WLAC Postcards Anon 2015 invite - West London Action for Children

Our Mission Statement
Our purpose is to promote the wellbeing
of children in need, working with them,
their families and carers to help them
achieve positive change.
We do this by offering relevant and
innovative counselling and therapy
services. These services are continually
developed in response to client feedback
and outcome research.
With thanks to our sponsors
85 Old Brompton Road
London SW7 3LD
Come to our ninth Exhibition and Sale of
postcard sized original pictures, donated by
celebrity artists and talented supporters
Preview: Sunday 1st November 11am – 3pm
Monday 2nd November 10am – 5.00pm
Private View: Monday 2nd November 6.30 – 8.30pm
The Exhibition and Sale of pictures will continue:
Tuesday 3rd November 10am – 8.30pm
Wednesday 4th November 10am – 7.30pm
& Thursday 5nd November 10am – 2pm
Postcards Anon 2015
For the ninth year we are delighted to exhibit and offer a
collection of original works of art, signed only on the back,
created and donated by supporters of West London Action for
Children – some famous, some not so famous! The pictures will
be available for a suggested donation of £25 each.
Among the contributors so far are artists who exhibited at
the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, members of the
New English Art Club, illustrators, TV presenters and a host
of celebrities.
Private View (Monday 2nd November , 6.30-8.30pm)
Suggested donation £15/person
Come and view the exhibition whilst enjoying some
refreshments. You will also have the opportunity to make a
donation for the pictures – with luck (and some judgement) you
might go home with a collectors’ item! Ten items have also been
kindly donated for auction.
The Exhibition continues on Tuesday 3rd November 10am8.30pm, Wednesday 4th November 10am-7.30pm and
Thursday 5th November 10am-2pm - Free entrance
November, 11am-3pm
Please preview the pictures on Sunday
and Monday 2 November, 10am-5.00pm. No work will be
offered until the Private View.
All money raised will go directly towards the work of West
London Action for Children.
For more information, please contact Sam at the office:
15 Gertrude Street, London, SW10 0JN
 020 7352 1155
 [email protected]
Registered Charity No. 1135648
Application Form for Postcards Anon 2015
Private View
Monday 2nd November 6.30-8.30pm
I would like ………. places for the Private View and enclose a
donation of £……per person (Total: £………)
I/we are unable to attend but enclose a donation of £……….. *
•Gift Aid Declaration: I would like West London Action for Children to treat as Gift
Aid all donations made since April 2008 and any that I make from the date of this
declaration until I notify them otherwise. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of
Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least
equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or CASC that I donate to will reclaim on
my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax
do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.
Date …………………….........................................
Name: ……………………………………………………………...
Guest Names: …………………………………………………….
Your address: ………………………..……………………………
Tel: …………………………………………………………………
Email: ………………………………………………………………
Please make cheques payable to :
“West London Action for Children”
Return application form to:
Postcards Anon, WLAC, 15 Gertrude Street, London, SW10 0JN
 [email protected]
We would like to keep you informed of WLAC’s activities. Information will not be passed on
to any other organisation. If you would prefer not to be kept in touch, please tick this box 