Bioscience Reports, Vol. 13, No. 5, 1993 CCK-Containing Paraneurons in Human Adenomatous Prostate A . Cecio, 1'3 T. Cocca, 1 M. T. Masotti, z E. La Mura, ~ and A . Vittoria ~ Received March 17, 1993; accepted May 18, I993 The presence of CCK-containing neuroendocrine cells in human adenomatous prostates, and the colocalization of CCK together with serotonin in the same cell, have been demonstrated by means of an immunohistochemical technique and by a double labeling immunofluorescent staining. CCKcontaining neuroendocrine cells had a focal distribution in the prostates and sometimes showed dendrite-like cytoplasmic processes. The major part of CCK (96.55%) colocalized with serotonin. CCK probably stimulates muscle contraction and endocrine/exocrine secretions in the urogenital tract. KEY WORDS: cholecystokinin; neuroendocrine cells; prostatic adenomas INTRODUCTION The presence of neuroendocrine (NE) cells [1], or paraneurons [2, 3, 4], in the human urogenital tract was first documented by Pretl [5], and then by Feyrter [6], using histochemical techniques. A large number of reports followed these works, which described the ultrastructural and immunohistochemical peculiarities of these cells throughout the urogenital apparatus of humans [7, 8] and other mammals [8, 9, 10, 11]. Immunohistochemical studies of normal, hyperplastic or carcinomatous human prostates showed paraneurons containing serotonin, 5-HT [8, 12, 13], neuron specific enolase, NSE [8, 14], calcitonin [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], calcitonin gene-related peptide, CGRP [18], katalcin [18], somatostatin, SS-14 [13, 16, 19], thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH [13, 20], fi-endorphin, /3-end [17, 21], bombesin [15] or adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH [17, 21]. i Dept. of Structures, Functions and Biological Technology, University of Naples, Federico II. Via F. Delpino, 1 - 80137, Naples, Italy. 2 III General Surgery, II Faculty of Medicine, University of Naples, Federico II. 3 To whom correspondence should be addressed. 251 0144-8463/93/10(10-0251 $(17.0()/0 9 1993 Plenum Publishing Corporation Cecio, Cocca, Masotti, La Mura and Vittoria 252 A normal prostatic NE population sometimes participates in neoplastic proliferations of the prostate and may constitute the major part of the tumor. The hormonal production of such a prostatic tumor depends on the cellular type(s) which make it up [13, 20]. In our study, utilizing immunohistochemical techniques, the presence of NE cells containing CCK is demonstrated in two cases of prostatic adenoma. The distribution of these cells in the gland and the colocalization of CCK with the amine 5-HT, or with the peptide chromogranin A, considered to be a NE-marker [22], are also reported. MATERIALS AND METHODS Tissue samples were collected from the prostates of two patients, aged 35 and 56, suffering from prostatic adenoma, who had undergone transurethral resection. Soon after their surgical removal, the specimens were fixed in Bouin's fuid for 24 h and routinely dehydrated, and then embedded in Paraplast. Serial sections of 3 ~m thickness were stained using Linder's argyrophil method [23] (recently applied to the study of NE cells [24, 25]), the immunohistochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique of Sternberger [26], and a double labeling indirect immunofluorescent technique [27]. The PAP technique was performed using primary antibodies directed against chromogranin A, CCK and gastrin. Consecutive sections were stained alternately with the anti-CCK and anti-chromogranin A antibodies to investigate their eventual colocalization in the same cell. The site of the immunological reaction was revealed by diaminobenzidine (DAB). All positivities were eliminated by liquid-phase absorption of each antiserum with an excess of the respective antigen (100 ~g/ml), and they were present when the anti-CCK antibody was pre-absorbed with an excess of gastrin. This control was performed because of the possibility of cross-reactions between the anti-CCK antibody and gastrin. The colocalization of the peptide hormone CCK with the amine 5-HT was studied using the double labeling immunofluorescent technique described by Wessendorf and Elde [27]. The two primary antibodies were raised in two different species; goat for anti-5-HT and rabbit for anti-CCK. The secondary antibodies were conjugated with either lissamine-rhodamine isothyocyanate (LRITC) or fluorescein isothyocyanate (FITC). Control sections were also obtained using the methods described by Wessendorf and Elde [27]. The microscope used to observe the slides was equipped with a reflecting illumination system, and with LRITC and FITC filter sets. The LRITC set was composed of a 546/14 nm bandpass excitation filter, and a 580 nm longpass barrier filter. The FITC set was composed of a 450-490 nm bandpass excitation filter, and a 525/20 nm bandpass barrier filter. The studies of colocalization of substances were performed on serial sections in order to view a single paraneuron in its entirety. The primary antisera dilutions, incubation times, and characteristics are reported in Table 1. .~ .