002).
Musculium johanseni Tscheremnov, 1972
Tscheremnov, 1972: 1888, textfig.
● Type locality: lake in floodland of the Tuba River, 6 km westward of Mayaki village (upper Yenissei basin).
● Holotype: Chair of Zoology, Abakan Pedagogical Institute.
● Distribution: lakes of the upper basin of Yenissei (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium jurievi Zatrawkin in Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva, 1986
Zatrawkin, Moskvicheva, 1986: 618, textfig. (13-15).
● Type locality: Bolshoe Kizi Lake, 10-12 km from Marjino settlement, Khabarovsk Region.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of the lower Amur basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium kafanovi Starobogatov in Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1987
Musculium (Parvimusculium) kafanovi Starobogatov – Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1986 [1987]: 39-40, fig.
● Type locality: Malaya Tymka River, Tymovskoe settlement (northern Sakhalin).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers of central Sakhalin (Tym River basin) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium lacustre (Müller, 1774)
Tellina lacustris Müller, 1774: 204.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: basins of the Baltic and Black seas (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium likharevi Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva, 1986
Zatrawkin, Moskvicheva, 1986: 617-618, textfig. (4-6).
● Type locality: Razdolnaya (Suifun) River basin near Ussuriisk City.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers of southern Primorje (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium miyadii (Mori, 1933)
Sphaerium miyadii Mori, 1933: 155, fig. 1D.
● Type locality: 12 localities on Iturup and Hokkaido; "Kimon-numa (Etorohu Island, Kurile Group)" marked
as the "type locality", though the types were not designated nor mentioned.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands including Urup Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al.,
Musculium morii Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986]
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 96-97, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands including Urup Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al.,
“Musculium moussoni Starobogatov, 1996”
Musculium moussoni "Starobogatov, 1996" – Starobogatov et al., 2004: 56 (nom.nov. pro Sphaerium compressum Mousson, 1887 non Cyclas calyculata var. compressa Middendorff, 1851).
● Distribution: stagnant permanent waterbodies of middle and lower Amur basin, Primorje (Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
● Remark: this species name attributed to Starobogatov, 1996, was published in Starobogatov et al. (2004).
To our best knowledge, this name was not proposed in any publication of Starobogatov in 1996. Publication
of the name in Starobogatov et al. (2004) did not comply with the requirements of ICZN (primarily with Article 16) and therefore the name Musculium moussoni is not available.
Musculium mucronulatum (Moquin-Tandon, 1855)
Cyclas ryckholtii var. mucronulata Moquin-Tandon, 1855: 595, pl. 53, fig. 42.
● Type locality: "près de Mézières".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: south of eastern Europe, Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium ryckholtii (Normand, 1844)
Cyclas ryckholtii Normand, 1844: 7, figs. 5, 6.
● Type locality: "eaux tranquilles des fфrets de Raismes et de Vicoigne".
● Syntypes: MCZ No. 19560.
● Distribution: basin of the Baltic Sea (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium steinii (A. Schmidt, 1850)
Cyclas steinii Schmidt, 1850: 118-119.
Type locality:"Weissensee bei Berlin".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of the Baltic Sea (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium strictum (Normand, 1854)
Sphaerium strictum Normand, 1854: 3.
● Type locality: "les fossés de forкts de Raismes et de Vicoigne, et ceux des marais d'Hélesmes" (France).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of south of Europe, Transcaucasia, basin of the Baltic Sea (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Musculium terverianum Dupuy, 1851-1852
Cyclas terveriana Dupuy, 1851-1852: 674-675, pl. 29, fig. 9.
● Type locality: "les mares des environs d'Auch, а la Boubée et а la Hourre" [France].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of the Baltic Sea, Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Paramusculium Alimov et Starobogatov, 1968
Type species: Cyclas transversa Say, 1829 (OD)
Paramusculium inflatum (Middendorff, 1851)
Cyclas calyculata forma inflate Middendorff, 1851: 287-288.
● Type locality: “Südsibirischen Kirgisensteppe abbilden lassen”.
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: Altai and Yenissei River basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Paramusculium limanicum (Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva, 1986)
Sphaerinova limanica Moskvicheva – Zatrawkin, Moskvicheva, 1986: 618-619, textfig. (10-12).
● Type locality: Amur River near Nikolaevsk City.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of Amur River (downstream of Bureya Ridge), including basin of Ussuri, liman of
Amur (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Parasphaerium Alimov et Starobogatov, 1968
Type species: Sphaerium rectidens Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967 (OD)
Parasphaerium nitida (Clessin in Westerlund, 1876)
[= Sphaerium radiatum sensu Starobogatov et Streletzkaya, 1967, non Westerlund, 1897]
Sphaerium nitida Clessin in Westerlund, 1876a: 66-67, pl., fig. 18.
● Type locality: “Jenissei, Dudino (lat. 69º15'); norr om Lusino (lat. 68º40')".
● Lectotype (???): SMNH. – Korniushin, 1996
● Distribution: Europe and Siberia, 0-3 m (Stadnichenko, 1984; Slugina et al., 1994; Korniushin, 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: see remark to Sphaerium levinodis.
Parasphaerium rectidens (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Sphaerium rectidens Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 245-246, fig. 42.
● Type locality: lower Kolyma River, Levoe Topolskoe lake
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: small lakes of northern Eurasia, Scandinavia to Chukchi Peninsula (Korniushin, 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Rivicoliana Servain, 1888
Type species: Cyclas rivicola Leach in Lamarck, 1818 (fixation of type species not traced)
Rivicoliana boettgeriana (Bourguignat in Servain, 1882)
Sphaerium boettgerianum Bourguignat -- Servain, 1882: 18.
● Type locality: "en Pologne dans la Vistule près de Varsovie".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except northern part (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Rivicoliana bourguignati (Lallement et Servain, 1869)
Sphaerium bourguignati Lallement, Servain, 1869: 46-47.
● Type locality: "Dans la Marne, а Jaulgonne".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except northern part and possibly Volga and Ural basins, Ukraine (Stadnichenko,
1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Rivicoliana morini (Servain, 1882)
Sphaerium morini Servain, 1882: 11-12.
● Type locality: "Mein".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except northern part (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Rivicoliana rivicola (Leach in Lamarck, 1818)
Cyclas rivicola Leach -- Lamarck, 1818: 558.
● Type locality: "France, Tamise".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except northern part, Ukraine, Irtysh basin (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al.,
(Kantor Yu. I., Sysoev A.V.)
Europisidium Starobogatov in Stadnichenko, 1984
Type species: Pisidium tenuilineatum Stelfox, 1918 (OD)
Europisidium alpinum (Odhner, 1938)
Pisidium tenuilineatum f. alpina Odhner, 1938: 234, figs. 1-2, 5-8.
● Type locality: "Wippach-Fluss bei Dornberg (Monte Spino), 10 km östlich von Görz".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, south of western Siberia (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Europisidium stelfoxi (Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1976)
Neopisidium stelfoxi Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1976: 49-50, fig. 5.
● Type locality: North Caspian, in the Kirovski canal.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers of western and southern Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Europisidium tenuilineatum (Stelfox, 1918)
Pisidium tenuilineatum Stelfox, 1918: 296-298, pl. 8, figs. 1, 4-13.
● Type locality: "Grand Junction Canal, near Marsworth Church, Bucks., and other places".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except northern part, Ukraine, rivers and large lakes (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Kuiperipisidium Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986
Type species: Odhneripisidium sogdianum Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986 (OD)
Kuiperipisidium issykkulense (Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986)
Odhneripisidium (Kuiperipisidium) issykkulense Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986: 68-69, fig. 17.
● Type locality: Kirgizia, Issyk-Kul Lake, Tonskij Bay, near Kutarga settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Issyk-Kul Lake, Hazarati-sho Ridge (Kirgizstan); river plains of Obi-Vazor and Zeravshan
rivers (Tajikistan) (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986).
Kuiperipisidium khorense (Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986)
Odhneripisidium (Ussuripisidium) khorense Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986: 69-70, fig. 18.
● Type locality: Khabarovsk Territory [Far East], Khor River, spring.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Ussuri River basin, in springs (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Kuiperipisidium polytimeticum (Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986)
Odhneripisidium (Kuiperipisidium) polytimeticum Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986: 66-67, fig. 15.
● Type locality: Nuratin Ridge, Minishkor kishlak near Dzhush, spring (Uzbekistan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: possibly northern Caucasus, in springs (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Kuiperipisidium sogdianum (Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986)
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986: 65-66, fig. 14.
● Type locality: Uzbekistan, northern slopes of Turkestan Ridge, Dzhizakh, Bakhmal, spring
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: from Italy to Central Asia, possibly northern Caucasus, in springs (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Kuiperipisidium terekense (Kazannikov in Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986)
Odhneripisidium (Kuiperipisidium) terekense Kazannikov -- Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986: 67-68, fig. 16.
● Type locality: North Osetia, Bekan Lake in vicinities of Kardzhin village.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Caucasus, in springs; Zeravshan River Basin (Central Asia) (Starobogatov et al.,
2004; Boimurodov, 2004).
