A-EXT-G-001 - Application 1 Guidance_AWC

your guide to completing an application for a new or replacement water connection
from your property to an existing water main
If you wish to apply for a new or replacement water connection you should complete the accompanying
application form to this guidance note.
We understand that completing the application form may at first glance appear to be very complicated, and that for some
customers this may be the first, and only time that they will apply for a new or replacement connection. The guidance
notes provided below are designed to take you through the step by step process you should follow, and offer advice on
the information we will need to design, plan, and connect your new or replacement water supply.
Please note that incomplete or incorrectly completed applications may result in a delay to your application being
processed. We are committed to getting you connected as quickly as possible, and without any complications or delay.
Along with all the Water Companies in the UK, Affinity Water Ltd have voluntarily adopted a set of performance standards
for providing new and replacement connections*. However, to meet these performance standards we need you to
provide us with as much information as possible about your site and water demand requirements. We ask therefore that
you read each section of our guidance on completing the application form carefully to ensure we receive all the necessary
information. Remember, if in doubt, it is better to provide more information than not enough.
Water Industry Act 1991 (and as amended by Water Act 2003)
It is important you note that by completing the application form for a domestic connection, in the absence of information to
the contrary, you are serving Affinity Water Ltd with a Notice of Connection under Section 45(1) of the Water Industry Act
1991. As the Statutory Undertaker in your region we are bound to comply with the statutory obligations provided for within
the Act.
Upon receipt of your application we will contact you within 3 working days to advise you:
(a) on whether your application and accompanying information is sufficient for us to proceed or
whether we require more information or clarifications before proceeding
(b) of our obligations as the Statutory Undertaker
(c) of your obligations as the party serving a Notice of Connection
(d) of the next steps in continuing with your water connection
If you still have any queries after reading the guidance notes, our Customer Service Team (08451 552 088) will be happy
to offer further advice on how to complete the form, or on the information we require.
* Water UK: Water industry guidance on the requirement of information and levels of service for water mains requisitions and service connections
(available from Water UK website at: http://www.water.org.uk/home/policy/reports/industry-guidance/levels-of-service-guidance)
Section A – Applicant Details
In this section please provide full name and contact details of the person and/or company making an application for a new
or replacement water connection.
Please note that this will be the address to which we will send all correspondence about progress of your scheme
regardless of whether you specify a different billing or invoice address in Section B.
Occasionally it may be necessary for one of our technical experts to contact you by telephone to discuss your proposals
in more details. Please ensure that you have provided at least one daytime telephone number so that any queries we
have can be resolved quickly. If we are unable to contact you on the telephone number you provide after three attempts,
we will write to you advising the nature of our query. Please note that if it is necessary to write to you, until you reply to us
(via telephone or in writing) we will not be able to progress your application further.
We understand that many customers now wish to use electronic media to communicate with us. Therefore, if you wish to
receive communication via email, please provide a working email address which you regularly check, and ensure you
have selected the email option.
New and Replacement Connections Guidance (Revision: December 2010)
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Section B – Invoice and Billing Details
Some customers prefer billing information and invoices to be sent to a different address from the applicant (e.g. if you are
a building company working on behalf of a client who has their own finance department). In this section you can provide
an alternative address if you prefer.
If you wish all billing information and invoices to be sent to the same address as that specified in Section A then please
tick the “same as applicant” box and continue to Section C.
If you wish all billing information and invoices to be sent to a different address to that specified in Section A the please tick
the “different to applicant” box and provide contact name, and address details of the person to whom invoices should be
sent. Then continue to Section C.
Section C – Your Existing Supply
We need to gather information about any existing supplies to your site or property as part of our design process to enable
us to make an assessment of any disconnections that may be required when your new or replacement supply is installed.
Please provide as much information as possible by answering the questions numbered (i) to (xi):
If your site or property does not have an existing water supply, or has not had a supply in the last five years, please
tick “no” and continue straight to Section D. If however, your site or property has an existing water supply, or had
one within the last five years you should tick “yes” and answer questions (ii) to (x) as necessary.