~ o s 9~ ~176 ~ < < ~~ & < & < < Z ~ 8 < 0 9 E 254 Cecio, Cocca, Masotti, La Mura and Vittoria RESULTS Numerous argyrophil paraneurons (Fig. la~ b) were found throughout the prostatic epithelium. They were contained both in the secretory and excretory portions of the gland and, usually, were located between the basal m e m b r a n e and the exocrine cells. With regard to size and shape, two types of N E cells were observed. The first cell type was small and round while the second was large and elongated. The latter showed one or more dendrite-like cytoplasmic processes, orientated towards the glandular lumen, basal membrane or neighbouring cells. Fig. 1 (a-d). a, b: Argyrophil paraneurons intensely stained by Linder's method, c, d: CCK-containing NE cells showing dendrite-like cytoplasmic expansions, a, b, c, d: 1280x. CCK-containing NE cells in prostatic adenomas 255 Immunohistochemistry gave positive results for the antibodies directed against chromogranin A, 5 - H T and C C K , whereas no positivity a p p e a r e d when antibodies directed against gastrin were used. CCK-containing p a r a n e u r o n s (Fig. lc, d) were fairly numerous and clearly showed the granular content of their cytoplasm at high magnifications. T h e y were distributed in small clusters of a few to twenty or thirty cells scattered in the exocrine epithelium of adjacent secretory units. Paraneurons containing chromogranin A (Fig. 2a) and 5 - H T (Fig. 2c) generally showed the same morphological features and distribution as described for the C C K - i m m u n o r e a c t i v e cells. Fig. 2 (a-d). a, b: A single paraneuron stained in two consecutive sections by chromogranin A (2a) and CCK (2b) antibodies, c, d: The double labeling immunofluorescent technique shows 5-HT (2c) and CCK (2d) colocalized in the same neuroendocrine cell. a, b: 1280• ; c, d: 500• 256 Cecio, Cocca, Masotti, La Mura and Vittoria Careful observation of serial sections alternately stained with the antichromogranin A and anti-CCK antibodies showed that such substances are frequently colocalized in the same cell (Fig. 2a, b). This colocalization was observed in 548 paraneurons out of 600 studied, reaching a coexistence percentage of 91.33%. Thirty-six (36) of the remaining paraneurons contained only chromogranin A (6%) and 16 only CCK (2.67%). The colocalization of 5-HT with CCK (Fig. 2c, d) was studied using the double labeling immunofluorescent technique described above applied to serial sections. 464 cells were observed and 448 of them contained the amine colocalized with the hormone (96.55%). 11 of the remaining cells contained only 5-HT (2.37%) and 5 only CCK (1.08%). DISCUSSION The number of NE cells in hyperplastic prostates is highly variable. Compared with a healthy gland both higher [13] and lower [12, 19] numbers have been reported. The increase can involve the whole neuroendocrine population or only a particular cytotype. When the whole population is involved, the initial proportions between cellular types may or may not be altered [13, 15]. In any case, it is assumed that the differences between the neuroendocrine cells of normal and hyperplastic prostates are quantitative and not qualitative [13, 20]. Cells containing CCK were never found in normal human prostates. The finding of this cytotype in the urethro-prostatic complex of cattle, sheep, horses, pigs and rats [11, 28, 29, 30] led us to hypothesize that they are likely to be present in a normal human gland, although, perhaps in small numbers. Hyperplasy may induce the increase of this cytotype, making it detectable by immunohistochemical techniques [13]. The paraneurons contained in human carcinomatous prostates show quantitative differences if compared with those of a normal gland, for example, the increase/decrease of their number, and/or the appearance of new cytotypes. New cytotypes are more frequent in poorly, rather than in well differentiated carcinomas [17] and may contain either fl-endorphin or leu-enkephalin or ACTH or glucagon [17, 21]. According to Mains et al. [31], under normal conditions, the first three of these peptides are synthesized in the same polypeptidic chain by various types of hypophyseal cells. The presence of these three peptides in prostatic NE cells has been considered to be an ectopic production of carcinomatous cells which have lost control of their genoma [21]. Further studies are required to clarify this point. The role played by CCK in the prostate and elsewhere in the urogenital tract [32] is not yet known. In the gastrointestinal tract the hormone is contained in both endocrine and nerve cells [33], and stimulates smooth muscle contraction [34, 35], pancreatic juice secretion [36, 37] and the activity of the lower oesophageal, pyloric and Oddi sphincters [34]. It could be argued by analogy that urogenital CCK plays a similar role in muscle contraction and exocrine/endocrine secretions in the urogenital tract. CCK-containing NE cells in prostatic adenomas 257 Notwithstanding the fact that the amine 5-HT has long been known to be present in mammalian prostates [8, 9, 12, 13, 17] its function in the urogenital system is still unknown. 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