Neopisidium Odhner, 1921
Type species: Pisidium torquatum Stelfox, 1918 (SD Habe, 1951)
Neopisidium moitessierianum (Paladilhe, 1866)
[= Pisidium punctatum Sterki, 1895; Pisidium punctatum var. armatum Sterki, 1905]
Pisidium moitessierianum Paladilhe, 1866: 172, pl. 13, figs. 11-17.
● Type locality: "fossé d'irrigation des praires de Maurin, au-dessous de Montpellier".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of Europe, except northern part (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Neopisidium ovatotrigonum Krivosheina, 1979
Krivosheina, 1979: 604, textfig. (B).
● Type locality: Pennoe bog near Leninogorsk City (East Kazakhstan), 2 m.
● Holotype: ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: type locality (Krivosheina, 1979).
Neopisidium torquatum (Stelfox, 1918)
Pisidium torquatum Stelfox, 1918: 299.
● Type locality: not stated.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of Europe (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Neopisidium trigonum (Bourguignat in Locard, 1893)
Pisidium trigonum Bourguignat -- Locard, 1893: 148-149.
● Type locality: "Jaulgonne (Aisne)".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: south of Europe, Ukraine, Ural River (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
Odhneripisidium Kuiper, 1962
Type species: Pisidium stewarti Preston, 1909 (OD)
Odhneripisidium behningi Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986: 58. fig. 6.
● Type locality: Iskander-Kull Lake (Tajikistan], northern slope of Hissar Ridge.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality; Son-Kull Lake (Kirgizstan); Zeravshan River basin (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov,
1986; Boimurodov, 2004).
Odhneripisidium chatyrkulense Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986: 57-58, fig. 5.
● Type locality: Kirgizia, Chatyr-Kul Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality; Pamir (lakes Karakul and river Kara-dzhilga), Nuraginskyi Ridge (Uzbekistan)
(Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986).
Odhneripisidium dancei (Kuiper, 1962)
Pisidium dancei Kuiper, 1962: 11-14, figs. 1-4.
● Type locality: "Busetun (Bisoutoum) dans la province de Kermanshab, en Iran".
● Holotype: MNHN.
● Distribution: springs in Pamir, vicinities of Kulyaba; (Tajikistan) springs on the shores of the lakes IssykKul’ and Son-Kul’ (Kirgizstan) (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986).
Odhneripisidium gafurovi Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986
Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986: 59, fig. 7
● Type locality: Tajikistan, eastern Pamir Mountains, Suluktysaj Lake, 9 km from Kyzyl-Rabat.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002).
Odhneripisidium kungejense (Butenko et Starobogatov in Butenko, 1967)
Pisidium kungejense Butenko et Starobogatov -- Butenko, 1967: 209-210, fig. 1
● Type locality: Kungei Ala-Tau [Kazakhstan], mountain lake Kulsai, 2600 m above sea level.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: mountain areas of the Central Asia, probably in mountain Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Odhneripisidium pamirense Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986: 59-60, fig. 8.
● Type locality: Eastern Pamir (Tajikistan), water body in the valley of Kara-Dzhilga River.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern Pamir (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986).
Odhneripisidium popovae Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967
Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 257, fig. 71
● Type locality: Tuva, Terekhol Lake (SW Siberia).
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Tuva (upper reaches of Yenissei to southern regions) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Odhneripisidium prashadi (Odhner, 1937)
Pisidium prashadi Odhner, 1937a: 117-123, textfigs. 1-10, 13-14.
Type locality:"Zentralasiens, in der Provinz Cham. Tal des Flusses Deha-tehu (Quellgebiet des Flusses Yangtze-kiang), 12 300 Fuss über Meeresniveau, unter 33º N, 97º Ost".
● Syntypes: ZIN ???
● Distribution: mountain areas of Central Asia, Altai (Tenga Lake) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Odhneripisidium stewarti (Preston, 1909)
Pisidium stewarti Preston, 1909: 116.
● Type locality: ???
● Holotype: Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta.
● Distribution: Pamir, lakes Suluktysai and Zorkul (Tajikistan); lake Son-kul (Kirgizstan) (Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986).
Odhneripisidium terekholicum Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986: 62-63, fig. 11.
● Type locality: Tuva, Terekhol Lake (SW Siberia).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Starobogatov et al., 2004)
Odhneripisidium tuvaense Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1986
Izzatullaev, Starobogatov, 1986: 63-64, fig. 13.
● Type locality: Tuva, Terekhol Lake (SW Siberia).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Tuva (upper reaches of Yenissei in Altai foothills to southern regions) (Starobogatov et al.,
Pisidium Pfeiffer, 1821
Type species: Cyclas obliqua Lamarck, 1818 [= Pisidium amnicum (Müller, 1774)] (SD Gray, 1847)
Pisidium amnicum (Müller, 1774)
[= Cyclas obliqua Lamarck, 1818]
Tellina amnica Müller, 1774: 205.
● Type locality: Fridrichsdal (Denmark).
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: Europe, Kazakhastan, Siberia, Baikal and vicinities, basin of the Amur River (Slugina et al.,
1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Pisidium amurense Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1985
Zatrawkin, 1985a:61-62, textfig.
● Type locality: channel Piksa in 2 km from the mouth (basin of Gassi Lake) [Far-East].
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: Amur basin includinh Ussuri (Zatrawkin, 1985a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pisidium baicalense W. Dybowski, 1902
[= Pisidium dubium sensu Lindholm, 1909, non Say, 1816]
W. Dybowski, 1902: 93
● Type locality: Baikal Lake, off mouth of Selenga River.
● Syntypes: unknown.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 2-15 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Pisidium cavaticum Shadin, 1952
Shadin, 1952: 338-339, fig. 310.
● Type locality: waterbody of cave in ravine of upper reaches of the Khosta River.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality.
Pisidium decurtatum Lindholm, 1909
[= Pisidium baicalense auct., non W. Dybowski, 1902]
Lindholm, 1909: 83, pl. 2, F. 43-44.
● Type locality: Baikal Lake, off mouth of Selenga River.
● Syntypes: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal, probably Yenissei basin, Bolin River (lower Amur basin) (Zatrawkin, 1985a; Slugina
et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Pisidium inflatum Megerle von Mühlfeld in Porro, 1838
Pisidium inflatum Megerle von Mühlfeld -- Porro, 1838: 121-122, pl. 2, fig. 13.
Type locality:"Nel fiume Bevera in Brianza".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, except extreme north-east (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pisidium ljovuschkini Starobogatov, 1962
Starobogatov, 1962: 49-50, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Tzebelda Cave, Caucasus.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality.
Pisidium orientale Prozorova, 1995
Prozorova, 1995: 34-35, textfig.
● Type locality: Spasovka River mouth (Khanka Lake Basin).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers of Ussuri and Razdolnaya (Suifun) basins (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pisidium subterraneum Shadin, 1932
Shadin, 1932: 13, pl. 1, fig. 2.
Type locality:
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: caves of Transcaucasia (Shadin, 1952).
EUGLESIDAE Pirogov et Starobogatov, 1974
EUGLESINAE Pirogov et Starobogatov, 1974
Amureuglesa Kohniushin, 1996
Type species: Euglesa khurbaense Zatrawkin, 1987 (OD)
Amureuglesa khurbaensis (Zatrawkin, 1987)
Euglesa (Casertiana) khurbaensis Zatrawkin, 1987: 49-51, textfig. (I).
● Type locality: first floodland lake of Bureya River near Chekunda settlement (old settlement), Verkhnebureinsky District, Khabarovsk Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Fрèамурüе, rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Amureuglesa kruglovi (Zatrawkin, 1987)
Euglesa (Cingulipisidium) kruglovi (Zatrawkin, 1987: 52, textfig. (III).
● Type locality: lake of floodland of Amur channel Ukhta, left shore upstream of Kolchem village, Ulcha
District of Khabarovsk Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Fрèамурüе, rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cingulipisidium Pirogov et Starobogatov, 1974
Type species: Pisidium nitidum Jenyns, 1832 (OD)
Cingulipisidium cingulatum (Anistratenko et Starobogatov, 1990 [1991])
Euglesa (Cingulipisidium) cingulata Anistratenko, Starobogatov, 1990 [1991]
● Type locality: Germany, Bodensee near Nonnenborn.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe and western Siberia, lakes and rivers (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cingulipisidium crassum (Stelfox, 1918)
Pisidium nitidum var. crassa Stelfox, 1918: 295-296, pl. 7, figs. 5-8.
● Type locality: "Grand Junction Canal near Marsworth Church, Bucks.".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of north of Europe, Siberia, Ukraine, Ural River (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov et al.,
1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cingulipisidium depressinitidum (Anistratenko et Starobogatov, 1990)
Euglesa (Cingulipisidium) depressinitida Anistratenko, Starobogatov, 1990: 14, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Ukraine, Cherkassk Region, spring in the settlement Radivanovka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe and western Siberia, lakes and rivers (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cingulipisidium fedderseni (Westerlund, 1890)
Pisidium nitidum var. fedderseni Westerlund, 1890: 24.
● Type locality: "Island".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and south of western Siberia, central Asia; lakes and rivers (Stadnichenko, 1984; Izzatullaev, 2002; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cingulipisidium feroense Korniushin, 1991
Korniushin, 1991: 21-22, fig. 1 (17-20).