If you answered “yes” to (i) above, please advise us whether any of the water supplies are still connected. If you
are unsure, please tick “don’t know” and we can make our own assessment when a technical expert visits the site.
If you answered “yes” to (ii) above because you have an existing water supply then please write your Affinity Water
Ltd Customer Reference Number in the box provided. (You can find your Affinity Water Ltd Customer Reference
Number in the top right hand corner of a recent Water Charges Summary for that supply).
We need information about the water fittings previously in the property (i.e. what fittings were in the house before
you made or plan to make alterations). Please complete the fittings table on the application form to show the
number of each fitting you have or had in the property. An example of what a completed fittings table might look
like is provided below. If your development comprises of more than 5 properties then please continue on a
separate sheet.
Property 1
Type of Fitting
Property 2
or Name
Property 3
or Name
Property 4
or Name
Property 5
or Name
Internal Use Only
or Units
No 24
w/c flushing
wash basin in house
wash basin elsewhere
bath (tap size 20mm)
bath (tap size > 20mm)
sink (tap size 15mm)
sink (tap size >15mm)
spray tap
domestic appliance
communal/commercial appliance
any other water fitting (including tap but excluding
urinal or water softener)
If you are demolishing any properties on the site, they may have been previously served by a water supply which
needs disconnecting (to protect against future leakage and water quality). If you are planning to, or have
demolished properties on your site, please indicate how many.
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Some customers prefer, if possible, to retain their existing supply as part of their new development. If you do wish
to retain your existing supply then please indicate this using the tick box provided. Please note that we have a
statutory duty to ensure the wholesomeness of water up to the point of supply and in some instances after
investigation we may not allow you to use the existing water supply, to ensure that this standard can be
maintained. In these instances we will write to you advising of this, and the statutory reasons for doing this.
If you have specified in (vi) that if possible you wish to keep your existing supply, please indicate your intended use
for this supply. This will assist in our assessment of whether your existing supply can be retained.
Please provide information on the current use of any existing water supplies to your site to assist us with our
assessment of the existing water supplies (for example, you might be constructing new houses on a site where
once there was a factory served by a large commercial supply. In this instance the existing supply might not be
suitable for an individual domestic supply).
Some older properties share their supply with neighbouring properties and to provide you with a new water supply
will require termination of your connection to this shared supply. Please indicate in the box provided whether you
are connected to a shared supply with your neighbours (If you are unsure if you are on a shared supply please take
advice from your plumbing expert or building contractor). Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the
existing water supply into your property is disconnected from the shared water supply in accordance with the Water
Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.
Please let us know if your existing supply has a meter. If you are unsure, you can find out by looking at your water
utility bill or alternatively you can contact the Affinity Water Ltd Contact Centre on 0845 7823333 where one of our
Customer Service Assistants will be able to advise you.
Please advise us of the material type of your existing water supply to your property. If you are unsure of the
material of your existing supply pipe please take advice from your plumbing expert or building contractor.
Section D (a) – New Supply Details
To undertake a design of a new or replacement water supply we need to collect as much information about your
proposed development to ensure that the supply we provide is adequate to serve your needs. This will also enable us to
develop a more accurate cost for the installation works.
We have a statutory duty to ensure that customers receive accurate billing information for water charges, and
therefore for Developer Services we will require the full postal address for the property. Please ensure that you
provide a full postal address for new properties (if necessary please provide this on a separate sheet and attach to
the application form). Some examples of postal addresses we are able and unable to accept are provided below:
Example of an acceptable Postal Examples of Postal Addresses we cannot accept
21a High Street
HA24 3DA
Land adjacent to
21 High Street
HA24 3DA
Plot 1
21 High Street
HA24 3DA
21a High Street
This is an acceptable
postal address
This is not acceptable as the This is not acceptable as this This is not acceptable as the
property is not uniquely is the temporary name for postcode is missing
the property
We understand that sometimes at the time of application it may not be possible to provide the full postal address.
In these instances, we will still proceed with your application and issue you a cost, but will not be able to install your
connection until we are in receipt of the full postal address. If you do not have this information, please ensure you
obtain it promptly to prevent a delay to your connection.
If you are applying for a replacement connection for your existing property, please enter the full address of the
existing property.
