Camelot—DRAWBRIDGE - Federal Way Public Schools

Federal Way Public Schools
March 2015
Cindy Dracobly, Principal (253) 945-2504
Maureen Nunley, Office Manager (253) 945-2501
From the Principal:
Kathleen Bailey, Secretary (253) 945-2502
Attendance email: [email protected]
Dates to Remember
Dear Families,
Thank you for participating in our Parent Talks. I am so
delighted to spend time listening to you and learning
about our families and what you want for the Camelot
community. Our next Parent Talk is scheduled on
Thursday, March 19th at 9:15am. I hope to see you
Cindy Dracobly
No School Teacher In-Service
March 13th
Spirit Day - Wear
March 17th
Coffee w/Principal,
Counselor and
Family Liaison
March 19th
4/5 Concert
Smile Partners
Smarter Balanced Assessment
Consortium (SBAC replaces MSP)
Testing Dates for 2014/2015 are:
3rd Grade: April 14th, 20th, 21st, 24th and 28th
4th Grade: April 24th (Fischer/DeMarco),
29th (Fischer/DeMarco/Thomas),
30th (Barry/Thomas)
May 5th, 7th, 8th (All 4th Grade Classes),
14th (Barry)
5th Grade: April 24th & 29th (Fischer),
30th (Barry/Borg)
May 6th, 12th, 13th (All 5th Grade Classes),
14th (Barry/Borg), 28th (All 5th Grade Classes)
Please do all that you can to have your
student at school and on-time during
these testing windows.
No School—Teacher In-Service
March 13th
4041 S. 298th Street, Auburn, WA 98001—(253) 945-2500
Battle of the Books
March 19th
March 23rd April 3rd
April 1st
Spirit Day - Crazy Hair Day
April 1st
Multicultural Night
April 2nd
Spring Break
April 6th - 10th
Book Fair
April 13th-17th
PTA Meeting
4th/5th Grade Movie Night
April 14th
April 15th
No School Student Led Conferences
April 16th & 17th
2/3 Concert
April 23rd 7:00pm
K/1st Grade Movie Night
April 24th
2nd/3rd Grade Movie Night
April 30th
No School - Data Day
May 1st
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School-Wide Coin Drive
During the month of March and until April 20th our school will be coming together
and launching our 1st Annual Earth Day Coin Drive. Green team is collecting
change to help endangered animals and donations will be turned into the WWF
(World Wildlife Fund) for Endangered Species Conservation. We ask you to bring
in any change you have around at home. Check those couch cushions and change drawers to help
make a difference.
Each class will receive a reusable water bottle to fill up with coins. The class to fill up the bottle the
most times will win a class ice-cream party sponsored by Green Team.
Winkler, DeMarco, Fischer & Borg have already filled their water bottle 2 times!
Coffee with the Principal, Counselor & Family Liaison
March 19th—9:15am
Join us for coffee and tea. We want to get to know you, hear your questions, comments and
celebrations. We are here as your partner in educating your child.
Camelot Spirit Wear Available!
Contact the front office to order
Camelot Spirit Wear for you or your student.
Check our Camelot website for available
sizes and pricing.
Lost and Found
Is your student missing an article of clothing? Make sure to take a look in the lost and found for any
coats, sweatshirts, lunch boxes, etc. that they might have left at school. The Lost and Found is
located in the front foyer.
Writing Club!
Our next meeting will be
on Monday, March 23rd.
We will meet in room 205
from 3:25—4:15pm.
Please contact Mrs. Nelson with any
questions :
[email protected] or 253-945-2552
Bus Drivers Needed
Apply online at
Great Wage  Paid Training Holidays
and Summers Off  Must Have 5 Years
Driving Experience Valid Drivers
License Good Driving Record
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2015—2016 Kindergarten Registration Starts Now!
Kindergarten registration has started for the 2015-2016 school year. The requirements to start kindergarten
on September 2, 2015 are:
- Child must be 5 years of age on or before August 31, 2015
- Proof of residence (lease/rental agreement, utility bill, etc.)
