Kat Woodruffe Profile

Kat Woodruffe
Senior First Officer
British Airways
What does your job involve on daily basis?
Before a flight I print out all the information we need - such as weather, route and other
information notices. The Captain and I will then discuss all the above and decide how much fuel
to take (if it's snowing in New York, for example, we will take extra). While our customers are
boarding we set up the aircraft for departure and after that it's taxi, take-off and cruise! This is
where the autopilot is on and we monitor systems and communicate with ground controllers.
How did you get into the transport industry?
I grew up with my father being a Captain in British Airways so aviation has always been a big
part of my life. We didn't have 'normal' holidays as my sister and I would just go on one of my
dad's trips. While my friends were having big family Christmas lunches we might be in Kolkata
(Calcutta) eating a lovely curry with all the crew. Amazingly Santa always found us no matter
what hotel in which city we were in.
What do you like about working in the transport industry?
I love the variation in work. No day is ever the same, be it because I am flying with someone
different or going somewhere new. I derive a lot of pleasure from flying an aeroplane safely
around the world and the best part is getting to visit cities and countries that I never dreamt I
What are you most proud of in your career?
My proudest moment so far has been flying with my father. It was very special to look to my left
and see my Dad sitting there. People often ask if we behave differently being related but I can
honestly tell you that we interacted like any other crew - the only exception being that I would
call him Dad.
What would your advice be to someone interested in becoming a pilot?
Whilst the course is incredibly hard work and the quantity of stuff you have to learn is mind
boggling, it is absolutely worth it. Being a pilot also works surprisingly well with being a mum. I
have two young daughters, so having a flexible roster and a lot of down time is fantastic. When
I’m home, I'm home and there's no checking emails or office calls. Equally, when I'm away I get
a proper 24 hours of lovely ‘me time’ which every busy mum needs. I consider myself very lucky
to be paid to do something I love.
Tell us the best experience you had during/because of a flight?
One of the best things about being a pilot is the people you get to meet. I have been lucky
enough to fly members of the Royal family and celebrities such as Sir Paul McCartney and
David Beckham. I came out of the washroom mid-flight to be confronted by Sir McCartney and
he said "a female pilot, well done you" I was completely star struck so just muttered something
incomprehensible in response. Hopefully I will get to fly him again and make a better