Type locality:Iceland, Fero.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe, western Siberia, Central Asia, lakes and rivers (Izzatullaev, 2002; Starobogatov et al.,
● Remark: The authorship of the species was credited by Korniushin to "Mörch in coll.", which was based on
the label written by Westerlund. Korniushin gave a "redescription" of the species, stating that "the species
probably has never been described". No type material was selected, though the description was based on a
single specimen.
Cingulipisidium juliae (Stadnichenko, 1980)
Euglesa (Cingulipisidium) juliae Stadnichenko, 1980: 29.
● Type locality: spring near Kiparisnoye village (Crimea).
● Holotype: Zoological Institute of Ukranian Academy of Sciences.
● Distribution: Crimea (Stadnichenko, 1984).
Cingulipisidium khurdinensis (Pirogov et Starobogatov in Stadnichenko, 1984)
Euglesa (Cingulipisidium) khurdinensis Pirogov et Starobogatov in Stadnichenko, 1984: 255-256, fig. 82.
● Type locality: Bolshoj Karabulak bayou (Astrakhan Region, the Volga delta).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: south of Europe, eastward to Volga delta, lakes and протоках (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cingulipisidium kozhovi (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Galileja kozhovi Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 254, fig. 64.
● Type locality: Malyi Posolskyi Sor, Baikal Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Baikal and vicinities, 0-5 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Cingulipisidium nitidum (Jenyns, 1832)
Pisidium nitidum Jenyns, 1832: 304-305, pl. 20, figs. 7-8.
● Type locality: Cambridgeshire.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of Europe and Siberia; Central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002; Starobogatov et al.,
Cingulipisidium peipsi (Timm, 1976)
?Euglesa peipsi Timm, 1976: 47.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Estonia, Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984).
Cingulipisidium pulchricingulatum (Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986])
Euglesa (Cingulipisidium) pulchricingulata Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 101-102, fig. 6.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands including Urup Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]b; Starobogatov et al.,
Cingulipisidium rotundicostatum (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Galileja rotundicostata Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 253, fig. 62.
● Type locality: Kolyma River valley (lower part), channel of the small river Pantelelkha.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Kolyma basin (Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cingulipisidium shadini (Johansen, 1937) Ioganzen??
Pisidium (Eupisidium) shadini Johansen, 1937: 195-197, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Srednee Multinskoe Lake, Multa River valley (Katun Mountain Range).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: In many respects this species is very similar to Euglesa tanuga Timm, 1975 from Pskovsko-
Chudskoye Lake (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cingulipisidium splendens (Baudon, 1857)
Pisidium nitidum var. splendens Baudon, 1857: 25-26, pl. 1, fig. B.
● Type locality: lake in Annecy (France).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and Siberia, eastward to basin of Yenissei River inclusive (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Conventus Pirogov et Starobogatov, 1974
Type species: Pisidium conventus Clessin, 1877 (OD)
Conventus akkesiensis (Mori, 1938)
Pisidium conventus akkesiense Mori, 1938b: 259, 274, pl. 11, fig. 18a-d.
● Type locality: Akkesi, Hokkaido.
● Holotype: Otu Hydrobiological Station.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands (Iturup and Zeliyony) (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]b).
Conventus conventus (Clessin, 1877)
Pisidium conventus Clessin, 1877c: 181-182, pl. 3, fig. 5.
● Type locality: "Im Starnberger See bei Tutzing, bei c. 50 m. Tiefe".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, lakes of Altai, Kazakhastan, Novaya Zemlya, Yamal, Siberia eastward to Kamchatka
(Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Conventus dybowskii Slugina et Starobogatov in Slugina, Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1994
Slugina et al., 1994: 144-145, fig. 16 G-I.
● Type locality: Baikal Lake, Peschanaya Bay, 20 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 50-175 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Conventus iturupensis Prozorova, 1996 [1997]
Prozorova, 1996 [1997]b: 43-44, fig. 1d, 2d.
● Type locality: Iturup Island [southern Kurile Islands], spring swamp near river Glush (Slavyanskaya Bay).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: South and Middle Kurile Islands (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Conventus lamuanus Slugina et Starobogatov in Slugina, Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1994
Slugina et al., 1994: 144, fig. 16 D-F.
● Type locality: Baikal Lake, Dagarskaya Inlet, 9 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 9-20 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Conventus occultus Prozorova, 1996 [1997]
Prozorova, 1996 [1997]b: 42-43, fig. 1c, 2c.
● Type locality: Zelenyi Island [southern Kurile Islands], spring swamp near Utinoye Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands (Iturup and Zelenyi) (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]b; Starobogatov et al.,
Conventus raddei (W. Dybowski, 1902)
Pisidium raddei W. Dybowski, 1902: 95.
● Type locality: southern part of Baikal Lake, 2-60 m.
● Types: whereabouts unknown.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 2-60 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Conventus subtilis Prozorova, 1996 [1997]
Prozorova, 1996 [1997]b: 41, fig. 1b, 2b.
● Type locality: Zelenyi Island [southern Kurile Islands], spring swamp near Utinoye Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands (Iturup and Zelenyi) (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]b; Starobogatov et al.,
Conventus urinator (Clessin, 1877)
Pisidium urinator Clessin, 1877a: 70, pl. 8, figs. 16-18.
● Type locality: "Europa, im Züricher See zwischen 28-50 M. Tiefe".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Ukraine, northern Eurasia (eastward to Kamchatka) (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al.,
Cyclocalyx Dall, 1903
Type species: Pisidium scholtzii Clessin, 1873 (OD)
Cyclocalyx angarensis (Slugina et Starobogatov in Slugina, Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1994) F
Euglesa (Cyclocalyx) angarensis Slugina et Starobogatov in Slugina, Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1994: 135136, fig. 13 J-L.
● Type locality: Irkutsk reservoir off Cheremshanaya valley, 25 m.
● Holotype: ZIN
● Distribution: Irkutsk water reservoir (Slugina et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx chaunensis (Prozorova, 1988)
Euglesa (Cyclocalyx) chaunensis Prozorova, 1988a: 1578-1579, fig. 2 ж, з, è (zh, z, i).
● Type locality: large floodland-thermokarst lake in 20-km vicinity of Chaun station of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: north-east of Siberia (basin of Chaun River), lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx cor (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Galileja lapponica cor Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 251, fig. 60.
● Type locality: quaternary deposits of the river Malyi Anui.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Siberia and north of Far East including Kamchatka and Baikal Lake (Slugina et al., 1994;
Starobogatov et al., 2004; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Cyclocalyx cyclocalyx (Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986])
Euglesa (Cyclocalyx) cyclocalyx Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 97-99, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands including Urup Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al.,
Cyclocalyx dubrueili (Baudon, 1872)
Pisidium dubrueili Baudon, 1872: 30-32, pl. 3, figs. 1-4.
● Type locality: "Saint-Félix (Oise)".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: western and southern part of Eastern Europe, lakes and small permanent waterbodies (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx fragilis (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873)
Pisidium obtusale δ solidum Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 548.
● Type locality: Blekinge vid Ronneby I ett skogskärrr nära landsvägen till Langasjö”.
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of the Baltic Sea, basin of Dnieper, small permanent waterbodies (Stadnichenko, 1984;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx gibbus (Prozorova, 1988)
Euglesa (Cyclocalyx) gibba Prozorova, 1988a: 1579, fig. 3 а, б, в (a, b, v).
● Type locality: various floodland-thermokarst lakes in 20-km vicinity of Chaun station of the Institute of
Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: north-eastern Siberia (Chaun River basin), lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx globosus (Prozorova, 1988)
Euglesa (Cyclocalyx) globosa Prozorova, 1988a: 1577-1578, fig. 2 г, ä, е (g, d, e).
● Type locality: various floodland-thermokarst lakes in 20-km vicinity of Chaun station of the Institute of
Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: north-eastern Siberia (Chaun River basin), lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx hinzi (Kuiper, 1975)
Pisidium hinzi Kuiper, 1975: 27-31, textfigs. 1-6, 28, 30.
● Type locality: "Buetjörni (= Davggeluobal), 147 m NN, Flachsee (tiefste Stelle 9 m), Varangerhalbiusel im
NO Norwegens".
● Holotype: SMF No. 192849.
● Distribution: lakes of northern Eurasia, from Scandinavia to Kamchatka (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx jacuticus (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Galtteja jacutica Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 253-254, fig. 63.
● Type locality: Kolyma River valley (lower part), Viska Karetovskaja below the Proryv Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kolyma River basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx japonicus (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1908)
Pisidium japonicum Pilsbry, Hirase, 1908: 35, fig. 1.
● Type locality: Akkeshi, Kushiro, Yesso, Japan.
● Syntypes: ANSP No. 94744.
● Distribution: Kurile Islands (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a).
Cyclocalyx johanseni (Dolgin et Korniushin, 1994)
Euglesa johanseni Dolgin, Korniushin, 1994: 12-13, fig. 1 г (g).
● Type locality: Yamal, lake system Yarroto, small lake.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Siberia, from Khatanga to Yana, lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx lapponicus (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873)
Pisidium scholtzi β lapponicum Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 540.
