The Mare Island Base Newsletter
Our Creed: “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their
lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their
dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of
motivation toward greater accomplishments. We pledge loyalty and patriotism
to the United States of America and its Constitution.”
Volume XVIIII Issue 6
June, 2017
Commander’s Corner
June 2017
I sincerely apologize for not being at the meeting May 20th – a long standing work commitment
prevented my attendance.
I also wanted to tell everyone what a great time everyone had at the Submarine Birthday Ball
April 22nd. I had a nice chat with Admiral Richardson (he was LT. Richardson when I knew him).
Unfortunately the picture I took was a bad selfie – they turned down the lights for dancing at just the
wrong moment!
The only upcoming Base event in June is the Base Picnic June 17th at Coast Guard Island. So as
usual, the picnic will take the place of our Base meeting. Email or call me for further information.
I had the opportunity to attend an Eagle Scout Court of Honor in May. The last one I attended
prior to that was 40 years ago when I was a Scout! I can’t tell you how excited the Scoutmasters and
the Eagle Scout inductee were to see me – the young man received many letters and awards – but
USSVI was the only organization that showed up and delivered ours in person! If anyone would like a
crack at doing this – let me know.
Vice Commander Gary Smith suggested a while back that perhaps a story each month in the
Pump Room might be a way of keeping the stories and history of Sub Vets fresh in our minds. I
provided the first story. If you have any interest, let John North know.
Pride Runs Deep!
Meeting Minutes May 20, 2017
Opening events
• The Base Treasurer, Bill Dornik, opens the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by
the USSVI Creed.
• Opening prayer suspended.
• The Treasurer reads & Al Praeger tolls the bell for “Lost Boats” in the month of April. Please,
remember to show your flag on LOST BOAT days.
• One bell and a moment of silence observed for all our departed shipmates.
• Thank you to the Ladies for the lunch.
• Introduction: all Members and any guests.
• Minutes of last meeting: Minutes approved.
One opposed-Roger Mojica.
• Monthly Financial report by Bill Dornik: approved.
One opposed-Roger Mojica
Committee Reports
• Barry Commons discussed the Annual Dick Kiely Memorial Golf Tournament on May 27; they
are still looking for volunteers to work that day, will get free dinner.
• The Annual Sub Vets Picnic: to be held June 17th at Coast Guard Island. The Base will NOT
cater this event & is looking for volunteers to supply food. Attendees have your reservations in
• Memorial Day: Bill Dornik – will start 11am at Vallejo waterfront; 9am at Mare Island
Cemetery; 10am at the USS Pampanito in San Francisco.
Sick Call
Al Cole & Goldie Canutt
Old Business
New Business
• Flag Day ceremony at the Vallejo Vet. Memorial Building – June 17th.
• Looking for someone to volunteer to be chairman for “Caps for Kids”.
Good of the Order
• Recognize birthdays in May! Sing that song!
• The 50/50 raffle total was also won by Gary Patten - $63.00; ticket #370-689
• Next MIB meeting will be at the picnic, June 17th at Coast Guard Island.
• Motion to adjourn.
Mare Island Base Officers
Tim Carlisle
100 South Park Court
Martinez, CA 94553
[email protected]
Al Praeger
2164 Delpha Dr.
Napa, CA 94558
(707) 255-3005
[email protected]
Vice Commander:
Gary Smith
[email protected]
PO Box 5968
Vallejo, CA 94591-5968
Brad Canutt
(510) 887-8111
35111 Newark Blvd. # F280 [email protected]
Newark, CA 94560
Vic Clark
179 Frieda Circle
Vallejo, CA 94590
(707) 372-6587
[email protected]
Ron Triplett
(510) 727-1489
19412 San Miguel Ave
[email protected]
Castro Valley, CA 94546-3425
Newsletter Editor/Pub & Web Master:
William Dornik
(707) 644-4746
751 Rollingwood Rd.
[email protected]
Vallejo, CA 94591-5707
John C. North
1779 Elm Rd
Concord, CA 94519
(925) 676-5784
[email protected]
Web site:
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Contact Bill Dornik (707) 644-4746) or see him at the meeting for any questions or concerns
Coming Events
Mare Island Base Meeting:
12 noon, June 17, 2016, Annual Base Picnic Coast Guard Island, Alameda, CA.