- Child’s original birth certificate
- Child’s immunization record
Please note that your child’s immunizations must be up-to-date:
Hepatitis B—3 doses (last dose at age 24 months or older)
DTaP/DT/Tdap/Td—5 doses (if last dose is after 4th birthday, dose is not needed)
Polio (IPV) - 4 doses (if last dose is after age 4, dose 4 is not needed)
Varicella—2 doses (Both doses must be after the first birthday)
MMR—2 doses (Both doses must be after the first birthday)
Camelot Elementary registration hours are between 10:00am and 3:00pm
Save the date: Kindergarten Jump Start will be Tuesday, May 5th at 6:00 in the
Great Hall
Tuition-Based Preschool Enrollment
Camelot’s tuition-based Preschool program is open for enrollment. Each class includes children with
special needs and typically developing children. The preschool classes are taught by Washington
state certified teachers and each classroom has at least one para-educator assistant. The cost is
$1900 for the school year, broken into nine payments of approximately $210 per month.
Preschool Schedule: AM Session 8:50am—11:35am PM Session 12:35—3:20pm
Camelot PTA News
-Thank you to everyone that came out to see the Reptile Man! This event was very fun and a huge
-WatchDOGS would like to thank everyone who donated food to the food drive. Every can helps.
-Multicultural Night is scheduled for Thursday, April 2nd in the Great Hall. Thank you for volunteering
to help! More info to come.
-The Spring Book Fair is scheduled for April 13-17 in the Librarium. This is a short week as Student
Led Conferences are on the 16th/17th. The Book Fair will run during conferences as well.
Volunteers are needed!
-Officers are still needed for the 2015/2016 PTA Board. Please consider this wonderful volunteer
opportunity. You really will learn a lot, you will have fun, you will be an integral part of your child's
education, and PTA looks great on a resume!
-Save the date: June 5th is CARNIVAL
-The next PTA meeting is Tuesday, April 14th. Potluck at 6pm in the Great Hall and the meeting at
6:30pm in the Librarium. At this meeting, officers will be elected and planning for Book Fair and
Carnival will be in full swing.
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Camelot’s Month to Focus on Teeth
Taking care of your child’s baby teeth is an important part of taking care of
their overall-all-health. Cavities and tooth or gum infections can lead to
abscess formation and possible root canal if ignored. It is important to take
care of baby teeth because if a child loses a baby tooth early, as a result of
tooth decay or an accident, the teeth beside it might drift into the empty
space. Teeth in the opposite jaw might also move up or down to fill the gap.
This can crowd permanent teeth and cause them to come in crooked.
Prevention is the name of the game to prevent tooth decay especially between the ages of 6 and 12,
when baby teeth give way to permanent teeth. It is important to brush teeth twice a day, floss daily
and get a regular dental checkup every 6 months. It is also important to limit your child’s intake of
sugary food and drinks that contribute to cavity formation.
Smile Partners will be at Camelot March 23-April 3rd.
-Opt out Forms have been sent home with students.
-Students who are seen will have a 3 minute oral health assessment to check the condition of teeth
and gums.
-If a student requires treatment they may have removal of plaque and bacteria from teeth and gums.
Fluoride treatment and sealants may be applied.
-Referrals for follow up restorative care may be made.
Thank you for all you do to keep your children’s teeth healthy.
Deborah Bellinghausen RN, Camelot School Nurse
Battle of the Books 2015
Camelot “Battle of the Books” is coming soon!
April 1st—9:30pm in the Great Hall
The winning team will represent Camelot at the District-Wide Battle of the Books on
Thursday, April 23rd.
Sasquatch 2015
YRC 2015
Adventures of Beanboy by L. Harkrader—AR: 4.3
Fairest of All by S. Mlynowski—AR 2.8
Deadweather and Sunrise by G. Rodkey—AR 5.3
The One and Only Ivan by K. Applegate—AR 3.6
Fake Mustache by T. Angleberger—AR: 4.6
Starry River of the Sky by G. Lin—AR 5.4
Have a Hot Time, Hades by K. McMullan—AR: 3.8
Three Times Lucky by S. Turnage—AR 3.9
Lincoln’s Grave Robbers by S. Sheinkin—AR: 6.6
Ungifted by G. Korman—AR 5.2
The Puzzler’s Mansion by E. Berlin—AR: 4.6
Who Could That Be at This Hour? by L. Snicket—AR
Red Thread Sisters by C. A. Peacock—AR 4.2
Shadow on the Mountain by M Preus—AR: 5.0
Wonder by R. J. Palacio—AR 4.8
Something to Hold by K. Schlick Noe—AR: 4.1