● Type locality: “I Sverige… i Lappland…”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: north of Europe and Siberia, eastward to Lena River, in lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx magnificus (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873)
Pisidium obtusale β magnificum Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 547-548.
● Type locality: “vid Göteborg, i Upland vid Harg”.
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: Baltic Sea basin and central part of Dnieper basin, small permanent and semi-permanent waterbodies (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx obtusalis (Lamarck, 1818)
Cyclas obtusale Lamarck, 1818: 559.
● Type locality: France.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and Siberia, central Asia. small permanent and semi-permanent waterbodies (Stadnichenko, 1984; Izzatullaev, 2002; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx ovatus (Prozorova, 1988)
Euglesa (Cyclocalyx) ovata Prozorova, 1988a: 1579, fig. 3 г, ä, е (g, d, e).
● Type locality: large floodland-thermokarst lakes in 20-km vicinity of Chaun station of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: north-eastern Siberia (Chaun River basin), lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx scholtzii (Clessin, 1873)
Pisidium scholtzii Clessin, 1873a: 23-24, pl. 1, fig. 1.
● Type locality: "Strassengraben bei Breslau".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and western Siberia, small running and stagnant permanent waterbodies (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Cyclocalyx solidus (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873)
Pisidium obtusale ε solidum Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 548.
● Type locality: “Fuirendal Skov, skogsdam vid Holte station, Ellemose vid Valdbyguard, torfgraf I Porsmosen vid Sveibaek nеra Silkeborg”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern part of Eastern Europe, small permanent and semi-permanent waterbodies (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa Leach in Jenyns, 1832
Type species: Tellina henslowiana Leach in Sheppard, 1823 (monotypy)
Euglesa altiumbonata Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986]
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 110-111, fig. 14
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands)
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa ambigua Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986]
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 107-108, fig. 11
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands)
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a).
Euglesa buchtarmensis Krivosheina, 1978
[= Euglesa dymy Stadnichenko, 1980]
Krivosheina, 1978: 1496-1497, textfig. (12).
● Type locality: Glatkovsky Bay, Oktyabrsky area of mountain-valley part of Bukhtarma Water Reservoir
(upper Irtysh basin, East Kazakhstan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe, south of western Siberia, mountain area of the central Asia, Altai, lakes (Izzatullaev,
Korniushin, 1993; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa casertana (Poli, 1791)
[= Pisidium cinereum Alder, 1838]
Cardium casertanum Poli, 1791: 65.
● Type locality: ???
● Lectotype: ???
● Distribution: lakes of southern Europe, Ukraine, Crimea, Ural River (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov et al.,
1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa crassicardo, Krivosheina, 1976
Krivosheina, 1976: 29, fig. 2(2).
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of southern Altai; central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa crimeana Stadnichenko, 1980
Stadnichenko, 1980: 30.
● Type locality: Karani-Hoba cave (Krimea)
● Holotype: Zoological Institute of Ukranian Ac. Sci.
● Distribution: mountains of Crimea, Carpathians (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa curta (Clessin, 1874)
Pisidium fossarinum var. curtum Clessin, 1874b: 34.
● Type locality: "Bayern".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, mountain area of the central Asia (Izzatulaev, Korniushin, 1993; Starobogatov et al.,
Euglesa depressissima Krivosheina, 1978
Krivosheina, 1978: 1497-1498, textfig. (13).
● Type locality: dam of Bobrovka River at Bobrovka village (upper Irtysh basin, East Kazakhstan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of southern Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa eichwaldi Stadnichenko, 1983
Stadnichenko, 1983: 25-26, fig. 2.
● Type locality: Simeiz settlement of Crimean Region, brook with spring source near motorway YaltaSimeiz.
● Holotype: ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa elliptica (Mori, 1938)
Pisidium ellipticum Mori, 1938b: 255, 259, 270, pl. 10, fig. 13.
● Type locality: Noga-Ike, near the summit of Mt. Kisokoma, Nagano Ken.
● Holotype: Otu Hydrobiological Station.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands (Kunashir) (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a).
Euglesa fossarina (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873)
Pisidium fossarinum Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 544-546.
● Type locality: “I Sverige tvifselsutan I de flesta trakter, sеson tagen flerestädes i Skеne, Blekinge, WGötland, ÖGötland, Westmanland och Dalarne”.
● Syntypes: SMF.
● Distribution: Ukraine, Ural River (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov et al., 1994).
Euglesa granum (Lindholm, 1909)
Pisidium granum Lindholm, 1909: 87.
● Type locality: Baikal Lake, Dagarskaya Inlet, 10.5 m.
● Types: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Euglesa hissarica Izzatullaev, 1985
Euglesa (Cingulipisidium) hissarica Izzatullaev et Starobogatgov – Izzatullaev, 1985: 244-245, fig. (Б).
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: mountain area of the central Asia (Izzatullaev, Korniushin, 1993).
● Remark: Probably a junior synonym of E. obliquata (Korniushin, 1996).
Euglesa hokkaidoensis Starobogatov in Starobogatov, Prozorova, Bogatov et Sayenko, 2004
Starobogatov et al., 2004: 71-72, pl. 69, figs. 13-15 (nom. nov. pro Pisidium humeriforme Mori, 1938 non
Pisidium casertanum var. humeriforme Stelfox, 1918).
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Iturup Island (South Kurile Islands) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa hoyeri (Clessin in Esmark et Hoyer, 1886)
Pisidium hoyeri Clessin – Esmark, Hoyer, 1886: 120.
Type locality:"Tromsö, Renö".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa inflata (Mori, 1938)
Pisidium cinereum inflatum Mori, 1938b: 256, 259, 272-273, pl. 11, fig. 19.
● Type locality: Tadeno-Umio, near Nikko, Totigi-Ken.
● Holotype: Otu Hydrobiological Station.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands including Urup Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al.,
Euglesa intermedia (Gassies, 1855)
[= Pisidium ibericum Clessin, 1873; Pisidium heldreichi Clessin, 1877; Pisidium cedrorum Clessin, 1877;
Euglesa solodovnikovi Stadnichenko, 1983]
Pisidium intermedium Gassies, 1855: 11-12, pl. 1, fig. 4.
● Type locality: "а Saint-Féréol près Agen".
● Syntypes: MNHN.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of Southern and Central Europe and Central Asia (Stadnichenko, 1984; Izzatullaev, Korniushin, 1993; Korniushin, 1996; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa irtyschensis Krivosheina, 1976
Krivosheina, 1976: 28-29, fig. 2(3).
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of southern Altai; central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa jaudouiniana (Gassies, 1855)
[= Pisidium casertanum var. humeriforme Stelfox, 1918]
Pisidium jaudouinianum Gassies, 1855: 18-19, pl. 2, fig. 2.
● Type locality: "dans la Garonne а Agen".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of Europe, mountain area of the central Asia (Izzatullaev, Korniushin, 1993;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa klucharevae Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986]
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 113-114, fig. 17.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands)
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa koltschomensis Zatrawkin, 1987
Zatrawkin, 1987: 51-52, textfig (II).
● Type locality: lake of floodland of Amur channel Ukhta, left shore of the channel, downstream of Kolchem
village, Ulcha District of Khabarovsk Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lower Fрèамурüе (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa korotnevi (Lindholm, 1909)
Pisidium korotnevi Lindholm, 1909: 85, Taf. 2, fig. 47-48.
● Type locality: Baikal Lake, Listvennichnoye.
● Types: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake, 1.5-60 m (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Euglesa latiumbonata Korniushin, 1991
Euglesa (Cyclocalyx) latiumbonata Korniushin, 1991: 20, fig. 1 (8-10).
● Type locality: floodland of Nerussa River, Smelizh village, Suzem District, Bryansk Region.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa likharevi (Korniushin, 1991)
Cingulipisidium (Potamopisidium) likharevi Korniushin, 1991: 17, fig. 1 (1-4).
● Type locality: small lake westward of Slovechno town, Zhitomir Region (Ovruch Range).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of eastern Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa minuta (Kozhov, 1936)
Pisidium korotniewi var. minutum (part.) Kozhov, 1936: 87.
● Type locality: Baikal, Berhin Bay, 5 m.
● Types: ZIN.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Euglesa miyadii Starobogatov in Starobogatov, Prozorova, Bogatov et Sayenko, 2004
Starobogatov et al., 2004: 72, pl. 71, figs. 7-9 (nom. nov. pro Pisidium ponderosum Mori, 1938 non Pisidium
casertanum var. ponderosa Stelfox, 1918).
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Iturup Island (South Kurile Islands) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa montana Krivosheina, 1976
Krivosheina, 1976: 30, fig. 2(4).
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of southern Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa nikkoensis (Mori, 1938)
Pisidium cinereum nikkуense Mori, 1938b: 256, 259, 272, pl. 10, figs. 14c, 16.
● Type locality: Kotoku-Numa, near Nikko, Totigi-Ken.
● Holotype: Otu Hydrobiological Station.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands (Iturup and Kunashir) (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al.,
Euglesa obensis Starobogatov, Anistratenko et Dolgin in Anistratenko et Starobogatov, 1990 [1991] F
Anistratenko, Starobogatov, 1990 [1991]: 16-17, fig. 3.
