Adjective with Preposition and Gerund

Adjective with Preposition and Gerund
)‫صفة مع حرف الجر وصيغة المصدر (اسم مشتق من الفعل‬
* We use certain adjectives with prepositions and adding (ing) to the verb to form
gerund. We can use this grammar to talk about our skills, interests or even thins we
‫ وتستخدم هذا النوع من‬.‫) لتكوين االسم المصدري‬ing) ‫نستخدم بعض الصفات مع حروف الجر ونضيف‬
.‫ اهتمامات او حتى اشياء ال نحبها‬،‫القواعد للتحدث عن مهارات‬
‫انا جيد في استخدام الحاسب‬
I am good at using computer.
‫حرف جر‬
‫انا مهتم لتعلم اللغة االنجليزية‬
I am interested in learning English.
‫حرف جر‬
More Examples about Adjective + Preposition + Gerund
‫المزيد من األمثلة لــــ الصفة مع حرف الجر وصيغة المصدر‬
* With pronouns (They, We, You, I), we don’t add (s) at the end of the verb.
‫) في نهاية الفعل‬s( ‫) ال نضيف حرف‬They, we, you, I( ‫* مع الضمائر‬
Gerund (verb + ing)
Ali is good at working in the garden.
‫علي جيد في العمل في الحديقة‬
She is bad at cooking Pasta.
They are interested in learning English.
‫هم مهتمون بــتعلم اللغة االنجليزية‬
I am excited about going to USA.
.‫انا متحمس للسفر الى الواليات المتحدة‬
‫هي سيئة في طبخ المكرونة‬
We use the Gerund after the following phrases:
afraid of
They are afraid of losing the match.
angry about/at
Pat is angry about walking in the rain.
clever at
He is clever at skateboarding.
crazy about
The girl is crazy about playing tennis.
disappointed about/at He is disappointed about seeing such a bad report.
excited about
We are excited about making our own film.
famous for
Sandy is famous for singing songs.
fed up with
I'm fed up with being treated as a child.
fond of
Hannah is fond of going to parties.
glad about
She is glad about getting married again.
happy about/at
The children are not happy about seeing a doctor.
interested in
Are you interested in writing poems?
keen on
Joe is keen on drawing.
proud of
She is proud of riding a snowboard.
sick of
We're sick of sitting around like this.
sorry about/for
He's sorry for eating in the lesson.
tired of
I'm tired of waiting for you.
used to
She is used to smoking.
worried about
I'm worried about making mistakes.
A. Put in the correct preposition:
1. England is famous ________ its rainy weather.
2. I'm very proud ________ my daughter, she worked very hard.
3. He isn't really interested ________ getting married.
4. Khalid is very pleased ________ his exam results.
5. Unfortunately, I'm very bad ________ math.
6. I've been married ________ my husband for 10 years.
7. He's very excited ________ the party.
8. Julie is very different ________ her sister.
9. My niece is afraid ________ dogs.
10. This house is similar ________ my friend’s house.
B. write the correct preposition and choose the verb provided.
stay find have break live study
1. I'm fed up____________________ foreign languages.
2. The man was suspected ____________________ into a house.
3. My brother eventually succeeded ____________________ a good job.
4. My wife and I always dream ____________________ in Seychelles island.
5. I'm getting hungry. I'm looking forward ____________________ dinner.
C. Put the adjective with preposition in a correct sentence:
1. insist on: ___________________________________________________________________
2. approve of: _________________________________________________________________
3. dream of: __________________________________________________________________
4. think of: ___________________________________________________________________
5. think about: ________________________________________________________________
6. success in: _________________________________________________________________
7. look forward to: _____________________________________________________________
8. disapprove of: _______________________________________________________________
9. apologize for: _______________________________________________________________
10. decide against: _____________________________________________________________
D. Correct the following sentences. Write the correct preposition:
1. They accused me for stealing the book: ___________________________________________
2. Thank you in loving me: ______________________________________________________
3. He congratulated him of getting the highest score: __________________________________
4. Please forgive me in not telling you the truth: _____________________________________
5. The police suspected the man on being a spy: ______________________________________
Good Luck
Prepared by: Khalid S. A.
‫ خالد سعيد الشهراني‬:‫إعداد المعلم‬