We need this information to ensure that we are aware of who is taking overall responsibility for the property or site.
Sometimes, the person applying for a new or replacement connection (the applicant) will be acting on behalf of the
owner or current occupier. Please indicate whether you are the property owner, the current occupier, or acting on
their behalf, by selecting the appropriate option from the tick boxes provided.
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If you specified in (ii) that you are acting on behalf of the owner/occupier of the property in question, please provide
the name and postal address of the property owner.
Please specify the type of development you are proposing to construct (please tick all that apply and indicate how
many of each development type you are planning to build)
(a) New Build House
You are building a new single occupancy house either on land either where a
previously demolished building stood or where there was no building previously.
This will be a water supply for domestic purposes.
(b) New Build Flats, Maisonettes or You are building a new multi-tenanted building which will contain flats,
maisonettes, apartments, or a combination of all. This will be a water supply for
domestic purposes.
(c) New build Industrial units
You are building new properties which can be single or multi-tenanted for use by
light industry. This water supply could be for domestic or non-domestic purposes.
Please specify the purpose of this supply in box provided on the application form.
(d) New build Commercial units
You are building new properties which can be single or multi-tenanted for use as
retail premises or offices.
(e) Conversion of existing building
You have an existing building which you are not demolishing but intend to
undertake structural alterations: either to split into multiple units (e.g. conversion of
a house in to flats) or change its use (e.g. change a shop into a residential
Please specify the nature of the conversion in the box provided on the application
Separation of your joint supply
You currently share your supply with neighbouring properties and wish to have
your own dedicated supply to your property.
(g) Upsize or replace my existing supply You are extending or altering your property and your existing supply is no longer
adequate to serve your water demand, or you wish to renew your existing supply.
(h) Field/ Trough supply
You require a dedicated supply to serve agricultural purposes
Fire supply
You are only applying for a dedicated fire supply to be installed to your property
Landlord/ Bin store supply
You require a dedicated supply to be installed to a common landlord area for
cleaning purposes
(k) Other
You require a water supply which is not covered by any of the above categories.
Please specify the nature of this supply in the box provided on the application form
If you do not have an existing supply to the property or site and require a water supply for building purposes you
can apply for a temporary supply to the site, either by applying separately for a temporary supply or by installing
one of your permanent connections early as a temporary supply. Answer yes to this question if you require a
supply for building purposes which can be later be used for a permanent to serve your future development.
If you have answered yes to (v) above and are applying for more than one permanent supply then please provide
details of the supply which is to be used initially as a temporary supply.
For each of the questions labelled (a) to (g) provide suitable answers based on the proposed plumbing
arrangements for your development. In some cases you will definitely know the answer, but in others you may
need to take advice from your plumbing contractor or designer.
Please note that it is important for you to ensure the information in this section is as accurate as possible
as this may have an impact on your water supply requirements.
Please note that if you are not intending to use a barrier pipe material for your external supply pipe you
should not proceed with its installation until we are able to advise you of which material you need to use.
We will not install your connection if you supply pipe is not of an approved material.
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It is your responsibility to bring external pipework (called the supply pipe) from your property to the site boundary
between the edge of your private property and the public highway. To ensure that we can adequately provide
pipework from the existing main to your site boundary (called the communication pipe) you will need to tell us
where you wish us to make a connection to your supply pipe at the boundary. Use the space provided to draw a
sketch plan of your proposed location (refer to the example sketches on the form)
As a minimum you should show the following on your sketch:
The location of your property
The location adjoining properties which may be affected by your development
The street name where you require the connection to be made
A clearly marked and labelled point of connection at the site boundary
Street names of other roads (if your property sits at the corner of a road junction)
Please note that we cannot guarantee there will be a water main adjacent to the connection point you specify. In
these instances we will contact you to advise of alternative connection points adjacent to the main. However, you
will still be responsible for laying the supply pipe from the property to the site boundary, including all costs
associated with this work.
Please complete the fittings table on the application form to show the number of each fitting you propose to provide
in all properties. An example of what a completed fittings table might look like is provided below. If your
development comprises of more than 5 properties then please continue on a separate sheet.