● Type locality: Tomskaya district, lake on the left bank of River Malaya Ob' [SW Siberia].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe, western Siberia, rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa obliquata (Clessin in Martens, 1874)
[= Pisidium hispanicum Clessin, 1877]
Pisidium obliquatum Clessin -- Martens, 1874: 36-37, pl. 3, fig. 31.
● Type locality: "aquas prope Djam in valle Sarafschan".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, mountain area of the central Asia (Stadnichenko, 1984; Izzatullaev, Korniushin,
1993; Izzatullaev, 2002; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa personata (Malm, 1855)
Pisidium personatum Malm, 1855: 107, fig.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: SMF.
● Distribution: Europe (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa platyponderosa Starobogatov et Korniushin in Korniushin, 1991
Korniushin, 1991: 20-21, fig. 1 (11-13).
● Type locality: Boden Lake (Germany).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa platyvalva Slugina et Starobogatov in Slugina, Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1994
Slugina et al., 1994: 139, fig. 15 A-C.
● Type locality: Baikal Lake, Dagarskaya Inlet, 5 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: type locality (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Euglesa ponderosa (Stelfox, 1918)
Pisidium casertanum var. ponderosum Stelfox, 1918: 294-295, pl. 7, figs. 31-34.
● Type locality: "Grand Junction Canal at Cowroast Lock, Dudswell, Hetrs., the Thames, the Barrow, Nore,
and Suir in Ireland".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, south of western Siberia, Altai (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa rivularis (Clessin, 1874)
Pisidium rivulare Clessin, 1874b: 30-31, pl. 3, figs. 7-11.
● Type locality: "Europa, Bayern".
● Types: SMF.
● Distribution: Europe, Irtysh basin (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa rotundovata Krivosheina, 1976
Krivosheina, 1976: 27-28, fig. 2(1).
● Type locality: upper Irtysh basin
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Altai, Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa rotundovata Krivosheina, 1976
● Type locality: upper Irtysh basin
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: southern Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa steenbuchi (Møller, 1842)
Cyclas steenbuchi Møller, 1842: 93.
● Type locality: Greenland.
● Syntypes: MCZ No. 19845.
● Distribution: lakes of northern Eurasia (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa subcinerea Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986]
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 111-112, fig. 15.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands including Urup Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al.,
Euglesa subdepressa Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986]
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 108-109, fig. 12.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands)
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa subfossarina Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986]
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 112-113, fig. 16.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands)
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa subgranum Slugina et Starobogatov in Slugina, Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1994
Slugina, Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1994: 138, fig. 14 G-I.
● Type locality: Baikal Lake, Peschanaya Bay, 20 m.
● Holotype: ZIN
● Distribution: Baikal Lake (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Euglesa subinflata (Mori, 1938)
Pisidium cinereum subinflatum Mori, 1938b: 256, 259, 273-274, pl. 10, fig. 20.
● Type locality: Siritori, Karahuto.
● Holotype: Otu Hydrobiological Station.
● Distribution: lakes of southern Sakhalin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa subplanata Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986]
Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 109-110, fig. 13.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands)
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa subponderosa Krivosheina, 1976
Krivosheina, 1976: 30-31, fig. 2(6).
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, south of western Siberia, Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Euglesa tanuga Timm, 1975
Timm, 1975: 223, 225, fig. 8.
● Type locality: Lake Vörtsjärv.
● Holotype: Vörtsjärv Limnological Station.
Distribution:. Lake Vörtsjärv (Timm, 1975).
Euglesa turkestanica Izzatullaev, 1974
Izzatullaev, 1974: 1086-1087, textfig. (1).
● Type locality: floodland of Surkhob River near Alaka kishlak, vicinities of Soviet farm "Muminabad" (Tajikistan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002)
Euglesa zugmayeri (Weber, 1910)
Pisidium zugmayeri Weber, 1910: 310.
● Type locality: Kashmir.
● Holotype: not traced.
● Distribution: central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002)
Henslowiana Fagot, 1892
Type species: Pisidium henslowianum Fagot, 1892 [= Tellina henslowana Leach in Sheppard, 1823] (SD
Boettger, 1961)
Henslowiana baudonii (Clessin, 1873)
Pisidium baudonii Clessin, 1873a: 83-85 (nom. nov. pro Pisidium henslowanum sensu Baudon, 1857, non
Leach in Sheppard, 1823)
● Type locality: "Mouy (Oise)".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana chankensis (Likharev in Shadin, 1952)
Pisidium (Eupisidium) chankense Likharev – Shadin, 1952: 331, fig. 300.
● Type locality: Khanka Lake, 2-5 m.
● Lectotype (Prozorova et al., 1996): ZIN.
● Distribution: Khanka Lake (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana conica (Baudon, 1857)
Pisidium conicum Baudon, 1857: 50-52, pl. 5, fig. B.
● Type locality: "de Valenciennes et de Troyes".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of Baltic Sea basin, Ukraine, central Asia (Stadnichenko, 1984; Izzatullaev, 2002; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana corbiculaeformis Korniushin, Moskvicheva et Starobogatov
in Prozorova, Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1996
Henslowiana corbiculaeformis Korniushin, Moskvicheva et Starobogatov -- Prozorova et al., 1996: 1323,
figs. 1 б (b), 2 (2).
● Type locality: not specified; type series from: Amur liman and lower reaches of Amur River; Ussuri River
near Lesozavodsk town.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Ussuri River and, probably, middle and lower Amur basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana costifera Korniushin et Starobogatov in Prozorova, Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1996 F
Henslowiana costifera Korniushin et Starobogatov -- Prozorova et al., 1996: 1323-1324, figs. 1 г (g), 2 (4).
● Type locality: specified; type series from: Amur liman and lower reaches of Amur River; Ussuri River near
Lesozavodsk town.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: middle and lower Amur basin including Khanka Lake (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana czerskii (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
[= Galileja henslowana karetovensis Starobogatov et Streletskaja, 1967]
Galileja czerskii Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 248.
● Type locality: channel of the Kolyma River near Nizhnie Kresty.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: eastern Siberia, Baikal Lake, Kolyma River basin (Slugina et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al.,
2004; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Henslowiana elegantula (Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986])
Euglesa (Costopisidium) elegantula Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 105. fig. 9
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands (Kunashir Island) (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al.,
Henslowiana dupuyana (Normand, 1854)
Pisidium dupuyanum Normand, 1854: 5.
● Type locality: "Valenciennes".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe, rivers and permanent waterbodies of the river plains (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana falsicorbula Prozorova in Prozorova, Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1996
Henslowiana falsicorbula Prozorova -- Prozorova et al., 1996: 1322-1323, figs. 1 a, 2 (1).
● Type locality: Ussuri River near Lesozavodsk town.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Ussuri River and, probably, middle and lower Amur basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana formosa (Prozorova, 1988)
Euglesa (Arctoeuglesa) formosa Prozorova, 1988a: 1576-1577, fig. 1 г, ä, е (g, d, e).
● Type locality: small but deep floodland-thermokarst lake in 20-km vicinity of Chaun station of the Institute
of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of northeastern Siberia (Chaun lowland) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana glaciata (Prozorova, 1988)
Euglesa (Arctoeuglesa) glaciata Prozorova, 1988a: 1577, fig. 2 а, б, в (a, b, v).
● Type locality: large floodland-thermokarst lake in 20-km vicinity of Chaun station of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of northeastern Siberia (Chaun lowland) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana henslowana (Leach in Sheppard, 1823)
Tellina henslowana Leach -- Sheppard, 1823: 150-151.
● Type locality: stream at Holbrook.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of Europe and Siberia, excluding Kamchatka (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al.,
Henslowiana infirmicostata (Pirogov et Starobogatov, 1974)
Euglesa (Costopisidium) infirmicostata Pirogov et Starobogatov, 1974: 330, fig. 2, 5.
● Type locality: the Volga River avandelta, offshore, Chernevoj Ochirkin Island.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Volga River delta, Teterev river [Ukraine] (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004)
Henslowiana izzatullaevi (Zatrawkin, 1987)
Euglesa (Arcteuglesa) izzatullaevi Zatrawkin, 1987: 52-53, textfig. (IV).
● Type locality: first floodland lake of Bureya River, left bank near Chekunda settlement (old settlement),
Verkhnebureinsky District, Khabarovsk Territory.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of lower Amur basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana kunasiriensis (Mori, 1938)
Pisidium pulchellum kunasiriense Mori, 1938b: 255, 259, 269, pl. 9, fig. 11a-d.
● Type locality: Kunasiri-Zima.
● Holotype: Otu Hydrobiological Station.
● Distribution: lakes on Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana kurilica (Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986])
Euglesa (Costopisidium) kurilica Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 102-104, fig. 7.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of southern Kurile Islands (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana kurodai (Mori, 1938)
Pisidium kurodai Mori, 1938b: 255, 258, 262, pl. 7, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Toro-Numa, Etorohu-Zima.
● Holotype: Otu Hydrobiological Station.
● Distribution: lakes of southern Kurile Islands (Kunashir and Iturup) (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana lilljeborgii (Clessin in Esmark et Hoyer, 1886)
Pisidium lilljeborgii Clessin – Esmark, Hoyer, 1886: 119-120.