Sub Vets WWII Chapter Meeting: 12 noon, June 21, 2017 Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum 734 Marin St. Vallejo, CA.
Dolphin Base Meeting:
12 noon, June 10, 2017, Annual Base Meeting/Picnic Moffett Field.
To become a booster, a donation of $60 per
year or $5 per month is required
D. Boncore
J. Gibson
N. Hosking
J. North
R. Paulson
D. Robinson
D. D’Ambrogio
R. Gibson
J. Infanger
J. Ortman
G. Patten
A. Cole
B. Commons
C. Ensley
J. Lindsey
O. Peralta
N. Soucy
C. Witzel
W. Dornik
T. Foglsong
J. Masson
S. Reem
R. Wagstaff
Please Fly Your Flag On Lost Boats Days
USS Herring (SS-233)
Lost on June 1, 1944 with the loss of 83 men near Matsuwa Island. Herring was on her
8th war patrol and was conducting a surface attack when a shore battery spotted her
and made 2 direct hits on her conning tower and causing her loss. Before being sunk,
she had sank a freighter and a passenger-cargoman. Herring was the only US
submarine sunk by a land battery.
USS R-12 (SS-89)
Lost on June 12, 1943 with the loss of 42 men near Key West, FL during a practice
torpedo approach. The cause was probably due to flooding through a torpedo tube.
The CO and 2 other men on the bridge survived, as did 18 crew members on liberty
at the time of the accident.
USS Golet (SS-361)
Lost on June 14, 1944 with the loss of 82 men. On her 2nd war patrol, Golet was
apparently lost in battle with antisubmarine forces north of Honshu.
USS Bonefish (SS-223)
Lost on June 18, 1945 with the loss of 85 men when sunk near Suzu Misaki.
Winner of 3 Navy Unit Citations, Bonefish was on her 8th war patrol. After
sinking a passenger-cargoman, Bonefish was subjected to a savage depth charge
Lost Boats cont…
USS S-27 (SS-132)
Lost on June 19, 1942 when it grounded off Amchitka Island. She was
on the surface in poor visibility, charging batteries and drifted into the
shoals. When she could not be freed and started listing, the captain got
the entire crew to shore (400 yards away) in relays using a 3-man rubber
raft. The entire crew was subsequently rescued.
USS O-9 (SS-70)
Lost on Jun 20, 1941 with the loss of 33 men when it foundered off Isle
of Shoals, 15 miles from Portsmouth, NH.
USS Runner (SS-275)
Lost between June 26 & July 4th 1943 with the loss of 78 men. Runner
was on her 3rd war patrol probably due to a mine. Prior to her loss, she
reported sinking a freighter and a passenger-cargoman off the Kuriles.
This boat's last known ship sunk happened on June 26th, so she probably
hit that mine on or after that date but before July 4th, when she was
scheduled back at Midway.
Photo taken at the Submarine Birthday Ball
Monterey, CA
Maury Wortham, a WWII submarine veteran's brief biography
Biography by Ron Gibson
Born November 4th 1915 in Atoka Tennessee, Maury Wortham lived his childhood years on his family farm in a
house that had no electricity or running water. Their clothes were washed on a washboard, they bathed in a wash
tub and rain or shine, they used an outhouse.
When Maury was a child, he attended a small schoolhouse with a bell on top; it is interesting to mention that he
often rode a horse to school.
Maury was born in the country about thirty miles outside of Memphis. He was raised in a house just across the
road from a civil war veteran, this Civil War veteran was his grandfather's brother. It is easy to say, Maury has
seen a lot during his 101 years of life. Worth mentioning, Maury believes the "Internet" is the one thing that
stands out as the greatest achievement of man that he has witnessed during his long life. He has seen our country
go from the horse and buggy era to our modern times.
After the US had entered WWII, in April 1942 Maury joined the Navy and was assigned to the naval hospital in
Portsmouth Virginia where he completed the Navy's course in x-ray technology. Maury was then assigned to the
Naval Hospital in Newport Rhode Island, where he served for eight months. While serving in Newport, he
volunteered to attend submarine school in New London Ct. After completing that program, Maury was assigned
to the Navy's submarine service. During the war Maury was assigned to the Gato-class diesel submarine, the U55
Haddo (55 255), an attack submarine that operated out of Perth Australia. Maury proudly served on the Haddo till
the end of the war in 1945.
