Christmas jokes for kids

Christmas jokes for kids
What do you call a Christmas
A Christmas quacker!
What's a child's favourite
king at Christmas?
A stocKING
Why did the elf go to
To learn his ELFabet.
Santa Claus: What's that
terrible racket outside?
Mrs. Claus: It's rain deer.
How was the snow globe
A little shaken!
What do monkeys sing at
Jungle bells, jungle bells!
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Mary who?
Merry Christmas!
What’s the difference
between Santa’s reindeer
and a knight?
One slays the dragon, and
the other’s draggin’ the
Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Snow who?
Snow use – I’ve forgotten
my name again!
What does a cat on the beach
have in common with
Sandy claws!
Why is Santa so good at
Because he has a black
What did one snowman
say to the other
Can you smell carrot?
Who hides in the bakery at
A mince spy!
What Christmas carol is a
favourite of parents?
Silent Night!
What do you call a
snowman in the summer?
A puddle!
What do you get if you cross
How many presents can
How do you scare a
an iPad with a Christmas tree? Santa fit in an empty sack? snowman?
A pineapple!
Only one, after that it’s not You get a hairdryer!
empty any more!
What goes: now you see me,
now you don’t, now you see
me, now you don’t?
A snowman on a zebra
What do you have in
December that’s not in any
other month?
The letter D!
What do you get if Santa
goes down the chimney
when the fire is lit?
Crisp Cringle!
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