● Type locality: "Gеsö bei Grötö, Skotstinder bei Grötö, Trondenaes, Mеlselvdalen, Tromsö, Jarfjord".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of northern Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004); Armenia (Akramowski, 1976); North
Kurile Islands (Kuiper, 1998).
Henslowiana morii (Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986])
Euglesa (Costopisidium) morii Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 104-105, fig. 8.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of southern Kurile Islands (Kunashir Island) (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Henslowiana nordenskioldi (Clessin in Westerlund, 1876)
Pisidium nordenskioldi Clessin -- Westerlund, 1876a: 68-69, pl., fig. 20.
● Type locality: "Jenissei, vid Dudino, (lat. 69º15'), Surgutskoj (lat. 62º50'), Worogowa Selo (lat. 69º50')".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: north of western Siberia, lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: see remark to Sphaerium levinodis.
Henslowiana ostroumovi (Pirogov et Starobogatov, 1974)
Euglesa (Henslowiana) ostroumovi Pirogov, Starobogatov, 1974: 332-333, fig. 2 12.
● Type locality: Kamyzjak channel [the Volga delta], offshore, near Kirovskoj settlement, Astrakhan' Region,
depth 1.5 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of Europe and south of western Siberia (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et
al., 2004).
Henslowiana polonica (Anistratenko et Starobogatov, 1990 [1991])
Euglesa (Hensloviana) polonica Anistratenko, Starobogatov, 1990 [1991]: 18, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Poland, surroundings of Poznan, spring.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe and Siberia to Kamchatka, rivers and lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana ruut (Timm, 1975)
Euglesa ruut Timm, 1975: 225, 227, fig. 9.
● Type locality: Lake Vörtsjärv.
● Holotype: Vörtsjärv Limnological Station.
● Distribution: northern Europe, Ukraine, Ural River (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
Henslowiana securidens (Krivosheina, 1978)
Euglesa (Henslowiana) securidens Krivosheina, 1978: 1495, textfig. (10).
● Type locality: Bukhtarma River mouth, mountain-valley part of Bukhtarma Water Reservoir (upper Irtysh
basin, East Kazakhstan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes and small rivers of eastern Kazakhstan (Irtysh basin) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana semenkevitschi (Lindholm, 1909)
Pisidium nordenskioeldi var. semenkevitschi Lindholm, 1909: 86, Taf. 2, fig. 49-50.
● Type locality: Baikal, Angarskyi sor.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Henslowiana sibirica (Clessin in Westerlund, 1876)
Pisidium sibiricum Clessin -- Westerlund, 1876a: 69.
● Type locality: "Jenissei, Worogowa Selo (lat. 60º50')".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes of north of western Siberia (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: see remark to Sphaerium levinodis.
Henslowiana subhenslowana (Krivosheina, 1978)
Euglesa (Henslowiana) subhenslowana Krivosheina, 1978: 1495-1496, textfig. (11).
● Type locality: lake part (Kurchum area) of Bukhtarma Water Reservoir (upper Irtysh basin, East Kazakhstan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes and small rivers of eastern Kazakhstan (Irtysh basin) (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana suecica (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873)
Pisidium henslowanum β suecicum Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 536-537.
● Type locality: “vid Göteborg I Qvilleebäcken”.
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of Europe and Siberia, excluding Kamchatka (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana supina (A. Schmidt, 1850)
Pisodium supinum Schmidt, 1850: 119.
● Type locality: "Naumburg a.d.S., Panke bei Berlin".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers of Europe, Ural River (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al.,
Henslowiana tenuicostulata (Krivosheina, 1978)
Euglesa (Cymatocyclas) tenuicostulata Krivosheina, 1978: 1498, textfig. (14).
● Type locality: Volchii Cape, lake part of Bukhtarma Water Reservoir (upper Irtysh basin, East Kazakhstan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of Europe and Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana trigonoides (W. Dybowski, 1902)
[= Pisidium korotnevi part. Kozhov, 1936]
Pisidium trigonoides W. Dybowski, 1902: 95.
● Type locality: south-eastern Baikal Lake.
● Types: whereabouts unknown.
● Distribution: Baikal Lake (Slugina et al., 1994; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Henslowiana uenoi (Mori, 1938)
Pisidium uenoi Mori, 1938b: 258, 265, pl. 8, fig. 8.
● Type locality: Etorohu-Zima (Iturup Island).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands (Iturup) (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Henslowiana waldeni (Kuiper, 1975)
Pisidium waldeni Kuiper, 1975: 31-36, textfigs. 13, 15-17, 19, 21-26, 30.
● Type locality: "Buetjörni (= Davggeluobal), 147 m NN, Flachsee (tiefste Stelle 9 m), Varangerhalbiusel im
NO Norwegens".
● Holotype: SMF No. 192851.
● Distribution: north of Europe and of Siberia, Ukraine, in lakes (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al.,
Hiberneuglesa Starobogatov in Dolgin, 1983
Type species: Pisidium hibernicum Westerlund, 1894 (OD)
Hiberneuglesa anjuica (Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1989)
Euglesa (Hiberneuglesa) anjuica Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1989: 16. fig. 2,3, 3, u [e]
● Type locality: Quaternary deposits of the basin of the river Malyj Anjuj, 28 km from Anjujsk settlement
[Chukchi Peninsula].
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hiberneuglesa bodamica (Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1989)
Euglesa (Hiberneuglesa) bodamica Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1989: 16, fig. 1, 6, 3 d.
● Type locality: Bodensee [Lake of Constance] near Honnenborn, Bavaria, Germany.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Europe, western Siberia, lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hiberneuglesa hibernica (Westerlund, 1894)
Pisidium (Fossarina) hibernicum Westerlund, 1894: 205.
● Type locality: "Irland bei Gleengariff in Cork".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: central part of Dnieper basin, lakes (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hiberneuglesa kolhymensis (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Odhneripisidium (?) kolhymense Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 256-257, fig. 70.
● Type locality: Quaternary deposits of Malyi Anyui River, 28 km upstream of Anyuisk settlement.
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Kolyma basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hiberneuglesa kuiperi (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Galileja kuiperi Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 251, 253, fig. 61
● Type locality: lake 8 km northwestward from Achajvajam (continental part of the Kamchatka Region).
● Holotype: ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: lakes of Koryak upland (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hiberneuglesa lindholmi (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Odhneripisidium lindholmi Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 256, fig. 69.
● Type locality: Quaternary deposits on left bank of the Allaikha River (Indigirka River basin).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kolyma basin (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hiberneuglesa normalis (Stelfox, 1929)
Pisidium hibernicum var. normalis Stelfox, 1929: 9.
● Type locality: "Windley Creek, Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: basin of the Baltic Sea, central Dnieper basin, rivers and permanent waterbodies of the rivers
plains (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hiberneuglesa parvula (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873)
Pisidium parvulum Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 553.
● Type locality: “I Sverige, I Blekinge vid Roneby ymnig i Langasjö”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and western Siberia, rivers and permanent waterbodies of the river plains (Staroboga-
tov et al., 2004).
Hiberneuglesa portentosa (Stelfox in Ellis, 1940)
Pisidium hibernicum var. portentosa Stelfox -- Ellis, 1940: 77.
● Type locality: "Co. Down".
● Holotype: BMNH.
● Distribution: Europe and western Siberia, rivers and permanent waterbodies of the river plains (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Hiberneuglesa subhibernica (Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1989)
Euglesa (Hibemeuglesa) subhibernica Starobogatov, Korniushin: 1989: 15, fig. 1 4, 3, 6.
● Type locality: Sweden, Ronneby.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern Europe, western Siberia, rivers and permanent waterbodies of the river plains (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera German, 1913
Type species: Pisidium landeroini Germain, 1909 (OD)
Pseudeupera alta (Mori, 1938)
Pisidium subtruncatum altum Mori, 1938b: 255, 259, 269, pl. 9, fig. 12.
● Type locality: Akan-Ko, Hokkaido.
● Holotype: Otu Hydrobiological Station.
● Distribution: South Kurile Islands (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera altaica (Krivosheina, 1979)
Neopisidium altaicum Krivosheina, 1979: 603-604, textfig. (A).
● Type locality: Pennoe bog near Leninogorsk City (East Kazakhstan), 2 m.
● Holotype: ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of southern Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera arcidens (Krivosheina, 1978)
Euglesa (Pseudeupera) arcidens Krivosheina, 1978: 1492-1493, textfig. (6).
● Type locality: dam of Bobrovka River at Bobrovka village, Glubokovsky District (upper Irtysh basin, East
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of Europe, south of western Siberia, Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera humerosa (Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1975)
Euglesa humerosa Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1975: 221, 223. fig. 7.
● Type locality: delta of the River Volga, near the village of Baranovka.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of Europe (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera humiliumbo (Krivosheina, 1978)
Euglesa (Pseudeupera) humiliumbo Krivosheina, 1978: 1491-1492, textfig. (4).
● Type locality: dam of Bobrovka River at Bobrovka village, Glubokovsky District (upper Irtysh basin, East
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of Europe, south of western Siberia, Altai (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov
et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera mucronata (Clessin in Westerlund, 1876)
Pisidium mucronatum Clessin in Westerlund, 1876a: 71.