Maury qualified in submarines while serving on his first patrol during the fall of 1944. He completed two
successful patrols which included many close calls with the Japanese Navy and Air force.
Maury's 3rd patrol was cut short because the war ended. Along with many other ships In Tokyo Bay, the Haddo
witnessed the signing of the Japanese surrender papers which officially ended the war.
Most of the fighting had ended days before the surrender papers were
signed. The day before the Japanese signed the surrender papers, Maury
accompanied his submarine commander, LCDR Frank Lynch ashore for a
personal view of the Japanese Naval Shipyard in Yokosuka.
Being one of the first Americans ashore after the fighting had ended, a
little uneasy, not sure how the Japanese would react, Maury found the
Japanese were neither friendly nor upset but were quite indifferent to US
servicemen. After leaving Tokyo Bay, making 21 knots at best, about a
week later, the Haddo finally reached Honolulu Hawaii, where its crew,
including Maury, enjoyed a couple nights at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.
Much like the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, the Royal
Hawaiian Hotel had been taken over for use by the Navy.
After refueling in Honolulu, via the Panama Canal, the USS Haddo
returned to new London Conn, arriving about the 1st. of October.
Maury gives much credit to the skill of his boat's captain, Lt. Commander
Frank Lynch, for the Haddo's successful return after the war to New
London Conn., with its crew intact. Maury has commented that the men he served with on the Haddo were the
finest men that he had served with throughout his thirty year naval career which spanned from 1942 till his
retirement in 1977. In 1945, while being inactive in the reserves, Maury attended the University of Tennessee
Dental School. While attending the UT dental school, Maury returned to active duty as
a reserve officer until 1950. At this time, his request for a regular navy commission was accepted. Maury finished
out his naval career as an active duty officer, achieving the rank of Captain before his retirement in 1977. Maury's
last duty station was at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey California where he served for four years as
its senior dental officer.
Maury Wortham cont…
Also I would like to mention that Maury was the only first class pharmacist mate that was promoted aboard a
submarine during WWII. Maury was promoted to chief petty officer in 1945 while at sea. The Commanding
Officer, Frank C. Lynch first was told he could not promote Maury, as only the bureau of medicine and surgery
had the authority to promote medical personal. Being told Maury first must pass a test to be promoted; Frank
Lynch made arrangements to have Maury take the test aboard a submarine tender that was docked in Guam, a test
Maury passed. Then the bureau of medicine and surgery gave Commanding Officer Lynch permission to promote
Maury Wortham to Chief Petty Officer.
This is a picture of Maury Wortham, in his new Chief’s uniform, bought just
after he returned from WWII.
Maury Wortham & Ron Gibson
Photo taken at the 117th Submarine Birthday Ball in Monterey
Maury Wortham & his son George at the
117th Submarine Birthday Ball in Monterey
“Lost Boat Memorial” Pier 45 across from USS Pampanito SS-383
Floral decorations & clean-up provided by Lenny & Virginia Steffanelli
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to
give you any time,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without alcohol,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
Then You Are Probably The Family Dog!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can’t eat
it or play with it, pee on it and walk away!
Application For Membership
Our Creed: “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the
pursuit of their duties while serving their Country. That their dedication, deeds and
supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward the greater accomplishments.
We pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States and its Constitution.”
NAME: ______________________________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP: ____________________________________
PHONE: _____________________________________________
E-MAIL: _____________________________________________
BIRTHDATE: ________________________________________
SPOUSE’S NAME: ____________________________________
BOAT QUALIFIED ON & DATE: _______________________
RANK/RATE ATTAINED: _____________________________
NO ( )
NO ( )
OTHER BOATS SERVED ON (Name/Hull#/Dates): __________________
Signature _____________________________ Date _______________
Annual dues are $10. Base Dues, and $25. National Dues. If you prefer you can renew 3
yrs. at $27. for Base Dues, and $70. National Dues, or 5 yrs. at $45. for Base Dues and
$115. National Dues. Life Membership for National: Under 45=$500.00, age 4655=$400.00, age 56-65=$300.00, age 66-75 =$200.00, age 76+ =$100.00. (Life Members
must also pay Base Dues as stated above.) Please send your check made out to Mare
Island Base to:
William Dornik
751 Rollingwood Dr.
Vallejo, CA 94591
Newsletter Editor
John C. North
1779 Elm Rd.
Concord, CA 94519