Property 1
Type of Fitting
Property 2
or Name
Property 3
or Name
or Name
Property 5
or Name
Internal Use Only
or Units
No 21 a
No 21 b
’The Lodge’
w/c flushing
wash basin in house
sink (tap size 15mm)
wash basin elsewhere
bath (tap size 20mm)
sink (tap size >15mm)
spray tap
domestic appliance
bath (tap size > 20mm)
Property 4
communal/commercial appliance
any other water fitting (including tap but excluding
urinal or water softener)
Where you require a water connection for commercial use i.e. factory, golf course we will need to know the demand
that the supply will require. This will ensure that we size your new supply correctly.
Section D (b) – New Supply Site Details
Providing information about the site needing a new supply will help us understand the risks of installing a non-barrier pipe
service. Barrier pipe provides security against polluting the water supply from many chemicals that are present in the
ground, although it is a more expensive product. You may choose to provide a ground condition assessment (soil report)
with your application that will assist us in making a judgement about what pipe material to specify. You may also wish to
include a photograph of the site with your application as it will help us understand the condition of the site.
Please do not lay any pipework until you have completed your application form. The cost advice we shall send you will
advise you of the pipe material to lay.
Section E – Fire Supplies
Some properties will require a dedicated supply for sprinkler systems or fire fighting purposes. This must be separate
from your supply for domestic purposes.
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Complete this section if you require a sprinkler fire supply connection for your property. If you are unsure of your fire
supply requirements please take advice from your plumbing expert or the contractor responsible for the design and
installation of your sprinkler system.
Section F – Additional Information, Checklist and Declaration
Once you have completed the application form you should review the additional information checklist to ensure that you
provide us with all the information we need to progress your application. Please tick the boxes, as appropriate, to confirm
that you have enclosed the information.
Please note that applications returned to us without the required information will not be processed until all the necessary
information has been received. This will delay your connection.
Information you must provide for all applications before we can continue with your connection:
If you have specified in Section D that you are working on behalf of owner/occupier of the property then you should
enclose with the application a letter from the owner/occupier which authorises you to act (and make commercial
decisions, if necessary) on their behalf.
For all applications we will require a location plan (ideally to Scale 1:1250) showing the approximate location of the
site or property. The location plan should be showing us the street/road your property is in and where your
property(s) are in that street/road.
Information you must provide if you are converting an existing, or building a new, property or development:
The site plan should be at a suitable scale (suggested, 1:200 or 1:500) to provide sufficient information about your
development proposals. As a minimum the site plan should show the proposed property or properties, plot numbers,
and building types for each property. This will enable us to verify that our proposals for the new connection(s) meet
your design requirements.
If you are installing new plumbing, or making significant alteration to any existing plumbing you must enclose a Water
Regulation Drawing. You should speak to your plumbing contractor or designer, if you do not have this information.
As a minimum the Regulation Drawing should show pipework layouts and proposed water fittings to be used
(example below).
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Information you may wish to provide to assist us with designing your connection:
As part of the planning and design of new developments and properties, some developers arrange for a soil
investigation to be undertaken which may include a ground condition assessment. If you are in possession of a
ground condition assessment (conducted by UKAS and MCERT approved laboratories) then you may wish to
include this with your application to assist us in making the material selection for the pipework. The soil report must
contain as a minimum the following:
Current site conditions
Site History/Envirocheck
Map of where soil samples taken
Laboratory results based on WRAS guidance
Please note that if we do not receive a report with the above information from you, or the results from your ground
condition assessment are inconclusive then we will adopt a precautionary approach to material selection and install a
barrier pipe suitable for potentially contaminated land.
We strongly recommend that you do not lay any of your external pipework from the property to the site
boundary, before we have confirmed what pipe material you should use (this will be detailed on our cost to
you). Please note that we will not install your connection if you have laid pipework using the incorrect material.
When you have completed the application form and attached the additional information as required, please confirm that
you accept the terms and conditions and then sign and date the application.
All completed application forms and accompanying information should be returned to:
Developer Services
Affinity Water Ltd
Tamblin Way
AL10 9EZ
Or submit your application electronically to:
[email protected]
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