● Type locality: "Jenissei, Dudino (lat. 69º15') samt Nischnij Inbatsk (63º50')".
● Types: unknown.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of western and eastern Siberia, Baikal Lake, Kamchatka, Kolyma, 0-5 m
(Slugina et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
● Remark: see remark to Sphaerium levinodis.
Pseudeupera pallida (Gassies, 1855)
Pisidium pallidum Gassies, 1855: 116, pl. 1, fig. 10.
● Type locality: "а Pourret et Saint-Marcel près d'Agen, au Sud" (France).
● Syntypes: MNHN, MCZ No. 19730.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of Europe, south of western Siberia, Altai, central Asia (Stadnichenko, 1984;
Izzatullaev, 2002; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera parallelodon (Krivosheina, 1978)
Euglesa (Pseudeupera) parallelodon Krivosheina, 1978: 1494, textfig. (8).
● Type locality: dam of Bobrovka River at Bobrovka village, Glubokovsky District (upper Irtysh basin, East
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Europe, basin of Irtysh, Altai, lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera pirogovi (Starobogatov in Stadnichenko, 1984)
[= Euglesa difficilis Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1975, non Euglesa difficilis Popova et Starobogatov in
Popova, Devjatkin et Starobogatov, 1970; Euglesa astrahanica Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1984, nom.
nov. pro E. difficilis Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1975, non Popova et Starobogatov in Popova, Devjatkin et Starobogatov, 1970]
Euglesa (Henslowiana) pirogovi Starobogatov – Stadnochenko, 1984: 302, 305, fig. (nom. nov. pro Euglesa
difficilis Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1975, non Euglesa difficilis Popova et Starobogatov in Popova,
Devjatkin et Starobogatov, 1970).
● Type locality: flood-plains of the delta of the River Volga in the Astrakhan Nature Conservation Area.
● Holotype: ZIN??.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of Europe and southern part of western Siberia (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: two substituting names for Euglesa difficilis Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1975, non Euglesa
difficilis Popova et Starobogatov in Popova, Devjatkin et Starobogatov, 1970 were published in 1984. Both
names were published in books with only year at the title page as the date. Nevertheless, the book of Stadnichenko (signed for the printing on the 22.12.1983) seems to appear earlier than that of Timm (signed for the
printing on the 10.09.1984). Thus Euglesa (Henslowiana) pirogovi is senior objective synonym of Euglesa
Pseudeupera poltavica (Korniushin, 1991)
Cingulipisidium (Potamopisidium) poltavicum Korniushin, 1991: 17-19, fig. 1 (5-7).
● Type locality: Vorskla River, vicinities of Poltava.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: basin of Dnieper, rivers (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera rotundotrigona (Krivosheina, 1978)
Euglesa (Pseudeupera) rotundotrigona Krivosheina, 1978: 1492, textfig. (5).
● Type locality: dam of Bobrovka River at Bobrovka village, Glubokovsky District (upper Irtysh basin, East
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes and rivers of Europe and southern part of western Siberia, Ukraine (Stadnichenko, 1984;
Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera starobogatovi (Krivosheina, 1978)
Euglesa (Pseudeupera) starobogatovi Krivosheina, 1978: 1491, textfig. (3).
● Type locality: debris of Ulba River, Ulba Perevalochnaya railway station (East Kazakhstan).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: north of Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera subalta (Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986])
Euglesa (Pseudeupera) subalta Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 105-107, fig. 10
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kunashir Island (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera subcuneata (Krivosheina, 1978)
Euglesa (Pseudeupera) subcuneata Krivosheina, 1978: 1494-1495, textfig. (9).
● Type locality: dam of Bobrovka River at Bobrovka village, Glubokovsky District (upper Irtysh basin, East
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: lakes of Europe, south of western Siberia, Altai (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al.,
Pseudeupera subtruncata (Malm, 1855)
Pisidium subtruncatum Malm, 1855: 92, fig.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Europe and western Siberia, Central Asia, lakes and rivers (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov et
al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera supiniformis (Pirogov et Starobogatov, 1974)
Euglesa (Cymatocyclas) supiniformis Pirogov et Starobogatov, 1974: 333-334, fig. 3 1.
● Type locality: Bolshoj Karabulak bayou [the Volga delta], depth 2.5 m.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: the Volga delta (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera talievi (Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967)
Galileja talievi Starobogatov, Streletzkaja, 1967: 243, fig. 65.
● Type locality: Malyi Posolskyi Sor, Baikal Lake.
● Holotype: ZIN No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: Baikal and vicinities (Slugina et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Slugina, Starobogatov,
Pseudeupera tenuicardo (Krivosheina, 1978)
Euglesa (Pseudeupera) tenuicardo Krivosheina, 1978: 1493-1494, textfig. (7).
● Type locality: dam of Bobrovka River at Bobrovka village, Glubokovsky District (upper Irtysh basin, East
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of southern Altai (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera tenuisculpta (Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1975)
Euglesa tenuisculpta Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1975: 235, 237, fig. 15.
● Type locality: delta of the River Volga in a flood-plain in Bolshoi Karabulak.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: eastern Europe, lakes and rivers (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera turanica (Clessin in Martens, 1874)
Pisidium turanicum Clessin -- Martens, 1874: 38-39, pl. 3, fig. 34.
● Type locality: "in lacu Durmankul vallis Sarafschan".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002).
Pseudeupera turgida (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873)
[= Euglesa incrassata Ellis, 1940]
Pisidium subtruncatum β turgidum Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 542.
● Type locality: “Dalarne I Husbysjön vid Säther”.
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of Europe (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pseudeupera volgensis (Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1975)
Euglesa volgensis Pirogov et Starobogatov in Timm, 1975: 233-235, fig. 13-14.
● Type locality: delta of the River Volga near the village of Kirovskij.
● Holotype: ZIN.
Distrtibution: lakes and rivers of Europe (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Рseudosphaerium Korniushin, 1990
Type species: Pisidium pseudosphaerium Favre, 1927 (OD)
Рseudosphaerium favrei (Kuiper, 1947)
Pisidium favrei Kuiper, 1947: 35-37.
● Type locality: "Natuurmonument Naardermeer, Spookgat" (the Netherlands).
● Holotype: Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, No. 2710a.
● Distribution: Europe, possibly in the basin of the Baltic Sea, lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Рseudosphaerium pseudosphaerium (Favre, 1927)
Pisidium milium var. pseudosphaerium Favre, 1927: 298.
● Type locality: "Schweiz, Bassin de Genève, marais de la Touvière, blättriger Torf".
● Lectotype (Adler, 1993): MHNG.
● Distribution: basin of the Baltic Sea and central basin of Dnieper, in small rivers and permanent waterbodies on the river plains (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pulchelleuglesa Starobogatov in Dolgin, 1983
Type species: Pisidium pulchellum Jenyns, 1832 (OD)
Pulchelleuglesa acuticostata (Starobogatov et Korniushin, 1989)
Euglesa (Hiberneuglesa) acuticostata Starobogatov, Korniushin, 1989: 18, fig. 2, 1.
● Type locality: surroundings of Berlin, Ebersvalde.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: northern and central Europe, western Siberia, lakes (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Pulchelleuglesa pulchella (Jenyns, 1832)
Pisidium pulchellum Jenyns, 1832: 306, pl. 21, fig. 1.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: northern Eurasia, eastward to Kolyma River (Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Roseana Fagot, 1892
Type species: Pisidium roseum Scholtz, 1843 (SD Boettger, 1961)
Roseana alexandri (Stadnichenko, 1980)
Euglesa (Roseana) alexandri Stadnichenko, 1980: 33.
● Type locality: Salgir river, near village Perevalnoe, Crimea.
● Holotype: Zoological Institute of Ukranian Academy of Sciences.
● Distribution: Crimea (Stadnichenko, 1984).
Roseana borealis (Clessin in Westerlund, 1876)
Pisidium boreale Clessin -- Westerlund, 1876a: 70-71.
● Type locality: "Jenissei, norr om Lusino (lat. 68º40')".
● Lectotype ( Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalog.
● Distribution: lakes of Europe and Siberia, central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
● Remark: see remark to Sphaerium levinodis.
Roseana globularis (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873)
Pisidium globulare Clessin -- Westerlund, 1873: 532-533.
● Type locality: “I Sverige… I Norge…”.
● Syntypes: SMF.
● Distribution: Europe, western Siberia (Stadnichenko, 1984; Pirogov et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Roseana gurvichi Izzatullaev et Starobogatov, 1985
Euglesa (Cyclocalyx) gurvichi Izzatullaev, Starobogatov — Izzatullaev, 1985: 243-244, fig. (А).
● Type locality: ???
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002).
Roseana mitchelli (Prashad, 1925)
Pisidium mitchelli Prashad, 1925: 419-4210, pl. 7, figs. 11, 11a, pl. 8, fig. 10.
● Type locality: Manasbal Lake [India].
● Holotype: Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, M 12533/2.
● Distribution: Central Asia (Izzatullaev, 2002).
Roseana rosea (Scholtz, 1843)
Pisidium roseum Scholtz, 1843: 140.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: SMF.
● Distribution: basin of the Baltic Sea, central Dnieper basin, permanent and semipermanent waterbodies
(Stadnichenko, 1984; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Roseana silesiaca (Starobogatov et Korniushin in Korniushin, 1991)
[= ?Pisidium fossarinum Clessin in Westerlund, 1873 sensu Korniushin, 1990; Pisidium acuminatum Clessin
in Westerlund, 1873 sensu Korniushin, 1990]
Euglesa (Roseana) silesiaca Starobogatov et Korniushin -- Korniushin, 1991: 21, fig. 1 (14-16).
● Type locality: Krkonoše Mountains, Czechoslovakia.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: small waterbodies of Europe (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
LACUSTRININAE Korniushin, 1989
Lacustrina Sterki, 1916
Type species: Pisidium idahoense Roper, 1890 (OD)
Lacustrina chukchensis (Prozorova, 1988)
Pisidium chukchensis Prozorova, 1988a: 1576, fig 1 а-в (a, b, v).
● Type locality: large floodland-thermokarst lake in 20-km vicinity of Chaun station of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Chukotka, Kamchatka (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Lacustrina dilatata (Westerlund, 1897)
[= Pisidium maculatum W. Dybowski, 1902; Pisidium subtilestriatum Lindholm, 1909; Pisidium carelicum
Odhner, 1926]
Pisidium (Fossarina) dilatatum Westerlund, 1897b: 131.
● Type locality: "Sibirien. Olenek, oberhalb der Alahis-Mündung".
● Lectotype (Starobogatov, Streletzkaya, 1967): ZIN, No. 1 in systematic catalogue.
● Distribution: rivers and lakes of northern Eurasia (except south of West Siberia), Baikal Lake, 2-50 m
(Slugina et al., 1994; Starobogatov et al., 2004; Slugina, Starobogatov, 2004).
Lacustrina etorohuense (Mori, 1935)
Pisidium amnicum etorohuense Mori, 1935: 194-195, fig. 1.
● Type locality: "Toro-Numa (Etorohu Island, South Kurile Group; type locality); Syana-Numa (Etorohu),
Sibetori-Ko (Etorohu)".
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: Iturup (Kurile Islands) (Zatrawkin, 1985a; Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a).
● Remark: the types were not designated or mentioned in the original publication.
Tetragonocyclas Pirogov et Starobogatov, 1974
Type species: Pisidium milium Held, 1836 (OD)
Tetragonocyclas baudoniana (de Cessac, 1855)
Pisidium baudonianum de Cessac, 1855: 74-75.
● Type locality:"au Mouchetard, dans la pêcherie de la grand prairie du Château".
● Syntypes: MCZ No. 19926.
● Distribution: lakes of Europe and Siberia (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Tetragonocyclas milium (Held, 1836)
Pisidium milium Held, 1836: 281.
● Type locality: ???
● Types: SMF.
● Distribution: Palearctic (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Tetragonocyclas quadrangula (Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986])
Euglesa (Tetragonocyclas) quadrangula Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986101, fig. 5.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: Kurile Islands (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a).
Tetragonocyclas subtetragona (Starobogatov et Budnikova, 1985 [1986])
Euglesa (Tetragonocyclas) subtetragona Starobogatov, Budnikova, 1985 [1986]: 99-100, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Lagunnoe Lake, Kunashir Island (Kurile Islands).
● Holotype: ZIN.
● Distribution: southern Kurile Islands (Prozorova, 1996 [1997]a; Starobogatov et al., 2004).
Tetragonocyclas tetragona (Normand, 1854)
Pisidium tetragonum Normand, 1854: 5.
● Type locality: "Valenciennes, ... dans la fôret de Raismes" (France)..
● Syntypes: MCZ No. 19925.
● Distribution: Europe, western Siberia, lakes and river creeks (Starobogatov et al., 2004).
CORBULIDAE Lamarck, 1818
Potamocorbula Habe, 1955
Type species: Corbula amurensis Schrenck, 1862 (OD)
Potamocorbula amurensis (Schrenck, 1862)
[= Corbula amplexa Adams, 1862; Corbula frequens Yokoyama, 1922; Corbula pustulosa Yokoyama, 1922;
Corbula sematensis Yokoyama, 1922; Corbula vladivostokensis Bartsch, 1922]
Corbula amurensis Schrenck, 1862: 412.
● Type locality: Chikhacheva Bay [Tatar Strait, northern Japan Sea].
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: river estuaries of Japan and southern Okhotsk seas (Peter the Great Bay, Chikhacheva Bay,
Amur estuary, Tugur Bay), brackish water lake Lebyazhye on southern Sakhalin; 1-13 m (valves down to
1600 m) (Scarlato, 1981; Zatrawkin, Bogatov, 1987).
Species described from the considered territory but never mentioned in recent literature:
Paludina decollata Siemaschko, 1847
Siemaschko, 1847: 100-101, pl. 1, fig. 1.
● Type locality: "Im Gouvern. Petersburg unweit Jamburg auf dem Gute Zabalkanskaja".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality.
● Remark: this species is most probably a synonym of one of the numerous viviparids from the Northeast
Europe, but it has not been mentioned in recent literature, even as a synonym.
Ancylastrum ovatum Clessin, 1907
Clessin, 1907: 7.
● Type locality: not stated (Issyk-Kul Lake – from title).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Clessin, 1907).
Ancylastrum issykulense Clessin, 1907
Clessin, 1907: 7.
● Type locality: not stated (Issyk-Kul Lake – from title).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Clessin, 1907).
Ancylastrum turkestanicum Clessin, 1907
Clessin, 1907: 7.
● Type locality: not stated (Issyk-Kul Lake – from title).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Clessin, 1907).
Ancylastrum dextrorsum Clessin, 1907
Clessin, 1907: 7.
● Type locality: not stated (Issyk-Kul Lake – from title).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Clessin, 1907).
Gyraulus acutus Clessin, 1907
Clessin, 1907: 7-8.
● Type locality: not stated (Issyk-Kul Lake – from title).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Clessin, 1907).
Planorbis moellendorffii W. Dybowski, 1904
W. Dybowski, 1904: 46-47, fig. 3a-c.
● Type locality: "Natschiki" (Kamchatka).
● Syntypes: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Dybowski, 1904).
Stenogyra retteri Rosen in Kobelt, 1904
Kobelt, 1904: 87.
● Type locality: "Aulié-ata im Syr-Darja Gebiet".
● Distribution: type locality.
Lynmaea karpinskii (Siemaschko, 1847)
Lynmaeus karpinskii Siemaschko, 1847: 103.
● Type locality: "bei Jamburg, beim Gute Zabalkanskaja".
● Distribution: type locality.
● Remark: this species is most probably a synonym of one of the numerous lynmaeids from the Northeast
Europe, but it has not been mentioned in recent literature, even as a synonym.
Physa sartlandinensis Mozley, 1934
Mozley, 1934: 7, pl. 1, fig. 6.
● Type locality: Lake Sartlan, Brabinsk Steppe, Siberia.
● Holotype: USNM No. 469613.
● Distribution: type locality (Mozley, 1934).
Valvata antiquilina Mozley, 1934
Mozley, 1934: 1-2, pl. 1, fig. 4.
● Type locality: Lake Khomotenoye, Aj-Bulat drainage basin, Siberia, approximately 370 km southeast of
● Holotype: USNM 469212.
● Distribution: type locality (Mozley, 1934).
Unio stepanoffi Drouët, 1881
Drouët, 1881: 15.
● Type locality: "la Crimée".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Crimea (Drouët, 1881).
Unio raddei Drouët, 1881
Drouët, 1881: 17-18.
● Type locality: "le Rion, en Mingrélie".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Georgia, southern Ukraine (Odessa) (Drouët, 1881).
Anodonta middendorffii Siemaschko, 1849
Siemaschko, 1849: 237, figs. 2-3.
● Type locality: l'Oka près d'Orol (Siem. – after Drouët, 1881).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: Oka, Bug, Orel, Dnieper rivers (Drouët, 1881).
Anodonta parmata Drouët, 1881
Drouët, 1881: 26-27.
● Type locality: "la Russie méridionale".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Drouët, 1881).
Anodonta sieversi Drouët, 1881
Drouët, 1881: 28.
● Type locality: "le Rion, en Mingrélie".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Drouët, 1881).
Anodonta georgiana Drouët, 1881
Drouët, 1881: 28-29.
● Type locality: "le Caucase".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Drouët, 1881).
Anodonta lenkoranensis Drouët, 1881
Drouët, 1881: 30.
● Type locality: "le Lenkoran, а Lenkoran ...; le Kour".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Drouët, 1881).
Mytilus albus Siemaschko, 1847
Siemaschko, 1847: 124.
● Type locality: "In Bug".
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality.
● Remark: this is most probably a synonym of a species of Dreissena, possibly a forgotten senior synonym of
D. bugensis.
Pisidium miliolum Clessin, 1907
Clessin, 1907: 8.
● Type locality: not stated (Issyk-Kul Lake – from title).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Clessin, 1907).
Pisidium schmidti Clessin, 1907
Clessin, 1907: 8.
● Type locality: not stated (Issyk-Kul Lake – from title).
● Types: not traced.
● Distribution: type locality (Clessin, 1907).